Thursday, January 16, 2025

Poem. 7178. Dream which start new

                       Dream which start new 

Dream which start new world form new feel to step of mind which open new direction to route of life

Dream which start new route give new light to hope of mind which show new appeal to route of life

Dream which start new move show new word to touch of mind which start new path to route of life

Dream which start new path create new light to hope of mind which form new touch to route of life

Dream which start new word give new direction to spirit of mind which create new light to route of life

Dream which start new soul show new chapter to thought of mind which bring new way to route of life

Dream which start new way create new shine to chapter of mind which show new direction to route of life

Dream which start new appeal form new brightness to path of mind which start new move to route of life

Dream which start new chapter give new spirit to concept of mind which form new light to route of life

Dream which start new thought create new path to strength of mind which give new hope to route of life

Dream which start new knowledge form new appeal to touch of mind which show new thought to route of life

Dream which start new concept give new knowledge to soul of mind which form new brightness to route of life

Dream which start new touch show new thought to step of mind which create new concept to route of life

Dream which start new direction form new light to touch of mind which show new appeal to route of life 

Dream which start new hope create new shine to smile of mind which form new brightness to route of life

Dream which start new spirit show new chapter to move of mind which show new step to route of mind

Dream which start new thought form new path to strength of mind which give new smile to route of mind

Dream which start new shine give new hope to concept of mind which show new start to route of mind

Dream which start new concept show new appeal to touch of mind which form new thought to route of mind

Dream which start new strength create new spirit to chapter of mind which give new hope to route of mind.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Poem. 7177. With step in light

                          With step in light new

With step in light new way open touch which create new direction to thought of soul give new hope to mind

With step in light new move start word which form new knowledge to touch of shine show new route to mind

With step in light new world form soul which give new appeal to strength of path start new touch to mind

With step in light new thought give route which show new shine to chapter of move create new way to mind

With step in light new smile show concept which form new brightness to dream of path show new thought to mind

With step in light new hope create light which start new concept to soul of step form new strength to mind

With step in light new word form direction which give new knowledge to route of way create dream to mind

With step in light new path start smile which form new brightness to hope of move show shine to mind

With step in light new chapter give route which show new appeal to word of concept start spirit to mind

With step in light new shine show chapter which give new strength to soul of appeal form hope to mind

With step in light new route form direction which create new concept to dream of light give path to mind

With step in light new soul create move which start new direction to thought of way show route to mind

With step in light new word start chapter which form new brightness to world of touch give way to mind

With step in light new touch give path which show new appeal to strength of word create shine to mind

With step in light new smile show route which create new dream to path of touch start word to mind

With step in light new move create soul which start new chapter to smile of route form move to mind

With step in light new start form route which show new direction to way of concept give soul to mind

With step in light new world start path which form new brightness to word of dream show world to mind

With step in light new spirit show appeal which give new knowledge to soul of chapter start word to mind

With step in light new route create touch which start new appeal to world of strength form spirit to mind.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Poem. 7176. Touch bring new soul to

                       Touch bring new soul to

Touch bring new soul to strength which show new move to knowledge that form new word to appeal in mind

Touch bring new soul to concept which form new word to strength that bring new soul to concept in mind

Touch bring new soul to thought which start new direction to dream that show new route to knowledge in mind

Touch bring new soul to shine which form new shine to thought that give new dream to thought in mind

Touch bring new soul to appeal which create new path to chapter that start new light to concept in mind

Touch bring new soul to knowledge which give new direction to spirit that bring new thought to route in mind

Touch bring new soul to feel which start new knowledge to word that create new dream to step in mind

Touch bring new soul to world which form new appeal to soul that show new thought to start in mind

Touch bring new soul to chapter which give new hope to strength that give new chapter to word in mind

Touch bring new soul to spirit which start new shine to direction that show new move to strength in mind

Touch bring new soul to way which create new concept to world that form new dream to light in mind

Touch bring new soul to hope which show new thought to word that bring new appeal to light in mind

Touch bring new soul to route which give new dream to chapter that open new spirit to start in mind

Touch bring new soul to direction which start new light to dream that show new route to hope in mind

Touch bring new soul to smile which create new appeal to thought that start new knowledge to soul in mind

Touch bring new soul to dream which form new brightness to shine that open new thought to step in mind

Touch bring new soul to chapter which give new hope to strength that form new concept to route in mind

Touch bring new soul to strength which show new route to dream that start new way to move in mind

Touch bring new soul to feel which create new thought to step that show new appeal to strength in mind

Touch bring new soul to word which form new brightness to path that give new hope to concept in mind.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Poem. 7175. When hope begin new journey

                       When hope begin new journey

When hope begin new journey start smile in life which start new direction to move toward path that give new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey form path in life which form new strength to soul toward step that create new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey show step in life which give new knowledge to start toward move that form new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey give route in life which create new appeal to touch toward start that show new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey start world in life which form new concept to path toward spirit that start new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey create path in life which give new thought to way toward smile that create new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey form start in life which show new route to appeal toward move that form new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey show move in life which start new chapter to shine toward way that give new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey create way in life which form new light to route towards soul that start new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey show route in life which create new path to spirit towards step that form new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey form light in life which give new direction to soul towards route that create new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey start move in life which show new strength to path towards shine that give new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey give step in life which form new appeal to world towards spirit that start new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey create route in life which start new touch to knowledge towards step that form new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey show shine in life which create new spirit to direction towards path that show new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey form appeal in life which show new path to strength towards move that create new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey give strength in life which form new touch to world towards step that start new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey start chapter in life which give new knowledge to way towards spirit that form new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey create appeal in life which show new thought to soul towards path that start new dream in mind

When hope begin new journey show thought in life which start new smile to appeal towards step that form new dream in mind.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Poem. 7174. Path towards smile of soul

                    Path towards smile of soul

Path towards smile of soul start new strength to mind which form new chapter to thought of step that create new direction to life 

Path towards smile of soul form new concept to mind which create new route to direction of soul that form new appeal to life 

Path towards smile of soul create new world to mind which show new move to knowledge of start that give new dream to life

Path towards smile of soul show new chapter to mind which start new world to appeal of move that create new touch to life

Path towards smile of soul give new spirit to mind which form new concept to touch of step that form new knowledge to life

Path towards smile of soul create new move to mind which give new direction to route of shine that start new spirit to life

Path towards smile of soul form new touch to mind which show new strength to spirit of touch that create new word to life

Path towards smile of soul show new shine to mind which create new appeal to move of route that give new chapter to life

Path towards smile of soul start new route to mind which form new knowledge to step of spirit that show new concept to life

Path towards smile of soul give new way to mind which start new touch to world of hope that form new shine to life

Path towards smile of soul create new move to mind which give new spirit to start of route that start new shine to life

Path towards smile of soul form new light to mind which show new light to shine of touch that create new way to life

Path towards smile of soul show new chapter to mind which give new route to way of shine that start new appeal to life

Path towards smile of soul give new concept to mind which form new dream to appeal of step that show new touch to life

Path towards smile of soul start new direction to mind which show new path to touch of spirit that create new thought to life

Path towards smile of soul create new touch to mind which give new chapter to move of start that form new shine to life

Path towards smile of soul form new appeal to mind which start new hope to strength of move that give new route to life

Path towards smile of soul give new shine to mind which form new step to thought of shine that show new concept to life

Path towards smile of soul show new move to mind which create new way to direction of way that start new spirit to life

Path towards smile of soul start new strength to mind which form new spirit to chapter of move that create new soul to life.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Adventure story. 692. Rita's hard work

                                                      Rita's hard work

Rita was working so hard. She knew that her employer Satish arranged all for his mom. Rita was running so hard to get her increment for it she needed to impress Satish’s Mom that lady was sick but still she was so sharp. Rita knew that it was hard to impress her. Satish’s Mom was so wise. Rita was arranging everything according to Satish’s Mom’s desire. She changed curtains. Satish’s Mom was light cream curtain with design of pleasant small flowers. Rita searched so hard to please Satish’s Mom. Rita traveled in so many shops. Rita kept visiting one shop after another. Rita was wandering between different shops. She kept searching for right design & good bargain. She needed to send photos & discuss on mobile about price. She wanted reasonable price. Satish’s Mom didn’t like when someone managed to grab money. Satish’s Mom wanted everything perfect & cheap. Rita worked so hard to find them. Now she needed to change them. Satish’s Mom went for check up to doctor. She knew that it would take some hours to come back. She needed to clean room & arrange all by then. She supposed to handle entire work in her room. Her room supposed to look nice. She needed to arrange all properly. She kept placing different items according to wishes of Satish’s Mom. Rita didn’t want to do anything which could upset Satish’s Mom. Rita began to look around. That room looked so nice. It was perfect in her view. She felt so impressed by Satish’s Mom. She began to get positive. She started admiring Satish’s Mom in heart. That lady was so smart & impressive. She wanted to become like Satish’s Mom. But she knew that she couldn’t. It was so problematic for her. She wanted to feel positive but she couldn’t. She began to feel so upset. She was feeling that she didn’t made room beautiful. Satish’s Mom would surely get angry. Satish’s Mom needed every thing perfect. She began to look around in room. She started to get tense. She began to feel that she needed to change room. She began to create unique appeal. She could see pleasant colours of those wallpapers. She could see beautiful flower design even on them. She knew that those wallpapers were plain. She needed to create beautiful pleasant flowers on them. She began to imagine wonderful look. She started to observe different looks on wallpaper. Those flowers had pleasant colours. Those design looked so wonderful. She began to feel positive when she imagined those wallpapers with pleasant design of flowers. She decided that she needed to change wallpapers. She was about to do it. She began to feel desire to change those wallpapers in right way. She wanted to keep that room pleasant but it didn’t happen. She knew that she must not waste money so she did all. She tried her best to polish that floor. She wanted to keep that floor clean. She cleaned every corner of room. She began to see every wall. She began to decorate it carefully. It looked so wonderful. But still she wasn’t sure. She needed to keep observing every wall carefully. It had pleasant design. She kept looking towards wall. Those pleasant design looked so pretty. Still, she wanted flowers on it. On that point her mobile rang. Satish said on mobile “Mom isn’t coming today. She would need some days…” She felt so tense. She sensed that something was totally wrong. She took deep breath to calm herself.

         Rita was so tense. She knew that Satish’s Mom was sick for long time. She needed to feel positive. But she wasn’t sure that Satish’s Mom would return. She could learn between lines. She began to feel so negative. She started to sense different meaning. She decided to call Satish again. She called Satish. She began to talk on mobile. Rita “Is Madam fine?” Satish didn’t say anything for some time. Then finally he spoke “I need to tell you truth. I don’t have much hope. I know you are preparing room. It will be great if you do all. We might bring Mom in that room before taking her for cremation.” Rita didn’t say anything. It was painful but it was truth. She worked so hard for Satish’s Mom but in return Satish’s Mom gave her safety & shelter. Satish’s Mom kept her with respect. She loved to stay in Satish’s house. She began to get so restless when she needed to move out of Satish’s Mom’s house. She needed to return her house. That thought was so stressful. She was feeling so negative. She knew that one day she needed to go back. She started to tell herself to get ready about it. She began to feel so much nervous. She felt so upset. She knew that her mom wanted her to marry a man whom she had selected once. Rita was planning to marry that man because she felt that he was suitable. Her entire family convinced her that this man was best. She kept convinced too. She started dating but soon she sensed that he was abusive. She was so scared of him. She wanted to hide from him. She didn’t like the way he behaved but since she started dating him. They decided that she needed to marry him. Rita was so freighted that she started to try to avoid him her best. But she couldn’t find a way to avoid marriage. On that time, she offered this job. Her parents were not interested in sending her. But her fiancée wanted money so he declared that it was nice idea. Her fiancée said “This is old lady. She will live for some days. Rita would do normal simple nursing for her. It will be one noble work. We will get money too. But think about it how much blessings that old lady will give us. Our married life will be blessed.” Her parents looked confused. Her parents didn’t want to agree but Rita wanted to escape so Rita immediately declared “So true. I want to do it.” Her fiancée smiled in way which told her that it was just his greed. He wanted money. He was so happy that he managed to fool her. But she wasn’t getting fooled. She was trying to escape. She planned it perfectly. Her fiancée got convinced that she would come back. She was planning to get some help from Satish’s Mom. But when she came here, she sensed that she needed to do all by her. Satish’s Mom didn’t give her much freedom. Satish’s Mom kept saying that she was token of her fiancée & Satish’s Mom was supposed to protect her. She wasn’t permitted to meet people. Rita kept inside house. Now Satish’s Mom was dead. Then Satish added “I called your parents. They will come to take you.” She wanted to protest but it was useless. She shivered with fear. She disconnected call. She didn’t want to return to her home. Then she got one idea. She could run away now. But she knew that Satish would call Cops & they would find her. Then she got another idea. She could run away when her parents would start to take her home. She was so tense.

        Rita was so shocked when she sensed that she was in some hotel. She looked towards herself. She was dressed in modern clothes. She looked around. She was clearly singing in that hotel. She began to look around nervously. She began to get tense. She knew that she was maid. It was so odd. She looked towards musician & asked “What does I am doing here?” Musician gave odd smile & said “I don’t know. You just came & started singing uninvited. Believe me people don’t like you singing go away before they start to throw something on you.” She immediately nodded. She slowly looked around; Angry people were looking towards her. She gave smile & said “Sorry. Bad Comedy.” They all laughed. Then she immediately did one odd dance & ran away from stage. But people were laughing & smiling. So they didn’t plan to protest against her & by this time actual singer took position & started singing. Rita sensed that it was lucky escape. She didn’t understand how did she came there. When she came out of hotel, one lady Cop came. Lady Cop “We were searching for you. What are you doing here?” She began to cry & told Cop that she didn’t remember. Cop didn’t believe her. But Cop told her to sit in car. She sat in car. She began to feel so stressed. Finally, she came in Satish’s home. Everyone was looking towards her with anger. Her father began to scream on her. They all began to claim that she was doing something wrong. She didn’t remember anything. She kept telling. Then Satish said “Take her to home.” Her parents gave angry look to him & said “You have done it. Now we will not take her back. She can’t come home. She is thrown out of house.” Cop gave confused look & said “She was just singing in hotel. Trying to get some money. Come on! It’s crime but not so big.” But her father declared “Then she can keep doing it. I am cutting my every connection with her.” Rita kept looking. Her parents went away. She was standing on street. Then that Cop went away. Satish also began to go inside. She didn’t say anything. She didn’t understand what happened to her. She was not feeling sad since she didn’t want to marry that fiancée. But now she was without home. It was so upsetting. She worked so hard for Satish’s Mom. Then Satish came down & said “Mom kept some amount for you. I will…” “I need work & house. I really don’t remember.” “If it’s true. Then you need psychiatrist so stop lying.” “I am not lying. I need to go to Doctor what if I went to sing again?” Satish felt so confused. But he decided to call his doctor. Satish said angrily “I will take you to hospital. Then we will find truth.” Rita nodded. Satish took emergency appointment. He went inside immediately. He told psychiatrist all. He said “If she is truthful, I will do her treatment. I don’t have any objection or issue about money. But this was happening seem like fake.” Rita immediately said “ I am not lying.” Psychiatrist said “Relax let’s talk. I need to talk with you.” Then Psychiatrist talked with her. She told all without restriction. “Did this happen before? Did you get forgotten memories?” “Yes…sometimes I forgot my dates...” Psychiatrist nodded. He looked towards Satish & said “I think she is telling truth.” Satish looked shock. Satish “But she was normal before.” “It’s connected to her fiancée. She kept forgetting his memories when he abused her or she needed to go to him. There were some occasions when she might had done something like she did today. But we never caught her since her parents never took interest in searching for her. They thought that she was with her fiancée.” Satish was shocked. “This is so wrong.” “Any way I like to keep her in hospital for treatment.” “Of course you can.” Rita smiled happily. Finally, she was going to be normal. She was hiding this for such long time. She was glad finally it was over. One nurse came & took her to her room. Satish immediately took out card & said “Give her best treatment she did so much for my mom in Mom’s last day.” Psychiatrist nodded & said “Don’t worry I will do my best just keep my one advise in mind. Never send her back to her parents.” Satish “Don’t worry I will never do that. I will give her job in my company of cleaner.” Finally, Rita managed to escape from her fiancée & parents. She was in hospital but she was feeling most relaxed.

                                                             The End

Friday, January 10, 2025

Poem. 7173. Just start one dream which

                   Just start one dream which

Just start one dream which give hope to mind it become truth on each step of life which form new world to mind

Just start one dream which show path to mind it create spirit on each way of life which give new world to mind

Just start one dream which form step to mind it give appeal on each touch of life which show new world to mind

Just start one dream which create way to mind it show chapter on each path of life which create new world to mind

Just start one dream which start move to mind it form direction on each soul of life which form new world in mind

Just start one dream which form appeal to mind it create strength on each way of life which give new world in mind

Just start one dream which show start to mind it start knowledge on each step of life which show new world in mind

Just start one dream which give thought to mind it form direction on each start of life which create new world in mind

Just start one dream which create appeal to mind it give touch on each strength of life which form new world in mind

Just start one dream which show direction to mind it start shine on each touch of life which show new world in mind

Just start one dream which form strength to mind it create spirit on each path of life which create new world in mind

Just start one dream which give touch to mind it show shine on each step of life which form new world in mind

Just start one dream which show soul to mind it start chapter on each move of life which give new world in mind

Just start one dream which form step to mind it create direction on each path of life which start new world in mind

Just start one dream which create route to mind it form concept on each soul of life which show new world in mind

Just start one dream which give chapter to mind it start strength on each step of life which create new world in mind

Just start one dream which show strength to mind it show appeal on each way of life which form new world in mind

Just start one dream which form concept to mind it create thought on each start of life which show new world in mind

Just start one dream which give shine to mind it form knowledge on each path of life which start new world in mind

Just start one dream which create hope to mind it give direction on each shine of life which show new world in mind.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Poem. 7172. Spirit will touch

                            Spirit will touch 

Spirit will touch sky on every smile which open new world that bring new hope to every try

Spirit will touch move on every path which start new direction that show new route to every try

Spirit will touch smile on every step which create new appeal that form new brightness to every try

Spirit will touch shine on every soul which form new concept that open new strength to every try

Spirit will touch path on every shine which give new knowledge that start new soul to every try

Spirit will touch way on every route which bring new strength that create new light to every try

Spirit will touch hope on every path which show new move that form new knowledge to every try

Spirit will touch appeal on every step which give new chapter that open new thought to every try

Spirit will touch way on every move which form new brightness that bring new word to every try

Spirit will touch soul on every hope which show new knowledge that form new smile to every try

Spirit will touch shine on every route which start new direction that show new appeal to every try

Spirit will touch word on every shine which form new concept that open new smile to every try

Spirit will touch start on every dream which show new appeal that create new world to every try

Spirit will touch hope on every step which create new thought that form new way to every try

Spirit will touch direction on every word which form new soul that give new concept to every try

Spirit will touch smile on every route which give new knowledge that show new chapter to every try

Spirit will touch light on every dream which show new thought that open new strength to every try

Spirit will touch path on every soul which form new brightness that bring new start to every try

Spirit will touch way on every word which create new light that form new brightness to every try

Spirit will touch dream on every way which give new knowledge that show new appeal to every try.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Poem. 7171. Window open new

                            Window open new 

Window open new way to mind which start new move to thought of life that create new touch to life

Window open new move to mind which form new brightness to path of life that show new appeal to life

Window open new step to mind which show new chapter to strength of life that start new light to life

Window open new word to mind which create new light to touch of life that give new direction to life

Window open new touch to mind which start new knowledge to way of life that form new brightness to life

Window open new route to mind which form new chapter to soul of life that create new touch to life

Window open new path to mind which show new concept to step of life that start new knowledge to life

Window open new hope to mind which create new dream to route of life that show new soul to life

Window open new thought to mind which form new brightness to path of life that start new light to life

Window open new direction to mind which start new concept to shine of life that form new route to life

Window open new smile to mind which show new appeal to spirit of life that create new move to life

Window open new spirit to mind which give new knowledge to soul of life that form new light to life

Window open new shine to mind which form new brightness to word of life that show new path to life

Window open new thought to mind which show new route to chapter of life that give new touch to life

Window open new dream to mind which give new touch to spirit of life that create new hope to life

Window open new world to mind which create new light to route of life that form new brightness to life

Window open new soul to mind which form new knowledge to way of life that create new appeal to life

Window open new route to mind which give new strength to shine of life that show new direction to life

Window open new direction to mind which show new route to spirit of life that form new thought to life

Window open new step to mind which start new direction to move of life that give new shine to life.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Poem. 7170. Dream to find way

                           Dream to find way

Dream to find way bring new light which form new move to appeal that form new touch to route of life

Dream to find way bring new hope which start new world to touch that give new knowledge to route of life

Dream to find way bring new move which show new route to concept that start new smile to route of life

Dream to find way bring new step which create new word to chapter that form new soul to route of life

Dream to find way bring new shine which give new knowledge to spirit that create new touch to route of life

Dream to find way bring new touch which start new thought to smile that show new appeal to route of life

Dream to find way bring new word which form new word to strength that give new light to route of life

Dream to find way bring new soul which show new appeal to hope that create new touch to route of life

Dream to find way bring new spirit which give new knowledge to way that form new start to route of life

Dream to find way bring new path which create new light to world that start new smile to route of life

Dream to find way bring new shine which form new smile to move that create new touch to route of life

Dream to find way bring new step which show new spirit to chapter that give new light to route of life

Dream to find way bring new touch which start new appeal to soul that show new path to route of life

Dream to find way bring new soul which give new knowledge to step that form new light to route of life

Dream to find way bring new start which form new direction to way that create new move to route of life

Dream to find way bring new appeal which show new spirit to chapter that form new smile to route of life

Dream to find way bring new route which create new touch to concept that give new world to route of life

Dream to find way bring new concept which form new knowledge to word that show new move to route of life

Dream to find way bring new soul which give new chapter to touch that create new way to route of life

Dream to find way bring new smile which show new light to thought that form new step to route of life.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Poem. 7169. Thought open new

                          Thought open new 

Thought open new dream which show new world to light of soul that bring new touch to step in life

Thought open new soul which form new brightness to feel of shine that give new move to step in life

Thought open new word which start new light to world of hope that create new appeal to step in life

Thought open new move which give new touch to concept of route that form new brightness to step in life

Thought open new path which show new route to chapter of world that start new knowledge to step in life

Thought open new smile which create new light to direction of touch that form new soul to step in life

Thought open new hope which form new appeal to spirit of move that show new direction to step in life

Thought open new route which start new touch to dream of light that give new spirit to step in life

Thought open new light which give new start to concept of way that show new world to step in life

Thought open new word which form new path to strength of hope that bring new route to step in life

Thought open new move which show new shine to direction of word that create new word to step in life

Thought open new path which start new light to concept of soul that form new brightness to step in life

Thought open new smile which form new appeal to touch of start that give new dream to step in life

Thought open new direction which give new hope to strength of move that bring new soul to step in life

Thought open new appeal which start new touch to concept of shine that form new chapter to step in life

Thought open new feel which create new light to spirit of strength that bring new world to step in life

Thought open new move which form new hope to smile of way that give new word to step in life

Thought open new soul which show new route to chapter of move that start new way to step in life

Thought open new strength which start new spirit to direction of soul that form new appeal to step in life

Thought open new world which give new hope to dream of light that bring new route to step in life.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Poem. 7168. Happiness with dream

                       Happiness with dream 

Happiness with dream bring new route to light which open new move of soul that give beginning to spirit of mind

Happiness with dream show new appeal to hope which start new route of step that form feeling to concept of mind

Happiness with dream start new direction to way which form new brightness of word that bring learning to step of mind

Happiness with dream form new touch to shine which show new appeal of path that create thinking to soul of mind

Happiness with dream give new knowledge to route which start new touch of route that give meaning to word of mind

Happiness with dream create new chapter to step which give new knowledge of start that form thinking to path of mind

Happiness with dream show new concept to shine which create new touch of path that give learning to way of mind

Happiness with dream start new touch to spirit which form new appeal of word that create feeling to soul of mind

Happiness with dream form new path to chapter which create new thought to step that give new thinking to route of mind

Happiness with dream create new way to smile which show new knowledge to route that start new learning to shine of mind

Happiness with dream give new hope to appeal which start new direction to way that create new meaning to spirit of mind

Happiness with dream show new soul to concept which form new appeal to touch that start new feeling to word of mind

Happiness with dream start new light to direction which show new route to smile that form new thinking to shine of mind

Happiness with dream form new shine to soul which create new knowledge to path that give new learning to world of mind

Happiness with dream create new word to strength which show new appeal to way that start new meaning to concept of mind

Happiness with dream give new spirit to thought which start new knowledge to hope that form new feeling to direction of mind

Happiness with dream show new route to chapter which form new appeal to way that give new understanding to touch of mind

Happiness with dream start new path to concept which show new touch to hope that create new learning to chapter of mind

Happiness with dream form new shine to direction which start new thought to step that form new meaning to light of mind

Happiness with dream start new route to smile which give new concept to path that form new thinking to move of mind.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Adventure story. 691. Anu's painting

                                                            Anu's painting                                                         

Anu was so happy when she won that drawing competition. She felt that finally her life was on track. She was so sure that she could get right start in her life. She was no longer doubtful about her future. She began to paint different scene which would have pleasant feeling. She was painting different feeling that showed new impact. But suddenly she sensed that her husband Dinesh was standing behind. He was watching her painting carefully. She smiled towards him & she said “What do you feel about this?” he kept watching her painting. He was observing every corner of that painting carefully. He was acting so odd. He kept looking towards those paintings. He was enjoying it’s beauty. But she felt that it was odd he wasn’t looking towards her. He was lost in his own world. It seemed as if she wasn’t existed in his mind. She called Dinesh. Dinesh didn’t look towards her. She kept calling him when suddenly one voice entered. It was voice of child. “Mommy whom you are calling?” She looked towards that girl in strange way. That girl was her daughter Vinita. But she still didn’t want to recognize her. She didn’t want to confess her mistake. She remarried to Pradip after Dinesh since she wanted to start her life. Everyone was treating her differently. She didn’t want to live a life of widow so she decided to remarry. She was so frustrated since all treated like one who supposed to spend entire life crying. Whenever she wanted to enjoy death of her husband kept coming. She wanted to escape from situation so she selected Pradip. She wanted to get married & live happy life again. Dinesh gave her such a pleasant & happy life. She was so hopeful about life. But then one day Dinesh suddenly complaint about pain. She didn’t understand what was cause. She thought that it was just muscular pain. She suggested painkiller.  Dinesh decided to take it. He took it & immediately went away for office. It was important for him to go to office. It was his big day. He was working for something. She didn’t understand his work. But she always tried her best to act supportive to him. He admired her work too. That day he went in office. Then she received call from office. They called her to come in hospital. Dinesh was admitted. She called Dinesh’s parents too. She reached to hospital. But it was too late already. Dinesh died due to heart attack. Her in-laws cried but they all looked towards her with concern. But she was biggest burden for them. She could live on Dinesh’s investment & insurance. She might begin to search for job. But she knew one thing that she was no longer welcomed in family functions in old style. She was young widow. She was one person who would bring bad luck in their eyes. She felt so sad & stressed by entire incidence. She wanted to get married again. She didn’t get discouraged but her in-laws wanted her to marry rich person. Her father-in-law said clearly “You can see our financial level. If you marry rich man, we don’t need to give our house to you after us. We can give it to our younger son. If you marry person with less financial status then that one might want share of it too.” Her mother-in-law added “We might appear harsh to you but we need to act practical too. Don’t we?” She immediately nodded. It was clear that her in-laws didn’t want her to remain widow but they didn’t want to share wealth. She agreed to it. Then she started searching. She finally found Pradip on one app & she decided to marry him.

       Anu told herself that she was remarried with one daughter. She didn’t need to remember her last husband. She smiled towards Vinita & said “You! You are only one in this house.” Vinita smiled sweetly. Vinita felt so glad that her mom felt that Vinita was adult enough to judge the painting. Vinit slowly went near painting. Then Vinita slowly pointed in painting one small dot. Vinita asked “Who is this?” “Who?” Anu looked towards dot carefully. Vinita was right that dot seemed so specific. Anu looked carefully towards it. Anu didn’t understand that why she did that dot. Vinita added “Mom you should have drawn that uncle in close up. He is so far away.” “It’s for effect of painting. I am not planning to include human in this painting.” Vinita looked towards canvas in odd way. “Mom this canvas is odd.” “Why?” “Look towards sky!” Anu looked towards sky in canvas. She sensed that she included some pink clouds. “I just imagined different cloud.” Vinita looked at her in odd way. “Mom, I don’t like pink sky. Next thing will be blue ground & green ducks.” Anu started laughing loudly. Anu said slowly “But there aren’t any ducks in painting.” “But you can include if you want.” Vinita said with serious face. Anu smiled. Then suddenly Vinita declared that she wanted to go to play. Vinita ran out of house immediately. She screamed & asked “Did you complete your homework & assignment?” “I will complete when I come back.” Anu wanted to stop Vinita to complete her studies but suddenly Anu looked towards painting & she sensed that this painting was truly odd. It had odd sort of colour combination. She never painted any canvas this way. She wanted to remove it & threw it. But when she tried to touch it, her hands didn’t move. Her hands were not moving as per her wish. Her hands became so heavy. It seemed as if her hand became of stone. She couldn’t move. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. She wanted to throw that painting but it wasn’t possible for her. She felt as if she was stuck with some unique power. She kept feeling upset. Her hands were not working. Then she selected another canvas & she began to paint. Her hands were working perfectly on this new canvas. She was hoping to create different painting. But she had started to do something unique. She began to draw one lady. She didn’t understand that why she was working on next painting so easily & she couldn’t destroy her last painting. She observed her new painting. It was no doubt but her face. She smiled. She was doing her own painting. Soon she sensed that she was painting herself as bride. She smiled. It was wonderful idea. But suddenly she sensed that it wasn’t her. She smiled sweetly. It was her elder sister Sarika. She couldn’t forget her. She missed her daily. Sarika was her best friend. She had little kid when Sarika was in college. They had big age difference. She remembered very well how did Sarika used to play with her. Sarika seemed so nice until they fixed Sarika’s marriage & Sarika denied. Her father kept screaming & abusing. Then her mother also started to get upset with Sarika. Finally, one day Sarika ran away from home. They found letter. She didn’t understand what was written but they didn’t file Police complaint. Her father told to not mention Sarika. They never mentioned. Whenever some relative mentioned they told them that she went abroad to study. Then lies continued. They told Sarika got married there. They told all that Sarika was settled in abroad. They kept lying & even today they kept pretending. When Dinesh died, all felt so shocked when Sarika didn’t appear. In a relatives suspected something was wrong between Sarika & her family. But they didn’t know that cause. Any way life went ahead. She looked towards Sarika’s canvas & said “I hope you are happy in your life.” Then she put all her work aside & went in kitchen for cooking.

            When Anu entered in kitchen, she felt so strange in her mind. She felt as if someone was following her everywhere. It was so odd. She was living in this house for long time. It wasn’t possible that this house had something paranormal. After marriage they shifted in this house. It was so upsetting to have this feeling. She began to look carefully around. She didn’t understand what was going on. She was living happily in this house so many days. Her life was so nice but now it was changed. Her life took different turn. She was no longer happy with Pradip since he was harsh towards her. He cared just about his business. He was not any more interested in her troubles. She supposed to handle house. If she went with any issue to him, he immediately declared that he didn’t have time to waste on issues in house. He needed to concentrate on in his office work. So, she was handling all by herself. She didn’t feel sure that she was doing it right. No one was there to advise her. It was her second marriage so her family came to marriage but they were not excited to take responsibilities. Anu didn’t understand why did her family avoided Pradip. It was so odd. They kept avoiding him. She knew that Pradip was nice person. But she was so nervous since she began to see Dinesh this way. She was so scared. But today she decided that she had to handle it. So she took appointment of psychiatrist. But she was so scared. She didn’t understand what would happen if Pradip knew about it. She was so confused where she could keep Vinita. She didn’t want anyone to know about. Everyone taunted her regarding her second marriage. According to them widow must not get married again. She supposed to live in memories of her dead husband. If she got married, it showed that she never loved Dinesh from heart. If she could replace Dinesh then she wasn’t honestly in love. In fact, they were saying that her second husband would be surely worst. Pradip was not so nice but she didn’t plan to confess it. She wanted to show world that her second marriage was big success. She couldn’t tell anyone that she was seeing Dinesh. She took appointment of that time when Vinita would be in school. She did all her house chores & literally ran to clinic of Psychiatrist. She was totally panic when her appointment started to take time. She wanted to go inside on time. She kept asking receptionist when she could go inside. She began to tell about her daughter & daughter’s school time. Finally, receptionist had enough. Receptionist told her that she could talk to psychiatrist. Anu was so scared. She was acting in wrong way. She slowly told all to Psychiatrist. Psychiatrist said sweetly “You can bring your daughter here.” “Is it okay?” “Yes, I want you to be relax during session.” She smiled & told receptionist all. Receptionist nodded happily. She took Auto & went to Vinita’s school. Vinita was waiting already. She took Vinita & came to clinic. Vinita didn’t feel nervous. Vinita began to do her homework. She was so glad. Finally, her time came to go inside. She was so nervous. But Psychiatrist smiled very nicely. She felt so relaxed. Vinita was given one nice book & she sat in room. Vinita started reading book. She began to enjoy it. Anu started to tell all her issue. Psychiatrist “ I heard all. I got one feeling that Pradip isn’t romantic man but whenever you got sick. He care, does he?”  She nodded. “So he is in love. Dinesh was nice husband in all ways. But he is dead so you needed to replace. You done it. But people made you feel guilty about it. This is happening due to it…” She began to listen. Slowly she began to feel relaxed. Then she began her treatment. She went back after taking next appointment. When she returned home, she kept feeling nervous. She was so guilty. When Pradip came home, she slowly told everything to him. Pradip looked towards her for some time. She waited for criticism. He just said “Take one appointment on holiday. I want to come & discuss too. I also need to know what’s wrong…& if you see Dinesh, I don’t think you need to feel guilty. I see my dead parents too. Same way you see your dead husband. It’s not wrong to miss him.” Then Pradip closed his eyes & went to sleep. She smiled. Pradip was so different. He never got emotional but he cared for her. She closed her eyes & began to dream about some picnic. In which she had every one her both husbands & their families. Her life was complicated but she decided to handle all. She knew that all would fine with help of psychiatrist. She would learn to handle her past.

                                                 The End

Friday, January 3, 2025

Poem. 7167. Beauty of soul

                              Beauty of soul 

Beauty of soul show new way to mind which form new appeal towards dream that give new thought to life

Beauty of soul start new move to mind which show new route towards move that bring new hope to life

Beauty of soul form new word to mind which start new direction towards word that create new way to life

Beauty of soul give new knowledge to mind which create new light towards hope that form new appeal to life

Beauty of soul show new appeal to mind which give new route towards path that create new shine to life

Beauty of soul create new hope to mind which form new brightness towards step that show new move to life

Beauty of soul start new smile to mind which create new light towards direction that give new touch to life

Beauty of soul form new chapter to mind which show new dream towards move that create new world to life

Beauty of soul give new shine to mind which start new knowledge towards word that bring new spirit to life

Beauty of soul show new route to mind which form new brightness towards move that show new route to life

Beauty of soul create new touch to mind which show new appeal towards light that start new direction to life

Beauty of soul form new step to mind which give new knowledge towards word that bring new shine to life

Beauty of soul give new smile to mind which form new brightness towards move that open new hope to life

Beauty of soul show new route to mind which create new light towards hope that form new chapter to life

Beauty of soul start new direction to mind which show new route towards knowledge that create new light to life

Beauty of soul create new appeal to mind which start new move towards strength that bring new spirit to life

Beauty of soul form new brightness to mind which give new hope towards thought that show new word to life

Beauty of soul give new concept to mind which form new brightness towards step that create new light to life

Beauty of soul show new route to mind which start new direction towards dream that show new touch to life

Beauty of soul create new light to mind which show new knowledge towards hope that give new direction to life.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Poem. 7166. Word bring new

                               Word bring new 

Word bring new hope to smile which show new route that give new knowledge to shine with spirit of mind

Word bring new route to appeal which start new direction that form new brightness to route with spirit of mind

Word bring new touch to direction which form chapter that open new strength to path with spirit of mind

Word bring new concept to shine which start new light that bring new route to hope with spirit of mind

Word bring new chapter to touch which create new soul that  form new knowledge to step with spirit of mind

Word bring new step to knowledge which show new route that start new appeal to shine with spirit of mind

Word bring new direction to path which start new light that create new thought to path with spirit of mind 

Word bring new shine to touch which form new brightness that show new route to hope with spirit of mind

Word bring new thought to step which give new direction that form new appeal to soul with spirit of mind

Word bring new strength to soul which create new light that start new direction to route with spirit of mind

Word bring new shine to path which show new thought that create new light to concept to path with spirit of mind

Word bring new step to concept which start new dream that open new hope to appeal to touch with spirit of mind

Word bring new world to touch which form new hope that show new route to smile to path with spirit of mind

Word bring new smile to soul which show new route that form new brightness to move to step with spirit of mind

Word bring new touch to dream which give new appeal that start new strength to hope to thought with spirit of mind

Word bring new shine to thought which start new light that form new smile to way to concept with spirit of mind

Word bring new light to concept which form new chapter that open new strength to world to route with spirit of mind

Word bring new move to chapter which give new hope that form new brightness to soul to strength with spirit of mind

Word bring new smile to strength which show new route that open new smile to step of concept with spirit of mind

Word bring new hope to shine which form new brightness that show new route to path of feeling with spirit of mind.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Poem. 7165. Hope create one route

                        Hope create one route 

Hope create one route open new step to feel of mind that form new brightness to path which start new light

Hope create one route start new touch to world of mind that show new appeal to shine which form new light

Hope create one route form new brightness to step of mind that create new concept to way which show new light

Hope create one route give new knowledge to way of mind that start new direction to path which give new light

Hope create one route show new concept to move of mind that give new shine to appeal which create new light

Hope create one route create new appeal to path of mind that start new touch to spirit which form new light

Hope create one route form new chapter to soul of mind that show new dream to touch which give new light

Hope create one route start new dream to step of mind that give new knowledge to path which show new light

Hope create one route give new strength to shine of mind that form new learning to soul which start new light

Hope create one route bring new spirit to touch of mind that start new direction to word which form new light

Hope create one route show new appeal to smile of mind that give new spirit to path which give new light

Hope create one route start new concept to thought of mind that show new hope to shine which show new light

Hope create one route form new shine to soul of mind that start new direction to touch which give new light

Hope create one route give new knowledge to step of mind that form new brightness to soul which start new light

Hope create one route show new dream to start of mind that show new chapter to route which form new light

Hope create one route start new light to touch of mind that give new appeal to word which show new light

Hope create one route create new path to strength of mind that form new direction to smile which give new light

Hope create one route give new appeal to thought of mind that start new touch to spirit which show new light

Hope create one route form new brightness to path of mind that give new knowledge to move which start new light

Hope create one route show new direction to soul of mind that form new thought to shine which form new light.

Poem. 7178. Dream which start new

                       Dream which start new  Dream which start new world form new feel to step of mind which open new direction to route of...