Sunday, August 27, 2017

Poem 3536. Some people feel that

                                                             Some people feel that
Some people feel that appeal which we want to show in life but some are different they don’t get it for entire life but that is not crime
Some people feel that truth which we want to show in life but some will take few days to grasp it from mind but that is not crime
Some people feel that lines which we want to say in life but some will take few hours to value them from mind but that is not crime
Some people feel that touch which we want to show in world but some will take few hours to understand that point but that is not crime
Some people feel that feeling which we want to show in world but some will take few direction to understand that thought but that is not crime
Some people feel that success which we want to have soon in world but some will take few days to get it in life it is just tell us  we need patience but that is not crime
Some people feel that direction which we want to have in life but some will take it they will move in different way but that is not crime
Some people feel that giving which we want to have in life but some will take it they will move in different step but that is not crime
Some people feel that understanding which we want to have in life but some will take hours to sense it without harm but that is not crime
Some people feel that thinking which we want to have in life but some will take hours to sense it with different touches but that is not crime
Some people feel that meaning which we want to have in life but some will take different words with their mind but that is not crime
Some people feel that learning which we want to have in life but some will take different appeals with their feeling but that is not crime
Some people feel that understanding which we want to have in life but some will take different meaning with their thought but that is not crime
Some people feel that learning which we want to have in life but some will take different ways to understand learning with their concept but that is not crime
Some people feel that understanding which we want to have in life but some will take different routes to thinking with their steps but that is not crime
Some people feel that their route is perfect which we want but some will take route which will be different than our choice but that is not crime
Some people feel that their direction is thinking which we want but some will take new path which will show different ways but that is not crime
Some people feel that their ways is creating new thinking which we want to sense but some will take new route which will show different direction but that is not crime
Some people feel that their thought is creating new world which we want to sense but some will take new step which will show different steps but that is not crime
Some people feel that their thinking is creating new direction which we want to learn but some will take new feeling which will show different thoughts but that is not crime
Some people feel that their appeal is giving new meaning which we want to show but some will take new understanding which will show different touch but that is not crime
Some people feel that their appeal is giving new thinking which we want to understand but some will take their concept which will show different facts but that is not crime
Some people feel that their thinking is giving new steps which we want to understand but some will take their direction which will show different lines but that is not crime
Some people feel that their understanding is giving new touches which we want to learn but some will show different steps but that is not crime
Some people feel that their meaning is giving new spirit which we want to sense but some will show different world but that is not crime
Some people feel that their thinking is giving new path which we want to sense but some will show different thinking than us but that is not crime
Some people feel that their understanding is giving new step which we want to sense but some will show different meaning but that is not crime
Some people feel that their learning is giving new issue which we want to sense but some will show different direction but that is not crime
Some people feel that their thinking is giving new step which we want to sense but some will show different touches but that is not crime
Some people feel that their understanding is giving new way which we want to sense but some will show different ways but that is not crime
Some people feel that their meaning is giving new feeling which we want to sense but some will show different path but that is not crime
Some people feel that their feeling is giving new direction which we want to sense but some will show different words but that is not crime
Some people feel that their understanding is giving new step which we want to sense but some will show different route but that is not crime
Some people feel that their meaning is giving new start which we want to sense but some will show different start but that is not crime
Some people feel that their learning is giving new direction which we want to sense but some will show different feeling but that is not crime
Some people feel that their understanding is giving new route which we want to sense but some will show different way but that is not crime
Some people feel that their thinking is giving new concept which we want to sense but some will show different moves but that is not crime
Some people feel that their feeling is giving new path which we want to learn but some will show different ways but that is not crime
Some people feel that their understanding is giving new direction which we want to sense but some will show different moves but that is not crime
Some people feel that their learning is giving new touch which we want to sense but some will give different touches but that is not crime
Some people feel that their learning is giving new words which we want to sense but some will give different learning but that is not crime
Some people feel that their meaning is giving new direction which we want to sense but some will give different touches but that is not crime
Some people feel that their feeling is giving new spirit which we want to sense but some will give different feeling but that is not crime
Some people feel that their feeling is giving new touch which we want to sense but some will give different thinking but that is not crime
Some people feel that their understanding is giving new thought which we want to sense but some will give different concept but that is not crime
Some people feel that their chapter is giving new ways which we want to sense but some give new start with different ways but that is not crime
Some people feel that their touch is giving new route which we want to sense but some give new concept with different words but that is not crime
Some people feel that their thinking is giving new resources which we want to sense but some give new routes with different meaning but that is not crime
Some people feel that their understanding is giving new way which we want to sense but some give new steps with different feeling but that is not crime
Some people feel that their meaning is giving new path which we want to sense with meaning in life but some give new lines but that is not crime
Some people feel that their learning is giving new meaning which we want to sense with direction in life but some give new chapter but that is not crime.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...