Saturday, March 8, 2025

Adventure story. 700. Beautiful flowers

                                                       Beautiful flowers

Seem a was observing out of window when she thought about those beautiful flowers. She was looking towards garden. It were so many unique colors in flowers. They were so pleasant. She was planning to work to hard to create this garden. Her husband Subhash gave her this idea. She wanted to spend her time on something constructive. At beginning she tried to find jobs but it didn’t work. They were not paying much but demanding too much. She began to get exhausted. Now Subhash wanted tasty food for himself. He didn’t want her to be exhausted. But still Subhash waited. Then after sometime he finally said “No offense but you look too exhausted!” “I feel same. I don’t want to work so hard.” “Then why don’t you quit your low payment job?” This managed to hurt her. Subhash continued “It look so wrong that you are working whole time like that! You need to relax.” She began to feel convinced too. She kept so many servants just to handle her household chores & she was working for some other boss who was not paying her much. She needed to rethink. She said slowly “If I quit job, I can’t keep sitting in house whole time?” “I know that too. I want you to relax but I like if you keep some hobbies too. What about growing some garden?” She smiled happily. They had nice balcony but Subhash never suggested to grow anything. He always discouraged her. He kept saying “It was too much hard work.”” Mosquitoes might increase…” “Those plants will bring too much weight on building people will complaint.” Subhash had given lots of causes to not do it so she never tried. But on that day, he encouraged. She felt so positive. Next day she told Boss that she was quitting job. She wanted to leave job on nice terms. She tried her best to look positive. But her Boss began to scream loudly “You can’t leave job like that. You need to inform me before.” She felt so nervous. She said “Sorry Sir.” “You can’t leave like that. I need notice.” “But Sir you are not paying me much so my husband wants me to quit. If you want you can send me legal notice, my husband will handle it.” “Really? If your husband is so capable why you are working here in such a low salary.” “Since I don’t want to sit in my empty house.” She didn’t explain further. She just went away. She told everything to Subhash. He nodded happily. “Don’t worry. I can handle many people like that.” She felt so happy but when she started staying in house, she began to feel negative again. Then slowly she began to plan her garden in most wonderful way. She would feel so positive about all. She began to decide design. On that point door bell rang. Her Cook came inside. Cook looked towards her with smile. Cook “You are at home Madam.” “Yes I am. Let me show you what you suppose to cook today.” They had cook for she felt that she didn’t need to pay attention to cooking. But it turned out as soon as she began to permit cook to handle all their dinner & lunch became less & less tasteless. It was clear that she needed to pay attention to cooking too. She slowly went in kitchen with cook. She began to observe & guide cook how did they want their food. Cook was little upset but cook didn’t have much option. Cook needed to obey her orders. Cook did as per Seema’s advice. Seema was so happy. Finally, everything started to fall back on its place. Her life was moving ahead in better way. She decided that Subhash was right. After sometime she went back in garden.

        Seema’s Cook was so frustrated. Cook knew that her boss Subhash did this since she didn’t obey him. Subhash kept irritating her with different demands. She was told to iron his clothes too. It was not her job so she denied. She knew that after it, Subhash even asked maid. Maid did it with hope of some extra money. Maid was happy to get some coins. Now Subhash was trying hard to take revenge on her. Subhash was strange man. Subhash always liked to bully people. It was not just about servants. Subhash liked to bully everyone. Subhash always kept bossing his wife Seema in everything. Even today Cook noticed Seema was working in garden. It was done just according to Subhash’s wishes. Cook decided that she needed to talk with Seema. Cook came to garden & asked “Madam why you are gardening in such heat?” Seema was truly sweating. Seema’s entire night gown was wet. Seema smiled nervously & said “I thought it would be better idea. It’s difficult to do it in evening & in night it’s impossible.” Cook “You must not go near trees in night! Something might bite you.” Seema nodded. She began to get upset. She started to feel so nervous. She told herself that little heat couldn’t harm her. She smiled & said “It is okay.” Cook nodded & went back to kitchen. Seema once again began to concentrate on plants which she wanted to arrange. She wanted to arrange them all properly. She began to plan. She needed to plan before purchasing them. She needed to think what sort of flowers she wanted. Step by step she began to think about different type of flowers. She began to imagine their beauty after seeing their petals carefully she could select flowers first she needed to go to plant nursery or some stall in which shopkeeper had display of flowers. She needed to choose carefully. She went in kitchen. Cook already managed to cook part of food. Cook never cooked complete lunch or dinner just some items were cooked by Cook. She felt so stressed. She knew that now she needed to cook remaining things. Her life was not easy. But she didn’t understand that why it was becoming so complicated. It supposed to be easy. She was so nervous. She had cook & maid. Still she needed to work so hard daily. She didn’t understand why it was happening. She had left job. Then she suddenly remembered. She needed to iron Subhash’s clothes. Subhash’s business associates were coming next day. She needed to arrange all starters & cocktails too. It was so important for him. She needed to manage all. She knew that she didn’t need to do much in house so she could surely manage to do these basic things which were required for business to prosper like sometimes Subhash could give parties in their house. She began to arrange all. After doing ironing she began to get tired then she needed to prepare for starters & cocktails. Finally, she was so exhausted that she decided to drink some juice & sat on sofa. She began to watch TV. She decided to skip purchasing plants for garden. She didn’t need to hurry about them. It could be done later on suitable time. She needed proper time for it.

        Entire time Seema kept working & arranging those cocktails. She was trying to place them properly. She wanted to manage put all on table. She began to feel so restless. She knew that once she used to arrange for such parties but she used to assist her mother-in-law. She never did alone. Her mother-in-law was such good support but now her mother-in-law never visited her. She was receiving just hate by her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law wanted heir for their family. Her mother-in-law wanted grandson. Seema didn’t give birth to son. She gave birth to one daughter. It was tragic according to her mother-in-law but she didn’t mind. She loved her daughter. Her life was happy until her daughter didn’t fall sick. They tried many doctors but nothing worked. Her daughter had some heart defect. They tried hard. Actually, she was trying hard. Subhash told her on beginning that keeping fake hope was useless. But she was hopeful. She kept trying hard to find way to bring happiness in their life. She went to many doctors. Subhash always kept telling every relative how much money she was wasting but honestly she didn’t care. She tried so hard but still her daughter died. They all came to console her. But entire time they all kept saying that she did all so much money was spent still nothing happened she needed to move on for Subhash. It was so upsetting. She began to feel that it was her mistake. Her mother-in-law came for rituals but her mother-in-law was not kind towards her. Her mother-in-law said “First you gave birth to a daughter who was sick by birth then you don’t even pay attention to my son! Look towards him. He is earning all & you are spending it as per your choice. Do you sense how much you wasted on this sick daughter?” She didn’t say anything. She kept so nervous. She cried so much. After that she kept trying her best to ignore her pain. She took that job. But it seemed that she wanted to remain positive & hopeful. Her life was so confused. She was so sad about her daughter even today. But she didn’t permit it. She knew that she needed to do all for Subhash. She smiled & kept doing. Suddenly she began to feel strange pain in her stomach. It was odd. She was feeling totally normal but now suddenly her pain started to create impact. She was so upset. She knew that she needed to go to Doctor. She called Subhash. “Hello I am feeling sick.” He said angrily “What? You are sick again?” She could sense his negativity. It was sad. She began to feel upset. She wanted to become perfect but she kept feeling sick. Subhash “I feel you have issues like our daughter. Have you checked regarding it? It could be hereditary.” She felt so nervous. She said slowly “I will visit to Doctor & tell him.” “Great!” He disconnected call. She began to feel so restless. She told herself that everything would be just fine. She called Doctor & took appointment. She began to discuss. Doctor told her that she needed to check up. He gave appointment. She went to doctor. Doctor checked her & said “I don’t feel you have any serious issue. I don’t understand why your stomach is paining this way.” She slowly talked about her daughter. Doctor “When did this happened?” She gave year. Doctor “It’s long ago. Have you had any issues after it? Like getting breathless or nightmares!” “No.” She didn’t understand this question. Then Doctor slowly said “I feel you are physically fit.” “But it’s paining so much.” Doctor “It can be mental issue. What about visiting psychiatrist?” She gave nervous look & nodded. She just wanted to get rid of this pain. She immediately called Subhash. She started to talk but he screamed “Just do as doctor says don’t irritate me. I am busy.” She just disconnected call. Then she took appointment of Psychiatrist. She felt so nervous. She didn’t understand what was going on. But she decided to go by Doctor’s advice. Then she went to Psychiatrist. She talked with Psychiatrist. She didn’t sense she did for an hour. It was so relaxing. When she returned home, she began to work for her garden. She selected one room & decorated it with photos of her dead daughter. She decided that she wouldn’t bury her love for daughter. Psychiatrist explained her this pain was happening since she was trying bury her love towards her dead daughter. She felt so nervous. But she kept doing it. Subhash was not happy when he noticed garden. But he couldn’t complaint. He suggested it. He was so angry when he saw room in memory of his dead daughter. He tried to object but she didn’t listen. She didn’t give up. Then she slowly began to work in one orphanage. Subhash didn’t like it but he didn’t have much option. When she suggested adopting one child. He insisted on boy. She didn’t mind. She just wanted a child. But soon she sensed that Subhash was not really interested in adopting. She forced to give up that plan. But she began to go there & started to help those children. Soon she became mother for them all. She was so happy. Subhash didn’t understand it but she didn’t care she just kept going there. Soon she became happy person whose life was full of smiles. She stopped her psychiatric treatment. She was suffering no longer any pain. She began to feel so positive about all. When she gave party, every guest asked her what did she done to have such positive change. She said “I went to Psychiatrist who advised to visit orphanage.” Subhash just smiled but after that he never objected her visits to orphanage. Her garden was full of flowers & each flower reminded her of one child from orphanage.

                                                 The End

Friday, March 7, 2025

Poem. 7221. Word open new

                               Word open new 

Word open new dream which start new light with knowledge of life that form new brightness to life

Word open new appeal which show new path with chapter of life that create new shine to life

Word open new touch which give new hope with concept of life that show new direction to mind 

Word open new strength which form new way with thought of life that start new appeal to mind 

Word open new world which create new light with smile of life that give new feeling to mind 

Word open new direction which show new direction with route of life that create new hope to mind 

Word open new move which start new path with knowledge of life that form new appeal to mind 

Word open new path which form new spirit with chapter of life that show new thought to mind 

Word open new soul which create new light with understanding of life that give new concept to mind

Word open new hope which show new route with light of life that form new brightness to mind

Word open new appeal which give new hope with direction of life that create new light to mind

Word open new shine which form new spirit with strength of life that show new chapter to mind

Word open new spirit which create new way with concept of life that give new strength to mind

Word open new world which give new touch with thought of life that start new direction to mind

Word open new chapter which start new touch with route of life that form new dream to mind

Word open new thought which form new smile with move of life that create new path to mind

Word open new feeling which give new spirit with direction of life that start new route to mind

Word open new step which show new hope with knowledge of life that form new appeal to mind

Word open new route which create new light with touch of life that give new hope to mind

Word open new spirit which form new soul with strength of life that show new shine to mind.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Poem. 7220. Door of light create

                             Door of light create 

Door of light create new word to thinking of mind which open new appeal to knowledge towards start of life

Door of light create new chapter to learning of mind which show new touch to move towards touch of life

Door of light create new strength to feeling of mind which form new brightness to concept towards soul of life

Door of light create new touch to meaning of mind which start new strength to direction towards hope of life

Door of light create new way to understanding of mind which bring new dream to appeal towards path of life

Door of light create new move to thinking of mind which form new appeal to chapter towards soul of life

Door of light create new shine to feeling of mind which show new knowledge to shine towards spirit of life

Door of light create new hope to learning of mind which give new direction to move towards step of life

Door of light create new appeal to meaning of mind which start new strength to touch towards way of life

Door of light create new thought to feeling of mind which form new brightness to path towards word of life

Door of light create new strength to learning of mind which show new dream to direction towards hope of life

Door of light create new shine to meaning of mind which start new light to strength towards spirit of life

Door of light create new way to understanding of mind which form new word to chapter towards step of life

Door of light create new step to feeling of mind which show new knowledge towards direction of life

Door of light create new path to meaning of mind which give new appeal towards knowledge of life

Door of light create new spirit to learning of mind which start new chapter towards strength of life 

Door of light create new soul to meaning of mind which show new hope towards concept of life

Door of light create new strength to feeling of mind which form new brightness towards soul of life

Door of light create new appeal to thinking of mind which give new shine towards hope of life

Door of light create new move to meaning of mind which start new direction towards shine of life.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Poem. 7219. Soul of hope to dream

                          Soul of hope to dream 

Soul of hope to dream give new direction to move which start new appeal to chapter that form new shine of life

Soul of hope to dream start new strength to path which form new route to direction that create new touch of life

Soul of hope to dream form new appeal to step which create new path to concept that show new knowledge of life

Soul of hope to dream show new touch to path which give new step to thought that start new direction of life

Soul of hope to dream give new shine to route which form new light to knowledge that form new strength of life

Soul of hope to dream start new chapter to shine which create new path to learning that give new light of life

Soul of hope to dream form new smile to thought which give new spirit to direction that start new route of life

Soul of hope to dream show new path to concept which start new route to chapter that form new thought of life

Soul of hope to dream create new move to direction which form new way to world that show new spirit of life

Soul of hope to dream give new knowledge to way which create new path to thought that give new move of life

Soul of hope to dream start new chapter to shine which show new knowledge to spirit that create new step of life

Soul of hope to dream form new touch to spirit which give new direction to concept that show new move of life

Soul of hope to dream create new thought to way which show new route to chapter that form new appeal to life

Soul of hope to dream show new path to concept which start new light to strength that give new hope to life

Soul of hope to dream start new spirit to direction which form new appeal to path that show new touch to life ttt 

Soul of hope to dream form new appeal to chapter which give new knowledge to spirit that create new step to life

Soul of hope to dream give new knowledge to path which create new touch to way that form new strength to life

Soul of hope to dream create new touch to shine which start new direction to move that give new touch to life

Soul of hope to dream start new strength to move which form new chapter to soul that show new light to life

Soul of hope to dream show new touch to smile which create new appeal to step that give new direction to life.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Poem. 7218. Shine of smile will open new

                      Shine of smile will open new

Shine of smile will open new way to chapter of mind which start new light towards route of soul that bring new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new soul to strength of mind which form new move towards path of word that create new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new step to concept of mind which give new knowledge towards way of path that show new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new route to world of mind which show new dream towards soul of concept that start new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new appeal to spirit of mind which form new concept towards hope of path that give new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new hope to start of mind which bring new chapter towards world of route that show new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new path to step of mind which show new soul towards move of appeal that form new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new move to word of mind which give new knowledge towards word of path that start new touch to mind 

Shine of smile will open new dream to spirit of mind which create new light towards hope of route that show new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new step to move of mind which start new direction towards way of concept that open new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new hope to soul of mind which form new soul towards word of path that start new touch to mind 

Shine of smile will open new start to route of mind which give new knowledge towards way of soul that form new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new thought to step of mind which show new appeal towards word of light that bring new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new world to route of mind which form new chapter towards soul of hope that show new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new soul to feel of mind which create new direction towards path of step that start new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new spirit to dream of mind which show new appeal towards hope of light that form new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new way to word of mind which create new knowledge towards soul of way that show new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new world to step of mind which give new path towards route of dream that bring new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new appeal to route of mind which show new light towards hope of word that create new touch to mind

Shine of smile will open new thought to way of mind which start new way towards spirit of soul that form new touch to mind.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Poem. 7217. Soul give new

                                Soul give new 

Soul give new light to thought of mind which form new direction to feeling of route that bring new word to life

Soul give new touch to appeal of mind which show new knowledge to concept of path that start new route to life

Soul give new dream to concept of mind which create new touch to strength of spirit that form new move to life 

Soul give new world to direction of mind which start new thought to smile of path that bring new path to life

Soul give new chapter to hope of mind which form new brightness to way of hope that create new way to life

Soul give new concept to spirit of mind which create new touch to light of step that show new hope to life

Soul give new shine to move of mind which show new route to appeal of word that bring new shine to life

Soul give new strength to path of mind which start new thought to route of move that form new appeal to life

Soul give new route to touch of mind which form new brightness to chapter of shine that show new dream to life

Soul give new smile to spirit of mind which show new knowledge to dream of path that start new light to life

Soul give new word to strength of mind which start new light to move of concept that open new way to life

Soul give new spirit to chapter of mind which form new brightness to way of move that bring new hope to life

Soul give new move to thought of mind which turn new path to chapter of move that create new shine to life

Soul give new smile to concept of mind which show new touch to spirit of word that start new appeal to life

Soul give new hope to touch of mind which start new knowledge to hope of route that form new brightness to life

Soul give new shine to thought of mind which form new appeal to light of step that show new dream to life

Soul give new appeal to route of mind which create new direction to smile of touch that start new shine to life

Soul give new touch to concept of mind which show new path to strength of way that create new word to life

Soul give new way to smile of mind which start new knowledge to hope of concept that open new path to life

Soul give new chapter to word of mind which form new appeal to start of thought that show new route to life.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Poem. 7216. Touch from dream

                           Touch from dream 

Touch from dream to move bring new world to feel of soul which show new appeal towards light to path in mind

Touch from dream to move open new knowledge to learning of route which form new smile towards way to path in mind

Touch from dream to move create new appeal to smile of direction which start new thought towards hope to path in mind

Touch from dream to move show new thought to way of chapter which create new word towards soul to path in mind

Touch from dream to move start new world to knowledge of light which show new appeal towards word to path in mind

Touch from dream to move form new chapter to world of way which start new smile towards strength to path in mind

Touch from dream to move bring new route to concept of step which create new hope towards appeal to path in mind

Touch from dream to move create new strength to light of word which form new concept towards soul to path in mind

Touch from dream to move show new shine to thought of light which bring new route towards hope to path in mind

Touch from dream to move start new chapter of shine which give new spirit towards way to path in mind

Touch from dream to move give new soul to direction of concept which open new appeal towards move to path in mind

Touch from dream to move form new step to knowledge of spirit which create new hope towards step to path in mind

Touch from dream to move open new thought to soul of way which show new route towards shine to path in mind

Touch from dream to move create new spirit to chapter of start which form new appeal towards way to path in mind

Touch from dream to move start new smile to direction of word which show new light towards spirit to path in mind

Touch from dream to move bring new route to concept of soul which create new thought towards route to path in mind

Touch from dream to move form new world to smile of route which start new direction towards hope to path in mind

Touch from dream to move show new light to appeal of shine which bring new step towards start to path in mind

Touch from dream to move start new shine to strength of way which show new light towards spirit to path in mind

Touch from dream to move open new world to direction of step which create new word towards shine to path in mind.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Adventure story. 699.. For second house

                                         For second house                              

Suddenly that strange voice of something falling down managed to wake Samir up. Samir was feeling so upset. This was happening daily since his brother’s marriage. They were planning to live together as joint family. It was not as if they had much option. They couldn't afford to purchase second house. They couldn’t keep avoiding his elder brother Ramesh’s marriage for long time. Ramesh got chance to find nice girl like Rina. She was so nice. Rina was good looking. She also had nice source of income through her job. Ramesh was not planning to use her money but if they needed to buy second house then they required to get some loans. It was so frustrating when Rina came in this house after marriage. He needed to adjust in everything. He required to keep one artificial smile on face whole time. His family insisted that they needed to act nicely with new daughter-in-law. At beginning he felt this special treatment would vanish after sometime. But it kept going on. He was so nervous. In this house he needed to control his feelings whole time. Life was not going ahead the way he wanted. He couldn’t have freedom to express himself but Rina was free to express herself. Now when he heard something was fallen, he began to think that it must be Rina. He didn’t tell anyone directly but Rina was not normal girl. She kept screaming when Ramesh suggested something. In fact, Rina didn’t want to stay in house. She always kept staying in her parent’s house. She kept saying “Your house is too small.” It seemed like their mistake. According to her they supposed to purchase one separate house before marriage. They gave one bedroom out of two to them but it was not enough for Rina. Rina kept saying “Your brother Samir kept sleeping in Hall on that sofa whenever I needed to take water from kitchen in night. He kept watching me. It felt so odd.” Immediately his parents told him to turn his back towards kitchen. He nodded. So now for entire night he needed to sleep in same way. He was so frustrated. Then sometimes Rina kept throwing things in night like that. He felt that Rina wanted separate house. He went to his parents & suggested to try to do it. His mom said “Do you feel she will permit us live in this house peacefully? No, she will not. She didn’t like to cook so she will force me to go there & cook. We need to keep taking care of her household chores too. We will manage to spend all investment for second house & we will not get much in return. Try to understand you have uncertain future while your brother has great salary & his wife also has great salary.” “But how can we live this way?” His Dad “My dear son Ramesh is so selfish person that he will want everything for just himself. He married to a woman who is just like him so you need to fight back otherwise you will not get anything.” He agreed. His parents were right. They were not thinking of shifting in house & became independent soon Rina began to discuss how did her children needed to be kept with grandparents. Samir was once fond of children but he didn’t like his brother or his sister-in-law so he didn’t want to take care of their children. He knew that they would keep blaming him for every mistake. He knew that they didn’t want their children to became attached to him. He was so scared. His house felt no longer safe place to him.

       Samir slowly looked around in that dark house. He knew that Rina was once again started her drama. She just wanted everything as per her desire & she was planning to do all for it. She didn’t want Samir to have anything. She married to Ramesh since she could not find a rich boy now, she needed to find a way to make Ramesh rich. It was important for her. She needed to remove Samir out of their life. She knew that Samir was looking towards her with negativity too. At beginning she was not so against him. She thought that she could manage to convince Samir to go against his parents. She wanted entire house in her hand. But now she began to sense that they didn’t have much money. She just wanted to get rid of this marriage but she didn’t find any way. She kept throwing tantrums around. She kept irritating Ramesh with one hope that he would argue with her. But slowly she sensed that Ramesh was very selfish man. He liked when she harassed all. He wanted to capture entire property & whatever financial security his parents had. He didn’t want to share it with anyone. He was so happy when she began to argue for money. He needed every one who would do it for him. She wanted to frustrate him so she was breaking different things today. But he was still smiling. It was clear that he didn’t mind. Samir was so upset. She sensed that Samir was woke up. She was so happy when he woke up & sat on sofa. She wanted him to come & argue. She wanted to harass Samir. She wanted him to come & argue with her. She wanted him to enter in bedroom to argue with her. It would create best impact for them. She could declare that her brother-in-law entered in her bedroom at middle of night. So, she started throwing things more loudly. Samir was so stressed. He was shivering due to those noises. It was clear that he wanted to come & stop them. But he couldn’t. He was just shivering through fear. He was sitting on sofa. She was expecting him to come near her. It was very important for her. If Samir came in their room, she would create new sort of drama. But she noticed that once again Samir slept on sofa. She could see his uneasiness. He was feeling so restless. She just needed to keep harassing. Ramesh said slowly “You just need to keep harassing him. Then slowly he will give up. If he does that soon we can start dominating him. We will create big issue buy second house & still keep coming in this house for food. We need both houses.” Rina looked towards him with shock. She didn’t like to stay with him but she was married to him. She was doing all with her own wishes. She was harassing family with hope of divorce but her husband, Ramesh was feeling so happy about it. Ramesh was feeling positive about all. Ramesh didn’t sense sorrow in pain of his family. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do. If she kept harassing Samir, they might get second house but it would be in name of Ramesh. She didn’t know if she wanted to stay with this type of husband. She just stopped throwing things & slept on bed. Ramesh slept on bed too. But she could sense that he was laughing. He was clearly enjoying all. He was thrilled when she was getting more & more upset.

         Samir closed his eyes & he was trying to sleep. He was so upset. He knew that Rina was watching him. She wanted him to come in their bedroom & scream on them. But he was not stupid person. He would never go inside their bedroom. He never liked Ramesh much but now he started to hate him. He was beginning to feel negative about him. He wanted to keep positivity in his mind. But he knew that Ramesh enjoyed when his wife, Rina harassed him. Samir knew that now they would sleep peacefully while he would remain awake for entire night. He began to cry slowly. He was not so rich. He had lots of financial issues in his life. He kept feeling so upset when they began to start targeting him. He was trying hard to settle in his career but it was not working. He never managed to earn. He helped many people. He did assistance to many people in their job. He got few things free some sort of coupons. But he never found nice job. He was trying hard to adjust. But now he wanted to argue with brother. He decided to talk with his parents next day. He began to feel that he needed to find some way. He might need to shift in another house. He was feeling so stressed. He didn’t feel positive about anything. His life was moving in wrong way. He closed his eyes forcibly. Rina suddenly sensed someone was tapping on their door. Their door was open still someone was tapping on it. It was making them all restless. He began to get tense. He wanted to feel positive but his life was moving in wrong way. He knew that sleeping was important but still. Suddenly Rina screamed “Who was tapping on door?” Samir woke up in middle of night. Rina looked angrily towards him. Luckily, he was sleeping on sofa. His eyes were open but he immediately closed. Then Ramesh’s voice came “Door is open not closed how could anyone tap on it?” Rina screamed “Someone was tapping…” “ It must be wind.” Samir began to feel uneasy too. Samir closed his eyes. But his mind was so scared. He kept taking name of God entire time. He finally woke up with sunlight. As soon as he sensed that it was morning he immediately looked towards Ramesh’s bedroom. Both husband & wife were getting ready so door was closed. He ran in kitchen. He saw his mom & began to tell all about tapping incidence in night. His Mom laughed. “This is our old house we never had ghosts.” Then Samir looked tense. Samir “Mom something is wrong with that woman. She scares me.” Mom looked towards Samir’s pale face. His Mom said “Let me talk with your dad…” On that point Dad came. Dad “I had enough that woman was screaming last night. I can’t survive this. Let’s give them another house.” Mom nodded. So, they decided to talk. They called Ramesh & Rina. They discussed about it. Ramesh immediately nodded. Rina didn’t say anything. In evening Ramesh came alone. Ramesh declared that Rina didn’t want to stay in that house. They were so happy so they arranged payment through their investments. Ramesh took few days & soon he had house on his name. He was so happy. Finally, he could shift. On that night Ramesh received one call from Rina. “I want to stay with my parents…” “But we buy new house…” “Just stay away.” She began to scream on him. Then her mom came on mobile & told him angrily “Just stay away from my daughter.” He was so shocked. He purchased new house. He went there. But his wife Rina never came. He kept pretending that she was staying with him. Rina came rarely in his home. She stayed in her parent’s home. He didn’t want divorce so he kept dragging. Soon he was informed that Rina was pregnant. He was hoping that she would start staying with him and he introduced as father. He managed to force his right as father on his child. But Rina never came to stay with him. She was scared of him. She kept saying that he was possessed by ghost. Slowly one day he asked her parents about her behavior. They didn’t tell anything but their neighbor told him about her mental issues. At beginning he was sad but then slowly he was happy. He had one house. He pretended before his parents about his happy married life & got money as gift which he used for himself. He never cared for his family or his wife or his child but he pretended that he was taking care of them. He was happy with pretending it. He knew that he didn’t need to change his attitude since Rina was never going to become normal. He already met her psychiatrist & confirmed it. So, he began to enjoy his life in his house alone.

                                                 The End

Adventure story. 700. Beautiful flowers

                                                        Beautiful flowers Seem a was observing out of window when she thought about those be...