Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Poem 3889. How many concepts will

                                                              How many concepts will
How many concepts will show new feeling with emotions which will show new meaning with knowledge to chapter on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with feels which will show new learning with strength to concept on each point
How many concept will show new learning with path which will show new understanding with step to chapter on each point
How many concept will show new thinking with touch which will show new feeling with emotion to thought on each point
How many concept will show new understanding with step which will show new thinking with route to strength on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with start which will show new learning with knowledge to way of direction on each point
How many concept will show new feeling with route which will show new thinking with strength to chapter of strength on each point
How many concept will show new thinking with thought which will show new feeling with appeal to start of thought on each point
How many concept will show new learning with knowledge which will show new learning with start to concept of chapter on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with path which will show new feeling with strength to direction of appeal on each point
How many concept will show new thinking with line which will show new meaning with word to knowledge of way on each point
How many concept will show new learning with word which will show new feeling with appeal to chapter of direction on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with start which will show new thinking with path to word of knowledge of line on each point
How many concept will show new feeling with emotion which will show new feeling with direction to start of route on each point
How many concept will show new understanding with move which will show new understanding with appeal to move of concept on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with start which will show new thinking with word to strength to chapter of world on each point
How many concept will show new learning with path which will show new learning with step to thought of path of direction on each point
How many concept will show new thinking with word which will show new meaning with line to chapter of word of knowledge on each point
How many concept will show new understanding with line which will show new thinking with start to way of direction on each point
How many concept will show new feeling with step which will show new feeling with appeal to start of concept on each point
How many concept will show new learning with knowledge which will show new path with chapter to step of move on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with path which will show new word with line to strength to understanding of way on each point
How many concept will show new feeling with start which will show new light with start to meaning of thought of direction on each point
How many concept will show new thinking with chapter which will show new path with word to learning of knowledge on each point
How many concept will show new understanding with line which will show new route with step to meaning of thought on each point
How many concept will show new learning with start which will show new word with world to thinking of start on each point
How many concept will show new feeling with path which will show new line with direction to feeling of way that route on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with strength which will show new light with thinking to soul of touch that start on each point
How many concept will show new thinking with route which will show new way with learning to step of chapter that direction on each point
How many concept will show new understanding with path which will show new word with meaning to word of line that show appeal on each point
How many concept will show new learning with knowledge which will show new line with thinking to way of thought that show word on each point
How many concept will show new feeling with start which will show new word with learning to start of direction that show line on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with move which will show new touch with meaning to word of chapter that show start on each point
How many concept will show new understanding with start which will show new move with understanding to way of strength that show word on each point
How many concept will show new feeling with direction which will show new start with appeal meaning to start to thought that show light on each point
How many concept will show new learning with knowledge which will show new path with word thinking to way that show move on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with path which will show new word with appeal to concept to route to way that show direction on each point
How many concept will show new feeling with start which will show new path with word to knowledge to touch to concept that show appeal on each point
How many concept will show new thinking with word which will show new start with thought to chapter to direction to path that show strength on each point
How many concept will show new understanding with thought which will show new word with route to way to thought that show appeal on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with knowledge which will show new path with step with appeal to spirit that show knowledge on each point
How many concept will show new feeling with emotion which will show new step with appeal with concept to direction that show appeal on each point
How many concept will show new understanding with path which will show new word with knowledge with chapter to thinking that show way on each point
How many concept will show new thinking with appeal which will show new way with concept with direction to learning that show step on each point
How many concept will show new learning with knowledge which will show new start with appeal with start to meaning that show feel on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with start which will show new hope with mind will decide what happen on next step on each point
How many concept will show new thinking with move which will show new route with touch will decide that way which show shine on each point
How many concept will show new learning with direction which will show new move with direction will decide that appeal which show direction on each point
How many concept will show new meaning with chapter which will show new way with hope will decide how will our life which show new start on each point
How many concept will show new understanding with words which will show new line with knowledge will show new spirit to concept on each point
How many concept will show new learning with knowledge which will show new spirit with word will show new direction to thought on each point.

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