Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Poem. 4584. Show new touch to mind

                                     Show new touch to mind
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new route to thought of learning at each touch of knowledge to every start of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new word to direction of feeling at each step of direction to every chapter of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new touch to strength of meaning at each path of strength to every shine of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new direction to start of understanding at each step of route to every word of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new strength to step of feeling at each chapter of direction to every shine of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new knowledge to start of meaning at each word of concept to every light of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new direction to shine of thinking at each step of thought to every route of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new concept to touch of learning at each shine of knowledge to every step of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new strength to step of feeling at each route of direction to every starting of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new knowledge to start of learning at each step of move to every learning of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new appeal to chapter of meaning at each shine of word to every thinking of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new thought to touch of feeling at each step of move to every learning of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new touch to direction of learning at each start of word to every feeling of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new knowledge to strength of thinking at each route of move to every start of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new concept to concept of meaning at each step of chapter to every path of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new strength to step of feeling at each knowledge of start to every appeal of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new word to shine of thinking at each direction of concept to every shine of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new knowledge to start of meaning at each step of chapter to every touch of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new direction to spirit of feeling at each touch of strength to every starting of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new strength to route of learning at each move of thought to every appeal of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new thought to touch of thinking at each spirit of direction to every shine of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new direction to start of meaning at each shine of knowledge to every way of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new appeal to shine of learning at each concept of direction to every spirit of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new strength to step of meaning at each chapter of strength to every step of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new knowledge to start of learning at each appeal of touch to every word of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new direction to shine of feeling at each strength of move to every touch of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new appeal to strength of meaning at each shine of word to every appeal of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new thought to move of learning at each direction of route to every shine of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new strength to word of thinking at each chapter of appeal to every start of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new knowledge to start of feeling at each start of direction to every word of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new direction to shine of meaning at each route of thinking to every touch of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new thought to word of learning at each concept of meaning to every start of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new strength to step of thinking at each appeal of feeling to every thought of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new direction to shine of meaning at each step of learning to every chapter of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new thought to touch of learning at each start of meaning to every shine of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new strength to step of meaning at each step of thinking to every direction of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new knowledge to start of feeling at each move of learning to every start of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new strength to shine of meaning at each start of thinking to every route of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new knowledge to start of learning at each word of meaning to every way of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new chapter to way of feeling at each touch of understanding to every path of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new appeal to start of thinking at each concept of learning to every touch of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new concept to shine of meaning at each step of feeling to every starting of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new direction to start of thinking at each move of meaning to every route of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new chapter to route of learning at each step of thinking to every chapter of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new thought to shine of meaning at each start of learning to every touch of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new knowledge to start of feeling at each step of meaning to every touch of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new direction to route of thinking at each shine of thinking to every route of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new chapter to move of learning at each appeal of feeling to every spirit of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new appeal to path of thinking at each starting of knowledge to every path of soul in life
Every path will show new touch to mind which show new meaning to spirit that show new touch to word of meaning at each thought of feeling to every touch of soul in life.

Poem. 4583. Sometimes route tell that story

                                  Sometimes route tell that story
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand path instead of end since you all know path is important soul of life in route of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand route instead of end since that is our life journey of hope that we find peace of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that decide our concept of path that we find hope of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand path instead of end since that appeal our learning of soul that we find light of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand step instead of end since that touch our understanding of move to sense way of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand shine instead of end since that path to our feeling of chapter to find route of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that word to our meaning of soul to find strength of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand route instead of end since that shine to our thinking of start to find smile of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand touch instead of end since that way of our understanding of spirit to find step of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand path instead of end since that move of our learning of concept to find start of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that route of our feeling of strength to find concept of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand route instead of end since that path of our meaning of chapter to find chapter of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that shine of our thinking of touch to find meaning of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand route instead of end since that start of our learning of strength to find shine of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that path of our meaning of chapter to find concept of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand move instead of end since that shine of our learning of touch to find strength of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand shine instead of end since that spirit of our thinking of direction to find move of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand step instead of end since that shine of our feeling of chapter to find direction of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand path instead of end since that start of our meaning of concept to find touch of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand move instead of end since that path of our thinking of direction to find move of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand spirit instead of end since that soul of our meaning of strength to find appeal of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand path instead of end since that spirit of our feeling of concept to find concept of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand word instead of end since that start of our learning of strength to find appeal of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand appeal ianstead of end since that shine of our feeling of chapter to find start of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand touch instead of end since that move of our meaning of shine to find route of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand shine instead of end since that word of our thinking of concept to find path of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand path instead of end since that spirit of our feeling of strength to find appeal of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand touch instead of end since that shine of our meaning of soul to find concept of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that touch of our learning of spirit to find strength of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand route instead of end since that direction of our feeling of shine to find path of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand path instead of end since that knowledge of our meaning of soul to find way of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand route instead of end since that strength of our learning of spirit to find move of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand spirit instead of end since that concept of our thinking of move to find path of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that chapter of meaning of thought to find shine of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand route instead of end since that appeal of feeling of knowledge to find strength of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand touch instead of end since that concept of thinking of direction to find shine of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand shine instead of end since that strength of meaning of chapter to find starting of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand spirit instead of end since that knowledge of feeling of concept to find touch of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that direction of learning of knowledge to find word of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand route instead of end since that chapter of meaning of direction to find start of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand move instead of end since that spirit of feeling of strength to find chapter of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that shine of thinking of concept to find appeal of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand word instead of end since that start of learning of spirits to find knowledge of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand touch instead of end since that path of feeling of chapter to find strength of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand spirit instead of end since that shine of meaning of shine to find direction of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand word instead of end since that chapter of feeling of soul to find knowledge of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand route instead of end since that appeal of learning of spirit to find feeling of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand soul instead of end since that touch of thinking of start to find understanding of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand path instead of end since that shine of meaning of soul to find strength of thought
Sometimes route tell that story which destination can't in life we need to understand start instead of end since that soul of understanding of route to find route of thought.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Poem. 4582. When river will show new tides

                              When river will show new tides
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new spirit to meaning that show new world to path that give start to direction of route to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to thinking that show new shine to soul that give route to thought of path to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new touch to learning that show new touch to word that give path to strength of move to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new route to feeling that show new start to route that give shine to knowledge of shine to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new path to meaning that show new touch to step that give word to chapter of appeal to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new step to learning that show new chapter to word that give touch to route of spirit to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to thinking that show new appeal to route that give shine to light of starting to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new soul to meaning that show new chapter to word that give route to start of shine to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new touch to feeling that show new direction to route that give light to concept of step to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to chapter that show new touch to step that give shine to thought of route to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new spirit to learning that show new word to start that give soul to direction of path to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new touch to meaning that show new route to move that give step to thought of word to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new soul to feeling that show new chapter to route that give move to spirit of move to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to thinking that show new concept to word that give step to touch of spirit to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new touch to meaning that show new sky to soul that give direction to chapter of step to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new start to feeling that show new route to start that give thought to concept of light to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to thinking that show new path to step that give knowledge to soul of move to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new path to meaning that show new route to path that give direction to shine of word to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new look to learning that show new word to chapter that give touch to route of step to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to feeling that show new touch to start that give direction to path of start to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new touch to thinking that show new spirit to guide that give chapter to strength to line to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new start to meaning that show new shine that give concept to knowledge to route to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to feeling that show new direction that give route to thought of learning to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new touch to thinking that show new strength that give start to direction of meaning to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new start to learning that show new chapter that give concept to appeal of thinking to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new chapter to meaning that show new concept that give route to thought of feeling to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new concept to thinking that show new word that give start to knowledge of meaning to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new direction to feeling that show new move that give chapter to strength of feeling to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new concept to meaning that show new path that give concept to opening of direction to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new touch to learning that show new thought that give strength to learning of starting to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new spirit to feeling that show new knowledge that give direction to concept of shine to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new start to thinking that show new chapter that give thought to direction of appeal to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new soul to meaning that show new direction that give chapter to strength of touch to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new route to learning that show new chapter that give appeal to knowledge of concept to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new start to thinking that show new route that give strength to thinking of direction to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to feeling that show new concept that give chapter to meaning of strength to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new chapter to thinking that show new shine that give path to learning of knowledge to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new concept to meaning that show new touch that give word to feeling of thought to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new thought to learning that show new path that give chapter to thinking of chapter to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new appeal to thinking that show new chapter that give start to learning of direction to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new chapter to feeling that show new strength that give word to thinking of concept to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new touch to meaning that show new appeal that give spirit to meaning of direction to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new start to learning that show new touch that give start to understanding of strength to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to meaning that show new starting that give route to meaning of spirit to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new touch to learning that show new spirit that give start to feeling of touch of move to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new shine to feeling that show new concept that give word to meaning of knowledge to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new start to meaning that show new chapter that give route to thinking of concept to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new word to thinking that show new strength that give start to meaning of strength to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new path to feeling that show new touch to word that give step to thought of concept to way of mind
When river will show new tides those voices create different appeals show new start to learning that show new path to shine that give word to route of thought to way of mind.

Poem. 4581. New soul of spirit that give appeal

                           New soul of spirit that give appeal
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show chapter of touch that give new strength to thinking of route of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show concept of light that give new thought to learning of shine of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show appeal of shine that give new feeling to meaning of start of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to learning which show touch of route that give new meaning to chapter of word of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show shine of light that give new feeling of thought to touch of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show direction of route that give new meaning of shine to start of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show chapter of move that give new thinking of soul to strength of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show touch of start that give new feeling of chapter to learning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to learning which show route of path that give new meaning of concept to thought of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show start of word that give new thinking of appeal to direction of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show shine of light that give new feeling of chapter to strength of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show path of route that give new strength of knowledge to start of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to learning which show touch of path that give new chapter of concept to direction of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show route of shine that give new thought of strength to appeal of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show shine of word that give new knowledge of touch to starting of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to learning which show start of touch that give new strength of word to learning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show word of chapter that give new knowledge to way of feeling of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show step of direction that give new thought to shine of meaning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show shine of strength that give new chapter to path of learning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to learning which show path of thinking that give new strength to step of feeling of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show start of feeling that give new thought to shine of meaning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show shine of meaning that give new touch to start of feeling of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show start of feeling that give new strength to step of thinking of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show shine of thinking that give new thought to start of meaning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show path of meaning that give new chapter to path of feeling of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show route of thinking that give new light to shine of learning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show touch of feeling that give new concept to start of feeling of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show start of learning that give new strength to step of meaning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show shine of meaning that give new thought to word of learning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show step of meaning that give new knowledge to soul of feeling of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show shine of feeling that give new strength to spirit of meaning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show start of meaning that give new direction to path of learning of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show path of thinking that give new strength to step of feeling of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to learning which show touch of feeling that give new knowledge to word of route of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show word of meaning that give new chapter to spirit of soul of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show start of thinking that give new light to concept of shine of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show shine of learning that give new shine to knowledge to way of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show starting of concept that give new start to direction to word of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show strength of knowledge that give new light to shine to way of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show chapter of direction that give new thought to touch to path of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show shine of thought that give new strength to chapter to shine of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to learning which show start of knowledge that give new thought to direction of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show shine of strength that give new knowledge to touch to way of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show start of knowledge that give new direction to shine to light of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show shine of chapter that give new strength to route to touch of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to feeling which show start of appeal that give new direction to path to chapter of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show route of concept that give new thought to touch to word of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to learning which show appeal of touch that give new strength to step to spirit of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to thinking which show shine of word that give new thought to knowledge to way of move to mind
New soul of spirit that give appeal to learning of route which show new path to meaning which show start of shine that give new strength to chapter to start of move to mind.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Poem. 4580. New touch to spirit of direction

                            New touch to spirit of direction
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new route for strength with appeal that give touch to word that show move of learning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new path for chapter with word that give starting to path that show feel of thinking to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new start for knowledge with spirit that give route to start that show word of meaning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new word for thought with start that give chapter to spirit that show shine of feeling to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new chapter for direction with spirit that give touch to move that show start of thinking to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new concept for strength with start that give direction to path that show route of learning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new touch for knowledge with spirit that give shine to light that show step of meaning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new start for appeal with soul that give strength to step that show shine of feeling to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new chapter for touch with shine that give appeal to move that show start of thinking to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new touch for start with hope that give shine to spirit that show thought of learning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new route for chapter with step that give touch to start that show starting of feeling to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new appeal for move with start that give chapter to word that show knowledge of spirit to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new concept for start with route that give concept to shine that show strength of appeal to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new strength for step with hope that give thought to start that show concept of thinking to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new knowledge for move with touch that give step to way that show chapter of learning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new thought for route with appeal that give move to shine that show touch of meaning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new starting for word with concept that give touch to word that show move of thinking to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new appeal for route with hope that give shine to strength that show start of learning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new knowledge for path with step that give word to chapter that show way of feeling to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new thought for soul with shine that give concept to starting that show shine of meaning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new knowledge for way with spirit that give strength to meaning that show word of start to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new direction for route with positive that give hope to thinking that show concept of shine to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new concept for appeal with strength that give word to meaning that show appeal of way to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new chapter for touch with knowledge that give shine to feeling that show start of word to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new strength for route with thought that give start to learning that show chapter of appeal to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new feeling for shine with shine that give thought to thinking of concept of knowledge to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new learning for soul with positive that give appeal to meaning of strength of meaning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new chapter for route with strength that give concept to feeling of chapter of thinking to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new concept for shine with knowledge that give spirit to learning of concept of meaning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new strength for route with thought that give chapter to understanding of start of learning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new knowledge for light with shine that give concept to thinking of chapter of meaning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new concept for spirit with knowledge that give appeal to meaning of strength of feeling to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new chapter for start with thought that give learning to strength of knowledge of thinking to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new appeal for soul with strength that give feeling to spirit of learning of understanding to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new concept for shine with concept that give meaning to route of thinking of soul to route to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new knowledge for word with chapter that give learning to soul of knowledge of concept to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new thought for appeal with thought that give thinking to start of learning of strength to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new appeal for route with appeal that give meaning to shine of feeling of shine of way to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new concept for start with hope that give feel to spirit of understanding of touch of word to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new chapter for word with route that give shine to strength of learning of thought of step to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new strength for route with path that give touch to thought of meaning of chapter of spirit to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new concept for spirit with hope that give shine to knowledge of feeling of touch of shine to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new thought for shine with step that give light to concept of thinking of chapter of start to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new knowledge for start with path that give touch to strength of meaning of learning to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new appeal for shine with word that give learning to step of strength of thinking of soul to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new route for start with touch that give meaning to route of knowledge of feel of word to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new touch for word with positive that give feeling to soul of thought of learning of start to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new thought for shine with hope that give thinking to start of thought of meaning of soul to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new chapter for soul with positive that give learning to way of chapter of thinking of step to path of mind
Every time move will show new touch to spirit of direction which show new knowledge for path with start that give meaning to route of appeal of feeling of way to path of mind.

Poem. 4579. Routes of spirit to steps

                                                   Routes of spirit to steps
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new shine to strength of mind which show new appeal to learning of thought to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new move to thought of mind which show new knowledge to feeling of move to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new starting to appeal of mind which show new learning to thought of feeling to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new touch to chapter of mind which show new feel to knowledge of meaning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new path to strength of mind which show new touch to direction of understanding to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new word to move of mind which show new path to route of thinking of move to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new thought to touch of mind which show new word to chapter of learning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new strength to starting of mind which show new touch to direction of feeling to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new touch to meaning of mind which show new strength to route of meaning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new path to understanding of mind which show new word to chapter of learning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new word to learning of mind which show new shine to strength of thinking to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new thought to feeling of mind which show new start to concept of meaning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new strength to meaning of mind which show new path to chapter of feeling to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new knowledge to thinking of mind which show new word to path of learning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new direction to feeling of mind which show new strength to step of meaning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new path to learning of mind which show new touch to concept to understanding to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new word to feeling of mind which show new knowledge to soul of direction to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new appeal to meaning of mind which show new strength to word of spirit to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new path to understanding of mind which show new direction to move to learning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new step to learning of mind which show new concept to strength to thinking to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new shine to feeling of mind which show new thought to meaning to route to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new concept to learning of mind which show new starting to touch of route to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new shine to feeling of mind which show new understanding to start of path to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new appeal to learning of mind which show new feeling to thought of route to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new chapter to thinking of mind which show new meaning to route of move to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new direction to meaning of mind which show new learning to word of path to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new touch to learning of mind which show new thinking to shine of touch to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new path to feeling of mind which show new appeal to knowledge of understanding to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new touch to meaning of mind which show new chapter to strength of touch to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new word to learning of mind which show new concept to knowledge of shine to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new start to thinking of mind which show new strength to move of direction to path to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new touch to feeling of mind which show new path to concept of learning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new move to meaning of mind which show new touch to starting of feeling to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new route to feeling of mind which show new thought to meaning of shine to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new word to learning of mind which show new knowledge to touch of move to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new shine to meaning of mind which show new direction to route of chapter to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new step to thinking of mind which show new thought to appeal of knowledge to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new start to feeling of mind which show new knowledge to soul to touch of feeling to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new path to meaning of mind which show new direction to path to start of learning to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new word to thinking of mind which show new step to word to move of route to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new move to learning of mind which show new thought to route to knowledge to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new path to feeling of mind which show new spirit to concept to thinking of soul to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new word to meaning of mind which show new path to strength of concept to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new touch to learning of mind which show new word to knowledge of start to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new concept to feeling of mind which show new touches to strength of route to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new spirit to learning of mind which show new direction to knowledge of move to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new path to feeling of mind which show new appeal to learning of thought to touch to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new word to meaning of mind which show new route to thinking to strength to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new thought to learning of mind which show new word to feeling to chapter to way of mind
Each chapter will show new word to routes of spirit to steps of life which show new knowledge to feeling of mind which show new path to learning of move to way of mind.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Adventure story. 394. Bangalow of playing cards

                            Bangalow of playing cards
Aakansha started playing cards. She started her new hobby of building bangalow of cards. It was so interesting. Before this she used to feel so emotionally upset. Her situation was so odd. It was not about wealth. She had it but on other fronts she didn't have much. She didn't got proper progress in career. She kept thinking about future. She knew that this was excuse but she was alone too. Her parents were dead now. Her parents were her past. She was not sure even if she missed them. They were always busy with their work. They just discussed about her career. She was always hopeless case for them. Still they tried hard. She was fond of doing painting. She kept sketching different things. She started to create new world with different colours. Those colours were touching soul on every point. Those colours were creating impact on soul. She did sketching with soul. She loved doing it. She was creating different world which create impact on her soul. She started creating different world on every point. She was sketching every day different sort of dream for her soul. She was feeling so hopeful with every sketching. She was sketching different colours which show different dream to thought. When she started sketching different look on canvas, she totally forgot everything. She kept thinking about just her dream world. She was creating different world than reality. She started sketching different colours with wonderful ideas. She started using colour and she was lost in it's world. Those paintings were wonderful. They were creating different looks on soul. She began to create different world on canvas. She began to create wonderful enchanting effect with thoughts. But paintings were showing different ideas. But her parents were not interested in her paintings. It was not profitable thing for them. Specially her father started complaining. One day he came to her. He sat near her. She was so confused. Her father never sat beside her like this. He always kept her away. But on that day he sat near. He sat in rocking chair. He began to move it slowly. She started to feel tense. His attitude was scary. She shivered with fear. He kept rocking his chair for sometime. Then finally he stopped. He turned towards her. " Well. I know you like painting but you must understand that it can't be career. You must choose something different." He pointed towards her canvas. " These are useless." She was so shocked. She spent so many hours on them and she knew that they were useless in eyes of her parents. But she didn't expected them to say it this way. She wanted them at least try to sell them. But her father took deep breath and said " You must change your way of life. You need to take some professional course." " But Dad I have tried all." She was telling truth. She tried all. She took one professional course. She completed it. But she didn't manage to put it in useful way. Everything seemed useless. She didn't manage any good job. She knew that her father was not even ready to help her. She knew that it was useless even to change her career. " I wanted to do painting." Her father gave her sorrowful look. Her father " You are doing useless thing." Her father went away. She felt so sad. He always kept coming in her room every day. He kept taunting her. She was so frustrated. She started to hate him step by step. Her Mom was just audience of entire drama. She never said anything. She just kept nodding. One day Aakansha finally asked her " Mom you never give any opinion on anything." Her Mom gave her sad look. Her Mom " I don't want to hurt you but you know your Dad. He knew everything in lot better way." Her Mom sat beside her and patted on her hand. She was so confused. Her Mom " I feel you should find another option. You could get married." Now she loved this idea. " You are right Mom!! That man whom I like might show interest in paintings." Her Mom looked upset. Her Mom " Forget those paintings. Just concentrate on financial status. You need rich husband." " Don't keep talking about his financial status. First I need nice man and of course I want rich too. Since I am not earning, I need rich one. But Mom can I get someone like prince charming. Someone with big heart." Her Mom looked away. She was clearly upset. Her Mom " Stop that dreaming." Then her Mom suddenly remembered some work and went away. Aakansha sat there. She was frustrated. It all was so wrong. She didn't understand what her parents wanted to suggest. One didn't want her to paint and another felt that she should marry just for money. They didn't understand her at all. They just managed to mess up her life. Aakansha was so frustrated. When her Mom began to introduce her with boys, those boys were so strange. They kept demanding different things. She started meeting those boys. Those boys didn't seem to like her that much. Those boys kept just pushing her down. They didn't like her paintings. They all kept saying that they were waste of time. She was upset. After sometime she just stopped meeting them. She told Mom that she didn't want to marry so both fronts closed for her. After this her parents lost interest in her. She was nothing but a showpiece to them. They didn't care much about their thinking. She was something who didn't exist for them. Her father was so upset by her decision that he kept abusing her again and again. Finally they died in accident. She supposed to cry and feel sad but she didn't. She just kept painting. She was so happy about it. But then slowly she started to get upset by everything. She didn't understand why. But she suddenly began to feel so upset. She began to feel that her parents were around her. She kept thinking that they would kill her one day. Because she was alive and they were dead. She shivered at that thought. She knew that ghosts didn't exist but sometimes she didn't understand why but she felt scared. She shivered with fear. She didn't understand why. She always hoped that she would be happy after their death but she was not she was just scared. After seeing Aakansha's fear her Auntie advised ritual in house. After it her fear reduced. But still it was there.
      Aakansha never did it before. But she seen many times many people's doing it. It needed full concentration and peaceful mind. She didn't have time to think about other things. She didn't feel scared. She began to create different rooms with them. Her bangalow was not normal and simple sort of bangalow. It started to create simple bangalow. She was not building bangalow by playing cards in simple way. She was building different playing card special bangalow of special design. She started to create different stylel. She was creating different ways of design in bangalow. She started creating different playing card design. She started creating different design on paper. She was creating different design on pages. She managed to create different designs. She began to create different designs. She worked hard to create different designs. She started to form different designs on every page. She began to create different designs of playing cards which she created with pen. She started put different playing cards. She began to draw pictures which were created by playing cards. She started to place different playing cards. She created different sort of designs. She began to place different playing cards. She didn't know how to place different playing cards in beginning. She began to form different playing cards. She started to create different designs. She began to give different appeals. She started to create different appeals. She kept doing it again and again. Then she suddenly began to feel so happy. She was creating those playing cards Bangalow. She began to feel some touch. She didn't imagine ever that her life would turn this way. She always felt that she would be happy when she would be alone. But it was not working that way as soon as her parents died suddenly her hope became high. She felt that she could live as per her desire. She still remembered that day. She supposed to feel sad. She was not feeling sad. She began to feel free. She was started sense that no one could taunt her. She smiled happily but not before all. She smiled and laughed in her room. She didn't want to show world how happy she was. She didn't want to feel happiness from soul. But they were just harassing her. They kept demanding things from her. She didn't like them. She was always cause pain for them. It was so frustrating. She kept remembering just their worst side. She remembered all step by step. She received call on land line. It was from Police who told her about accident. Police " Do you know Mr. Sharma and Mrs. Sharma?" " Yes. They are my parents." " Well..I must inform you. They were involved in accident and died on spot." She was shivering with fear. But then soon she began to sense strange feel of freedom. She knew that she was feeling so fresh. She was so happy. She was feeling so pleasant sort of happiness. She was going to feel with soul. She started to feel pleasant touch. She started to sense that whole house just belonged to her. She could do anything. In fact now she could even buy anything. She worked hard to control her mind. But she was so happy. She asked in pleasant tone " Did you say they are dead?" That Police sounded confused. " Yes Madam." She wanted to laugh pleasantly. But she controlled herself. She took deep breath. " Yes..yes. I am their daughter. Which hospital?" He gave name of hospital. " I will come." She looked at herself in mirror. Her parents were dead. She needed to cry. But she didn't have any sorrow on her face. She needed to cry and then she needed to tell to neighbours. But she began to remember sorrowful memories one after another. She started to think about sad sort of memories. She began to feel sad when she started to remember cat. Her favourite pet cat! Her Mom gifted it on fifth birthday. She still remembered cute and innocent eyes of that cat. She could see innocent feeling in cat. She started observe wonderful look in eyes of cat. She was so fond of cat. She began to remember every cat. She started feeding that cat playful way. That cat was looking so cute. That cat was looking so nice on each day . Then she remembered that day when cat was looking sick day by day. That cat was totally sick. She began to remember that cat. That cat was began to look sick. She started to feel sad. She began to cry for that cat. She started to sense pain. She started to cry so loudly that soon maid arrived. Maid was so shocked. She was feeling so sad. Her maid was so confused. She screamed " My cat died!!" Maid looked confused. Then she corrected herself. " My Dad died." She still started laughing on it's memory. If she had not remembering that cat, she should acted in wrong way. She began to feel sad only for that cat. Then she needed to see those bodies. They were disgusting but she didn't even felt sad watching them. Whole time she kept face of stone. It worked for few days people came and went away. She pretended all. She was not hurt. She tried many things including onion juice for tears and finally it was over. She smiled happily. But then in few days it started again. She couldn't forget that day too. She was going in bathroom and suddenly her leg slipped without cause. But she sensed on that point someone was sending bad luck to her. She sensed it's negative touch. She was so scared. She was so upset. She didn't understand those feelings. She knew that she was not feeling sad. But it was easy to pretend. Then she suddenly remembered words of priests on funeral. That soul never die. She shivered with fear. She sensed that her parents might wanted revenge from her because she was not feeling sad. She needed to escape from those thoughts so she began this hobby of building bangalows of playing card. She was working hard on it. She created all pictures and she was sure that she could make masterpiece today. She gave it final touch. Then she suddenly sensed strong air. She was so shocked. It suddenly entered in her room and destroyed her bangalow. She was sure that wind never came like that. But it came and destroyed her bangalow of playing cards and she started crying loudly.
      Aakansha started to feel so upset. Her voice was echoing in entire house. No one was there to hear her voice. But she sensed that there was someone to destruct. It was so wrong. No one was there to help but someone was there to destroy. She was hoping for complete freedom. But it was  not working. She felt so scared. She felt as if someone was watching her. Someone was planning for her destruction. She felt so upset. She started looking at interior of home. She began to sense something was destroying different dreams. She started to create different appeals. She began to feel different sides of thought. She started to create to feel different dreams. She was creating different direction to soul with those playing cards. But someone destroyed it. She was so confused. Then she sensed that she began to feel that she needed to find company. She knew that no one could destroy her dream when people were present. She decided to call someone. But she was so confused. She knew that no one would want to join her. She started looking in her contacts. Soon she sensed all were useless. She took deep breath. She decided to do some cooking. She went in kitchen. She knew that she was good cook. But she didn't went that much in kitchen when her parents were alive. They had cook but now since she was alone. She decided to tell her that service was not needed. She remembered how did that cook took it. She took it in totally wrong way. Her cook screamed on her and said " You have done big injustice on me. I needed job." Aakansha " I know but you know very well that I don't earn much." Her cook looked upset. " But this is not fair." " I know but life is not fair." That cook gave sad look to her. Cook "Life is not fair with you. Your parents died." Aakansha needed to pretend sorrows but she couldn't. She started to laugh. Her maid looked shocked. Her maid " Are you alright?" She controlled her laugh and said " I am fine. " But her Maid looked scared. After that all servants agreed to take salary and leave job. She decided to keep one maid. But even that maid didn't want to stay. Aakansha felt so sad when that maid came and told her that she must go too. She sensed that no one wanted to stay there. She was so nervous. She felt that they were upset with her. But she was nice girl. There was not any need to feel upset with her. She shivered with fear now. When that bangalow of playing cards started to fall she sensed for first time they were not upset with her. Something was wrong with her house. She knew all. She knew that sometimes souls came back to haunt. She needed to invite priest to do ritual. She began to sense that she must remove those souls out of her house. She suddenly remembered her father's worst argument with her. One day her Mom brought her rich friend with her. She was not alone. She had her foreign return son. When they came, Aakansha was dressed in normal way. She didn't dressed in style. She was in her normal style. She was not expecting guests. She came out when her Mom called in her casual pajamas. She came out and she was dressed in normal way. She gave her pleasant smile. She started to chat when that Auntie said " Well you manage to increase weight!!" Now that was biggest disaster for start of conversation. She started to feel fear in her soul. She looked at boy. He was slim. He was in perfect shape. She sensed that she was nothing before him. She was in fat. She took deep breath. Her Mom came to her help. Her Mom " Actually she just began dieting. She didn't have time for Gym during her studies. Now it was over. She is planning to join Gym." Her Dad was in home on that day. He came out. He started chatting with them. Soon that boy managed to impress him. But she couldn't manage to impress Auntie. She started to feel so upset. That Auntie kept talking in strange way. She was so upset. Auntie " So what kind of degree you have?" She told her degree. Auntie " Good. So what kind of job you are doing?!!" Aakansha felt hurt. She sensed that her Dad was looking towards her in anger. She was so upset. She shivered with fear. She knew that this Auntie was going to create problem in her life. Aakansha " I do paintings." Auntie clearly got disappointed. Auntie " Paintings?!! Now that doesn't make much sense in life. I mean you are just wasting your time. No one give any value to painting. Those paintings are creating different colours which show new appeal to way that will give fresh touch to soul with fresh touch to spirit that give new hope but finally it turn into useless thing. I accept it is nice hobby. But for old age not for young age. In young age we need more energetic work. Something which bring money." Aakansha shivered with that thought. She knew on that point then they were going to show her paintings as useless thing instead profitable things. She started to sense every one was looking at her accusingly. She began to feel so sad. Then suddenly that boy spoke. " Paintings doesn't touch my soul that much. They are nice but.. they are not something I like her.." Her Dad looked at her angrily. She felt so sad and upset. Her Dad " She must quit it. I will not feel peaceful in my soul until she didn't." She still remembered his voice and his eyes. There was anger in his soul. She felt so sad. He wanted to her to quit painting. She still remembered his angry voice. She was so scared when she remembered his voice. She began to sense different atmosphere around her. She began to shiver with fear. She sensed that something was totally wrong. She thought that her Dad had never left that house. She knew that he was dead but still she could sense his eyes on her sometimes. She knew that she was not painting much these days. She was building bangalow of playing cards. But she knew that her Dad even didn't like it. She was so scared. She didn't got freedom which she deserved. She knew that she was still haunted by soul of her parents.
       Aakansha was so upset. She sensed so frustrated. She didn't dare to paint after her parents death. She needed priest to clean her house before painting. She could easily sense her Dad's spirit. It was watching her. She knew that if she tried to paint then it could kill her. She shivered with fear. She wanted to paint on canvas. She began to feel that she must find solutions. She must paint. She started searching in contacts when she finally found number. She saw number of her grandmother. She took deep breath. Her grandmother was too old. Her grandmother was weak too. She knew burdening her at this age was wrong. But she needed priest to get rid of her parent's spirit. She had no option. So she called her. She called her. Her grandmother took call.   Her grandmother was totally excited by this. Grandmother " How are you? My angel!! I wanted to meet you but my health didn't permit. I can't walk without help. I wanted to meet you." Then her grandmother started crying. She knew that her grandmother couldn't accept death of parents. She knew that it would have worst impact on her grandmother. Her own daughter was died before her. It would create worst effect on her grandmother. That impact was natural her daughter and her son-in-law died. But she didn't feel sorrows and now her parents were planning to take revenge on her. Aakansha " Actually Grandma I wanted to call priest." Grandmother sounded confused. " What ritual?!!" " Sometimes that keep evil spirits away." Her Grandmother gave sweet laugh. " Now do you feel you have evil spirits in house since your parents died?" She didn't say anything. She didn't want to tell truth to grandmother that she felt that those spirits were of her parents. Aakansha " Just felt like doing it. I want to do something to make atmosphere pure in house." Her grandmother sounded confused. Then grandmother gave her number of priest. Aakansha felt so happy. She called priest. Then she arranged all. She did one ritual in house. Every one called. She did everything in perfect. She looked around and she sensed no one round her seemed to find anything wrong in home. Every one talked with her in affection. She started searching for any clue. She soon sensed that everything was trying their best to console her. She needed someone who would help her. She started talking with different people. After thinking for long time she selected her maternal Auntie to discuss her problem. She sat in balcony when Auntie asked " Why didn't I see your new paintings?" Now she finally found a person who cared for her paintings. She was so confused. She began to tell all. Aakansha " I tried hard to paint but I can't." " I can understand your sorrows but you must get over them..." Aakansha " Please stop it. I don't feel any sorrow on their death and now I feel their soul is taking revenge on me." Her Auntie stopped talking. She looked shocked. " I don't understand what you are trying to say!!" "Well I know you have seen all you are only one who could understand me. Truthfully I don't feel any sorrows on their death. They always harassed me regarding my hobby of painting. I use to feel like caged bird when they were alive. I felt it will vanish when they died but it didn't. I kept feeling upset. I want freedom from them but I feel they are still around me. I can't manage to get freedom. Maybe they wanted me to feel sad as daughter but I can't!! They never acted like parents. They managed to destroy my future." Her Auntie didn't say anything about it. Aakansha felt hurt. She began to sense that Auntie might not like it. Aakansha " I mean I was not happy. But I was not sad." Auntie " It is not about if you were happy or not. But I don't sense any spirit in this house." Her Auntie stood up. Auntie " Let go to your room after guests went away. I want to watch you paint now." Aakansha nodded. Aakansha " Now I must try. After all ritual is over." Auntie nodded. Auntie didn't look convinced. She slowly went to Uncle and told him something. Then she came back and said " I will stay with you for few days." She smiled and she sensed that they didn't crack any joke on her. Her Auntie was believing it. She was staying with her that night to support and protect her from evil spirits. She started to feel so tense. She didn't want to stay with those evil souls which created impact on her thoughts. She started to deal with guests which was hard task for her. But after support from Auntie she was feeling so hopeful. She smiled. She began to feel so hopeful in her soul. She knew that her Auntie was going to help her. She was so upset when she felt that she needed to handle those ghosts alone again. She started to feel relaxed. When finally all guests went away, she sat with Auntie alone. She began to form impact in life. Then they both sat on table. They were feeling so happy. Then after sometime Auntie started suggesting that she must paint. She was feeling so hopeful. She went in room of painting. Auntie and Aakansha both went in room. Aakansha sat before canvas. She took her brush. She was using different colours which created different scene. It was giving different fresh look. She began to paint on canvas. She started to give new touch on soul. She started to create dream of her thinking. She began to create new world on it. Then she sensed suddenly her hands were not cooperating. She felt someone was stopping them. She tried to move them ahead but someone was holding them. Her struggle continued for long time then it stopped. Suddenly her hand became free but her force was too much so her hand moved too fast and her picture on canvas got destroyed. She managed create worst picture of worst combination. She took deep breath and shivered. Her Auntie was standing beside her. She shivered with fear and said " What happened?" She started crying loudly and said " It is still here. It didn't want me to paint. He will never give me freedom. I am locked for entire life." She started crying loudly and her Auntie took her in arms.
     Next morning Aakansha woke up with worst nightmare. She shivered as soon as they woke up. She was so frustrated. She didn't understand what she saw in sleep. But she knew that it was ghost of her parents. She knew that her parents didn't plan to left her alone. She was so frustrated. Then her Auntie came in her room. She sat with her and smiled. Auntie " So it become clear that rituals doesn't help." Aakansha " Maybe we should tell some priest.." Her Auntie looked frustrated. " Why don't you understand!! No one sense it but you!!" Aakansha was so angry now. She sensed that her Auntie was feeling that she was mad. " Really!! Then why did all servants left?" Auntie " Because you manage to scare them!" Aakansha " This is wrong!!" " No your last servant personally called me before quitting her job. She told me. You keep looking around. You keep locking doors and windows as if someone is watching or following you when no one is there. According to her house is perfect but you are biggest problem which they need to handle." Aakansha felt so angry and upset. This was not fair. They never said this before her on her face. It was really scary. Aakansha " So what do you feel?" " Well I feel you need psychiatrist." Aakansha really didn't like this idea. Aakansha " I am fine." Auntie " You are not fine. I can see it. You keep on making bangalow instead of painting. Those playing card are useless. I accept painting are art but I don't think playing cards are art. Those playing cards are important. Painting are those skills which show new career. It might be hard to do bangalow of playing cards. But it isn't skill which appreciated. It is not that kind of skill I want you to do develop. I want to you to paint." Aakansha made sad face and said " I can't even create big bangalow. Those spirits even stop.." Auntie " We must visit Psychiatrist." Aakansha didn't like that idea. She decided to avoid it for sometime. Aakansha created worst effect on her. But as days went ahead her fear started to increase in soul. She started to shiver with fear every day. One day she finally gave up her efforts. She called her Auntie. Her visit psychiatrist was not something from which she expected help. She went there just to please her Auntie. She began to sense that it was frustrating. It was so sad and worst. She started to visit Psychiatrist just for Auntie.  When she entered inside that room, she suddenly felt anger and hopeless feel. Then slowly she started telling all to psychiatrist. Slowly she began to feel so happy. That psychiatrist told her step by step that it was her stress. Psychiatrist " You start to feel guilty when you start painting. Actually you felt obligation towards your parents for sorrows but love was always missing." Aakansha nodded. " I always tried to hide it from world. I pretended which would create worst effect on my life and when they died I hoped it would be over but it didn't happen. It all turned in worst way. I started sense it in worst way." Then slowly Psychiatrist convinced her " All turned in worst way. You are suffering from posttraumatic symptoms. We see them on death of close relative. It doesn't matter if they are related with affection or not. But still you suffer. Don't worry we can handle." Aakansha asked excitedly " Can I paint?" Psychiatrist smiled and said " Of course you can and just in few days." Aakansha felt so happy. She began to feel hope first time after her parent's death of that freedom which she desired.

                                                                The End

Friday, April 26, 2019

Poem. 4578. Start of thinking will give

                                            Start of thinking will give
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to route of feeling which show new spirit to soul that show new shine to strength of thinking at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to move of learning which show new path to concept that show new way to touch of learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to start of meaning which show new word to chapter that show new path to start of meaning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to touch of feeling which show new light to shine that show new direction to way of feeling at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to direction of learning which show new way to starting that show new touch of thinking at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to strength of feeling which show new light to shine that show new direction of strength at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to knowledge of thinking which show new path to start that show new chapter of direction at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of soul which show new knowledge to soul that show new path of touch to way at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of chapter which show new direction to word that show new thought to way at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of soul which show new shine to strength that show new knowledge to starting at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to thinking of appeal which show new word to chapter that show new light to feeling at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of soul which show new concept to thought that show new thought to meaning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of spirit which show new direction to strength that show new direction to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of soul which show new chapter to thought that show new knowledge to feeling at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to thinking of shine which show new concept to feeling that show new appeal to thinking at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of concept which show new word to move that show new path to meaning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of move which show new direction to shine that show new thought to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of soul which show new chapter to strength that show new knowledge to feeling at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to thinking of spirit which show new appeal to direction that show new concept to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of chapter which show new start to thought that show new word to route at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of soul which show new concept to strength that show new concept to knowledge at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to understanding of move which show new spirit to guide that show new appeal to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of concept which show new word to chapter that show new shine to meaning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to thinking of direction which show new touch to route that show new start to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of strength which show new path to touch that show new spirit to feeling at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of soul which show new chapter to strength that show new chapter to thinking at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to thinking of spirit which show new touch to direction that show new thought to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of chapter which show new path to appeal that show new touch to meaning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of soul which show new strength to thinking that show new chapter to feeling at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of start which show new strength of mind which show new touch to spirit on  to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to thinking of soul which show new direction to learning that show new touch to meaning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of step which show new chapter to meaning that show new strength to feeling at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of soul which show new strength to thinking that show new chapter to thinking at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of shine which show new touch to feeling that show new path to meaning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to thinking of strength which show new path to meaning that show new way to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of soul which show new strength to learning that show new touches to feeling at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of shine which show new spirit to feeling that show new starting to concept at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of touch which show new path to meaning that show new word to knowledge at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to understanding of move which show new start to shine that show new concept to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of soul which show new chapter to strength that show new spirit to meaning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of chapter which show new path to appeal that show new move to feeling at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of soul which show new strength to meaning that show new concept to learning at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to understanding of shine which show new chapter to feeling that show new appeal to concept at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of soul which show new feeling to spirit that show new understanding to strength at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to meaning of word which show new learning to soul that show new thought of concept to way at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to feeling of concept which show new meaning to route that show new word to touch at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to thinking of chapter which show new feeling to spirit that show new path to strength at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new touch to meaning of soul which show new thinking to shine that show new starting to knowledge at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to learning of move which show new feeling to route that show new thinking to appeal to way at each point
Start of thinking will give new light to shine which show new chapter to strength of route which show new learning to soul that show new meaning to route to shine at each point.

Poem. 4577. New changes of wind show

                                          New changes of wind show
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of learning which show new word to thought of mind at each touch of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of feeling which show new path to knowledge of mind at each shine of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of meaning which show new touch to appeal of mind at each start of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of thinking which show new strength to route of mind at each path of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of meaning which show new touch to word of mind at each move of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of thought which show new path to strength of mind at each word of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of knowledge which show new spirit to sky of mind at each shine of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of strength which show new word to chapter of mind at each route of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of appeal which show new path to direction of mind at each start of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of starting which show new touch to shine of mind at each light of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of strength which show new word to chapter of mind at each route of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of knowledge which show new path to start of mind at each move of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of thought which show new shine to chapter of mind at each start of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of spirit which show new chapter to strength of mind at each path of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of soul which show new concept to thought of mind at each route of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of path which show new appeal to knowledge of mind at each spirit of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of start which show new strength to start of mind at each touch of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of knowledge which show new path to route of mind at each word of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of concept which show new touch to chapter of mind at each path of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of strength which show new start to thought of mind at each touch of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of appeal which show new word of chapter of mind at each feeling of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of route which show new touch of touch of mind at each meaning of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of concept which show new soul of route of mind at each learning of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of strength which show new path of step of mind at each feeling of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of knowledge which show new shine of move of mind at each path of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of thought which show new start of concept of mind at each touch of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of appeal which show new touch of thought of mind at each route of way on step of life
New changes of wind show new spirit to soul of life which show new appeal to direction of thought which show new shine of chapter of mind at each spirit of way on step of life.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Poem. 4576.. Every time we can find

                                      Every time we can find
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your soul with hope which give pleasant start to way of mind that give happiness to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your move with hope which give bright touch to route of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your step with hope which give positive light to step of mind that give pleasant smile to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give positive soul to path of mind that give hopeful route to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give positive route to way of mind that give pleasant step to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your shine with hope which give pleasant path to word of mind that give positive spirit to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give positive appeal to step of mind that give hopeful path to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your move with hope which give positive touch to start of mind that give positive word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give pleasant word to step of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give pleasant start to move of mind that give positive path to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your route with hope which give positive soul to touch of mind that give pleasant step to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give positive word to route of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your shine with hope which give pleasant step to start of mind that give positive word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your move with hope which give pleasant word to step of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give positive soul to way of mind that give pleasant word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give pleasant path to move of mind that give positive path to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your route with hope which give positive word to route of mind that give pleasant step to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your soul with hope which give pleasant spirit to word of mind that give positive start to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give positive start to shine of mind that give pleasant path to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your route with hope which give positive soul to path of mind that give positive spirit to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your move with hope which give positive path to start of mind that give pleasant word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your spirit with hope which give pleasant word to route of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give positive touch to way of mind that give pleasant word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your touch with hope which give positive soul to shine of mind that give pleasant start to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give pleasant step to path of mind that give hopeful touch to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your shine with hope which give pleasant word to route of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your route with hope which give positive soul to word of mind that give pleasant step to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give pleasant step to shine of mind that give positive word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your move with hope which give positive soul to move of mind that give pleasant light to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your route with hope which give positive start to word of mind that give positive shine to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give positive touch to way of mind that give pleasant word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your shine with hope which give pleasant start to route of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give positive soul to move of mind that give positive path to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your move with hope which give positive spirit to guide of mind that give positive step to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give positive touch to route of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your touch with hope which give positive route to word of mind that give pleasant step to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give pleasant word to move of mind that give positive line to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your shine with hope which give positive start to touch of mind that give hopeful route to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give pleasant word to step of mind that give positive word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give pleasant step to start of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your world with hope which give positive shine to way of mind that give pleasant step to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your move with hope which give positive soul to move of mind that give pleasant word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give pleasant step to start of mind that give positive shine to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give pleasant word to path of mind that give positive route to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your move with hope which give hopeful route to start of mind that give positive soul to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your path with hope which give positive spirit to guide of mind that give hopeful word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your start with hope which give hopeful route to move of mind that give positive step to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your route with hope which give pleasant touch to path of mind that give positive line to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your touch with hope which give positive soul to spirit of mind that give pleasant word to way of life
Every time we can find wonderful dream when you close your eyes if you feel your spirit with hope which give hopeful route to start of mind that give positive soul to way of life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...