Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Poem. 7033. To start of life

                                 To start of life 

Shine will bring new touch which form new appeal to step of mind that open new direction to start of life

Shine will bring new soul which create new path to strength of mind that show new route to start of life

Shine will bring new move which show new route to chapter of mind that start new knowledge to start of life

Shine will bring new path which start new touch to spirit of mind that form new world to start of life

Shine will bring new way which form new brightness to way of mind that show new soul to start of life

Shine will bring new step which create new light to strength of mind that give new appeal to start of life

Shine will bring new word which show new thought to step of mind that create new touch to start of life

Shine will bring new light which start new direction to route of mind that form new dream to start of life

Shine will bring new spirit which form new appeal to way of mind that show new thought to start of life

Shine will bring new strength which give new hope to dream of mind that create new route to start of life

Shine will bring new appeal which show new touch to spirit of mind that form new brightness to start of life

Shine will bring new smile which form new brightness to path of mind that show new move to start of life

Shine will bring new hope which start new light to thought of mind that create new spirit to start of life

Shine will bring new world which give new touch to chapter of mind that form new route to start of life

Shine will bring new concept which create new light to direction of mind that give new chapter to start of life

Shine will bring new light which form new smile to strength of mind that show new route to start of life

Shine will bring new strength which show new route to chapter of mind that start new word to start of life

Shine will bring new smile which start new appeal to concept of mind that create new light to start of life

Shine will bring new hope which create new light to dream of mind that show new thought to start of life

Shine will bring new route which form new soul to step of mind that start new touch to start of life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Poem. 7032. Spirit of hope bring new

                        Spirit of hope bring new

Spirit of hope bring new light open new world to thinking of hope that start new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new route open new route to learning of step that form new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new dream open new touch to meaning of move that give new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new touch open new soul of understanding of start that create new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new path open new step of thinking of direction that show new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new smile open new word of learning of path that form new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new route open new appeal of feeling of path that create new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new move open new concept of meaning of route that show new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new appeal open new move of understanding of step that start new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new world open new path of learning of route that form new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new shine open new touch of meaning of move that create new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new step open new route of thinking of soul that form new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new route open new shine of learning of hope that show new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new move open new world of meaning of step that start new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new touch open new step of feeling of chapter that give new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new path open new concept of thinking of route that show new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new shine open new move of understanding of concept that give new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new step open new world of meaning of smile that bring new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new route open new soul of learning of touch that create new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new shine open new start of feeling of way that show new thought to life

Spirit of hope bring new world open new direction of thinking of soul that form new thought to life.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Poem. 7031. I start to smile even

                          I start to smile even

I start to smile even when thing doesn't go my way I feel I learn to enjoy life since it's precious gift for my mind

I start to smile even when route doesn't distribute my shine I understand path since it's precious spirit for my mind

I start to smile even when path doesn't give my hope I start to learn to feel happy since it's precious move for my mind

I start to smile even when soul doesn't create my touch I form direction to dream since it's precious step for my mind

I start to smile even when step doesn't start my appeal I give knowledge to touch since it's precious word for my mind

I start to smile even when world doesn't form my shine I create appeal to word since it's precious route for my mind

I start to smile even when chapter doesn't give my path I show thought to move since it's precious spirit for my mind

I start to smile even when strength doesn't show my touch I feel concept to path since it's precious step for my mind

I start to smile even when thought doesn't create my world I give direction to step since it's precious soul for my mind

I start to smile even when soul doesn't form my knowledge I show strength to word since it's precious route for my mind

I start to smile even when shine doesn't give my hope I create knowledge to touch since it's precious path for my mind

I start to smile even when path doesn't show my touch I show appeal to chapter since it's precious dream for my mind

I start to smile even when move doesn't create my world I feel path to soul since it's precious direction for my mind

I start to smile even when appeal doesn't form my way I form chapter to route since it's precious move for my mind

I start to smile even when word doesn't give my light I create knowledge to world since it's precious step for my mind

I start to smile even when touch doesn't start my appeal I show direction to path since it's precious route for my mind

I start to smile even when thought doesn't give my hope I form strength to shine since it's precious path for my mind

I start to smile even when spirit doesn't show my touch I give appeal to route since it's precious hope for my mind

I start to smile even when move doesn't form my knowledge I show touch to spirit since it's precious route for my mind 

I start to smile even when path doesn't create my world I feel concept to world since it's precious start for my mind.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Poem. 7030. Touch of hope start new day

                     Touch of hope start new day

Touch of hope start new day of life which show world in different way on each step of life which start new thought of mind

Touch of hope start new day of move which form chapter in different route on each way of life which form new appeal of mind

Touch of hope start new day of path which create world in different thought on each move of life which give new smile of mind

Touch of hope start new day of route which give knowledge in different step on each step of life which show new light of mind

Touch of hope start new day of path which form direction in different route on each path of life which form new dream of mind

Touch of hope start new day of appeal which show strength in different touch on each way of life which start new shine of mind

Touch of hope start new day of thought which create appeal in different world on each route of life which give new spirit of mind

Touch of hope start new day of chapter which give touch in different soul on each path of life which create new route of mind

Touch of hope start new day of concept which form strength in different step on each route of life which form new step of mind

Touch of hope start new day of direction which show smile in different start on each touch of life which start new soul of mind

Touch of hope start new day of strength which create step in different move on each path of life which create new step of mind

Touch of hope start new day of shine which form knowledge in different way on each step of life which form new direction of mind

Touch of hope start new day of route which show chapter in different soul on each chapter of life which start new strength of mind

Touch of hope start new day of hope which give direction in different step on each concept of life which give new appeal of mind

Touch of hope start new day of route which create strength in different way on each move of life which show new knowledge of mind

Touch of hope start new day of soul which form appeal in different path on each thought of life which start new direction of mind

Touch of hope start new day of chapter which show route in different move on each step of life which form new appeal of mind

Touch of hope start new day of thought which give smile in different step on each shine of life which give new knowledge of mind

Touch of hope start new day of shine which create path in different move on each route of life which show new thought of mind

Touch of hope start new day of soul which form strength in different way on each path of life which start new route of mind.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Adventure story. 668. The Shop

                                      The Shop

Tanuja was watching carefully how did her Mom was cooking. She was very attentive about it. Her Mom was great cook & she liked cooking too. But then she sensed after some time that she began to lose interest. Once she was so involved in cooking. She used to spend her hours in cooking. But now she began to feel bored but she didn’t showed it to her Mom. Her Mom had small business. Her Mom had one shop where she sold homemade products. Her Mom was nice cook. She kept many things. Tanuja used to visit her Mom’s shop daily. She used to admire it. She appreciated her Mom’s work. Mom tried to keep just items which she cooked at beginning but soon her Mom sensed that it was impossible to feel entire shop with only her items. She needed to add some products. She needed to shock goods. Her Mom slowly began to do inquiries. Slowly her Mom began to collect home made items of other household people too. Most of them were poor. So her Mom became big source of income for them. Her Mom was admired by them. Most importantly they wanted her Mom to continue her cooking. It was important for her. She felt so happy when she used to go in that shop as child. It was lots of fun for her. She used to work hard to sell those products. She used to do many crafts with pretty design in school. Then she used to decorate that shop with it. She took complete responsibility of arranging items. She decorated shop personally. Every day after school she used to insist on her father to arrange someone who could drop her in Mom’s shop. Her Dad used to get angry. Her Dad used to tell her “ Tanuja that shop is not our source of income! My job is. I need to pay attention to my job otherwise we will be without food on table.” She used to get so upset by all. She wanted to think positively about her Mom’s shop. But mostly father used to change his tune. Her Dad immediately started to appreciate her hope. Her Dad always managed to send someone. She went in that shop every day, She decorated it’s every corner of that shop. She created it in her best way. She was so happy while doing it. She remembered that how did daily she used to come. She came even during examination time. When she came on that time, she was big enough to catch hired vehicle so her Dad was not needed to come. She was so obsessed that she came in shop even on day of final exam. Her Mom was so angry. Her Mom kept screaming on her. But she didn’t care. That shop was heaven. Then she joined college. She was coming in shop daily but one day her teacher started to make play for college function. She was not planning to join auditions but her lecture was canceled & they had one extra hour before next. She felt so tense & nervous. She wanted to feel positive but she was totally negative about theatre. Her parents didn’t like it. But when auditions started she began to take interest, she decided to try some dialogue. She began to practice & slowly she took on stage. She didn’t sense when she got there in excitement. Actually she was standing there & entire scene was nice but that actress kept speaking wrong lines. She felt as if her life depended on that play. She just got on stage without second thought & said “ Let me show you.” Then she stood with remaining actors & said that line with perfect emotion. After she completed she turned to look towards that actress. That actress was running out of auditorium while crying. She sensed that entire audience was clapping for her. She got that role. She didn’t understand how did she supposed to react. After that she started participating In every play. She started getting famous & managed to get good roles. She told her parents about it but they didn’t pay much attention to it. They didn’t feel that she had future in acting. She was slowly began to get more involved in it. After that slowly people began to invite her to other clubs. She liked it. She got place in every club. She became famous girl. She was in every activity. Her life was so busy & she was happy about it. But she kept going in shop. Soon even her friends began to come in shop. Her Mom offered them jobs which they could do after college for few hours of evening. It was nice idea. Everyone was interested in trying to sell. She never thought that all her friends would consider job of salesman or saleswoman in shop was so nice. But they all felt that way. She knew that many of her friends were already working in shop. She didn’t wanted it but she couldn’t stop them. Now that shop became important to all. She knew that once she was popular by herself but now all started admiring her Mom. They began to say that her Mom did all. Everyone was admiring her Mom’s shop. When they began to admire she started to discouraged by it. She was becoming just shadow of her Mom. They needed her Mom’s help by getting something from shop. It might be job or some other product at cheap discount. They did all on purpose. But she didn’t sensed at beginning. She just thought that she was less than her Mom. She felt so sad. She began to feel all wanted her to become friend just since they wanted contact with her Mom. She wanted to stop going in that shop. But she knew that it was too late after all she took responsibility of shop. She didn’t want to stay under shadow of her Mom. When Mom was cooking, she said loudly “ Mom I am getting late. I need to do some work.” Her Mom gave her angry look. It was part of luck that her Mom didn’t spill contents on floor. Her Mom said “ You can go. No one wanted to force you to stop here.” She felt more angry. She sensed once again she was not needed. She went out. She didn’t want to hurt her Mom. She began to get restless. She decided that she would go to some group. But when she began to talk she sensed no one wanted to arrange group meetings. They all said same thing. It was time consuming & costly. They needed her only when they wanted to do play & it was not going to happen again & again. She was not even part of inter college competition. That play was done by senior students. She hoped next time she would get chance to enter in that play. She sensed that she didn’t have much option so she decided to go home & study. She didn’t want to enter in that shop anymore.

     Tanuja opened door with her key. She was so upset & scared that she needed to stay in her home alone. She wanted to find somewhere to go. She loved going out to functions. She loved giving speeches. She liked taking flowers as good will gesture then she loved debates. She enjoyed it so much. She knew that few people didn’t like debates. They turned in to arguments but she loved them. She liked to keep debating for hours. Sadly since people didn’t like them as she did so college avoided them. She was feeling so stressed out by everything. She wanted to feel every thing with positive attitude. But she couldn’t. She was no longer famous due to her skills & her beauty but due to that shop. She was so upset on that point her mobile rang. She slowly took it. It was her friend Ravi. “ So are you in shop?” “ know very well how much I hate it.” He didn’t say anything nervously. It was so stressful. She wanted to find positivity in her life but it was not happening. She said “ I am tired of that shop.” She didn’t like that shop anymore that was truth. She began to hate it but she couldn’t tell it to others. She knew that her parents & her friends assumed that she loved it. She continued “ It’s so hard to explain my family. I began to hate going in that shop. Once I use to love it.” “ I know daily you use to go there. My Mom use to drop you when she use to take me to that class! I use to hate studying in that class. I use to envy you. I use to think only if I can have one.” She smiled to herself. “ That shop was beautiful so unique. My entire world was stuck in that shop. I use to imagine daily that one day I will enter in that shop & run in it as per my wish. But as I grown up I sensed I can’t do that! I can’t just introduce new item or I can’t shift things as per my wants. I need to do all as per servants instructions!” “ Come on! They know better than you. They are more experienced.” “ Experience! My foot! I am boss. They supposed to obey me but they are just taunting me. You must come one day & see..” “ I know but you own that shop. You need to love it.” “ No.. I don’t love it! That’s the truth. I hate that shop.” She began to cry. Ravi didn’t say anything. It was so stressful. Ravi slowly said “ It’s truly sad thing. You got one shop & you don’t want it.” Then she sensed that what she just confessed. It was truth but she didn’t want her parents to know. She was getting big pocket money all luxuries on demand since they felt that she would take care of shop. All felt so sure about it. She didn’t understand if she did right thing by confessing all to Ravi. She decided to take u-turn. “ It’s okay. Slowly I will begin to work in that shop my way.” Ravi seemed so pleased by that suggestion. Ravi was smiling. She could sense that by his voice. There was one bond between them. She didn’t understand what should be it’s name. It could be named by any relationship but they were relaxed with each other & that was important. She was so sure that she couldn’t fool him but he was pretending too. She knew that it was for just few seconds he would come back to old point. Ravi “ I am so happy that you like is so beautiful like heaven. Do you remember how does we use to play there?” She laughed. “ Yes you use to come daily after that class in shop then for hours we use to irritate customers.” “ Hey! We use to sell products to customers. I miss those days…” he didn’t say anything but she knew that now he would come back on track. Ravi “ Do you really like that shop? You don’t need to pretend before me. Tell me the fact.” She slowly began to tell truth “ At beginning I use to love it. I really loved it. I created so many things inside it. I mean my crafts & my dreams. But then slowly I begin to sense it belong to Mom. Mom loved cooking. I use to do with her but I always face odd criticism for it. I mean I deserve admiration but instead I got criticism. My Dad & all people around me kept telling me that shop was useless. They began to tell me how useless I have become due to that shop. Instead of spending my hours on it. They want me to find some other course. They want me to find a job which will make them rich.” She stopped talking. She suddenly began to feel she was talking too much.” Then she heard odd try of breathing from other side. Voice came from mobile was strange “ You ungrateful daughter. You don’t deserve any happiness.” She was so shocked. She never felt so upset by anything. She screamed on mobile “ Why you talk like that with me Ravi?” Suddenly she felt strange cold touch around her. She looked behind. Photo frame of her Grandma was watching her. She sensed that it was not pleasant look any more. She looked towards her nervously. On that point she sensed that lips of her Grandma’s photo frame started moving. It began to talking. “ You killed me.” She shivered. It was so scary. Her Grandma was talking with her. She knew that it was not possible. On that point she heard loud voice of Ravi. “ What happened? I don’t say anything upsetting.” She wanted to tell him all but she was too scared. He might consider her mad. She didn’t want to go to Psychiatrist. She was not mad. She slowly said “ Ohh I was talking with maid. Let me finish conversation with her..” “ I understand. Call me when you have time. Remember I am always there for you.” “ Thanks.” She immediately disconnected call. It was so stressful. She just needed to sleep. She knew it. She was so upset. She told herself that she needed to control her mind. Her Grandma couldn’t blame her after death. She slowly went towards her bed. Then she took relaxing breathes & smiled sweetly. She sat on bed. Then she looked around in her room. Every thing was same but she was no longer feeling same. She didn’t understand her fear but it was there & she couldn’t deny it. She closed her eyes tight & tried to relax her soul. 

      Tanuja’s Mom began to feel so nervous. She was observing something was not right with Tanuja. Tanuja didn’t like to visit shop. This shop was obsession of her Mom but her Mom knew that no one else appreciated it. Tanuja’s friends started admiring it. Mom felt that Tanuja would feel better about it too. After all entire family was criticising shop & Tanuja was supporting it. But now Tanuja hated it. Mom didn’t mind. But Mom had feeling that Tanuja had some different issues too. Tanuja was not smiling. Tanuja used to enjoy life but Tanuja was not enjoying it. When Mom tried to discuss it with Dad, Dad immediately blamed shop. So Mom was planning to sell shop to one employee. This way shop would survive. Mom didn’t want her employees to become jobless. Mom wanted someone to manage it. So Mom began to discuss with her employee but suddenly her employee said “ Sorry Madam I found another job. I don’t want loan & entire responsibility.” Mom was so shocked. It seemed like backstabbing but Mom couldn’t say it. Mom told already to Dad that she had buyer. Mom smiled nervously & nodded. She began to get so tense. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do. Tanuja’s Mom needed someone who could purchase that shop. She began to get tense. Tanuja’s Mom started to become nervous now. She needed buyer as soon as possible. On that day she didn’t find much option so she returned home. She slowly opened door of house. She was expecting Tanuja in hall watching TV. But Tanuja was not there. Tanuja was always full of energy so it felt so odd. Mom began to search for her. Mom was shocked that Tanuja was sleeping. She could see that there was strange expression on Tanuja’s face. Tanuja was sweating. Mom went inside to check temperature. But Mom sensed that it was too high. Mom immediately went to medicine cabinet & Mom took out medicine to reduce temperature. Then Mom woke Tanuja up. Tanuja began to talk about Shop. Tanuja “ I must go in shop otherwise Grandma will punish me.” On that moment her Dad came in room. Dad asked with fear “ What happened?” Mom “ She is having high fever. Let’s take her to Doctor.” Dad immediately got ready with car keys. They sat in Doctor’s clinic whole time Tanuja was talking about shop. Dad kept giving angry look to Mom then finally he asked “ When you are selling that shop?” “ Very soon. We need just that loan.” Mom lied. Dad nodded happily. They took Tanuja inside. Doctor checked her again & again. Doctor “ Why she is talking about shop?” “ Actually she doesn’t want to run it but we already plan to sell it.” Doctor nodded but Doctor didn’t look convinced. Doctor “ I don’t feel it’s just about shop. I don’t understand what is happening with her. I give you some medicines to reduce fever but she needed further treatment. She is getting this fever due to some fear.” She was feeling so sick. Her temperature was increasing. Tanuja was so scared that she might vomit there. She kept telling herself to calm down. Then they came back home. She immediately ran to bathroom. She kept feeling uneasy but nothing was happening. She was feeling so odd. She looked towards her face in mirror. She was looking so different. She was looking too pale. She was looking aged. She was so tense. She started washing her face but her parents stopped her. Mom “ You have high fever. You must go to sleep.” She felt so nervous. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. Tanuja once again slept on bed. Dad confirmed that she was sleeping & called her Mom out. Dad took tight hold of her Mom’s hand. Her Mom said “ Stop it. It’s paining.” Her Dad screamed “ I want money of that shop. Bring that check.” “ But..” “ I will keep it in our joint account if you want you can do Fixed Deposit but you must get something out of that shop.” Mom just nodded. “ Until now you have just wasted.” Mom didn’t say anything. Mom was so nervous on that point Tanuja’s mobile rang. Mom saw that it was call of Ravi. Mom pointed to Dad “ His Mom is good friend.” “ Okay..okay” Dad went in bedroom. Mom took call & told Ravi everything. Then Ravi told Tanuja’s Mom how much Tanuja hated shop. Mom took it as opportunity to search for buyer & explained all. Ravi immediately began to explain how much he was interested in buying. So it was fixed. Tanuja’s Mom was so happy. Next day Tanuja’s fever was gone. It vanished same way as it came. Tanuja got ready to go to college. Her Mom decided to go to lawyer to discuss deals. Mom didn’t tell her about it. Mom was just too tired. Mom no longer wanted to tolerate abuses in name of that shop. So when Tanuja went in college, slowly step by step Mom completed entire procedure of selling shop. Then one day Mom gave check to Dad. Tanuja was so happy that she finally got rid of shop. Her Dad was also on top of world. Tanuja went happily in her room but suddenly she sensed someone was behind. She turned & saw that it was her Grandma. “ Do you remember Tanuja what you did?” Tanuja said sweetly “ It was my mistake.” “ No you wanted me to die since your Dad wanted money from shop. Your Dad told you to remove that slipper. You wanted me to fall & die. You did it. Then you got shop in Mom’s name. You went there since you were scared that I might come to you. Now you don’t feel scared anymore..” Tanuja began to feel so scared. She began to apologise loudly. Then she heard “ Tell Cops.” Her Grandma was looking like something from horror movie. She was so scared. She could feel that liquid on her body when her Grandma touched her. Tanuja screamed loudly & ran outside. She began to search for Cop & confessed all. It was so stressful. Cop was so confused. Then Cop told her to come in Police station. She kept repeating it again & again. She didn’t want to see her Grandma again. Then finally Lady Cop took her in lock up. She sat there. On that point she sensed that what she had done in her madness. She wanted to lie but she couldn’t her Grandma would hurt her. Her parents came to see her. Soon her Dad was arrested too. Her Mom never came to visit her but her Dad came & abused her for dragging her in every matter. It was painful for her. But she couldn’t turn back on her statement. She was more scared of her Grandma than any jail. She kept sitting & crying inside jail. When Tanuja’s Mom called Ravi after completion on deal Ravi told her “ Auntie you can come to shop every day. It still belong to you. I just wish only if I had Mom like you. My Mom never appreciates me. I want to see you in shop every day to sense I am not unworthy.” “ No Ravi you are the best..” after some day Tanuja shifted to Psychiatrical Hospital. She needed mental treatment. Her guilt managed to create delusions. She was making herself less guilty by working in shop but soon her true face came out & she started to follow different dreams then once again her guilt came out which created that ghost. She also managed to arrest her Dad since she was child at time of crime so it was all done by her Dad. Decision of her life was not taken by Court. But she was already declared guilty by her own subconscious mind.

                                      The End 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Poem. 7029. Light from feeling

                            Light from feeling

Light from feeling which start new smile towards path that give route to concept to mind

Light from feeling which show new shine towards soul that create way to direction to mind

Light from feeling which give new appeal towards route that start word to chapter to mind

Light from feeling which create new move towards step that form strength to route to mind

Light from feeling which form new soul towards hope that start dream to word to mind

Light from feeling which show new step towards way that give knowledge to feel to mind

Light from feeling which start new chapter towards soul that form strength to world to mind

Light from feeling which give new spirit towards move that create path to smile to mind

Light from feeling which create new touch towards step that show light to appeal to mind

Light from feeling which show new route towards hope that give direction to path to mind

Light from feeling which start new smile towards shine that form concept to hope to mind

Light from feeling which form new path towards move that create strength to way to mind

Light from feeling which give new route towards touch that start direction to spirit to mind

Light from feeling which create new move towards dream that show strength to route to mind

Light from feeling which show new dream towards step that give knowledge to word to mind

Light from feeling which start new way towards soul that create appeal to move to mind

Light from feeling which form new route towards step that show touch to concept to mind

Light from feeling which give new soul towards dream that start path to thought to mind

Light from feeling which show new word towards shine that form hope to chapter to mind

Light from feeling which create new touch towards route that create smile to direction to mind.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Poem. 7028. Move of knowledge open

                         Move of knowledge open 

Move of knowledge open new route that form new brightness to path which give new way to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new soul that give new thought to concept which create new appeal to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new word that bring new route to smile which form new light to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new light that show new hope to shine which create new step to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new shine that open new world to spirit which show new smile to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new hope that form new direction to start which give new touch to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new path that start new light to touch which form new word to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new step that create new appeal to word which start new concept to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new shine that open new strength to soul which show new thought to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new dream that show new appeal to step which create new start to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new hope that start new thought to route which form new brightness to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new touch that open new smile to thought which give new hope to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new shine that bring new route to chapter which start new light to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new word that create new appeal to path which show new shine to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new chapter that give new strength to way which start new touch to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new spirit that form new world to smile which show new dream to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new concept that show new thought to step which form new world to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new world that open new chapter to shine which give new soul to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new dream that start new smile to concept which show new route to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new thought that form new brightness to path which start new light to feeling of mind

Move of knowledge open new soul that create new strength to word which form new smile to feeling of mind.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Poem. 7027. One way start new

                          One way start new 

One way start new world with spirit of hope which bring new light that start new day of thinking & life

One way start new thought with route of step which bring new dream that form new way of learning & life

One way start new knowledge with soul of world which bring new hope that give new appeal of meaning & life

One way start new direction with step of strength which bring new route that show new touch of feeling & life

One way start new strength with word of concept which bring new shine that create new path of understanding & life

One way start new smile with route of shine which bring new appeal that show new dream of thinking & life

One way start new concept with step of light which bring new knowledge that form new direction of learning & life

One way start new chapter with hope of thought which bring new spirit that give new light of meaning & life

One way start new touch with smile of concept which bring new step that create new move of feeling & life

One way start new shine with strength of soul which bring new smile that show new appeal of thinking & life

One way start new appeal with touch of shine which bring new route that create new spirit of learning & life

One way start new hope with direction of spirit which bring new thought that form new move of understanding & life

One way start new dream with appeal of step which bring new shine that give new route of meaning & life

One way start new smile with thought of move which bring new step that show new appeal of feeling & life

One way start new soul with route of chapter which bring new spirit that create new word of learning & life

One way start new touch with path of direction which bring new shine that form new smile of thinking & life

One way start new shine with spirit of knowledge which bring new route that give new shine of meaning & life

One way start new step with concept of appeal which bring new strength that form new path of feeling & life

One way start new touch with step of dream which bring new light that create new word of thinking & life

One way start new shine with word of hope which bring new knowledge that show new light of meaning & life.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Poem. 7026. Move to light that

                             Move to light that 

Move to light that start new direction towards word which form new brightness to appeal to life

Move to light that form new strength towards soul which create new knowledge to appeal to life

Move to light that show new route towards shine which start new understanding to appeal to life

Move to light that give new dream towards hope which show new strength to appeal to life

Move to light that create new touch towards step which form new concept to appeal to life

Move to light that start new concept towards route which give new feeling to appeal to life

Move to light that form new meaning towards knowledge which start new touch to appeal to life

Move to light that give new world towards smile which show new direction to appeal to life

Move to light that show new thought towards way which create new spirit to appeal to life

Move to light that create new shine towards touch which start new learning to appeal to life

Move to light that form new soul towards thought which give new knowledge to appeal to life

Move to light that start new route towards world which form new strength to appeal to life

Move to light that give new path towards shine which create new thought to appeal to life

Move to light that show new spirit towards chapter which form new brightness to appeal to life

Move to light that create new word towards spirit which give new concept to appeal to life

Move to light that form new soul towards strength which show new start to appeal to life

Move to light that give new hope towards concept which create new touch to appeal to life

Move to light that start new route towards direction which form new path to appeal to life

Move to light that create new way towards world which show new smile to appeal to life

Move to light that show new thought towards spirit which start new concept to appeal to life

Move to light that form new brightness towards soul which give new dream to appeal to life.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Poem. 7025. Day start dream will bring

                  Day start dream will bring 

Day start dream will bring new knowledge to feel of mind that form new brightness to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new appeal to move of mind that create new chapter to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new thought to light of mind that show new strength to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new concept to shine of mind that give new direction to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new move to route of mind that start new world to spirit of life 

Day start dream will bring new touch to feeling of mind that create new learning to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new world to chapter of mind that form new direction to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new route to strength of mind that give new concept to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new path to concept of mind that show new hope to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new word to appeal of mind that create new thought to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new route to smile of mind that start new learning to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new soul to thought of mind that form new brightness to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new chapter to light of mind that show new shine to spirit of life 

Day start dream will bring new touch to path of mind that give new understanding to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new concept to shine of mind that form new strength to spirit of life 

Day start dream will bring new world to step of mind that create new direction to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new appeal to soul of mind that show new learning to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new smile to strength of mind that give new route to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new chapter to light of mind that create new understanding to spirit of life

Day start dream will bring new light to direction of mind that show new hope to spirit of life.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Poem. 7024. Sound of step bring

                           Sound of step bring

Sound of step bring new move to thought of life which show new touch to mind

Sound of step bring new start to chapter of life which create new path to mind

Sound of step bring new word to direction of life which form new appeal to mind

Sound of step bring new light to concept of life which start new thought to mind

Sound of step bring new way to world of life which give new knowledge to mind

Sound of step bring new touch to direction of life which create new route to mind

Sound of step bring new route to appeal of life which form new direction to mind

Sound of step bring new shine to word of life which give new move to mind

Sound of step bring new dream to shine of life which start new world to mind

Sound of step bring new appeal to path of life which create new spirit to mind

Sound of step bring new thought to word of life which form new shine to mind

Sound of step bring new touch to hope of life which start new appeal to mind

Sound of step bring new move to strength of life which give new dream to mind

Sound of step bring new path to direction of life which show new light to mind

Sound of step bring new way to chapter of life which form new smile to mind

Sound of step bring new spirit to concept of life which give new appeal to mind

Sound of step bring new word to strength of life which start new thought to mind

Sound of step bring new shine to appeal of life which create new knowledge to mind

Sound of step bring new move to smile of life which create new direction to mind

Sound of step bring new start to hope of life which form new touch to mind

Sound of step bring new path to route of life which give new concept to mind

Sound of step bring new touch to way of life which show new shine to mind

Sound of step bring new word to chapter of life which start new spirit to mind

Sound of step bring new move to concept of life which form new path to mind

Sound of step bring new route to appeal of life which give new hope to mind

Sound of step bring new dream to touch of life which show new way to mind

Sound of step bring new path to spirit of life which start new word to mind

Sound of step bring new touch to way of life which create new route to mind.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Adventure story. 667. Dream job

                                      Dream job

Aparna was carefully watching out of window. She could see wonderful garden. Her father was working in this restaurant for long time. His job was of waiter but due to that many times she get chance to visit it. She didn’t demand anything. She just took in chair which was in corner. Sometimes she even helped by assisting other waiters. So she worked without payment just since she wanted to sit in that corner. She kept reading some books & looking down towards garden. It was so wonderful. On that day she noticed some people came in big car. She began to observe them. They were looking so beautiful. They had perfect faces. Their dresses were perfect too. They were looking so nice. She kept watching them carefully. Her each item had beautiful look. She felt so obsessed. She immediately took her book & went behind counter to hide. She would sit on chair which was behind. This way she didn’t come in way. She didn’t want to upset anyone. She thought they were customers. She immediately informed her father. Her father ordered her to go out of hotel. Her father “ Just go out of hotel or I will lose job.” “ Where?” “ Anywhere! You know where to spend time? Come on! Go somewhere in garden..or school library.” “ Dad I am not in school anymore. I just got in college & I don’t like to sit in college. You know..” “ Just go out.” Her Dad gave angry look & she ran out of back door. She didn’t understand what went wrong. She had not done any thing to harm hotel. But she went away. She began to look for place to go. She decided better to return home. She came in her house. Her grandparents were sitting in hall watching TV. Her Mom was cooking in kitchen. She didn’t want to go before her grandmother. She knew that her grandmother should immediately start to lecture her on something. According to her Grandmother she needed to stay perfect. Her Grandmother was just concerned about her marriage other things didn’t matter in eyes of her grandparents. Her Grand Pa always supported her grandmother. She wanted to feel happy in her mind. But when they began to tell her what she was doing would be useless in future. She didn’t like it. She didn’t claim that she would be some great useful person but she was not so bad. She kept telling it to herself & they kept pointing towards her. She decided that she would slowly go in kitchen & sat there. But then she saw drama on TV. She sensed that her grandparents were too involved in watching TV. She slowly sat there. Soon she began to get involved in TV too. She forgot entire world & started to listen to those words. She knew that now her entire world was going to depend on TV. She knew that hotel was no longer going to remain option for her. Her Mom came out. Mom gave her shocked look. “ Why did you come back so early?” “ I don’t want to stay in that hotel.” “ Why?!” “ Because Dad don’t want let me watch TV.” “ Come on. You must not spend too much time on TV.” Her Grandmother “ Let me hear stop talking. Do your cooking in kitchen?” Her Mom felt so angry. They always treated like some servant. Normally Aparna should have objected but now she wanted to see TV. She was not interested In helping Mom. Her Mom didn’t have much option so she went back in kitchen. Aparna kept watching TV with full attention. She didn’t want to remember anything. She just wanted to watch TV & remain involved in it. That world was so unique. She kept telling herself that this was her world now. She couldn’t return to hotel. She began to remember those people. She suddenly started to dislike them. They threw her out of hotel. She was not harming hotel. That hotel who called Restaurant wild was her dream. She wanted to stay there. She was ready to do anything for it. Sometimes she cleared tables. She served food. She cleaned windows. She didn’t remember how many things she did there. She never broken anything except once when she broke one flower vase. She was so scared but soon hotel manager declared that it was not much costly. He was planning to replace it any way. If someone had thrown her out of Restaurant wild on that day she should have understood but they didn’t. They permitted her to say. She learnt so many things. She used to run whenever any customer get angry. She used to talk sweetly with angry customers for hours sometimes. How much tantrum they might throw she used to convince them. She used to serve them with affection. Somewhere in her heart she began to feel that they needed her. Then her Mom screamed “ Time to study Aparna.” She nodded. She went in bedroom. They had just one small bedroom created in Balcony. It was so small. Just one bed & computer managed to fill it so much that there was no place to walk. She sat on her bed then took out her notebooks. She started her computer too. She needed both to complete her project. She needed to submit it. She began to read different books which had different types of information for her college work. She felt so sad. She was expecting group of friends in life. But in her college she didn’t find any. She spent her time just in studies. She wanted to think hopefully about entire project. She needed to arrange all properly as per her needs. She wanted to impress teacher. She needed good marks. She must get degree after it she could get job or get married. She preferred job in hotel like restaurant wild before marriage if possible. But marriage was most important for her. She wanted a boy who would love her. She looked towards mirror. She was proud of her looks some might taunt some of her looks but she knew that she was great looking. She wanted to happily settle in her life. But today when they threw her out of hotel which was her favourite so she was no longer sure about it. She needed to think positively. She began to think she needed to concentrate on her studies. She wanted to forget that hotel. But that hotel kept coming in her mind. She didn’t understand what was her mistake in life. She was not getting any happiness in life. She told herself to just forget that hotel.

      Aparna kept waiting for her father. She wanted to ask him about hotel. She planned to forget hotel but she already forgotten that decision. She started to look out of window on street. She began to watch outside. Her Mom came from behind & asked “ So what are you watching?” Aparna smiled nervously & said “ Ohh nothing special. I just want to talk with Dad about hotel.” Her Mom gave her tense look. Mom “ Why did you come early from Hotel?” “ Dad forced me.” Then she told all. Mom “ Ohh they are new owners of Hotel. Now it will be called Blue Duck.” Aparna didn’t like that name at all. Her heart skipped. “ Duck? Why duck?” Dad said“ They are bringing some cook who prepare Duck dishes.” Her Mom was shocked. “ You mean actual Ducks.” “ Of course!” They didn’t cross examine further Dad. Mom asked him about dinner. Her Dad said “ I will take bathe then go to sleep. I have eaten enough.” Her Dad pointed towards his round stomach. Her Dad was once slim. He was one handsome waiter. Many girls used to flirt with him according to Aparna’s Mom but now everything was changed. Her Dad was one overweight waiter. He was looking elderly too. His knees began to pain sometimes so he started to limp. He was so scared that new owner might fire him. He didn’t tell it to Aparna but when she ran out of hotel. She stood to take breath for sometimes. Gatekeepers were discussing this. Since they had weight issue too. They were counting person out of staff who looked old & elderly instead of energetic & young. She didn’t know about name on that point but they were discussing gardener told to clean pond for ducks. She knew one thing that now she couldn’t go in hotel & her Dad might lose job too. She didn’t say anything until her Dad didn’t went inside. She slowly began to tell her Mom all. Her Mom sounded nervous. Her Mom “ We have much a big family we need money.” She was only daughter but still their daily expenses were large. Her grandfather didn’t provide much money for daily expenses. Her father handled it. House belonged to her grandparents. They would get it one day. At least her parents could stay there. She looked towards Mom with questioning look. “ Mom maybe I should try to get job in hotel?” Her Mom immediately nodded negatively. “ Your Dad will not like it.” “ Why?” “ You must concentrate on your studies.” But she didn’t feel convinced. On that point her Dad came out she asked him without second thought “ Can I take job in hotel?” Her Dad gave her angry look & began to scream on her. “ So you feel they will throw me out & take you on job? Why? Because you are better than me? You are not smart. In fact you are ugly in look due to your extra weight. Look at yourself! No will like you. They need waiter who is appealing in my young days girls use to dance around me. If only I had rich parents by now I will become famous. These parents were  obstacles.” Her Grandparents were listening to him now. Her Grand pa gave angry look & said “ You were born as our son by your destiny I never demanded son like you. I never desired money but I always wanted a child who would respect me & my wife. But you are not like that. You are just burden on world.” Her Dad was so angry. “ I feed you for such long time still you talk in such a way.” Her Grandmother “ It’s your duty. You have not done anything great in it. Look towards other sons how much they earn?” “ & they threw away their parents like garbage bags. I stayed with you. I done a great favour on you.” She didn’t want to hear further so she decided to just go out in night. Her Dad kept screaming. She put earphones in her ears to avoid listening to him. It was so painful to imagine. She didn’t want to think about her grandparents & their reactions. It was so upsetting. She decided to concentrate on her project again. After that day she avoided her Dad but her Dad always kept coming after her time to time. She felt so nervous. She was not even talking to him but he began to talk. “ I wanted some nice daughter other girls were so smart. Do you know how much marks her cousin got?” She didn’t say anything. She was not planning to argue. She began to get stressed by all. She felt lucky when her Dad was not around. Her Grandparents were very nice & supportive to her after her Dad changed. Then one day her Dad suddenly came with one boy. He told her Mom “ This is Amar. Son from my first marriage.” Her Mom looked so shocked. But then her Mom came forward that boy touched her feet & she gave blessings. Then Amar touched feet of her grandparents. All blessed him with smile. She stood nervously in corner. Her Dad immediately told her “ Come on touch his feet. He is your elder brother!” She nodded. She went to touch his feet but he had different look in his eyes. It was clearly not look of brotherly love. She sensed it & she just kept away from him. Amar clearly enjoyed her fear. She slowly went in bedroom. She took out on mattress spread it & sat in corner. She took out books. She began to study & read book. She started to understand different chapters which were with meanings. She soon sensed Amar was important & precious. She was useless. She managed to complete her college. By that time her Dad started to bring something in home. She didn’t understand how much but she soon sensed that her Dad was not entirely honest. They were doing something wrong in that hotel. It was not right. But every one kept boosting Dad for bringing money & those things. Slowly he started to get admiration for his attitude. She got few things too. At beginning she was happy but then after sometime she sensed that her Dad was giving her gifts but continuously abusing her as good for nothing. She needed to those things. Soon Amar found one job. It was due to introduction by her grandfather. But they didn’t say it. They declared him great. He was arrogant sometimes but her Mom was step mother so she never argued with him. Her Mom just argued with her Dad for money whenever Aparna needed some. Mostly her Mom found it hard to get but still her Mom managed to get some. These new owner of Hotel managed to make their life worst. Aparna no longer admired hotel much. She preferred to entertain herself in book & she tried her best to stay out of everyone’s way.

     Aparna was sleeping when she suddenly felt wonderful smell. It was smell of cooking her Mom was cooking. She was so happy. She started to smile but then slowly she came out of her dream. She looked towards watch. It was midnight her Mom didn’t cook at that time. She slowly moved. Her bedroom was totally packed. She wanted a space. She was feeling so suffocated. She didn’t understand if Amar had so much money why didn’t he move in his house? But she didn’t dare to say it. That house belonged to him too, In fact her Dad kept telling her that this house belonged to just Amar. She needed to get married & forget all. She felt so tense. She suddenly began to feel so hungry. She looked around in that crowd it was so hard to reach to kitchen but she loved that smell so she wanted to go in kitchen. She began to feel positive. She didn’t even remember that her Mom was sleeping beside. Her Mom was still snoring slowly. She felt so happy that she ran towards kitchen. She looked around. She didn’t see anything. Her kitchen was totally empty. She began to check pots. She saw different vegetables but none of them fitted to smell she knew this was smell of cucumber specially grown in garden. In hotel they grew it for their special dish. In hotel all needed to be carefully cleaned & fresh. She also started smelling desserts. She began to check in kitchen. She started shifting all objects. She knew that someone was cooking. She could smell it. She began to get restless when she sensed no one was there. She saw that cook was not there. But she could smell it. She started to cry. She didn’t understand what was wrong with her. She felt so sad. She knew that someone was cooking. She began to feel so nervous. She started to think about state of her mind. She was sad & nervous. She wanted to return to old memories desperate. She began to feel that she might be recreating them. She was so sad. Then she suddenly noticed smoke. She looked towards it. She slowly went near window. She saw smoke was there. Someone was cooking in their garden. She suddenly sensed that old stove of kitchen was missing. She slowly walked towards it. But then she turned behind. She knew that she was mentally unsound. Her father told it many times. She turned towards her place on mattress to sleep. On that point her Mom came in kitchen her eyes were totally sleepy. Her Mom couldn’t even keep her eyes open. Mom asked “ What are you cooking in midnight?” She was so happy. Aparna “ Mom you smell too. Don’t you?” “ Yes. Of course.” “ I thought I am imagining.” “ Why you thought that? You never hallucinated anything.” She nodded. But her Dad always kept telling her. That she was mentally weak. Something was wrong with her brain. She decided to tell it to Mom. “ Mom Dad says I am not normal.” Her Mom looked so angry. Her Mom took hold of hand. Then she slowly took her towards back door. She slowly began to go out in backyard. Aparna didn’t want it. But she felt nervous in her mind. She wanted to object Mom. But her Mom had strong hold of her hand. Then they came out in backyard. She saw that one man was cooking. That man had one cap on head & was screaming. She looked carefully. It was her father. She didn’t understand what was going on. Then suddenly her father screamed “ Come here.” She was so nervous. She couldn’t dare to disobey so she went where he pointed. She slowly sat on one rock. It was hurting her to sit on it. She wasn’t getting hurt but she was so scared of him that she sat. She kept telling herself that she needed to disobey but she couldn’t. It was so upsetting. She needed to suffer pain. She looked towards eyes of her father. He was not in trance. He was doing all with intention. Her Dad “ I purchased all that stuff since I must practice all hotel cooking here.” Her Mom asked loudly “ Why you need to waste money?” “ You are a stupid woman. You don’t understand what is needed. I worked. I earned. I know all. Do you know how much hotel respects me?” Her Mom always gave respect to her father but today she was changed.” Yes I know within month they are replacing you.” Her Dad started throwing things. Her Mom took hold of her & said “ Let’s go inside.” Her Mom turned to her. “ Your Dad is mad person from beginning. I tolerated all. His first wife left him due to his madness. I always wished to do same but I don’t have any support from family so I stayed. You are not mad. He is.” Mom pointed towards her father. No doubt he was mad person. Mom “ He ran away from half treatment. He was mentally unsound but no one declared it.” Then her Mom took hold of shoulder & said “ Listen to me. Tomorrow they will call you in hotel. Go there. Give interview. Don’t back out. You need to fight back against this man. You must not give up so easily.” Aparna nodded. She was scared but she was happy to go back to hotel. Next morning she woke up & got ready. When she began to go in Hotel, her Dad screamed “ Where are you going?” She answered “ In hotel.” Her Dad started abusing her & telling her she wouldn’t get it. But she didn’t care. She entered in Hotel. Nothing was changed. Name was same. Her Dad lied. She told herself that she needed to go back in hotel again. She went inside with determination. She knew her father was mad. She needed to accept it & move ahead. She went inside with smile. Soon she managed to get job & she started working as waitress officially. It was her dream. Some might consider it stupid but she didn’t care. She just wanted to become Waitress of “ Restaurant Wild”. She didn’t demand more from life. If it gave her then she would enjoy it but if it didn’t she wouldn’t dying to get it.

                                         The End

Friday, July 19, 2024

Poem. 7023. Move towards spirit open

                  Move towards spirit open 

Move towards spirit open new hope to thought of life which start new direction to feel of mind that open new light

Move towards spirit open new step to appeal of life which show new strength to route of mind that form new light

Move towards spirit open new word to soul of life which create new smile to learning of mind that give new light

Move towards spirit open new route to concept of life which form new world to move of mind that show new light

Move towards spirit open new path to strength of life which give new touch to thinking of mind that create new light

Move towards spirit open new way to chapter of life which create new knowledge to soul of mind that form new light

Move towards spirit open new touch to smile of life which form new brightness to hope of mind that show new light 

Move towards spirit open new route to concept of life which give new appeal to route of mind that start new light

Move towards spirit open new start to direction of life which show new concept to shine of mind that give new light

Move towards spirit open new word to appeal of life which start new direction to smile of mind that form new light

Move towards spirit open new dream to touch of life which give new appeal to soul of mind that create new light

Move towards spirit open new shine to thought of life which show new route to hope of mind that give new light

Move towards spirit open new appeal to dream of life which form new brightness to path of mind that show new light

Move towards spirit open new strength to word of life which start new knowledge to soul of mind that create new light

Move towards spirit open new concept to shine of life which show new appeal to touch of mind that form new light

Move towards spirit open new thought to route of life which create new world to way of mind that start new light

Move towards spirit open new hope to chapter of life which form new brightness to step of mind that give new light

Move towards spirit open new knowledge to word of life which create new touch to thought of mind that show new light

Move towards spirit open new smile to direction of life which start new path to appeal of mind that give new light

Move towards spirit open new touch to spirit of life which show new strength to soul of mind that create new light.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Poem. 7022. Path from dream

                            Path from dream

Path from dream create new hope to strength of life which form new brightness to start of mind

Path from dream show new soul to chapter of life which create new knowledge to step of mind

Path from dream start new touch to route of life which show new understanding to smile of mind

Path from dream form new spirit to world of life which give new strength to concept of mind

Path from dream give new step to direction of life which start new shine to feeling of mind

Path from dream create new word to move of life which show new touch to thought of mind

Path from dream show new shine to start of life which form new learning to hope of mind

Path from dream start new appeal to step of life which create new thought to move of mind

Path from dream form new smile to route of life which give new knowledge to soul of mind

Path from dream give new light to hope of life which show new direction to spirit of mind

Path from dream show new spirit to smile of life which start new meaning to world of mind

Path from dream start new concept to word of life which form new strength to touch of mind

Path from dream create new route to move of life which give new feeling to thought of mind

Path from dream form new world to step of life which create new concept to soul of mind

Path from dream give new thought to way of life which form new appeal to strength of mind

Path from dream show new touch to step of life which give new route to knowledge of mind

Path from dream form new start to move of life which show new strength to word of mind

Path from dream create new hope to thought of life which start new appeal to touch of mind

Path from dream start new direction to soul of life which create new knowledge to learning of mind

Path from dream form new concept to shine of life which give new feeling to concept of mind.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Poem. 7021. Word bring new

                               Word bring new 

Word bring new dream for mind which start new direction of soul that show light in life with hope from mind

Word bring new appeal for mind which form new brightness of step that create path in life with soul from mind

Word bring new touch for mind which show new knowledge of path that form appeal in life with start from mind

Word bring new move for mind which give new strength of world that show touch in life with touch from mind

Word bring new thought for mind which start new appeal of soul that give strength in life with world from mind

Word bring new light for mind which form new brightness of step that create shine in life with route from mind

Word bring new world for mind which show new chapter of touch that form thought in life with move from mind

Word bring new shine for mind which start new light of dream that give knowledge in life with spirit from mind

Word bring new path for mind which give new shine of thought that show appeal in life with way from mind

Word bring new hope for mind which create new route of concept that open strength in life with touch from mind

Word bring new light for mind which form new brightness of path that start shine in life with thought from mind

Word bring new thought for mind which give new knowledge of route that form spirit in life with concept from mind

Word bring new smile for mind which show new direction of touch that create path in life with soul from mind

Word bring new spirit for mind which start new feeling of soul that show route in life with shine from mind

Word bring new world for mind which form new concept of step that start spirit in life with dream from mind

Word bring new concept for mind which show new hope of appeal that form strength in life with touch from mind

Word bring new way for mind which create new shine of strength that give hope in life with spirit from mind

Word bring new step for mind which start new appeal of touch that show concept in life with route from mind

Word bring new touch for mind which give new knowledge of way that create world in life with path from mind

Word bring new dream for mind which show new appeal of path that start route in life with smile from mind

Word bring new soul for mind which form new brightness of step that show shine in life with hope from mind

Word bring new thought for mind which give new concept of light that form way in life with thought from mind.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Poem. 7020. Soul create new dream

                       Soul create new dream 

Soul create new dream to touch of mind which start new word that bring new light to concept of life

Soul create new dream to path of mind which form new brightness that show new way to concept of life

Soul create new dream to thought of mind which give new knowledge that form new hope to concept of life

Soul create new dream to appeal of mind which show new hope that start new thought to concept of life

Soul create new dream to light of mind which start new appeal that give new touch to concept of life

Soul create new dream to way of mind which form new strength that bring new move to concept of life

Soul create new dream to route of mind which give new direction that form new spirit to concept of life

Soul create new dream to world of mind which show new light that give new thought to concept of life

Soul create new dream to move of mind which start new route that show new shine to concept of life

Soul create new dream to thought of mind which give new touch that start new path to concept of life

Soul create new dream to step of mind which show new learning that form new spirit to concept of life

Soul create new dream to word of mind which form new thought that show new hope to concept of life

Soul create new dream to strength of mind which start new chapter that give new word to concept of life

Soul create new dream to route of mind which give new feeling that bring new spirit to concept of life

Soul create new dream to spirit of mind which form new brightness that show new move to concept of life

Soul create new dream to move of mind which show new touch that form new appeal to concept of life

Soul create new dream to world of mind which start new direction that give new strength to concept of life

Soul create new dream to hope of mind which give new knowledge that show new hope to concept of life

Soul create new dream to shine of mind which form new feeling that start new learning to concept of life

Soul create new dream to chapter of mind which show new appeal that form new brightness to concept of life.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Poem. 7019. Smile comes from new path

                  Smile comes from new path

Smile comes from new path to chapter of life which form new brightness to soul that bring new path to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to touch of life which give new knowledge to step that show new route to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to move of life which start new strength to world that give new appeal to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to shine of life which create new appeal to touch that start new light to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to dream of life which show new concept to shine that bring new strength to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to hope of life which give new understanding to route that show new touch to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to thought of life which start new chapter to move that open new way to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to world of life which form new brightness to soul that create new hope to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to start of life which show new appeal to thought that form new soul to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to feeling of life which create new light to concept that open new step to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to knowledge of life which form new shine to touch that give new hope to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to word of life which show new knowledge to start that start new word to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to route of life which start new thought to step that create new appeal to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to light of life which give direction to shine that bring new thought to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to concept of life which show new strength to way that form new touch to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to move of life which form new brightness to word that create new light to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to hope of life which create new soul to feeling that show new strength to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to feel of life which show new appeal to light that bring new thought to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to strength of life which start new word to hope that open new chapter to spirit of mind

Smile comes from new path to appeal of life which form new brightness to dream that show new route to spirit of mind.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Poem. 7018. Hope from shine give dream

                   Hope from shine give dream 

Hope from shine give dream to spirit which show new route to direction that form new brightness to start in mind

Hope from shine give dream to soul which create new appeal to strength that bring new concept to touch in mind

Hope from shine give dream to start which form new brightness to path that show new knowledge to route in mind

Hope from shine give dream to path which start new light to knowledge that give new thought to soul in mind 

Hope from shine give dream to word which show new touch to concept that open new world to hope in mind

Hope from shine give dream to light which form new brightness to route that start new direction to way in mind

Hope from shine give dream to touch which give new direction to smile that form new route to word in mind

Hope from shine give dream to step which create new appeal to route that show new touch to light in mind

Hope from shine give dream to route which show new strength to word that create new appeal to step in mind

Hope from shine give dream to way which form new knowledge to spirit that start new spirit to move in mind

Hope from shine give dream to soul which give new thought to step that form new brightness to way in mind

Hope from shine give dream to thought which start new chapter to move that bring new smile to path in mind

Hope from shine give dream to appeal which form new route to way that show new light to appeal in mind

Hope from shine give dream to spirit which create new strength to start that form new concept to world in mind

Hope from shine give dream to start which show new knowledge to path that give new thought to step in mind

Hope from shine give dream to touch which start new direction to smile that show new route to chapter in mind

Hope from shine give dream to world which form new brightness to step that create new path to strength in mind

Hope from shine give dream to move which create new concept to touch that form new word to direction in mind

Hope from shine give dream to path which show new strength to word that bring new appeal to touch in mind

Hope from shine give dream to way which start new direction to smile that create new light to touch in mind.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Adventure story. 666. Her memories of husband

                  Her memories of husband 

She began to look behind. She was so sure that her daughter Seema was there. But unfortunately her daughter Seema was not behind her. It was beach full of sands. She told herself that she needed to move ahead in life. She knew that her daughter was not coming back. She knew that she had no one who could take care of her. She couldn’t lose her mental stability like this. She needed to be confident. She told her soul everything was fine. But it wasn’t. She was acting in odd way. She looked behind nervously. She knew her daughter ran away with her boyfriend. Seema was never coming back. She didn’t understand if it was her mistake. She was mother of Seema. She took proper care of Seema. On that point she heard a voice “ Rina….Rina..” she looked behind someone was calling her name. She saw her old school friend Arun. She didn’t like Arun at all. Arun was biggest irritation of her life. She didn’t like him in her college. Arun kept sending cards but she kept avoiding his messages. Arun was boy in their neighbourhood. He was nice boy but she didn’t like him. She didn’t feel any attraction towards him. Sometimes Rina felt that it happened since he kept following her too much. She didn’t understand why? Now Arun was married father of two children but still he kept following her. This was odd sort of obsession. Arun kept coming to talk with her. She didn’t want to talk with him normally but today she was happy that a human was calling her & it was not her imagination so she decided to chat with him. She smiled nicely. He was married man now so there was no risk that he would suggest her that he was in love with her. She said slowly “ How are you? & what about your wife & daughters.” He didn’t look upset. He began to talk about his wife. He was telling a lot about her. He was describing her attitude. He started to tell “ She just waste so much in shopping that sometimes I want to complaint. That day she took that costly dress. Do you remember there was one dress in showcase of that branded showroom?” She remembered it very well. She was watching that dress for sometime. She wanted to buy but then she thought her life was over. Her husband was dead & her daughter Seema ran away from house so she didn’t need a dress. Sometimes she just wished to forget all but she couldn’t. “ Did your wife purchase it?” He nodded. Then he made sad face & said “ Then worst thing happened! It didn’t fit her. First I got angry with her but when she started trying it & it didn’t fit her. She began to cry. I felt so sorry. It wasn’t her such big mistake. Things like that kept happening didn’t they?” “Yes..yes.” “ So I console her & gave her money for another dress which is of her size.” He looked towards her in confusion & asked “ Am I mad person? I mean instead of controlling her expenses I encouraged her.” She began to laugh. “ No you are in love.” Then he looked nervous & said “ I told her.. I mean I lied to her that my friend will purchase it.” She began to get irritated. She didn’t want to purchase it. “ I am not interested in buying..” He took out bag with dress. “ I know.. I know but try to understand I lied to her. I don’t want her to see this dress.” Then he looked around. “ I can throw it out or maybe give it to beggars.” He looked nervously around. Then he turned towards her. “ Come on you are my best friend can’t you keep this dress. You can wear it or just keep it in your cupboard. I will be so glad if you wear once & send photo to me. I show it to my wife & she will happy.” She snapped on him “ I am not your best friend! We just went to same college & school.” Now he began to look desperate. He started to search for beggars. She suddenly began to dislike idea of throwing away that dress. She didn’t want such dress to be given to some beggar when she loved it. She snatched bag from him. “ Give it to me. I will send photo.” He nodded happily. He began to go away but she felt that it was odd to let him just go away without returning something as remuneration. She thought about money but then she suddenly remembered that he loved books. She asked “ Why don’t I give you some books?” He felt so shocked. “ I don’t want you to spend money on me.” “ those are books of my husband.” “Ohh!” “ He is no more.” She felt as Arun smiled. But soon he began to talk “ My wife hated so much when I waste money on books if I bring books in exchange of dress. She will be so happy. Now a days books are so costly.” She sensed that he didn’t heard her. He was lost in his world. He loved his family. She felt so happy for him. She said “ Let’s go in my home.” He suddenly looked towards watch. “ Sorry I am getting late maybe tomorrow. Bye.” He just vanished the way he came. She felt so confused. She looked towards that dress. She didn’t know what she would do with it. She took it in home anyway. But when she reached home, she received another shock. Seema was in house. She had some clothes in her bag. Seema “ I came to stay here. Actually I need to go to some work & it’s near by.” Rina nodded happily. Rina was happy to meet her daughter. But when Seema entered in her room she started to order her. Seema screamed “ Mom bring one glass of Juice.” She wanted to scream back on Seema. But she acted nicely as she always did. She went in kitchen & prepared glass of juice. She slowly took it in Seema’s room. She was so stressed that her daughter Seema was treating her like servant but that was truth of her life. She never received respect. She supposed to work hard for hours in house but since she didn’t got job & earning through it so she was not useful. Seema was married so she was hoping that now Seema would act nice with her. Seema ran out of house but still Seema didn’t feel a bit guilty. Rina knew that Seema had right to choose husband but still Seema married against her wishes & still Seema expected that she should act on point as per her wish. Rina wanted to object & argue but she didn’t. She was too scared. In odd way she was scared of entire world. After her marriage Rina never took any decision as per her wish even before marriage she used to obey her father. It was so odd. But she was moving as per instructions she never broke them. Soon she started to get instructions from Seema & she began to obey.

       After serving everything to Seema as per her desire. Rina went to kitchen to cook lunch. She began to do cooking. She was so sure that she could cook in perfect way. But when she began to cook she started to get restless. She told herself everything was fine. She didn’t understand why she was feeling uneasy. She started to remember what she supposed to do. Then she remembered that she supposed to take out all books of her husband. But they were in cupboard surely whenever Arun would come then she could give it to him. She was confident that it would be done in no time. She cooked dinner. Then she sat before TV but soon she sensed that TV had just those channels which Seema liked. She didn’t going to enjoy it. Then she decided to see something on her tablet. She needed to wait for maid. She knew that maid would clean house & wash dishes. Then after it she could go anywhere she wanted. She was waiting for maid when her mobile rang. It was unknown number. She didn’t like idea of taking call. Unknown once sometimes seemed better than known one. She didn’t understand why but she felt unknown fear towards every person she knew & it was rising step by step. She knew that they didn’t understand her. They all just wanted her to obey other member of family. She didn’t deserve her opinion. She decided to take that unknown call. She felt happy when she heard Arun’s voice saying hello without second thought she began to talk “ I have one cupboard full of book. You need to come & choose out of them.” “ Really? Your husband loved books so much?” “ No! It was just show off. He pretended that way. He placed book on such a way that people felt that he was very smart & intelligent. He never read any of them in his life. He just get summery from Internet then he kept discussing with people for hours while showing off that he had read so many books. He was reading nothing for long time. But he was good at pretending. He loved pretending that he was scholar who read so many books. He didn’t required knowledge for it. He just needed to get notes out of what others wrote. She suddenly began to remember days of her marriage. She began to sense that she supposed to remember positive. She remembered how did her husband showered her with gifts. She always managed to get money whenever she asked for it. He never said no to her luxuries. She could shop until she didn’t get too tired. It was pleasant. She never needed to hide her purchases from her husband. In fact he loved to see her shopping. She began to remember how did she purchased many things. Sometimes they were useless she sensed it when she returned home. She began to get upset but her husband used to joke on it. Her husband had just one motto. He used to say “ Money is for human human are not for money. If you waste some money I can always earn it back but if you waste your tears I can’t earn it back can I?” She sweetly smiled at his memory. He was so sweet. He was dominating but at same time he was so caring. She didn’t need to look towards anyone for help in any issue when he was alive. But he used to pamper Seema little bit too much. Then he also wanted son so he kept insisting for second child but destiny didn’t give it to them. They had to adjust with just one. Seema was nice girl but her husband managed to spoil her. He told Seema on every step she was best. She was a lot better than her Mom. Seema got nice job with help of relative but Seema started to feel she was best. Her father was encouraging her on that point Rina was busy with her life. She was enjoying her shopping & her outings. But she never gave thoughts to how did her family treated her. She never understood she needed to demand some respect. She did her household chores daily as per her duty. It was so upsetting now. She was not getting any pampering by her husband since he was no more. No shopping. Since whatever she purchased that would he taken & used just by Seema. She was no longer supposed to use ornaments & make herself beautiful. She didn’t understand for whom she should dress up. If she dressed up she felt one question in every eye. Why this widow dressed up like that? For whom? Some even asked her “ Where are you going?” She said “ Market.” They gave odd look to her from top to bottom then they said “ So dressed up for market! Your dress have such a colourful look. Any one will feel suspicious. I know well so don’t feel wrong about you but all people begin to gossip.” She felt so nervous. She didn’t went to market from that day she sensed that she could no longer do shopping. Her husband was not alive to enjoy it so that shopping was just burden on bank account she couldn’t wear it. But today Arun gave her one dress. Suddenly she spoke without listening to what he was saying “ Let go to some hotel. I have not went anywhere since I become widow. Before that I use to visit mall daily. My husband wanted me to enjoy my life but now other people wanted to avoid that shopping & other things.” Arun didn’t say anything for long time. She was about to say that she was just joking. He had his family. But Arun said “ Let’s go to mall then we can eat & go to movie too.” “ Great!” Then she sensed that his wife might get upset. She asked “ Will your wife join us?” “Of course! She will guide us in everything. She is expert.” They both laughed. Then he said “ I will tell you when I book tickets.” Then he kept talking. She kept talking too. She was talking for hours. But she didn’t mind. She wanted to chat with someone. He was ready to spend sometime on mobile with her. She was so happy. Then suddenly door bell rang. She remembered her maid was supposed to come so she told Arun that she needed to open door. Arun laughed & said “ If I talk for more time my servants will began to say I am making more bill on mobile than other expenses of shop.” They both laughed. She used to laugh freely this way with just her husband. He used to boss on her but he used to shower love & affection on her too. She missed him. She wanted him back. But she couldn’t get him. She opened door maid came inside. Immediately maid commented on her smile. “ What happened Madam? Why you are looking so happy?” It seemed as if she must not feel happy. Maid was talking in such accusing tone. She didn’t say anything just said “ I want to get ready. I am going out. Just hurry up with your work.” “ Where?” “In mall!” She said with strange determination.

       Clearly Maid didn’t approve Rina’s going out. Maid slowly said “ You are going in mall alone.” “ No! My friend is coming with his wife.” “ Ohh!” Then maid noticed her dress given by Arun. Maid screamed “ You are wearing that.” “ I am.” She answered in loud voice too. She began to get nervous. She carefully watched dress. Her dress was so beautiful. She knew that Maid was feeling upset by her attitude. She suddenly felt so scared what if Maid told all about this to Seema. Seema would clearly create issue. But then she thought that why she needed to get tense. It was her house. She began to wait for Arun’s call. But then she suddenly sensed that he didn’t promise to book tickets for today. She began to feel that she was acting stupid. She was so excited about going out so she did it. She was totally ready. She wanted to get dressed & she wanted to enjoy her life but sadly she couldn’t feel happiness in her mind. She was feeling so scared. She suddenly decided that she must not take this risk. She called Arun & told him “ Don’t book tickets I am little bit busy.” She thought that Arun would object but he agreed easily. Then she once again removed her clothes. She went in kitchen & began to cook for Seema. She supposed to do all for Seema. When Maid completed her work, Maid went away but not without taunting her that she must not go out in such a bold dresses. It was hurting her so much. She wanted to feel happy but she was feeling sad & stressed. She didn’t understand how did her life went in such a wrong way. She sat on chair. Then she sensed that Arun was not taking so much interest in her. She was more interested in him. She was dragging him. She once disliked Arun & now she wanted him. She began to think how many times she felt that someone was calling her. She didn’t pay attention. But she knew that she was hearing voices. She wanted to tell herself that it was okay but it was not. She was feeling so tense. She knew that hearing voices wasn’t normal. Now she kept thinking about Arun. It was not okay too. She supposed to marry him when she was unmarried but now as widow she could marry another unmarried man. She felt so nervous. Then she remembered about books. She called Arun. “ I forgot about books.” “ It’s okay. In marriage reason my shop will be busy I will come later after few months.” “ Okay.” Then she began to talk about her maid. She didn’t want to discuss but she couldn’t stop herself. Before he could answer, she heard one woman talking to him & a child was screaming. Clearly customer was in his shop & child was neither going to wait nor Mom. Customer wanted full attention. He said “ I will talk later.” She just said “ Bye.” Then she got message from him. He wrote Call on this number it will help. She didn’t understand why but she decided to talk. On that point she suddenly looked towards her face. She began to think about what happened. She saw one swelling on her cheek. She didn’t remember when it happened. She didn’t remember her past? She began to shiver. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. She ran in kitchen. She was hoping her maid would guide her. She needed help. But she saw no one was there. Her maid had left. She once again looked in mirror. Her face was normal again. She began to feel so uneasy. She kept watching her face. She suddenly looked towards her mobile. She began to search for Arun’s message. It was not there. She decided to call him again. This time he sounded irritated. But she began to ask for number & he said with shock “ Which number? Why does I send you a number?” “ Since I need help!” “ Regarding what?” “ My mental issues.” Arun remained silent. Then Arun said with firmness “ Rina something is wrong with you. If you feel that I send you some message I never did. You have also lied to me that your husband is dead. I saw him today with some colleagues. What are you trying to do?” “ I don’t understand. I need some help.” Then Arun said “ I give you a number of hospital..they will help you.” He disconnected. She waited for number. This time she immediately called. She didn’t want to vanish. She talked in such odd state that Receptionist immediately connected to Psychiatrist who asked “ Do you need someone to bring you or you will come by yourself?” “ I will call Cab.” “ Tell me address I will book for you. You can pay afterwards.” She gave address. Soon her door bell rang. She was shocked to see driver. She immediately took her purse. But Driver told her that she might need to stay in hospital so check all. She thanked him & she packed small bag of essentials too. Then she went in hospital. She went in room & told all. Her Psychiatrist told her to give him number of Seema. She shivered. She didn’t want to talk to her. Psychiatrist told her that she needed to admit herself. She immediately agreed. Psychiatrist called nurse & she was taken in her room. Then Psychiatrist called Seema. Seema was so upset. “ My father divorced her. I used to stay just because it was needed. If she is admitted to hospital I need keys of house.” Psychiatrist felt so angry. “ First come & make payment then I will give keys.” “ I will not pay charges. She will pay out of her account.” “ Then I will keep her keys with me too. It’s her house. You can’t have it.” Seema wanted to argue but she felt scared. So she just said “ Okay.” Then psychiatrist sensed. Rina’s husband was abusive. He used to hit her. It was her memories. He left her for money. Rina began to regret her decision to marry him so she began to plan herself as widow. She wanted widow who was once happily married. Then she met Arun. She began to feel more comfortable. On that point she decided to get help & she came here. According to Psychiatrist she was lucky. Psychiatrist called Arun. “ So you are friend of Rina.” Arun didn’t say anything. Then he said “ Actually I loved Rina. I want to keep connection with her so I lied that I am married. When I saw her I thought that she was widow. It was wrong but I want her..but I know she is married..” “ she is divorced.” Arun laughed. Psychiatrist “ But you need some treatment too. Just few sessions.” “ I can do all for her.” “ Okay come tomorrow.” Psychiatrist disconnected call. Psychiatrist took out Rina’s case file & started writing all. He knew that it would take some time but he was going to cure her. He had no doubt about it.

                                           The End

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...