Sunday, October 16, 2016

Poem 2995. Feelings that open door of life

                                                       Feelings that open door of life
When some feelings began in life we just can't control it on any point we seem to cherish that feelings in our life we sense it from our mind
When feelings will start to give new breathe to our life we start to give them that touch which open our mind will start with different feelings in life
We need to understand those feelings which will start to show those touches which will give new breathe of life which start to open world in different style
We need to study feelings in life which will give new start to our mind we need to sense those feelings which start to show those touches in life
Since that feelings which start to move our life will began to form those effect on each step of life which will form effect on our feelings in life
When we start to understand feelings which will have knowledge on every step of life we feel that start to our thinking and our mind
When feelings will began to capture our thought we just don't sense it on sometimes since they will cut our soul in that way which we want to hold in our mind
When feelings will began to capture our soul we sense it from our mind we need to sense those feelings as that facts which change our life
Since those feelings will show those touches which will create new touch in life we need to study those feelings which start to change world in different style
But some feelings will enter in our world and change it in that way which we never sense from our thinking and mind we sense it from inside
We have to sense those touches will change our world at every point we sense those effect on mind we sense that feelings are ruling our life
We just keep understand our feelings on every point we sense them from mind we sense those feelings are showing world in different style we sense it from mind
We need to study feelings in life which will give power to our mind we sense them on every point one thought from mind which will give power to our thinking in life
We need to study those feelings in life which will give new start to mind when we start to study those concepts in mind we sense it from mind
We have to study all those effect in mind we sense them as basic touch in life we need to study those appeals in life on each point
Since feelings are having effect on mind we sense they are entering in life we need to learn those feelings will start to sense it in mind
We need to include those feelings in life which will give power to our life which start to give hope to our thinking and our mind
When we will start to move ahead with feelings in life when those feelings will start to show those touches in life on each point
We need to understand those feelings will show those sides on our mind we need to understand different stages of mind
We need to study feelings in life which will show those touches which will create those effect on our mind which will start to show those effect in life
When feelings will enter in life we need to sense those feelings in life which will give hope to our mind we sense that feelings will start new world at each point
When feelings will enter in world we sense those effect on life which will show world in different style we need to study them in life
When feelings will give hopes in life which will start to change those effect on mind which will show world in new style at every point
We sense feelings will open our world in different style we will start to give hope in life we need to study feelings in our mind
We need to study feelings which will give new hope to our mind we need to study feelings on every point with one thinking from mind
That tell us feelings will open world of our choice when we set them in proper way in our life those feelings are changing our mind
We need to study feelings in life which start to change our world at every point we need to study feelings with our mind
When we understand feelings then only in life we can sense their meanings from our mind we need to get over those feelings in mind
When we start to understand feelings in different style we need to sense them with our mind feelings will start to capture in life
Which will start to give new effect on mind we will have so many steps in life feelings will give new touch on mind at each step of life
When feelings will enter we sense those touches in our life that start to show those effect on mind those feelings in life
When those feelings will start to give new touch to mind which start to show those touches which will give effect on mind
Those feelings start to show those opening new start on each point we need to sense those touches which will give power to mind
Feelings will show those touches in life that start to give new appeals in mind that will give new power in life which will start in that way
Which we can never dream in life without thinking much we start to open our world in different way in life that start to give power in mind
Feelings will start to show those beginning which start to show those touches which will show those appeals that change our life
We need to sense it from mind that feelings will give new start when we decide that they will rule our world and our life at each point
Since feelings will take us ahead at every step with one thought that tell us feelings are those doors which open our life we need them from mind
We need to understand feelings from our soul and new start for our life we need to study feelings on every step with one thought from mind
That tell us we need to different feelings as that opening which change our life we need to understand world with different feelings that appeals to mind
Feelings are those precious jewels that enter in our life they will open that world which will give new beginning to our thinking and mind
When feelings will start we sense they are new start for our life we need to move ahead with feelings which will give hope to our mind
We need to sense those concepts which start to change world on every point we need to learn one thought from mind which will give power to our life
Which will give feelings which will start to give new touch to mind we need those touches which give hopes to our world and life
Since feelings will start to show world in different style we sense them at every step with different thoughts from our thinking and mind
We need to study feelings with one hope which tell us we need that wonderful shine which will create power on our mind on every point
Feelings are changing our world and our life which one thought that they can give us that breathe which we desire from our soul and mind
Since feelings will give that touch which open our world in that style which we need from our soul and on every time with our mind
We need to understand feelings from our mind since they are creating our world in different way and in different steps of life on every point
Feelings will give hopes to our mind we need to learn them with our thoughts and we need to start with them our life at each move and point.

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