Saturday, May 7, 2016

Adventure story 240. Effect on life

                                                                   Effect on life
Pranit started searching and started looking in his scattered things. He had so many things which would have thrown away many days. He knew that it would be embarrassing if he kept them now. After all he was getting married. He no longer required his childhood monopoly and puzzles. Then he looked at monopoly. It was really nice game. He thought that he could play it even with grown ups. But then he started to feel that it was wrong idea. Pragati hardly seemed like a girl who liked to play such games. Any way he decided to keep it for sake of old times. He started looking at other things. He looked at his old clothes. He looked at them with disgusting expression. He just couldn't understand why did he once wore them. They were so strange in every way. But those days were totally different. He just didn't understand his own mind of that time but it was far away so he no longer needed to think about it. He just decided to give them to someone. Then suddenly his servant came in room. " Pranit should I fold them for you?" " No..No.. I want to throw them away." His servant Bheem started looking at them. Bheem " They are nice." "Yes but they are from my young days. I will not wear them now." Bheem looked at them with care. " You are right. They belonged to some teenage. Actually my son might like them. Can I keep them? I mean if you are going to sell them then .." "No..No..who will purchase them? I just wanted to get rid of them. You can take them all. Any way I wanted to just clean this cupboard. Do you think your son will use these colors and sketch books too." "Not my son. But I can give it to some other kids from Chawl" " Great." Then Pranit started throwing all those unwanted clothes. Bheem was packing them properly. Pranit was so glad to get this help. He just wanted some one to use those clothes and he didn't need to find any one Bheem would do that for him. He started doing every thing with fresh spirit. He just wanted that cupboard to be clean. He started collecting every item. He began to sort them out when suddenly he noticed one ear ring. He was so confused. It belonged to whom. It was of gold so he decided that he must not threw away that ear ring. It might be of his Mom. He just didn't remember it at all. Some day it must be fallen in that cupboard. He used to store all his goods in it from childhood. But then he just didn't sense shocked at all. He had not clean it for years but he could easily imagine how much issue might be created out of this ear ring. His Mom must had cried due to it. But he knew that he would not act like that with his wife. He remembered his Mom's tears on every move. He decided that he would understand his wife's feelings. After all a woman was going to come in his home while she left every thing behind just for his sake. He knew that it must be hard. He decided that he must not just keep thinking about all his childhood things. He had to think about his wife Pragati. She needed more space in this room. She had felt every thing behind for him so he had to at least threw away articles of  his childhood, He started to threw away things related to his past. Suddenly he sensed that he was too attached to his past and he must stop it. Bheem was so happy to get them all and Pranit was happy to give them away so lot of things went out of that house on that day with hope of good future.
      Pranit was so happy when whole family gave them permission to go on outing. Actual until that day they just chatted in their houses. It was first time. They were going out. They went to some restaurant. They placed order and enjoying themselves. When suddenly Pragati looked at their menu, Pragati " I feel that they are costing too much." Pranit took that menu card from them. It looked okay. Pranit " It is fine. They charge in that way now. Every thing is so costly now." "No way. I knew many restaurant in which they give good food at cheap price." Pranit was confused but then he thought that it was great. She was saving his money. Pranit " Okay. We can go to restaurant you feel nice." Pragati was so happy. She just stood up and started hurrying when she suddenly looked at autos and said" No.It doesn't seem wise to go in those auto. We just waste money on fare. Let's eat here today." Then they sat for food again. Pragati asked so many questions to waiter. It seemed as if she wanted to open her own restaurant. Then Pranit sensed that she was doing it all to impress him. He decided to let her go in her own way. She asked about every thing in details. But she still didn't seem to be convinced. Finally they went in kitchen. They did kitchen tour which was so funny for Pranit any way. Finally they placed order. He ordered expensive dishes since they took so many efforts to convince them. Pranit " Pragati you are doing too much?" Pragati " Regarding what?" " Checking their kitchen!!" " We need to do that some times they have cockroaches and rats there." Pranit was so shocked that he just wanted to stop eating. " Why are you looking scared so much? We will check every kitchen on every time." Pranit smiled. Genuinely he was shocked to hear all this. He never thought about kitchen when he sat in restaurant. He heard a lot but never went inside. Pragati showed picture of one five star restaurant. Pragati " Did you ever went here?" Pranit "Never. It is too costly. I went on few parties but never for coffee and tea." "I once went there with my friends. I just asked them to show us kitchen. They didn't agree. But I kept insisting finally. All customer started to get nervous. Finally we all force them to show us. Do you know what we found inside? They were serving us food which was made two or three days before." Pranit was so nervous now. He just couldn't imagine such things would happen in those famous restaurant. Parnit " Even after having such good name they serve such food. Horrible!!" " I know so I never trust restaurant until I personally check it's kitchen." Pranit nodded. " I have decided that I will eat in this restaurant only on each day." Pragati started laughing. " Do you feel checking once is enough? No..No you have to check every time. You just can't trust people. Days are going to more and more worst. Every day people are cheating other people and turning things in totally wrong way." Pragati was telling him such worst things that he was feeling so worst from heart. Then suddenly Pragati asked " So where are we going?" Pranit" Where you like to go?" "Well, what about movie? They can't cheat us in ticket's price there." Pragati started  laughing. Pranit joined her but he suddenly seemed to lost whole interest of outing. He was feelings so tense regarding every thing. He wished that he could act normal like Pragati. She was so great. She was taking every thing so easily. He was so upset. But when she started to catch auto for movie, he just paid bill and ran after her. He was late that he literally had to jump in that auto. He sensed one thing that he must not get emotional regarding every thing.
     After that whole time Pragati was teaching him every trick of being practical. Pranit never sensed that he was getting so easily fooled. He started learning every thing from her. In fact when he went home, he was so impressed. But then he just began to feel so inferior. He needed to act more mature. He started thinking about his old days. He felt that he must not feel that way. He would learn it on every point. He started to going out with her on every week end. He started to check hotel kitchen. Staff looked confused. Some accept and showed them and some threw them out of hotel but one thing was clear. They never ate before confirming. In fact they kept confirming regarding every thing. Pranit managed to keep every thing perfect. Soon he started double checking every thing. But it didn't seem that much normal to his friends. Jatin one day asked him " What happened? Why did you look upset so much now a days?" " Upset? No..No I am just fine." " Fine? Yesterday you checked every document three times before signing word by word. Few days ago you use to sign it without even reading. I use to insist that you must read it." " So? I am doing right thing now." "Right thing? You can read it once that all you need to do but you are going by heart every document. I never told you to do that. One thing is clear. It is not because of me. Now don't put your blame on me." "I am not blaming you. I just want to be on safer side." " But don't feel that you are doing too much. I mean just look at that work load. Your desk is just full of files. You hardly have time even to take a breathe. Come on this is not right. This is not healthy. You have to stop this." Pranit looked around. Jatin was right. He was doing too much. But Pragati just kept telling him to be careful. Then he thought. He might not listen to her that much. Pranit nodded. " You are right. I will just do one check." So then he started just reading that paper once. It was okay. His work started moving ahead fast. Slowly he began to sense that Pragati's tricks didn't seem practical. Every restaurant manager seemed to get upset when they saw coming. They started insisting on costly dish on them. Many time Pranit felt that they were charging extra but then in few days Pragati did even inquiry about it. She started arguing with manager regarding extra bill. Manager gave smile full of hatred. Manager " I charge same thing to all other customers. Just go and ask them. I am charging you extra for your kitchen tour." "What tour? We just want to confirm that we are eating in clean kitchen." " I am not so sure about it. You might see some of my recipe and copy it. You might steal my style and open restaurant. Just tell me. Why are you looking in each kitchen of every restaurant you visit? I am tell you easily. You want to start your own restaurant and that's why you are stealing our ideas. When you visit kitchen, you take some tip." Pranit " No..NO..sir. We have so such intention. We are just health conscious." "Health conscious? My foot. Pay extra money or get out of my restaurant." Pragati started screaming " My god look at this fellow. How could he dare to act like that?" Slowly all customer started looking at them. Manager sensed trouble. He pointed waiter. That waiter was man so he took hold of Pranit. Pranit " Don't worry. We are going out. Pragati come on." " I will not let you go easily. I will file complaint against you. You are serving worst food to costumer." After hearing this all customer started going out and those who had given order start to look suspicious. Manager stopped those customer. Manager " She is lying. She wanted to take money from me. A new form of extortion. Don't go. I will call police." Pranit interfered " Sir we are sorry." Then he turned to costumer and requested them to go back their seat. Whole time Pragati was screaming on top of her lung that food was poisonous and she would not quit this matter until she didn't prove it. Finally a lady waitress came thrown out Pragati out of restaurant. Pranit ran out by himself. But Pranit sensed one thing that many customer managed to run out of restaurant and this manager would suffer loss. He just didn't want to see their face again. Pranit " Pragati this is enough. I don't want this show again." "You don't trust me. Wait then I will prove it to you." Then she went ahead caught on Auto and went home. Pranit was still standing their in a big shock. He didn't understand what was wrong with Pragati.
     Next day Pranit's Mom came inside room. " Pranit I am going to fix day of your marriage. " Pranit smiled but he felt even scared at some point in heart. He no longer sensed happiness from heart. He just felt one thing that it was not going to be that easy. He started sensing that Pragati was too demanding. He had to go and check every restaurant for her. Pranit " Mom..I sense Pragati is too demanding." His Mom looked at him. Mom " You like her? You said at beginning that you like her and you want to marry. Do you feel that it is wrong decision? You can't just say it. I mean is there another girl?" Pranit started smiling." Mom you are making so much out of small thing. I just want to say that she is too demanding." " Ohh I have understood that is fear before marriage. You always sense that we need to understand it from inside. You need not get that much scared on every point. She will help you. She will not become burden on you." " But Mom she is strange.." "Why are you saying that? Did you had fight?" Then Pranit told every thing to his Mom. Mom " My god!! How did you tolerated this. I mean there is limit to every thing. You can't go in kitchen of restaurant. You can't do every thing. You need to understand. That you must limit it." Pranit " I know Mom. On last time I even tried to object but she is not ready to listen to me." "Fine. Then I will talk to her family now. She couldn't act like that with you. She needed to answer." " But Mom I don't want you to do any thing harsh." Then Pranit's mobile rang. It was manager of that restaurant. Manager " I can't believe it. Your girlfriend just entered in our kitchen." Pranit was so confused." Who are you?" " Ohh so you visit many restaurants every day? Is it some kind of scam?" " What? I just want to know who gave you this number." " I have my resources. Any way take her with you or I will file police complaint." Pranit was so shocked. Pranit turned to Mom "Pragati went in that restaurant and she is breaking many things."  Mom " What? We must go there." " I know Mom." They both ran in that restaurant. It was morning time so people were less. But Pranit also forced to take half day from office. When they reached their manager took them inside. Pragati was taking out every food product and checking. She was claiming that some of them were expired food. Manager " Now tell me. Do you feel she is food inspector to decide it?" Pragati screamed "But I am customer and as customer I have right to search in kitchen. I mean I need to understand if that food product was proper, food was not expired. I have full right." Pranit went ahead. Pranit " Come on Pragati let's go." " No. Stay away from me." It was awkward for Pranit. He couldn't touch her. But Pranit's Mom came near and started pulling her. But she pushed her. His Mom fall on floor. It was enough that manager started calling Police. Pranit tried to stop. But his Mom stopped him. Mom " Let him do what he want? We must not interfere in legal procedure. I just feel that you must not marry this girl." Manager " Marrying her is biggest mistake in life sir? Never do that. She is totally nutcase. " Pranit started crying. After all he loved her from heart. He decided that he could do at least one favor to her as his gesture of love. Pranit " I will pay you compensation and don't call Police. Call her parents." Manager was happy. Manager "Why will I call Police? I don't have personal enimity to this girl. I just want my money." Pranit's Mom was also happy to get rid of her this way. Pranit looked at her for last time. She was just busy in looking at packets. He just paid and went away.
    Then next day Pranit went to different area for few days vacation. Slowly he managed to get transfer there. He just never wanted to return to his home. He wanted to stay there. He just couldn't forget her face. But somewhere in his heart he knew that he couldn't stay with her. She was so strange. Then after few months his Mom told him that bad news. Pragati got married to some one else. He was so sad and confused. He just didn't understand if his decision was right or wrong. Any way it was time when he decided to move ahead with life. Next time when he came home, his Mom introduced him to another girl. She was not nothing like Pragati. He just didn't like her that much. He just kept saying no to many girls. Finally his Mom asked him " What do you have in mind? That Pragati had already married to some one else. Any way she was not ready to marry you after what happened?" " I just don't get it." "I was planning to call but before me Pragati called. She said that you are coward not to support her so she didn't want to marry you. She even managed to abuse you. I just decided not to say any thing since I don't want to hurt your feelings." " My feelings Mom? I just felt so happy and relieved. I mean I have not left her. I have so strange feeling that I felt that girl whom I suppose to marry because she was having mental problem. I felt so guilty." " No.. She was never ready to marry you. I don't know what was her problem but I am sure that she created a big problem for you. You are no longer like old times. You hardly laugh. Never goes to hotel and movie. If you don't want to marry then don't but don't spend life like that. Be relax and return home." That day Pranit felt so relieved. He took transfer back to his office. He decided that he would return to his home now. He was so happy. He was on top of his world. He felt so normal in his house. He was no longer scared of Pragati. He started moving around road with full spirit. He never sensed that he had locked those feelings of freedom in his soul. He felt so much sorrows from mind. He just wanted to move around happily and now he was doing it. He once again joined his office. Once again he met his old friends. He started living normal life. But he tried his best to avoid every thing related to her. His life started to moving ahead on every step. He began to feel full freedom. But still he kept sensing fear he might see her. He was not normal. He just kept looking back. It was so hard for him. Finally Jatin one day suggested him " Why don't you talk with counselor?" " Psychiatrist?" " They are not just for mad people. They even reduce your anxiety. You never need to confess to any one that you are visiting to Psychiatrist. Try to understand you need to start your life." Jatin gave him number. Jatin just went away. Jatin didn't talk about it. But in few days Pranit managed to get courage. He started to visit Psychiatrist. He slowly told him that he was suffering from post traumatic symptoms. He just could adjust with what Pragati did. " He left you but you are still involved in her but don't worry we will solve those problems. It happens when such partners make in your life. She was not your responsibility. She needed to visit a psychiatrist which never did." Slowly that Psychiatrist started convincing  him. Step by step he started to feel that his weight on heart started to get reduce. He knew that he was not perfect in just one visit but he just sensed for first time. He was started becoming that person which he was at beginning.
                                                                The End

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                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...