Saturday, July 6, 2024

Adventure story. 665. Alka's freedom

                                    Alka's freedom 

Alka began to think positively about different concept. She was so tense regarding interior of her home. She was doing it all. Normally her husband Ravi used to handle it. She never needed to manage it on her own. It was getting complicated for her. But Ravi insisted that she must do it. His parents were coming & someone needed to do interior of their house. Ravi said “ My Mom always kept complaining. You don’t need to take it personally. I will attend my parents just do interior of our house.” She nodded. She knew that was something all know. She knew that no one was going to blame her. Still she was scared. She wanted to make her perfect. She decided to call her Mom. But then she sensed that her Mom wasn’t there. Her Mom was gone to aboard. She began to get restless. Those worker were started their work. She needed to decide items. She needed to find which item would look suitable on which point. She was confused on price too. She was so tense. She didn’t want to increase budget too much. But suddenly she fall in love with one colour. She ordered it. Then she ordered sofa cum bed. She started decorating every wall of room step by step. Her entire house slowly became planned. She needed to take suggestions of Ravi. But she just ordered. Then she went in room where she decided to stay. She didn’t want to keep entire house empty. Ravi was not  coming. She knew that he was going to drink in bar & gamble. She was not in position to ask or question. It was his money so she couldn’t question. In a way she was happy that he went away for sometime. She was so stuck in her negative thoughts that she didn’t sense her mobile rang. She kept ignoring it. But then one worker pointed. She nodded & took call. “ Hello are you wife of Ravi?” “ Yes.” “ Well there is unfortunate incidence. Your husband was drinking in bar & he had heart attack.” She didn’t understand what she supposed to say. She just asked “ Where?” That man gave her address of hospital where they took Ravi. She thanked. She went out. She told all to contractor. That contractor looked upset. “ This very sad but we can’t leave work half complete?” She said slowly “ Just keep doing it. Complete Hall. I will arrange funeral in it. We can’t left all work half done.” That Contractor said “ We can’t complete Hall so quickly. Why don’t you arrange funeral somewhere else? Like some hall!” She nodded. She began to do inquiries. After lots of discussion she found one idea. Her Society members suggested to arrange all on ground of society. Secretary said “ You can do all in garden only. For other rituals you can get your house ready after seven days.” She thanked him. So she managed to arrange one funeral by herself. She didn’t understand what she supposed to feel. She would live alone in her house now. Since she didn’t have kids. But she was happy about it. She wanted to live alone. Ravi was not nice husband. But she didn’t understand how could she manage all. She thought that she might call her Mom. But then she decided against it. All came to show sorrows. All began to arrange everything. She was so confused. When she looked towards his body, she shivered. She didn’t like to see him at all. She didn’t want his memories. But she couldn’t say it. She needed to get his estate. She wanted to cry but she couldn’t. She was so confused. She kept looking towards her mobile when suddenly her brother appeared. Her brother Rakesh was just graduated. He came near her & said “ How did this happened?” She said “ Heart attack.” Then Rakesh looked around. He soon sensed that Ravi’s parents were not there. He asked “ Where are your in-laws?” She realised her mistake. She forgot to tell her in-laws. “ I forgot.” “ My God. We must not take body to funeral without waiting for parents. They must see their son for last time.” Rakesh immediately called Ravi’s parents. But ambulance was already waiting to take away body, Rakesh immediately called but they kept telling him that mobile was busy. Rakesh was so stressed. They couldn’t keep body in Society for long time. It was clear. He looked towards Alka. “ We need to call his parents.” Alka looked towards Secretary. She told him entire situation but Secretary said “ I can’t stop like that! Try to understand we can’t keep body here like this. You can take it in your home & keep as long as you want.” Alka “ What about morgue?” Secretary looked shocked. Secretary “ You need to ask ambulance but I suggest just permit them to burn it as they always do.” “ But his parents..” by that time they began to load body in Ambulance & it was taken away. After sometime finally her father-in-law called “ Where is Ravi?” She said “ He is dead.” Her father-in-law didn’t say anything for sometime then he asked “ When?” “ He was in bar he had heart attack. Rakesh was calling you & you don’t pick up call so they took away his body.” “ What? You are burning his body without my permission?” “ They were not ready to keep it in Society garden.” “ Did you killed him for property?” “ I was never went near him at time he died. I can’t do anything.” “ Then that bar did after taking money. I am filing Police complaint.” She didn’t know what she supposed to say. She just kept quiet. She was no longer interested even in stopping body. She felt that let Cops do whatever they feel right. She started to get unemotional about all. When she didn’t see anything her father-in-law started to call her murderer. He began to abuse her. She didn’t wanted to respond. She just kept quiet. Finally her father-in-law disconnected call. She slowly walked towards Society Secretary & told him everything. Entire Society looked shocked. One said “ Don’t burn body. Let them do post-mortem.” Society Secretary immediately called. She began to cry slowly. She felt all were looking towards her with anger. She said “ Sorry.” One woman said “ It was not your mistake. He was drinking too much.” Another added “ Even healthy people get heart attack.” “ Let them do post-mortem. It’s common that they didn’t want to give anything to widow.” First time she sensed that she was Widow. Finally she was widow. She sat on ground & started crying loudly.

       Alka was woke on her bed. She didn’t remember anything. But when she looked around she sensed that she was in her house. One room which had not started kept as her room. She was sleeping in it. She could hear voice of work. It was clear that they didn’t stop work. After all she needed a house to stay. She looked around. Then she saw one neighbour was sitting in chair. She immediately came towards Alka “ Your in-laws took away his body but Cops made it clear that post-mortem proved death was natural so just relax.” Alka just nodded. She wanted to depend on someone but she knew that Rakesh was working in a company. He got this job after trying hard. He needed to return to job. She knew that no one was going to come for her. She didn’t want to argue with her in-laws. But she knew that she needed money. Soon she received call from Cops. She agreed to go to Police station but they said that there was no case. She would inherited that house & some investments paper of them her in-laws would sent. Cop “ But they want body & they didn’t want you to keep any contact with them.” Alka immediately agreed. She wasn’t attached to any family member of her husband. She in fact didn’t kept any contact with them. They didn’t like Ravi that much. His one Auntie told her that Ravi & his parents never acted nicely with anyone. Even Ravi’s siblings were not attached to him. She didn’t understood cause. She married Ravi since her parents forced. She was becoming burden for them. She didn’t got bright future in world as per them so she supposed to just get married off to someone as soon as possible. She began to search but she didn’t find suitable man so she just decided to marry Ravi. She knew that she could have called her Mom but she had doubts if she was interested in her anymore. She was staying with her stepmom after divorce between her parents. Her stepmom was always sweet towards her but her father was boss of house. He was one who decided what was going to happen with her. Rakesh did job in the company her Dad selected. Her Dad was rich & influential man but her Dad never helped his children. He hated his children. He didn’t admire anyone except himself. But Rakesh kept admiring their Dad time to time so he slowly became favourite one. She felt so nervous by all this. She wanted to feel positive but things were not working in right way. She was feeling so nervous. Her mind had so much positivity in it but slowly it all vanished. Now she began to feel hopeful. She could begin her life again. She immediately began to think about her house. She was renovating it just for herself now. She laughed. She knew that she needed to change. She looked towards her clothes. She felt that they were so different. They were designed just to please Ravi. It was not for herself. She was wearing clothes just to please her husband. She didn’t want to take out clothes. They were not something she wanted. She kept looking towards them. Then she suddenly began to abuse loudly. She was so angry. She took out clothes & started to tearing clothes one by one. She began to feel so sad. She started to think her entire life was destroyed. She had nothing now. She looked in mirror. She found her face so different. It was that face which was scared of everyone. She hoped no one would call her now. Then her mobile rang. She sensed that it was Rakesh. She suddenly felt scared. She didn’t want her parents to come now. If her father came to live with her once again she became his servant. She could hear his screams. She was so scared. She didn’t thought about anything she just ran out. She began to walk on road. She didn’t sense what was happening to her & she didn’t care too. She just kept walking. She took her mobile with her. She knew that if she didn’t go back those who were working in house didn’t permit her parents inside but then her mobile rang. It was contractor. “ Madam where are you?” “ I need to go away I will send you money through bank.” “ Madam send it through internet banking.” She used to feel scared about it before but now she began to feel confident. She knew that no one was going to blame her. She immediately paid payment. She asked “ Is it okay?” Contractor said “ Just perfect.” Then after sometime her father called “ Where are you?” “ I am out of town.” “ You are such idiot & stupid girl. You never understand what you suppose to do. Come back.” “ No..l will not come.” “ What?” Her father started abusing her. She kept running. She didn’t care about anything now. She just kept saying one thing. “ I will not go back..” she kept walking. She was scared to turn back. She was no longer scared about night. She kept walking after sometime a Police car came, a lady Cop began to convince her to come with her. She started crying. She began to tell Cop that how did her father harassed her. Cop asked “ So you feel they are trying to target you for money.” “ Yes. Why else my father forced me to marry that man? Even his parents were always against me. They filed complaint that I tried to kill him for money. But I didn’t. You can see it in Police report.” Lady Cop took out information & saw complaint. That Lady Cop said “Let me talk with your in-laws.” “ Why did they help me?” “ Since they don’t want control of your father on that property.” She didn’t say anything. She was told to not contact with her in-laws. But Cop could do it. Cop talked with them. Finally her father-in-law decided to talk with her. Her father-in-law “ We will come to stay with you since we don’t like your father at all. But don’t expect any financial help from us. We will not take responsibility of your expenses. In fact we will stay for just sometime until your father don’t go away.” She agreed. But she was so scared. She never stayed with Ravi’s parents. They always appeared rough people to her. They never said one kind word to her & now she was going to stay with them but she didn’t want her father. She slowly said “ I just don’t want my father to have control.” “ Okay.” She gave mobile to Cop. Cop called her father “ Your daughter isn’t missing she was with her in-laws. She was doing patch up. Soon she will come back with them. It will be better if you go away or stay in hotel since her in-laws doesn’t want to see your face.” She didn’t understand what her father said but Cop told her to wait for sometime. Cop didn’t want her to meet her father. Alka was happy to do it. It wasn’t pleasant idea for her. Still she was ready to take risk.

          Alka was so nervous. Alka slowly went in her house. She saw her in-laws were sitting outside. When she came they looked happy. Her mother-in-law said “ Now we will leave.” “ But what if my father came back.” “ We told him that we are staying with you until interior don’t complete.” “ But if he came..” her father-in-law slowly gave one card. “ We are sorry that we acted in wrong way. Your entire Society told us your situation. We knew that our son drink sometimes but don’t know so much. This is happening due to stress. We are responsible for it too. This happens to many widows.” Her mother-in-law “ Visit this psychiatrist & you will learn to fight back.” Alka was so confused but she nodded. Then her father-in-law called Psychiatrist & took appointment of next day. Then her father-in-law told her in strict voice “ You must go there tomorrow. I will call Psychiatrist to confirm.” She nodded. She was so upset but she didn’t want to argue with her in-laws. She needed them to keep pretending that they were staying with her. So she agreed. When she entered in her house. She sensed hall was half done. It was looking so beautiful. She kept watching it’s every wall with affection. She loved it’s decoration. She felt that she had created her perfect world. She didn’t want her father to enter in it. She decided that she needed to visit psychiatrist to please her in-laws. She cooked food just for her. When workers entered she told contractor she needed to go. He told that he would take care of all. She found that address & went there. She knew that she needed to complete that appointment to get help of her father-in-law. She went inside when her number came. She told Psychiatrist all. Then she asked “ Will you help me to get help of my father-in-law?” Psychiatrist smiled. “ By end of this treatment you will not need help. You will answer back your father & settle down.” She felt so tense. She didn’t have option so she needed. Then she talked with Psychiatrist for some hours. Psychiatrist fixed next appointment. She didn’t needed medicines. She smiled happily. But when she came back home, she was so shocked. Her father was back in her house already began to dominate all. She was so scared. She didn’t say anything. She didn’t eat. Her father kept screaming on her non stop. She began to get so stressed. She didn’t understand what she could do. She was crying when her in-laws came. Her in-laws started screaming on her parents. Entire Society gathered. Everyone began to target her father for trying to take over flat. Finally her parents needed to go out. She didn’t feel relaxed after it. She was so scared. She started shivering. Her entire body began to shake like leaf. Her in-laws felt scared. They called Doctor but Doctor suggested to go to Psychiatrist. They told name. Then Doctor asked “ Did you call Psychiatrist?” She said while controlling her shivering “ I just came from Psychiatrist.” “ How long you are taking treatment?” “ It’s first appointment.” “ How can you expect to get cured so soon?” Her mother-in-law “ This is part of mental illness?” “ Of course.” Then Doctor stood up & took payment of visit & told “ Call Psychiatrist.” Then they called Psychiatrist who told medicine for two days & called her after two days. Slowly her shivering stopped. She went to sleep. Even in her sleeping she was talking about her father. Her in-laws began to get tense. Her father-in-law “ Why did we came to here? We don’t need to tolerate this. I don’t want to take care of this girl.” “ So you want her father to own this house? It’s our son’s house. Just trust me. I have better plan to your nephew Tarun will marry her & then it will stay in family.” Her in-laws smiled. Alka kept taking medicines for two days. Then she visited Psychiatrist. She began to feel relaxed by positive thoughts. She was so happy. She went home. Her in-laws began to arrange all. She suddenly sensed that they were changing all. Alka screamed loudly “ Why you changed it?” “ Because this is perfect!” Her mother-in-law told angrily. She screamed “ Just go out of my house.” “ Then your father will come!” “ Don’t worry I will take care.” Her father-in-law immediately jumped with joy. “ Great let’s go.” Her mother-in-law gave angry look but she couldn’t find any way so she declared “ I was planning for your marriage but no one need mad daughter-in-law like you.” Alka said “ So right! Go away.” Finally they went away. Then she called her father & told him “ If you ever irritate me I will throw you out I told it to security never come here.” Her father “ How dare you talk like this! Who will take care of you? “ “ I will do all by myself. No need to I interfere in my life.” She disconnected call. After that she told Security to deny her every visitor unless she invited. She kept taking treatment slowly all became normal for her. Her entire house began to look nice & pleasant. She was so happy. She knew her father would try to come. But she kept telling him that she didn’t want him to come. One day he came but she didn’t feel any fear towards him. She talked to him nicely. She permitted him to stay as guest for sometime then she told him to return. She said it in such determination that he returned to home. She never called her real mother again but she invited her step mother alone sometimes. She went there just took her step mother & came with her. If her father tried to come she managed to go on picnic so he just saw empty house & returned. Slowly her treatment stopped. She didn’t thought of remarriage. She didn’t want to think about it. She permitted time to decide what it had in destiny for her. If she fall in love then she would remarry but not without love. She was determined to never stuck in marriage without love.

                                       The End

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