Friday, December 7, 2018

Poem. 4337. Treasure of smile work on

                               Treasure of smile work on
Treasure of smile work on every point may it sorrow or happiness in life smile is need of every moment need of every point which open new thought to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it positive touch or negative burden on mind smile is need of both touches of soul which open new direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it hard way or simple way of life smile is need of both styles of direction which open new appeal to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it stone or diamond of jewel in life smile is need of both object which open new meaning to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it harsh move or pleasant feeling of mind smile is need of both feeling which open new understanding to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different or easy move of mind smile is need of both move which open new door of learning to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it sunshine or cold wind of life smile is need of both sides which open conversation of life to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different time or happiness of life smile is need of both steps which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it positive appeal or negative way of life smile is need of both route which open path to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it hard feeling or harsh touch of life smile is need of both path which opens route to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different route or easy path of life smile is need of both routes which open path to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it hard way or soft way of life smile is need of both directions which open word to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy of life smile is need of both strengths which open start to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it harsh move or easy move of life smile is need of both moves which open route to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different word or easy chapter of life smile is need of both sides which open way to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different line or easy word of life smile is need of both starts which open shine to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different touch or easy way of life smile is need of both routes which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy route of life smile is need of both moves which open appeal to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different hard or easy move of life smile is need of both appeals which open start to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different route or easy route of life smile is need of both sides which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different way or easy path of life smile is need of both starts which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different word or easy light of life smile is need of both chapters which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different appeal or easy appeal of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different start or easy start of life smile is need of both lights which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy move of life smile is need of both starts which open chapter to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different line or easy word of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different appeal or easy way of life smile is need of both moves which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different route or easy move of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different step or easy step of life smile is need of both starts which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy move of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it hard way or easy start of life smile is need of both steps which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different word or easy chapter of life smile is need of both paths which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different word or easy concept of life smile is need of both directions which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different route or easy path of life smile is need of both sides which open thought to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy way of life smile is need of both starts which open knowledge to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different start or easy route of life smile is need of both ways which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different word or easy concept of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy move of life smile is need of both starts which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different route or easy way of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy move of life smile is need of both starts which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different word or easy chapter of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different way or easy move of life smile is need of both steps which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different light or easy sunshine of life smile is need of both starts which open concept to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy move of life smile is need of both ways which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different route or easy appeal of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy way of life smile is need of both starts which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different word or easy move of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different way or easy route of life smile is need of both paths which open thought to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different concept or easy direction of life smile is need of both starts which open strength to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different path or easy start of life smile is need of both sides which open direction to mind
Treasure of smile work on every point may it different route or easy path of life smile is need of both ways which open strength to mind.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...