Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Poem. 6066. Hope from chapter which

                                                Hope from chapter which 

Hope from chapter which form new appeal to soul that give dream that create new knowledge of path to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which give new strategy to path that start hope that show new direction of soul to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which show new strength to move that form way that start new appeal of shine to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which start new knowledge to way that create soul that form new touch of step to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which create new soul to appeal that form start that give new path of start to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which form new step to direction that give shine that show new word of touch to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which give new touch to start that show path that create new world of move to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which show new path to route that create shine that form new light of step to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which start new spirit to light that form appeal that give new direction of way to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which create new way to touch that show step that start new path of concept to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which form new move to soul that start route that create new way of smile to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which give new direction to step that create path that show new step of move to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which show new concept to start that form way that form new appeal of step to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which start new appeal to touch that give route that create new path of move to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which create new step to shine that show move that give new route of soul to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which form new start to direction that start path that show new way of light to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which give new shine to spirit that form soul that create new move of touch to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which show new touch to way that create way that form new appeal of step to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which start new direction to smile that give spirit that show new light of move to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which create new appeal to move that form path that give new dream of start to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which form new route to strength that start touch that create new path of move to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which give new thought to soul that create world that form new shine of route to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which show new touch to step that form strength that start new direction of move to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which create new route to smile that give concept that form new touch of path to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which start new shine to start that show direction that show new route of step to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which form new appeal to path that start dream that create new move of soul to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which give new touch to shine that create path that start new direction of way to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which show new move to step that form step that give new appeal of spirit to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which create new path to start that give touch that form new knowledge of move to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which form new soul to direction that start way that create new chapter of step to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which give new appeal to path that form soul that show new direction of route to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which start new step to concept that give move that create new touch of soul to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which form new smile to direction that show path that start new move of dream to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which create new way to strength that start route that give new thought of step to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which give new touch to smile that form path that show new appeal of soul to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which start new route to knowledge that create way that create new touch of move to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which show new light to strength that form world that give new step of shine to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which form new path to thought that give appeal that start new path of touch to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which create new soul to direction that show route that form new dream to way to thinking of life

Hope from chapter which give new concept to feel that form direction that show new route to move to thinking of life.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Poem. 6065. World will open new

                                                   World will open new

World will open new window which give new knowledge that create new learning of mind which show new plan to light

World will open new chapter which start new direction that form new understanding of mind which create new move to light

World will open new concept which form new strength that give new thinking of mind which form new thought to light

World will open new thought which create new appeal that start new meaning of mind which give new dream to light

World will open new knowledge which show new touch that form new feeling of mind which start new spirit to light

World will open new direction which give new thought that show new learning of mind which form new soul to light

World will open new appeal which start new chapter that create new understanding of mind which give new shine to light

World will open new strength which form new path that give new meaning of mind which create new thought to light

World will open new touch which create new move that show new thinking of mind which show new route to light

World will open new thought which give new appeal that start new feeling of mind which form new appeal to light

World will open new dream which show new knowledge that form new learning of mind which give new route to light

World will open new shine which start new direction that create new meaning of mind which create new way to light

World will open new path which create new strength that give new thinking of mind which form new start to light

World will open new step which form new appeal that start new understanding of mind which give new direction to light

World will open new spirit which give new dream that form new learning of mind which show new strength to light

World will open new move which show new hope that create new feeling of mind which start new route to light

World will open new strength which start new shine that give new meaning of mind which form new appeal to light

World will open new knowledge which form new touch that show new thinking of mind which give new route to light

World will open new chapter which create new soul that open new feeling of mind which show new spirit to light

World will open new direction which give new knowledge that form new appeal of mind which create new way to light

World will open new thought which form new direction that start new touch of mind which form new dream to light

World will open new touch which start new appeal that create new dream of mind which show new hope to light

World will open new strength which form new path that form new appeal of mind which create new step to light

World will open new direction which show new move that give new hope of mind which form new start to light

World will open new appeal which create new step that start new direction of mind which give new path to light

World will open new touch which start new smile that form new strength of mind which create new step to light

World will open new route which form new appeal that create new route of mind which form new smile to light

World will open new chapter which give new way that give new appeal of mind which start new thought to light

World will open new shine which show new direction that start new knowledge of mind which create new way to light

World will open new thought which create new step that form new direction of mind which form new appeal to light

World will open new strength which show new way that create new dream of mind which start new route to light

World will open new knowledge which start new spirit that show new hope of mind which create new way to light

World will open new direction which give new touch that form new appeal of mind which form new shine to light

World will open new touch which create new way that start new direction of mind which give new direction to light

World will open new dream which form new route that give new knowledge of mind which show new strength to light

World will open new chapter which give new hope that create new touch of mind which start new thought to light

World will open new step which show new direction that form new dream of mind which form new appeal to light

World will open new move which create new step that show new thought of mind which give new direction to light

World will open new hope which form new appeal that start new direction of mind which create new path to light

World will open new dream which start new strength that create new spirit of mind which form new touch to light.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Poem. 6064. Spirit of dream

                                                          Spirit of dream

Spirit of dream give new chapter to thinking of mind which start new shine to understanding of appeal in life

Spirit of dream create new concept to learning of mind which show new path to feeling of strength in life

Spirit of dream form new direction to meaning of mind which create new soul to thinking of chapter in life

Spirit of dream show new strength to feeling of mind which give new direction to learning of direction in life

Spirit of dream start new world to understanding of mind which form new chapter to meaning of concept in life

Spirit of dream give new smile to learning of mind which create new thought to thinking of knowledge in life

Spirit of dream form new strength to thinking of mind which start new route to feeling of direction in life

Spirit of dream show new appeal to meaning of mind which give new light to meaning of knowledge in life

Spirit of dream give new knowledge to feeling of mind which form new chapter to learning of thought in life

Spirit of dream create new shine to understanding of mind which give new start to meaning of move in life

Spirit of dream form new direction to learning of mind which show new strength to feeling of chapter in life

Spirit of dream start new route to meaning of mind which start new direction to understanding of soul in life

Spirit of dream show new path to thinking of mind which create new touch to learning of knowledge in life

Spirit of dream give new thought to understanding of mind which form new light to meaning of concept in life

Spirit of dream create new strength to feeling of mind which show new knowledge to thinking of chapter in life

Spirit of dream form new touch to learning of mind which create new concept to feeling of direction in life

Spirit of dream show new chapter to meaning of mind which start new direction to understanding of move in life

Spirit of dream start new concept to understanding of mind which form new appeal to learning of soul in life

Spirit of dream form new direction to feeling of mind which create new strength to meaning of thought in life

Spirit of dream give new thought to meaning of mind which show new touch to thinking of knowledge in life

Spirit of dream create new appeal to thinking of mind which form new light to understanding of direction in life

Spirit of dream start new concept to learning of mind which give new knowledge to feeling of chapter in life

Spirit of dream form new light to understanding of mind which create new appeal to meaning of concept in life

Spirit of dream show new knowledge to learning of mind which start new direction to thinking of strength in life

Spirit of dream give new strength to meaning of mind which form new chapter to understanding of  touch in life

Spirit of dream create new touch to thinking of mind which show new concept to learning of direction in life

Spirit of dream form new appeal to feeling of mind which create new thought to meaning of chapter in life

Spirit of dream start new route to understanding of mind which form new shine to thinking of direction in life

Spirit of dream show new concept to learning of mind which give new knowledge to feeling of strength in life

Spirit of dream give new direction to meaning of mind which start new strength to learning of appeal in life

Spirit of dream create new chapter to feeling of mind which show new route to understanding of path in life

Spirit of dream form new light to understanding of mind which start new appeal to meaning of chapter in life

Spirit of dream start new direction to thinking of mind which create new touch to feeling of direction in life

Spirit of dream give new touch to meaning of mind which form new direction to learning of thought in life

Spirit of dream show new thought to learning of mind which give new knowledge to thinking of concept in life

Spirit of dream form new appeal to feeling of mind which start new touch to understanding of route in life

Spirit of dream create new path to understanding of mind which form new way to learning of thought in life

Spirit of dream start new move to meaning of mind which show new knowledge to meaning of shine in life

Spirit of dream give new concept to thinking of mind which create new touch to feeling of knowledge in life

Spirit of dream show new knowledge to understanding of mind which form new light to learning of chapter in life.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Poem. 6063. Shine of appeal to

                                                      Shine of appeal to

Shine of appeal to thought which start new direction to path that form new knowledge to way which hold move to mind

Shine of appeal to chapter which form new strength to way that create new thought to soul which start move to mind

Shine of appeal to concept which show new light to chapter that give new direction to step which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to strength which create new thought to route that start new chapter to way which create move to mind

Shine of appeal to knowledge which give new touch to spirit that form new concept to spirit which start move to mind

Shine of appeal to direction which start new dream to soul that create new appeal to route which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to dream which form new chapter to step that show new knowledge to smile which give move to mind

Shine of appeal to touch which create new concept to way that give new direction to thought which show move to mind

Shine of appeal to chapter which give new direction to route that start new strength to soul which start move to mind

Shine of appeal to strength which start new thought to path that create new touch to direction which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to concept which form new light to soul that show new strength to concept which give move to mind

Shine of appeal to dream which show new touch to step that form new knowledge to touch which show move to mind

Shine of appeal to touch which create new direction to dream that start new chapter to way which start move to mind

Shine of appeal to direction which start new spirit to thought that give new strength to soul which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to chapter which give new route to strength that show new route to concept which give move to mind

Shine of appeal to dream which show new thought to path that create new way to direction which create move to mind

Shine of appeal to concept which form new chapter to way that form new spirit to touch which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to strength which give new concept to soul that start new light to path which show move to mind

Shine of appeal to chapter which create new direction to route that show new way to world which start move to mind

Shine of appeal to concept which start new knowledge to smile that create new soul to chapter which give move to mind

Shine of appeal to soul which form new strength to thought that give new knowledge to touch which start move to mind

Shine of appeal to step which show new touch to direction that start new concept to feeling which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to spirit which give new thought to strength that form new appeal to chapter which create move to mind

Shine of appeal to path which create new path to dream that show new strength to direction which start move to mind

Shine of appeal to way which form new chapter to hope that create new knowledge to soul which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to soul which give new knowledge to step that form new thought to light which create move to mind

Shine of appeal to step which show new direction to route that start new touch to path which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to dream which start new concept to way that show new spirit to chapter which give move to mind

Shine of appeal to way which form new strength to start that create new way to direction which start move to mind

Shine of appeal to route which give new touch to strength that form new path to concept which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to dream which create new path to chapter that show new hope to thought which give move to mind

Shine of appeal to step which show new light to thought that give new knowledge to light which create move to mind

Shine of appeal to touch which start new direction to spirit that form new touch to step which show move to mind

Shine of appeal to way which form new chapter to soul that create new strength to feel which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to route which give new concept to step that start new touch to way which show move to mind

Shine of appeal to world which show new strength to path that form new light to dream which start move to mind

Shine of appeal to hope which create new touch to spirit that give new soul to chapter which form move to mind

Shine of appeal to light which start new thought to way that show new route to concept which give move to mind

Shine of appeal to soul which form new knowledge to step that start new light to direction which show move to mind

Shine of appeal to chapter which give new smile to route that create new way to strength which start move to mind.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Adventure story. 507. Cold wind enters

                                                       Cold wind enters 

Rohit was running as he normally did. He knew that he was exercising. He was always conscious about fitness. He had always kept excersing. He liked doing it. He enjoyed to stay fit. He liked doing different sort of exercise to relax himself. He was sweating daily to please himself. He was working so hard. He needed to keep doing exercise. He started to run. He began to feel as if he was on some mountain. He didn't understand what was happening but he loved that feeling. He was on top of mountain. He could feel strange voice of wind. He felt that he was running ahead with pleasant touch of cold wind. In this heat he needed wind. That wind was giving him happiness. He was feeling so pleased with his every action. It was so pleasant. He wanted to feel happy in heart. He started to see those mountains which had pleasant touch for his heart. It was just wonderful. He didn't understand how could he feel that spirit of mountains. He could sense that pleasant touch to soul. He was so happy by it. He used to like mountains so much. But it was in childhood. Now he no longer loved those things. He was happy inside house. He could sense pleasant impact of it. He began to feel so nice. He started to sense pleasant touch in soul today by feel of nature. Truthfully he was walking on his machine. He didn't understand how could he sense that wind which was not there. He began to feel so nice. It was wonderful to have people around who cared for him. In house he could walk while chatting with his family. It was confusing. He didn't understand what was wrong with him. He was walking on that machine for hours. He always felt that it could be healthy. He knew that going out daily was not good option. He didn't have any garden near by & walking on road in full speed seem like madness. He needed to walk on machine & truthfully he began to even like it. He didn't like travel. He always managed to avoid trips & picnics with his family. He didn't understand why did he suddenly began to feel that he needed to go out. He knew that he wanted to go out otherwise why did he felt that nice touch of wind. He knew that wind was not around. Still he sensed touch. He felt as if he was in heaven. He didn't understand why he suddenly began to see those mountains in his walk. He walked daily. But he never felt that way. He felt that he might need to make one trip to mountains. He knew that his family would like idea of vacation & if they didn't want to come then he could go alone. He stopped walking & called his wife Bina. " What happened?" " I am planning to go on mountain for vacation!" " Really!" Bina was clearly excited. She wanted to go on vacation. " Where?" " I give you chance to decide honey. Just confirm they have mountains." " Of course. We will go to some hill station. It will surely have mountains otherwise why did they call it hill station?"  He nodded. He totally agreed with her. A hill station must have hills it was his thinking too. " Okay you can decide." He started to walk on machine agina. Bina was so excited. She started searching places on Google. He asked " What about kids?" She made sad face. " They didn't like our company that much." He felt hurt but he decided to ignore it. After all he needed to accept it. His kids were grown up. They had their life. He started to plan his vacation. He was going on vacation after so much time. He wanted some peaceful hotel. He planned to sit outside in large balcony of hotel. He could sit in swing too. He was so fond of swinging. He kept moving slowly. He knew that vacation was once common thing to him. But now it became special. He wanted to decide but he gave that chance to Bina. He didn't want to turn back on his words. Bina was sensitive in these matters. But he decided that he would wait. He wanted to see those picture. He was so excited. When he felt strange chill in his body, he started to shiver. He didn't understand what was wrong with him. He began to suspect that he might be falling sick. He went to cabinet & checked his temperature. It was okay. He didn't understand what was wrong with him. He decided to wear jacket. He took it out & wore it. Then he started walking on machine. He was feeling so cold. He decided to stop his walk. He could skip it. It was so upsetting. He needed to feel healthy. He wanted to feel happy. He didn't want to faint on machine. This was something that happened to his friend. He decided that he should stop walking. He looked around to see source of this trouble. But he didn't see it. It was so hard to find it. He began to check windows. Every window was closed. He didn't understand from where that cold wind was coming. He felt as if entire room was freezing. It was so strange. He started looking around. He knew that he was not so fond of snow mountains. But still he began to feel as if his room was going to turn in snow mountain. He didn't understand what was happening to him. He tried hard to control his thoughts. He was so confused. He didn't remember anything about snow mountains. He never went on trip in snow mountains. He was so shocked. He didn't understand why did he kept seeing snow around himself. It was so strange & upsetting. He was so desperate. He began to look in contacts of his Mobile. He needed help. He began to see numbers. He started searching but he didn't find one worth trying. He had plenty of numbers but they were just contacts to fill in mobile. They didn't help him. He knew that they wouldn't do anything for him. That scary room full of snow wouldn't go away. He was so scared. He didn't understand how could he manage this stress. He was feeling that cold in his room. He was so scared. He didn't want to keep sensing it. He turned towards every window & started confirming that it was closed. He wanted to be sure. He didn't sense that he was creating noise while doing it. He didn't even care. He just wanted to close every possible source of cold wind in room. He didn't want his room to be cold. He kept going towards every window. He wanted it to be shut down. He kept doing it. He started to close one window but he was feeling his room was full of windows.

    Bina felt so nervous when she heard banging of window. She didn't understand why Rohit was playing with only window of their bedroom. They had just one single window in room. It was only source of getting natural air but Rohit always kept it locked. He kept saying " I want all windows to be closed." She didn't understand which windows? They had just one window! But he kept talking about windows. She didn't understand what was happening. Their kids were big now. They were on verge of entering adulthood. On this point he suddenly started acting this way. It was surely created worst effect on their kids. She wanted to tell it to him. But she knew that he wouldn't listen. He didn't sense his trouble. He felt that he was perfect. He was acting so strange. He was making big noise by banging one window again & again. It was such horrible noise. She felt that today she had enough. She needed to speak against this. She went in his room. She saw that he was shivering. She was so shocked. He was wearing jacket still he was shivering. She checked air-conditioning of room. It was perfect. It was not cold at all. She asked loudly " What happened? Are you sick?" He looked towards her with confusion. He didn't sense when she asked this that she didn't see snow. He turned & he sensed that room didn't have snow actually it was just cold. He wanted to talk normally but his teeth started making strange noise due to cold. She ran for blanket. She immediately covered him with it. She didn't understand what was wrong with him. She checked temperature which was perfect. She didn't have other things. She started to call Doctor. She told Doctor about his shivering due to cold. She told that room temperature was perfect. She began to sense that her words didn't make. She was talking in such desperation. Doctor told her to calm down. She controlled her breathing with hope to control excitement. Then she slowly once again told Doctor everything. Doctor told her to wait. Doctor came there in hurry. Doctor told her immediately " There is big line of patients in clinic but I came it since I considered it emergency.." Bina thanked him. She felt that it was good that both kids were in hostel for studies at this moment. She was planning to set vacation since soon they get holidays. She didn't want this to happen before kids. She showed Doctor their room. Doctor looked shocked. Doctor started checking him. Doctor started to look tense. Doctor turned to her. Doctor " He is scared of something. Too scared!" " Scared? But of what?" She started looking around. There was nothing scary in her life. She didn't see any cause of fear. Doctor " Did something happened in your family?" She denied. " Doctor everything is okay. Our one Uncle died but he was old & my husband was not so much attached to him." Doctor began to look more confused. Doctor " He is scared of something. His BP is increased. I feel we need to admit him. Otherwise he might get heart attack." She nodded. She was so confused. She immediately called her sister. Then Doctor suggested hospital & she immediately admitted him. She was so scared. Her entire building was looking towards her with concern. Society secretary even came down & told her to give call if she needed help. She was very thankful. She just nodded as ambulance pulled away. He was admitted. Doctor once again said same thing to her that her husband was scared. But she didn't understand cause. They did all treatment. His BP was reduced. He became normal. Rohit was given discharge. She didn't ask him anything for few days. Then after sometime when he started doing all like normal person, she asked " Are you scared of something?" He looked confused. He asked " Of what?" She didn't understand what should be her answer. She started explaining him slowly " You were shivering since you saw scary thing!" "Ohh on that day! I felt that room was full of cold wind. I started closing windows.." then he suddenly felt confused. His room had one window but that day he was closing many windows. They were supposed to be locked properly. But he didn't see any window. He knew that something was wrong on that moment. He sensed that he was surrounded by people when he was not. He suddenly became confused. He sensed not by people but by snow. He began to feel so uneasy. His memory was fading step by step. He began to get restless. He wanted happiness for his soul. He didn't understand what he saw that day. It scared him. He was sure but it went away as it entered. He was so confused. He began to look towards Bina with confusion. He said "I was scared & I am sure about it. But I am confused now." Bina was more confused now. Bina "I don't understand! You were scared." He nodded. " But why?" " I don't know!" It was so confusing. Bina was looking towards Rohit with full attention. She didn't understand if he was joking or truly something was wrong with his mind. She didn't even wanted to find out truth. She was scared of truth. She started to looking away. She wanted to hide her tears. She began to feel that he was mad. Her life was destroyed. She heard many things about madness. She believed that such people began to become more & more mad. She shivered with fear. He looked at her with confused expression. He smiled & asked " Are you feeling cold like me now?" She looked towards him. Then she sensed that she was shivering too. It was so strange. She began to sense that whatever happened with him was not so shocking. He was confused but he was once again normal now. He was like his old self. He smiled & said " I am fine now. Don't worry. That fear is gone. I feel it would never return again. " She smiled & then she started believing it. That this fear would never enter again in his mind or life. She felt so happy. After that incidence slowly their life came back on track. Kids came on vacation. They enjoyed their life. Rohit was perfect. Kids didn't sense anything wrong.

     Sameer was still attached to his father Rohit. Sameer wanted to discuss his life with Rohit. But his elder brother always taunted about it. He wanted to look like a macho man so he never let that impulse to get over his aloof show off. But this time when he came in house, he immediately sensed something was wrong. His neighbour told him slowly that his father was sick & admitted to hospital. But his parents never discussed it. Sameer wanted to know about it. He didn't understand how could he start matter. He regretted creating that wall of communication between them. After joining hostel he started to miss his parents more. But today he knew that his father was sick & they didn't inform it to him. It was so upsetting. He decided that he must talk. He went in Rohit's room. He noticed once again locked door of window. Sameer was watching daily. Rohit was locking that locked window again & again. He didn't understand why did his father needed to lock on window again & again. He went in his room. Rohit was busy in his work. He slowly touched Rohit's shoulder. He sensed that Rohit was shivering. He asked " What happened?" Rohit started to sense that it was happening again. That room was started to become full of snow. He began to observe that every corner of room was getting snow now. He didn't understand what was wrong with him. Rohit was so sure that it stopped. He began to call Bina loudly. Bina ran towards him. She was so scared. She began to sense that her problem was not gone. She sensed that Rohit was just hiding it. Bina " Do you feel that way again?" Rohit sensed that now he couldn't hide. " I was feeling little cold. But never snow." Bina was so shocked. Sameer was confused. Sameer " What happened?" His elder brother joined them but he just ordered to talk slow. He was doing some work. His brother didn't care about them. Sameer started asking in low voice " What happened?" Bina gave blanket to Rohit. Then she started telling entire incident to Sameer. Sameer was shocked. Sameer " Dad is not alright. He is checking his window again & again. Why should any one keep checking window if that person is fine?" " I was .. feeling.. cold." Rohit started shivering again. Bina immediately called Doctor. This time Doctor gave her name of medicine on mobile & told her immediately take him to Doctor. He gave her name of psychiatrist. "You try to avoid it then he will be more sick next time. This is mental but it will have physical impact.." Bina agreed. Sameer went in market. When Sameer started to take medicine on same time he even called psychiatrist & took appointment. He didn't want to give any option to his parents. When his Mom was writing number he saved it in mobile. Every thing went in perfect way. They got appointment after one week. He thought that it was little late but he was happy that he finally at least managed to get it. Then he gave that medicine & told about appointment. He sensed that his parents were planning to avoid it again. But he insisted. They had to agree. After a week Rohit was feeling okay but still they went there. Slowly when Rohit started telling, they sensed that Rohit was not cured. Everyday he was sensing cold. It seemed as if he was shifting in some Himalaya. He started talking about that scene when suddenly psychiatrist asked " Did you ever visited mountain of snow?" Without sensing Rohit confessed " Yes I went once with hostel friends." Then he started shivering. They all looked shocked. They sensed this was cause of trouble. Rohit didn't told anything that day. They kept visiting psychiatrist. Finally one day he confessed. His few hostel friends once threw other boy down from mountain on a picnic. He saw all but he never confessed. All forced him to lie. He confessed to psychiatrist. He went to one party few days ago. In it those who were once his friends enjoying themselves. They were rich & happy. He screamed " That boy died & they are enjoying life. But I couldn't." Psychiatrist nodded. Then slowly with help of Psychiatrist he learnt to manage that painful memories. Slowly he accepted faith. He understood it was not his fault. Finally one day he stopped facing that cold. Since he knew that he was not guilty & those who were guilty couldn't be punished for that crime. He went ahead with life while accepting what life gave to him. He decided that he was not judge so he didn't need to do justice. He knew that even if he decided to tell truth. He couldn't able to do justice since he was alone. He just managed to accept all. 

                                                             The End

Friday, June 25, 2021

Poem. 6062. Soft feeling of hope

                                                        Soft feeling of hope

Soft feeling of hope create new way to thinking of life which start new direction to path of mind which form new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope give new direction to meaning of life which show new appeal to move of mind which show new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope form new move to learning of life which create new touch to chapter of mind which start new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope show new path to understanding of life which start new way to direction of mind which create new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope create new world to feeling of life which form new appeal to thought of mind which give new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope start new route to learning of life which show new knowledge to path of mind which show new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope give new way to meaning of life which create new thought to shine of mind which create new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope show new move to understanding of life which give new light to dream of mind which start new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope create new spirit to thinking of life which show new knowledge to soul of mind which form new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope form new appeal to meaning of life which start new direction to move of mind which give new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope start new direction to learning of life which form new touch to path of mind which show new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope give new knowledge to understanding of life which show new light to route of mind which start new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope show new spirit to meaning of life which create new direction to touch of mind which form new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope form new soul to thinking of life which give new knowledge to appeal of mind which create new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope create new step to learning of life which show new route to strength of mind which show new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope give new direction to understanding of life which start new path to concept of mind which give new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope show new knowledge to meaning of life which create new way to world of mind which start new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope create new appeal to learning of life which show new direction to move of mind which create new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope form new thought to understanding of life which give new touch to path of mind which form new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope give new light to thinking of life which start new knowledge to soul of mind which give new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope start new path to meaning of life which form new appeal to step of mind which create new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope create new way to learning of life which give new route to direction of mind which form new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope form new light to understanding of life which show new way to chapter of mind which start new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope give new direction to thinking of life which create new path to concept of mind which show new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope start new knowledge to meaning of life which form new light to shine of mind which create new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope create new appeal to understanding of life which give new soul to touch of mind which form new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope show new touch to learning of life which create new knowledge to spirit of mind which start new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope give new smile to thinking of life which show new touch to direction of mind which create new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope form new light to meaning of life which start new thought to chapter of mind which form new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope create new way to understanding of life which form new light to concept of mind which start new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope start new route to learning of life which form new knowledge to touch of mind which give new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope show new light to understanding of life which create new direction to shine of mind which show new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope give new knowledge to thinking of life which show new path to spirit of mind which create new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope form new appeal to meaning of life which start new move to thought of mind which start new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope show new thought to learning of life which form new light to concept of mind which show new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope create new path to understanding of life which show new way to chapter of mind which form new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope start new route to meaning to life which create new direction to appeal of mind which give new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope give new direction to thinking to life which form new thought to touch of mind which start new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope create new move to learning to life which start new route to concept of mind which form new strength in life

Soft feeling of hope show new path to meaning to life which give new knowledge to way of mind which create new strength in life.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Poem. 6061. Wind of feeling

                                                        Wind of feeling 

Wind of feeling show new light which start from direction of thought that form new appeal to thinking of soul in life

Wind of feeling start new chapter which give from dream of concept that start new route to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling form new concept which create from route of appeal that give new direction to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling give new knowledge which show from path of chapter that create new touch to understanding of soul in life

Wind of feeling create new appeal which give from shine of strength that show new spirit to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling show new touch which start from move of direction that give new thought to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling start new direction which create from way of strength that show new route to thinking of soul in life

Wind of feeling form new strength which give from spirit of touch that create new hope to understanding of soul in life

Wind of feeling give new chapter which show from world of light that start new appeal to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling show new spirit which create from chapter of way that give new direction to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling start new appeal which give from concept of step that show new chapter to thinking of soul in life

Wind of feeling create new knowledge which start from path of thought that form new strength to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling form new thought which show from appeal of knowledge that give new light to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling start new concept which create from shine of direction that show new knowledge to understanding of soul in life

Wind of feeling show new strength which give from chapter of touch that create new direction to thinking of soul in life

Wind of feeling create new touch which start from thought of spirit that show new chapter to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling give new direction which show from concept of shine that start new touch to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling form new dream which create from strength of move that give new direction to understanding of soul in life

Wind of feeling start new thought which give from knowledge of path that show new appeal to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling show new knowledge which start from direction of route that form new light to thinking of soul in life

Wind of feeling create new appeal which show from concept of smile that give new direction to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling give new thought which create from shine of hope that start new knowledge to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling start new concept which give from chapter of route that show new route to understanding of soul in life

Wind of feeling form new strength which create from smile of step that give new direction to thinking of soul in life

Wind of feeling show new touch which start from direction of move that create new path to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling create new spirit which show from touch of strength that start new thought to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling give new knowledge which create from shine of direction that show new hope to understanding of soul in life

Wind of feeling start new direction which give from concept of thought that create new step to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling form new thought which start from strength of appeal that show new thought to thinking of soul in life

Wind of feeling create new appeal which give from chapter of knowledge that start new direction to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling show new knowledge which create from hope of direction that form new light to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling start new direction which give from concept of shine that create new touch to understanding of soul in life

Wind of feeling form new touch which show from thought of appeal that start new route to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling create new spirit which start from strength of touch that show new shine to thinking of soul in life

Wind of feeling give new thought which create from shine of move that start new direction to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling show new appeal which give from touch of spirit that form new strength to meaning of soul in life

Wind of feeling create new touch which start from direction of move that create new path to thinking of soul in life

Wind of feeling form new chapter which show from concept of step that start new route to understanding of soul in life

Wind of feeling start new concept which create from strength of path that give new light to learning of soul in life

Wind of feeling show new direction which give from chapter of shine that start new way to meaning of soul in life.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Poem. 6060. Way of dream show new

                                                 Way of dream show new

Way of dream show new start to hope of mind which change every route with thinking of soul that start new spirit of life

Way of dream show new route to shine of mind which create every path with learning of step that create new soul of life

Way of dream show new start to path of mind which form every move with meaning of light that form new hope of life

Way of dream show new touch to way of mind which start every thought with feeling of shine that give new step of life

Way of dream show new light to shine of mind which give every chapter with understanding of path that form new soul of life

Way of dream show new concept to soul of mind which form every spirit with thinking of knowledge that give new start of life

Way of dream show new appeal to spirit of mind which create every step with meaning of shine that start new route of life

Way of dream show new direction to move of mind which change every hope with learning of move that form new spirit of life

Way of dream show new strength to path of mind which start every chapter with feeling of smile that create new move of life

Way of dream show new knowledge to soul of mind which form every route with thinking of shine that start new world of life

Way of dream show new concept to touch of mind which create every move with meaning of path that form new chapter of life

Way of dream show new appeal to move of mind which give every thought with understanding of step that give new concept of life

Way of dream show new smile to direction of mind which start every concept with feeling of strength that create new touch of life

Way of dream show new path to thought of mind which form every appeal with learning of soul that start new route of life

Way of dream show new spirit to chapter of mind which create every shine with meaning of path that create new shine of life

Way of dream show new knowledge to touch of mind which start every thought with thinking of step that form new appeal of life

Way of dream show new thought to shine of mind which create every chapter with feeling of start that show new strength of life

Way of dream show new touch to direction of mind which form every concept with learning of move that start new spirit of life

Way of dream show new appeal to concept of mind which give every spirit with understanding of step that form new touch of life

Way of dream show new move to strength of mind which create every soul with feeling of chapter that start new knowledge of life

Way of dream show new touch to chapter of mind which start every thought with thinking of route that create new direction of life

Way of dream show new path to smile of mind which form every appeal with meaning of shine that give new chapter of life

Way of dream show new step to direction of mind which give every path with learning of concept that show new touch of life

Way of dream show new spirit to concept of mind which create every shine with feeling of dream that start new direction of life

Way of dream show new light to thought of mind which start every touch with understanding of step that form new appeal of life

Way of dream show new soul to knowledge of mind which give every path with thinking of direction that create new spirit of life

Way of dream show new step to chapter of mind which form every spirit with meaning of concept that give new direction of life

Way of dream show new route to strength of mind which create every soul with learning of chapter that start new appeal of life

Way of dream show new soul to direction of mind which start every touch with understanding of hope that give new knowledge of life

Way of dream show new smile to touch of mind which give every thought with feeling of direction that form new appeal of life

Way of dream show new spirit to hope of mind which start every knowledge with thinking of soul that create new touch of life

Way of dream show new shine to thought of mind which create every appeal with meaning of spirit that give new light of life

Way of dream show new touch to move of mind which give every strength with learning of appeal that show new route of life

Way of dream show new direction to way of mind which form every touch with understanding of soul that form new way of life

Way of dream show new strength to spirit of mind which start every shine with learning of thought that create new soul of life

Way of dream show new appeal to move of mind which create every soul with thinking of chapter that give new thought of life

Way of dream show new touch to thought of mind which give every step with meaning of shine that form new appeal of life

Way of dream show new chapter to light of mind which form every route with feeling of concept that create new soul of life

Way of dream show new strength to move of mind which start every path with learning of spirit that give new knowledge of life

Way of dream show new touch to concept of mind which create every smile with thinking of touch that bring new strength of life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...