Thursday, April 14, 2016

Poem 2680. Dress code

                                                              Dress code
Some dresses are having so much effect on mind we need to understand them on every step of life since those
Colors and looks which are having effect on mind since those dress which will have look that please us on just
Every step of life we sense one thing dress will not remain just cover but it will have pleasant appeals from
Inside of mind when dress will start to cover those looks which are having effect on life then dress will began
To show what appeal from inside we just sense one thing that dress will have some understanding on mind
When we will start to show those effect that will have effect on mind since dress will be something just from
Outside on every step of life we need to understand appeals from mind when dress will start to show those
Touches are having so many effect in our mind when dress will have so much look but they are showing effect
On each step of life when we dress it seem as if people are sensing one appeals from mind when those dressings
Will have so much effect in life seem to show world with one thinking from mind that others will start to just
Appeal to our soul from inside what we need to understand that is just one fact in life when we will began
To have so much understanding from inside others will start to show understanding which are hidden inside
They start to tell us what have to be our style but dress might give you a look but do we really feel on just
Each and every step one appeal in life when dress will start to show those effect which are creating new touch
On every move of life we just sense one feel from mind when we see those dress which will start to show
Those appeals on every step of life we need to understand dress with one thought from design which are
Having so much reaction on every step of life when those dress start to have look which will began to form
Those appeals in life they seem to show world in that way which are showing dresses in that style when we
Will start to show those effect which are showing those reaction on mind but dress are showing those new
Sort of touch which are showing world in different style when those effect which are showing world those
Reaction on every step of life when dress will start to show world in different style since those looks will start
To show effect on life but when we don’t dress as we thought in life then how can we show world what we are
From inside one thing is so sure our dress will show our feel from inside it show us who truly we want to become in life
We can dress as per our choice then only world will understand what we are from inside we might pretend
For few days we may pretend but then after some point we dress as per our wishes since those dresses will
Show world in that style which we wish from heart so no use of wearing all those dresses just because people
Advise us on some point we need to wear what we want from inside but question is that some times some
Sort of dress code manage to cause troubles on many point on that spot comes next question are your prepare
To protect yourself in life if you are ready to protect then only you can go as per your choice never feel that
Your freedom can be protected by other on every point you need to protect it when need arise you might
Want some freedom and others will not like it at all on any point you need to defend yourselves on that spot
So remain ready for it in life but just remember one thing dress code is entirely your choice never let others
Tell you what you really like but it will tell others what you are from inside so if you choose one dress then
You are telling world how to treat you on every point some set of dress get one appeal and other get another
On every step of life when dress code is decided it never is uniform it will differ as per person’s choice since
Every dress will tell one story of your life but never tell world what you judge them by dress since it will just
Manage to hurt that soul on that point because every soul have different story which you hardly know in life
Every heart have different appeal which will change our life we need to study our dress code which will give
Impact on our mind we need to understand those codes that are indicating dresses with one thought which
Are having impact on mind dress seem to show what we want us to be in life we need to learn one thought
From inside that we must dress in that way which we prefer and like but dresses are showing what we sense
From our mind we just start to feel dress will not have so many impact on life but we need to dress properly as per our choice
We need to understand dress will show those codes which will differ on every step of life when we dress then
We sense one appeal from mind we need to understand dresses are those things which will tell what we feel
From our heart what we are in life since when we dress our own way we see determination in our life and
When we dress like other person we manage to choose our mentor and become that one’s student for entire life
Both things are great and nice but one thing is clear we must not dress by force because it will just manage to
Confuse world and our own mind dress after thinking and by your choosing but always remain ready for it’s effect on life
Because there will results of every dress on both sides some are positive and some are negative on every point
Since dress will show those effect which will change our life we need to understand those dresses on every point.

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