Thursday, March 31, 2022

Poem. 6301. Every path with move of smile show

                                                 Every path with move of smile show
Every path with move of smile show new world to mind that give new appeal to thought of soul at each way of spirit that give new direction to appeal of soul which give new route of mind
Every path with move of smile show new appeal to life that show new knowledge to start of world at every move of shine that form new start to touch of start which show new word of mind
Every path with move of smile show new strength to move that form new direction to touch of path at each step of hope that show new world to way of shine which form new soul of mind
Every path with move of smile show new chapter to strength that give new appeal to move of soul at each start of direction that start new concept to touch of spirit which give new way of mind
Every path with move of smile show new appeal to shine that show new chapter to strength of step at each move of strength that give new knowledge of step which form new path of mind 
Every path with move of smile show new touch to world that form new concept to appeal of touch at each thought of knowledge that create new path of chapter which show new step of mind
Every path with move of smile show new route to concept that give new strength to spirit of soul at each chapter of strength that form new direction of route which start new start of mind
Every path with move of smile show new chapter to shine that start new appeal to move of step at each knowledge of route that show new strength of world which form new soul of mind
Every path with move of smile show new concept to step that form new direction to shine of light at each move of shine that create new appeal of strength which give new spirit of mind
Every path with move of smile show new touch to start that give new strength to soul of chapter at each way of soul that show new direction of knowledge which show new light of mind
Every path with move of smile show new thought to appeal that create new route to hope of shine at each route of step that form new start of direction which form new concept of mind
Every path with move of smile show new direction to touch that show new step to dream of soul at each light of shine that create new way of knowledge which give new spirit of mind
Every path with move of smile show new strength to soul that create new start to step of concept at each way of strength that form new move of chapter which start new soul of mind
Every path with move of smile show new appeal to start that form new route to touch of strength at each move of chapter that show new step of concept which start new light of mind
Every path with move of smile show new strength to route that give new appeal to step of chapter at each way of concept that give new direction of touch which create new route of mind
Every path with move of smile show new concept to shine that start new chapter to route of touch at each step of direction that form new strength of move which give new spirit of mind
Every path with move of smile show new chapter to appeal that form new touch to spirit of shine at each move of strength that start new direction of route which show new soul of mind
Every path with move of smile show new thought to touch that give new thought to step of soul at each light of knowledge that create new concept of move which start new way of mind
Every path with move of smile show new chapter to strength that form new route to way of move at each touch of strength that give new direction of start which form new appeal of mind
Every path with move of smile show new thought to shine that give new move to chapter of route at each step of concept that form new strength of soul which create new touch of mind
Every path with move of smile show new touch to strength that form new start to direction of step at each shine of light that create new appeal of route which give new thought of mind
Every path with move of smile show new direction to light that create new path to concept of way at each route of soul that show new touch of spirit which show new strength of mind
Every path with move of smile show new chapter to touch that start new move to thought of route at each spirit of start that form new concept of word which give new appeal of mind
Every path with move of smile show new appeal to route that form new concept to shine of touch at each soul of strength that give new chapter of step which start new thought of mind
Every path with move of smile show new thought to path that give new chapter to spirit of chapter at each step of spirit that form new direction of appeal which show new shine of mind
Every path with move of smile show new appeal to route that create new touch to step of concept at each way of concept that give new spirit of chapter which form new path of mind
Every path with move of smile show new strength to step that form new soul to thought of appeal at each route of chapter that start new direction of route which show new step of mind
Every path with move of smile show new knowledge to way that start new way to chapter of touch at each world of route that form new thought of move which give new start of mind
Every path with move of smile show new appeal to concept that create new move to direction of soul at each knowledge of way that give new direction of step which create new world of mind
Every path with move of smile show new chapter to strength that give new path to thought of start at each concept of route that start new knowledge of way which form new step of mind
Every path with move of smile show new concept to touch that start new route to chapter of shine at each dream of soul that form new direction of soul which create new start of mind
Every path with move of smile show new direction to appeal that form new way to concept of spirit at each path of start that show new touch of step which form new move of mind
Every path with move of smile show new knowledge to path that show new soul to direction of soul at each route of soul that form new hope of start which show new appeal of mind
Every path with move of smile show new chapter to strength that form new step to thought of way  at each move of concept that create new appeal of dream which give new spirit of mind
Every path with move of smile show new concept to touch that start new appeal to touch of soul at each thought of spirit that give new knowledge of soul which show new way of mind
Every path with move of smile show new direction to light which show new light to shine of route at each strength of soul that form new thought of step which create new move of mind
Every path with move of smile show new strength to path which start new touch to spirit of way at each knowledge of world that give new chapter of way which show new path of mind
Every path with move of smile show new knowledge to start which give new appeal to route of path at each touch of chapter that show new direction of soul which form new way of mind
Every path with move of smile show new chapter to strength which form new concept to world of chapter at each step of concept that create new touch of step which give new start of mind
Every path with move of smile show new direction to appeal which start new thought to step of concept at each shine of light that form new knowledge of path which show new move of mind.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Poem. 6300. Dream will open hope to mind

                                                   Dream will open hope to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new concept of soul that create new direction to thinking of mind which show new strength to soul of life that start new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new touch of step that show new strength to learning of mind which form new direction to shine of light that show new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which give new appeal of route that form new knowledge to feeling of mind which create new appeal to route of shine that give new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which start new knowledge of soul that create new appeal to meaning of mind which give new touch to way of light that form new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new direction of spirit that show new direction to learning of mind which form new shine to concept of route that start new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which give new strength of soul that create new thought to feeling of mind which show new appeal to knowledge of path that show new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new appeal of shine that start new chapter to learning of mind which form new step to thought of soul that form new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which show new touch of direction that form new concept to meaning of mind which give new way to chapter of move that give new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new beginning of soul that show new touch to thinking of mind which start new move to concept of route that form new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new thought of start that change new direction to feeling of mind which give new appeal to strength of soul that show new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which show new direction of path that form new strength to understanding of path which form new touch to thought of step that start new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which start new concept of spirit that show new knowledge to thinking of shine which give new direction to strength of route that create new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new chapter of touch that form new chapter to learning of soul which form new chapter to concept of understanding that form new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new thought of route that show new direction to feeling of step which create new path to strength of learning that give new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which show new direction of touch that start new strength to meaning of path which form new soul to concept of feeling that show new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new strength of move that give new knowledge to learning of move which show new step to thought of learning that start new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which start new concept of soul that show new direction to understanding of soul which give new light to shine of thinking that form new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new chapter of step that create new appeal to thinking of knowledge which form new concept to touch of understanding that give new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new appeal of route that show new touch to learning of direction which show new chapter to strength of learning that start new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which start new chapter of move that give new thought to feeling of strength which start new concept to thought of feeling that show new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new direction of route that show new strength to meaning of chapter which form new start to chapter of learning that give new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new strength of soul that form new appeal to thinking of concept which show new route to direction of understanding that start new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which show new touch of spirit that create new path to learning of chapter which form new move to strength of feeling that show new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which give new knowledge of path that start new move to feeling of path which create new appeal to thought of learning that form new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which start new chapter of soul that form new direction to thinking of shine which form new start to knowledge of meaning that create new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new direction of step that give new knowledge to meaning of soul which give new way to thought of start that give new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new path of soul that show new strength to learning of shine which show new chapter to knowledge of step that start new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which show new route of shine that form new concept to thinking of spirit which form new direction to appeal of move that form new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new concept of move that create new thought to meaning of path which start new concept to touch of start that create new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new chapter of shine that show new touch to feeling of concept which form new strength to chapter of route that show new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which show new strength of path that form new chapter to learning of soul which create new appeal to concept of path that give new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new knowledge of soul that create new move to thinking of way which show new touch to thought of step that form new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which start new direction of shine that give new concept to feeling of chapter which form new knowledge to soul of strength that create new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new soul of concept that show new strength to thinking of path which start new world to way of concept that start new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which give new appeal of strength that create new route to meaning of soul which form new direction to step of chapter that give new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which show new direction of soul that form new way to learning of strength which create new appeal to thought of concept that show new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new appeal of touch that start new world to feeling of knowledge which form new direction to start of chapter that form new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which form new knowledge of soul that give new chapter to meaning of route which show new touch to spirit of concept that give new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which give new direction of step that form new concept to thinking of shine which create new appeal to thought of chapter that show new life to mind
Dream will open hope to mind which create new appeal of shine that show new path to feeling of strength which start new concept to route of direction that give new life to mind.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Poem. 6299. Word hidden in smile which show

                                                    Wind hidden in smile which show
Wind hidden in smile which show new light to thought that form new chapter to touch of feeling that give new light to thinking of soul that create new direction to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new route to chapter that give new appeal to step of meaning that show new path to feeling of way that show new touch to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new appeal to touch that create new path to concept of thinking that show new step to learning of soul that form new start to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new strength to shine that form new route to chapter of learning that give new route to meaning of step that show new path to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new appeal to soul that show new knowledge to step of feeling that show new way to thinking of soul that create new move to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new chapter to step that give new direction to start of meaning that form new step to understanding of step that give new path to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new concept to start that show new strength to path of learning that start new move to feeling of route that show new start to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new direction to path that create new appeal to step of thinking that give new appeal to learning of way that form new step to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new strength to soul that give new direction to start of feeling that create new path to thinking of move that start new path to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new appeal to shine that form new knowledge to way of meaning that give new step to meaning of route that show new start to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new chapter to spirit that create new appeal to path of learning that show new direction to understanding of soul that create new way to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new concept to start that give new chapter to soul of feeling that start new strength to learning of direction that form new move to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new strength to soul that start new direction to step of thinking that form new concept to feeling of chapter that show new path to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new thought to step that show new concept to start of dream that give new direction to meaning of route that give new world to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new knowledge to path that create new route to spirit of meaning that show new touch to learning of move that start new step to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new chapter to touch that form new direction to soul of thinking that form new chapter to thinking of soul that show new direction to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new touch to thought that give new strength to way of feeling that show new concept to learning of step that form new appeal to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new shine to light that form new knowledge to step of meaning that create new appeal to thinking of start that show new direction to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new spirit to soul that create new appeal to touch of learning that form new chapter to meaning of route that form new concept to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new move to step that give new concept to shine of feeling that show new concept to thinking of soul that create new direction to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new start to world that create new touch to appeal of meaning that give new shine to learning of step that show new strength to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new soul to thought that form new spirit to concept of thinking that create new path to meaning of route that form new concept to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new light to knowledge that create new path to direction of learning that show new way to feeling of move that show new touch to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new touch to chapter that form new concept to strength of feeling that form new move to meaning of path that create new path to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new spirit to concept that start new direction to appeal of thinking that give new step to learning of move that show new step to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new shine to direction that form new chapter to shine of learning that form new start to feeling of soul that give new appeal to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new step to strength that show new concept to touch of meaning that give new appeal to learning of start that form new start to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new start to chapter that give new knowledge to way of thinking that create new strength to understanding of soul that show new touch to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new route to concept that form new chapter to start of feeling that form new direction to meaning of chapter that create new appeal to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new path to direction that create new appeal to touch of meaning that give new shine to feeling of move that form new concept to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new route to strength that form new chapter to shine of learning that create new appeal to meaning of soul that show new direction to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new touch to direction that show new start to route of feeling that give new strength to thinking of path that create new knowledge to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new appeal to concept that give new touch to move of thinking that show new direction to learning of move that start new chapter to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new concept to chapter that show new step to path of meaning that start new chapter to understanding of path that form new touch to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new shine to knowledge that form new start to move of feeling that form new concept to thinking of direction that show new appeal to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new soul to strength that give new direction to route of learning that give new appeal to feeling of strength that give new knowledge to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new step to knowledge that show new start to step of thinking that show new direction to learning of soul that form new shine to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new start to direction that create new way to touch of meaning that form new concept to thinking of path that create new path to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new way to strength that form new move to chapter of learning that create new chapter to meaning of start that form new step to thought of mind
Wind hidden in smile which show new step to concept that show new touch to thought of feeling that give new appeal to thinking of touch that show new start to thought of mind.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Poem. 6298. Touch to appeal that show

                                                             Touch to appeal that show
Touch to appeal that show new direction to thought of move which start new strength of start that give new knowledge to touch of chapter that give new light to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new route to strength of soul which give new concept of world that show new concept to feeling of thought that start new chapter to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new path to concept of step which create new knowledge of step that form new direction to meaning of shine that give new concept to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new direction to appeal of start which form new chapter of soul that start new strength to feeling of soul that show new direction to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new strength to thought of step which give new thought of start that form new concept to learning of way that start new strength to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new chapter to knowledge of move which show new concept of path that show new start to feeling of path that give new direction to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new concept to strength of soul which form new direction of route that form new concept to thinking of route that show new strength to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new chapter to knowledge of step which give new move of touch that give new direction to understanding of way that create new appeal to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new direction to concept of start which create new path of shine that show new strength to learning of world that form new direction to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new knowledge to step of move which form new start of world that create new touch to meaning of thought that give new appeal to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new strength to start of chapter which form new soul of concept that give new direction to feeling of chapter that create new path to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new concept to path of thought which give new step of strength that show new strength to thinking of touch that show new move to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new strength to chapter of appeal which start new way of touch that start new knowledge to learning of soul that give new direction to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new concept to thought of chapter which form new start of move that give new direction to feeling of appeal that start new concept to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new chapter to strength of soul which give new knowledge of path that form new concept to meaning of direction that show new touch to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new strength to concept of path which start new chapter of world that show new knowledge to feeling of move that give new appeal to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new thought to appeal of route which form new concept of move that give new chapter to learning of concept that create new path to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new chapter to touch of step which give new direction of path that create new path to thinking of path that show new route to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new strength to start of move which create new appeal of route that show new step to learning of soul that form new direction to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new spirit to route of shine which start new knowledge of soul that give new move to understanding of start that give new appeal to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new soul to thought of step which form new concept of step that create new path to feeling of chapter that show new thought to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new move to concept of path which give new touch of start that show new direction to meaning of route that give new knowledge to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new path to strength of soul which create new way of spirit that form new strength to learning of move that form new direction to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new route to knowledge of way which show new move of touch that give new direction to thinking of soul that give new strength to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new move to chapter of thought which form new step of soul that form new concept to understanding of step that show new touch to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new shine to direction of move which start new route of step that create new thought to feeling of start that form new chapter to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new spirit to strength of soul which form new chapter of start that form new concept to meaning of move that show new direction to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new shine to concept of world which start new direction of path that give new knowledge to feeling of route that give new knowledge to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new chapter to strength of step which give new spirit of move that create new thought to meaning of move that show new shine to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new concept to direction of start which show new path of thought that give new direction to learning of path that start new concept to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new thought to strength of move which start new way of chapter that show new step to thinking of move that show new chapter to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new knowledge to shine of light which give new move of strength that start new move to understanding of path that give new thought to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new direction to spirit of shine which create new path of concept that give new knowledge to feeling of move that create new step to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new strength to soul of thought which form new step of direction that form new concept to learning of path that show new start to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new start to step of concept which create new start of shine that give new direction to meaning of route that create new path to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new concept to route of strength which form new path of light that create new strength to feeling of move that give new way to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new chapter to thought of path which show new step of touch that show new direction to learning of path that show new step to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new strength to concept of route which give new start of move that form new strength to meaning of soul that give new start to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new knowledge to step of move which start new path of step that create new world to learning of start that show new route to dream of mind
Touch to appeal that show new direction to route of shine which form new concept of start that give new chapter to feeling of move that create new step to dream of mind.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Poem. 6297. Chapter of soul which give dream

                                                    Chapter of soul which give dream
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of mind which start new direction to appeal of step that form new path to understanding of soul which give new touch of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to thinking of mind which form new strength to concept of start that give new step to learning of thought which show new route of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of mind which show new knowledge to touch of path that show new path to meaning of concept which form new way of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to learning of mind which form new appeal to spirit of thought that form new step to thinking of direction which create new soul of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to meaning of mind which give new concept to step of strength that give new way to feeling of shine which show new direction of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of mind which show new direction to path of concept that create new move to learning of step which give new chapter of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to understanding of mind which give new strength to move of thought that give new step to feeling of move which show new route of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to learning of mind which form new concept to touch of knowledge that show new direction to meaning of path which form new step of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of mind which show new direction to shine of appeal that form new knowledge to understanding of soul which create new path of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to meaning of step which start new strength to soul of direction that show new touch to learning of knowledge which give new appeal of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to thinking of route which show new touch to step of touch that give thought to thinking of concept which show new knowledge of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to learning of step which form new thought to path of move that start knowledge to feeling of move which create new direction of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of move which create new appeal to touch of route that show strength to meaning of step which give new thought of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to meaning of route which start new concept to shine of spirit that form appeal to thinking of concept which show new strength of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to thinking of path which form new direction to thought of move that give knowledge to feeling of shine which create new appeal of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to learning of step which show new strength to concept of route that show direction to understanding of path which give new knowledge of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of move which create new appeal to direction of move that form strength to meaning of soul which start new concept of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to thinking of route which form new concept to step of knowledge that give touch to feeling of step which form new direction of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to meaning of path which show new thought to move of concept that way knowledge to thinking of soul which create new strength of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to learning of way which start new concept to route of shine that form direction to understanding of path which show new shine of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of touch which form new direction to path of spirit that give strength to meaning of touch which form new thought of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to thinking of step which give new appeal to step of thought that create move to understanding of step which give new knowledge of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to meaning of path which show new chapter to shine of route that give thought to feeling of knowledge which show new touch of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to learning of route which create new path to concept of start that show concept to learning of soul which start new route of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to thinking of path which show new move to chapter of soul that create strength to meaning of route which give new way of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of move which form new touch to thought of step that form knowledge to thinking of move which show new touch of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to meaning of path which create new way to concept of world that give appeal to feeling of path which form new direction of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to learning of move which form new step to direction of route that show knowledge to learning of move which create new thought of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to thinking of spirit which create new route to knowledge of start that form appeal to meaning of path which form new concept of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of move which show new shine to strength of appeal that show direction to thinking of move which start new touch of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to learning of path which start new spirit to concept of soul that give strength to meaning of appeal which form new chapter of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to meaning of step which form new move to strength of way that route to understanding of spirit which give new appeal of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to thinking of route which show new path to chapter of spirit that form path to learning of way which create new touch of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of move which create new step to concept of move that create move to thinking of route which show new path of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to understanding of soul which give new way to direction of soul that give appeal to feeling of path which form new step of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to meaning of shine which create new move to strength of word that show concept to meaning of route which give new touch of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to learning of path which show new touch to knowledge of step that create knowledge to feeling of move which show new path of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to understanding of way which form new way to concept of route that form direction to meaning of path which start new move of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to feeling of knowledge which give new step to thought of move that create strength to feeling of soul which give new appeal of start to light
Chapter of soul which give dream to meaning of concept which show new touch to direction of path that show appeal to learning of shine which create new path of start to light.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Adventure story. 546. Hiding inside mind

                                                       Hiding inside mind

Ritika was so excited about this new job. This new job has every thing which she wanted. She was so happy. Her first day was excellent. She was studying for this job for such long time but she was not sure that it would turn out the way she wanted it. She wanted her job to be great & it was. She was so happy to get that job. She was desiring it for such a long time but she never managed to get it. She was so happy. She didn’t understand why she kept thinking this again & again that she was so happy. It was normal to feel happy. But today she felt as if she needed it’s reminder. She knew that she didn’t feel like this normally. But she was feeling sad somewhere inside. She was so much stress out. She knew that she needed to feel okay. In fact she needed to feel on top of the world. She heard her mobile. She looked towards it. Her boyfriend Mohit was calling. She liked Mohit. But now her family was insisting for some commitment from him. She didn’t know. She was so confused. She didn’t understand what was her desire. Mohit didn’t insist on commitment but it was also suggesting that he might choose someone else when it might come to marriage. He could say that they were nice couple but he felt other girl was more suitable for marriage. Actually this never happened with her but she felt scared. She didn’t understand what she supposed to talk with Mohit. She took call after waiting for sometime. Mohit sounded very excited. “ So what happened? Did you manage to enjoy your work?” His voice had magical quality. She wanted to give commitment but he wasn’t demanding it. She was not even sure that they were couple. She suddenly began to sense that he never said something like I love you to her. She was not sure what she felt about all this. She managed to control her feelings & said “ It’s okay.” Mohit seemed happy with this response. Mohit began to tell about his busy day. He always kept talking about himself & asking about her but she didn’t understand if it was just normal friendship or something else. She sensed one thing. Mohit was concerned about her. Mohit was going to dig in her day soon. She smiled at that thought. Ritika knew that she just needed to tell him all. It seemed that everything was perfect. She loved talking with him. Then after sometime Isha called her. Isha was her best friend. She knew that Isha was her best support pillar. She felt so nice when she discussed all with Isha. She started to feel so relaxed after hearing Isha’s voice. Isha “ It is so irritating. I am getting your mobile engaged for such long time. Are you busy with someone?” “ No one special! It was just Mohit!” She tried to sound as normal as possible but Isha got her point already. It was so upsetting. Since Isha immediately started “ Mohit belong to different know very well! He is not going to marry you! He is just doing timepass.” She felt so irritated. “ I am not dating him.” She said in with confidence. She didn’t sense when she decided that she was not involved with him. It was possible when her Dad taunted her for wasting time on wrong sort of boy when she supposed to date one son of his friend. They all didn’t plan her marriage for her happiness but they planned it for their benefits. She was not planning to get married any way. She knew that Mohit was just demanding her friendship that’s all. She began to talk about her new job. Soon she sensed that they wanted her to earn large amount which was not going to happen. Isha didn’t say it on phone but she kept discussing that she was searching for some multinational jobs. Ritika was clearly upset. She wanted to avoid calls after Isha’s call. They all wanted her to run after money. But she wanted them to help her in getting money through work which she wanted to do. It was little bit upsetting at beginning but now it was too much. But she knew that she needed to talk with all. She kept talking with them. Finally by end of last call she was so upset. She didn’t feel any hope from her job. She didn’t like to hear those calls. It were so upsetting. She didn’t understand what was cause of those calls. They all seemed to be telling to her that she was doing a useless job. If she was doing a useless job why did they needed to congratulate her. She knew that it was all going in wrong way. She needed to feel happy but she was so sad & upset. She couldn’t feel that happiness from her soul which she wanted. She was so upset. She sensed that her life was complete failure. She wanted happiness but she was not getting it. She was feeling so sad. She was so happy when she was on her job. Her entire happiness was gone. She didn’t understand why she needed to prove someone great. She was happy with her life. But they kept telling her that she needed to prove herself but she didn’t understand why & to whom. Her smile & happiness didn’t seem so important as her successful career. She was so frustrated. She took out her work from office & started doing it. In her office her every work was appreciated. She liked atmosphere of that office. She was so frustrated when she returned home. She began to dislike Mohit’s call too. Mohit didn’t wanted to harm her but still she began to feel dislike towards him. She started to sense that she couldn’t get him & people would keep taunting her about it. She once again started doing her office work. She was in middle when her father came screaming “ Come on. I want to watch some videos on Computer.” She was working on laptop but it was so hard to shift it again & again. She didn’t want to complaint & hear one big lecture so she left room. It was so frustrating. She kept talking about positive things in her work while her house was full of negativity. She told herself that she needed to concentrate on work. It truly worked. She began to feel so happy about entire thing. She was so happy about it. She decided that she needed to work for sometime. She needed to concentrate on positive way of life. She needed to act hopeful. She began to do her work & slowly she started to get positive. Entire negative thinking managed to vanish from her mind. She loved her work. It was so nice.

    Next morning Ritika ran to get ready as soon as alarm rang. She wanted to hurry up. She was not interested in staying in house. Her house & her negativity was killing her positive thinking step by step. She wanted to feel hopeful & positive. She needed to think in a way with which all negative thoughts of her mind would vanish. She felt so stuck in her negative thinking. She didn’t understand why.  She knew that it was due to those calls. They were not congratulating her. They were taunting her. They were making her sad & depressed. She began to think about different things which always made her happy. She started to remember her favourite ice cream shop. She used to go there to eat ice cream. She went there with all but she never went there with Mohit. She wanted to take him there some day. But then she corrected her thoughts again. He was not her boyfriend. But she didn’t understand why she couldn’t take him for ice cream without making him boyfriend. She didn’t want to do cross limits. She knew that many did but no one blamed them but for her even talking with Mohit was wrong thing. She didn’t understand why this was happening. She needed to act modern but she was not modern. She didn’t want to confuse Mohit. But she didn’t understand what she actually wanted. She began to thinking about him. She slowly started to get ready for office. She didn’t sense how quickly she managed to get it done. She said bye & left home. She felt like bird out of cage. When she came out, she turned & looked towards her home. She sensed one thing that she wasted entire morning in thinking about Mohit. She didn’t want him. He might treat her like her Dad. Not just her Dad all talked with her in same way even her best friend Isha talked same way. Her Dad always used to talk bitterly but Isha was always positive. Isha never said anything against her. But this time Isha was not supportive at all. Isha was dragging issue whole time. Isha was telling her that she needed to change her attitude. She needed to just go & work in that office. She knew that office was not giving her much salary in fact didn’t give her salary. It just managed to give her chance to show her talent. She was getting people who liked her skill. She didn’t want to change her life just to fulfil ambition of some person who wanted get money through her. She knew that even if she found a man who loved her but also demanded money from her. She didn’t like it. She loved her career too much. She didn’t understand when she fall in love with her career but she did. It became precious to her. She wanted to make her life happy. She didn’t want to run after money. When she reached to office once again she entered in her dream world. She began to sense everything was perfect. When her office hours were over once again she started to feel restless. She didn’t want to return home. She knew this thought was childish but many times she felt that she should rent one room near her office & stay there permanently. But it was not possible. She was not getting salary. She went home. She saw she received missed call from Mohit. She knew that she needed to break this circle too. She didn’t understand if Mohit loved her or not & she was not even sure about her feelings. She knew after her father’s first insult his family would reject her. She knew no one around her could respect him. She didn’t understand how could their friendship survived but it survived. She once more decided to disconnect call. Then she took it. She began to chat with him. This time she told him all. She knew that she couldn’t avoid him. She had strange link with him. She loved discussing everything with him. It was so nice. She sat in garden of society & chatted with him. She knew that no one was going to come there on that time. It was perfect place for her. She wanted to feel happy. But she was feeling so stressed. She was so upset. She didn’t understand why she needed to avoid people while talking with Mohit. She sat peacefully on bench told herself that she could talk with Mohit as friend. She began to call. Mohit took her call immediately. Mohit “ What happened? I thought you will call me to tell stories of your office same way as I do. But you don’t even call.” She said slowly “ Actually I just reached home.” “ Ohh..” “You know my Dad!” “ Ohh..” he didn’t discuss it further. He changed subject. He started talking about other things. She began to feel so happy. She kept talking for hours. Then she noticed time. She decided that she needed to go back. She needed to find some way to get back normal. She was so scared of going inside house. She was scared of that house. She began to feel so tense. She started to dream positively but after watching that house all her dreams were shattered. She knew that Mohit was positive for her mind but he was not staying permanently with her. She needed to feel positive about her own house. As soon as she entered her Dad started talking about some son of his friend. He was telling how much beneficial her marriage would be for her. She was so upset. She wanted to marry for her happiness not for her father’s benefit. Soon her Mom joined them too. Her Mom had same thinking. Her Mom felt that her father knew the best. Ritika didn’t want to hear them. But she knew that they would discuss it all before her so she got ready for another painful discussion which couldn’t be avoided. She was happy that this discussion was not taking place in morning. She didn’t want to go in office with disturbed mind. It was her second day but now she knew that she needed to face this music so she started to hear them. She knew that it would reduce her appetite but she wanted to reduce her weight any way. She began to hear them. She started to face it. But she began to feel so uneasy in her heart. She was so upset. She knew what was coming & she prepared herself for it. She took deep breath to relax herself & she started to detach herself from all. She was there but she didn’t feel insulted or hurt. She learnt this trick long ago & it worked every time so she started doing same thing again.

     Ritika was sitting before her parents. Her parents were explaining many things to her. She was listening them. But still she was not there. Her father sensed it first. Her father pointed to her Mom. “ What’s wrong with her? She is looking in air.” “ What?!” Then her Mom tried to shake her. She didn’t respond. It was so shocking. Her parents kept looking at her. She didn’t do anything for long time. Then she suddenly smiled & asked “ What happened?” Dad “ We were talking to you about one boy..” she nodded. “ I am not interested.” “ But you were sitting before us & still you don’t understand anything. You are not with us.” She started laughing. “ I never heard more illogical thing.” She didn’t want to disclose her trick. It was her routine. She never permitted her thoughts to get hurt by this idea. She kept looking towards far away side. She didn’t accept truth. Her parents kept looking towards her then they finally looked away. Her Dad “ But something was strange.” She just ignored them & laughed. She was so happy that she managed to block them from mind. She wanted to do that. She desired to feel happiness. She needed to go ahead. She needed to forget them. She went in her room. She tried to remember those moments. She didn’t want to feel that she didn’t remember them. She was sure that she could if she decide. She smiled at thought that she started forgetting without her permission. She knew that she needed to give permission to her brain otherwise she couldn’t start forgetting. This was not some TV show. She began her life in normal way. She kept doing this trick time to time. One day when she was working in office, she started to do one presentation before customers. She didn’t remember much. But then she sensed that water managed to wet her. She looked around with shock. Her colleagues were watching her. Her Boss asked “ Are you alright?” She nodded. She apologised to clients. It was so upsetting. She was working so hard to get things in right way. But nothing was working. She was feeling so sad. She wanted to feel normal. But she knew that she suddenly managed to blank out. She sat on chair. She began to tell herself to relax. She knew that she must be sick. She didn’t understand any other cause to forget all. She began to check temperature. But she found that it was okay. She started checking for other physical symptoms. But they were not existed. It was so frustrating. She began to get upset. Then her Boss entered. Boss “What is happening to you?” “ Nothing much I just blank out. Sometimes it happens to me..maybe due to nervousness.” “ It could be sign of serious sickness too.” Ritika felt so tense. Her Boss gave her card of Doctor. “ Took appointment & check.” She knew that this means asking for money. She wanted to avoid it. She smiled & said “ I am fine. It is just normal weakness..” “ Go to Doctor..or I got better idea come with me on my regular check up.” Her Boss always went to regular check up. Her Boss was health conscious since her husband’s heart attack & death. Ritika didn’t want to reject offer. Ritika decided that she might sell one of her old jewellery & get money for this Doctor. She didn’t want money from parents. She agreed. So she went home that day. Once again Mohit called. She took his call. She didn’t want to tell him anything so she avoided discussing her day. She was so frustrated when Mohit finally asked “ What happened?” She was so confused. “What? Nothing!” “ Yesterday you took call but didn’t speak.” She was so confused. She didn’t remember taking call at all. “ Ohh I can’t hear you.” He laughed. Mohit “ I thought you are angry about something.” “” Then she changed subject. She managed to talk nicely on call. After it she searched her mobile. She saw that she took call. Then she remembered that she took call. She knew that yesterday she took call. She came to sit on that chair. Then she didn’t remember anything. She came to senses when her neighbour touched her shoulder & asked “ What happened did you fall asleep?” She laughed & nodded. Then she went home. She understood one thing that something was wrong with her. She went home. She knew that she needed to confess. She told all to her parents. Her Dad was clearly frustrated. But he agreed to waste money on her. According to him every rupee he spent on her was wastage. She finally managed to tell all. Her Mom suggested that she would accompany her but she told her that her Boss was coming. Her Dad immediately told her Mom “ Let that Boss take her. She knew a lot better than you.” Her Mom nodded nervously. Her Mom always worshipped her Dad blindly. She nodded happily. She didn’t want her Mom with her. Next day she went to Doctor. Doctor checked her. Then Doctor told her to do normal tests. She sensed that she needed to spend money but she didn’t have much option. She went home. She took money from her parents & then she did tests. It was so frustrating when all came normal. It seemed as if she wasted money & when she came home, her Dad told it to her. This time she lost in her world. She didn’t sense that she needed to come back. She just went away. She didn’t understand or sense any thing. She was in her world. She didn’t want to come back. She was so happy in it. She didn’t even sense happiness. It was nothing. She didn’t exist. She couldn’t get insulted or she couldn’t get hurt. She just closed all doors of consciousness. She was happy there.

     Ritika shocked when she woke up in hospital. She looked around. Nurse called Doctor. Doctor checked her. Her parents came inside running. They kept telling her that she was just statue but she didn’t remember anything. She was so nervous. Then they did all check up on her. Finally they suggested psychiatrist. She was so shocked. It did look like mental disorder at all. But when she described all, Psychiatrist said “ It’s possible. In fact I feel it is mental disorder.” Then he explained whenever she wanted to escape stress she was doing it. “ But I like to talk to Mohit.” “ But you were scared of rejection or commitment? Or maybe of both!” She nodded. After this her treatment started. She began to get relaxed. Slowly she started to learn how to handle stress. Sometimes she get angry. Sometimes she cry but she never avoided it. She learnt to not block it from her mind. She remembered it & accepted it. It was painful but it was normal. She learnt to face her life. She knew that nothing was certain. But she learnt to accept that uncertainty with smile. Today she smiled happily when she chatted with Mohit. She didn’t think what would be future of their friendship. She appreciated her friendship. She admired her job & never wished people to admire it. Her admiration was enough for her. She learnt to handle it all through psychiatrist. She was always thankful to Psychiatrist for it. Her life became simple again. She learnt to handle crisis.

                                                                     The End 

Friday, March 25, 2022

Poem. 6296. Sky will show new hope

                                                            Sky will show new hope
Sky will show new hope that create new touch to thinking which start new shine of soul that give new thought to understanding of move that form new direction to chapter of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new concept to meaning which give new step of hope that form new direction to learning of touch that give new knowledge to touch of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that start new direction to learning which show new route of path that create new appeal to feeling of step that create new appeal to soul of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that show new strength to feeling which start new soul of step that show new strength to meaning of touch that form new concept to move of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that give new knowledge to meaning which give new start of move that form new direction to learning of path that give new appeal to route of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new touch to learning which form new shine of touch that give new appeal to understanding of move that show new touch to way of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new direction to thinking which give new step of soul that show new chapter to feeling of knowledge that create new path to concept of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that show new strength to feeling which start new route of move that give new concept to learning of step that show new way to direction of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new appeal to meaning which form new way of start that start new thought to feeling of route that give new move to strength of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new touch to thinking which give new step of touch that show new knowledge to meaning of move that create new world of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that give new direction to feeling which form new world of path that give new direction to learning of soul that show new touch of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that start new chapter to learning which create new move of route that show new strength to feeling of move that give new appeal of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new knowledge to meaning which show new way of soul that create new appeal to learning of path that start new chapter of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new appeal to thinking which form new direction of step that give new knowledge to meaning of dream that new appeal of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that show new knowledge to learning which give new appeal of start that show new touch to understanding of hope that new direction of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that give new strength to understanding which start new concept of path that form new step to learning of dream that new knowledge of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new concept to feeling which show new chapter of thought that give new touch to understanding of way that new strength of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that start new chapter to meaning which form new strength of appeal that create new path to feeling of move that new thought of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new appeal to thinking which give new concept of soul that show new way to meaning of route that new knowledge of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that give new strength to learning which create new path of start that give new knowledge to thinking of move that new direction of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new soul to feeling which show new move of touch that form new concept to understanding of start that new thought of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that start new concept to meaning which give new way of direction that show new chapter to feeling of step that new knowledge of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new chapter to thinking which start new light of thought that create new path to thinking of soul that new direction of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new direction to learning which give new soul of knowledge that give new way to learning of step that new appeal of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new strength to feeling which form new step of chapter that form new concept to feeling of route that new soul of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that show new concept to meaning which give new start of touch that give new direction to meaning of way that new touch of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new chapter to thinking which show new path of soul that show new knowledge to feeling of move that new direction of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that give new appeal to learning which form new step of move that form new strength to meaning of route that new knowledge of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new touch to feeling which start new way of world that create new appeal to learning of move that new concept of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that show new thought to meaning which give new start of move that form new touch to thinking of path that new chapter of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that give new direction to learning which create new path of route that start new chapter to feeling of move that new strength of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new appeal to thinking which show new step of soul that show new appeal to meaning of route that new knowledge of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new concept to feeling which give new route of shine that form new chapter to learning of concept that new direction of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new path to meaning which start new move of step that start new concept to thinking of touch that new appeal of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that give new route to learning which form new direction of soul that give new knowledge to feeling of move that new thought of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that start new chapter to thinking which create new appeal of step that show new touch to meaning of route that new concept of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that form new direction to feeling which give new dream of start that form new knowledge to feeling of move that new appeal of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that create new strength to meaning which show new path of route that create new appeal to learning of path that new chapter of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that give new knowledge to learning which start new move of touch that show new touch to meaning of route that new concept of spirit in life
Sky will show new hope that show new touch to meaning which form new world of appeal that give new chapter to feeling of move that new knowledge of spirit in life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...