Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Poem. 4416. But all are route of our life

                                     But all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to cherish some we desire to forget as worst dream of life but all are truth of route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to learn some we desire to ignore as nightmare of life but all are part of our world of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand some we desire to think as concept of life but all are direction of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to learn some we desire to never see as thought of life but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand some we desire to read as worst path of life but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to think some we desire to forget as nightmare of life but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to learn some we desire to ignore as not happen as part of life but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to keep as treasure some we desire to forget as curse of future but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to learn as way of future some we desire to ignore as unseen but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to store as hope of thought some we desire to bury as they are negative way but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to learn as positive move some we desire to ignore as they are worst appeal but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand as positive move some we desire to ignore they are worst step but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to learn as chapter of positive some we desire to forget they are worst appeal but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to make as hopeful way some we desire to ignore they are worst knowledge but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to touch as positive move some we desire to forget they are worst appeal but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to appeal as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst knowledge but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to start as positive step some we desire to forget they are worst step but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst appeal but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to appeal as positive shine some we desire to forget they are worst light but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to make as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst start but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to direction as positive move some we desire to forget they are worst step but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to strength as positive step some we desire to ignore they are worst light but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to create as positive path some we desire to forget they are worst path but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to direction as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst step but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to appeal as positive word some we desire to forget they are worst start but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to thought as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst path but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand as positive move some we desire to forget they are worst move but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to appeal as positive step some we desire to ignore they are worst change but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand as positive way some we desire to forget they are worst path but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand chapter as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst knowledge but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to sense concept as positive move some we desire to forget they are worst step but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to feel direction as positive step some we desire to ignore they are worst path but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to sense strength as positive start some we desire to forget they are worst touch but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand path as positive step some we desire to ignore they are worst path but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to sense word as positive chapter some we desire to forget they are worst step but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand way as positive step some we desire to ignore they are worst path but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to sense path as positive concept some we desire to forget they are worst start but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand appeal as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst path but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to sense path as positive touch some we desire to forget they are worst appeal but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst lines but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to sense as positive step some we desire to forget they are worst steps but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst appeals but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to make path as positive step some we desire to forget they are worst paths but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand appeal as positive path some we desire to ignore they are worst starts but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to sense path as positive step some we desire to forget they are worst paths but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand effect as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst starts but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to make path as positive step some we desire to forget they are worst paths but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand path as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst starts but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to sense touch as positive step some we desire to forget they are worst words but all are route of our life
Every spirit have something new for us in life some we want to understand path as positive start some we desire to ignore they are worst paths but all are route of our life.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...