Thursday, December 31, 2020

Poem. 5911. Dream from hope

                          Dream from hope

Dream from hope form new strength of mind that form new appeal to touch which give new knowledge of life

Dream from hope create new hope of mind that show new direction to hope which start new strength of life

Dream from hope give new appeal of mind that start new concept to spirit which form new chapter of life

Dream from hope start new touch of mind that give new knowledge to path which create new concept of life

Dream from hope form new light of mind that create new strength to move which show new appeal of life

Dream from hope show new soul of mind that start new thought to chapter which form new concept of life

Dream from hope give new shine of mind that form new appeal to concept which create new strength of life

Dream from hope start new direction of mind that create new spirit to touch which give new light to move of life

Dream from hope create new start of mind that give new knowledge to path which show new soul to shine of life

Dream from hope form new touch of mind that show new strength to move which form new appeal to step of life

Dream from hope show new light of mind that start new direction to route which create new soul to step of life

Dream from hope give new knowledge of mind that form new appeal to light which start new route to step of life

Dream from hope create new start of mind that give new knowledge to move which form new light to step of life

Dream from hope start new direction of mind that create new path to appeal which show new way to step of life

Dream from hope show new appeal of mind that start new route to chapter which form new route to step of life

Dream from hope start new touch of mind that form new spirit to concept which create new shine to step of life

Dream from hope form new light of mind that show new knowledge to path which form new start to step of life

Dream from hope create new move of mind that give new direction to route which show new touch to step of life

Dream from hope give new knowledge of mind that start new move to appeal which create new spirit to step of life

Dream from hope show new touch of mind that create new spirit to strength which start new direction to step of mind

Dream from hope start new shine of mind that form new smile to concept which form new thought to step of mind

Dream from hope give new strength of mind that create new way to chapter which show new appeal to step of mind

Dream from hope form new direction of mind that give new soul to knowledge which give new light to step of mind

Dream from hope create new thought of mind that start new route to appeal which show new knowledge to step of mind

Dream from hope give new light of mind that form new direction to move which start new strength to step of mind

Dream from hope start new route of mind that create new appeal to touch which form new touch to step of mind

Dream from hope form new path of mind that show new knowledge to path which create new start to step of mind

Dream from hope create new move of mind that form new touch to start which give new knowledge to step of mind

Dream from hope give new appeal of mind that create new thought to path which start new shine to step of mind

Dream from hope show new touch of mind that start new knowledge to move which form new path to step of mind

Dream from hope start new route of mind that show new light to appeal which form new light to step of mind

Dream from hope create new move of mind that give new strength to path which start new route to step of mind

Dream from hope form new direction of mind that start new route to shine which show new path to step of mind

Dream from hope show new strength of mind that form new move to thought which create new way to step of mind

Dream from hope give new knowledge of mind that create new start to chapter which form new soul to step of mind

Dream from hope create new appeal of mind that show new light to direction which start new route to step of mind

Dream from hope form new thought of mind that give new knowledge to path which create new way to step of mind

Dream from hope give new touch of mind that start new direction to spirit which show new light to step of mind

Dream from hope show new direction of mind that form new appeal to move which start new route to step of mind

Dream from hope start new knowledge of mind that give new soul to chapter which form new light to step of mind.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Poem. 5910. Word will bring smiles

                        Word will bring smiles

Word will bring smiles in life which form new appeal to direction of move that start route show new light to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in path which create new step to strength of touch that show path start new shine to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in spirit which give new route to appeal of dream that form touch create new step to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in step which show new light to knowledge of path that start soul form new appeal to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in soul which form new move to appeal of step that create world give new light to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in move which start new route to direction of hope that show move form new shine to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in path which form new light to strength of move that start path create new appeal to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in step which create new start to chapter of spirit that give light show new light to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in start which give new route to concept of path that create step give new soul to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in move which show new light to feeling of soul that form start create new step to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in path which form new appeal to spirit of move that give knowledge form new light to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in route which create new path to concept of light that show appeal start new path to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in dream which give new light to knowledge of path that create touch show new light to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in shine which start new route to direction of soul that show route form new appeal to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in appeal which form new path to strength of shine that give path start new dream to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in soul which give new knowledge to move of step that form appeal create new path to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in dream which create new step to route of hope that show touch form new shine to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in touch which show new light to feeling of move that create light give new step to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in start which form new appeal to knowledge of start that form path create new path to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in light which give new touch to direction of soul that show appeal form new step to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in route which show new spirit to light of move that give knowledge give new path to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in soul which start new strength to hope of step that form thought create new move to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in step which form new knowledge to path of shine that start dream form new light to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in start which create new appeal to soul of appeal that show path start new hope to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in spirit which show new light to touch of move that create shine form new appeal to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in route which give new soul to chapter of dream that form step create new touch to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in shine which form new step to direction of path that start hope show new light to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in appeal which show new start to concept of move that create dream start new route to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in touch which create new path to strength of shine that form light form new appeal to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in path which start new route to appeal of soul that show path create new knowledge to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in step which give new dream to chapter of step that start move show new touch to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in spirit which form new light to direction of move that form touch start new direction to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in move which show new step to knowledge of path that create route give new shine to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in path which create new start to chapter of shine that give concept show new light to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in route which give new appeal to thought of step that show touch form new shine to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in appeal which show new path to concept of start that form spirit start new path to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in soul which create new light to understanding of soul that show dream form new light to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in step which form new appeal to feeling of chapter that create strength give new shine to way of mind

Word will bring smiles in route which give new path to meaning of touch that start knowledge show new path to way of mind                                                                        Word will bring smiles in dream which show new route to learning of start that form direction start new direction to way of mind.

Poem. With smile new day open it's hand

                          With smile new day open it's hand                    

With smile new day open it's hand for us on each point we need to feel that start hope of strength which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for hope on each step we give to create dream that give way of appeal which start new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for move on each start we form to sense path that form step of dream which show new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for route on each path we show to start touch that create path of route which form new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for soul on each chapter we create to form way that give concept of step which create new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for move on each concept we start to give spirit that form knowledge of route which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for spirit on each knowledge we show to create soul that show appeal of soul which form new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for touch on each direction we form to give strength that give thought of step which show new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for shine on each strength we create to form chapter that form direction of route which start new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for soul on each appeal we show to learn direction that start strength of path which create new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for light on each chapter we start to give strength that create appeal of soul which form new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for route on each path we sense to show appeal that form direction of start which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for step on each strength we form to create dream that show thought of light which start new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for start on each knowledge we show to give path that create touch of soul which form new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for route on each direction we start to form chapter that show path of start which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for shine on each spirit we create to give direction that form route of move which show new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for dream on each shine we form to start strength that give chapter of step which start new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for hope on each start we show to form concept that create strength of move which show new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for step on each soul we give to show thought that give dream of chapter which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for move on each strength we form to create route that start hope of concept which start new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for appeal on each chapter we start to show path that create step of strength which form new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for concept on each touch we form to give appeal that show route of chapter which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for strength on each path we create to start touch that give concept of dream which show new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for dream on each hope we show to give thought that start direction of path which create new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for route on each direction we form to feel route that create strength of dream which start new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for spirit on each knowledge we start to sense appeal that form touch of step which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for move on each thought we create to give dream that show direction of dream which create new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for path on each touch we sense to feel strength that create smile of appeal which form new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for step on each shine we start to show direction that form path of strength which start new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for start on each strength we form to create spirit that give soul of direction which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for soul on each dream we give to form move that create step of knowledge which show new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for step on each chapter we show to create path that start route of spirit which create new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for light on each concept we start to show route that form shine of path which form new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for spirit on each knowledge we form to give touch that give move of thought which start new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for move on each direction we create to start appeal that show path of concept which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for route on each thought we give to form direction that start step of appeal which create new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for path on each hope we show to create concept that give touch of direction which form new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for soul on each step we start to form strength that create path of knowledge which start new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for shine on each route we create to give appeal that form move of strength which give new way to life

With smile new day open it's hand for spirit on each hope we form to show direction that start path of appeal which create new way to life.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Poem. 5909. Touch of soul that

                            Touch of soul that 

Touch of soul that give new smile which form new direction to way of mind that create new strength to light 

Touch of soul that create new step which show new route to move of mind that form new thought to light

Touch of soul that form new start which give new appeal to path of mind that show new knowledge to light

Touch of soul that start new path which form new smile to shine of mind that give new appeal to light

Touch of soul that give new shine which create new step to knowledge of mind that form new route to light

Touch of soul that show new step which start new dream to chapter of mind that create new appeal to light

Touch of soul that create new way which give new knowledge to move of mind that form new spirit to light

Touch of soul that form new move which show new strength to path of mind that give new dream to light

Touch of soul that give new step which create new world to move of mind that form new appeal to light

Touch of soul that start new path which form new appeal to step of mind that create new thought to light

Touch of soul that create new route which start new route to dream of mind that give new soul to light

Touch of soul that give new knowledge which show new path to route of mind that form new way to light

Touch of soul that show new appeal which create new step to move of mind that create new step to light

Touch of soul that start new direction which show new route to dream of mind that give new hope at light

Touch of soul that create new path which form new strength to hope of mind that show new shine to light

Touch of soul that form new shine which give new knowledge to path of mind that start new route to light

Touch of soul that give new strength which start new direction to step of mind that form new way to light

Touch of soul that show new appeal which create new start to concept of mind that give new chapter to light

Touch of soul that form new thought which form new shine to chapter of mind that create new step to light

Touch of soul that create new step which show new appeal to thought of mind that form new route to light

Touch of soul that give new knowledge which start new route to hope of mind that show new spirit to light

Touch of soul that start new strength which create new direction to path of mind that create new way at light

Touch of soul that show new route which show new smile to understanding of mind that form new path to light

Touch of soul that form new thought which start new path to concept of mind that show new knowledge to light

Touch of soul that create new step which form new appeal to direction of mind that start new smile to light

Touch of soul that start new move which show new knowledge to move of mind that create new step to light

Touch of soul that show new path which create new route to way of mind that start new direction to light

Touch of soul that give new step which start new direction to path of mind that form new smile to light

Touch of soul that create new shine which show new thought to start of mind that create new path to light

Touch of soul that form new knowledge which start new route to move of mind that give new step to light

Touch of soul that start new direction which form new path to strength of mind that show new move to light

Touch of soul that show new appeal which create new step to knowledge of mind that form new start to light

Touch of soul that give new knowledge which start new route to appeal of mind that create new path to light

Touch of soul that create new step which show new direction to start of mind that give new knowledge to light

Touch of soul that form new appeal which create new step to way of mind that show new direction to light

Touch of soul that give new route which form new path to concept of mind that form new strength to light

Touch of soul that show new path which give new start to chapter of mind that create new appeal to light

Touch of soul that start new route which show new way to thought of mind that give new knowledge to light

Touch of soul that form new way which start new route to direction of mind that form new thought to light                                                                                                                        Touch of soul that create new move which form new step to chapter of mind that show new route to light.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Poem. 5908. Path will show new

                           Path will show new

Path will show new understanding of soul which create new appeal to direction that form new dream of shine which give light

Path will show new learning of chapter which form new knowledge to smile that create new hope of start which form light

Path will show new meaning of direction which give new strength to spirit that give new knowledge of step which start light

Path will show new feeling of thought which start new direction to move that form new appeal of shine which create light

Path will show new thinking of soul which form new thought to touch that start new knowledge of spirit which start light

Path will show new meaning of route which create new spirit to move that give new direction of move which give light

Path will show new feeling of move which give new knowledge to way that create new touch of appeal which form light

Path will show new understanding of step which start new route to smile that form new move of start which create light

Path will show new learning of appeal which form new shine to direction that start new route of smile which give light

Path will show new thinking of soul which create new appeal to strength that give new appeal of hope which start light

Path will show new meaning of step which start new knowledge to move that create new start of chapter which form light

Path will show new feeling of route which form new direction to appeal that form new concept of touch which give light

Path will show new understanding of step which give new soul to shine that start new knowledge of spirit which create light

Path will show new learning of direction which create new step to dream that give new soul of move which form light

Path will show new meaning of appeal which show new smile to strength that create new step of soul which start light

Path will show new thinking of shine which form new knowledge to touch that start new appeal of step which create light

Path will show new feeling of chapter which give new direction to move that form new knowledge of spirit which give light

Path will show new meaning of touch which create new strength to way that start new direction of soul which form light

Path will show new learning of soul which start new thought to appeal that create new strength of move which start light

Path will show new understanding of way which form new route to move that give new appeal of chapter which create light

Path will show new feeling of chapter which create new touch to shine that start new direction of step which form light

Path will show new thinking of soul which give new direction to spirit that form new chapter of start which give light

Path will show new meaning of step which form new knowledge to soul that create new shine of route which start light

Path will show new learning of route which create new appeal to touch that give new direction of spirit which create light

Path will show new understanding of way which give new soul to dream that start new touch of step which form light

Path will show new meaning of soul which form new thought to chapter that create new dream of move which start light

Path will show new feeling of chapter which give new knowledge to step that form new hope of start which create light

Path will show new thinking of route which start new direction to touch that give new strength of smile which give light

Path will show new learning of move which create new soul to dream that start new appeal of soul which start light

Path will show new meaning of step which form new step to concept that create new spirit of touch which form light

Path will show new feeling of start which give new knowledge to shine that form new appeal of spirit which create light

Path will show new understanding of soul which form new appeal to touch that give new route of step which give light

Path will show new thinking of direction which create new strength to appeal that start new spirit of move which form light

Path will show new learning of appeal which start new direction to soul that create new touch of step which give light

Path will show new meaning of move which give new touch to knowledge that form new light of route which start light

Path will show new feeling of chapter which form new knowledge to shine that start new step of soul which form light

Path will show new understanding of step which create new way to route that form new spirit of way which create light

Path will show new thinking of spirit which start new direction to soul that create new touch of dream which give light

Path will show new learning of soul which create new thought to step that form new appeal of hope which form light

Path will show new meaning of start which form new appeal to touch that give new knowledge of spirit which start light.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Poem. 5907. Step of meaning which

                         Step of meaning which 

Step of meaning which form new appeal in mind that create new direction to soul which form new dream to thought of life

Step of meaning which create new step in mind that form new knowledge to path which show new spirit to thought of life

Step of meaning which give new route in mind that show new strength to appeal which create new start to thought of life

Step of meaning which start new touch to mind that give new thought to step which give new knowledge to thought of life

Step of meaning which form new chapter to mind that show new light to feeling which form new appeal to thought of life

Step of meaning which create new path to mind that form new dream to learning which show new light to thought of life

Step of meaning which give new knowledge to mind that create new path to chapter which start new route to thought of life

Step of meaning which start new direction to mind that give new knowledge to start which form new move to thought of life

Step of meaning which form new strength to mind that start new direction to touch which give new light to thought of life

Step of meaning which create new start to mind that form new appeal to thought which form new appeal to thought of life

Step of meaning which show new path to mind that create new step to knowledge which start new chapter to thought of life

Step of meaning which start new route to mind that show new light to strength which show new light to thought of life

Step of meaning which give new start to mind that start new direction to path which create new touch to thought of life

Step of meaning which create new way to mind that form new appeal to soul which form new direction to thought of life

Step of meaning which show new touch to mind that start new route to concept which give new light to thought of life

Step of meaning which form new direction to mind that create new smile to touch which start new route to thought of life

Step of meaning which give new appeal to mind that show new knowledge to path which form new light to thought of life

Step of meaning which start new route to mind that form new direction to move which create new path to thought of life

Step of meaning which create new move to mind that start new appeal to touch which give new light to thought of life

Step of meaning which form new path to mind that create new strength to start which form new route to thought of life

Step of meaning which give new light to mind that show new appeal to dream which create new path to thought of life

Step of meaning which start new route to mind that give new knowledge to way which show new light to thought of life

Step of meaning which create new path to mind that start new direction to move which give new soul to thought of life

Step of meaning which show new light to mind that form new strength to path which start new route to thought of life 

Step of meaning which form new appeal to mind that create new way to touch which form new shine to thought of life

Step of meaning which give new knowledge to mind that start new route to soul which create new start to thought of life

Step of meaning which create new touch to mind that form new light to feeling which give new light to thought of life

Step of meaning which show new dream to mind that give new knowledge to shine which start new route to thought of life

Step of meaning which form new hope to mind that create new touch to spirit which show new shine to thought of life

Step of meaning which give new knowledge to mind that form new light to path which create new soul to thought of life

Step of meaning which create new route to mind that give new step to move which form new appeal to thought of life

Step of meaning which give new light to mind that create new start to route which give new spirit to thought of life

Step of meaning which start new path to mind that show new appeal to smile which form new soul to thought of life

Step of meaning which form new soul to mind that start new touch to direction which start new route to thought of life

Step of meaning which show new strength to mind that form new path to knowledge which form new way to thought of life

Step of meaning which give new knowledge to mind that create new start to chapter which give new light to thought of life

Step of meaning which create new start to mind that give new hope to dream which show new knowledge to thought of life

Step of meaning which form new light to mind that show new light to feeling which create new touch to thought of life

Step of meaning which show new path to mind that create new path to move which start new direction to thought of life                                                                                               Step of meaning which give new move to mind that form new appeal to start which give new soul to thought of life.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Adventure story. 481. Dark circles in mind

                          Dark circles in mind

Sheetal was feeling so sad. She didn't sense cause. She didn't see any reason. She looked around. Her room was perfect. Her job was perfect. Everything was so perfect that anyone could get jealous. She was successful bank manager. She was getting more and more profitable projects. She knew that her next project would be success too. She didn't even needed to get tense since if she didn't able to handle her Boss would surely manage leave of few days for her. She knew that everything about her life was perfect. She didn't need to get tense or sad. She started looking around her room. She didn't understand what was wrong. Suddenly she began to feel that blue colour of that room was depressing. That colour was making her sad. She knew that it was her favourite colour. But it was giving her sadness. She didn't understand why did she wanted to cry so much. She suddenly began to remember her dead grandmother. She liked her but not so much. She knew that her grandmother was not that much fond of her. She knew that her grandmother was more fond of remaining grandchildren. She was not like them. They used to talk her every day. They used to talk so sweetly with her. She was so practical. She use to advise every time something about investment. It might be ornament or flat but she couldn't stop herself from commenting on it. Her grandmother was wasting too much money on wrong investments. Her grandmother was not ready to use modern ways to increase money. She was not ready to leave her old ways. So she never liked her. She knew that her grandmother hated her. But she didn't hate her that much. She always wanted to impress her. Once she decided to impress her. She took all investment details. She went to her grandmother. She helped her for hours by explaining all. She told her how did her investment would give her more money. She felt that she was impressive but it suddenly turned wrong way. Her grandmother said " Now this will be useful for you. I am not going to survive to use this money." She was so shocked. She thought that her grandmother would like to increase her money. She thought that everyone loved it. But now things were changed. Her grandmother was no longer interested in money. She had different hopes. She never able to impress her. When she was born, her grandmother always used to tell her parents that daughter reduce money so she thought that if she increase money then she would look great. But now her grandmother didn't want money. She was so upset. She didn't understand why did she kept remembering her abusive grandmother? She was dead. She knew that other girls had loving grandmother but she didn't. Still she had wonderful parents. She had wonderful career. She was not married but it was her choice. She didn't fall in love. She wanted to be practical. She was so happy with her life until yesterday. But today she was so sad. She began to think that she might needed a boyfriend. She decided that now she would start dating. She stood up. She was feeling so low. She didn't have that much confidence on her legs. She felt that they might give up. She shivered with fear. She didn't understand why she felt so sad. It was scary feeling. It seemed as if entire doom was falling on her. She was so sad. She didn't even dare to open curtain. She felt that sky must had dark clouds. She didn't want to see it. She went in washroom. Then she started to wash her face. She looked in mirror. She could see her beautiful face. She began to admire it. Then she saw one mark of acne. She felt so upset. She was looking so ugly due to it. She knew that now whenever she went out people would talk about it. She was bank manager not beautiful queen. She didn't claim that she was beautiful but still they kept talking about her beauty. She was so talented but they were not interested in her talent. They must wanted their stupid ideas to win. She didn't understand when they would get over them. She wanted to act like professional but nothing was working. She kept feeling so upset. She began to work and then they started discussing about her look. It was horrible. She needed to sense that she was always going to live like that. But many times she felt that they didn't talk like that if it was man. They didn't discuss look of man. It was just for woman. She needed to look beautiful and promising. She was so upset when one day a client started suggesting her beauty treatment. She was telling her how to increase her money but her client was just discussing her beauty. Soon her client began to tell her that she needed to find a doctor to solve her troubles. She was so frustrated. She wanted to scream on client. But she was manager so she kept smiling. She was so upset. She didn't understand why she kept remembering it now. This was so upsetting. She was feeling so tense. She needed to sense that she had successful career and everything was just fine. She started washing her face. She felt that if she started throwing cold water on her face then her depression would vanish. It used to go away like that. Then she smiled in mirror. She began to laugh as loudly as possible. She began to feel so happy about it. She was so pleased that she could laugh. She kept doing it again and again. Then she sensed that she was not acting normal. She was acting strange. She controlled her laugh and she began to look at her face again. She sensed that something was wrong. She began to feel so restless. She knew that her calculations always make her happy. Her mathematics was her best friend. She didn't have emotions. She knew that it was temporary phase. It was having impact on her. It would soon vanish out of her life. She started watching herself in mirror. But she didn't feel that practical self inside that face. She knew that something was cracked. But she didn't understand why. She didn't remember any cause. She was so happy yesterday and she was so sad today. She was not actually specifically happy about anything. She was just normally happy. She felt so sad now. Her life was so shattered. She didn't understand it. She kept watching mirror.

     Sheetal's Mom kept waiting for her. Sheetal never came late for breakfast. She was particular about everything. Mom was so confused. She didn't understand. Mom wanted to go and check but she didn't know if Sheetal liked it. Sheetal might be busy in her some important work and if Mom distrubed her then she might be angry. Mom knew that Sheetal was always nice to all but when she was calculating something and if someone distrubed her then she got angry. It was not Sheetal's mistake she needed to do it again. Mostly later Sheetal apologized too. Mom knew that it was due to work pressure. Sheetal was trying so hard to get success. Sheetal even got it but still it was not enough. Mom could see that she was not getting respect she deserve. It was because Sheetal was truthful. Sheetal didn't keep talking sweetly on face. She always tried to tell truth. She knew that Sheetal managed to save many people from financial crisis. But she never got appreciated. Mom saw many helped by her before eyes but no one cared. They always kept pretending that it was going to happen any way. Mom didn't like it. Few times Mom didn't even mentioned financial crisis of people to Sheetal. Mom was watching Sheetal working daily like machine.  Mom felt so scared that one day she might damage her health. That no stop working was horrible. Even today when Sheetal didn't come out Mom thought that she might be sick. Sheetal was so ignorant about her health. Mom knew that people just saw good side of her life. Sheetal who sat in car. Sheetal who ate in big five star hotel. Sheetal who was famous. Her name was coming in magazines too. Her Mom was so happy but still Mom knew that everything was not right. Sheetal was working so fast. It seemed as if she didn't need to stop even for breathing. She knew that it was not right. Sheetal needed her life too. Sheetal needed to enjoy too. So Mom started introducing different dating services to her. Sheetal began to see profile. Mom thought that Sheetal would find hard to choose. But Mom's guess turned out entirely wrong. In two days Sheetal started dating handsome boy. Mom thought that he was great. He was not so educated but still Mom thought that he was great. For sometime Sheetal liked him too. They were going out.  Everything was so great then suddenly one day he called to tell that he would come home. They thought that he would discuss marriage. Everyone was so excited. Her Dad even came early from office. He came then he gave gift to Sheetal. It was showpiece of dancing doll. Sheetal still had it in her bedroom. Sometimes Mom just wanted to go there and break it. But Mom didn't she didn't know how did Sheetal react. He was joking everything was fine. They enjoyed whole lunch then they sat in hall. He told her that his parents were talking about his marriage. They wanted capital to settle his business. Sheetal was shocked. Sheetal asked " I don't get it." " Well you are bank manager right?!" " But I can't give loan without mortgage?" " I know but her parents will give mortgage!" He didn't say anything for sometime. Then he slowly added. " I know this didn't seem fair but life is not fair. I needed money and for mortgage I needed financial source." Sheetal took deep breath. Her Dad was eating his sweet dish. Suddenly his hand shivered. It was big shock for her father. Sheetal's father was simple man. He always worked hard for his family. He loved his daughter from heart. He slowly looked towards Sheetal who was working hard to hide her tears and said " I will manage some mortgage on property of village..." Sheetal immediately stopped him. Sheetal " No Dad! It's alright." She smiled and said bye to him. That boy was so shameless than he smiled and patted on Sheetal's cheek then he went away. Mom was so shocked. She didn't understand how could someone act like this. But Sheetal smiled and said " Don't worry I will get another. No need to feel so sad." Sheetal was right. She started dating another then she shifted to another. She was not ready to settle on any one. It was so disturbing. Mom was so upset. Mom didn't understand when she would stop this. It was risky. Mom didn't like many boys out of them. But still Mom couldn't stop her. Mom knew that she was practical and wise girl. She didn't took wrong step. Still Mom didn't like the way she kept changing boys. At beginning Mom didn't mind but this time Rakesh was really nice boy. Mom was expecting successful relationship. But yesterday suddenly Sheetal called him and told him that she didn't want to date him anymore. Her this decision was out of blue. Even Rakesh was shocked. Mom was not part of conversation but she heard it from behind. She was not spying on her daughter. But when she heard mention of Rakesh name she began to imagine marriage of her daughter. But Sheetal said on mobile " I can't relax in this relationship. I want to be out of it." Mom was so shocked. Mom didn't control her emotions. That day Mom went in room and cried. She knew that her daughter was doing wrong. Rakesh was nice and faithful boy. She was breaking his heart. Mom began to feel that Sheetal might be taking revenge of her first boyfriend on her every boyfriend. Mom sensed one thing that Sheetal needed help. Sheetal couldn't go on like that. Sheetal couldn't kept shifting boyfriends. So Mom was planning to discuss today. Mom didn't want to upset Sheetal. Mom wanted to keep her in peaceful state of mind when Mom was going to discuss her point. But Sheetal didn't come out finally Mom began to lose patience. Mom slowly went towards her room and looked inside it. She noticed that bed was empty. It suggested that Sheetal was in washroom. Mom smiled. Mom was glad that Sheetal was not working so now they could discuss matter for hours. Mom sat happily on bed. She began to wait for Sheetal. She needed to show some patience. She knew that she could manage to tell Sheetal to calm down this time. She needed to talk with her. She needed to tell her that she must stop somewhere.

    Sheetal was so shocked. She didn't want to remember her failures but she couldn't stop it. She kept remembering them one after another. It was worst. It seemed as if all nightmares were gathering in her mind. She didn't understand why did this happening. She didn't sense why she needed to remember worst things. She began to think that it might be because she didn't care for Rakesh and decided to break up. She needed to patch. She decided that she would do it. She came out. Mom was sitting on bed. She sat near Mom and told her " Mom I am feeling so sad. I think I made mistake." Mom smiled and said " Then talk to Rakesh." She smiled and called him. But she was shocked when other girl took mobile. It was clear and that Rakesh was spending nights with other girls. He was not as nice as he seemed. She just disconnected call. Then she cried. Mom was so confused. Mom didn't understand anything. She kept crying. Her tears were not stopping. She didn't want to go out. She began to feel her life was meaningless a big burden. She didn't understand why did she struggled so much to make it right? She was happy in her life. But she didn't understand why. Her entire life was meaningless. She didn't have anyone who cared for her. She was so sad and broken. It happened because her first boyfriend did it. Sheetal "Mom Rakesh is with another girl!" " So soon! My God! You took right decision of break up." She began to cry more hysterically. Mom was so confused. Mom knew that Sheetal kept changing boyfriends so she didn't have reputation of reliable girl. She didn't going to get nice boy so easily. Mom didn't say it directly. But Mom knew it. This was upsetting. Sheetal kept crying. Then she started to ask some pill to sleep. Mom didn't like the way she demanded something to sleep. Sleeping pills were not available in legally in normal medicine but still people manage to get many things in herbal or natural. But Mom felt finally they all had same effects. So they might had same side-effects. Mom " I feel you need to ask Doctor before taking it." Sheetal looked confused and upset. She didn't want people to feel bad about her. She looked towards clock. She needed to go to bank. She needed to meet client but she couldn't. She was feeling so sad. This sadness was so strange like some quick sand. It started taking her inside. It was dragging her in that dark circle step by step. It was taking away breath of her joy. She was so sad. She decided to sleep. She just slept on bed and kept watching ceiling. She didn't understand why she didn't want to move but she didn't. Mom stood up. Mom went in kitchen. She began to cooking breakfast. She started doing it. She began to feel that if she serve good breakfast to Sheetal then she might feel happy. She was so upset. Mom needed to do something. Mom began to search for movie Sheetal liked. Mom decided to watch it on computer. She could order on internet. She knew that they couldn't just go out. They needed to enjoy themselves inside. Mom didn't understand what she supposed to do. Mom began to call his sister. Sheetal's Auntie took mobile. Auntie immediately started talking about her troubles in that locked house. Auntie kept talking while Mom was so confused. Mom was not sure that she could trust her Auntie. She was so frustrated. She was so confused. She didn't understand why did she called Auntie if she didn't trust her. But Mom didn't. Mom kept chatting and then finally Mom disconnected call. Mom suddenly started calling her family Doctor. She sensed that she needed help of Doctor. On that point Dad entered. Dad sensed that Mom called Doctor without second thought he ran in Sheetal's room. Sheetal was Dad's favourite girl. Sheetal didn't hide anything from Dad. Dad supported her every move. Mom let him go in room without warning. Dad was shocked to see Sheetal sleeping this way. Sheetal was looking so pale and so lifeless. Dad didn't like it. Dad began to push her to sit. Dad " Come on you are getting late for bank. They can't run it without you." Her Dad started to arrange things for her like he used to do in childhood. She had such period even in her childhood. She suddenly began to slow down. She didn't understand why. Then her parents used to push her. She used to start and move ahead. But this time she was too tired. She was too lifeless. Her Dad was looking so scared. Dad " What happened honey?" " Nothing Dad. I am just too sad and tired. Do you remember that dark circle? It started to take me in. I don't think I will come out this time." She hugged Dad and started crying. Her Dad was so scared. He felt  so sad. He began to feel that her daughter was falling in that dark circle again. He was so helpless. He didn't want to lose her. He was so tense. He knew that every time she came back. But he kept feeling that some day this black circle might managed to trap his daughter forever. He kept feeling so scared and helpless. He didn't understand how could he get over those troubles. He needed someone who stop it from happening. He was crying when Mom entered. Mom " I called Doctor!" Dad was shocked and angry. He didn't want world to know this sickness. He didn't want world to see her as weak person. " Why did you call Doctor?..she will be fine soon." " No.. I don't want to take risk this time. I need help. I want Doctor to examine her. She is suffering again and again. This is not her crime. It is just sickness which might come and go. It can happen to anyone. I am calling Doctor!" Dad wanted to argue but Sheetal slowly pulled herself out of his hand and slept on bed. She started watching ceiling again. She was clearly not coming out of her trance. She needed help. Dad didn't want to argue. He just kept telling her to get ready. He started showing her movies. He even started playing many funny videos on his mobile. When it didn't work he started TV. He began to show comedy then horror then reality show finally he started tragedy by mistake. After watching it Sheetal began to cry. She kept crying. Dad began to feel so scared. He began to wait for Doctor.

     After sometime doorbell rang. Mom opened door and invited Doctor inside. Doctor came in room. He examined Sheetal properly. Then Doctor said " She is physically fit. But I feel she had mental trouble." Mom shivered. Mom sensed it from beginning but Dad didn't want to admit. Even on that point Dad started to argue " My daughter is strong.." Doctor gave him angry look and asked " Can't you see her condition?" Dad nodded with sad face. " Take her to psychiatrist." They didn't have much option. Next day they visited psychiatrist. Psychiatrist studied her Sheetal talked with her. Then finally Psychiatrist diagnosed her with Bipolar Depression. Sheetal was feeling so upset. When they came back Rakesh was waiting by door. Rakesh came forward and asked " Why don't you took my call? My sister told me you called?" Then he watched her face with shock. " What happened? Why she is looking like that?" Sheetal didn't say anything. She just wanted to sleep. She went in room. Her parents told everything to Rakesh. Rakesh said " I love her and I am with you in this.." then Rakesh discussed with psychiatrist about her treatment too. Rakesh smiled and said " This might seem selfish to you but I am glad that she didn't got bore of me. It was just mental trouble." Dad " We don't know. But she is in strange phase." " Just let me try. If she doesn't love me I like to stay with her as friend in her life if you agree! Until her boyfriend don't argue." Rakesh laughed in strange way. Her parents agreed. Rakesh remained truthful to her. He kept taking her to psychiatrist. At beginning she couldn't start working. But slowly she began to work. She took long time to say Yes to Rakesh. But Rakesh was patient man. Finally one day they got married. They knew that this sickness was not going to leave her but they slowly that she would forced her way out of that dark circle every time. Psychiatrist showed her way and it would help her every time. She smiled happily while Rakesh was holding her hand. She had someone on whom she could rely in worst day. If God gave trouble then God gave solution too. First she had her parents and now she had husband. She relaxed and put her head on his shoulder.

                                                                            The End

Friday, December 25, 2020

Poem. 5906. Shine of appeal which

                           Shine of appeal which 

Shine of appeal which form new spirit to thought for understanding of soul that step show new knowledge of step in mind

Shine of appeal which create new path to concept for meaning of knowledge that start give new direction of step in mind

Shine of appeal which give new step to knowledge for learning of chapter that form new light of step in mind

Shine of appeal which show new route to chapter for thinking of concept that create new path of step of mind

Shine of appeal which start new strength to touch for feeling of smile that give new direction of step of mind

Shine of appeal which give new touch to direction for understanding of path that create new move of step of mind

Shine of appeal which create new move to strength for meaning of move that form new direction of step of mind

Shine of appeal which form new soul to chapter for learning of direction that show new knowledge of step of mind

Shine of appeal which show new light to concept for thinking of knowledge that start new thought of step of mind

Shine of appeal which start new route to knowledge for feeling of chapter that create new direction of step of mind

Shine of appeal which create new move to thought for meaning of touch that give new knowledge of step of mind

Shine of appeal which form new chapter to touch for understanding of path that start new direction of step of mind

Shine of appeal which show new knowledge to path for learning of move that form new strength of step of mind

Shine of appeal which give new strength to move for thinking of chapter that create new touch of step of mind

Shine of appeal which create new dream to touch for feeling of direction that start new route of step of mind

Shine of appeal which start new chapter to soul for understanding of path that show new start of step of mind

Shine of appeal which form new thought to path for meaning of touch that form new soul of step of mind

Shine of appeal which give new spirit to start for learning of smile that create new touch of step of mind

Shine of appeal which show new path to soul for thinking of hope that give new knowledge of step of mind

Shine of appeal which create new route to move for feeling of start that start new direction of step of mind

Shine of appeal which start new knowledge to path for understanding of path that create new dream of step of mind

Shine of appeal which form new touch to direction for meaning of concept that form new thought of step of mind

Shine of appeal which show new light to move for learning of knowledge that start new strength of step of mind

Shine of appeal which give new concept to start for feeling of chapter that show new knowledge of step of mind

Shine of appeal which create new path to step for thinking of direction that create new touch of step of mind

Shine of appeal which form new start to route for understanding of soul that form new light of step of mind

Shine of appeal which start new spirit to light for meaning of knowledge that give new soul of step of mind

Shine of appeal which give new knowledge to path for learning of move that start new route of step of mind

Shine of appeal which create new soul to concept for feeling of thought that form new path of step of mind

Shine of appeal which show new light to chapter for meaning of direction that create new start of step of mind

Shine of appeal which form new spirit to strength for thinking of touch that give new soul of step of mind

Shine of appeal which start new direction to spirit for understanding of path that start new way of step of mind

Shine of appeal which give new knowledge to soul for feeling of concept that form new chapter of  step of mind

Shine of appeal which create new thought to start for meaning of move that show new direction of step of mind

Shine of appeal which show new touch to light for learning of thought that create new concept of step of mind

Shine of appeal which form new chapter to path for thinking of start that give new strength of step of mind

Shine of appeal which give new knowledge to touch for feeling of soul that form new knowledge of step of mind

Shine of appeal which create new start to direction for understanding of way that show new path to step of mind

Shine of appeal which start new route to thought for meaning of chapter that create new touch to step of path 

Shine of appeal which show new light to feeling for concept of soul that form new appeal to step of path.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...