Saturday, March 10, 2018

Adventure story. 335. True laugh

                                                                              True laugh
Nina was looking around at other kids. Every kid was running as fast as they can. They were enjoying but not her son Tushar. He was just sitting near her. He was not interested. It was so upsetting. She wanted him to play too. Nina turned towards Tushar " Why don't you play?" " No Mom I am not interested. I like to read." She was so frustrated. She looked at Tushar. He was not overweight but his weight was more for his height. It was so upsetting for Nina. She didn't want her son to become fat. He needed to play too. She wanted to force him to play. She started coming in garden with that motive only. But Tushar was not interested in playing. He bought some book with him. He was used to play when he was little kid but since he learned to read books those his books became his world. It was frustrating for her. She wanted to force him to play too. She heard many benefits of playing. She knew that playing was must for child. It was irritating when she saw other mothers calling their kids to come for study when they denied it since they wanted to play but in her house story was totally different. She wanted her son to play but he was just interested in studying or reading. She was so upset by his attitude. It was so strange and abnormal on many points. She needed to give freedom to him in life. But he was not playing any games. When he was small kid, he used to play. He used to play with his grandfather who was his favorite. It was perfect. But it all stopped when her husband died due to accident. His grandfather became sick too. He was no longer interested in playing with Tushar. Tushar also began to just get involved in books. Nina had to start working on both fronts. One was front of business and another was front of house. Her mother-in-law managed house front with one maid but it was not easy for her. Nina couldn't expect her to pay attention on Tushar's habits. She gave food to Tushar and kept him healthy and happy. Tushar never wanted to go outside and play game. She didn't have time to convince him. Nina was busy with understanding business. It was not easy for her. She had to work hard to understand business. She had to work for long time to understand every step of business. She couldn't have time to spend on her son. She knew that she had to spend some time with son but it was not possible. She had to face harsh competition after her husband's death. Few people were sympathetic towards her. But many people were trying to steal her customers. She had to work hard to keep them to herself. She had to impress them and show them that she could handle business with same strength as her husband. It was not easy. When she reached home, she wanted to relax. She liked to do friendly chat with her son. She even wanted to play with him. But he was not interested in playing. He liked to talk and eat snacks which she bought but he was never showed any interest to go on playground. But at that time Nina didn't thought about chatting regarding games. She wanted to just spend some time with her son. But then one day when she went to a marriage with her son, her every relative started to point out at his laziness. All kids were playing around while Tushar sat in corner while reading book. Her sister " Why Tushar is not playing like other kids?" " Well actually he prefer reading." " Reading?!! Did he keep reading like that for entire day?" Now Nina was confused. She really didn't know what her son was doing during entire day. She was totally in dark about it but then such boy couldn't do any crime. He was just like little angel. Suddenly her sister started to look at his book in sinister way. Her sister " Don't you see something is wrong in your son?" " What is wrong?" She was so scared. She started to observe him. He seemed like perfectly healthy boy who was enjoying book. He seemed to be lost in world of his book. It was so normal. She saw him like that every day. She turned to her sister. " What happened? What is wrong with him?" " He is reading book instead of playing." Nina was confused. " So?" "So?!! Don't you understand kids suppose to play." " Yes but I can't insist it on him." " You have to send him in gym." Nina nodded. Nina sensed that she did something wrong. She kept nodding. She was so nervous. She began to feel that she needed to understand how did she suppose to grow her son. She was sitting with garden just on that suggestion. She began to sense it was just useless.
    Nina began to walk around playground. She insisted Tushar that he must walk with her. He nodded. He started to walking with her. He was not interested in doing exercises. But he was not against them. Nina smiled " Don't you like any outdoor games?" " Mom Outdoor games are not my strong point. I love broad games or reading. I don't want to get dirty in that dust. And I am slow runner." " Come on. You can try and become fast runner. You never practice that much." " No Mom it is not my field. Let those kids play. They love playing. Look at those boys." He pointed group of boys who were playing football. " You can clearly see they are desperate to get that ball. Just for that ball they might manage to hurt themselves or others. But they don't care. Mom I can never get that desperate for one cheap ball. I will save my pocket money and buy one with budgeting instead of running after it like that." " What? They are not doing that for ball. They are doing that for cup." Tushar started laughing " Mom who is going to give them cup for playing on playground." " They are practicing for big match." " No Mom they are not even selected for team of school." Nina was speechless now. She didn't understand how could she convince her son that he must play. It was so hard for her. She began to form create list of games which she could play with kids. She began to sense she couldn't play that much games. She was not suitable for playing truly right game. She was good in just board games. She needed to play different ways to encourage her son. She started to imagine different ways of playing games. She started to look around. She began to sense all those games were too hard for her. She began to feel so exhausted even by seeing others playing them. It was so strange. She needed to play one game for her son. It was not possible her to become young again. When she was kid, she used to love those games. She was used to play those games many times during day. She used to love them so much that she didn't want to return home but now entire situation was changed. She couldn't dream of playing them. Nina " Why don't you play with those kids?" Tushar looked at them. Tushar " Mom they are not my friends. I don't like any of them. They are not even my friends." Nina was so upset now. Nina " But did you ever met them?" " No but I know them by grapevines. is full of gossips. You don't need to know any one personally to form opinion about it. You can know person by keeping your ear's open. Now that boy with red shirt is one who appears to be fond of foot ball. He always keep bullying all. He is not nice boy. If I went to play with him, he will keep bullying me. He will not throw ball in goal but assume me goal and keep hitting me with ball. I don't want that to happen to me. So Mom you can see there is no chance of playing with those boys." Nina nodded. Then they went ahead. She kept searching for suitable groups. She saw few more boys who looked suitable for Tushar too. Tushar " Mom they are group of football team. They are practicing. They will not take me to play with them." Nina was so upset. She began to feel that he was making excuses without cause. Nina " Let me ask." She felt that now Tushar would feel scared but he just nodded. So they went ahead. Tushar didn't made any attempt to come ahead and ask them. Tushar turned to them and said " Go ahead and ask them. Since you don't trust me, it will be better if you do it." Nina went near them. But soon she sensed Tushar was telling truth. It was impossible for Tushar to achieve that speed. Then they went ahead. Tushar found few little kids. They were trying to play football. He started laughing on them. He soon went near them and started teaching them. They smiled happily. Then he turned to Nina and screamed "Now I can play with these boys." Nina gave one frustrated smile. She didn't want her son to play with kindergarten kids. But he was playing with them and enjoying. She was so upset. She didn't want her son to become weak or inferior. She wanted to make him good sportsman. She decided that she would not quit it. She sat on park bench and started searching for those classes which could make kids physically fit.
     Tushar was so happy. He began to feel strange confidence while playing with those kids. He was feeling that they were considering him like some great person. No one treated him this way with respect. In their eyes he was great fellow who had time to waste on them. But he felt so sad for them. These little kids had lots of potential hidden inside. No one was encouraging them. He felt that he did a great thing. He was teaching them as gesture of friendship but he never thought that it would give him so much freshness. He began to live once again that life in which he used to play with his grandfather. He just assumed role of grandfather and those little kids became him. It was so strange and refreshing. He was feeling so pleasant from soul. He was on top of the world. He kept playing with them. Nina was watching him. She didn't found it so nice. She began to think that her son was abnormal. She didn't understand how could a big boy play with such small boys. She decided that she needed advice. She started to make call to her sister. Her sister took it. " Are you busy Priti Didi?" " Yes but not that much. I can talk with you while cooking. Well tell me what happened? Did you managed to put Tushar in some sports club or gym?" Nina was shocked. She couldn't manage to find place for playing in this garden for Tushar then how could she manage to force him to go to some gym." Will you listen to me this is not that simple?!!" " What happened?" She told every thing to her sister. She was expecting that her sister would laugh and tell her to ignore it but she just kept quiet. Her sister "Now this is wrong. Are you suggesting your son is not showing enough growth?" " Not enough growth?" " Why else he would play with little kids? Because in mental level he was just locked in that age only." Nina was so shocked. She began to look at Tushar. He was totally perfect in those little kids. He was acting as if he was one of them. She began to hate it. She was about to scream on him when her sister screamed on her " Now don't scream on him. Listen to me." Nina controlled herself. "Your screaming will make matters worst. You are not suppose to scream on such kids." Nina was so scared and nervous. She wanted to cry. In this world she felt that she was totally helpless. Nina wished only if she had help of her husband in this matter. She felt so sure that her son was having some problem. He was not growing up. Her sister asked " He is playing with kids of which age?" She looked around. " Well..3 or 4 years old." Her sister screamed " That's it. It become clear. Don't you remember Tushar was of same age when your husband died." Her sister was so thrilled as if she had managed to get biggest success. But Nina was not much happy about this. They might had reached to cause but it would not solve their problem. It was so frustrating. She needed to find way to solve trouble. Her husband's death was main reason of her all troubles. She needed him on every point but she couldn't bring him back from his death since people never came back from death. It was so horrible. She wanted to cry but she knew that if she cried her entire life would manage to damage beyond repair. She needed to control herself. She needed to smile. She began to create an artificial smile for world. She learned to create it when her husband Tarun died in accident. She became sole pole of family. She needed to understand ways with which she could manage to move ahead her family. She had responsibility of son and her in-laws. Her father-in-law who supposed to become supporter couldn't tolerate that stress. He became sick soon. She never let her mental troubles create effect on her world. She needed to move ahead with smile. Otherwise it would have become impossible for their family to survive. She needed to work hard to control her troubles. She needed to turn her heart in stone to paint that smile on her face. But she did everything for her son. Now when she looked at him, she didn't feel hope even in him. She never felt so helpless. Her son had to be perfect. She worked so hard for him. She was feeling so sad but still she kept smiling. She looked around in garden. She tried to locate people she knew. Soon she found few then she smiled to them. She kept pretending that she didn't see any thing wrong. She decided that when they went in home she would discuss it with Tushar. But soon she began to feel nervous. She started to talk walk. Tushar was teaching those kids different tricks of game. Soon parents of those kids started to come. They all looked so happy when they saw a big boy was teaching their kids. They all thanked him. He was so happy. He promised them that he would come there every day. Then he went away searching for his Mom.
       When Tushar came to her, Nina was controlling her anger. She looked at him. Nina " I want you to play with kids of your age and you kept playing with those little kids!! You need to grow up." "Grow up?!! Come on Mom this is what elders do. They teach younger one. " Nina nodded. She was so confused. She didn't understand what was wrong and what was right. She looked at Tushar. He looked totally fine. She was so sure that everything was fine. But then she started to sense that he was not walking properly. " What happened? Why are you walking like that?" " Nothing Mom. I just managed to hurt myself while playing." She suddenly began to feel more tense. She sensed that she did biggest mistake by forcing her son to play. She didn't want him to get hurt but he was hurt now. She ran towards him. She began to check out wound. Tushar was so embarrassed. Tushar " Stop it Mom." But still she checked out. It was not too big. But Nina decided that she didn't want her son playing again. Nina " I think playground is not safe place for you. I prefer broad games for you." Tushar was shocked. " Mom first you forced to play and now you don't want me to play. I am not some puppet that you can move as you wish. I promised those little kids that I will teach them tomorrow and I am going to do that." Tushar gave her stubborn look just like his father and went ahead. She was so tense. Tarun never listened to her and finally died in accident. She didn't want to Tushar repeat it. She decided that she would going to stop him at any cost. She didn't let him injure himself like Tarun did. She decided that she would act carefully on this situation. She would not let him play again. She began to regret her decision of encouraging sports. She wanted him to stay safe. She began to feel that she managed to get carried away by her sister's advice and she didn't give second thought to it's risk. Now she wanted to turn everything back but it was not working. She was feeling so upset by this. Nina " Please don't play on this ground again. I am sorry honey that I forced you into this." Tushar was so frustrated. " Mom you did nothing wrong? I like it. I like to play games. I like to enjoy myself. It was nice exercise too. I just want to thank you for it." Tushar was so happy. When he went home, he went in his grandfather's room who was sleeping on bed. Tushar went near him. Grandfather smiled. He began to tell him his story. It was just wonderful story. Slowly his grandfather sat to hear it. He started to tell him about little kids that trying to become great player. His grandfather smiled. It was nice story. He enjoyed it. His grandfather was happy too. When he told his about his mother's fear, his grandfather started laughing. Grandfather " Moms are always like that. She act like that because she feel scared due to accident of your Dad. But you can keep going out to play." Nina was so angry when she heard this. She was so angry. She wanted to keep her son safe but her family was not supporting. Nina came inside and screamed on her father-in-law " Stop this. You are not helping me. Now at least don't increase burden by making my son sick." Her Mother-in-law came in room. She screamed " He is not doing anything wrong. He is elder and sick still you are insulting him." Nina " Really?!! But he is destroying my son. Killing him. You have managed to kill my husband now at least don't do it to my son." Grandfather was so shocked. Grandmother started crying. Tushar was so shocked. He didn't understand why this was happening to him. He was just playing with little kids. It was so shocking. Suddenly his grandfather became breathless. They called Doctor and ambulance came. They took away his grandfather. Grandmother went away with them. She called his Auntie. She told Nina not to interfere more in her life. It was clear that she didn't want her Mom to talk again with her. Tushar was so upset. He started to apologizing. But his grandmother kissed on his temple. " Don't worry honey. We will come back when your grandfather will become okay. We will not leave you alone with this mad woman who think playing playground can harm a boy like you." All neighbors started looking at Nina in strange way. Nina started screaming again. " I don't want my son get hurt like my husband. " She started pulling Tushar's hand who was so angry that he pushed her away. Nina fall on road. But she was not ready to give up. She kept screaming. All neighborhood was watching their entire drama. Finally one of them who had Nina's sister's number in case of emergency called her. She told her every thing. Nina's sister was shocked. She told them to try to solve matter. But neighbor told her that it all seemed impossible. Nina's sister told her that she would come there as soon as possible. Finally that neighbor came ahead and interfered. But when she mentioned Nina's sister. Nina started cursing her too. Then finally some one thought that they had enough. Slowly that person called Doctor who told them that she needed to be admitted immediately. No one wanted to take responsibility but since there was not option finally neighbor took it and called hospital.
     Tushar was so scared. He sensed that something was totally wrong with his Mom. He wanted to show anger at beginning. He was just moving to prove his anger but now he was so scared. She was trying to hold him in strange way. Nina was crying and screaming on same time. It was so strange. She was not in her control. She was having strange feeling from her heart. She began to feel that her son might going to die just like her husband Tarun. She tried hard to hold him but he was running away. She kept running behind her. Then she heard voice of ambulance. She didn't sense it was for her. She kept trying to hold him. Then she suddenly sensed some one was holding her from behind. She started to look around then she saw nurses and ward boys holding her. She started screaming "Leave me. I am not criminal. I am just trying to keep my son safe." While Tushar ran away inside building. She was screaming from behind but Tushar didn't turn back to see her face. He was so scared. He didn't understand what was happening. His Mom seemed totally normal few days ago. He just went inside house and locked door. He looked down from window. He saw Doctors were taking his Mom away in ambulance. She kept screaming like mad person. Finally they injected her. Then she began to calm down. She started to feel peaceful. He saw that they took her in ambulance. He felt so scared. He came down running towards his Mom. He wanted to hold her. He started calling her name. But neighbor stopped him. Neighbor " Tushar your Mom is sick. They are taking her in hospital. She will be fine after Doctor's treatment. Your Auntie is coming to take care of you." Tushar started crying loudly. In one day he lost every thing. He didn't understand what was his fault. Then his Auntie came towards him. She was looking so scared. Nish's sister " She was acting so strange. I thought that she would lock Tushar in house due to her fear of Accident so I just told her to let him play on playground." Neighbor " I think she needed treatment." " Tarun's sudden death managed to destroy her mentally." " But she never showed it. She just kept moving ahead but then finally one day your mind can't take it any more." Nisha's sister " I told her many times. She could cry before me if she wanted to. But she never did. She just smiled and kept saying if she cried who would take care of her family. She needed to stand for them." Neighbor " But locking emotions this way is totally wrong." Nisha's Sister " I know but she never listen to me." Then she turned towards Tushar. " Tushar come with me in my home." Tushar " No I want to stay here. I need to go to school too. " Neighbor"If it is question of few days then I will take care of him." Nisha's sister smiled happily. " Thanks lot. But I think Nisha will come back soon." Then she took Auto and went to hospital. She asked to Doctor about Nisha. She was told that she was in psychiatric ward. She went there. Nisha was sleeping on bed. When she went to psychiatrist, she told him about Nisha. " No need to panic. She will be fine when she woke up. I give you few medicines. For few days she might keep sleeping more but then we can stop medicines. We will do just counseling her." " How long she need to stay in hospital?" " Just for one day or two day for regular check up. She is suffering from post traumatic symptoms which were common in such cases. She tried to hide her sorrows so she had this break down. Did she live alone?" " No she used to stay with her in-laws but now...I don't know." " What happened? Did they rejected her due to her mental troubles?" " actually her father-in-law became sick due to her behavior." Then Nisha's sister told every thing to psychiatrist. " Ohh! will you give me number of mother-in-law? I like to talk with her. If I taught them how to handle her it will be lot easier for all." "But  I don't know after this did they like to keep connection?" " Let me talk." Nisha's sister nodded and gave number. Then Psychiatrist told Nisha's sister to go and make payment of hospital. He started talking with Nisha's mother-in-law. When Nisha's sister came back, Psychiatrist gave smile. Psychiatrist " Nisha's father-in-law was fine. It happened due to stress. It was not heart attack. I talked with them. I convinced them. It seemed Doctor feel counseling might help him too. So I will handle all. But you need to stay here for week until it all didn't settle down." Nisha's sister looked upset. "Doctor I can't I have family to take care of." " Well then why don't you keep one woman who take care of patients?You can find one number from hospital." Nisha's sister nodded. Then she went back. She called neighbor every thing. Neighbor was happy that Nisha was coming back tomorrow. She told her that maids could be arranged but they just needed to pay salaries. Nisha's sister " I will do that." Nisha's sister just wanted to get rid of responsibility since she had just two hands and too many duties to perform. She decided that she could spend more money. So Nisha's sister arranged every thing and went back as soon as Nisha came home. Soon her in-laws came too. For few days Nisha kept sleeping due to that medicines. When they stopped. She started to going on job again. Soon she started to looking fine. She  also began to feel confident. Her father-in-law's health was improved too. Now Tushar went to playground with his grandfather to teach those kids every day. Nisha didn't care. Nisha just kept telling them every day " Don't land in hospital. I don't have extra money for it since I wasted lot of money on our psychiatric expenses." Then every one started laughing except Nisha since she had to manage budget but after few moments she couldn't control herself and started laughing too. After all a true laugh was priceless. No one could charge for it.
                                                                          The End

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