Friday, September 20, 2024

Poem. 7077. Word towards feeling

                          Word towards feeling 

Word towards feeling which form new brightness to path that show new appeal to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which give new knowledge to soul that create new light to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which show new appeal to learning that form new concept to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which start new direction to touch that give new light to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which form new dream to chapter that open new way to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which create new light to knowledge that start new touch to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which show new chapter to touch that form new brightness to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which give new learning to path that create new appeal to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which start new move to thought that give new knowledge to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which form new brightness to soul that show new route to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which show new smile to concept that bring new touch to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which create new shine to touch that form new brightness to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which give new hope to dream that create new understanding to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which start new direction to chapter that open new appeal to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which form new thought to dream that show new direction to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which create new path to concept that start new knowledge to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which give new hope to thought that form new brightness to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which show new route to direction that give new touch to strength in mind

Word towards feeling which form new appeal to concept that open new path to strength in mind.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Poem. 7076. Light bring new smile

                          Light bring new  smile    

Light bring new smile which form new path which start new brightness to move that show new appeal to life

Light bring new smile which give new hope which form new dream to direction that start new touch to life

Light bring new smile which show new route which show new path to strength that open new shine to life

Light bring new smile which start new appeal which start new soul to spirit that form new hope to life

Light bring new smile which create new thought which give new step to concept that show new route to life

Light bring new smile which give new word which form new knowledge to move that start new path to life

Light bring new smile which form new spirit which create new appeal to touch that form new world to life

Light bring new smile which create new touch which show new path to step that start new touch to life

Light bring new smile which show new route which form new soul to spirit that create new way to life

Light bring new smile which start new shine which give new strength to world that form new brightness to life

Light bring new smile which give new chapter which form new path to hope that create new word to life

Light bring new smile which form new brightness which give new route to dream that show new step to life

Light bring new smile which create new path which show new knowledge to step that give new hope to life

Light bring new smile which show new strength which start new touch to soul that create new appeal to life

Light bring new smile which start new direction which give new smile to hope that show new path to life

Light bring new smile which give new appeal which show new shine to route that form new soul to life

Light bring new smile which form new spirit which start new knowledge to step that give new world to life

Light bring new smile which show new feeling which form new path to soul that start new hope to life

Light bring new smile which start new thought which show new dream to route that give new route to life

Light bring new smile which create new path which give new direction to start that show new move to life.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Poem. 7075. Touch that form dream

                        Touch that form dream 

Touch that form dream begin new step of light which show new direction to soul that give new hope to mind

Touch that form dream begin new shine of thought which start new appeal to step that show new path to mind

Touch that form dream begin new concept of step which create new word to spirit that start new way to mind

Touch that form dream begin new chapter of route which give new concept to step that create new path to mind

Touch that form dream begin new direction of smile which show new shine to move that bring new light to mind

Touch that form dream begin new path of feeling which create new light to thought that show new move to mind

Touch that form dream begin new appeal of concept which show new route to chapter that start new way to mind

Touch that form dream begin new soul of strength which start new thought to path that create new light to mind

Touch that form dream begin new move of appeal which give new knowledge to step that show new word to mind

Touch that form dream begin new smile of chapter which show new shine to thought that give new concept to mind

Touch that form dream begin new shine of thought which start new light to knowledge that create new step to mind

Touch that form dream begin new word of chapter which create new smile to route that form new soul to mind

Touch that form dream begin new soul of strength which show new hope to thought that give new path to mind

Touch that form dream begin new step of appeal which start new smile to concept that open new hope to mind

Touch that form dream begin new spirit of step which create new appeal to chapter that start new way to mind

Touch that form dream begin new route of smile which show new knowledge to hope that form new shine to mind

Touch that form dream begin new appeal of soul which start new direction to path that show new concept to mind

Touch that form dream begin new word of light which create new appeal to move that bring new knowledge to mind

Touch that form dream begin new dream of start which show new concept to word that create new light to mind

Touch that form dream begin new thought of step which give new thought to spirit that form new brightness to mind.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Poem. 7074. Soul of knowledge start

                              Soul of knowledge start 

Soul of knowledge start new shine to thought of mind which form new way to concept of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new path to chapter of step which create new hope to direction of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new route to touch of direction which give new knowledge to way of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new move to appeal of strength which show new strength to word of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new way to hope of thought which bring new chapter to move of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new world to step of concept which form new route to thought of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new smile to touch of spirit which create new appeal to word of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new thought to hope of way which show new direction to route of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new word to strength of hope which give new chapter to path of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new spirit to touch of dream which form new direction to concept of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new concept to route of way which create new appeal to dream of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new direction to chapter of hope which show new touch to spirit of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new strength to move of route which form new brightness to hope of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new path to spirit of direction which show new chapter to shine of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new step to world of concept which create new thought to touch of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new touch to appeal of move which form new word to strength of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new move to strength of step which show new way to concept of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new word to concept of spirit which create new appeal to move of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new shine to thought of path which give new direction to start of life towards light

Soul of knowledge start new strength to shine of touch which form new brightness to thought of life towards light.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Poem. 7073. Appeal form wind tell

                           Appeal form wind tell

Appeal from wind tell new way to life which create new knowledge that form new word to feeling of mind

Appeal from wind tell new move to life which show new thought that give new spirit to meaning of mind

Appeal from wind tell new soul to life which form new brightness that show new direction to learning of mind

Appeal from wind tell new path to life which give new strength that start new concept to thinking of mind

Appeal from wind tell new world to life which start new concept that open new route to understanding of mind

Appeal from wind tell new hope to life which form new world that show new path to meaning of mind

Appeal from wind tell new shine to life which show new dream that bring new step to learning of mind

Appeal from wind tell new spirit to life which start new concept that open new word to thinking of mind

Appeal from wind tell new touch to life which create new light that show new route to feeling of mind

Appeal from wind tell new soul to life which show new knowledge that form new brightness to meaning of mind

Appeal from wind tell new step to life which form new strength that create new thought to understanding of mind

Appeal from wind tell new route to life which give new appeal that bring new route to learning of mind

Appeal from wind tell new word to life which start new direction that show new move to feeling of mind

Appeal from wind tell new spirit to life which create new light that give new hope to thinking of mind

Appeal from wind tell new world to life which form new brightness that start new light to meaning of mind

Appeal from wind tell new soul to life which show new knowledge that form new appeal to understanding of mind

Appeal from wind tell new word to life which start new way that show new route to learning of mind

Appeal from wind tell new move to life which create new touch that give new path to thinking of mind

Appeal from wind tell new shine to life which give new direction that form new route to meaning of mind

Appeal from wind tell new spirit to life which show new route that create new light to understanding of mind.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Poem. 7072. Way of dream will show new spirit to

                Way of dream will show new spirit to

Way of dream will show new spirit to chapter of mind that show new direction to route of step which form new appeal to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to concept of mind that create new strength to path of touch which give new knowledge to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to direction of mind that form new appeal to shine of soul which create new touch to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to smile of mind that give new knowledge to step of route which show new light to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to path of mind that start new direction to light of move which give new route to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to move of mind that form new touch to chapter of soul which show new light to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to step of mind that create new path to concept of step which start new move to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to route of mind that start new move to appeal of touch which give new soul to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to world of mind that form new light to direction of hope which start new way to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to appeal of mind that create new world to path of soul which form new light to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to thought of mind that start new knowledge to step of move which show new route to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to chapter of mind that form new direction to world of hope which create new step to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to concept of mind that give new appeal to start of direction which form new light to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to hope of mind that create new strength to move of to thought which show new route to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to appeal of mind that form new knowledge to shine of touch which create new path to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to chapter of mind that give new appeal to concept of soul which form new light to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to strength of mind that create new path to chapter of route which give new soul to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to direction of mind that form new light to thought of move which start new route to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to route of mind that start new knowledge to path of smile which form new light to start of life

Way of dream will show new spirit to move of mind that create new appeal to way of direction which show new way to start of life.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Adventure story. 675. Forgotten nightmares

                         Forgotten nightmares 

Trupti was studying & doing hard work on every step. She needed to learn lots of things. She was trying to understand every direction of work. She wanted to prove her mother that she was best. She was youngest daughter so she didn’t able to enjoy company of her Mom much. She tried to work hard & create hopes of her great future but they were not created. She was never topper in her class. Noting was special about her. But still she wanted to become someone special. She looked towards photo of her Mom. She missed her so much. She was living alone with her Dad. Her two sisters were married & settled in their life. They hardly had time to waste on them. She knew that it was thinking in harsh way about them. But she felt that it was truth. She wanted them to pay some attention to her. Her Dad kept suggesting all. But she didn’t feel her Dad’s judgements were so true. Many times she felt that she was making mistakes. She needed guidance. She knew that no one was interested in her. She was totally alone with her issues. Trupti wanted emotional support & guidance but she couldn’t find someone who could give it to her. She was trying different routes for her career. She didn’t understand what should be her career. She was so confused. She loved children so her heart sometimes told her that being teacher was best option. But it didn’t work. She began to feel that course was too much time consuming. She was interested in cooking too. She began to feel that she could try to sell her food items but once again it seemed difficult since she didn’t know so many varieties of cooking. Then she finally decided to settle for fashion designing. She could design dresses & sell them. She began to feel interest in them. She started to find right sort of clothes. She needed to find them for her dresses. She wanted her dresses to be perfect. She began to hope that she could find some soft cloth which would make her dress beautiful. She needed to design those dresses carefully in unique way. She wanted to become successful designer now. She took out book on which she created many designs. They had unique looks in them. She felt so sure that this was her perfect career. She began to study different books. She wanted to join one course but she was confused about it. She didn’t understand which course would be suitable for her. She was discussing with multiple people about different courses but until now she didn’t find one which would suit her. She kept telling herself that she would manage all but truthfully she didn’t able to manage anything. She was stuck in all issue in strange way. She wanted to feel happiness but she didn’t feel it. She didn’t understand if her choice of career was wrong. She kept shifting to one dress after another. She was watching them for hours. Then she decided to try one. She smiled & she was about to wore it when she suddenly felt nervous. She was so upset. She was creating those dresses for such long time. She was planning to sell them at high price. But she didn’t understand what she supposed to do. She needed to try them or she didn’t. She wanted best dress. But she didn’t got it. She was so nervous about it. She didn’t understand where she could get that dress. She was watching every flower of that dress for hours. Those designs were so pleasant. She was working so hard to get proper design for it. She kept touching dress. Then she felt that she just supposed to click picture & share with price. She was so interested in look of that dress. She was watching that dress for hours with pleasant hope of finding some route to bring happiness in her life. She was hoping to find right sort of customer. She saw many dresses were getting multiple likes only her dress didn’t. She was watching that dress & every flower in design for hours. She suddenly didn’t want to sell her own dress. She wanted to keep it for herself. She knew that wasn’t possible. So needed to sell her creation. She watched photo of her dress for hours with hope to feel comfortable. But she didn’t want to sell. Still she controlled herself. She started to sell her dress. She began to look in different type of dresses which created by others. She didn’t feel that they were much. She was sure that she could sell her clothes easily. It was pleasant feeling for her heart. She was looking towards positive hopes in her thoughts. She began to observe that all dresses had customers. She felt that she could easily get few customers of her own. It was important for her. She placed photos of her dresses & went back to her work. She began to cook lunch. She was also singing happily some tune. She started to dream that her dresses would be sold on that point door bell rang. Her Dad came. She smiled & said “ You came early today?!” “ & once again our cook is missing isn’t she?” She nodded. They had one cook who kept remaining absent for weeks. She smiled & said “ Don’t worry. I will adjust.” She was so happy about dresses. She began to describe all excitedly. Her Dad smiled happily & said sweetly “ This is just beginning soon you will become rich & famous then one day you will launch your fashion show.” She started laughing. “ Dad I am tense about selling my one dress & you are discussing entire fashion show! We don’t need day dreaming.” Her Dad nodded. But in heart they both began to dream. It was wonderful feeling. She started to feel that she would sell her dresses. In her dreams she was already one qualified designer. She was doing different fashion shows. She began to imagine that hopeful mood. She started to smile. In her world she became designer for that day. On that point her door bell rang. Her Uncle was standing outside. She knew that what it indicated. Her Uncle wanted interest on his loan. Her Dad once took loan from her Uncle. Her Dad was trying his best to repay it but it wasn’t working. She needed to think positively about it but her heart was so negative. She smiled & welcomed her Uncle. Her Dad smiled & began to tell about her new business venture. She didn’t want her Dad to tell about it. In her heart she felt that her Uncle was negative towards her. In fact her Uncle felt that she was just burden. She tried hard to control her tears when her Uncle gave negative laugh & started talking. She knew that her dreams were going to shatter.

      Trupti was so upset when her Uncle began to laugh. Her Uncle said “ Come on! She can’t even able to sell one dress! It’s not that easy. We can’t do it so easily. People need to work for days still get nothing. You are just wasting your money on this. First you can’t able to pay back your loan & now you are wasting money on her. You need to value your money. It’s very important to value your money. If you keep earning less then you can never able to make repayments. It is very important to make repayments. I am your brother so keep tolerating it.” Then her Uncle looked around in house. Uncle “ I can see lots of luxuries which you use & waste your money on them. I don’t like the way you live.” She shivered. It was clear that now her Uncle was going to demand reduction in her lifestyle. She was so frustrated. She wanted to live this way in comforts. But she knew that it wasn’t possible. She just looked out of window. They tried so hard to pay back loan. Then she suddenly heard her Dad telling “ Don’t worry. I got cheque of payment for you. Just wanted sign that I paid all.” She looked towards Dad with shock. Uncle clearly didn’t like it. But Uncle didn’t have much option. Then Uncle said “ Ohh! Let me guess. You must have sold that land which you inherited from your father.” Her Dad said angrily “ Yes. But it was mine now. I want to repay this loan & get over it.” Uncle smiled negatively & said “ Dad gifted you it without cause.” “ Our parents stayed with me & I took care of them!” “ Really? They were totally healthy people. They use to do all nicely even at old age. You have done nothing for them. You just stayed with them & got everything free.” Her Dad was so angry but her Dad controlled anger & said “ Take this money & go away. I paid your loan.” Uncle laughed & asked “ So you are not even offering tea which will be out of my money too.” Her Dad gave him angry look. It was clear that no one was offering tea to Uncle so finally Uncle stood up. Uncle “ You are most useless creature & your daughter is becoming your replica.” She said loudly “ I am proud of my Dad & I want to become like him.” Uncle started laughing. She was so frustrated. She wanted Uncle to go out of their house. Uncle slowly looked around. Uncle “ Do you remember that father didn’t give you this entire house? So you can’t sell it then I will object.” Dad “ I am not selling this house. My daughter will stay in it after me.” “ Really? So you are not planning to married her off to someone? She will stay like spinster forever!” Then Uncle started laughing loudly. She didn’t understand why her Uncle wanted her to get married. As soon as Uncle went away Dad said “ He is such selfish man. He wanted entire property for himself.” She didn’t say anything. She just kept looking towards Dad. It was so painful. She wanted to live happy life but first her Mon died. Then Uncle started to target them. Her sisters didn’t have much time. She was all alone. She said slowly “ Dad don’t worry I will not pay attention.” She smiled sweetly, then she went back on her laptop to check. Soon she discovered that there wasn’t anyone to see her dresses. So there was no chance. She felt so sad. She began to remember those words which Uncle said. She tried to forget it. She came back in hall. Dad was watching TV. She needed to tell him all truth but she was not interested. Dad was so happy. She smiled & sat near him. She said “ I got few likes but I don’t feel they were offering much money.” “ Then you can wait. I insist you must not do any deal in hurry.” She smiled. She said “ Don’t worry Dad. I will find better deal.” She went out of that room. She was feeling so sick. She lied to her Dad but how long she could do that. She didn’t manage to bring money to show it. She started to get tense. She was so upset. She didn’t want to keep lying. She looked towards her Dad & said slowly “ Actually no one liked my dresses.” Her Dad looked towards her with anger. “ Then why did you lied to me?” “ I was not lying I was trying to relax you.” “ Lying doesn’t help! I don’t like when my daughter lie to me. It’s not okay. You need to understand value of being truthful. For such a long time I taught you so many values. But you doesn’t seem to care for them. This is so upsetting. I want happiness in my life but not by pretending! I want you to tell me what is truth.” She nodded nervously. She said “ I am sorry.” “ If you can’t sell dresses. Let’s not waste money on them.” She nodded. She was so stressed. Dad was saying that she wasted his money. Her Dad never talked like that. But then she sometimes feel that she was getting too pampered. She was wasting so much money that she needed to control. She began to find some way to create excuses. She wanted to feel positive. But she didn’t understand how could she feel that way. Then she suddenly said “ Dad may be I need to get married?” She didn’t want to keep trying to get success in one after another business when she sensed that it was nearly impossible. Her Dad smiled. It seemed as if her Dad wanted same thing. She was so happy. “ Dad, marriage is best option if I settled down then you will not need to worry about this house. I will settle happily in my house.” She began to feel so hopeful. Suddenly her Dad began to look so happy. Dad told her to sit down. She did it. Dad “ Do you remember your sister’s brother-in-law?” She remembered him very well. He was normal looking man. Actually not normal looking he was little bit ugly. His face was full of angry & cruel expression. She didn’t like him. She couldn’t expect him to be her husband she said “ Dad I don’t like him.” Her Dad gave her concerned look. “ But your sister Charu said he likes you.” She suddenly felt so confused. She didn’t feel he liked her. He always kept talking in nice way. But he never showed any love. He didn’t took interest in her. Dad “ Come on! Look is not everything. Try to go over them pay attention to love & kind heart. Finally in life you need love not look. Charu was saying he seemed interested in you.” She thought about it & said “ No Dad I don’t think so.” Then she went back in bedroom. She opened her laptop again. She confirmed once again that she didn’t got any customer. She felt so sad when she sensed that she didn’t. She began to feel that she needed to find some husband very soon.

          Trupti’s Dad was so frustrated when Trupti didn’t took interest in that marriage proposal. He was sure that Charu was telling right. This man was suitable for her. Dad admired Trupti as his daughter but still he never felt that Trupti was much smart. Trupti was not intelligent. She couldn’t find some way to progress. She just needed to marry where he could find some benefits. He needed to places where he would be benefited too. Dad began to plan on meeting of Trupti with this Charu’s brother-in-law. Trupti needed to meet him. Dad decided to visit Charu’s house. He called her. Charu smiled & said “ This will be great idea. Trupti will always remain under my control.” “ Yes. That girl needed to remain in control.” Next day Dad told Trupti about it. Trupti agreed happily. In Charu’s house her brother-in-law talked nicely with Trupti. They kept making sure that on every step Trupti would keep chatting with him. He talked sweetly with Trupti. Trupti was so happy. Slowly Trupti began to feel convince that he was in love with her. Suddenly she began to like his every thing. She wanted someone who loved her as her life partner. She wanted happiness in her life. She was having pleasant dreams of her future. She decided to marry him. Dad was so happy but when they talked with that man. He denied that idea. One thing had became clear. He was not in love with her. Trupti felt so sad. She began to feel hopeless & Dad made sure that on every day she would sense how hopeless she was. It was so shocking. She felt her Dad loved her. One day her other elder sister Tara came to visit them. Tara was so shocked to see Trupti’s face & her condition. It was so upsetting. She wanted to feel positive but she didn’t. After watching Trupti Tara sensed one thing that Trupti needed to go to Doctor. Tara suggested it to Dad. Dad gave angry look & said “ Do as you wish? I don’t want to waste money on her. She is earning nothing & I am wasting all on her.” Tara nodded. Tara “ Don’t worry. I will take her with me. She will help me in her home.” Trupti felt so scared. But Dad gave her angry look & she went to packing. She slowly took out photo of her mother. She decided to put it in suitcase but on that point she sensed that Dad didn’t permit it. She kept it back. She kept watching it. Then she went outside. She took two large suitcases. She packed all her luggage. Now she was ready to go out of her home. She felt so alone. Tara was her biggest supporter since her Mom’s death. Her Dad no longer wanted her. Dad was looking so happy when she finally went out of house. She felt so sad. She agreed to marry that man since she wanted to avoid all pain which she was facing now. But it was impossible. She finally sat in Taxi which was waiting for her. From that day she began to have nightmares. She slept in train & she saw first nightmare on that night. It was so strange. She felt that she was breathless when she woke up. Tara was standing beside her. Tara was asking “ What happened?” She didn’t remember anything. Many passengers came. Many began to ask. One passenger said slowly “ Trust me. She need psychiatrist. These nightmares don’t stop without it. I went to one then only my nightmares were stopped.” Then for long time they all kept discussing. She was so scared. She hugged Tara & said “ I wish I was dead like Mom.” Tara began to cry but that man came forward & said “ Don’t talk nonsense. I had dreams like that.” “ Most of us have nightmares & sometimes you just stuck on them.” “ Yes it’s part of luck & bad luck that you can move over them or you remain stuck with them.” “ My husband had nightmares for twenty years before they stopped.” Husband of that lady “ Don’t scare her!” But Trupti started to laugh. Every one looked confused then they started laughing too. Tara “ It’s okay so all have them I am not burden.” “ but go to psychiatrist no need to wait for twenty years.” Then her husband added “ Otherwise you will become burden like me & pointed towards his fatness. All laughed. Trupti felt so relaxed & happy. She said “ I will go to psychiatrist.” Her Mom immediately came in her mind. She didn’t remember much but her Mom’s photo was place of her hope. When they reached to destination.Tara explained all to her husband who easily agreed to help Tara was so happy. Trupti tried her best to help Tara in Tara’s household work. Tara always appreciated it. Tara was so happy when she got appointment of Psychiatrist. Trupti was getting restless every night. Trupti was screaming & crying. It was stressful to watch her that way. Trupti was nervous. She wanted positivity in her life but it was becoming negative since she was screaming every night. Clearly she was waking up her sister’s entire household. She was nervous. Finally she went to psychiatrist. She told all. Psychiatrist listened to her. Psychiatrist “ First this would stop immediately. You are stressed due to attitude of your Dad. It is creating negative impact on you.” She slowly said “ I can’t able to earn..” “ So? All have troubles in life. Frankly I don’t feel your Dad is as poor as he show you.” Slowly Psychiatrist explained her how did her Dad pretend while spending money on himself. First time she sensed that her Uncle might be not lying. She felt so tense. She began to get upset. “ My Dad love me..” then she started crying. Slowly Psychiatrist taught her to control her feelings. Then she told all step by step. At beginning she didn’t sleep without nightmares but then slowly she began to sleep. She began to enjoy life. She was so tense that one day she might needed to return. She didn’t want to go to Dad. But one day Tara said “ I plan to go on job. I need someone to take care of kids. I told it to Dad. You can stay with us.” Trupti smiled happily. Now she would stay with her sister until she didn’t get married or her Dad didn’t die. She knew that Tara would never send her back. Her nightmares were over so she became biggest support for Tara’s household. It was wonderful for them to have help. Sometimes Tara’s in-laws taunted but Trupti didn’t mind. She was happy in her life. She slowly began to design her dresses again with hope to sell them one day. She might not able to sell them but her dreams became alive.

                                          The End

Friday, September 13, 2024

Poem. 7071. Step open new word

                         Step open new word

Step open new word to thought of mind which start new chapter of life that start new route of mind

Step open new word to learning of mind which form new brightness of life that form new appeal of mind

Step open new word to feel of mind which give new knowledge of life that start new direction of mind

Step open new word to meaning of mind which show new route of life that bring new smile of mind

Step open new word to move of mind which give new strength of life that show new appeal of mind

Step open new word to soul of mind which form new brightness of life that give new shine of mind

Step open new word to light of mind which create new direction of life that start new hope of mind

Step open new word to world of mind which give new touch of life that form new brightness of mind

Step open new word to spirit of mind which form new chapter of life that give new strength of mind

Step open new word to appeal of mind which create new way of life that show new concept of mind

Step open new word to chapter of mind which start new soul of life that create new direction of mind

Step open new word to strength of mind which show new smile of life that form new touch of mind

Step open new word to soul of mind which form new brightness of life that give new thought of mind

Step open new word to route of mind which give new knowledge of life that show new appeal of mind

Step open new word to hope of mind which show new route of life that form new direction of mind

Step open new word to path of mind which start new smile of life that give new meaning of mind

Step open new word to world of mind that form new appeal of life that start new knowledge of mind

Step open new word to touch of mind that give new concept of life that form new brightness of mind

Step open new word to shine of mind that show new strength of life that give new appeal of mind

Step open new word to soul of mind that form new brightness of life that show new chapter of mind.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Poem. 7070. Word bring new route

                          Word bring new route

Word bring new route to dream towards soul which give new move from shine that show new step to life

Word bring new route to direction towards start which create new light from path that give new step to life

Word bring new route to strength towards spirit which form new appeal from move that start new step to life

Word bring new route to concept towards move which show new route from touch that form new step to life

Word bring new route to chapter towards light which create new thought from shine that open new step to life

Word bring new route to hope towards thought which form new brightness from word that show new step to life

Word bring new route to touch towards knowledge which give new path from strength that give new step to life

Word bring new route to shine towards world which start new dream from spirit that create new step to life

Word bring new route to light towards route which show new direction from understanding that form new step to life

Word bring new route to smile towards path which start new soul from strength that open new step of life

Word bring new route to feel towards world which form new concept from hope that show new step of life

Word bring new route to path towards smile which create new appeal from touch that give new step of life

Word bring new route to strength towards appeal which give new spirit from soul that start new step of life

Word bring new route to knowledge towards way which show new shine from thought that form new step of life

Word bring new route to concept towards move which start new understanding from dream that give new step of life

Word bring new route to direction towards path which form new concept from spirit that show new step of life

Word bring new route to smile towards world which give new dream from move that start new step of life

Word bring new route to way towards spirit which create new appeal from thought that form new step of life

Word bring new route to soul towards start which form new brightness from chapter that give new step of life

Word bring new route to touch towards hope which start new appeal from move that show new step of life.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Poem. 7069. Way to understanding

                         Way to understanding 

Way to understanding start new light to concept of mind that form new brightness to dream of life

Way to understanding show new route to thought of mind that give new appeal to dream of life

Way to understanding form new path to chapter of mind that create new touch to dream of life

Way to understanding give new move to direction of mind that show new world to dream of life

Way to understanding create new step to strength of mind that start new smile to dream of life

Way to understanding show new hope to touch of mind that start new chapter to dream of life

Way to understanding start new route to thought of mind that give new concept to dream of life

Way to understanding form new word to concept of mind that show new strength to dream of life

Way to understanding give new hope to chapter of mind that create new thought to dream of life

Way to understanding show new start to direction of mind that start new touch to dream of life

Way to understanding create new path to appeal of mind that give new feeling to dream of life

Way to understanding form new touch to spirit of mind that show new knowledge to dream of life 

Way to understanding give new move to strength of mind that create new touch to dream of life

Way to understanding start new route to thought of mind that form new shine to dream of life

Way to understanding create new word to concept of mind that show new appeal to dream of life

Way to understanding show new soul to touch of mind that give new knowledge to dream of life

Way to understanding give new direction to path of mind that create new strength to dream of life

Way to understanding form new appeal to world of mind that show new thought to dream of life

Way to understanding create new light to appeal of mind that start new world to dream of life

Way to understanding start new path to move of mind that form new brightness to dream of life.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Poem. 7068. Soul form new dream

                           Soul form new dream

Soul form new dream which give new hope towards route that show new knowledge to start of mind

Soul form new dream which form new step towards concept that open new direction to start of mind

Soul form new dream which create new route towards smile that form new touch to start of mind

Soul form new dream which show new move towards path that start new thought to start of mind

Soul form new dream which bring new touch towards light that give new light to start of mind

Soul form new dream which give new thought towards way that create new move to start of mind

Soul form new dream which create new light towards move that show new appeal to start of mind

Soul form new dream which form new spirit towards word that bring new direction to start of mind

Soul form new dream which give new hope towards soul that form new brightness to start of mind

Soul form new dream which show new way towards spirit that create new strength to start of mind

Soul form new dream which create new word towards light that show new path to start of mind

Soul form new dream which show new soul towards chapter that open new knowledge to start of mind

Soul form new dream which give new move towards concept that start new appeal to start of mind

Soul form new dream which show new path towards smile that form new brightness to start of mind

Soul form new dream which create new word towards spirit that give new hope to start of mind

Soul form new dream which give new hope towards world that show new direction to start of mind

Soul open new dream which show new way towards thought that create new knowledge to start of mind

Soul open new dream which create new word towards touch that form new light to start of mind

Soul open new dream which form new path towards strength that bring new route to start of mind

Soul open new dream which give new direction towards step that show new world to start of mind.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Poem. 7067. Direction of way bring new

                       Direction of way bring new 

Direction of way bring new touch to strength of life that form new brightness to soul of mind which create light

Direction of way bring new soul to concept of life that give new knowledge to touch of mind which form light

Direction of way bring new step to chapter of life that show new strength to word of mind which start light

Direction of way bring new hope to appeal of life that start new chapter to soul of mind which give light

Direction of way bring new move to shine of life that give new concept to start of mind which show light

Direction of way bring new spirit to touch of life that create new thought to path of mind which form light

Direction of way bring new world to path of life that show new shine to strength of mind which create light

Direction of way bring new move to word of life that form new knowledge to spirit of mind which show light

Direction of way bring new shine to soul of life that give new touch to thought to step of mind which start light

Direction of way bring new route to concept of life that create new way to appeal to light of mind which form light

Direction of way bring new chapter to move of life that form new brightness to smile to spirit of mind which show light

Direction of way bring new strength to world of life that give new thought to shine to touch of mind which start light

Direction of way bring new world to thought of life that create new smile to soul to knowledge of mind which form light

Direction of way bring new path to strength of life that form new chapter to step to dream of mind which give light

Direction of way bring new soul to smile of life that give new knowledge to way to concept of mind which create light

Direction of way bring new route to chapter of life that create new appeal to word to strength of mind which show light

Direction of way bring new move to knowledge of life that form new brightness to path to soul of mind which start light

Direction of way bring new spirit to smile of life that show new understanding to shine to step of mind which form light

Direction of way bring new word to touch of life that give new strength to thought to soul of mind which give light

Direction of way bring new shine to move of life that create new appeal to chapter to hope of mind which show light.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Poem. 7066. Light become that

                              Light become that 

Light become that way which form new touch to spirit of mind that show new direction to move in life

Light become that move which start new appeal to step of mind that create new touch to world in life

Light become that shine which give new knowledge to soul of mind that form new dream to touch in life

Light become that spirit which show new thought to move of mind that create new spirit to route in life

Light become that word which start new chapter to shine of mind that start new dream to path in life

Light become that path which form new brightness to way of mind that give new concept to word in life

Light become that word which create new thought to soul of mind that form new knowledge to way in life

Light become that touch which show new smile to hope of mind that create new chapter to route in life

Light become that soul which give new strength to spirit of mind that show new appeal to touch in life

Light become that route which start new direction to path of mind that form new smile to start in life

Light become that concept which show new dream to chapter of mind that give new hope to soul in life

Light become that spirit which create new route to direction of mind that show new shine to step in life

Light become that world which form new shine to concept of mind that start new touch to hope in life

Light become that thought which start new path to strength of mind that show new word to route in life

Light become that knowledge which show new touch to hope of mind that create new shine to way in life

Light become that direction which give new appeal to touch of mind that form new brightness to shine in life

Light become that strength which start new path to concept of mind that show new touch to spirit in life

Light become that appeal which create new spirit to direction of mind that start new strength to path in life

Light become that chapter which show new soul to strength of mind that form new chapter to step in life

Light become that concept which start new touch to word of mind that create new shine to spirit in life.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Adventure story. 674. Different painting

                              Different painting 

Sameer was so excited about entire incidence. He wanted happiness in his life. His memories had lots of it. He used to watch for hours out of window of his house. It was lovely scene. It was pleasant to watch outside for hours. He began to feel so positive about everything. He knew that he could manage to please his girlfriend today. Rani was so special. He wanted to please her. He did all he could to do that. But he didn’t have enough strength. He was artist. He was working hard to sell his paintings. He began to feel so positive about all. He needed to feel that way. Otherwise his paintings would look so beautiful. He kept observing them carefully. He began to watch canvas properly. He started to feel positive about it. He was watching different colours from his canvas. He could see each colour with wonderful spirit hidden inside it. He loved unique effect in paintings. He needed them to give positive look. He knew when painting had positive impact then it would look more beautiful. He was so happy. He looked outside. He felt that he was locked in house for such a long time. He needed to go out & enjoy nature so he started to plan for walk. In his mind he began to think about different roads he could use for walk. He wanted something unique. He knew that he was going to walk on road full of cars. He wished to live in some far away place. But he sensed that it was too costly. He planned one day to do it. But then he stopped his dream. He needed to discuss with Rani. He couldn’t decide how could he act so selfish. He began to get dressed. He got dressed properly & stood before mirror. He applied some deodorant too. It was gifted by Rani so it was special. He smiled when he thought about that day. She was so special to him. He got ready for walk. He went out. He was walking happily when he noticed. A small Puppy ! That Puppy was so cute. He wanted to take it in his arms but Puppy suddenly began to bark on him. He began to feel little scared. He never had pet & he didn’t want dog bite or even scratch. He just decided to go in other way when he heard voice. It was voice of Rani she was calling “ Toby” that Puppy immediately ran back. He turned back. Rani was waiting for Toby who immediately ran in her arms. He smiled happily & he immediately started walking towards her. She smiled & came near him. She asked “ After such long time? How are you?” He wasn’t expecting such start. He didn’t objected. “ I was little bit busy with painting. Do you have time for going out on lunch?” “ Sure. We can always go on lunch. I don’t mind.” He smiled. “ So when you will able to come.” “ Any time! I don’t mind.” He smiled. He knew that now he needed to discuss about their future. So he slowly asked “ What do you think about marriage?” She laughed & said “ Are you getting married? I will surely come for your feast. Plan big fat wedding! I love them.” He felt so uneasy. She was expecting him to get married to someone else? They were going on lunch for long time. They were chatting so nicely. He suddenly began to feel as if she didn’t understood. “ I mean our marriage!” She gave him one shocked look. She said “ I  hope you are joking. I never thought that way about you.” “ But I thought..” she suddenly began to get tense. She said “ I never felt that way. I thought we are going on lunch as friend not as date.” He smiled & nodded. Then Rani went away with Toby. He kept watching her. He didn’t understand what he was feeling. It seemed that he was planning all in his imaginary world. She was never interested in him. He told himself to relax. He suddenly sensed that now he didn’t need to think about her choices. So he could relax. He smiled. He opened his door. He entered in his house. It was small house. He had his canvas in hall. He needed to shift in big one. But he was not sure that he could manage to sell it. He knew that his sister might want some money. He knew that she wasn’t going to give up rights on this house. He wanted to tell himself that he was rich but he was not. Rani might be nice girl for him but he was not suitable suitor for her. He began to look towards empty canvas. He suddenly began to think about one painting. In few seconds he began to paint. He kept painting for hours without stopping. Then finally it was over. He went little bit away from painting. He was shocked. It was beautiful but it was so negative. He felt one odd shock. He immediately covered it with cloth. He didn’t want anybody to see it. He wanted to hide it. On that point his mobile rang. It was call from one exhibition gallery. He immediately took it. Agent said “ I am on my way. I have one less painting for my show. I will take one from you.” “ Thanks.” He was so happy. He started to arrange all in paintings properly in hall. He wanted great one to be presented in Gallery. He was so excited. He began to arrange all. He knew that once he used to call Rani for help in such cases but now it was over. He couldn’t call her. He knew what Rani used to admire so he kept them in same way. He knew that Rani was perfect in every way. But Rani wasn’t in love with him. He didn’t exactly feel sad. He could understand. She wanted someone different & special. They were not exactly dating. Actually they used to eat lunch in same hotel. That hotel was always full so they forced to share table. Then they began to chat. They were very friendly. Slowly their table got fixed. Sometimes even other people used to join them when there wasn’t free place. But as days went ahead & Rani kept coming on his table he began to assume something more than just normal friendship. He knew that it was his mistake. He started to feel that he could keep friendship. He could just call her for guidance. He immediately called her. Rani took call & said “ Sorry but I am busy.” He said in sweet voice “ Ohh it’s okay. I just called to tell you forget what I said in morning. It’s just wrong thinking.” She laughed & said “ I have already forgiven you.. I just started new project. It was so important for me.” He immediately apologised & disconnected call. He arranged canvas carefully. He wanted his room to be perfect.

         Sameer was waiting for long time. He already prepared tea & sandwiches. He decided to order more snacks only if needed. But that agent didn’t came. Then after sometime finally that agent came. He took breath of relief. He began to show canvas one after another. That agent kept watching. He didn’t understand if Agent was impressed or not. He just kept trying his best. Finally Agent reached to last canvas without asking for permission Agent opened it. He tried to tell “ It’s uncompleted painting!” Agent looked towards it carefully. Agent kept observing it for sometime. Then Agent took it in hands. He tried to object. “ What are you doing?” “ This one is best. I want it.” He wanted to argue but Agent was busy on mobile & soon his painting was in Agent’s car. Agent didn’t seem to interested in his suggestions. He was so angry. He was owner of that painting still Agent treated him like some servant. It was important for him to get respect so he screamed loudly “ It’s not finished yet.” Agent looked towards painting & said “ It’s okay. Buyer doesn’t have much skill in judging art. They would like colour & mysterious look then they would purchase it.” He wanted to stop Agent but he knew that it was not possible. That man never listened to any one if he thought that he could sell that thing. His Agent was stubborn person who kept doing all to get commission. Until now they never managed to sell his canvas so he was only desperate option for Agent. He smiled & said “ Bye.” He once again sat in his chair. He looked towards other canvases. So beautiful & pleasant! He felt as if he had brought heaven on earth. But then he felt so tense. He knew that now without Rani he couldn’t create that heaven again. She was important for him. He needed to paint canvas. He took out new empty one. Once again he began to paint. He selected bright & interesting colours. Each colour had new brightness & hope inside. He needed to create pleasant one on his colour pallet. Each colour supposed to make canvas alive. He wanted them to bring positive. But as he started to paint all became so different. He completed it but his heart was not happy. He was not feeling positive at all. He just completed it. Then he kept it aside. He wanted to destroy it but he couldn’t. He began to paint new canvas. He began to get fully involved. He kept painting one after another but none of them was bringing heaven on earth. He was so frustrated. He decided that he needed break. He decided to go to his routine hotel. He might meet Rani there. He wanted to apologise to her. When he was going out suddenly Agent came running. Agent “ I want another Canvas.” He was so frustrated. He didn’t want to argue. His Agent was his most trusted acquaintance. He couldn’t call his Agent friend since there was nothing pleasant when they meet each other. They just did business & Agent always did bossing. He just gave duplicate key of house to Agent. Agent asked happily “ I can take whatever I want?!” “ Yes surely! Be my guest.” Then he just vanished. He was more interested in talking with Rani. He just went out in hurry. He started walking towards hotel. He was restless on that day. He wanted to find his table empty. He took breath of relief when he found it. He sat on table & he waited. Soon waiter came, he had no option but to order his food. He ordered lunch. He waited when suddenly one man sat on chair opposite to him. He immediately wanted to stop. But then he sensed that all places were already gone. He wasn’t sure that Rani was coming so it seemed unfair to tell him not to sit. That man asked “ Can I sit here? Every chair is already occupied.” He nodded. He told himself that everything would be fine. Rani wasn’t coming. Then that man introduced himself as “ Sudhir.” Sudhir was talkative person. Sudhir kept telling about his life & he was just needed to nod. He liked it. He could keep doing it while watching out of window. Once again he started watching out of window. He knew that he was searching for Rani but soon he sensed that Rani wasn’t coming so he began to look towards nature. Sudhir “ You like watching nature?” “ Yes for hours.” “ Then you must visit my house once. It have full sea view.” He turned towards Sudhir with shock. He didn’t understand what he supposed to say. He couldn’t just go inside other person’s house. It was wrong. “ I can’t visit you like that.” Sudhir laughed & said “ I love chatting & my wife never stayed in home. I used to be manager of one shop. I fall in love with one customer. One day her father came. It was decided that I should marry her but I must not stop her from doing business. I suppose to take care of house & kids. I immediately agreed. After that I settled in her house. I live happy life. They might consider it as something low but it’s not. I enjoyed my life. On daily bases I took proper care of house & kids. My wife gave me full respect but now kids went away for education. Wife is busy so I really prefer some company. Now I don’t want to cheat my wife otherwise I might get thrown out of house.” Sudhir said it in such a way that Sameer didn’t feel it was joke. “ My only option is keep one dog or human friend. I don’t know much about dogs. I need to try one as pet one day but today I feel you can join me as friend. Are you ready?” Sameer wasn’t happy with this attitude.  He wasn’t ready to replace a dog. He stood & said “ I am getting late,” Sudhir nodded. Sudhir “ I will come tomorrow what about you?” “ I don’t come every day.” Sameer replied. Sameer was regular but he decided to skip coming there. He didn’t like Sudhir. He was so frustrated. His last chance of living happily his life was gone. Rani wasn’t going to come there & Sudhir was going to come every day. He decided that he needed to cook in his house or order from hotel for his house. He was so happy when he hoped to meet Rani. He was hoping at least he could relax in hotel but sadly he couldn’t. He returned to his home.

        Sameer was so upset. He wanted to return to his normal life but it was clear to him that it wasn’t going to happen. He needed to accept it. First he was struggling to accept that Rani wasn’t interested in friendship with him after his confession that he was in love with her. Now he couldn’t even go to that hotel. He didn’t want to remain locked in this house. He needed to go out. On that point his door bell rang. It was his brother. His brother always kept coming to stay with him. Sometimes he felt as if his sister-in-law literally threw her husband or his brother out of house by giving some excuse. His brother was truly a burden. No one liked his brother. But still they kept admiring his brother since his brother was useful for them. His brother always managed to do some trick which could please other people or convince them he did something great. Sometimes Sameer just wished only if he could sell this house. But Sameer couldn’t find suitable customer. He was searching for long time. His brother always managed to criticise his paintings. He didn’t want his brother to see them. His brother sat on one chair. His brother “ So how are you? Of course you still don’t need to feel tense like me. You are free to do whatever you want. You can go around & do all. You can even waste money.” He didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to start argument. He just kept looking towards canvas. Then he took out one canvas suddenly he sensed all his new canvas were missing. Clearly Agent took them. He didn’t like that idea. He took next canvas & suddenly he began to paint once again in his dark mood. He needed positivity in his life. But he had just negative. He stood. He decided to take walk. His brother tried to talk but he just ignored & went out. He was feeling so suffocated in that house. He went out. He began to search for place after searching a lot he found one tree under which he could stand & talk. He began to feel so stressed out by all. He needed positivity in his life. He called that Agent. Agent “ These paintings are good. But it’s hard to sell at good price. Still they will make you good artist.” He asked “ Can I visit Gallery?” “ Yes. Of course.” “ I am coming.” He immediately get in Gallery. He began to watch those paintings they were so unique & beautiful. He wanted to see that Canvas carefully. He wanted to smile happily. He began to sense that they were so different most importantly he didn’t remember painting them. It was so odd. He just began to feel so sick & nervous. He was standing on Air conditioned hall but still he began to sweat. He tried to clean his face. He began to sense his clothes were getting wet. He was so upset. He didn’t want to disturb Gallery’s clients. He slowly went in corner. On that point Agent came. Agent “ Are you alright?” “ Yes..yes.” “ You are sweating.” “ I am just fine.” He felt so uneasy. That Agent immediately called driver. “ My driver will take you to my Doctor.” “ I am just fine.” “ Don’t worry. I will manage all.” He didn’t say anything. He suddenly began to feel cold. He didn’t want to show it but anyone could see this. Soon Driver came & Sameer went with him. Sameer was so glad when finally he reached to Doctor. If he was dying he preferred it without pain & soon. He went in clinic. Doctor took him inside by number. Then Doctor checked him for sometime & in details. He was so scared. Finally he sat down against Doctor. He asked “ What happened?” “ You are fine. You are just too much scared or upset. What happened?” He felt so nervous. He knew that he didn’t have much option but to wait. He needed to calm down. He smiled sweetly. He slowly told all about Rani. Doctor smiled. Doctor “ I suggest one visit to psychiatrist.” “ I am just fine.” “ You need someone to discuss issue or it will complicate. You can ignore it but finally it will create trouble for you.” He began to get so restless. He said “ I am mentally sound.” Doctor laughed. “ My friend mentally sound people fall in love then their heart get broken when that person denied it’s common.” He nodded. Then he took card. He went down. He kept looking towards card. He threw in on road as he started going ahead. He began to feel uneasy again. He ran behind & started searching for card. Finally one person gave it to him. He thanked that person. Then he immediately called. He asked appointment of that day. But they were full so he needed to wait for two days. He agreed. When he returned home, his brother was taking rest. It seemed as if his brother owned that entire house & he was some homeless. He was so upset. He sensed one thing that he needed some Psychiatrist to move ahead in life, he told himself that he could wait for time until he didn’t get appointment. He told himself that he would be fine. He began to sense that he was so tense. He decided to avoid his brother as best as he could. He didn’t even went for lunch outside. He just kept ordering from hotel. Then finally day came when he supposed to go to psychiatrist. He was so glad. Whole time his brother was literally making him crazy. He wanted to act normal but he couldn’t. He needed help. He came one hour early for his appointment. He felt that it was better to sit there than at home with his brother. Finally his number came he went inside. He smiled towards Psychiatrist who returned his smile. He slowly began to tell his story to psychiatrist. Psychiatrist said “ It isn’t just your heart break. You are suffering from Anxiety too. In fact your brother is increasing your inferiority which is causing you anxiety. You start to feel nervous. Due to that nervousness you develop Anxiety which lead to this sickness. But you don’t need to worry. You will not need medicine. You came on time with counselling & relaxing exercises you will fine.” He nodded. After that his session started.

       Slowly Sameer began to feel positive then he began to paint on Canvas painting were still in new style but he remembered them very well. He didn’t need just those colours which had Rani’s approval. One day finally he went in old hotel. He saw Sudhir was sitting on table he always used. He decided to sit on it. Sudhir smiled & asked “ So you planned to come home with me!” “ No. I came near just for lunch.” Then he kept eating lunch without paying attention to Sudhir. Sudhir kept talking but he used his headphones to avoid listening to him. After sometime he even saw Rani but he didn’t look towards her. He knew that he couldn’t become just friend of a girl whom he once loved & he noticed that Rani was with one rich man. He sensed that this man might be her boyfriend or fiancee. Then he sensed that puppy belonged to him. Suddenly Sameer felt that it was possible that Rani broke up with him since she wanted to marry this rich man. She tricked him for this rich man. But then he remembered what Psychiatrist told him. It was over & he didn’t need to think about it so he just went away. He felt glad that he visited Psychiatrist & most importantly his treatment was over so he was trained to handle emotions so he went away from her without showing Anxiety & that was biggest success for him in his life. He needed to get over her.

                                           The End 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Poem. 7065. One step open new

                              One step open new 

One step open new day it can bring light if we have hope & positive hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new smile it can create path if we have dream & route hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new word it can give move if we have way & chapter hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new start it can show touch if we have smile & thought hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new move it can start spirit if we have touch & concept hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new path it can give hope if we have strength & light hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new step it can show appeal if we have hope & direction hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new route it can form touch if we have thought & shine hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new spirit it can give route if we have knowledge & path hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new touch it can bring word if we have chapter & move hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new hope it can create move if we have shine & strength hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new way it can show path if we have direction & hope hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new word it can start soul if we have thought & path hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new soul it can form step if we have concept & shine hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new dream it can create word if we have hope & thought hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new route it can show spirit if we have knowledge & soul hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new touch it can start move if we have appeal & smile hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new path it can give world if we have thought & step hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new shine it can show soul if we have touch & move hidden inside it have magic of mind

One step open new soul it can form route if we have strength & world hidden inside it have magic of mind.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Poem. 7064. Sky bring new feeling

                           Sky bring new feeling 

Sky bring new feeling to life start new thought which create path to strength of move in mind

Sky bring new feeling to way form new appeal which give touch to spirit of direction in mind

Sky bring new feeling to soul create new strength which show route to chapter of shine in mind 

Sky bring new feeling to world give new touch which start strength to dream of hope in mind

Sky bring new feeling to word show new route which create thought to shine of concept in mind

Sky bring new feeling to spirit start new direction which show word to strength of smile in mind

Sky bring new feeling to move create new knowledge which start soul to concept of hope in mind

Sky bring new feeling to strength form new path which create understanding to thought of way in mind

Sky bring new feeling to touch give new dream which form direction to knowledge of start in mind

Sky bring new feeling to light show new appeal which give strength to touch of world in mind

Sky bring new feeling to shine form new touch which show knowledge to soul of light in mind

Sky bring new feeling to thought start new path which start new shine to way of concept in mind

Sky bring new feeling to move give new light which create new soul to hope of direction in mind

Sky bring new feeling to world show new concept which form new route to thought of spirit in mind

Sky bring new feeling to soul create new knowledge which start new word to path of strength in mind

Sky bring new feeling to light start new chapter which give new appeal to world of way in mind

Sky bring new feeling to route give new smile which show new knowledge to path of soul in mind

Sky bring new feeling to path form new touch which start new direction to word of hope in mind

Sky bring new feeling to way show new smile which form new brightness to spirit of light in mind

Sky bring new feeling to move give new thought which show new chapter to soul of path in mind.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Poem. 7063. Sound of happiness bring

                   Sound of happiness bring 

Sound of happiness bring new feel to mind which start new direction to touch of soul that bring new light

Sound of happiness bring new path to mind which form new brightness to way of shine that open new light

Sound of happiness bring new word to mind which show new appeal to thought of spirit that start new light

Sound of happiness bring new move to mind which give new knowledge to way of direction that form new light

Sound of happiness bring new soul to mind which create new strength to route of concept that start new light

Sound of happiness bring new chapter to mind which form new start to appeal of move that show new light

Sound of happiness bring new thought to mind which give new soul to smile of appeal that create new light

Sound of happiness bring new world to mind that show new direction to path of shine that form new light

Sound of happiness bring new touch to mind that form new brightness to soul of concept that open new light

Sound of happiness bring new shine to mind that create new thought to shine of direction that give new light

Sound of happiness bring new smile to mind that start new touch to knowledge of step that show new light

Sound of happiness bring new dream to mind that form new route to chapter of path that start new light

Sound of happiness bring new hope to mind that create new strength to word of touch that form new light

Sound of happiness bring new world to mind that show new learning to move of thought that give new light

Sound of happiness bring new spirit to mind that form new direction to hope of strength that show new light

Sound of happiness bring new path to mind that create new strength to soul of chapter that start new light

Sound of happiness bring new way to mind that show new route to knowledge of spirit that form new light

Sound of happiness bring new smile to mind that form new world to direction of soul that give new light

Sound of happiness bring new route to mind that start new thought to concept of step that create new light.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Poem. 7062. Way of dream to thinking

                        Way of dream to thinking

Way of dream to thinking show new light to mind which start new direction to thought of life that form new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking start new chapter to mind which create new touch to strength of life that show new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking form new concept to mind which give new thought to shine of life that create new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking give new direction to mind which show new route to knowledge of life that start new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking create new knowledge to mind which start new path to touch of life that form new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking form new strength to mind which give new direction to smile of life that give new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking start new appeal to mind which create new spirit to touch of life that show new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking give new touch to mind which form new strength to move of life that create new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking show new route to mind which start new appeal to path of life that form new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking create new path to mind which give new knowledge to way of life that start new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking start new soul to mind which form new direction to shine of life that give new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking form new step to mind which create new touch to spirit of life that show new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking show new light to mind which give new soul to concept of life that form new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking give new touch to mind which start new route to direction of life that create new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking start new spirit to mind which form new smile to touch of life that show new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking create new hope to mind which give new light to world of life that start new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking form new shine to mind which show new route to path of life that create new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking give new strength to mind which create new hope to spirit of life that form new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking create new step to mind which form new light to direction of life that show new appeal to life

Way of dream to thinking show new touch to mind which give new thought to soul of life that create new appeal to life.

Poem. 7077. Word towards feeling

                          Word towards feeling  Word towards feeling which form new brightness to path that show new appeal to strength in m...