Friday, April 22, 2016

Poem 2694. Completion of work

                                                           Completion of work
Incomplete work might mean something or nothing in life it just depend on one fact that if we want to complete it
Or if it so going to stay that way for entire life incomplete work will show different effect on every point it just
Seem to show world in different style we need to understand work need to be done but on some points we need
To do that work some more time but some people will understand and some people just don’t in life since
At every step work needed to be completed on every step of life when we will move ahead our work will start
To show effect on mind we need to understand work is something which needed to be completed but on
Sometimes people just say they will complete their work which they never want to do in life it is just up to us
Which work is needed to be done in what style we need to understand our work needed some moments and
Some time to complete but if we don’t want to do it then why don’t we say in straight way in life since it will
Give bad impression and people might hate us for it but it will happen for some time but if you say lies then
You just hate your work for entire life since every incomplete work will need some thought which will open
New ways in life we need to understand incomplete work needed completion not just remaining half since
That work needed to be corrected on every point we need to just learn one thought from inside that every work
Will have to move ahead with one thinking that we need to move ahead with our work which will open in our world
Different concepts of life what we desire is just one thought in world that is receive from people one pleasant
Sort of smile but it is not possible in this world on any point we need to learn one thought from our mind
When we move ahead with one thinking with world that we need to understand truth then we must understand
Sometimes taking anger from people for some time is always wise but then after some point it seem in world
We have work which will have different concepts on every step of life since inside our world work is most
Precious thing on every point when we went ahead on every front of world we need to tell the truth on just
Every step of life we need on each step of life since those effect which are opening our world will start to show
This world in different style we need to complete on just every point work are incomplete on every step of life
When we will start to work we just need to understand work at every step with one thought it will complete
After  sometimes people might loose patience but we sense one thing on every step of life when we
Will start to move ahead in our world those work will needed to have effect on life we have to learn those
Work which will open our world in different way on every step of life what we want to understand in our world
That is value of our work which will show world in different lights since those touches will start to show world
With one thought from mind that work will have effect on every step of life we need to complete that work
On every step with one thought that work needed that completion not for world but for peace of mind since
People just have thirst for quick success on every step of life we need to understand world must be completed
On every step of life when we will move ahead we sense in this world one thought that we must needed to just
Complete that work on every step of life since work will start to show need of completion on every step of life
When work will start to move ahead at each angle of life those touches are showing new touches on every
Step of life when we will began to understand those touches which are showing world in totally different way
On every step of life completion of work is needed to show our appeals to our mind when we will start to just
Move ahead on every indication of life we need to understand work as basic source of life completion is need
On every step of life since at every step of life work is not completed on every step of life and if we don’t want
To understand those thoughts on every angle of life when those work which are showing those indication
Which are showing new effect on mind we need to learn on every step of our work which will show new sort
Of understanding on every step of life when we move ahead in this world we need to learn on every step
One thought from inside those understanding will open our world in that way which will show world in just
Different way and style we need to understand on every step our work with one thought from our mind that
We need to understand completion of work is need of our life when we complete our work we need to learn
It’s profit and losses on every step of life we need to understand work is that soul which is needed on every point
We need to understand soul from our thinking from inside but when we don’t want to complete it then we must
Try to tell it properly to world at every step of life what we need is just one thought from inside which tell us
We must move ahead with one thinking that world will open new way for life which will start to show world
In different style we need to understand thoughts from inside work is something which will start with one
Thinking and thought that work needed to be completed and if you don’t want to say it in life because just by keeping quiet
You might get affection for few days but it give anger for entire life and once trust is broken it can’t create once again in life.

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