Monday, January 23, 2017

Poem 3166. What we feel enchanting

                                                     What we feel enchanting 
What we feel enchanting is normal for some people in life but for some it is so hard to understand on every point since those enchanting feel will give appeal in life
What we feel enchanting is that sort of appeals in life we need to sense those steps on every point we need to learn those enchanting is some thing not great for other in life
What we feel enchanting is that touch which will give new miracle of life to some people is just normal thing for some people as work of day to day things in life
What we feel enchanting is that feel which will give appeals on every point with happiness from our normal life we need to move towards normal life instead of enchanting in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought which we desire on every point but what we need is just normal thing on every point which bring smile on each step in life
What we feel enchanting is that normal feelings which will give those touches in life we need to understand smile with normal touch that is need of every move in life
What we feel enchanting is that feelings which will create normal touch will start to give normal ways to our life on every step of thinking which will give every move in life
What we feel enchanting will stay with us for some time but what we truly like will start with us for every point of life we need to move towards it with happiness in life
What we feel enchanting will be of just some moment for our life we need to sense it from our soul and understanding on each step since it is truth of our thinking in life
What we feel enchanting is not truth of our life we need to understand those moves in life which will give happiness to our soul with power from mind in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought from mind which tell our soul new touch which will give new light to our mind with different thinking at every step in life
What we feel enchanting can be normal for some one else and can become normal even to you if you gave it some time so enchanting is feel of some moment in life
What we feel enchanting can be nothing unclear but normal and it might not give us that much pleasure when we have it in life since it is just need of moment not thought of entire life
What we feel enchanting can be just appeal which will give new breathe to our mind we need to learn it on every step with one hope that we need to study moment in life
What we feel enchanting will bring new light in our life when we start to understand it then we sense it as most precious thought from our thinking on every moment in life
What we feel enchanting will become truly great when it have some thing pure and wonderful in it’s way by hopes of our mind we need to understand it on every moment in life
What we feel enchanting will be that thought which will open new door for our mind we need to study that thought with one feeling that it will have different directions in life
What we feel enchanting will be that directions which will give new hope to our mind we need to sense them as basic touch which will open our world on every step in life
What we feel enchanting will be that thought which will give those touches that start to give those appeals which will show those touches which will give power on every step in life
What we feel enchanting will be that thought which will bring out happiness in our mind we need to sense those moves which will open our world with different understanding in life
What we feel enchanting will be that thinking which will give different directions to our life we need to sense those understanding which will create new world for every step in life
What we feel enchanting will be that kind of thing which will give normal things in life which will start to show those touches from our mind which will look normal for every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that basic thought of our mind we need to understand it on every move of mind we sense it from mind we can make normal thing enchanting for every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought which is need of our mind we need to understand that thought with different thoughts with their powers from our thinking for every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that directions which will start to give normal touch after some time we need to sense them at every move from our thinking for every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thinking which will become normal when we start to study those different steps on each point since those thinking for every step in life
What we feel enchanting is in our thinking on every point we need to understand normal can become part of enchanting move of our life on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thing which can become part of every day in life when we start to find it in normal enchanting with mind on every thought of our thinking on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thing which will give power to our understanding to different meanings in our life we need to learn those understanding which will give power on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that normal which will start to appeal us is some thing shining on every point which will give those touches which will be giving those move on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought which will give those moves which will start to give different meanings in mind with one thought normal can be great on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought which look normal in life when we start to understand those thoughts from inside we need to understand meanings on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that appeals which will develop slowly out of normal thought is indicating those steps which will give those morals new meanings on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought which will give new spirit on every move of life which will start to show with normal appeals in our life with enchanting spirit on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thinking which will give those touches which will give new power to our mind we need to sense that thought with different information on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that spirit which we need to create on every move with thinking from mind we need to learn with that spirit normal thoughts of life on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought which change our mind we need to learn normal thought can become great when we set them in right way on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that feelings which we desire on every understanding in life we need to sense those understanding as wrong thought on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that beginning of wonderful look in life we need to sense it with one thought that normal thoughts will give beginning to enchanting with positive appeals in life
What we feel enchanting is that power which we desire on every step of life we need to move ahead of normal thoughts with hope and then they will become enchanting on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that magical thought which we create out of that normal thought which change our mind we need to one simple thought is unique on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that positive appeals which change our life we need to feel them again and again with our soul to get that feel from mind to understand on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that which don’t just fulfill our greed but it is some thing which will give pure thought to our thinking and opening of our mind we need to understand it on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that feeling which will give pleasant touch to our soul and give new light to our life we need to learn one thing it can give us true happiness on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that appeals which will give those moves which can change our mind we need to study our world with new hopes that open new start on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thinking which required new light which will open our world in different way with power from mind we need to sense it on every point on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is not that richness of money or fame but that soul which will bring to us smile it will give those happiness to our world and open those moves on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought which will give those understanding that spirit which will start to give those touches on every point which will give new opening on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought which will give those spirits from mind which start to give those touches which will give power from mind with thinking on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that feelings which will create those positive directions which will start to give those spirits with one feelings which start to give appeal on every step in life
What we feel enchanting is that thought which will give pure sort of power which will give new desire which will form impact on life which will give thinking on every step in life.

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