Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Poem 3287. Every place seem to have

                                                  Every place seem to have
Every place seem to have story to tell us on every point or we can say those things are not alive we need to sense with our soul in understand it in life
Every place seem to have movement to see or we can say those things are moving due to wind or other cause nature on every point we need to sense it with our soul in life
Every place seem to have spirit to thinking or we can say when we visit place we just guess things with our mind we need to sense it with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new world to our future or we can say those things are just same nothing different in life we need to sense it with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new direction to our world or we can say place it just stood there without many meanings in life we need to sense it with our appeals in life
Every place seem to have new meanings to our understanding or we can say they are hidden words of our mind in life we need to sense it with our thinking in life
Every place seem to have new words to our appeals or we can say brain is giving new spirit to show new world we need to sense it with our moves in life
Every place seem to have new spirit to teach something new or we can say they are creating new world which will show new source but for spirit we need to sense it with our appeals in life
Every place seem to have new thinking to appeals which show new sky or we can say they are giving nature which will show new start we need to sense it with our try in life
Every place seem to have new lines to meanings which show new steps or we can say they are just new version of old lines we need to sense it with our thinking in life
Every place seem to have new concepts which show new meanings or we can say they are just things which will be changes according to nature we seen to sense it with our mind in life
Every place seem to have new words which show new situations or we can say they are just giving new world which nothings special we need to sense it with our spirit in life
Every place seem to have new characters which show new thinking or we can say they are just imagination of mind we need to sense it with our feelings in life
Every place seem to have new scene which show new appeals or we can say they are just new types of trees nothing different in life we need to sense it with our imagination in life
Every place seem to have new chapters which show new thoughts or we can say we just create thoughts since we are bored with concepts of life we need to sense it with our thoughts in life
Every place seem to have new words which show new lines or we can say we just have knowledge hidden on every step of thinking we need to sense value of place with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new chance which show new desires or we can say we have them all time but just can’t fulfill them at old time in life we need to sense it with our thinking in life
Every place seem to have new soul which will bring new meanings or we can say we have every thing just same in life we need to sense it with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new names which will give meanings to thinking or we can say we have just named things for convenience in life we need to sense it with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new knowledge which will give new power to our thinking or we can say we have just found new thing since we never went there before we need to sense it with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new information which will give new place to our understanding or we can say we have just new ways due to new surrounding we need to sense it with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new steps which will give new thoughts to our thinking or we can say we need to think hard and we need it in our mind we need to sense it with our understanding in life
Every place seem to have new thoughts which will give new moves to our appeals or we can say we need to think different ways but we have wasted time we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new touches which will give new locations to our thinking or we can say we need to learn those touches but we feel it from mind we need to sense with our appeals in life
Every place seem to have new buildings which will give new steps to our mind or we can say we just got new architecture in life we need to sense with our moves in life
Every place seem to have new weather which will give new directions to our thinking or we can say we need to adjust on that point but we feel it from mind we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new thoughts which will give new start to our moves or we can say we need to learn those touches we feel from thinking we need to sense with our appeals in life
Every place seem to have new power which will give new strength to our appeals or we can say we need to start basic power on each point we need to sense with our moves in life
Every place seem to have new words which will give new meanings to our soul or we can say we need to sense those touches long before in life we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new thought which will give new change in life or we can say we need to learn those moves before but we just ignores we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new concepts which will give new words in life or we can say we need to learn those steps on each way we need to sense with our thinking in life
Every place seem to have new appeals which will give new touches in life or we can say we need to understand those concepts we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new information which will give new meanings in life or we can say every new place have something new at each step of mind we need to sense with our thinking in life
Every place seem to have new touches which will give new steps in life or we can say every meanings will have knowledge hidden inside we need to sense with our feelings in life
Every place seem to have new route which will give new strength in life or we can say every route will have impact on life we need to sense with our hopes in life
Every place seem to have new understanding which will give new knowledge in life or we can say every understanding will give effect on life we need to sense with our steps in life
Every place seem to have new words which will give new resources in life or we can say nothing special in new place since they are always there in life we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new meanings which will give new steps in life or we can say new lines will show new steps on every point we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new touches which will give new lines in life or we can say new chapters will show new world we need to sense with our moves in life
Every place seem to have new knowledge which will give new touches in life or we can say new lines will show new steps we need to sense with our words in life
Every place seem to have new power which will give new light in life or we can say new steps which will enter always manage to enter in life we need to sense with our mind in life
Every place seem to have new thinking which will give new directions in mind or we can say new knowledge which enter give new way in life we need to sense with our feelings in life
Every place seem to have new touches which will give new words in mind or we can say we just learn more words which will give new lines in life we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new meanings which will new concepts in mind or we can say we start to read things from books we need to sense with our hopes in life
Every place seem to have new touch of nature which will give new weather or we can say we have to judge and understand different weathers we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have new directions of thinking which will give new hope or we can say we have just changed our place in life we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have so many moves of future which will give new steps or we can say we have to sense concepts of our mind we need to sense with our appeals in life
Every place seem to have so many feelings of moves which will give new lines or we can say we have to move ahead since we are alive we need to sense with our hopes in life
Every place seem to have so many words of life which will give new thoughts or we can say different people talk in different way we need to sense with our soul in life
Every place seem to have so many routes of life which will give new meanings or we can say many actions are truth of mind we need to sense with our hopes in life
Every place seem to have so many feelings of mind which will give new directions or we can say many thinking are giving happiness we need to sense with our appeals in life.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...