Thursday, February 8, 2018

Poem 3819. Different spirit will show

                                                           Different spirit will show
Different spirit will show different judgment in life we can choose what we want but we must not hurt other people in life while judging our views with mind
Different spirit will show different step in life we can choose what we want but we must not move away from morals in life while judging our direction with mind
Different spirit will show different path in life we can choose what we want but we must not understand chapter from thought in life while judging our morals with mind
Different spirit will show different start in life we can choose what we want but we must not learn direction from spirit in life while judging our thought with mind
Different spirit will show different touch in life we can choose what we want but we must not hurt concept from direction in life which judging our spirit with mind
Different spirit will show different move in life we can choose what we want but we must not harm other person from move in life while judging our way with mind
Different spirit will show different chapter in life we can choose what we want but we must not create wrong concept from way in life while judging our step with mind
Different spirit will show different direction in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong chapter from move in life while judging our spirit with mind
Different spirit will show different step in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong concept from step in life while judging our way with mind
Different spirit will show different line in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong direction from start in life while judging our move with mind
Different spirit will show different direction in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong start from move in life while judging our step with mind
Different spirit will show different move in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong direction from thought in life while judging our line with mind
Different spirit will show different start in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong touch from chapter in life while judging our spirit with mind
Different spirit will show different concept in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong way from direction in life while judging our soul with mind
Different spirit will show different move in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong route from thought in life while judging our move with mind
Different spirit will show different start in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong touch from emotion in life while judging our spirit with mind
Different spirit will show different step in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong direction from spirit in life while judging our way with mind
Different spirit will show different word in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong way from chapter in life while judging our thought with mind
Different spirit will show different path in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong chapter from thought in life while judging our knowledge with mind
Different spirit will show different start in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong path from direction in life while judging our way with mind
Different spirit will show different thought in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong thought from route in life while judging our spirit with mind
Different spirit will show different spirit in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong start from direction in life while judging our step with mind
Different spirit will show different path in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong concept from way in life while judging our start with mind
Different spirit will show different line in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong path from chapter in life while judging our move with mind
Different spirit will show different start in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong direction from path in life while judging our direction with mind
Different spirit will show different move in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong start from thought in life while judging our path with mind
Different spirit will show different word in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong path from chapter in life while judging our start with mind
Different spirit will show different touch in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong way from path in life while judging our soul with mind
Different spirit will show different thought in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong spirit from touch in life while judging our way with mind
Different spirit will show different chapter in life we can choose what we want but we must not give damage to other person’s spirit in life while judging our thought with mind
Different spirit will show different direction in life we can choose what we want but we must not give concept to other chapter in life while judging our move with mind
Different spirit will show different move in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong thought to other move in life while judging our step with mind
Different spirit will show different touch in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong move to other spirit in life while judging our soul with mind
Different spirit will show different path in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong chapter to other direction in life while judging our concept with mind
Different spirit will show different step in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong step to other concept in life while judging our thought with mind
Different spirit will show different way in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong direction to other chapter in life while judging our spirit with mind
Different spirit will show different line in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong path to other move in life while judging our soul with mind
Different spirit will show different step in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong way to other chapter in life while judging our direction with mind
Different spirit will show different start in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong concept to other direction in life while judging our soul with mind
Different spirit will show different move in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong chapter to other spirit in life while judging our touch with mind
Different spirit will show different step in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong path to other soul in life while judging our move with mind
Different spirit will show different path in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong side to other way in life while judging our spirit with mind
Different spirit will show different start in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong touch to other direction in life while judging our thought with mind
Different spirit will show different thought in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong way to other thought in life while judging our step with mind
Different spirit will show different soul in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong move to other spirit in life while judging our touch with mind
Different spirit will show different line in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong direction to other emotion in life while judging our chapter with mind
Different spirit will show different move in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong thought to other appeal in life while judging our path with mind
Different spirit will show different step in life we can choose what we want but we must not give wrong path to our future in life while judging our soul with mind
Different spirit will show different start in life we can choose what we want but we must not give thought to our concept in life while judging our spirit with mind
Different spirit will show different move in life we can choose what we want but we must not give spirit to our thought in life while judging our step with mind
Different spirit will show different step in life we can choose what we want but we must not give appeal to our knowledge in life while judging our start with mind.

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