Saturday, September 28, 2024

Adventure story. 677. Rita's fear

                                      Rita's fear

Rita was showing different steps of cooking to her students. These were young girls. She started this cooking class after death of her husband. She wanted to get engaged in something else. She wanted to feel positive about all. She knew that after marriage of so many years it was so hard to adjust without him. She needed escape so she decided to rent some place & started her cooking classes. She needed positivity in her life. Her life was not moving in hopeful way. She looked around. She was totally ready for her lecture on cooking. She still remembered her first day. She was so scared. She was literally shivering with fear. She wanted to just ran away from there. Her daughter Pooja forced her. She began to plan different tables in different styles. She arranged all. She was so nervous. One by one her students came. Some were looking confident who seemed as if ready to comment on her skills while other seemed nervous just like her. She smiled & went ahead. From that day she began & now she was confident about her every move. She didn’t need to prove herself. Her talent was already proved. She began to get ready. When one by one her students started coming. There was one new student today her name was Rachana. She was happy to have one new student. Now she slowly began to get obsessed with desire to make her cooking class successful. She knew that more students would give her more fame. She smiled at thought of becoming some famous cook in country. Then step by step students started to come. She smiled. Finally Rachana came. She was so frustrated when she saw her. Rachana came with hands that had delicately decorated. Rita knew that this was going to be problematic. Rita was ready for such situations now. Rita had lots of students who wanted to take care of their hands. She took out one set of gloves. “ You might need it.” All remaining students who ever wanted gloves had brought them from home. Rachana just looked towards her with shock. Rachana “ I can’t wear those gloves & started cooking I came here just to watch.” Rachana smiled. She began to look towards her hands. Rachana said “ Ohh I don’t sense.” Rachana kept watching her hands. She began to look towards them in such a way as if they were something so precious & unique. She began to get relaxed by just watching her hands. Now this was so odd. But Rita didn’t want to argue. Rita just smiled & wore gloves. Rita always wore gloves while cooking. She didn’t want to burn her fingers. Rita began to tell recipe & described how did they supposed to do. On that point Rachana suddenly began to sing. There wasn’t beautiful rhythm in that voice. All were getting upset by those rhythms. They didn’t want to hear her singing. They all began to look towards Rita. Rita was teacher so she supposed to object. Rita smiled happily & nodded. Rita “ Rachana you can’t sing in class! It will disturb others.” Rachana gave her angry look. “ I can’t cook without singing. Give me my fees back!” Rita was so shocked. She hadn’t bought so much money with her on that day. But she had enough to repay one month fee of Rachana but she didn’t want to hurt reputation of Cooking class so she started talking sweetly “ I can understand you might have habit..” “ Give me my money!” Rita nodded. Rita immediately gave her money. Then Rachana went away. Rita took deep breath to relax herself. She looked towards students & smiled. Then she said “ Let’s return to our cooking.” All nodded. They didn’t want to discuss about Rachana. Rachana was odd person. Rita felt so uneasy during that entire cooking class. She needed to keep cooking. Every item she cooked smelled tasty. She started to arrange them all. Then one by one she started taking taste of what her students cooked. She was so happy. Her students were becoming great cook just like her. She was so happy when she started this class. She wanted to spread her cooking talent & it was happening. She was no longer a simple lady who didn’t deserve respect but a great woman who managed to get position in her work & got nice job. It was so frustrating when she felt that she was happy when she wasn’t serious on this career. Now she became so tense when someone opened another cooking class in her locality. She started to feel that she was going to get doomed. She began to get nightmares in which she was sitting alone in empty classroom. She was so negative in it. She didn’t want to remember remaining of her nightmares. She just wanted to concentrate on positive side of life. She began to admire their cooking when suddenly one man came. “ Where is my wife?” “ Who are you?” “ Why does you need my name? Just tell me where is my wife?” She kept feeling so confused & scared. “ I don’t understand what was going on!” “ Where is Rachana?” “ She didn’t want to join cooking class so she took back her fees & went away.” He began to give her such angry look as if he was going to kill her. She was so scared. There were so many knives there. In cooking class they needed lot of instruments which could used to harm. On that point suddenly other ladies began to talk. “ She didn’t want to stay.” “ Madam tried so hard to convince her. Now Madam can’t force her.” “ Yes..yes she was so upset. Madam literally should have needed to tie her otherwise she wasn’t ready to join.” Expression of that man relaxed little bit. “ Where did she went?” Rita just pointed towards street on which Rachana went away. Then that man ran away on that road. Rita shivered. Rita didn’t understand why but she was so scared. Her students gathered around her. “ This couple seemed like mad. Madam you must not permit them in class.” She nodded. She said “ I will tell security.” Then they continued their cooking class. When it was over Rita cleaned all & she began to lock door. On that point she sensed someone was behind her. She looked behind it was husband of Rachana. He screamed angrily & said “ You killed my wife.” He was about to hit her when her students came back. They all started hitting him. It forced him to ran away. She stood just on that spot like statue. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do.

          Rita came to her senses when she heard voice of Security guard “ What happened?” “ This mad man was trying to attack Madam!” Security immediately took hold of him. That man kept screaming “ This woman!” Then he started abusing in worst way. She heard those words which she had never heard before. One of her students must had called Cops since on that point Cop appeared who took hold of that man & took him away. Rita was so shocked. She couldn’t able to move. Her students were trying to move her. But she kept standing. She just couldn’t move. Her students kept calling her. They kept trying to force her to move. She was stuck on that point. She was so blank. She didn’t remember even any thoughts on that point. She was not visible to world. She was just dead. When she came to senses, she was sleeping on her bed. She sat there. Her daughter Pooja came running towards her. Pooja “ Mom what happened?” She smiled & said “ Nothing much.” She knew that everything was normal but still she was feeling so scared. She just wanted to stay in bed. Pooja “ Did that man hit you?” Rita smiled & said “ nothing like that.” Rita didn’t understand her feelings. She kept smiling & tried her best to hide. “ I am fine Pooja. I just need some rest.” She looked towards photo of her dead husband. She felt so alone. She was so scared. She needed support. She looked towards him. She was so safe when he was around. She remembered that no one dared to threaten her like that. She was alone widow. Then she heard loud voice of her son-in-law. He was screaming on her daughter Pooja. “ Why did you encourage that cooking class?” “ I was..” “ You don’t know anything. You are so dumb still you kept trying to show off. Now there is Police case who will handle it.” “ I will try..” then he laughed negatively. “ You will need money for lawyer who will give it to you. Your Mom! She never earn money. Your Dad managed to earn all. That poor man worked so hard to manage all luxuries for you. I am not fool like him. You used him until his death now you are not going to waste his money even after his death. I am going to work carefully on your expenses.” Rita didn’t see anything but she knew that Pooja must be crying. Pooja tried so hard to start her career but nothing worked. Then she was introduced to her husband by some relative. On that point Rita was confused regarding that marriage proposal but Pooja was so desperate. From first day in their relationship Pooja was always considered like dust. Sometimes Rita just wanted to break that marriage. It seemed like big mistake but Rita’s husband didn’t like idea. Pooja was already feeling so inferior that she didn’t even voice to argue. Step by step they became servants of this screaming son-in-law. Rita knew that she couldn’t get any freedom. She didn’t wanted to start this cooking class too. She was so scared of her failure. Rita knew one thing that she couldn’t file complaint against that man. She closed her eyes. It was so odd that she was wake up so exhausted. She began to look around in her room. She didn’t see anything. She kept searching for hours but it was totally useless. She was locked in her thoughts in odd way. She suddenly sensed that she wasn’t awake. She was in her dream. She knew that it must be dream since colour of house wall was changed. Then she sensed that her entire house was changed. She looked around. She found different cheap objects. She was clearly in some house where person wasn’t reached. Then she started walking around. Suddenly her leg hit to leg of chair. She screamed with pain. She knew that it was real. She started looking around. There was no human. She began to scream for help but no one was coming. She kept running around. She was getting hit by objects. She started to feel pain. She began to cry. On that point she felt someone was shaking her. It was Pooja’s voice that managed to wake her up. “ Mom are you alright?” She checked her body for wounds. Soon she sensed that it was just nightmare but it was so real. She kept looking towards her body. Pooja began to ask “ What happened?” On that point Pooja’s husband came. “I tell you your Mom has started to lose her brain. She needed to be taken to mental asylum.” Rita wanted to deny. But she was too busy in searching for those wounds. Pooja took tight hold of Rita’s hand & said “ Stop it.” Pooja’s husband started laughing & then he went away. She wanted to control her tears but she once again began to cry uncontrollably. Pooja was so nervous. Pooja looked towards her husband & said “ We might need to call Doctor.” He gave angry look to her & said “ I am not going to waste my money on your Mom. I want it.” Pooja wanted to argue. She also had right on that money her father kept it for her & her Mom but her husband had taken hold of all money. She felt so sad. She said “ I need to show Mom to some doctor.” Her husband just left room. Pooja started crying. Rita was watching all. Sometimes Rita wished only if that Rachana’s husband could have killed her. She felt so hopeless. Her husband didn’t trusted her. He kept all her money under control of Pooja’s husband. On that point Rita didn’t sense evil inside him. She felt that he was nice man. Pooja’s husband was never someone whom she could admire but she learnt to tolerate him. She did big mistake by permitting him to handle all her finances. No it was not her mistake. Her husband decided it for her. She never got choice to decide. She once again slept on bed. She was no longer crying. She understood one thing that she was suffering from nervous breakdown again. She wasn’t able to go to Doctor since her son-in-law didn’t want. She just kept looking towards roof. She didn’t see her life as pleasant thing any more. She was viewing it as something very important but totally as failure. She did all wrong. It was worst not only for her but for her daughter Pooja too. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do. She kept looking in one place where there was nothing. But she just didn’t want to move. She wanted to just keep looking somewhere.

         Pooja was watching her Mom Rita. She was looking worst day by day. Pooja was so angry with the man who targeted Rita. She called Police station. “ I called regarding that man who attacked my Mom.” “ What are details?” Pooja gave details about case step by step. Then Cop said “ That man wanted to settle it. His wife returned.” “ My Mom isn’t acting normal.” “ You must talk with that man.” Then that man came on phone “ I am so sorry I do all treatment of your Mom & I give her money too.” Pooja didn’t want money since it would increase just bank balance of her husband. She said “ I don’t want money.” “ I give you one flat in my building. You can stay there with your Mom! You don’t need to stay with your husband.” She was so confused. She never talked with anyone regarding her desire to divorce. She didn’t have children & her husband didn’t want to adopt. She was so stressed by it. She hated empty house. Then when her husband started targeting her Mom Rita for money she decided that it was best for her to not have children. She asked “ Who told you this?” “ I guessed. Your husband just called me. I sensed that you & your Mom stuck with wrong person. I would help you if you take back case..& I want you to take care of my daughter too.” “ Your daughter? We are not your servant.” “ Take care as Auntie. Try to understand I need to send my wife in mental asylum & I need to do some job. Come on. It’s for sometime & you get one flat.” It all looked odd but still Pooja agreed. She slowly came back to Rita. Then she told all to Rita. Rita wasn’t interested. Rita just said “ Do whatever you want! But I don’t want to see face of that man.” “ But if we take care of daughter..” Rita gave angry look & Pooja nodded. Then she told all to Rachana’s husband. He immediately agreed. “ I don’t want to see your faces too. Driver will drop my daughter.” Pooja was shocked. But she waited. Then she called in Police station. They did all properly before Cops. Case was taken back. Then Pooja shifted in new house with Mom. She called her husband to tell it. He started abusing her. He asked for her address. But she didn’t give it. She was so scared. She called Rachana’s husband. Rachana’s husband said “ If you handle my daughter I will handle your husband.” “ I told you I will.” “ Great.” Rita was not giving any suggestions entire time. Finally Pooja managed to get appointment of psychiatrist. Psychiatrist talked with Rita then called Pooja. “ I feel it will be better if you take your Mom away from her old home. That trauma was triggered by Rachana’s husband but Rita was mental disturbed due your husband for long time. He was hitting you didn’t he?” Pooja slowly nodded. Pooja didn’t wanted to confess but she didn’t have much option. Sometimes her husband hold her hand so tight that she would scream in pain, sometimes..she didn’t want to discuss all. Pooja just nodded. Psychiatrist “ Just divorce your husband. He is unsound & he will make mad to your entire family one by one.” Pooja nodded nervously. Then Psychiatrist gave some medicines. Rita was looking little relaxed. Then when Pooja told her all Rita looked shocked. “ When did you decided all this?” “ Mom for months you aren’t acting normal. I needed help so I took it.” “ But can we trust that man?” “ He did all before Cops & now just little girl will stay with us. She couldn’t harm us.” Rita nodded. Then Driver dropped one small girl. That girl was looking as scared as them. Soon they all got friendly. Her name was Tina & she was scared of her parents. It seemed neither Rachana nor her husband were nice parents. Tina started staying with them. Slowly Rita began to recover. Pooja’s husband filed divorce case. For sometime Pooja needed to fight it. Rita began her cooking classes again. After some Pooja got divorced & one day Tina went to hostel. They were no longer needed to keep contact with Tina. They obeyed that order. Rachana’s husband gave them nice amount for taking care of his daughter Tina. After sometime Pooja found new boyfriend. He was divorced too. They started dating. Then they decided to get married. Pooja went away too. Pooja shifted out of town since her husband stayed there. Rita was living alone & teaching in cooking classes. But she was happy. Due to her treatment she began to feel her life was positive. She was no longer thinking about her evil ex son-in-law. She just remembered her daughter Pooja & Pooja’s childhood. Rita began to remember her dead husband positively. For Rita her past life was beautiful & her new life was pleasant one too. She was happy in her own world. She had freedom in this world to do whatever she wanted to do. She was permitted to enjoy her life as per her wishes. She kept smiling & enjoying her life. She was so upset when she received one call from Rachana’s husband. She didn’t want to meet him. But he insisted. When she went there, he was with Tina. Tina was no longer staying in hostel. Tina had issues in hostel. Tina was crying when Rita came. Tina screamed “ I don’t want to stay with them.” “ You must.” “ No I hate this old lady.” Rita was so angry. Rita told Rachana’s husband with determination “ We done it once & that was enough now you can’t force me. My daughter no longer stay with me. If you harass me I will complaint to Cops.” Rachana’s husband looked frustrated & he took away Tina while dragging her by hand. Rita was sad. Tina was no longer that small girl whom she once used to admire. Tina was totally different girl now. She couldn’t relate to Tina now. She just returned back to her normal life. After long time on that day she called Psychiatrist. Her treatment was over for two years but she took one session on next day since watching Tina that way hurt her but she went over it. She hoped that Tina would never enter in her life again & if she did now she was determined to throw Tina out of her life again. Now she would choose what she wanted in her life other people would no longer decide for her. She began to live her life as usual again.

                                      The End 

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