Thursday, January 31, 2019

Poem. 4432. Every day will show new sunshine

                               Every day will show new sunshine
Every day will show new sunshine which show different ways to concept of life those impacts of move which show new path to directions of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different paths to strength of life those steps of learning which show new touch to thoughts of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different starts to chapter of life those directions of understanding which show new touch to soul of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different steps to direction of life those starts of thinking which show new chapter to move of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different touches to strength of life those paths of learning which show new directions to path of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different concepts to appeal of life those ways of understanding which show new touches to shine of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different words to chapter of life those steps of meaning which show new concepts to strength of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different starts to direction of life those starts of understanding which show new paths to thought of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different appeals to knowlege of life those paths of thinking which show new starts to concept of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different directions to strength of life those directions of learning which show new words to chapter of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different strengths to thought of life those starts of meaning which show new paths to strength of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different concepts to chapter of life those words of learning which show new ways to knowledge of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different starts to direction of life those starts of meaning which show new touches to direction of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different thoughts to chapter of life those steps of learning which show new paths to strength of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different steps to concept of life those paths of thinking which show new steps to concept of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different thoughts to way of life those starts of meaning which show new appeals to direction of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different starts to direction of life those lights of understanding which show new thoughts to chapter of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different paths to strength of life those steps of thinking which show new words to strength of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different thoughts to way of life those starts of meaning which show new touches to direction of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different words to chapter of life those strengths of feeling which show new starts to concept of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different touches to strength of life those moves of thinking which show new lights to strength of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different paths at knowledge of life those words of learning which show new touches to direction of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different lights at shine of life those ways of thinking which show new strengths to chapter of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different starts at start of life those steps of meaning which show new paths to thought of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different chapters at way of life those lines of feeling which show new ways to knowledge of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different concepts at path of life those words of learning which show new words to chapter of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different thoughts at start of life those steps of thinking which show new lights to strength of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different chapters at word of life those starts of understanding which show new paths to knowlege of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different starts at way of life those steps of learning which show new concept to direction of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different paths of touch of life those directions of thinking which show new path to appeal of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different words of chapter of life those steps of learning which show new strength to touch of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different ways of direction of life those starts of meaning which show new direction to way of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different chapters of strength of life those words of thinking which show new thought to appeal of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different concepts of learning of life those steps of understanding which show new path to appeal of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different strengths of understanding of life those starts of feeling which show new chapter to move of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different appeals of thinking of life those starts of meaning which show new strength to step of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different concepts of learning of life those steps of thinking which show new word to knowledge of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different starts of meaning of life those chapters of understanding which show new move to thought of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different paths of understanding of life those starts of meaning which show new chapter to strength of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different ways of thinking of life those steps of learning which show new knowledge to soul of concept of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different words of meaning of life those concepts of thinking which show new thought to way of direction of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different starts of learning of life those chapters of understanding which show new start of path of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different strengths of understanding of life those steps of meaning which show new step of word of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different chapters of feeling of life those starts of understanding which show new path of concept of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different starts of meaning of life those steps of meaning which show new chapter of knowledge of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different concepts of understanding of life those lights of thinking which show new word of step of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different directions of learning of soul of life those ways of feeling which show new path of thinking of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different chapters of thinking of word of life those steps of learning which show new touch of appeal of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different directions of feeling of way of life those starts of meaning which show new start of knowledge of route at each point
Every day will show new sunshine which show different paths of understanding of move of life those steps of understanding which show new path of move of route at each point.

Poem. 4431. New path will show new opening

                               New path will show new opening
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new touch of thinking which show new path to appeal which show new shine to spirit of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new chapter of understanding which show new start to direction which show new way to spirit of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new direction of meaning which show new word to chapter which show new route to spirit of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new strength of understanding which show new way to spirit which show new word to spirit of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new thought of learning which show new path to appeal which show new thought to start of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new chapter of thinking which show new concept to spirit which show new strength to appeal of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new concept of understanding which show new touch to direction which show new word to way of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new touch of learning which show new path to appeal which show new touch to direction of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new concept of thinking which show new word to chapter which show new path to appeal of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new knowledge of feeling which show new touch to direction which show new way to knowledge of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new thought of meaning which show new path to appeal which show new word to chapter of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new strength of learning which show new start to direction which show new route to thinking of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new direction of understanding which show new path to appeal which show new word to route of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new chapter of meaning which show new touch to direction which show new chapter to concept of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new appeal of learning of soul which show new path to appeal which show new route to thought of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new concept of thinking of step which show new word to chapter which show new path to route of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new knowledge of feeling of word which show new path to appeal which show new way to spirit of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new thought of meaning of soul which show new touch to knowledge which show new word to move of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new strength of learning of step which show new direction to route which show new start to touch of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new direction of thinking of soul which show new strength to step which show new touch to route of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new thought of meaning of move which show new knowledge to appeal which show new light to shine of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new start of feeling of chapter which show new direction to route which show new way to start of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new concept to spirit of life which show new knowledge to soul which show new word to way of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new chapter to strength of life which show new path to appeal which show new route to start of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new strength to step of life which show new word to chapter which show new path to appeal of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new thought to way of life which show new path to appeal which show new way to knowledge of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new direction to route of life which show new way to move which show new touch to direction of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new chapter to concept of life which show new touch to direction which show new word to knowledge of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new touch to direction of life which show new path to appeal which show new way to strength of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new thought to touch of life which show new word to knowledge which show new touch to concept of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new direction to route of life which show new way to direction which show new path to appeal of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new strength to step of life which show new move to thought which show new start to direction of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new chapter to word of life which show new path to appeal which show new word to knowledge of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new touch to direction of life which show new way to knowledge which show new way to chapter of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new word to knowledge of life which show new appeal to thought which show new touch to direction of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new strength to step of life which show new word to knowledge which show new chapter to strength of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new touch to direction of life which show new way to chapter which show new word to move of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new direction to spirit of life which show new touch to direction which show new path to appeal of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new spirit to appeal of life which show new word to chapter which show new way to route of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new thought to touch of thinking of life which show new route to thought which show new touch to light of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new strength to direction of move of life which show new path to appeal which show new start to move of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new knowledge to soul of appeal of life which show new word to chapter which show new way to start of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new concept to strength of life which show new touch to direction which show new word to chapter of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new direction to route of life which show new path to appeal which show new path to appeal of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new thought to way of life which show new word to knowledge which show new touch to direction of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new touch to move of life which show new touch to direction which show new word to knowledge of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new appeal to spirit of life which show new path to appeal which show new strength to word of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new strength to step of life which show new touch to direction which show new path to appeal of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new touch to start of life which show new word to knowledge which show new way to path of life
New path will show new opening to start of way which show new direction to route of life which show new way to strength which show new path to soul of life.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Poem. 4430. Learning will show new path to appeal

                          Learning will show new path to appeal
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new way to spirit of direction which show new start to direction which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new path to strength of move which show new path to appeal which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new start to direction of spirit which show new start to chapter which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new appeal to thought of way which show new step to thought which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new chapter to strength of light which show new path to appeal which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new concept to thought of direction which show new touch to start which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new start to path of thinking which show new word to knowledge which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new touch to chapter of way which show new concept to spirit which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new strength to step of move which show new touch to direction which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new spirit to route of path which show new direction to touch which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new chapter to strength of soul which show new path to appeal which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new concept to spirit of thinking of way which show new touch to direction which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new knowledge to soul of learning of route which show new direction to touch which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new strength to step of understanding of move which show new chapter which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new direction to thinking of soul which show new word to knowledge which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new path to appeal of learning of soul which show new way to direction which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new strength to step of understanding of move which show new light to shine which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new thought to way of thinking of soul which show new strength to thought which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new direction to touch of understanding which show new way to knowledge which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new chapter to strength of learning which show new chapter to concept which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new concept to thought of understanding which show new path to appeal which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new direction to knowlege of thinking which show new start to direction which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new touch to thought of learning which show new way to appeal which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new direction to route of thinking which show new soul to strength which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new knowledge to path of meaning which show new path to concept which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new strength to step of understanding which show new way to direction which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new path to appeal of feeling which show new start to strength of soul which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new concept to spirit of learning which show new way to knowledge of spirit which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new touch to direction of understanding which show new start to direction of way which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new path to appeal of thinking which show new word to knowledge of route which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new start to direction of meaning which show new touch to direction which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new step to thought of understanding which show new word to chapter which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new concept to spirit of feeling which show new route to thought which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new move to thought of understanding which show new path to appeal which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new touch to direction of meaning which show new chapter to concept which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new knowledge to soul of feeling which show new touch to strength which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new chapter to concept of understanding which show new touch which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new thought to direction of feeling which show new start of knowledge which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new concept to thought of understanding which show new path of direction which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new spirit to strength of feeling which show new touch of thinking which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new appeal to thought of meaning which show new path of understanding which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new direction to route of thinking which show new touch of feeling which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new strength to step of understanding which show new path of thinking which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new knowledge to soul of learning which show new touch of understanding which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new strength to thinking of move which show new start of feeling of soul towards strength which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new direction to feeling of chapter which show new path of thinking of direction which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new thought to understanding of move which show new tomorrow to our world which show new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new concept to learning of soul which show new spirit to our understanding which show new spirit to new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new touch to understanding of move which show new strength to our feeling which show new direction to new word to mind
Learning will show new path to appeal which show new chapter to feeling of route which show new thought to our thinking which show new way of new word to mind.

Poem. 4429. Every way of knowledge which will

                          Every way of knowledge which will
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of move that show new touch that give appeal which show new way to direction that show appeal of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of soul that show new strength that give path which show new word to chapter that show direction of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of thought that show new concept that give route which show new start to route that show strength of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of path that show new thought that give appeal which show new touch to direction that show concept of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of concept that show new direction that give route which show new way to knowledge that show path of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of chapter that show new appeal that give move which show new start to thought that show word of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of touch that show new chapter that give step which show new path to appeal that show direction of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of thought that show new start that give route which show new way to knowledge that show appeal of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction that show new path that give concept which show new word to thought that show start of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of thought of mind show new touch that give direction which show new touch to direction that show path of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of knowledge of mind show new spirit that give thought which show new start to strength that show move of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of strength of mind show new chapter that give concept which show new path to appeal that show touch of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of chapter of mind show new direction that give appeal which show new word to chapter that show thought of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction of mind show new concept that give path which show new start to direction that show route of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of chapter of mind show new strength that give start which show new knowledge to soul that show way of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of concept of mind show new thought that give move which show new direction to touch that show word of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction of mind show new appeal that give word which show new strength to step that show way to spirit of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of thought of mind show new chapter that give start which show new path to appeal that show word to chapter of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of concept of mind show new touch that give word which show new word to chapter that show light to shine of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of start of mind show new thought that give start which show new path to appeal that show way to knowledge of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of move of mind show new concept that give word which show new chapter to strength that show direction of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of path of mind show new strength that give way which show new concept to spirit that show strength of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of chapter of mind show new touch that give word which show new strength to step that show direction of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of thought of mind show new direction that give way which show new touch to direction that show path of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of strength of mind show new concept that give path of thinking which show new way to start that show move of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of concept of mind show new chapter that give start of meaning which show new path to appeal that show word of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction of mind show new touch that give path of thinking which show new word to chapter that show step of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of thought of mind show new direction that give start of learning which show new path to appeal that show way of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of strength of mind show new thought that give chapter of feeling which show new word to chapter that show path of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction of mind show new route that give concept of meaning which show new start that show appeal of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of knowledge of mind show new move that give direction of thinking which show new touch that show chapter to touch of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of chapter of mind show new thought that give appeal of meaning which show new path that show chapter to route of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of concept of mind show new concept that give move of learning which show new way that show path to appeal of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of appeal of mind show new way that give start of understanding which show new word that show strength to way of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of chapter of mind show new touch that give path of thinking which show new way that show spirit to concept of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction of mind show new knowledge that give soul of learning which show new step that show path to strength of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of concept of mind show new direction that give start of meaning which show new path that show start to direction of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of thought of mind show new strength that give way of thinking which show new touch that show thought to knowledge of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction of mind show new appeal that give move of learning which show new path that show chapter to concept of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of knowledge of mind show new path that give touch of meaning which show new word that show concept to step of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of strength of mind show new concept that give path of thinking which show new start that show thought to word of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction of mind show new thought that give start of learning which show new word that show chapter to way of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of knowlepdge of mind show new thinking that give path of understanding which show new start that show route to light of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of thought of mind show new feeling that give thought of understanding which show new word that show appeal to spirit of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of knowledge of mind show new meaning that give direction of learning which show new path that show way to step of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction of mind show new learning that give thought of meaning which show new spirit that show chapter to word of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of concept of mind show new thinking that give knowledge of understanding which show new start that show concept of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of appeal of mind show new feeling that give direction of learning which show new concept that show direction of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of chapter of mind show new understanding that give thought of meaning which show new path of word of mind
Every way of knowledge which will give spirit of direction of mind show new thinking that give concept of learning which show new spirit of strength to way of mind.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Poem. 4428. Different sides of life

                                    Different sides of life
Different spirit will show new direction of mind which show soul in different step that give touch to thought on every step of life
Different spirit will show new strength of mind which show light in different shine that give route to knowledge on every move of life
Different spirit will show new knowledge of mind which show direction in different start that give appeal to thought on every way of life
Different spirit will show new touch of mind which show strength in different soul that give direction to knowledge on every move of life
Different spirit will show new thought of mind which show direction in different step that give touch to strength on every start of life
Different spirit will show new appeal of mind which show move in different chapter that give knowledge to step on every direction of life
Different spirit will show new soul of mind which show  step in different touch that give way to thought to direction on every move of life
Different strength will show new touch of mind which show direction in different spirit that give spirit to direction on every way of life
Different strength will show new direction of mind which show strength in different appeal that give soul to strength on every start of life
Different strength will show new start of mind which show thought in different spirit that give chapter to direction on every move of life
Different touch will show new thought of mind which show start in different touch that give concept to path on every thought of life
Different touch will show new knowledge of mind which show path in different soul that give thought to way on every knowledge of life
Different direction will show new step of mind which show touch in different direction that give strength to move on every appeal of life
Different direction will show new touch of mind which show light in different shine that give way to chapter on every touch of life
Different direction will show new route of mind which show shine in different strength that give line to spirit on every strength of life
Different soul will show new path of mind which show strength in different chapter that give concept to appeal on every move of life
Different step will show new appeal of mind which show spirit in different direction that give thought to chapter on every concept of life
Different start will show new knowledge of mind which show page in different touch that give strength to concept on every step of life
Different light will show new strength of mind which show move in different chapter that give spirit to soul on every move of life
Different appeal will show new spirit of mind which show strength in different page that give chapter to thought on every light of life
Different line will show new chapter of mind which show start in different concept that give move to direction on every start of life
Different word will show new world of mind which show light in different shine that give strength to chapter on every page of life
Different light will show new scene of mind which show look in different knowledge that give touch to strength on every way of life
Different touch will show new start of mind which show route in different strength that give way to chapter on every concept of life
Different route will show new concept of mind which show shine in different concept that give start to strength on every step of life
Different shine will show new knowledge of mind which show light in different start that give route to knowledge on every word of life
Different light will show new strength of mind which show step in different touch that give concept to direction on every start of life
Different step will show new chapter of mind which show touch in different direction that give world to touch on every world of life
Different touch will show new thought of mind which show start in different chapter that give page to knowledge on every light of life
Different start will show new direction of mind which show world in different appeal that give concept to strength on every path of life
Different look will show new start of mind which show strength in different route that give path to move on every strength of life
Different touch will show new path of mind which show thought in different word that give chapter to light on every concept of life
Different touch will show new light of mind which show strength in different route that give strength to touch on every way of life
Different appeal will show new strength of mind which show light in different start that give direction to knowledge on every step of life
Different step will show new concept of mind which show start in different way that give spirit to chapter on every light of life
Different path will show new route of mind which show concept in different world that give light to shine on every word of life
Different way will show new world of mind which show word in different strength that give word to thought on every way of life
Different chapter will show new knowledge of mind which show start in different way that give thought to strength on every word of life
Different world will show new strength of mind which show move in different touch that give strength to start on every chapter of life
Different light will show new knowledge of mind which show strength in different step that give route to chapter on every concept of life
Different way will show new start of mind which show direction in different thought that give start to thought on every path of life
Different step will show new thought of mind which show touch in different start that give path to knowledge on every way of life
Different light will show new chapter of mind which show light in different strength that give move to strength on every light of life
Different touch will show new strength of mind which show way in different knowledge that give step to thought on every move of life
Different touch will show new concept of mind which show page in different chapter that give shine to light on every emotion of life
Different spirit will show new path of mind which show word in different step that give start to thought on every light of life
Different soul will show new light of mind which show shine in different light that give way to direction on every word of life
Different step will show new step of mind which show thought in different direction that give soul to way on every line of life
Different light will show new world to mind which show knowledge in different appeal that give strength to step on every touch of life
Different world will show new touch to start which show spirit in different knowledge that give direction to start on every path of life
Different knowledge will show new way to touch which show way in different strength that give appeal to way on every thought of life.

Poem. 4427. Each wind will show different effects

                         Each wind will show different effects
Each wind will show different effects which show new path of route that create thought of direction to route of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new concept of touch that create thought of strength to step of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new word of strength that create thought of spirit to start of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new chapter of move that create thought of step to thought of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new knowledge of way that create thought of move to direction of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new direction of route that create thought of word to chapter of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new start of path that create thought of direction to concept of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new touch of word that create thought of chapter to strength of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new way of route that create thought of weather to scene of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new path of knowledge that create thought of word to chapter of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new word of chapter that create thought of direction to route of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new touch of learning that create thought of path to thinking of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new concept of meaning that create thought of way to direction of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new move of understanding that create thought of word to direction of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new chapter of thinking that create thought of route to strength of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new direction of feeling that create thought of move to start of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new strength of thinking that create thought of chapter to way of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new route of learning that create thought of concept to spirit of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new touch of meaning that create thought of route to word of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new thought of feeling that create thought of knowledge to soul of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new knowledge of understanding that create thought of path to step of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new direction of thinking that create thought of word to step of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new strength of feeling that create thought of way to start of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new thought of meaning that create thought of route to path of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new knowledge of learning that create thought of chapter to concept of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new direction of thinking that create thought of strength to step of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new chapter of understanding that create thought of word to chapter of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new route of feeling that create thought of direction to route of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new appeal of thinking that create thought of touch way of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new strength of meaning that create thought of knowledge to soul of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new direction of learning that create thought of chapter to path of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new thought of feeling that create thought of direction to route of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new concept of understanding that create thought of word to chapter of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new chapter of thinking that create thought of way to direction of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new start of ¡meaning that create thought of word to chapter of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new concept of learning that create thought of way to knowledge of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new touch of thinking that create thought of route to direction of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new path of understanding that create thought to path to strength of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new word of feeling that create thought to chapter to concept of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new shine of thinking that create thought to word to chapter of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new strength of learning that create thought to path to direction of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new concept of understanding that create thought to way to move of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new path of meaning that create thought to start to spirit of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new route of thinking that create thought to path to start of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new path of meaning that create thought to way to knowledge of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new word of feeling that create thought to chapter to strength of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new chapter of thinking that create thought to path to thinking of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new start of understanding that create thought to start to direction of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new way of learning that create thought to word to touch of appeal in life
Each wind will show different effects which show new touch of thinking that create thought to knowledge to soul of appeal in life.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Poem. 4426. Light will show new spirit

                                Light will show new spirit
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new path to touch of mind which show new route to direction of view which show steps of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new word to chapter of mind which show new path to appeal of view which show starts of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new route to thought of mind which show new way to knowledge of view which show moves of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new way to knowledge of mind which show new word to chapter of move which show paths of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new appeal to concept of mind which show new path to appeal of path which show spirits of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new step to direction of mind which show new start to direction of route which show ways of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new shine to light of mind which show new path to chapter of move which show words of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new chapter to strength of mind which show new word to concept of route which show touches of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new strength to step of mind which show new way to knowledge of move which show appeals of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new touch to direction of mind which show new start to chapter of feeling which show ways of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new thought to touch of mind which show new path to appeal of learning which show lines of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new concept to spirit of mind which show new touch to direction of feeling which show starts of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new path to appeal of mind which show new path to appeal of meaning which show words of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new chapter to strength of mind which show new word to knowledge of understanding which show starts of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new concept to thought of mind which show new touch to direction of learning which show routes of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new knowledge to soul of mind which show new word to chapter of understanding which show steps of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new shine to touch of mind which show new way to knowledge of feeling which show paths of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new chapter to concept of mind which show new path to appeal of meaning which show ways of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new direction to route of mind which show new start to direction of understanding which show words of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new concept to spirit of mind which show new touch to concept of learning which show routes of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new paths to strength of mind which show new step to thought of meaning which show appeals of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new starts to direction of mind which show new word to chapter of knowledge which show starts of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new thought to way of mind which show new appeal to strength of move which show touches of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new effects to strength of mind which show new chapter to concept of start which show moves of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new directions to path of mind which show new start to learning of move which show spirits of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new strengths to start of mind which show new word to meaning of soul which show ways of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new steps to concept of mind which show new path to understanding of start which show words of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new touches to thought of mind which show new spirit of thinking of path which show steps of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new thoughts to way of mind which show new chapter of feeling of move which show starts of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new knowledge to start of mind which show new path of learning of soul which show routes of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new chapters to strength of mind which show new word of meaning of start which show ways of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new directions to chapter of mind which show new chapter of thinking of route which show words of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new paths to thought of mind which show new word of meaning of soul which show touches of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new starts to concept of mind which show new path of understanding of way which show steps of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new thoughts to chapter of mind which show new touch of learning of concept which show paths of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new directions to path of mind which show new start of thinking of soul which show ways of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new concepts to light of mind which show new path of meaning of path which show starts of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new chapters to touch of mind which show new word of understanding of way which show words of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new words to concept of mind which show new start of learning of soul which show steps of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new ways to knowledge of mind which show new path of thinking of move which show routes of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new concepts to strength of mind which show new word of feeling of start which show paths of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new touches to move of mind which show new touch of thinking of soul which show ways of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new starts to direction which show new start of meaning of move which show starts of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new words to chapter which show new spirit of feeling of way which show lights of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new paths to strength which show new touch of thinking of soul which show ways of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new direction to route which show new thought of meaning of way which show spirits of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new touch to knowlege which show new path of learning of soul which show starts of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new chapter to concept which show new touch of understanding of step which show moves of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new steps to appeal which show new word of meaning of soul which show shines of life
Light will show new spirit of thought that show new concepts to move which show new path of thinking of route which show starts of life.

Poem. 4425. Every day in world show new start

                       Every day in world show new start
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new path to appeal which show new touch to chapters that show new hope to spirit of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new strength to step which show new start to directions that show new word to soul of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new moment to path which show new thought to start that show new touch to direction of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new chapter to concept which show new move to thought that show new way to start of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new concept to thought which show new touch to direction that show new route to path of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new direction to route which show new path to appeal that show new word to concept of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new appeal to thought which show new word to knowledge that show new way to move of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new direction to route which show new path to strength that show new touch to concept of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new thought to direction which show new start to direction that show new route to thought of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new spirit to concept which show new word to knowledge that show new start to strength of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new chapter to strength which show new path to appeal that show new word to knowledge of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new concept to thought which show new way to knowledge that show new direction to route of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new touch to direction which show new start to direction that show new appeal to touch of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new knowledge to strength which show new touch to soul that show new word to move of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new strength to hope of shine which show new chapter to concept that show new way to start of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new thought to touch of direction which show new path to meaning that show new word to chapter of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new appeal to spirit of chapter which show new strength to learning that show new appeal to thought of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new touch to direction of route which show new light to understanding that show new touch to direction of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new start to strength of move which show new thought to learning that show new chapter towards route of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new chapter to concept of appeal which show new path to feeling that show new route to thought of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new knowledge to strength of word which show new chapter to thinking that show new spirit to concept of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new direction to chapter of learning which show new way to understanding that show new move to way of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new chapter to concept of meaning which show new path to meaning of start that show new chapter of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new direction to touch of thinking which show new word to learning of way that show new knowledge of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new route to thought of thinking which show new chapter to move of strength of word that show new touch of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new appeal to spirit of meaning which show new concept to thought of direction to route that show new word of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new strength to step of understanding which show new path to appeal to way that show new path of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new touch to learning of direction which show new shine to soul to strength that show new way of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new direction to thinking of soul which show new chapter to strength to understanding that show new word of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new chapter to meaning of start which show new direction to route to thinking that show new strength of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new concept to learning of move which show new strength to step to meaning that show new direction of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new knowledge to thinking of soul which show new path to appeal to learning that show new strength of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new strength to learning of move which show new strength to step to meaning that show new knowledge of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new path to thinking of shine which show new thought to chapter to understanding that show new spirit of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new chapter to learning of soul which show new direction to route to feeling that show new strength to step of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new touch to feeling of chapter which show new knowledge to soul to learning that show new concept to start of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new chapter to understanding of start which show new move to thought to meaning that show new strength of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new thought to learning of soul which show new path to appeal to feeling that show new thought of appeal to mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new direction to meaning of start which show new way to knowledge to meaning that show new touch of way to mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new knowledge to learning of soul which show new path to appeal to thinking that show new route to mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new strength to meaning of start which show new way to direction to learning that show new path of touch to mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new direction to thinking of soul which show new touch to strength to feeling that show new word of move to mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new chapter to feeling of spirit which show new path to appeal to meaning that show new touch of soul to mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new concept to learning of soul which show new word to chapter to learning that show new word of concept to mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new path to meaning of start which show new path to strength to understanding that show new path of step of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new direction to thinking of soul which show new way to knowledge to meaning that show new word of move of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new knowledge to learning of move which show new path to appeal to feeling that show new route of way of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new direction to understanding of way which show new touch to direction to learning that show new touch of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new strength to thinking of soul which show new thought to chapter to feeling that show new way of mind
Every day in world show new start to mind which show new thought to learning of move which show new knowledge to soul to understanding that show new strength of mind.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Poem. 4424. Every hope will show new shine

                              Every hope will show new shine
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new appeal to step which show new direction to touch that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new knowledge to soul which show new path to appeal that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new direction to start which show new word to chapter that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new touch to path which show new touch to direction that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new thought to shine which show new word to chapter that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new concept to spirit which show new touch to direction that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new strength to step which show new path to strength that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new chapter to light which show new shine to thought that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new knowledge to soul which show new touch to route that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new thought to path which show new knowledge to soul that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new touch to direction which show new path to step that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new word to chapter which show new word to appeal that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new strength to step which show new path to appeal that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new direction to touch which show new start to direction that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new appeal to thought which show new path to strength that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new concept to spirit which show new word to knowledge that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new strength to step which show new chapter to concept that give way of life
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new knowledge to soul which show new word to strength that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new path to appeal which show new start to direction that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new direction to route which show new path to appeal that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new thought to way which show new way to knowledge that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new strength to step which show new word to chapter that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new route to thought which show new path to appeal that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new step to direction which show new word to chapter that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new direction to touch which show new start to path that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new touch to concept which show new word to chapter that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new word to knowledge which show new step to thought that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new path to strength which show new path to strength that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new start to appeal which show new route to direction that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new word to chapter which show new step to knowledge that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new touch to direction which show new path to appeal that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new route to thought which show new word to chapter that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new concept to spirit which show new appeal to thought that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new strength to move which show new path to appeal that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new start to direction which show new word to chapter that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new touch to appeal which show new start to thought that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new knowledge to soul which show new appeal to light that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new direction to route which show new word to chapter that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new path to appeal which show new touch to direction that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new concept to spirit which show new start to strength that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new strength to move which show new word to chapter that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new chapter to step which show new path to appeal that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new path to appeal which show new route to thought that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new direction to route which show new path to appeal that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new concept to spirit which show new word to knowledge that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new route to start which show new light to direction that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new path to appeal which show new touch to strength that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new word to chapter which show new appeal to thought that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new knowledge to soul which show new word to chapter that give way of mind
Every hope will show new shine to start of mind which show new strength to move which show new path to route that give way of mind.

Poem. 4423. When I see weather out of window

                              When I see weather out of window
When I see weather out of window I sense new life I feel new hope to thinking which show new word to feather of my soul and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new path I feel new meaning to route which show new path to peace of my route and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new word I feel new touch to direction which show new route to start of my way and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new light I feel new learning to strength which show new path to appeal of my word and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new touch I feel new understanding to start which show new word to concept of my route and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new direction I feel new meaning to spirit which show new path to appeal of my concept and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new meaning to route which show new way to knowledge of my spirit and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new thought I feel new understanding to start which show new word to chapter of my shine and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new knowledge I feel new learning to soul which show new path to appeal of my step and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new concept I feel new meaning to route which show new hope of world and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new direction I feel new thinking to appeal which show new way of knowledge and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new appeal I feel new meaning to route which show new start of thought and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new direction I feel new understanding to way which show new path of concept and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new thinking to appeal which show new start of direction and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new thought I feel new meaning to route which show new step of concept and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new learning to start which show new shine of light and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new chapter I feel new understanding to step which show new path of strength and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new direction I feel new feeling to spirit which show new concept of knowledge and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new thinking to appeal which show new path of direction and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new thought I feel new learning to soul which show new touch of learning and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new appeal I feel new meaning to route which show new start of understanding and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new thinking to start which show new path of meaning and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new direction I feel new meaning to route which show new route of thinking and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new thinking to start which show new word of understanding and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new thought I feel new feeling to route which show new path of meaning and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new learning to start which show new way of feeling and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new concept I feel new meaning to word which show new direction of learning and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new spirit I feel new feeling to step which show new path of meaning and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new thought I feel new understanding to start which show new start of feeling and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new chapter I feel new thinking to appeal which show new path of thinking and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new path I feel new learning to meaning to route which show new way of learning and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new feeling to step to thought which show new touch of understanding and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new direction I feel new understanding to path to strength which show new light of shine and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new way I feel new meaning to route which show new direction and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new thought I feel new thinking to start which show new knowledge and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new concept I feel new learning to soul which show new thought and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new feeling to step which show new touch and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new concept I feel new understanding to path which show new concept and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new direction I feel new meaning to word which show new strength and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new thinking to start which show new word and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new appeal I feel new learning to direction which show new path and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new concept I feel new understanding to path which show new word and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new direction I feel new meaning to route which show new touch and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new thought I feel new thinking to start which show new way and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new knowledge I feel new meaning to route which show new touch and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new strength I feel new learning to soul which show new path and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new thought I feel new thinking to start which show new light and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new appeal I feel new understanding to path which show new word and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new direction I feel new meaning to route which show new path and chapter of life
When I see weather out of window I sense new word I feel new feeling to knowlege which show new way and chapter of life.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Adventure story. 381. Beautiful Pigeon

                                                Beautiful Pigeon
Rita was singing happily on tune which she heard on radio. It was so wonderful tune. She had not heard music for long time. She was so busy. She decided to help her Mom with cooking. Her Mom was finding it difficult to manage it all. Her Mom needed to handle two fronts since her Dad's transfer. Her Dad was transferred from their home town. Rita was upset by it. She was at least expecting increase in salary but it didn't happen. Soon their budget started to become tight then on one night her Mom came in her room. She gave her sad smile and Rita sensed something was wrong. " What happened Mom?!!" " Nothing honey." " Mom why are you looking at me in such way?!! Just tell me." " Well. It's sad story angel." First honey, now angel Rita sensed something was totally wrong. Rita felt her heart started beating fast. She knew that something was totally wrong. She needed to get ready for some big trouble. " She asked what happened Mom? Tell me the whole truth!!" Her Mom took deep breath and said " There is bad news for us honey. Our financial position is not moving as we desire." Rita started to listen to her attentively. " So I need to do job!!" Rita didn't like at all. " I don't understand Mom!! What you are trying to tell?!! I can't manage all house by myself?!!" " I will keep you need babysitter?!!" " I am not baby so don't need her." Her Mom smiled. Mom " Great so you don't need babysitter. Then I just need to tell maid.." " Stop it Mom. I don't want you to go on job." Her Mom looked confused. Mom " Actually I don't think we have any option." Rita looked confused and shocked. She took deep breath. Rita " Mom we will manage. I will reduce my expenses." She said it with confidence. But soon she sensed life didn't move as per their wishes. She went in school and she started her budgeting but suddenly her teacher announced one field trip. She decided to avoid it but then suddenly her group of friends gathered around her. She was not just part of group. In a way she was leader of that group. She formed that group and from first day she got special respect. She knew that she needed to decide something for them. She suddenly wanted to change all. She didn't want to be their leader. She just wanted to just skip that picnic. But one girl from group asked " So when we all will submit our trip fees?" Rita suddenly started to feel nervous. " Actually I don't plan to go!!" " Why?!!" " I need to go to one wedding." " Let your parents go in it." " I can't do that it is close one." "How close?!!" Rita was so confused. Another friend " Are you stupid? How could anyone measure closeness of relative?!!" " I know. It's hard but still she must come." But still Rita said with strongness "No!! I can't come." They all looked sad but then suddenly teacher appeared. Teacher " This is important field trip so you all must understand that it isn't going to be easy. We will study many different things during it. " After hearing it Rita took deep breath. Her friends smiled and said " Now you must come." She gave nervous smile. Finally her nightmare started from that day. Her Mom gave her money but started doing job. It was clear budget cutting was impossible. She couldn't stop her Mom. She knew that she needed money. She was forced to co-operate with her Mom after it. She thought that cooperating with Mom would be difficult and it proved true. Today once again she needed to help her Mom. She needed to cook. Until now she always took cooking as hobby. But now it started to feel irritating by it. She had decided her career and it was not related to cooking. She felt so frustrated but just for reducing her frustration she started singing song and she felt that it was working. She started cutting vegetables. She knew that after this she needed to study. She didn't get rest but still she kept helping her mother. She knew that she needed to co-operate but on that point her mobile rang. It was call of her friend Nisha. She knew that Nisha was too frank and she would ask or answer without second thought so she didn't took that call. She kept cooking in kitchen. She didn't want to depress herself. But soon she sensed that she couldn't keep mobile ringing that way. She knew that her house was entirely empty but she felt irritated by that noise. Soon she began to feel like coward for not facing person so she took deep breath and finally answered that call. She knew that her friend was not going to give any good news to her. She saw Tanvi was calling. Tanvi was worst person in group to talk with. She always kept complaining. No one wanted her in group but she managed to just stick with them. Just to her kind nature she managed to include her. But many times she faced anger of other friends because she let her come with them. They wanted to get rid of her. But Rita didn't. She didn't like to act this way with other person. After all she was just arrogant. She didn't have any bad habits. But her call on this moment was not good news for her.
       Rita took call from her friend Tanvi. Tanvi " What are you doing?" " Cooking." " What?!! Don't tell me you start cooking again!! You are spending your entire day locked in that house. Why did you need to cook every day? It is your Mom's job not your!!" " I know but I need to help my Mom on somedays." " Some days? I call it everyday." Rita was clearly upset now. Even after her Mom's job their financial clutches were not stopping. She went to that trip but she was not loaded with cash as she normally did. She tried to pretend that she had cash with her but after a point no one believed her. Finally Trupti asked " Tell us truth did you forgot your purse in house?!!" Rati was so embarrassed. She had no option but confess truth. She told all to them. Rakhi " Come on be practical you can't survive like this." Rati sensed she was right. " But what is your trouble? Your father went away but he must have same salary there so what was the issue?" Rati first time thought about this. But another friend came to aid. " They needed to!! Her father needed to stay separate so they needed two houses and need to pay expenses for both. Keeping two houses is costly." Every one nodded then they shifted on other subjects like movies, serials, music and dresses. They never discussed anything serious. They just didn't like it. Rita also kept discussing all. But her soul managed to feel like adult. She no longer desired to listen those chats. She wanted something intense from her soul. She wanted some solution to her problems. She wanted to discuss her sorrows and they considered discussing such things as matter of irritating. It was nothing but just irritation to them. She began to feel so sad. She didn't talk much now. She couldn't discuss dresses since she didn't do much shopping now a days. She couldn't afford them. She took deep breath when Tanvi started talking about shopping. She knew what would be her next sentence ' Let's go to mall for shopping and eating some snacks!!' It was her favourite time pass too but it was once upon a time now. She knew that it was not going to happen again so soon. On that point they all gathered in mall since they felt that it was safe. In that security they didn't feel fear of thieves. Their parents always suggested them to stay safe since now a days news were full of horrible stories which they didn't want to read but forced to listen. It was scary to listen such horrible ordeal of some young girl like them. It started to give nightmares. They tried to give excuse that this girl needed to act more carefully but in their soul they knew that it was not her mistake. They shivered with fear every time after such news so going in Auto or Taxi to mall seemed same. Many times they even ordered ola or Uber rides but safety was their primary concern on those points. But now she sensed that everything was changing. She didn't expected this. Tanvi " So when you get time to visit mall?" " Well.." " Listen to me Sarika started planning every thing while keeping you in dark." Rita was confused and hurt. " What happened? I don't understand what you are trying to tell me?!!" " Yesterday they all went to restaurant in fact they are doing it for long time to eat their favourite items!! They never told us." Now they didn't told her that was not something shocking. She knew how much they hated Tanvi. But they didn't hate her or at least she assumed. Now she was confused but she didn't want their company too. They didn't understand her sorrows so she needed to throw them out of her life. She knew that they were not her true friends. She didn't made friendship with them truly from heart. She just made it because she needed a place in college. She heard in college person must sit beside someone and she needed just that person. She heard one day a girl who was sitting alone on bench called strange. Girls said many things about her. She didn't want to hear things about her. She was so frustrated. She had to adjust. But now she was sitting with Dipa in school and she was hoping that they would go to same college so it wanted to keep this friendship in fact in her soul so she asked " So who was with her?" " Everyone including Dipa!!" Now this managed to hurt Rita. But then she began to think that Dipa was just adjustment she was not her true friend. She decided that her school was going to get over soon so she could adjust until then. She said " It's okay. I am too busy now. Can I call you later!!" Tanvi sounded sad. She said to her with sympathy " She is your Good friend. She had to tell you at least!!" " It's okay. But I need to do some work in kitchen." Tanvi" Bye" Rita put that mobile on silent and began to cook.
         Rita was so upset in heart. Things were moving in worst way. She didn't want them to move ahead like that. She was expecting her friends should co-operate. But then she thought Dipa was her good friend there might be some cause. She took deep breath and she decided that she didn't want to break friendship. She thought that she had to call her in straight way. She began to dial her number on that time she first time felt that she was shivering like leaf. She didn't understand what was wrong with her but she suddenly began to feel so cold. She began to feel as if she was walking through fog. She began to sense that she could breath but it continued for few seconds and stopped. She was once again normal. She touched her forehead for fever but she was perfect. She took deep breath and dialed number of Dipa. Dipa answered her in pleasant voice. Rita felt so happy. She sensed that it was just negativity by Tanvi. Nothing was changed in her friendship. Then she slowly went to subject of hotel. Dipa immediately confessed " I went in hotel with friends. I don't call you since you have money trouble." Rita felt so embarrassed. She had financial trouble and everyone knew it. Sometimes she wished that she should not have told everyone so freely about it. But it was too late to regret. Dipa " I thought that it would be embarrassing for you. You can understand. It was costly hotel and there will be big bill. I thought you don't want to share. " Rita took deep breath. She felt so sad. She was no longer rich enough to fulfill her friend's demand. She was poor now. She was useless. They didn't want her because she didn't have enough money. But then she suddenly remembered Priti. She was not so rich. She always came with them. " So you went with all?!!" " Yes all were present even Priti managed to come. I wanted to call you but Sarika said it was her special day so she wanted to just know few friends." Then she started laughing sweetly. " Do you know what she wanted to tell?.." She was not interested. She sensed that she was not invited since Sarika didn't desire it. She took deep breath to control her sorrow. Then she decided that Dipa wanted to avoid her insults by Sarika so she avoided didn't call her. Any way Rita told Dipa many times that she didn't like Sarika and didn't want to go anywhere with her so she protected her. Dipa was her true friend. Rita " So tell me?!!" " She is planning to marry a rich boy!!" " What? But we are small." " She is not going to marry tomorrow. She will marry when she completed graduation." Rita didn't like the way conversation was moving. She knew that now Sarika was going to taunt her about her boyfriend. She wanted to marry but she couldn't find someone so early. She needed to graduate then she needed to find person who truly love her. Sarika must had married to someone for money. She knew that it must be someone out of her father's connections. It must be son of her father's rich connection. She would soon started boosting about it too. Rita also wanted to get a nice boy as soon as possible. She started thinking about all eligible bachelors around her. She didn't find anyone. She liked one rich neighbour but few days ago she noticed him kissing a girl. It was so embarrassing. She went towards him to chat since he always chatted with her nicely and then she saw them. She didn't want that boy as husband now. She wanted someone who would remain honest to her. So she didn't see any reliable boyfriend now. She decided that she would let Sarika won in this race. She said " Great!! Did she show you his picture?" Dipa started laughing loudly. Dipa " Do you feel she carry his picture everywhere?" Rita was embarrassed. She felt that it was really a stupid question. She started laughing too. " I just got curious." " We all are curious and excited!! It is so exciting!! Imagine big party and celebration. We will dress and dance." Rita took deep breath. She didn't like to dance that much specially after last time when she danced in wrong way and every one laughed on her mistake. Many people came forward and suggested that she should not dance. But most worst thing was that her friends felt that she was destroying their dance so they told her to sit on chair. She didn't argue since she no longer desired to dance after making laughing stock of herself. She just took deep breath and sat in corner. Now she shivered at thought of dancing. She decided that she must find some excuse to avoid it and she began to think about them even before invitation.
      Rita was too much upset by this invitation. She didn't want to go there. She knew that they didn't want her. She was so confused. She began to think that they might want her to embarrass her. She knew how much Sarika enjoyed laughing on her. It was wonderful for them. When she danced they could laugh on her, she shivered fear. She didn't want to be embarrassed in anyway. She wanted to be happy and safe. Then on second thought she started to think how happy she should be if she was perfect. She wanted to become perfect and happy like Sarika. Then she suddenly noticed a bird out of window. She was so pleased. She wanted to be like that bird. She wanted to jump from one branch to another. She didn't want to be restricted like Sarika. She sat on one chair and started watching that bird. She just began to fall in love with those birds. She went in school next day Sarika just kept talking about her engagement. It was so strange that she was discussing marriage in school. Many girls expressed displeasure at her discussion of marriage. They all felt that they were too small. But other girls said those girls were jealous and taunted them so Rita was forced herself to join group of girls who admired Sarika. Rita didn't have much interest in this marriage but still she kept showing. She kept discussing. Sarika didn't even talk her and kept ignoring. One day she asked her about Sarika's dress. Just with purpose to attract attention she touched Sarika on hand. She gave her a look as if Rita was most disgusting thing. Rita took back her hand immediately. Then she looked at Dipa. Dipa gave her just one look of pity and kept admiring Sarika as if nothing happened. This managed to hurt Sarika. She wanted Dipa to say something to Rita. Then Sarika herself said " Actually my skin is so delicate. I have done treatment few days ago." Rita was shocked since everyone knew that Sarika didn't have any skin trouble. It was clear that she hated her touch so decided to keep her away. Rita felt so embarrassed. She stood up and apologized and immediately went away. It was so humiliating. She never felt this way. She never faced so many insults. She went back to her bench and started looking out. In sky she found a bird. She felt so pleased to see it. That pigeon sat in window. She looked in that pigeon's eyes. She felt as if she was looking in eyes which had feeling for her. She sensed for first time this bird truly cared for her. She began to sense animal care for her. She had seen many fairy tales but never saw anything like that. She sensed that this pigeon was her true friend. She decided that she could keep it. She tried to catch that pigeon. It was hard. She tried to move toward it. She took out hands from bar of window. She started to take her fingers ahead. She began to take out her hands more and more. She finally reached to Pigeon but it suddenly flew away. She felt so sad. Then she heard scream of Dipa. Dipa screamed " My God Rita's hand was stuck. It is not coming out." Rita didn't understand her. But when she started to try to take it out, she sensed that it was stuck. It was some nightmare. It couldn't be happening to her. Every one gathered. She started to pull it out but bar started cutting in her skin. Slowly blood started coming out of wound in hand. All students started screaming and there was big chaos. Peon and security came running there. Other students from different classes also created crowd. Teacher began to feel that their classroom would get overcrowded so told kids to go back to classes. One teacher became busy in handling them. They didn't want stampede. It was horrible whole time Rita was trying to pull hand but kept screaming in pain. One teacher screamed " Stop it don't pull it. It will swell and it would become more hard to pull it." " But I want to take it out." " Just relax and take deep breath. You can do it but you need to relax." Rita did what her teacher said but truthfully it was not helping her much. She wanted to relax little bit. But she couldn't. One teacher asked " Why did you put your hands like that? Are you out of your mind?" Rita was so confused. She didn't answer. She just kept crying. Finally that teacher applied some oil to her hands and bars to help her to take them out. But it didn't seem to work. She started to feel terrible pain in hands. Some one suggested that they should call workers to cut bars. Then suddenly her PT teacher came out of nowhere. He sat near her and said " Don't worry. You are a good girl just move your hand as I explained. " He started to teach her exercise. " It will pain little bit but your hand will come out. Do it as I said." She began to do it. It was paining so much. She was screamed. She closed her eyes. Then she felt sudden pull to her hands by adult's hand and then she finally felt her hands were free.
        Rita's PT teacher looked at her hand. " Thank God her bone is not broken. But her hands are buised and we must confirm surely that her bone is not broken." Principal " Let's call ambulance." They all agreed. Then immediately ambulance was called and she was taken to hospital. Doctor started to check her hand. Doctor " I don't think it's fracture. But still it's better to do x-ray. " Teacher "Her Mom is on way will you wait?" " You are not her Mom?!!" " I am her school teacher." " This happened in school?" " Yes she put her hand under bars of window to catch something and the it didn't come out." Doctor looked shocked. Doctor " But why?" " I don't know. You can always ask her." Teacher gave angry look to Rita. " These kids!! They never improve keep doing some stunts and manage to give heart attack to adult." Doctor started laughing. Then Doctor checked her properly. He gave her painkiller which would make her sleepy. But she didn't feel trust towards unknown Doctor so she kept her eyes open as long as possible. But soon her eyes became too heavy she began to fall asleep. She began to get restless. Her eyes were to heavy she was losing her sense when she heard Doctor asking " I don't understand why did she put hands under bar?" She answered "To catch Pigeon. I like birds. Pigeon know me... I like to fly." Then she finally fall asleep. Doctor was asking this question to teacher but he was shocked when he heard this answer. Doctor " Do you feel this girl is obsessed with birds so much?" Teacher looked sad. Teacher " Actually her situation is not good. Her father was fired from job so he took another job. But due to bad publicity he didn't earn much so her mother started working. I feel that didn't suit her that much. Then her friends.." " What about them?" " Well I don't know proper cause but I feel she is not on friendly terms even with her friends." " Why?!!" " She is depressed and you know in worst days.." " False friends vanish.." Teacher gave sad smile. " But finding true friends is hard thing." Doctor nodded. Teacher " It is possible every one hated her company since she kept telling her sorrows." Doctor nodded. Doctor was about to talk when Rita's Mom came in. She was looking tired and upset. "What happened?" Doctor told her to sat down and explained everything step by step. Rita's Mom " I am doing job just for her if it harm her I should quit it." " No. I feel you should visit psychiatrist." " You feel she is not mentally sound." Rita's Mom shivered with fear. Doctor " Don't worry it is normal depression. I give you name of psychiatrist. You just need to visit him when your daughter will be fine physically." Then Doctor looked at her X-RAY carefully. " I don't see any broken bone. She is lucky. I prescribe some antibiotics. But I suggest you should start her psychiatrist treatment immediately." When Rita woke up, she started crying hysterically. She started insisting that she wouldn't go to school. She wanted to change her school but her Mom objected. Then Doctor said " I will give you certificate you can skip school for a few days. " Then he looked pointedly towards Mom. He said " Take her to that Doctor which I suggested immediately." Mom nodded. She decided to take appointment of that psychiatrist on that day only. Rita was shocked when they waited outside psychiatrist's room. " I am not mad." Her Mom gave angry look. "See people waiting here. Do you feel they are mad?!!" Rita looked around. She saw just bunch of tense and sad people. No one looked like mad person. " Many people come here for counseling when they get tense." Rita nodded. She sat there since she didn't want to face school. Then finally her number came. They went inside. She was so scared. She stammered when she say first word. Then that psychiatrist started telling her relaxation exercise. It helped. Psychiatrist started talking to her. She told him all. " So your friends avoid you since you tell your troubles." She nodded. " Well then I have better idea. You can share them with me then we will get over it." Rita nodded happily. She started telling all to him. Slowly she began to feel so light just like bird. She said " Thanks Doctor after telling you all I feel free like bird." " Because your sorrows are burden on you not your situation. You keep thinking about your misfortune and that is your biggest misfortune." She began to understand her mistake. Rita " So I can meet you whenever I desired." " Sure!! You can call me if you feel upset but at this moment I insist you should take weekly appointment for few days." Rita agreed. Then Doctor turned to Rita's Mom " Nothing is wrong with your daughter just normal depression." Rita's Mom nodded and smiled. After discussing with Doctor Rita agreed to go back to school when she came in school. She was feeling so happy. She didn't care what others feel. Dipa came running towards her and asked " Are you alright?" She smiled and said " Yes." " What happened?" " I tried to catch Pigeon." Every one started laughing. She joined them. They all made assumption. Finally they assumed that she did it to catch pen. She didn't have answer just keep giving mysterious smile. She knew that they didn't believe her truth.
                                                                                The End

Poem. 7178. Dream which start new

                       Dream which start new  Dream which start new world form new feel to step of mind which open new direction to route of...