Saturday, December 2, 2023

Adventure story. 634. Rina's free gift

                                   Rina's free gift 

Shruti was so happy when she saw new book in shop. She was so excited about it. She kept observing different types of books for hours. She wanted to read them all. She wanted to have them all. Under while she was watching books one lady came from behind. That lady tapped on her shoulder. Shruti looked behind. Shruti smiled nervously. That lady “ I am owner of this shop. Do you want any special book?” Shruti nodded negatively. That lady was odd. Shruti read her name on uniform. It was Mrs. Rina. She didn’t like Rina at all. Rina was so odd & frustrating woman. Rina was giving her such angry look. Shruti began to get upset. Shruti told herself that everything would be fine. Shruti wanted to feel happy. But she was not feeling it. This Rina kept upsetting her. Rina was bringing negativity in her mind. Shruti just decided to go out of shop. Rina was observing her. Rina was so angry. Rina wanted Shruti to just go away. Rina didn’t understand why but she disliked Shruti. She knew that old owner of shop used to admire her. In fact she was considered valuable customer. But now everything was changed. Rina was owner & she didn’t like Shruti. Rina felt anger towards Shruti. Rina didn’t understand why. Rina didn’t care if she lost money but she didn’t want Shruti in this shop. Rina smiled happily. Rina felt that she would feel normal now. But it was not happening. She felt so upset. She went towards those books which Shruti touched. She started to put them properly. She slowly began to watch. She soon sensed that Shruti was reading history. It was different books of history so different concepts were written in them. Suddenly Rina began to feel that she needed to read it. She took that book & started reading. It was story of one queen. A powerful one! She managed to get crown through different routes. A common girl who became powerful by playing tricks. She shivered with fear. She knew that what was going on. Shruti was reading something which Shruti was going to experiment. Then suddenly Rina got one idea. Rina decided that why she could try it too. Rina decided to purchase book. Rina smiled at that thought. Rina knew that she needed to find someone rich for it. Rina began to laugh at that thought. Rina knew that it was impossible for her. But Rina decided to hide that book anyway. Rina knew that Shruti could get it from other stores too. Rina was about to try her best. On that point a customer came. Rina immediately ran towards them. It was a family. Rina didn’t feel they were going to buy books kid was totally uninterested in books but still she was trying her best. She kept showing them books with her her best persuasion skills. She was feeling so positive about all. She began to think that she could find new customers but soon that kid started to drag parents out & they both went away. Once again her shop was empty. Her shop was not getting enough customers now a days. Many came. Then they checked prices & decided that they didn’t want those books. She knew that she needed to give discounts but she had her limits too. She suddenly began to regret her idea of sending Shruti away. Shruti was good customer. But Rina hated her face. Shruti sat outside book shop. There was one empty bench there. Shruti wandered around mall but she didn’t admire anything else as she admired book shops. She felt so upset when she needed to come out. It was so wrong. She used to sit in that shop for hours. She was member. She always purchased books. Now she began to feel that wandering in that shop was some crime. She started to think that she was so alone & lonely. Her dream was suddenly shattered. Shruti tried to tell herself that she was creating issue out of nothing. Shruti knew that she must not enter in that shop. She began to wait for her Mom. She decided to go to movie instead. She just got tickets of one famous movie based on history. History was her obsession. She smiled happily. She was excited. Finally her Mom came & they both went for movie. They ordered snacks on counter. Then they searched for door behind which was their screen. Finally they located. They went inside & in few seconds they forgot their entire world. They began to imagine new dreams. Shruti was so happy. She managed to forgot all her troubles. She kept watching movie with pleasant thoughts. She was enjoying it. It was so wonderful. She was observing all with happiness. She felt happy in her soul. She slowly began to think that she could order books on Amazon. In fact she had lots of books already in her collection. She needed to read them. She smiled at that thought. She began to plan which book she would purchase. After movie when they came out, her Mom pointed towards book shop & said “ Let’s check out books.” Her Mom was fond of books too. Shruti was once again tempted. Shruti nodded. They entered in book shop. She began to watch books. Rina was observing Shruti’s entry with one elderly woman. She could guess that it must be Shruti’s Mom. Rina wanted to send her out but now other staff was there too. She knew that it would look odd to them. One girl from Staff already began to show them books as they always did. Rina suddenly remembered that book. Shruti wanted it. Rina started to feel so uneasy. But Rina controlled herself & went ahead with smile. Rina went towards Shruti with book. Rina gave special smile which she saved for occasions. Shruti smiled back. Shruti felt so nervous. Shruti thought that Rina would once again throw her out of shop. Shruti began to get so tense. She didn’t understand what was going to happen. But Rina smiled & gave book to her. Shruti took it in her hands. Shruti sensed that it was that book which she was reading. Rina smiled & said “ So sorry I needed to send you out. I was cleaning shop.” Shruti nodded. Shruti just wanted book & suddenly Rina seemed nice lady after providing it. Shruti thanked Rina & started to read it. Rina was observing her with full attention. This time Rina was planning her proper revenge but Rina was planning to go slow & do it carefully.

        Shruti was so happy that Rina was not objecting but Shruti didn’t sense that Rina was slowly observing her purse. Rina was watching carefully Shruti’s cards. Shruti & her mother didn’t sense that Rina was trying to know their address. It was important for Rina since she wanted to take revenge. She was so desperate. Rina knew that when she get address. She would stop Shruti from damaging future of some young man & his family. She needed to move ahead carefully. Rina was searching for some card. Soon she found one. She wrote down address. Rina smiled happily. Now she knew that she could start handling things in better way. Rina went back to counter. On that point another salesgirl said “ Madam you need to eat something. You are on empty stomach from morning.” Rina nodded. She managed to do that when she was obsessed with something. Rina said “ I will go but let me create bill for them.” She pointed towards Shruti. That sales girl smiled & said “ Don’t worry Madam they are permanent customers. I have their account in computer.” Rina felt so shocked. She did entire spying then she sudden remember CCTV. She sensed that in CCTV of shop anyone could see her searching in Shruti’s purse. She felt so stressed. That sales girl asked “ What happened Madam?” Rina said nervously “ I was searching in my purse & by mistake I searched in that customer’s purse.” Sales girl laughed. “ It’s okay Madam such things happen.” Rina “ this is not right. I tell her & let her confirm I have not taken anything before going.” That sales girl tried to stop but Rina went to Shruti & told all. Shruti’s Mom laughed. Shruti smiled too. Shruti “ It’s okay. Actually I bought my purse from this shop only so you got confused.” “ it’s not fine. I give you something as gift.” Then Rina smiled with this thought. She had one camera. She decided that she would set it in showpiece & gave it. Rina ran towards her area. Slowly she selected showpiece. Shruti & her Mom continued searching for books. Rina managed to fit camera properly in showpiece & then she gift wrapped it. Then Rina gave it to Shruti when they were about to go out. Rina smiled happily & began to wait for next customer. Shruti came out of shop. Shruti didn’t like Rina at all. Shruti “ Mom she was looking in my purse can you believe it?” Mom “ We will not go there next time. I don’t like that lady too. Even that sales girl was complaining that her new Madam was odd. That sales girl was also planning to change job. This lady is so.. I can’t put it in words.” “ Scary like someone out of Psycho movie!” Her Mom started laughing. Shruti joined her too. Shruti looked towards gift. Shruti said with fear “ I don’t want it.” “ Then just keep it in bag we can keep it in cupboard!” Shruti didn’t want to take it home but she didn’t have much option so she took it in home. Her elder sister Priya was waiting there. She didn’t understand why Priya was so obsessed with their home instead of her husband’s home. Then when Priya immediately jumped for that gift Shruti sensed that cause. It was greed. She smiled. Priya immediately fall in love with that showpiece. She decided to take it with her. Shruti was very glad. Luckily her husband was coming to take her home. So Shruti was happy that this showpiece was going away soon. Priya was pleased too. Priya took it with her. She went in her house & opened it. It was so beautiful. She loved that flower. It had unique shine. She began to look towards it carefully. She was so happy. She came in  hall. She had one cupboard there. It was small one. She could arrange all on it. She had plenty of showpieces already there in line. Priya’s daughter screamed from behind. “ What is this Mom? You have once again brought showpiece! That cupboard is overloaded!” Priya gave her angry look. “ It’s okay. Do you want something in your bedroom?” “ No thanks.” Then her daughter Arpita went in her room. Arpita began to arrange her room with full concentration. Arpita didn’t like this new showpiece. She hated when her Mom brought things from her grandparents. She felt as if her Mom was taking all with force. But Arpita knew that it was useless to argue. But today’s showpiece was something different sort of scary to her. She was not happy to see it. Arpita felt so sad. Arpita just wanted to throw it away but she couldn’t. Arpita felt strange negativity in it. She felt as if it’s petals have something inside. Arpita laughed at that thought. She knew that it was all her mental thinking. Arpita started to arrange all in her room. Then she once again sat on her table & began to work on her laptop. She began to type. She started to do her work. After sometime Priya set it in her hall perfectly. Priya smiled & went away. Rina stayed in shop for hours. Rina began to arrange all properly. Then finally she went in her home. Rina was not so excited about starting camera any more. She began to feel it was wrong. She decided to throw it away. She didn’t want to see it. Rina began to sense that what she was doing. She was doing one crime. She was recording video of some person illegally. She needed to take it back. She began to shiver. She knew that her trouble was back. She didn’t want to confess it but it was. She immediately called her Doctor & told all. Doctor “ I told you that you need to visit psychiatrist! That Shruti was looking like your daughter-in-law?” Rina started crying. She knew that she was holding unnecessary grudge on her daughter-in-law. Rina “ I don’t have any right on her son or grandchildren. She have rights. They doesn’t want me & I am not even her mother-in-law she is daughter-in-law of my sister..” “ You keep saying this but you don’t feel it.” Rina said angrily “ No I feel it.” Rina was feeling so sad. But she kept telling herself that everything was just fine. There was sadness in her heart. She knew that she must not express it. She had attachments. She knew that she did all since her sister needed help. She liked that child. But she never thought that it would go in such wrong way. Her sister’s daughter-in-law acted so careless that her sister died. Rina didn’t want to think. Rina “ I knew my sister was sick so she died. It was not mistake of her daughter-in-law..” Doctor said peacefully “ Visit Psychiatrist. You need help.” “ Okay.” She said it once again. She was feeling so sad. But she knew that she didn’t have much options. 

       Rina decided to call Shruti next morning. Rina slowly called Shruti. Shruti took her call. Shruti “ Hello who is it?” Rina said slowly “ It’s me. Owner of book shop.” Now Shruti was so frustrated. Shruti “ I made payments..” “ Actually that showpiece which I gave was by mistake with CCTV of shop.” “ What? You put CCTV in our house ?” “ it’s not on. I sensed that I have it so I kept cameras off. It was for safety of shop..” Shruti “ I will return it.” “ No. You don’t need to do that. Just remove petal. Remove cameras & break them. That’s all.” Shruti said “ Okay.” Shruti immediately called Priya. Priya was so shocked. Priya immediately went there. Priya removed petal. There was not any camera. She was so shocked. Nothing was wrong, Arpita came out & saw Priya searching for something. Arpita asked “ What happened?” Priya told all to her. They began to search hard. Arpita was so sure but she didn’t find it. Arpita “ Nothing is inside.” Priya smiled. Priya “ Maybe she had given proper showpiece. She got scared without reason.” Priya called Shruti & told her that nothing was wrong with showpiece. Shruti called Rina & told her. Rina felt shocked but Shruti was so happy that she kept laughing. Suddenly Shruti began to feel Rina was just over anxious woman. Shruti called Rina & told her “ There is no camera.” Rina shivered with fear. Rina “ Are you sure?” Shruti said happily “ Of course we checked.” Rina looked towards her house. Rina didn’t understand what she supposed to say. She remembered all perfectly. Rina felt so nervous. Rina started to think that she had hallucinated entire incidence. That thought was so painful for her. She told herself to relax. She remembered properly. She didn’t put spy camera in it. She imagined all. She shivered with fear. Shruti was kept talking happily about all. Rina didn’t discourage her. Rina needed to control her emotions. Then Rina said happily “ I hope you will keep shopping & not feel upset. Not at all.” Shruti disconnected call & told everything to her Mom. Suddenly they began to feel Rina was nice lady. They laughed at their first thoughts. But Rina was totally convinced that she was unsound. She began to search for number. Her Doctor gave her one number of psychiatrist since her sister died. She avoided it. But now Rina knew that she didn’t have much option. She needed to go for it. Rina was so restless. Rina kept searching finally she found that number. She began to feel so upset. Rina didn’t want to say that she was mad but it was true. She was not sound. She was having mental issues. She looked towards number & without second thought she just called & took her appointment. She was so scared. But she told herself that she needed to cook & eat. She needed to go in shop next day too. She needed to laugh on her mistake & pretend she was normal while behind back she would took appointment of Psychiatrist. She wanted to appear normal & she was acting like normal person before all. She knew that Psychiatrist treatment was not going to be cheap so she needed to earn money for it. She went in kitchen. She cooked normally. Soon she began to feel totally normal. She began to think that she didn’t have any mental issue. She wanted to cancel appointment but when she tried to do it. Receptionist said “ Madam you were nervous so I made one emergency appointment for you. Now don’t skip it. If you are fine Doctor will declare it. Then you can go home. Don’t worry Doctor is too busy so he will not drag your treatment.” Then Receptionist laughed & she joined her. Rina sensed that she laughed after so much time. Rina decided that she needed to visit psychiatrist if she wanted to confirm herself that she was fine. She cooked then she ate. She went to sleep. She slept normally. All was perfect. Next day she went in shop & salesgirl came running towards her & gave her that showpiece with camera. “ Madam I kept it in corner. I feel you created this for shop security by mistake you gave it as gift.” Rina laughed with relief. Then Rina told entire story to Shruti. Rina went on counter. Rina worked in shop properly. Rina felt that everything was just perfect. Nothing was wrong except she had less number of customers. It was really sad news for her. Rina kept working entire time. She began to sense that she was totally normal. She didn’t dream anything. She needed to cancel that appointment but she tried it once so she decided to not try it again. She kept arranging all. Then she returned home. Her life was totally normal. She was sure about it. She looked around her room. She decided to redecorate it. Soon she began to order things for redecoration. She was planning to do all by herself. She didn’t want help of any person. She began to create list. She knew now what went wrong. She didn’t redecorate her house after her sister’s death. She suddenly shivered when her mobile rang. She knew that her sister’s grandson would call her. She didn’t like their calls. She hated them. She looked towards mobile. She knew that she didn’t have much option. She didn’t want them to visit. So she decided to take call. She told that boy that she was fine. Then she told that she was too tired. She was working all day & she disconnected. She began to feel so upset. On that night she had nightmares. She woke up so exhausted next morning that she decided that she was not fine. She needed some help. She looked towards calendar & confirmed when her appointment would come. But when she started working, once again all seemed fine. Until Shruti didn’t came in shop when Shruti came Rina once again began to get upset. But Rina convinced herself that this was normal. She took breath of relief when finally day of her appointment came. She went there. She waited for her turn when she came inside without stopping she told all to Psychiatrist & finally she asked “ So what do you feel? I have issues or not?” Psychiatrist asked peacefully “ What do you feel? Do you normally do spying of unknown innocent girls?” She felt so ashamed. She started crying. Psychiatrist permitted her to cry then finally she stopped. Then slowly Psychiatrist told her that she was suffering trauma due to death of her sister. She came on proper time. After it they started treatment. Slowly Rina started to feel normal. Rina began to feel positive about everything. Rina even visited her sister’s daughter-in-law & met her sister’s grandson. She didn’t feel connected to him anymore but she no longer hold grudge on them. She smiled happily after her visit. Rina was no longer stressed. She welcomed Shruti every time in pleasant way. Finally Rina’s life was happy & normal once again.

                                                 The End

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