Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Poem 2714. Wonderful road

                                                           Wonderful road
Wonderful touch will start to show road which will start to show hope in life are needed on every point but
For it we need to understand hard road on every step of life because hard roads are also facts of our life which
Are need of every point we sense those roads will have so much meanings hidden on every step of life when
We will move with road they will open world in different style they are giving happiness to our life when those
Roads will start to show new touch in life they will seem to open new start on every point we need to just
Move with one thought from mind that roads will show new touch but then they are not that easy to get in life
Since those roads need those people who need to understand those effect on each point road start to show
Those effect which will show those looks on every step of life which will start to take us to that point where
World will look great at every point we need to understand every step of life with one thought from life but
Then road will start to show those beautiful touch which are reached only if that point  achieved with hard
Sort of effect on life but then at every point we sense one thought from mind road will be achieved one thought
From mind after hard efforts we deserve that wonderful road of ambition in life because then only we will
Walk on it just for sake of walking not for winning in life since need of winning manage to spoil with one thought
From mind which will open world with one thinking on every step that we need to get something on every point
But it is not possible in life since life is about working not about demanding gains on each point that thought
Will not understood on every step of life since walking will teach us we must understand thrill in that walk
Instead of success on every step of life when we will start to show those effect which will open new touch
On every step of life mind will seem to show new touch to mind because life will start to move ahead with
One thought from mind that we will move with hope and work hard on every point since it is need of life which
Will open on every point one thought from mind that was understanding that we must move with hard work
Not just with success on every point hopes are truly need of every step of life since world will show that touch
Which we desire on every point it seem to show world in interesting style on every step of life with hard work
On every step of life when we will move ahead we need to understand hard work at every section of our life
But hard work is need as first step of life which will start to move with one beginner from mind that we need
To achieve happiness will began to clear on every point since we need to move ahead with hard work to achieve
Happiness as final touch on every point hard work will take us different touches which will start to give hope
In our life when happiness will enter it will come after sorrows from mind we need to understand those sorrows
On every step of life when we will start to move ahead at every step we sense one touch from inside that
Those steps of hard work will began as new start on every point we sense that new ways will achieve just
Happiness in our life since hard work will give beginning to hope from mind they will correct way on each point
Hard ways are giving beginning on every step of life since they will show those effect on each move in life
Those moves are having impact on mind when we will start from hard work will have so much effect on life
We need to understand hard work which will lead to happiness on each point because with it we can understand
Every step of life what we never learn on each point one thought that hard way will lead to happiness on just
Every angle of life when hard work will start to show shine on every point since those touches will start to show
World in interesting style since hard work will start to open new front on every point because it will tell this world
One thinking from inside that it will want to understand on every step one thought from mind those touches
Are showing world in that way which will give achievement on every side of life when we will start to move
With one thought from mind that hard work will hurt us on every step because on each point we need to just
Understand hard work will start to find every effect on life then those things will turn to have impact on mind
We need to understand hard steps will start to open soft touch on every step of life we will sense them as basic thing
Which will open our world in interesting style we need to understand every achievement with one thought
From mind that we can move ahead with hard roads then only we will manage to find that soft road which
Will give hope in life we need to understand hard roads first on every point then we can turn into those roads
Which will start to have so effect on life when we will start to move toward wonderful roads that will start
To show hope on every step of life we need to understand hard ways to understand soft roads which will
Give happiness on every move of life when we will start to move from hard road to wonderful roads which
Will start to have effect on our life after some moves we need to understand that we want to cross that hard road
Which will began to turn wonderful road on every step of life we need to change them and understand on just
Every step hard roads are needed to be crossed to reach to wonderful roads on every step and point we want to understand it in life.

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