Saturday, August 19, 2017

Adventure story 306. Memories

Kiya wake up. She knew that she must get ready for party. It was special day for her Mom. She had to get ready. She opened her eyes and she felt so shocked when she saw that she was in hospital. She started to remember when she landed in that hospital. But she didn't remember anything. Last thing she remembered that she had to slept while planning birthday for Mom. Then she began to remember step by step. She wake up and went down. Then she started heat water for tea. She suddenly heard sound of something falling and she started to run towards it. Then she remembered it all. Her Mom was fallen on floor. She sat near her. She tried to feel her pulse but she didn't sense. Then she sensed it all. She must had left gas on while checking on her Mom so she landed in hospital. She felt so sad. She knew her Mom was dead. She started crying when she suddenly sensed a baby was also crying loudly. She was shocked. She looked around. That small baby was sleeping near her bed in cradle. She was so confused. She forced herself to sat. She started to look of baby's Mom but no one was there. That baby was alone with her. She was so confused. Then suddenly one middle age lady came out of restroom. " Ohh did she wake you up? I went in restroom for few moment and she started screaming. May be she just want attention of her Mom." She smiled. She felt that this woman was little old for such a small child but then people did give birth to baby on old age. Then she was confused when that lady took baby in her arms and started coming towards her. Soon she kept baby near her. She sensed that baby just wanted to sleep near her. It was not making sense. But that baby was as happy with her as she could be with her Mother. In fact in her arms she was behaving like her daughter. " What are you wondering about? Take your daughter in your arms." " She can't be my daughter." " What? Are you mad? How can you say such thing? Ohh it must be that medicine which Doctor gave you. Just go to sleep you will fine when you woke up." She just nodded and went to sleep. She was so glad. She was so confused. She felt that she would remember everything when she woke up. She knew that baby was beautiful. She knew that she was her daughter since she could sense it by behavior of that woman and baby but she didn't remember that baby or her father. She began to feel more scared at thought of her father. She didn't remember that man at all. When she woke up next time, a man was sitting near her. He was man of her dreams. He was perfect and he was her husband but sadly she couldn't remember him. " Kiya what happened? Are you alright?" " Actually I don't remember any thing." " What?" That elderly woman started to scream with anger " Girish it all happened due to that operation. I mean it. She was fine before operation. That Doctor did something to her. That Doctor.." " Mom stop it. You are turning situation in worst way. You are scaring her more. Let's try to remind her." " Yes..yes you are right." Then his Mom sat near her and started telling every thing to her. " I am Savi your mother-in-law. He is Girish your husband and my son. His father Kalpesh is at home. Tomorrow I will show him to you." Kiya nodded. Girish " Come on Mom. She will remember it by tomorrow I am calling Doctor." Savi was so scared. She kept checking Kiya again and again for temperature. Savi was glad that at least Kiya was taking proper care of Baby. Kiya didn't remember that baby but she loved her so she started to act like her Mom. She knew that she was her Mom but she needed to remember it. Kiya " I don't understand why did I forgot my such a beautiful life? I feel I was living happily married life." " You are living happily married life with my son. Now that idiot Doctor would give you antidote and you will become fine." Kiya nodded. But she felt that this promise was empty but she didn't want to hurt Savi. She was just like her Mom. Then she started playing with baby who started to get restless again. Savi also went out in search of Girish or Doctor. Kiya knew that every one was scared just like her. She knew that they all loved her. But she needed to remember it. She was so confused. Why did that Doctor gave her such strong medicine that she began to forget every thing.
    Savi was so angry. She immediately came out and called her husband Kalpesh immediately. Savi " Where are you?" " Relax. I am in jewelry shop. Don't you remember. You told me to bring that ordered jewelry. You wanted to show Kiya how much you like her and your grand daughter." " Forget it come back as soon as possible." " Now you are confusing me. I remember in details. You explained me that if I forget it all people would assume you want grandson so we are upset when actually we are happy to have grand daughter too. You want to show it to world. I was telling you that your face is enough proof. But I don't know why ladies feel that jewelry was proof." " Forget it. Kiya had forgotten every thing." Kalpesh started laughing. " What are you saying? I mean Kiya forgotten her love for gold and diamond. That is impossible." Savi was so happy. She got one nice idea. Savi " Don't you remember those old albums of marriage?" " Whose marriage? Our marriage?" "'s and Girish's marriage. In fact bring all DVD and CDs of incidence which recorded after Kiya entered in life and bring laptop." " Will you tell me what happened?" " Just bring it all and come here. I will tell you every thing." " Okay. But where did I suppose to keep Leena. Remember your daughter don't like to remain only member of family who don't able to see new addition." " Bring her too." " At this time." " Just come now." Kalpesh felt it was strange but he wanted to see his grand daughter so he agreed. Savi was so tense. She couldn't imagine Kalpesh's anger on this. She didn't understand how could Doctor gave such medicine to Kiya. But he did and now she didn't remember any thing. Kalpesh was normally a jolly person but when it came to family he never tolerate any thing. Then she heard Girish's angry voice so now he was following his father or his mother. They both had temper when it came to their family. Kiya was not just her daughter-in-law she was like her daughter always innocent and loving. Savi never wanted to force herself on her daughter-in-law so she kept separate flat for son. Kiya stayed there. But she came every day to meet them in name of practicing her driving. She was so nice. Savi slowly sensed that she missed her Mom. It was strange her Mom was died. But Kiya never discussed much about her. One day when Savi asked she still remembered that day. Kiya looked so confused. Slowly she began crying " Actually I am staying with my step mom so I never want to discuss it. She hate mention of my Mom. But sometimes I want to remember her. Even my Dad hated talking about her." Savi " But you can talk about her with me?" " But trouble is that I can't remember her properly." " What?" " Well my many friends tell me about her but I kept her locked in mind. She was died before my eyes. My Dad told me that much. I just don't understand when I manage to forget her face. It was feeling so strange. I can  remember all but her face is still missing." " Why don't you ask for her pictures?" " My step Mom hate it." " But I just don't understand why did you care. I mean your step Mom was not that much nice lady from my knowledge." " Really? I don't know that much about her. Actually when she entered in my life, Dad already decided that I should stay in hostel." " He send you to hostel immediately after your Mom's death." " Yes. He felt that her memories were giving sorrows to me." " But you said that you don't have her memories." Kiya was clearly upset. Savi decided that she must not dig more. " Just forget it. Let's talk about your child and our grand child. So when are you planning to bring it in world?" Kiya became pink and said "Soon". Savi was so happy. Her guess turned out to be true. Kiya wanted a baby so Savi was happy. Now it all worked out perfectly for them. They had wonderful grand daughter but this crisis was destroying it. Savi wanted to keep peace in her mind since she knew that Doctor needed to cure Kiya so screaming on him was not wise decision so she ran ahead to stop him. First she turned back in room. She saw Kiya and baby both were sleeping so she went ahead to talk with Doctor.
    When Savi went near them, she clearly began to hear their discussion. Doctor " We have not given her any medicine due to which she might forget all." " What about side effect of anesthesia?" " I never heard such nonsense in life. Anesthesia can't make person forget every thing. She didn't even had any physical complication during operation." " I don't believe you. My wife didn't even remember me." " Fine you can call any Doctor whom you like and check her. I don't have any guilt so it is okay with me." Savi decided to interfere now. Savi " But Doctor can you guess reason for it?" Doctor looked confused. Doctor " It can be some brain complication. It might make in light due to delivery stress." " Brain complication?" " I can't tell you properly. She needed to be admitted in proper hospital." Now Girish started to feel tense. He sensed one thing that this problem was not due to medicines by Doctor. It was started due to some thing else. He didn't want to lose his wife. He wanted her to be perfect again. She was always precious for him. Now he had small daughter who also going to need her mother. He wanted to increase in his family but he never thought that he might lose his wife due to sickness. This thought never closed his mind. She was looking so perfect. He never felt that there might be something wrong with her. But he knew that sickness couldn't be seen from outside. Many sickness were hidden inside our body. They were creating worst effect on it. He just didn't understood that it was possible that his perfect looking wife could be sick from inside. Girish " I want her to be checked up immediately." " Actually for this we need to shift her in other hospital but it was too risky to shift her now with baby. " " You can keep baby here and just shift her.""But it would not seem right for baby. She would need mother's milk." "For god's sake Doctor do something." " Okay. I think I might request my friend to do few tests. He would take her for few hours then she would come back. I would confirm. But still it would take at least two or three days. I suggest you. Let her stay with baby for eight days then you can take baby home and she could stay in hospital." Savi was so shocked. Savi " But how could baby stay without Mom?" Doctor " You have to manage." Savi felt so tense but she understood necessity so she nodded. But she was so tense when she entered in room. Kiya opened her eyes and smiled. Savi suddenly felt hope. " Do you recognize me?" " Yes you are my mother-in-law." Savi was so happy. " So you remember every thing." " you just told it to me when I woke up last time. Did I imagine it?" " was hoping that you might remember every thing." Then Kalpesh entered with Leena in good mood. They screamed surprise and gave some chocolate and toys for baby. Then Kalpesh slowly brought out jewelry. Kiya was so shocked. It was perfect. It was just necklace for which she desired every day. Every thing was perfect but she didn't remember it. Leena " What happened Bhabhi? Why are you not smiling? Are you not happy after giving birth to such beautiful daughter?" Leena was already playing with baby. " Actually I don't remember any thing." Leena was confused. " I don't get it. Why did you want to remember those pains which you suffer while giving birth?" Savi " Leena she was not talking about those pains. She meant that she didn't remember any thing at all." Leena was so shocked. Leena sat near her. Leena " You don't remember any thing." Kiya nodded. Then Kalpesh came near her and gave her frustrated look. He gave every thing to her. " See this. I can't believe this drama. What is wrong with her?" Savi was shocked with his attitude. He knew that he hated responsibilities but this time she thought that he might sense that he had to take responsibility. He acted same way every time. Savi " After discharge they are going to take her in some hospital and we need to take baby with us." Kiya felt so sad. That baby had become her part in few hours. Kalpesh " We can't manage baby alone without mother. " Savi " We need to. Baby can't go in normal hospital with her." Kalpesh looked at her with angry red eyes but when he sensed that she was not going to give up. He said " Do as you wish" And went away. But Leena came near her and said " Don't worry Mom I will help you." Savi smiled towards her. Savi " I am glad you sense that your brother need our help now." " Yes Mom I know and I will help you." Savi smiled. Kiya was so frustrated. She began to feel guilty. Sometimes she just wished that she could pretend that she remember all but it was not possible. She had to tell truth. She knew something was wrong with her. She just remembered her Mom, her Mom's sorrows due to Dad's betrayal. She remembered that disgusting colleague of Dad with whom. He had affair. He just hated her Dad more and more. She wished only if her Mom had strong heart to survive it and taught him a lesson but now she could do it. She decided that she must tell all to her grandparents and other relatives. She must expose her Dad. Suddenly she forgot everything and started planning how could she took revenge on her Dad for betraying her Mom and killing her.
    When Savi entered, Kiya gave sweet smile to her. Kiya " Can I use my phone? I like to talk with my Uncle."" Your Uncle? But he is dead now. He died last year due to heart attack." She started crying. Savi " Relax Kiya it was peaceful death." Kiya " But my mother's death was not peaceful. My father cheated her for his colleague and her heart was broken. I just managed to kill her on that point. Her end was not that much true death. That woman was sleeping with my Dad in our own house when we went on vacation. I saw it and told Mom." She started crying and shivering with memories. Savi started patting her. Savi didn't want to interfere in life of her son's in-laws but this was strange situation. Savi sensed now why did they let her keep memories of her mother. Suddenly Savi began to feel one doubt. They might be giving her some drug due to which Kiya couldn't remember her Mom. Savi was so confused on one point she felt that it was all ridiculous. On other point she felt that it might be true. But before she could say anything, suddenly Kiya's father came inside room with her Step Mom. Kiya was so shocked. She screamed " This is that .." Then she began abusing her with every worst word she knew. Kiya's Dad was shocked. " She recognized us." Savi " Yes. She recognize you as father and your wife as mistress of her father due to which her mother died. Just get lost before she decide to hit you with something." Kiya's step Mom ran away from room immediately. But Kiya's Dad tried to talk. Kiya " I saw it all and then told Mom. She was so shocked then she had heart attack. You killed her and I help you. I never thought that she would die and make your way clear. So you are wandering with her in broad light." Kiya's Dad " She is my wife and your step mom." Kiya was so shocked. She began to curse him. He wanted to solve matter but soon he sensed that it was beyond his control so he went away. But he waited outside. Savi came out. " What is wrong with her?" Savi was about to answer when she sensed Kalpesh appeared there. Kalpesh " That is our question? She is your daughter so you must have known this." " She was fine before." Savi " Yes fine but she never remembered her real Mom and you never let her remember her." Kalpesh was shocked. Kalpesh turned to Kiya's Dad " Is it true?" " Well it was not needful." "What? You are telling me that it is not required for a daughter to remember her mother? I never heard more nonsense." Savi " You did it because you want to hide your affair from world." "Affair? What affair? She is my wife now."  "And Kiya is my daughter-in-law now. She don't need you go away." Kalpesh was shocked. " Wait. We can't take whole responsibility of Kiya?" Kiya's father smiled happily. He sensed that he could still manage to dominate situation when Girish spoke" Dad if you can't then I will. I will take care of my wife and daughter. I am capable to do that." Savi " And your Mom will help you." Girish smiled. Kalpesh looked frustrated. But he sensed that he couldn't stop them so he said " Do as you want but keep your daughter in your home." Girish " Fine with me." Savi " I will stay with you for few days." Then suddenly Leena appeared and said " I will come too." Kalpesh looked more upset. " I can't stay in home alone like ghost. Fine I will cooperate to you." Every one smiled. After that they kept discussing different things with Kiya about her life. Some were happy moments and some were sad moments. She kept listening to all. She kept recording them but she didn't remember them. Girish started to feel upset about this. He wanted his wife to remember their love but it was not happening. Slowly those days passed and finally Kiya and baby got discharged. They took baby with them in home but Kiya had to go in other hospital for tests. She had to stay there for two days. She couldn't stay alone so Girish had to stay with her while Savi and Leena took care of baby. It was hard for them. Kalpesh  kept blaming them but they didn't pay any attention. Finally Kiya came back. Savi " So what is wrong with her?" Girish " Nothing. She is totally fine." Kiya was crying now. Kiya " I don't understand why I can't remember." Girish " Doctor feel it's mental problem." Kalpesh " What she is mad?" " Not mad. She just lost part of her memory due to stress which was recovered now and due to which she might manage to forget her present." " Don't tell me that garbage just tell me can they cure her? Or she is going to stay like that?" Savi " Will you stop talking with this way? You are scaring Kiya." " I am scaring her? She scared me a lot more. What will I tell people when she didn't recognize them?" Savi " I will handle it." "Really? Stop lying. You can't come with her on every place." Girish " Stop this. Doctor said she will be fine." Kiya started to feel so sad. She took her daughter from Leena's hand and ran inside. She just managed to land in one bedroom. She didn't know whose bedroom it was so she sat on sofa and started holding her daughter to her heart while singing songs for her which her mother sang for her. She sensed that her daughter like them too. She started smiling and went to sleep slowly. She was even smiling in her dreams.
   Girish was so angry by his father's attitude. " She is not doing it with intention. She was even accepting every thing without questioning while other patients keep doubting. She was cooperating in every way. " Savi " I know. She is nice girl." Kalpesh " Fine then take her with you in your home Girish." Girish " I know that I have came here to take my daughter." " That is great news. That girl screaming entire day and it is killing me." Girish started calling Kiya loudly. Savi tried to calm her but nothing work. Leena insisted that she was going with her brother. Kalpesh " Do as you wish? You are big enough to decide but just take that baby away from this house. I need peace of mind." Girish started searching for Kiya. Soon Kiya came out with baby. Girish took hold of her hand and said " Let's go." She went with him without questioning. Girish felt that Kiya was not like herself. She never obeyed him like that. She always used to ask questions. But today she was not talking at all. Girish " Tomorrow we will go to hospital. Just relax you will be fine." Kiya " But what about baby?" Leena" I will take care of her." Kiya looked nervous. Leena " Don't worry. You might not remember me but trust me. I use to be your best friend whenever Dad started creating issue we use to protect each other. Our house is not perfect place. Our Dad is biggest trouble but still we love each other and find some way out of mess every time." Kiya smiled. Girish " Yes. Trust me. Even if you don't remember me, I have decided that we can fall in love again. It will be so interesting to falling in love while having one baby. New experience!!" Kiya started laughing. She was laughing first time freely after losing some part of memory. Girish " Try to understand that whatever happened it is just for few days. You are not going to remain like that for long time. Psychiatrist help you to find memory. And you don't have any dramatic secret in memory like they have in movies. It is perfect normal life so it is hard to bring it out. Just don't stress yourself." Kiya nodded. She began to feel so upset. She wanted to remember everything but she couldn't. It was horrible for her. She kept digging at her memory again and again. But she  just found empty wall. Finally that day came when they went psychiatrist. She had to sit once more in a long line. She was tired of those doctors. She went to many but nothing was helping her. They put her in different machine. They did different experiments on her. But finally they found nothing. She wanted to go to her baby. She wanted to love her husband. But that laps in memory kept hurting her. Finally her number came. Girish took her inside. Then she sat before Doctor who read paper. Kiya waited for some time while he was reading paper when it was over. She finally asked him " Doctor do you feel that I have to start my life all my life once again?" Psychiatrist started laughing. " Do you feel it is something out of movie? I mean your memory is lost and it will not come back until you don't fall in same way?" " Then what is it?" Psychiatrist " It is just post traumatic symptoms. It increased since your father pressured you to forget all that memories of your Mom. Now you threw out your anger on your Dad so it has come out so just relax. Slowly step by step every thing will come back to you." Girish " How long it will take?" " That question is your problem? Kiya felt pressuring her mind. She need to relax and give it some time." Kiya " So it is not going to go away from my mind." " No. Not at all. After few sessions in normal counselling you will remember all. Just stop scaring yourself." Kiya smiled. Kiya " Are you sure Doctor?" " Just trust me." Kiya smiled. Girish smiled too. Girish " So this is not big problem?" " No this is not." Then slowly psychiatrist started to chatting about Kiya's Mom. Slowly step by step he started to bring her ahead. She managed to move ahead. She even remembered her college friends. She smiled happily. Even Girish was happy. After visiting Doctor suddenly Kiya insisted on visiting hotel in which she used to eat. Kiya didn't remember every thing properly but while she started eating she slowly started chatting. It seemed so normal. Girish felt so happy. Then slowly he sensed that she had not forgotten everything. She passed soya sauce towards Girish when he started eating. She remembered his taste and habits. He sensed one thing .They managed to get panic unnecessarily. It was not going to be long term thing. Girish " We need to decide name of Baby." " You are right but we must call Leena and include her too in this decision. After all Auntie have special right in deciding name of baby." Girish started laughing. " So you remember everything." " Not all." Kiya looked nervous. But from that day slowly she began to remember all step by step. Finally one day she was perfect again. It was her last session of counselling when she asked Doctor "Why did this happen to me?" " Since you have become mother on that point so you remember your Mom most. You want to remember everything about her and your fear about your Dad was vanished due to Girish so you dare to cross wall." Kiya smiled " I am glad I did. Now I am going to name her after my Mom. We will call our Baby Meera. But I will not keep any connection with my Dad. He managed to hurt our family." " It is fine. But don't let anger rule your mind. Just try to ignore him. He might not come to disturb you." Psychiatrist's guess turned out to be true. Kiya's Dad never dared to visit her. She didn't even ask about him. She was no longer his daughter. She stopped every contact with him. She didn't even invited on his funeral. She wanted to cry but she just didn't manage to bring out tears for him since they all belonged to just her Mom. But she felt suspicious about his death since her step Mom married soon to some other person. But she decided to ignore. She kept moving ahead in her life. She decided that once a person went out of life, it was better to keep that one out of life entirely. She was already finding it hard to manage Kalpesh. Meera just knew about her grandmother. Whenever she asked about her grandfather Kiya told her that he died long time ago even before her birth. She just loved that escape. She didn't want to discuss about her father who was died due to his own mistake.
                                                                            The End

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