Monday, December 31, 2018

Poem. 4378. Every evening show sunset in life

                             Every evening show sunset in life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those colours which give fresh touch to mind those direction which show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those appeals which give path to route which show new thinking that show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those steps which give route to start which show new touch that show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those shines which give direction to chapter which show new word that show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those directions which give start to concept which show new way that show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those appeals which give path to strength which show new word that show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have different shades which give new move to thought which show new imagination of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those paths which give new route to knowledge which show new touch of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those colours which give new thought to dream which show new hope of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those scenes which give new touch to feeling which show new shine of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those paths which give new light to understanding which show new way of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those appeals which give new shine to meaning which show new word of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those steps which give new path to thinking which show new route of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those starts which give new dream to feeling which show new way of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those paths which give new light to understanding which show new touch of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those routes which give new shine to meaning which show new path of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those ways which give new strength to thinking which show new start of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those steps which give new thought to learning which show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those appeals which give new paths to feeling which show new route of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those routes which give new route to meaning which show new touch of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those steps which give new light to understanding which show new shine of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those concepts which give new touch to thinking which show new step of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those appeals which give new light to learning which show new way of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those starts which give new shine to feeling which show new start of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those paths which give new knowledge to meaning which show new path of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those routes which give new thought to understanding which show new shine of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those steps which give new strength to thinking which show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those ways which give new start to learning which show new touch of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those appeals which give new chapter to feeling which show new word of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those paths which give new direction to meaning which show new route of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those starts which give new thought to understanding which show new shine of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those steps which give new appeal to thinking which show new way of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those directions which give new route to learning which show new touch of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those appeals which give new strength to meaning which show new path of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those paths which give new thought to feeling which show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those directions which give new light to meaning which show new shine of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those steps which give new path to understanding which show new touch of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those starts which give new word to learning which show new spirit of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those routes which give new touch to thinking which show new word of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those steps which give new thought to understanding which show new light of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those paths which give new strength to feeling which show new path of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those touches which give new light to thinking which show new way of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those directions which give new route to meaning which show new touch of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those appeals which give new shine to learning which show new word of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those starts which give new way to understanding which show new way of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those steps which give new thought to meaning which show new path of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those paths which give new light to feeling which show new word of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it have those directions which give new chapter to thinking which show new step of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those appeals which give new strength to understanding which show new way of life
Every evening show sunset in life but it's so lovely since it show those routes which give new opening to imagination which show new shine of life.

Poem. 4377. The knowledge will show new path

                           The knowledge will show new path
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new direction to route of mind which give strength to chapter of thought in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to strength of mind which give thought to concept of direction in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new touch to thought of mind which give direction to route of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to knowledge of mind which give chapter to path of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new spirit to concept of mind which give strength to step of understanding in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new appeal to chapter of mind which give direction to move of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to strength of mind which give thought to start of feeling in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new start to appeal of mind which give move to strength of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new way to direction of mind which give chapter to spirit of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new step to thought of mind which give direction to route of understanding in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to appeal of mind which give chapter to strength of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to chapter of mind which give appeal to thought of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new start to route of mind which give spirit to direction of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new light to shine of mind which give concept to strength of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to strength of mind which give chapter to direction of understanding in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to chapter of mind which give direction to touch of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new way to direction of mind which give route to thought of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to strength of mind which give start to direction of feeling in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new touch to chapter of mind which give move to spirit of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new way to direction of mind which give step to move of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new light to shine of mind which give path to strength of understanding in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to concept of mind which give route to thought of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new start to strength of mind which give way to direction of feeling in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to thought of mind which give light to concept of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new step to route of mind which give shine to direction of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new concept to appeal of mind which give step to thought of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new start to concept of mind which give way to step of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to strength of mind which give light to chapter of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to chapter of mind which give shine to direction of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new start to direction of mind which give concept to appeal of understanding in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to route of mind which give strength to chapter of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new way to touch of mind which give chapter to direction of feeling in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new light to shine of mind which give thought to touch of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to chapter of mind which give knowledge to soul of understanding in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to start of mind which give direction to route of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new touch to direction of mind which give path to strength of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new appeal to thought of mind which give chapter to thought of feeling in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to chapter of mind which give appeal to path of understanding in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new start to route of mind which give strength to step of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new way to direction of mind which give word to chapter of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new step to thought of mind which give move to appeal of understanding in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to chapter of mind which give way to direction of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new way to concept of mind which give start to path of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to strength of mind which give light to shine of meaning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new touch to direction of mind which give line to chapter of feeling in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to chapter of mind which give start to strength of learning in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new step to strength of mind which give thought to way of understanding in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new way to direction of mind which give strength to shine of feeling in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new word to chapter of mind which give direction to start of thinking in life
The knowledge will show new path to touches of concept which show new path to strength of mind which give touch to move of understanding in life.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Poem. 4376. Every step of learning which show

                            Every step of learning which show
Every step of learning which show new knowledge to mind which show new path to appeal that give direction to route of concept that show new light
Every step of learning which show new direction to mind which show new touch to chapter that give strength to step of chapter that show new light
Every step of learning which show new strength to mind which show new word to knowledge that give direction to route of thinking that show new light
Every step of learning which show new appeal to mind which show new start to direction that give touch to strength of learning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new touch to mind which show new path to thought that give start to chapter of meaning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new path to mind which show new direction to appeal that give word to knowledge of understanding that show new light
Every step of learning which show new chapter to mind which show new strength to move that give route to thought of meaning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new way to mind which show new chapter to meaning that give path to strength of understanding that show new light
Every step of learning which show new start to mind which show new path to strength that give word to knowledge of thinking that show new light
Every step of learning which show new word to mind which show new chapter to concept that give way to direction of understanding that show new light
Every step of learning which show new touch to mind which show new concept to appeal that give appeal to thought of meaning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new path to mind which show new strength to step that give chapter to strength of feeling that show new light
Every step of learning which show new way to mind which show new touch to start that give concept to direction of move that show new light
Every step of learning which show new appeal to mind which show new way to knowledge that give start to chapter of move that show new light
Every step of learning which show new start to mind which show new path to strength that give way to knowledge of path that show new light
Every step of learning which show new concept to mind which show new route to thought that give word to chapter of move that show new light
Every step of learning which show new thought to mind which show new start to direction that give path to strength of touch that show new light
Every step of learning which show new direction to mind which show new way to knowledge that give start to thought of way that show new light
Every step of learning which show new chapter to mind which show new chapter to strength that give way to direction of route that show new light
Every step of learning which show new word to mind which show new appeal to thought that give chapter to concept of move that show new light
Every step of learning which show new path to mind which show new start to direction that give appeal to thought of appeal that show new light
Every step of learning which show new way to mind which show new word to chapter that give strength to step of concept that show new light
Every step of learning which show new touch to mind which show new path to thinking that give appeal to thought of way that show new light
Every step of learning which show new word to mind which show new appeal to start that give chapter to concept of knowledge that show new light
Every step of learning which show new path to mind which show new knowledge to soul that give direction to touch of thinking that show new light
Every step of learning which show new start to mind which show new thought to way that give concept to appeal of learning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new way to mind which show new direction to route that give start to chapter of meaning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new touch to mind which show new strength to step that give path to strength of understanding that show new light
Every step of learning which show new appeal to mind which show new word to chapter that give strength to step of feeling that show new light
Every step of learning which show new route to mind which show new path to strength that give thought to way of meaning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new path to mind which show new word to knowledge that give move to direction of route that show new light
Every step of learning which show new word to mind which show new chapter to strength that give start to spirit of move that show new light
Every step of learning which show new way to mind which show new touch to direction to spirit that give word to knowledge of thought that show new light
Every step of learning which show new concept to mind which show new way to knowledge to soul that give appeal to thought of way that show new light
Every step of learning which show new route to mind which show new path to strength that give direction to route of thinking that show new light
Every step of learning which show new path to mind which show new word to chapter that give strength to step of understanding that show new light
Every step of learning which show new word to mind which show new touch to thought that give chapter to concept of feeling that show new light
Every step of learning which show new way to mind which show new direction to spirit that give knowledge to strength of understanding that show new light
Every step of learning which show new concept to mind which show new strength to move that give thought to touch of thinking that show new light
Every step of learning which show new appeal to mind which show new knowledge to soul that give direction to route of meaning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new touch to mind which show new direction to route that give appeal to thought of feeling that show new light
Every step of learning which show new way to mind which show new move to thought that give knowledge to strength of understanding that show new light
Every step of learning which show new word to mind which show new path to strength that give concept to appeal of meaning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new path to mind which show new touch to light that give understanding to thought of learning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new way to mind which show new word to chapter that give learning to word of thinking that show new light
Every step of learning which show new touch to mind which show new path to direction that give meaning to route of understanding that show new light
Every step of learning which show new start to mind which show new move to thought that give thinking to start of meaning that show new light
Every step of learning which show new route to mind which show new step to direction that give learning to word of thinking that show new light
Every step of learning which show new chapter to mind which show new way to knowledge that give understanding to start of understanding that show new light
Every step of learning which show new appeal to mind which show new path to strength that give feeling to spirit of meaning that show new light.

Poem. 4375. Every touch of thinking

                                         Every touch of thinking
Every touch of thinking show different directions that show new light which show new shine to chapter of mind that give light to concept of knowledge in life
Every touch of thinking show different steps that show new word which show new path to strength of mind that give start to thought of path in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new path which show new light to knowledge of mind that give way to direction of route in life
Every touch of thinking show different concepts that show new touch which show new word to concept of mind that give route to knowledge of spirit in life
Every touch of thinking show different starts that show new thought which show new start to chapter of mind that give step to thought of move in life
Every touch of thinking show different paths that show new word which show new chapter to strength of mind that give shine to direction of route in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new start which show new start to direction of mind that give start to strength of path in life
Every touch of thinking show different ways that show new word which show new shine to knowledge of mind that give word to chapter of concept in life
Every touch of thinking show different routes that show new path which show new word to chapter of mind that give concept to appeal of start in life
Every touch of thinking show different starts that show new concept which show new light to shine of mind that give chapter to thought of way in life
Every touch of thinking show different paths that show new direction which show new way to knowledge of mind that give spirit to concept of move in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new touch which show new route to start of mind that give chapter to strength of word in life
Every touch of thinking show different ways that show new direction which show new step to thought of mind that give direction to appeal of route in life
Every touch of thinking show different chapters that show new word which show new light to shine of mind that give appeal to direction of start in life
Every touch of thinking show different spirits that show new touch which show new path to concept of mind that give touch to appeal of move in life
Every touch of thinking show different routes that show new path which show new way to knowledge of mind that give concept to start of path in life
Every touch of thinking show different appeals that show new shine which show new touch to strength of mind that give shine to direction of way in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new chapter which show new route to thought of mind that give start to concept of shine in life
Every touch of thinking show different starts that show new touch which show new word to direction of mind that give way to knowledge of chapter in life
Every touch of thinking show different paths that show new word which show new chapter to strength of mind that give step to thought of move in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new path which show new path to thought of mind that give touch to strength of way in life
Every touch of thinking show different routes that show new touch which show new way to knowledge of mind that give path to direction of route in life
Every touch of thinking show different appeals that show new route which show new word to chapter of mind that give way to knowledge of word in life
Every touch of thinking show different concepts that show new word which show new direction to route of mind that give light to concept of route in life
Every touch of thinking show different paths that show new touch which show new strength to appeal of mind that give shine to thought of path in life
Every touch of thinking show different ways that show new path which show new concept to direction of mind that give path to strength of way in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new touch which show new path to strength of mind that give start to direction of move in life
Every touch of thinking show different routes that show new knowledge which show new way to knowledge of mind that give route to thought of way in life
Every touch of thinking show different chapters that show new word which show new touch to strength of mind that give appeal to concept of spirit in life
Every touch of thinking show different routes that show new path which show new route to thought of mind that give chapter to strength of appeal in life
Every touch of thinking show different ways that show new concept which show new word to knowledge of spirit that give concept to appeal of move in life
Every touch of thinking show different paths that show new touch which show new path to strength of move that give strength to step of start in life
Every touch of thinking show different steps that show new word which show new start to thought of way that give direction to route of appeal in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new chapter which show new path to strength of route that give concept to way of chapter in life
Every touch of thinking show different routes that show new shine which show new word to knowledge of chapter that give direction to start of concept in life
Every touch of thinking show different appeals that show new word which show new path to strength of way that give thought to way of direction in life
Every touch of thinking show different paths that show new appeal which show new start to thought of route that give chapter to strength of spirit in life
Every touch of thinking show different ways that show new direction which show new word to chapter of move that give route to thought of touch in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new chapter which show new appeal to strength of way that give path to spirit of direction in life
Every touch of thinking show different routes that show new touch which show new path to thinking of soul that give step to thought of concept in life
Every touch of thinking show different appeals that show new word which show new direction to learning of soul that give way to knowledge of start in life
Every touch of thinking show different steps that show new word which show new chapter to strength of way that give concept to appeal of way in life
Every touch of thinking show different paths that show new direction which show new way to knowledge of spirit that give shine to sky of feeling in life
Every touch of thinking show different lights that show new shine which show new word to chapter of thought that give step to thought of way in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new chapter which show new touch to direction of strength that give move to chapter of route in life
Every touch of thinking show different paths that show new direction which show new step to thought of concept that give soul to knowledge of appeal in life
Every touch of thinking show different routes that show new appeal which show new path to strength of route that give start to concept of way in life
Every touch of thinking show different ways that show new touch which show new start to direction of touch that give chapter to strength of appeal in life
Every touch of thinking show different words that show new way which show new route to thought of way that give appeal to thought of move in life
Every touch of thinking show different routes that show new chapter show new light to shine of strength that give route to concept of path in life.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Adventure story. 377. Shantanu's girlfriend

                                       Shantanu's girlfriend
Shantanu was happy that finally he managed to complete his file. He was working on it for long time. He didn't understand how much time he had spend on it. After all his work was his only ambition of life. He managed to dedicate his own life to just his work. He never looked at watch while working until his Mom or Dad didn't tell him and it was approximately midnight and he must sleep. He was happy with his life. He loved his work and it was enough for him. He was feeling so happy to finally complete his design for dream house. He knew that it was his dream. He wanted to create houses for all. From beginning he kept fullfilling people's dreams. He wanted happiness from them. He wanted to create perfect world for them. He wanted to feel happy for them. It was so wonderful. People felt so happy when he managed to get their house as per their choice. He was happy too. But many times they asked him about his own house. He looked around. He took deep breath. He never worked on his own. He never felt that need or his parents never permitted. Actually he never thought this way but today he was confused. Since today he created house for couple which was in deep love. He saw many love birds like them but they were different. They were not just busy about their life. They cared for other's too. That lady asked " So what kind of house you have created for yourself?!!" " Me!! For myself." Her husband " Come on don't tell me. You don't spend time on your house.?!!" " Well I never thought this way." " Why?!! Don't you have wife?" " No. I am not married." He felt so sad. He had few dreams too. But sadly they were broken. He still remembered her face. She was someone special for him. He loved her entire life. Actually not entire life he saw her in college and fall in love with her. He started following her everywhere after it. Many laughed on him and many taunted him but he didn't change his thinking he kept his hope high. He always thought that she would say yes to him one day. She looked like his soulmate. She was so perfect. He tried so hard to find her name. But it was not easy. He remembered her first smile. She was standing in balcony of his college. She was laughing towards sky. It seemed as if she saw something there then she suddenly looked down. He was so excited. Her one look managed to melt him. He began to feel that he was going to fall on ground. She was smiling then she suddenly changed her look. She asked him with anger " What did you want?" He felt so scared. " Nothing. I was just walking and saw you." Then she went away without speaking to him. He didn't understood her attitude on that point. He was still confused. But after this he asked his friend about her name. His friend started laughing and said " Don't go after her. She is not easy catch." " I am hear to just date some girl. I don't believe in changing girlfriend every day." " Then listen to me. Don't go after her she change her boyfriend every day." He was so shocked. She was looking so innocent such thought never occurred to him. He said angrily " Enough just tell me her name. " Purnima." He was so pleased by her name. Her name was repeated in his soul like echo. He felt so nice. She was truly as nice as full moon of that day. He kept chanting her name and laughing. On that point anyone could call him mad. He knew that he couldn't get it but it didn't stop him from dreaming about her. He seemed about her every day. One day he even did most stupidest thing. He wrote her love letter and wrote his mobile number for her. He slowly put it inside her backpack. He still started laughing at memory of that adventure. He slowly looked around and when everyone was out of sight, he threw it away in backpack. He was expecting answer but it never came. On that point he cried so much. He felt cheated. But now he always kept thanking his destiny that it didn't include slap for him. He knew that it was stupid but she created such strange impact on her that he didn't like any girl. Those girls didn't have that spark in eyes. She had strange thirst in her eyes. It seemed as if she was always unfulfilled. He didn't understood cause since she always managed to ignore him. She always acted as if he never existed. It hurt him on that point and it still managed to hurt him. Finally she found a rich and respectable husband and settled down. But he never got over her strange obsession. He still wanted to cry about his broken heart. He was just stuck on her. He knew that it was madness but he was not getting over her. He started crying. He was so glad that his parents couldn't hear him. He knew that they would feel shocked and disappointed about him so he had to hide it all. He needed to lock his emotions. He didn't want world to laugh at him as it did in his youth about Purnima.
         Shantanu went in his bedroom. He managed to earn enough to keep his family happy. He was not rich but he has nice two bedroom flat. He was getting famous day by day. His Mom has high hopes from him. She always kept saying that he was gem of his family. But it was always expected from him that he would not cry. He needed to act strong. It was nothing but acting. Before going to bed he went for brushing his teeth and shower. He started to brush his teeth during it he watched in mirror. He was looking so old and tired. He was not having any magic of youth inside him any more. He knew that he needed to feel positive. But he was feeling so sad. He wished only if his parents were understanding like other parents. His parents never understood his desire as youth. They always kept insisting on their morals. They never had friendly attitude. They always shivered with fear when he suggested something which didn't agree with their thinking. He had his own set of morals. He wanted to move by his morals but it never worked. He began to live his life in his own way. But his parents stop him. They started to tell him that he was wrong. He didn't understand what was wrong and what was right. He always kept feeling sad about entire issue. He wanted to improve his life but he couldn't since he couldn't move the way he desired. He didn't understand what was his mistake. He didn't feel like them. His Mom every day went to worship. He didn't want to do it everyday. In her eyes it was crime. His Dad decided a rich friend's daughter as his wife. But he didn't like it. His parents invited that girl and her parents without his consent. He still remembered that drama. He came back from office. He was too tired. He just wanted to sleep. But as soon as he reached to staircase his Dad started calling. He looked at call. He was not that much fond of his father. His Dad was too demanding. Whatever he achieved, it never managed to satisfy him. He saw his number.He was not much fond of his Dad but he knew that he needed to give respect to him. He knew that his Mom would feel hurt if he didn't so he decided to call back to Dad. Shantanu "What happened Dad?" " Nothing. We have few guests and they are waiting for you." He took deep breath. When he entered, he was shocked. A beautiful looking girl was sitting with her parents. He sensed immediately what was going on. He looked at her. She was clearly looking at him with hopes. He didn't see anything bad in her but he couldn't marry her. He just didn't want to get married. When he entered, his Mom immediately ran to him. She smiled happily. His Mom clearly liked this girl. Truthfully girl was perfect but he didn't want to marry. He knew that he was going to do biggest crime of life on that day. He was going to break heart of an innocent girl. He knew that when he say no to her. It would be rejection for her. But he was not rejecting her. He was so upset. He just decided to go out. On that day he was so upset with his parents. His Mom " So she is beautiful. Don't you feel it?!!" " Mom you know very well that I don't want to marry." " But why?" He never discussed the girl he loved with Mom. She never said yes to him. " Mom I am not ready for responsibility." " What?!! You are growing up day by day. Try to understand you are not getting younger." " Enough Mom. I just hate this situation. Now this girl and her parents are going to hate me for entire life." His Mom looked at him with tears and said " Just meet her once." He couldn't say no to her and agreed. That girl was waiting for him with eager eyes. He was so upset and he did biggest mistake. He started talking with her. He soon began to sense that she was judging him on every move. He was not happy about those ways. He soon decided to confess. " Actually I was not planning to marry anyone at this point." That girl looked upset and angry. "Then why did your parents call us?" He was confused now. " I mean until now." She smiled. Her cheek became red. He didn't understood her excitement. But she started to assume his yes from that point. He wanted to object but he couldn't. Finally she went away assuming his positive response but he said " No" on next day. He didn't understand why but today he was not just thinking about Purnima he was thinking about that girl. He didn't understand why didn't he able to create one nice home for himself too. He was happy that this girl was never came before him again. He didn't want to face her again.
        Rucha was happy regarding her marriage with Shantanu. She knew that he would say yes to her. She heard her parents talking about his rejection. But he knew that it was because of his Mom. She sensed that his Mom didn't like her at all. When she entered in house she saw his Mom was tense and she remained that way entire time. She knew that Shantanu was in love with her. She saw it in his eyes. But when her parents started to say he was saying no. She began to feel confused. She began to see perfect villain in his Mom. His Mom was not cooperating on any front. She knew it from beginning but this was too much. She saw how did she ran after him in kitchen so she decided to call him. She didn't care about time. Shantanu was crying slowly when his mobile rang. It was unknown number. He was so confused. He suddenly started to hope that it was Purnima. He took her call. Rucha " Hello I wanted to talk to you about your rejection!!" He felt that sweet sound in ear. It was no one else except Purnima. Shantanu " Purnima, I want to talk to you!!" Rucha was confused. "Purnima?!! Did you forgot my name so soon. It is Rucha not Purnima." Shantanu was confused. Then he understood all. " Ohh so you told me wrong name on that day?!! You are so naughty." Rucha was confused. " But I never told you my name." " Come on you did while watching sun." " Do you mean moon? Don't you remember we met at night?" " Night?!!" He started laughing. "You are so funny. We never meet at night. We are not that modern." Rucha was confused. " I mean in evening." " Why don't you come tomorrow to meet me?" " Tomorrow?!! At what time?!!" " Any time you want. I can come out of office." Rucha felt so happy. He was saying yes to her so she was not rejected. Rucha " I will come in morning and I will call you as soon as I came out." Shantanu agreed. Shantanu smiled. He knew that it was Purnima's voice. He was so excited. He decided to call his friend Satish who told him name of Purnima. It was so funny. She even managed to fool Satish. Satish was smart man but then he was not exactly going to demand her ID proof so he could be fooled. He called Satish. "Hello Satish how are you? My classmate friend guide and philosopher!!" " Hey hey!! what's going on?" " Purnima called me today." " What? When?" " At night!!" Shantanu said this and started laughing. Satish said it too loudly. Soon Shantanu heard angry voice of his wife who was telling him to go out of room. She needed to sleep. She announced loudly that she needed to get kids ready for school pack their tiffin and then she even needed to pack his tiffin. Satish answered back " I am going out.. going out don't worry." Then suddenly sound came of something falling. His wife screamed " What did you destroyed?" " Nothing. It was just bottle of water." Generally Shantanu used to get irritated by this. He began to feel that he was interfering in Satish's privacy but today he was happy about it. He liked to hear those voices. He waited until Satish didn't come in hall. Satish " Now tell me." "Well!! Few moments ago Purnima call me. She told me her name is Rucha. So she managed to fool us for so many years." "What? I can't believe it. Entire college use to call her Purnima. It can't be lie." " But it was. She told me that she will meet me tomorrow outside my office." Satish was happy for his friend but he didn't believe this. He knew very well that Purnima married to rich man and happily or unhappily he didn't know that much but living with him. No one mentioned their divorce. Satish was confused. " But no one mentioned her divorce etc." " Maybe?!! I think she isn't real Purnima at all something like shown in 'All is Well' movie!!" " Come on!! It is movie and this is real life you can't see both in same way." " But it is possible." " Okay. Now go to sleep and call me tomorrow when you meet her and tell all." " So I am going to be your TV serial. Daily show!!" They both started laughing. Satish suddenly began to feel this was not that bad. He was happy that Shantanu was getting to get Purnima and his drama of Devdas was over. Shantanu went happy for first time since Purnima got married to someone else. But when Satish entered in his room, his wife bombarded him with questions. Satish " I thought you are sleepy." " I am no longer sleepy. I am wide awake. Will you tell me what's going on?" " But you need to wake up early tomorrow?!!" " Now cut that out. Just tell me what is going on?" Satish took deep breath. " First promise you will tell no one!!" " I promise." " Well Shantanu was in love with Purnima. I mean he is in love with her. That Purnima suddenly called him today few minutes ago." Satish's wife Pooja was so shocked that her mouth remained open but words didn't come out of it.
      Pooja " This is impossible and nonsense. Did you give that number of psychiatrist which I gave to you to Shantanu?!!" " Come on you know very well this is not so easy. I am not giving his party organiser's number to organise his birthday party. Many things were at stake." Pooja asked him slowly and gently " You feel he will break your friendship of so many years due to it." " I can't deny fear of losing it so I feel it's better to avoid those suggestions." " But when I saw Shantanu last I observed he was so preoccupied that he was sometimes talking to himself. And when I asked him at beginning he looked confused. He said "I don't sense it." then in few seconds he lied. He said " I was practicing some speech." I know very well he was lying. I knew that he was talking to himself which is not good news." " But he is not dreaming her. He is not that mad." Pooja looked so angry. "Really?!! You are so prejudiced against mental sickness?!!" Satish started to feel confused. He was well educated person but he never thought about mental sickness that much. " Actually I never gave any thought to mental disorders." Pooja looked shocked. "You never felt depressed or sad or angry when you become out of control?!! Now don't lie to me I am your wife!!" He took deep breath and said " You are right. I have mental problems too." "Right?!! So it is not unusual that your friend have more. So at this moment I permit you to ignore me for few days and you can stay with your friend." " Inside his house?!!" " No you can stay on footpath against his building!! Come on!! Inside his house and if possible inside his office too." " Now that is impossible!!" " Then tell him to call you when he is going to meet Purnima. Most importantly talk on that call." Satish nodded. Then next morning Satish called Shantanu. He chatted around subject for long time finally said " Can I stay with you for few days?" Shantanu really didn't like that idea. He was so frustrated. Shantanu always valued his privacy. " Actually my house is so small and my parents are not comfortable when I invite someone. But I can arrange hotel for you." " Well then can you join me there?" Shantanu was shocked. " What's going on?!!" " Well Pooja want me to stay with you and talk with Purnima." Shantanu started laughing. Shantanu " So she still feel I am mad man?!!" Satish was confused now. Shantanu " No need to answer I can easily understand your concern. You both treated me like relative not just friend and you think I am imagining her. Actually it is not your mistake. Even I should have felt same way if I am standing on your place. She called suddenly. Any way whenever she call me again I will fix time and you can join us. " " What? You can't invite me like that!! She will took it in bad way." " Don't worry I will confirm with her." Satish didn't like this idea. He didn't want to spoil Shantanu's date. Satish didn't understand what should be done but Shantanu began laughing. Shantanu " Don't worry she will not left me just because I came with you." Satish nodded. Rucha was very excited about whole thing. She didn't tell this to her parents since they might have objected but she wanted to prove that she was loved by boy whom she went to select as husband. She called him and said " Can I come at 1 o' clock? At that time my Mom will permit me to visit my friend." " Surely Purnima!!" " Purnima?!! I am Rucha." Shantanu started laughing. Shantanu " You might call Rucha to yourself but you will remain Purnima to me." Rucha was so confused. Rucha "Why should you call me Purnima?" " Because you are Purnima? The girl from my college!!" " I am Rucha that girl whom you few days ago." He was confused now. He suddenly sensed that he did biggest blunder. But then he began to feel that she was Purnima only. She had to be Purnima. He knew her voice. " Stop joking. You are Purnima!!" " No I am not." He was so angry now. She should not cheat him like that. He knew that she was Purnima. He was sure last time voice was different. He decided to teach her a lesson and then he would force her to tell truth about Purnima. " When you will come?" " As I said on 1 o'clock." Shantanu didn't answer just disconnected call. Rucha was confused but she thought all was disconnected by mistake. So she started to get ready. She wanted to look beautiful. She didn't understand what he was talking about. She thought that he joked to make her jealous but she was not jealous since she knew those tricks.
      Shantanu was so upset that he totally forgot about Satish. But when he reached in office after sometime Satish called him. Shantanu didn't want to take it so he just kept mobile on silent mode. Satish started to get tense. He began to remember Pooja's warning. He decided that he must visit his friend. He immediately went to Boss and requested half day." Why ? " " Actually my friend is unwell and he needed help." Boss " Didn't he have family?" " He have sir. But now a days who care for other person. We are like brothers from childhood. " He lied. He met Shantanu in college. But he needed to go now so he lied. Luckily his Boss agreed. He was so happy. He kept thanking God from soul. He took Auto immediately. Finally he managed to reach office. He told watch man that he wanted to meet Shantanu. Watchman " You need to wait. I will call Shantanu Sir. He must come to gate. You can't go inside without permission. He nodded. Watchman called Shantanu. But he didn't took call. Watchman " He is not taking calls." " Try to understand this is important." Then Satish noticed a figure on terrace. It was walking on it. Satish was so shocked. " Please let me go." Watchman was not ready. Satish didn't have any option. Finally he pointed towards terrace. " Did you see that man?" He pointed towards terrace. Watchman was shocked. He screamed " How did he reach there? I always lock terrace?" " Because he had terrace keys which you must have forgot to take back or you kept terrace open?!!" " No I didn't I never does such a mistake but if he die now then I will get all blame lose my job and this fellow will surely lose his life and it's blood will be on my hands may God help me." Satish " He will not die just let me go."" You will stop him!!" " Yes and then we will tell no one." Watchman nodded. Then they ran to terrace. Whole time watchman was praying loudly and telling God that this man must be protected. It might be helping watchman but it was scaring Satish. He wanted to tell him to stop it but he knew that it might increase watchman's anger and he needed his help on that point. When they reached to terrace, Satish immediately ran towards it. Satish saw Shantanu was walking in trance. He was clearly not in senses. Satish looked around. He saw unknown girl standing in corner. She was shivering. Watchman " That lady went inside before you to meet Shantanu sir too." That girl " Tell him to come down please. I don't know anything about any Purnima. I am Rucha." She began to explain all. " But he kept insisting that I must tell place where Purnima stay." Satish sensed one thing that they must pull Shantanu down on tarrace and hold him to ground. Watchman " I gave him key since his material is there." Watchman pointed. Satish noticed folded net in construction material. Satish " Let's pull him down with net." Watchman smiled and agreed. That day Satish did his biggest stunt of life. But it worked. They dragged Shantanu down. By this time Rucha managed to run away. They needed to work hard to keep Shantanu down but when Rucha vanished his struggle reduced. By this time other watchman and security came too. Soon people from Shantanu's office came. Watchman assumed wrong story. He told them a girl cheated Shantanu and ran away. Every one thought it was suicide attempt and showed sympathy. Then finally ambulance came. Doctor took him to hospital. Satish went with him. When Shantanu admitted properly, psychiatrist came out. By this time all colleagues from office wanted to return. Client wanted them back. But one of them said " Why did Shantanu needed to act like that for this girl? Now I need to convince client to wait. Then he turned to Psychiatrist who came  to attend him. "How long he needed to stay in hospital?!!" " I can't say without checking but don't worry he will be discharged soon." As soon as they went away, Satish came near Doctor and told him all about Purnima and Rucha. Psychiatrist " Sad!! But it is not about girl. It is about his depression and taunting of his father. He pretended that he is fine but he was not. He just kept thinking that Purnima was his solution but she was not. His trouble is depression. He needed treatment and his parents never gave it. Did you call them?" Satish " I will now." " No. Just give me their number and I will handle it otherwise they will keep blaming on you. Don't worry your friend is in safe hand I will handle all. You can go to office." Satish smiled. Actually he noticed his Boss called him twice so his half day was going to get cancelled. But he gave his card to psychiatrist and said " Call me if any help needed." Psychiatrist smiled and said " Shantanu is lucky to have friend like you. Don't worry go to office." Satish smiled and immediately started talking to his Boss regarding work.
                                                                  The End

Friday, December 28, 2018

Poem. 4374. Every tide will show new day

                             Every tide will show new day
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's Beauty of life which take us ahead tide by tide which show different touches in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's style of life which show us new directions even route which show different directions in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new touch to learning which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's appeal of life which show new word to thinking which show different words in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's chapter of life which show new way to meaning which show different routes in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's strength of life which show new shine to learning which show different chapters in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new path to meaning which show different steps in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's thought of life which show new word to understanding which show different ways in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new start to thinking which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's move of life which show new way to feeling which show different routes in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new touch to meaning which show different words in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's strength of life which show new start to thinking which show different ways in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new word to learning which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's chapter of life which show new path of thinking which show different moves in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new touch of understanding which show different routes in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new direction of learning which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's spirit of life which show new concept of meaning which show different starts in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new thought of feeling which show different ways in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's chapter of life which show new strength of thinking which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's start of life which show new concept of understanding which show different words in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new path of learning which show different routes in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new word of thinking which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's chapter of life which show new route of meaning which show different appeals in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's touch of life which show new thought of feeling which show different ways in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new appeal of understanding which show different words in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's strength of life which show new path of learning which show different routes in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's chapter of life which show new word of thinking which show different touches in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new touch of meaning which show different appeals in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new path of feeling which show different ways in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's spirit of life which show new concept of meaning which show different words in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's chapter of life which show new touch of thinking which show different routes in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's start of life which show new path of understanding which show different lights in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new word of meaning which show different ways in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new start of feeling which show different starts in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's chapter of life which show new path of thinking which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new way of learning which show different lights in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's concept of life which show new touch of meaning which show different words in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's strength of life which show new path of understanding which show different ways in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's chapter of life which show new word of feeling which show different lines in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new appeal of meaning which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's appeal of life which show new path of thinking which show different touches in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new way of meaning which show different words in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's start of life which show new word of understanding which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's strength of life which show new start of learning which show different ways in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's thought of life which show new word of thinking which show different routes in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's appeal of life which show new path of understanding which show different starts in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's start of life which show new way of meaning which show different words in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's thought of life which show new start of feeling which show different paths in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new word of thinking which show different routes in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's appeal of life which show new path of feeling which show different ways in life
Every tide will show new day to mind but shore remain that's direction of life which show new way of understanding which show different starts in life.

Poem. 4373. Human nature will show new impact

                         Human nature will show new impact
Human nature will show new impact which show new path to appeal to route that show new touch of knowledge which create to different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new route to thought to touch that show new word of concept which create different directions to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new spirit to strength to move that show new path of knowledge which create different strengths to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new start to direction to step that show new way of thought which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new word to knowledge to soul that show new start of strength which create  different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new route to thought to shine that show new spirit of direction which create  different lines to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new start to direction to route that show new path of knowledge which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new way to knowledge to soul that show new appeal of path which create different starts to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new appeal to strength to move that show new touch of move which create different paths to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new path to thinking to appeal that show new concept of way which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new concept to learning to soul that show new strength of start which create different paths to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new path to strength to step that show new thought of path which create  different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new word to knowledge to soul that show new touch of move which create  different lines to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new start to strength to path that show new word of chapter which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new touch to direction to way that show new way of thought which create different routes to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new step to thought to route that show new shine of light which create different directions to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new concept to appeal to strength that show new touch of concept which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new path to thinking to appeal that show new way to knowledge which create different starts to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new word to learning to strength that show new path to thought which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new spirit to concept to appeal that show new word of chapter which create different feelings to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new step to understanding to path that show new touch to appeal which create different meanings to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new shine to learning to soul that show new way to knowledge which create different thinkings to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new start to feeling to step that show new appeal to thought which create different directions to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new touch to learnings to path that show new direction to route which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new word to thinkings to concept that show new touch to path which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new concept to understandings to touch that show new route to thought which create different paths to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new step to learnings to direction that show new concept to appeal which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new touch to thinkings to appeal that show new word to knowledge which create different steps to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new path to understandings to touch that show new route to concept which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new way to learnings to soul that show new way to direction which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new shine to meanings to way that show new word to strength which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new path to understandings to touch that show new path to thought which create different routes to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new word to feelings to appeal that show new direction to knowledge which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new concept to meanings to concept that show new touch to direction which create different paths to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new spirit to thinkings to appeal that show new word to concept which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new start to understandings to touch that show new chapter to strength which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new path to thinkings to concept that show new way to knowledge which create different paths to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new word to knowledge to way that show new touch to direction which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new light to concept to appeal that show new word to chapter which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new touch to strength to step that show new touch to direction which create different paths to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new route to thought to concept that show new path to strength which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new word to chapter to direction that show new light to concept which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new path to strength to thought that show new word to knowledge which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new touch to direction to appeal that show new path to thought which create different starts to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new way to knowledge to soul that show new touch to concept which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new light to shine to thought that show new word to chapter which create different ways to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new word to knowledge to direction that show new way to direction which create different steps to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new touch to concept to appeal that show new path to strength which create different words to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new direction to route to thought that show new light to concept which create different paths to chapter of mind
Human nature will show new impact which show new chapter to word to knowledge that show new appeal to thought which create different ways to chapter of mind.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Poem. 4372. Every tide will show new scene of life

                              Every tide will show new scene of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new steps of direction which show new shines that show new strength that give concept to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new paths of strength which show new paths that show new direction that give chapter to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new words of chapter which show new appeals that show new concept that give strength to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapters of concept which show new touches that show new path that give knowledge to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new concepts of direction which show new ways that show new start that give appeal to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new strengths of move which show new concepts that show new chapter that give word to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new directions of appeal which show new chapters that show new touch that give way to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new thoughts of move which show new appeals that show new path that give chapter to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new directions of move which show new paths that show new word that give concept to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapters of path which show new routes that show new appeal that give learning to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new concepts of way which show new words that show new strength that give move to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new strengths of route which show new paths that show new knowledge that give appeal to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new thoughts of appeal which show new ways that show new direction that give concept to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new knowledges of way which show new step that give strength to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new concepts of word which show new thought that give chapter to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapters of move which show new path that give direction to learning of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new directions of way which show new touch that give appeal to understanding of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new thinkings of move which show new path that give thought to feeling of route of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new meanings of way which show new appeal that give knowledge to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new thinkings of soul which show new path that give thought to learning of soul of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new feelings of move which show new strength that give chapter to meaning of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new understandings of route which show new chapter that give concept to thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new knowledge of shine which show new touch that give strength of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new step of direction which show new thought that give concept of direction to way of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapter of move which show new knowledge that give appeal of feeling to spirit of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new appeal of path which show new direction that give chapter of learning to word of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new concept of appeal which show new concept that give direction of meaning to route of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapter of way which show new direction that give way of understanding to start of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new path of route which show new chapter that give chapter of thinking to appeal of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new knowledge of way which show new touch that give route to start of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapter of thought of route which show new path that give meaning to route of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new concept of direction of way which show new appeal that give thinking of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new strength of start of route which show new concept that give feeling to spirit of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new thought of way of direction which show new touch that give meaning to route of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new knowledge of appeal of path which show new path that give learning to word of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new thought of way of strength which show new appeal that give meaning to path of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new strength of light of shine which show new chapter that give thinking to start of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new knowledge of appeal of start which show new touch that give learning to word of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new thought of way of strength which show new chapter that give understanding to way of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new  path of thinking which show new touch that give strength to learning to move of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new word of chapter which show new word that give concept to thinking to start of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new start of meaning which show new path that give direction to meaning to route of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapter of thinking which show new touch that give chapter to learning to word of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new touch of meaning which show new path that give direction to understanding to start of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapter of direction which show new touch that give step to thinking to start of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new thought of move which show new path that give start to learning to word of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapter of concept which show new word that give knowledge to meaning to start of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new knowledge of touch which show new start that give strength to thinking to way of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new concept of direction which show new touch that give thought to learning to word of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new chapter of concept which show new path that give direction to meaning to route of life
Every tide will show new scene of life which show new strength of appeal which show new word that give chapter to feeling to concept of life.

Poem. 4371. New touch to mind

                                          New touch to mind
New path will show new touch to directions of route which show new light to shine that show new light to spirit of strength which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to strengths of soul which show new way to word that show new touch to chapter of thought which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to thought of way which show new touch to knowledge that show new light to shine of direction which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to appeals of move which show new spirit to thought that show new word to knowledge of path which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to concepts of shine which show new light to concept which show new start to direction of route which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to ways of direction which show new touch to direction which show new light to concept of move which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to paths of strength which show new path to strength that show new word to chapter of light which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to words of chapter which show new light to concept that show new direction to route of thinking which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to directions of spirit which show new path to thinking that show new touch to light of learning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to strengths of concept which show new way to knowledge that show new word to shine of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to ways of route which show new start to thought that show new path to strength to move of feeling which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to steps of way which show new word to chapter that show new way to knowledge to concept of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to directions of soul which show new way to knowledge that show new light to shine to spirit of thinking which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to spirits of chapter which show new light to concept that show new way to knowledge to soul of meaning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to routes of way which show new path to direction that show new shine to thought to way of feeling which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to paths of strength which show new word to knowledge that show new word to page to start of learning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to moves of thought which show new start to thought that show new appeal to strength to move of meaning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to steps of knowledge which show new route to strength that show new direction to way to direction of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to starts of direction which show new word to knowledge that show new way to spirit to concept of knowledge of learning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to ways of concept which show new chapter to concept that show new word to knowledge to soul of thinking which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to directions of move which show new touch to direction that show new start to strength to step of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to thoughts of way which show new word to knowledge that give new shine to direction to route of thinking which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to chapters of move which show new touch to direction that give new step to appeal to thought of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to concepts of word which show new appeal to thought that give new start to chapter to appeal of meaning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to routes of appeal which show new word to chapter that give new light to shine to thought of feeling which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to steps of route which show new touch to direction that give new way to knowledge to soul of meaning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to starts of appeal which show new way to knowledge that give new light to concept to appeal of learning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to touches of move which show new light to concept that give new strength to step to thought of meaning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to directions of start which show new word to knowledge that give new light to shine to direction of learning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to strengths of soul which show new appeal to thought that give new start to thought to touch of thinking which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to thoughts of path which show new route to chapter that give new path to appeal to concept of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to steps of route which show new word to knowledge that give new light to shine to direction of learning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to starts of move which show new way to direction that give new step to thought to touch of thinking which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to paths of strength which show new word to chapter that give new word to knowledge to soul of learning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to starts of thought which show new way to knowledge that give new strength to direction to path of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to routes of knowledge which show new light to shine that give new thought to way to chapter of thinking which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to steps of appeal which show new path to route that give new way to knowledge to soul of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to starts of concept which show new word to chapter that give new light to shine of thinking which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to directions of move which show new route to thought that give new knowledge to soul of meaning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to thoughts of soul which show new route to knowledge that give new light to shine of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to chapters of move which show new word to thought that give new chapter to strength of learning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to ways of direction which show new direction to route that give new strength to spirit of meaning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to moves of strength which show new path to chapter that give new thought to way of thinking which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to starts of concept which show new word to knowledge that give new direction to route of learning which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to paths of knowledge which show new way to direction that give new appeal to shine of strength which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to ways of thought which show new word to chapter that give new concept to appeal of chapter which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to starts of direction which show new way to direction that give new way to knowledge of feeling which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to routes of feeling which show new path to strength that give new move to thought of understanding which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to moves of direction which show new way to knowledge that give new light to concept of feeling which show new touch to mind
New path will show new touch to chapters of word which show new appeal to thought that give new route to thought of understanding which show new touch to mind.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Poem. 4370. New meaning start to open

                             New meaning start to open
New meaning start to open new direction to life which give new window of each thinking that give new chapter to strength of soul at each step of life
New meaning start to open new strength to life which give new thought of each meaning that give new strength to thought of world at each step of life
New meaning start to open new thought to life which give new light of each learning that give new knowledge to soul of direction at each step of life
New meaning start to open new knowledge to life which give new start of each feeling that give new direction to route of appeal at each step of life
New meaning start to open new chapter to life which give new light of each thinking that give new concept to touch of strength at each step of life
New meaning start to open new step to life which give new shine of each meaning that give new start to direction to path of knowledge at each step of life
New meaning start to open new path to life which give new thought of each feeling that give new path to spirit to concept of direction at each step of life
New meaning start to open new way to life which give new light of each learning that give new word to knowledge to soul of concept at each step of life
New meaning start to open new route to life which give new shine of each understanding that give new thought to touch of thinking at each step of life
New meaning start to open new word to life which give new thought of each learning that give new start to appeal of route at each step of life
New meaning start to open new step to life which give new strength of each thinking that give new light to shine of strength at each step of life
New meaning start to open new light to life which give new knowledge of each meaning that give new path to move of thought at each step of life
New meaning start to open new touch to life which give new step of each feeling that give new shine to thought of chapter at each step of life
New meaning start to open new direction to life which give new thought of each learning that give new step of knowledge at each step of life
New meaning start to open new path to life which give new strength of each meaning that give new shine of strength at each step of life
New meaning start to open new way to life which give new light of each understanding that give new strength of move at each step of life
New meaning start to open new start to life which give new word of each thinking that give new concept of knowledge at each step of life
New meaning start to open new word to life which give new path of each feeling that give new thought to way of spirit at each step of life
New meaning start to open new route to life which give new shine of each meaning that give new path to strength of word at each step of life
New meaning start to open new touch to life which give new light of each learning that give new light to shine of thought at each step of life
New meaning start to open new path to life which give new word of each understanding that give new start to knowledge of way at each step of life
New meaning start to open new line to life which give new thought of each meaning that give new way to direction of route at each step of life
New meaning start to open new chapter to life which give new shine of each thinking that give new strength of way of thought at each step of life
New meaning start to open new concept to life which give new light of each learning that give new shine of chapter of touch at each step of life
New meaning start to open new direction to life which give new path of each feeling that give new direction of route of spirit at each step of life
New meaning start to open new touch to life which give new thought of each meaning that give new thought of way of soul at each step of life
New meaning start to open new path to life which give new strength of each thinking that give new light of shine of touch at each step of life
New meaning start to open new route to life which give new light of each feeling that give new start of direction of route at each step of life
New meaning start to open new chapter to life which give new path of each understanding that give new word of chapter at each step of life
New meaning start to open new concept to life which give new light of each feeling that give new move of direction at each step of life
New meaning start to open new direction to life which give new thought of each learning that give new start of chapter at each step of life
New meaning start to open new strength to life which give new path of each understanding that give new thought of way at each step of life
New meaning start to open new path to life which give new strength of each thinking that give new light of shine at each step of life
New meaning start to open new word to life which give new strength of each meaning that give new way of knowledge at each step of life
New meaning start to open new way to life which give new thought of each feeling that give new path of direction at each step of life
New meaning start to open new route to life which give new light of each thinking that give new touch of understanding at each step of life
New meaning start to open new direction to life which give new chapter of each understanding that give new way of thinking at each step of life
New meaning start to open new appeal to life which give new shine of each meaning that give new light of understanding at each step of life
New meaning start to open new knowledge to life which give new start of each feeling that give new shine of meaning at each step of life
New meaning start to open new strength to life which give new chapter of each thinking that give new path of learning at each step of life
New meaning start to open new thought to life which give new direction of each meaning that give new word of thinking at each step of life
New meaning start to open new direction to life which give new light of each thinking that give new thought of understanding at each step of life
New meaning start to open new thought to life which give new start of each feeling that give new knowledge of meaning at each step of life
New meaning start to open new knowledge to life which give new thought of each learning that give new light of feeling at each step of life
New meaning start to open new strength to life which give new light of each understanding that give new word of learning at each step of life
New meaning start to open new chapter to life which give new strength of each thinking that give new way of understanding at each step of life
New meaning start to open new direction to life which give new spirit of each learning that give new move of thinking at each step of life
New meaning start to open new thought to life which give new light of each understanding that give new light of meaning at each step of life
New meaning start to open new direction to life which give new thought of each thinking that give new path of learning at each step of life
New meaning start to open new strength to life which give new strength of each meaning that give new thought of understanding at each step of life.

Poem. 4369. Strength of soul can give different steps

                         Strength of soul can give different steps
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to chapters of mind that give direction to route of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to lines of mind that give thought to way of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to steps of mind that give move to spirit of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new way to directions of mind that give path to appeal of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new light to concepts of mind that give appeal to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to touches of mind that give direction to route of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new way to directions of mind that give chapter to strength of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to strength of mind that give concept to appeal of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to chapter of mind that give spirit to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to concepts of mind that give step to concept of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new way to knowledge of mind that give path to strength of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to thought of mind that give start to direction of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to chapter of mind that give route to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to concept of mind that give touch to knowledge of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to spirit of mind that give chapter to strength of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to knowledge of mind that give move to start of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to thought of mind that give knowledge to step of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new way to direction of mind that give concept to appeal of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to thought of mind that give route to direction of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to direction of mind that give path to strength of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to chapter of mind that give touch to appeal of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new start of concept of mind that give move to chapter of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word of chapter of mind that give light to concept of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new direction of route of mind that give path to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new move of start of mind that give way to knowledge of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to spirit of mind that give appeal to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to knowledge of mind that give start to direction of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new way to direction of mind that give move to appeal of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to chapter of mind that give way to knowledge of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to concept of mind that give touch to strength of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new way to knowledge of mind that give route to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to concept of mind that give appeal to move of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to chapter of mind that give concept to appeal of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new feeling to start of mind that give chapter to strength of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new appeal to thought of mind that give route to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new meaning to route of mind that give way to knowledge of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to move of mind that give touch to direction of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to direction of mind that give step to appeal of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new start to chapter of mind that give move to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new step to concept of mind that give path to concept of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to knowledge of mind that give route to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to direction of mind that give way to knowledge of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to knowledge of mind that give start to direction of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new way to strength of mind that give step to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new word to chapter of mind that give path to knowledge of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to concept of mind that give touch to direction of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to thought of mind that give way to knowledge of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new way to knowledge of mind that give start to thought of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new path to start of mind that give knowledge to soul of life which give different shines of life
Strength of soul can give different steps to life which show new touch to appeal of mind that give path to direction of life which give different shines of life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...