Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Poem 2990. Forgiveness

Since forgiveness will have so many impact which start to show those effect will create reactions on mind when that forgiveness will start
We sense it on every point with one thinking that we need to learn every concept from mind which will give power to our thinking and life
When forgiveness will start it will began to tell it hard to do from time to time trouble start for us not for others in our life
Since when we forgive how easily that burden shift from mind it seem like feather that vanish on every time we sense it from mind
But when people don't sense their mistake punishment enter in life on that point it seem like most burden on us at every point of mind
We need to understand at every step that thought which will began to form those effect on mind that start to show those touches in life
Forgiveness is that thought which will capture our mind we need to sense on every point that forgiveness will show those effect in life
We need to sense it at each point when we need to forgive still we can't forgive sometimes since repetition scare us and want of justice create trouble for life
We need to understand every step with one thought that we just need to move ahead at every point with our thinking and mind
We need to forgive our soul and it will happen only when we forgive others in life but when they keep repeating their mistakes
We just want to punish them and trouble starts on that point we need to learn that even worst person deserve punishment but not by our hand
And we need to understand destiny will decide it on every step and point we keep sensing it with our thinking and mind
We just never understand what we feel from our mind we need to judge our world in different way with those thoughts that tell us
We need to give destiny that chance of life which will show our world that touch which will give opening to our thinking and mind
We need to learn one thought from our thinking that tell us we need to learn on every step one concept from our mind
Which tell us we must forgive our world with one thought that justice is not our duty in life it can be done when time will decide
But then after few steps it seems as if we need to stand for justice but thought of justice seem so far away from mind so it is hardest road
That tell us we need to forgive still need to fight for justice on every point when hopes will start to destroy of justice just revenge enter in mind
We need to sense those effect which will show those steps in life those touches will start to give hope to our mind which start to give new start in life
When forgiveness will start to show those touches which will give those appeals in life that keep showing changes from point to point
We need to learn one thing forgiveness is that thought which change our mind we need to understand that thought from our feelings in life
When we learn to forgive we sense with it that thought which will give new power to our future and mind we sense that power from mind
We need to forgive our enemy but before saying this enemy word must not enter in our life but this doesn't happen as we wish from mind
Forgiveness is that thought which will give new breathe to our future and life we need to forgive people not for their good but for our own good in life
Since when revenge start we just began to sense those effects on life which will keep telling us we need to sense it again and again
From our soul that we need that pleasant thought of winning from our mind we need to learn one thing that we need to find new pleasure in life
But we need to learn one thing winning can wait but forgiveness must come first in life when we forgive then only we will win on any point
Since our mind which keep sorrows never give any hope to our life we need to move ahead with one thought that tell us we must understand mind
We need to sense on each step one thought that sorrows never come due to forgiveness they comes due to our carelessness in our life
Sometimes we just don't want to forgive some one so we start to blame our forgiveness as our crime on every point of our life
We just began to sense that thought of forgiveness will give new appeals on every step of life with thinking and our mind
We need to move ahead with one thought of forgiveness that tell us forgiving is never crime people might want to take revenge
Just keep telling you since their revenge is their desire and  we want it from mind we keep giving excuses for it in life
We never sense how forgiving is need of every point on every step we sense it from our thoughts and from mind
Since those touches of forgiveness is true need of life every fact will change our way on every step and point in our mind
We need to understand forgiveness as touch of life we just have one want from our soul and every step of our life
Forgiveness is that start which will give start to our mind that start on every step of mind we sense at each move of life
When forgiveness enter it will become need of every point which will give true hope in life which is true need of our future which will give hope to life
Forgiveness is that thought which will take ahead on every point we sense it from mind which will give new start to mind which is need of every point
We need to understand that wish of forgiveness in life which will give new start to our mind and hope on every step and point which give hope to mind
Forgiveness is that thought which will start to form for our future and soul and mind which will give power to our soul and our thinking and mind
We need to value that thought to remove every burden from mind which give power to our life to spread and shine at every step of future and life
Forgiveness is that thought which will start new feel for our thinking and mind we need it on every point which will give power to our life
We need to understand that power is great revenge never make things in right on any point we need to forgive since we want our life on every step and point
Forgiveness is that thought which we desire on every point we sense it from mind which will give power to our mind we need it on every step and point
Since forgiveness is that thought which will give power to our mind we sense it from mind that will give new start on each move of life we need forgiveness from mind
Forgiveness is that thought which capture our soul on every point which will have effect on our mind we need to sense those thoughts on mind at every point
Since forgiveness will give new start to life which will give effect on mind which will start to show those touches in life which will give power to our mind
Forgiveness is that thought which will give new light to life which give new thought to our world and mind we need to sense on each point of our life
We must forgive since at each point we need that appeals from mind which take away our mind which will give new appeals that tell our world on each point.

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