Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Poem. 5101. Tides of water show different feelings

                      Tides of water show different feelings
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they are dream sometimes storms of life but still they are those souls which give shine to hopes of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we laugh with them sometimes they create new world to chapters which give spirit to shine of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they form direction sometimes we sense  positive appeal new thought to route which give start route of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create world sometimes they destroy hopes of life new way enter on each step which give step of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense positive sometimes we feel hopeless in life new direction of mind show each way give route of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they show hope sometimes we feel sorrows in life new appeal of mind show each knowledge give start of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create path sometimes they damage paths in life new strength of mind show each step give path of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we form direction sometimes we confuse routes in life new thought of mind show each way give step of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feel of mind sometimes we feel hopes sometimes we see sorrows of feeling in life new direction of mind show each route give word of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create path sometimes we don't see light in life new spirit of mind show each concept give route of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we see positive sometimes we see sorrows in life new direction of mind show each spirit give move of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we feel positive shine sometimes we see negative step in life new chapter of mind show each path of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense shine sometimes we feel storm of frustration in life new direction of mind show each word of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we feel dream of world sometimes we see nightmare in life new knowledge of mind show each chapter of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they show hopes of positive sometimes they show storms in life new direction of mind show each route of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we feel dream of sky sometimes nightmare of storm in life new chapter of mind show each move of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they give shine of hope sometimes troubles enter in life new direction of mind show each concept of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we create spirit of dream sometimes storms enter in life new chapter of mind show each strength of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they give touch of hope sometimes darkness enter in life new way of trouble of mind show each path of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we show direction of positive sometimes troubles enter in life new route will open with hope of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create shine of light sometimes dark touches also enter in life new move will start with word of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we show thought of shine sometimes dark feels enter in life new direction will open with knowledge of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense positive feel sometimes negative route enter in life new knowledge will open with shine of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create shine of hope sometimes worst effect enter in life new chapter will open with strength of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense hope of light sometimes negative touch enter in life new concept will open with knowledge of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create path of step sometimes worst effect enter in life new strength will open with shine of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense touch of start sometimes darkness spirit enter in life new concept will open with start of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create shine of light sometimes worst route enter in life new thought will open with appeal of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense positive of touch sometimes negative feel enter in life new chapter will open with path of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create hope of shine sometimes worst touch enter in life new direction will open with start of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we create move of route sometimes negative route enter in life new knowledge will open with step of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they sense path of start sometimes worst touch enter in life new direction will open with start of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense touch of path sometimes darkness feeling enter in life new route will open with move of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we create start of move sometimes negative start enter in life new concept will open with step of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they sense route of step sometimes worst touch enter in life new strength will open with move of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense direction of positive sometimes wrong enter in life new way will open with start of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create strength of hope sometimes dark touch enter in life new understanding will open with way of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense positive start of way sometimes worst step enter in life new chapter will open with move of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes they create hopeful shine of light sometimes worst spirit enter in life new touch will open with word of future and dreams of mind
Tides of water show different feelings of mind sometimes we sense positive start of move sometimes dark step enter in life new concept will open with route of future and dreams of mind.

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