Thursday, March 17, 2016

Poem 2632. Effect of nature

                                                                    Effect of nature 
Some scene of nature will start to show our nature in different style when we will began to understand those
Features which are giving our life true sense of mind since nature will have power that start to show those
Effect which will have impact on our mind we need to understand every step of nature but one thing is so
True and clear that it can’t be easily understood in life since at every step of nature we need to learn every way
As well as every step of our life but nature is not something which will take us ahead on every point of mind
We just never sense we need to understand nature as basic thought of mind when nature will start to look
Great we just sense one thought from mind that nature will have power to move ahead on just every point
When nature will show some ways we need to learn them but on sometimes I just wish I can find some way
To understand nature before it manage to turn our life but then it seem as if nature is never our enemy on any moment
Or any point nature is that perfect thing which touches our soul and our mind we need to understand nature
As basic need of mind when we will see nature as that fact which will show world in different style we need
Nature to learn we don’t know every thing since any times what is looking wrong turn out to be right for
Our thinking and our mind when nature take some step we need to understand there must be some logic
Inside it on every point but when human take some step then we need to think about nature before saying
That step is fair and right when we will start to move ahead on every step we need to understand that sort
Of touch and shine which will open in new way our thinking and life what we never understood is just one
Thought or fact from our mind that will tell us nature will have happiness for us if we start to understand that
Feel of nature for our mind when we will move ahead on every step of life we just sense one thing that nature
Will have basic need on every point when nature start to show different colors to our world we need to just
Understand those effect on our mind which are telling us that nature is moving us on right way at every point
We need to learn on every step one thing in life that we need to move ahead with one thought on just every
Moment of our life we just sense one thought that nature is never our enemy in life it will show different
Thinking and feel on every point we just sense one thing that we are having different effect of nature which
Are showing world in different style when we will start to understand nature on every point we need to just
Understand nature as basic need of life when nature shows something we just need to give it few days before
We will able to realize that nature is always perfect and right on every point when nature will show world
On those moment world will look perfect since nature will have it’s own justice on every point it never matter
How fair we feel it is but it is always better than human justice inside our life when nature will punish some one
Then it seem so hard on every point we need to learn that nature will have it’s ways which are opening world
In more powerful way and style we need to understand nature on each step with one thought from our mind
We need to learn on every step one thought that nature will have it’s rules which are effecting us but we just
Never understand those rules from our mind since nature will have power to do every thing in right way on just
Each way and point we need to understand nature as basic need of our life when nature will form effect then
Those steps of nature will show world in different style to our mind we need to understand nature will have
Just that thought which will open new world for us on every point when nature will show hope they will just
Start from that point where world will start to give our world true shine what we need to understand just one
Thinking and fact from our mind that nature will show world in that style which will open new way for our mind
We need to understand on every step just one thought from mind that nature will have that power which
Will open new way for our mind we need to understand nature never does injustice to our soul on any point
Of our life when we will start to move ahead on just every point we need to understand thought from our
Thinking in our life what we never understand that is just one fact from our mind that we must move ahead
Every step with one thought nature never acted wrong way but it is our mind which put every thing in just
Totally wrong way and thinking will start to look so different on every point of life we need to understand
Every step of mind which will tell us one thought from inside that we are just human who hardly understand
Our future or life we need to move ahead on every point with one thought from our mind that we need to just
Move ahead on every point with one thought from mind that nature will show world in different style on just
Every point we need to understand nature as basic fact of life we have to understand nature had basic on just
Each point when nature start to show those appeals which are showing world in different style they are needed
With one thought from mind that we must move ahead with one thinking that we need to understand world
From our mind but we never understand it since we are never smart enough to understand every part of nature
Since it is so wide that it can’t be watched with our eyes which are always small on each and every point of life.

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