Saturday, August 25, 2018

Adventure story. 359. Sick Mom

                                                     Sick Mom
Harish was enjoying every moment of movie. It was so wonderful movie. He was so happy. It was comedy. He was not much fond of comedy but Sarika always loved comedy. He liked thriller and action more. But he didn't hate comedy. While Sarika loved comedy and always hated action & thriller. He decided that he should see comedy. He was not fond of comedy but he loved this movie. He was laughing on many parts but he sensed that Sarika was not laughing. She was sitting still. She was sitting in such a strange way. He began to feel scared. He started to shiver. He knew that he was perfect a moment ago. She was talking to him and now suddenly she was not responding. She seemed like some dead body. It was shocking. He liked her. But he had met her few days ago in family get-together. She was introduced by his Auntie. She was good looking girl. When he chatted with her, he began to feel so happy. She was positive girl with intelligence. He decided that he wanted to marry her. So they started going out. He wanted to understand her. But he didn't know her that much. He suddenly began to shiver what if she had heart attack. He began to look around. That theatre was half empty. He didn't notice it as worst thing in beginning since he wanted some privacy but now he shivered. He touched her slowly. Her body was normal so she was not dead. He felt little bit relaxed. He started calling her name. But she didn't responded. Finally people who were sitting behind them started to tell to keep quiet. He was so confused. Then suddenly she responded. She screamed loudly. Everyone in threater was shocked. They all started looking accusingly at Harish. She was so scared. She started running ahead. He was so confused. He ran after her. Harish managed to catch up with her when they reached to parking lot of mall. Harish " What happened?" " I wanted to go home." " But why? So suddenly!!" She smiled. " Not suddenly my Mom called." " Where? In theatre!!" She smiled and said " Yes. Didn't you heard bell of mobile?" " No." He was shocked. He was looking at her whole time. He just saw her sitting like statue never heard ringing of mobile and never saw her talking to her Mom. But he could not question her. She was so beautiful and innocent. He felt that she might be carrying phone in other arm. He didn't able to see her hand properly in darkness. He was sure at that time that she was not moving. But now he started to feel confused. He began to feel panic about his judgement. He decided that he had to trust her. "Ohh what happened? " " Actually Mom is not feeling well. I need to bring medicine for her." " Medicine? Which medicine?" " My Mom needed special medicine. I always bring for her. It called "Pushira" " " Pushira! I never heard this name!!" " It is made from unique Pushi flower. That flower is so beautiful. It's so soft and it's petals have rainbow colours." " Rainbow colour petals?!! Wow I like to see it." " Not today. Now I need to hurry. I will show you some day." He smiled and nodded. He loved mysteries in life. Then he sat in car. She kept standing outside for sometime. He was so confused. " What happened?" " Actually I need to take bus." " You can't go alone like that." She came towards his window and gave him soft kiss on cheek. " Now don't worry. I am not baby girl. I can take care of myself." " But going out alone like that.." " I will manage." She went away with smile. He saw her taking auto but he didn't like idea of letting her go alone like that. He shivered with fear. He sensed something was wrong. But he didn't have any right to object her decision. He liked her but they had not given any commitments to each other. He couldn't object her. He knew that still he had to keep watch on her. He started following her auto but he was shocked. When suddenly her auto took other turn in lonely area instead of market, then she stopped auto. She went down. Once again she stood on empty road for few moments. She was like statue. Then she suddenly came to her senses. She took mobile and called. He understood. She was trying to remember mobile number. It was hard clear that person for whom she was waiting didn't come. He saw her sitting in auto. While she sat in auto she looked around, he felt so scared that she might saw him. He managed to hide him safe by opening magazine. But he knew that she could see his car and it's number. He didn't saw clearly but he could sense anger on her face. He decided not to follow her further. Suddenly it all began to seem so wrong. He started to feel like obssessed lover. He was so confused. He was not like that he wanted to trust his love. But he acted in strange way. He followed her like jealous boyfriend. He knew that it was not  suspicion of affair. But then he felt more confused. He was following her. She saw him. He sensed he managed to destroy every thing. He felt so sad. He turned his car towards his house. He just wanted to return. He did everything wrong. He just wanted to hide his face.
       Namita was waiting in window with excitement while her Mom Leena was feeding her. Namita was excited about her Uncle's new girlfriend. They all were discussing and planning Harish's marriage. It was perfect occasion to bring entire family together. Harish was always wonderful boy. It was so wonderful for them all to see him happy. From long time after argument of her husband with his Mom she stayed away from house. It was not her mistake but when her husband did mistake, she received punishment without cause. It was something about property and money was her husband's obssesion. She always hated his greedy nature while Harish was always kind and understanding. She many times wished only if her husband could learn some decency from his younger brother. But she knew that it was not going to happen. She was never invited in this house but now when Harish's wedding was decided, her mother-in-law called her " Our son didn't acted properly with us but it was not your mistake so I feel you can come and stay with us." It was small conversation. But Leena used it as an excuse to come here. Her husband was irritated by Namita's naughtiness. He wanted some break so he permitted her to go there. But her mother-in-law didn't expected her arrival on such small invitation. She knew it still she came and finally settled in that house. She was happy about it and enjoying every moment of it. First time Namita was getting admired even for her naughtiness. Grandparents never disliked any stunt of their grandchild unless it harm that kid. So Namita was on top of the world. She was very happy. Her every action was admired and she had one nice uncle to replace her father who always kept complaining. She was so happy. It was so pleasant. Namita sensed that she was more free here. Leena was happy about it. Leena sensed that they were welcome now. Today even her mother-in-law talked with her husband and said " Leena and Namita could stay here as long as they want." Her husband Pradip was not happy to keep them there for long time so she was hoping that he might join them soon. But then he had big ego so it would take time. It was still undecided that if he would attend wedding. Then suddenly her Mother-in-law Kiran came out. Kiran " This is strange few moments ago. Sarika called. She wanted to talk with Harish. But Harish didn't reach here. Why did it took him so long to come here?" Then suddenly Namita started screaming with joy " Uncle is here.. Uncle Uncle.." Leena took her in arms. She realised that something was totally wrong. Harish was so upset about something. He was looking so pale. Even Namita sensed his difference. Namita asked her in low voice "What happened to Uncle?" She smiled and said " Nothing sweetheart. He is just tired." Namita didn't seem convinced. Leena started feeding her fast. Namita also ate it quickly. By that time Harish went inside room and locked door. Kiran kept calling his name. He just said " Mom I am tired and I don't want dinner." Kiran was so confused. She didn't want to hurt Harish but she needed to know. But Harish locked door in such way that no one could understand what he was doing inside. He wanted to cry. He started crying. He knew with locked door no one could hear him. He managed to mess his entire life. He was first time in love with girl and immediately he started to follow her like obssessed lover. He was moving in wrong way on every point. He didn't want to become person like that he began. He managed to become most worst person in world. He was crying. Then he suddenly shivered. He didn't want his Mom to know about it. He didn't want his Mom to understand his mistake. He didn't want her to know what he had done. He wanted to forget entire incidence. Suddenly marriage to Sarika didn't seem that much important. He just wanted to hide his mistake. He brushed away his tears and called Sarika. Sarika picked up his call after at least seven tries. Sarika " Hi how are you?" He was so confused. He didn't know how to answer her. " I am fine." " Well so what are you going to tell about it to your Mom?" " About what?" " About us dear?!!ohh you are not my dear still you are following me. This is crazy. You are acting so strange. Did it happened before?" He was so shocked. He never dated any one before. He was not that kind of boy who kept dating girls. " No. I have never dated before." She started laughing. He felt so insulted. " Enough. I don't want to talk with you anymore. I don't want to marry you." She kept quiet and then answered in sinister voice. " So you are rejecting me?!!" He sensed that it was all moving in wrong way. He didn't want to hurt her. " I am suggesting you should reject me?" " Ohh so now you are telling me What I supposed to do? Really? You are too brave!!" " I don't want to order you I was just suggesting." " Stop this in your conversation. You are turning back your every word. I am not doing anything for your suggestions. My parents want me to marry you so I am going to say yes. I never go against my Mom." He didn't understand her attitude at all. But he decided that if they were going to get married. He must turn their conversation on other track. " So your Mom is fine now." She stopped talking then said sweetly " She is fine. I feel we need to keep this issue to ourselves so let's not talk to parents." He was so happy. He wanted same thing. He jumped with joy. " Sure!!" " Just sure what about thanks?" " Yes..yes I am truly thankful." She started laughing. " Now you are going to keep saying Yes.. yes instead of" He was so confused. He was not talking properly entire time he kept talking in wrong way. He felt so upset. " Bye." He was about to say Yes but he controlled himself. He just said " Bye." He was so confused. He liked her. In fact he loved her but still he was not feeling that happiness. He felt so nervous. He knew that he had to tell his Mom everything but it didn't feel right moment. He still wanted to cry. He didn't understand why. He felt that it might be due to relief.
       Kiran was so confused. Harish locked himself inside. She thought that this girl would turn her son's life in heaven but it was not happening. Her husband was never helpful in such situations. She needed some other person's help. Then she saw Leena was trying to prepare Namita for sleeping. Namita was not happy about it. She wanted to know what was wrong with Harish. Kiran took this opportunity and joined them. Kiran " I don't understand what was going on between them? They seemed so perfect match!" Leena " They are perfect match. Such small misunderstanding keep happening between couples." " But it never happened between you and Pradip?" Kiran knew very well how much she had to adjust to avoid them. On each shop when Pradip started counting expenses during their first outings. It was clearly hard to adjust but she didn't have much option. Her father was fully financially broken so she had to choose a husband as quickly as possible. On that point she felt that counting money was better than afterwards counting debts like her father. She was so frustrated. But she managed. Still she was not going to tell this to Kiran. Kiran was already upset with Pradip. She didn't want to put more fuel in her anger. Leena " It happens sometimes but we were mature to handle." " You had acted maturely not Pradip. But I never expected it from Harish. Now I am doubtful. Harish also seemed to follow footsteps of his brother." " We don't need to jump on conclusions like that. Harish must not be misjudged because of Pradip." " So you sense that Pradip is acting wrong." " No doubt. He is too greedy." Kiran could not control her tears. " I tried my best to teach my son good things but nothing seem to work. They both seem to be total failure." Leena didn't like the way things were moving. She sensed that Sarika was getting credit unnecessarily. She was not sure about Sarika's nice nature. In fact she had lots of doubt about her. When this marriage was fixed, Leena was not present so she never able to talk with Sarika privately. Leena " Actually I need to talk with Sarika before judging her." " I know. I did big mistake by keeping my ego. I should have took your suggestion before introducing Sarika. But at that moment she seemed so promising and we were so upset with Pradip. Then slowly I began to miss you. I started to feel it was entirely my son's mistake I must not punish you. I mean. You never argued for property." Sarika " I never had such desire but it was wrong to stand against Pradip. After all he is my husband!!" Kiran was so shocked to hear those words. " But why? If you feel he is wrong then you can stand against him. You have that freedom." Leena gave sad smile and said " It is easy to say but hard to do. My parents are with him. They wanted money from you just like him. If I tried to convince him, my father began to scream against me. My mother tried to support me but it was useless since after my father's strong support he didn't listen to any one." "But you have right to tell your opinions." " To whom?" Sarika was looking so upset. She started to cry slowly. It was horrible experience for her. She didn't want to stay alone with Pradip. She wanted to stay with Kiran. Kiran always managed to control him. Kiran didn't sense her mistake. " Don't worry. Today I will call him and tell him. You are going to stay here with us. In fact I call immediately." Sarika nodded. Kiran called Pradip. After waiting for long time Pradip took her call. " What happened?" " I have decided that Sarika and Namita will stay with us." " Fine so may be I need to find new wife?" " Ohh really then you will land in jail. Without divorce you can't marry!!" " Really Mom?!! I can't marry official but I can stay with another woman." Then he started laughing in strange way. Kiran was so frustrated. She never understood how could her son act like that. " Mom I will not pay her anything. Then she either needed to divorce me or live without my money. She couldn't demand elimony without divorce. Can she?" Kiran was so angry. Kiran never taught him to behave this way. " Do whatever you want. She will stay with me." Leena shivered with fear. "He will get angry.." " Enough you can stay here until he don't come to senses." " I don't see any chance of it." " Then you can stay here." Then suddenly Kiran felt new fear. " Did he hit you?" Leena started crying. " He didn't actually hit me but sometimes.." " Sometimes what?" Namita " Dad hold Mom's hand and she screamed." " He didn't meant it. It happened by mistake." " No it didn't. You are not going back. You will stay here."Leena smiled out of tears. She never wanted to go back but she never expected such big support. He just holded her hand once but she never dared to disobey him again. She didn't want to stay with him. She was scared even when she thought about him. She didn't want to go back. She nodded. " What about Dad?" "Don't worry I will convince your father-in-law and regarding your father I don't care." Leena smiled. " I am talking about father-in-law. I don't care my father's view. He is in debt so he care just for money. But what if Pradip went to him and he supported him. You will not give up after it, will you?" " No." Kiran said " No I will not quit." She smiled happily. Kiran started to thinking about Pradip. She began to feel that this might lead to divorce. She wanted to solve this problem. She knew Harish needed  attention too. She was so disturbed. She just prayed to God for help. She didn't understand her mistake but she was in big trouble regarding her both sons. She wanted to solve both problems.
       When Kiran finally came out of  Leena's room, Harish was standing outside. He smiled towards her and said " Mom I am sorry that I misbehaved with you. Actually I was overreacting on small matter. Everything is fine now." Kiran gave him angry look. " Your brother caused me lot of trouble already. Now I don't want more trouble because of you. If you can't adjust with Sarika and can't keep her happy then don't marry to her. I don't want to create extra responsibility. " Then she suddenly sensed that she must not talk loudly since she didn't want Leena to hear it. She was feeling hurt already. Harish was shocked. Harish " What happened Mom?" She came near him and told him entire episode. Harish was shocked. " What's wrong with Pradip?" " I don't know but I don't think this marriage will survive. Even if it did still we need to remain part of it. Any way tell me what happened with you?" " Nothing much." Harish gave one forced smile. After that day Harish started going out with Sarika. But every day she began to go and search for flower. It was strange. She kept claiming her mother needed it. Harish never dared to follow her. He didn't want to mention his troubles at home. He felt that he must learn to attend his sick mother-in-law. He began to co-operate every day. But then one day most strange thing happened. He went back home. Since Sarika went away to bring that flower. He was so sad. When he entered in his home, he saw Sarika's parents sitting on sofa. They were fixing their marriage. He was so shocked. He decided that it was enough. He went before her Mom and asked " You were sick?" She started laughing. " I am perfect who told you this rubbish." " Your daughter!!" Suddenly her Mom started to look confused. "Actually she is little bit over concern about me." " She every day went away during our date to bring flower. " " Flower? Which flower?!!" " Some rainbow flower!!" Kiran was hearing all with her husband. They were shocked. Kiran " She went out every time!!" Sarika's father " You are taking suspicion on my daughter. But I never questioned you when I saw your elder son Pradip with another girl. " Leena was so shocked. She began to feel as if her entire world was going to shatter. She didn't say anything. Buy little Namita screamed " My Dad is nice man." That man started to laugh. " No honey he is not nice man. He is going to left you and your Mom." Before they could grasp situation suddenly Pradip appeared out of door and started punching Sarika's Dad "You... your daughter is having affair and you are trying to put all on me." " But you were wandering around with woman." " She is my client. You ...." Kiran " Stop abusing and hitting him. He is bleeding." Harish started to shiver with fear. Sarika's father was looking seriously injured. Harish would started to sense different troubles. He knew that Sarika's father was going to file complaint against them. Soon Harish freed him from Pradip. Then Sarika's parents went away from their house. Harish " You have done big mistake he will go to cops." Pradip smiled " Not if he didn't want to bring disgrace on his daughter." Kiran " Stop talking like that. Your over confidence always manage to put us in trouble." Pradip started to look nervous. Harish started to call back Sarika's father. Sarika's father didn't took call at first. Then after sometime he took it. " I am going to cops. I am not going to forgive your brother." " I am truly sorry for it." " Fine then marry my daughter." " Sorry Sir but I can't." Kiran " What happened?" " That man kept telling me that I must marry his daughter. Mom something is wrong with that girl. I don't like it. She come with me then suddenly she become statue and then started talking about flower and her sick mother." Harish's Dad contacted their lawyer friend who told them that he would handle it. For sometime they kept waiting for Police. But no-one turned up. They started to sense that there was not any Police complaint. They all went to sleep. Harish was fast asleep when in middle of night their doorbell rang. They all shivered. They were sure that Police came to arrest Pradip. Pradip was looking scared. Kiran "Hide in room. Your anticipatory bail isn't available." Pradip " It's useless Mom. I did mistakes let me face it." " Really? Are you ready to go in jail." He shivered with fear. Leena " Go in room. Let us first talk at least." Harish " Don't do that Cop will think he is criminal." Kiran didn't like idea to send Pradip jail but she soon sensed hiding was worst option. Kiran " You are right." Pradip's Dad was about to open door when Kiran stopped him. " Let me see with keyhole." He went back. Kiran was shocked when she saw that Sarika was standing outside. Kiran turned towards her husband. " Don't open door. It's not cops. It's Sarika." " At this time!!" Leena " We must not open door. She might enter and create drama." Every one nodded. Kiran " She didn't look like normal woman." Pradip " What? I don't understand." Harish shivered. Harish " She is totally mad girl." Pradip started looking accusingly towards his parents " Then why did you were planning to marry her?" Kiran " Don't blame me. After the way you acted with Leena I told him no need to marry that girl if he didn't want to take responsibility." Pradip looked at Leena with anger. Kiran " Don't do that otherwise I throw you in jail myself." Pradip nodded. "Sorry Mom don't worry. I am taking treatment to control anger. That girl was not client but my psychiatrist who was observing me when I deal with others. I got involved in fight so she interfered and took me out of restaurant." Pradip started crying slowly. When suddenly Sarika started screaming loudly and telling them to to open the door.
         Everyone started to shiver with fear. Sarika was screaming so loudly. Sarika " Harish you must marry me. My Mom ordered us to marry. You can't deny me. What do you want? You want to kiss me. Come out kiss me. Do whatever you want with me but just marry me!! Come on. Come out." Entire family was shocked. Harish " My God I never suggested anything like that. I was confused about marriage from beginning. She was acting in strange way. She is destroying my reputation before entire society. I must stop her. " Kiran stopped him. " What if you went out and he started to hug you?" Pradip took hold of Harish and ordered him. " Go in room. Let us handle." He nodded. Leena "Go in room and listen to music. Don't hear her voice. " Harish nodded. They all were standing in tense way. Sarika started screaming " I can do anything to please you. I am removing my clothes." Kiran screamed " Just go away or we will call watchman." She screamed angrily " No I will not. Your son can't leave like that." Leena " But he never give you any commitments, you can't force him." Then she gave sinister laugh and said " Ohh so you did it . You want both men for you." Leena was so angry. She ran towards door without second thought. She was about to unlock door when Pradip took hold of her hand and said " I think you need to follow yourself advice that you have given to Harish." She nodded. She went inside room. Namita was so scared. It was enough excitement for her in one day. She started crying loudly. Leena took her in room too. Pradip was so angry. Pradip " Who introduced this girl to you?" " Your Auntie did. Remember the same one who introduced Leena!!" " This time she did biggest blunder." Then suddenly Kiran sensed their neighbours were screaming. Then Kiran's mobile rang. Society secretary was calling. She took it . " Who is this girl? Did your son had affair with her." " we were just trying to fix marriage so introduced them. But my some found out that she was having affair behind his back so we cancelled this marriage." " You did right thing. If your son marry her we will not keep you in this society. Ohh my God." Suddenly secretary stopped talking and began cursing. Kiran was confused. " What happened?" She screamed. Then she started to hear voices telling to Sarika to put on her clothes. Kiran shivered with fear. Kiran " I can't believe it. What is wrong with her?" Then they heard Police siren. Police started banging on door. Pradip opened door with relief. Few members of society came inside with cop. Police " What happened?" Kiran told them everything. Pradip brought Harish out of room. Harish was looking so upset. Police started asking questions to Harish. Harish told them all. " So you never touched her or kissed her during these dates?" Police asked in disbelief. "No officer I can't since she just kept running to her Mom. She claimed her Mom was sick when her Mom was perfect." " Okay fine. We will talk to her. " Harish nodded. On that night no one slept. Next morning they went to Police station to understand procedure. Police gave them smile. Police " You are lucky family. That girl is mad. She is schizophrenic. Doctor told her parents that they must not let her get married but then didn't listen. She was not talking about her alive mother. She was talking about her dead mother. Her mother committed suicide due to her father. Her father was mad too. He was abusive towards her. This wife was nurse from hospital so she knew how did she supposed to handle him. But she didn't waste her much time on step daughter so she acted carelessly. She wanted to marry her off. But I don't understand why did you agreed to marry her." " Actually once I got suspicious so I followed her once and she used it against me very well." Police " These mental patients have more smartness than us." Pradip " But convinced our entire society against us. Now they might object us." Police " Truthfully I feel shifting is better too. If she came again.." Kiran " Came again?You are not locking her." " We can't. She will go in mental institution. I hope her mother do proper treatment but if she didn't then she might suffer again by attack." They all shivered. Harish " We can change house?" " Surely. There is not any complaint against you." Harish thanked him. Pradip immediately took them to his flat. Then they told estate agent to sell that flat. But it was not easy. Secretary kept calling them regarding Sarika's visit. It was so tiring. When it started to irritate too much finally Harish came to Police station. But she didn't even recognise him. She kept telling all that she wanted to marry Harish. It was strange. In her brain she created image which was Harish. Then her Mom sent her for treatment again. After that she finally stopped coming. They never saw her again but Harish still kept having nightmares about her. She was worst fear of his entire life.
                                                                                      The End

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