Friday, January 20, 2012

Poem 6. Success of life

                          Success of life
When some one is perfect and truthful in your life
People just wish success in that one and success for that one's life
But just because one person is nice some times it's wrong to start
Giving that one advice and make that one's success an obsession of your life
Success is some thing different from person to person some times
That one have different mission and different definition for life
So instead of letting that one to walk on destination as that one like
We began to force our destination on that person who set different destination in life
In life on each front we see different dream and some times our destination
And success have different meaning and some times what you wish
Is just not destiny of that person's life so trying hard to achieve it
Will just damage and destroy that person's thoughts and life
Just by wishing nice don't make everything best some times we have to think
What is destination of that person's life because if we try to take them
On wrong track they may not manage to win anything at all in their life
Because just being truth don't guarantee success in any field or form of life
So instead accepting success just stood with that person in life because
When time will come may be you just back out and don't help that one in life
So in life at every spot we keep different thought and different thinking in life
Just because you like some one that doesn't mean that one really need success in life
That one may good person but that don't make that one's destiny perfect in life
Some times dishonest receive best while good one need to wait in their life
But one thing sure that even if dishonest will win dishonest never able to enjoy in life
Dishonest just keep crying because dishonesty created many faults in nature of human kind
While honest one will live with full heart and find a road out of any forest
But if you stop that one and try to help that one it will just lead to destroying
That person's destiny we all know that you are person with most kind heart
But some times in mist of life all things get confused for each and every part
So we can never able to get what is inside that one's heart and just forcing some thing
Will lead to destroying whole forest in just one try which mean that person will be
Stood still inside that forest's heart still you are breaking that forest so what is use
Of destroying that forest and hurting your own friend and that one's heart
Many times by your wishes you confuse that good one's heart by telling that one
Totally opposite and wrong part just damage that one's route which that one
Was following by all feeling as well as by heart but just by stopping that one
From first route and giving that one another perfect route you think that
You have done some thing perfect in life and did best for that one's heart
But still always remember in this life we never need some thing which we hated
About life and by just giving that one that wrong route you are setting wrong target for that one
So never trust your senses in your life always think that you are part of that one's life
But never try to change or dictate other person's feeling as well as life
In this life every day we just change our thought because we need change
So we can always change our thought and adjust them with that person in life
So never in your life trust your thoughts because by doing this we just destroy our life
Specially if they involve other person's life because we don't what they want from their life
And just because they are good that don't mean they want just success in life
Some want just peaceful and quiet simple life and success will be last on wish list for them in life
But by bringing success ahead we are damaging their life so when you wish
A success please choose a horse who want to run on track and want to win race of life
Don't choose a horse who just want to run in forest and give tourist small nice ride
Because some want to race for success while some want peaceful life
And not wanting some thing is not a crime so let them live their life
Just don't put pressure on them to get success in their life because you are scared
That wrong one will win since this is life if wrong one have in destiny success
You just can't stop it and right one can't manage that success in their life
Just act according to each person's wish in life and never force any one
Unless it is necessary for them or some one will suffer and be damaged in life
Because freedom is one word which tell you how to treat other's in life.    

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