Sunday, April 30, 2023

Poem. 6639. Shine of strength bring with

                               Shine of strength bring with 

Shine of strength bring with smile start of learning show new touch to direction of mind that form new concept to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with soul start of thinking form new chapter to knowledge of mind that create new appeal to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with step start of feeling give new appeal to thought of mind that give new knowledge to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with route start of meaning create new path to concept of mind that show new thought to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with move start of understanding give new step to light of mind that form new chapter to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with path start of learning form new direction to appeal of mind that give new concept to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with smile start of meaning show new route to soul of mind that create new appeal to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with spirit start of thinking give new appeal to move of mind that show new direction to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with route start of feeling create new dream to shine of mind that form new knowledge to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with light start of meaning show new thought to path of mind that give new appeal to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with way start of learning form new direction to step of mind that create new path to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with move start of understanding give new appeal to way of mind that form new soul to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with path start of feeling create new knowledge to light of mind that show new direction to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with soul start of thinking show new direction to path of mind that create new thought to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with route start of meaning form new thought to move of mind that give new knowledge to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with step start of learning give new knowledge to soul of mind that show new direction to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with move start of understanding show new chapter to step of mind that create new path to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with soul start of feeling create new concept to route of mind that form new concept to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with step start of thinking show new chapter to path of mind that show new knowledge to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with route start of meaning form new direction to start of mind that create new thought to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with way start of learning give new appeal to move of mind that form new direction to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with soul start of understanding create new path to step of mind give new chapter to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with path start of thinking form new direction to route of mind create new appeal to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with step start of feeling show new knowledge to move of mind form new thought to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with way start of meaning create new appeal to path of mind show new chapter to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with light start of learning give new direction to spirit of mind create new knowledge to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with move start of thinking show new thought to soul of mind give new appeal to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with soul start of understanding form new chapter to step of mind show new path to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with route start of feeling create new knowledge to appeal of mind form new move to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with way start of meaning show new direction to thought of mind give new route to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with step start of learning form new chapter to knowledge of mind create new way to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with path start of thinking give new concept to direction of mind show new concept to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with soul start of understanding create new touch to light of mind form new direction to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with route start of meaning show new thought to spirit of mind give new soul to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with move start of feeling form new direction to move of mind create new appeal to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with light start of learning give new knowledge to path of mind show new concept to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with way start of understanding create new step to soul of mind give new chapter to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with route start of meaning show new concept to route of mind form new direction to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with path start of thinking form new direction to appeal of mind create new thought to touch of life
Shine of strength bring with step start of learning give new knowledge to thought of mind show new appeal to touch of life.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Adventure story. 603. Birthday decoration

                                      Birthday decoration 

Dinesh began to think about day. He wanted to feel positive at end of day. He always felt hopeful. He was so stressed. He didn’t understand why he was not getting that hope which was always waiting for him. He never felt so stressed. But when he started to think about that day just nothing positive come in his mind. He began to remember his day. He was so upset. He needed to become positive it was needed for his family. He told himself that they needed him. He was feeling so stressed. His mother was diagnosed with Cancer. It was first stage. They were telling she would survive. But he was feeling so scared. He knew that he was father of two kids now. He needed to behave like grown up not child. He needed to move ahead with smile. He knew that his Mom was going to be fine. It was special day for his daughter Reva. It was Reva’s birthday. They wanted to celebrate it positively. They needed to feel happy in mind about it. He needed to feel hopeful. He smiled. He began to search for shop with birthday decorations. He began to search. In shop room window he saw beautiful items with wonderful designs they were so nice. He began to decide which one he should take but suddenly he felt someone was behind him. He turned. No one was there. It was so odd. He began to feel that someone must be there. Then he suddenly felt so inspired. He began to find those things which were needed for decoration. He started to arrange all after deciding one colour. He needed to arrange all to make it beautiful. He wanted that room to look great. He began to set up things properly. He wanted that entire room to look exciting. He needed to arrange them all in proper way but he knew which way. He collected all & came on corner. That salesgirl started to do billing. Suddenly salesgirl asked “ Do you want cake for your Mom too?” He was so confused. He purchased all for daughter not his Mom. He gave nervous smile & said “ This is for my daughter?” Salesgirl began to laugh. Salesgirl showed him that his decorations had word Mom. Salesgirl “ You have purchased all decorations suitable for elder lady. It seemed as if something suitable for Victorian time.” He felt so nervous & sad. He started to look towards decorations he selected. He sensed that he decided all wrong. “ I need to change it all.” He said in frustrated voice. But he knew that he had already done billing. Salesgirl made sad face & said “ You already paid for this one!” He nodded. He decided that he could make some changes & manage. He literally ran back to house. His wife Trupti was waiting him. Trupti smiled. “ You got all decorations!” He nodded. “ But it is little bit old fashion.” Trupti took it from his hand. Trupti smiled & said “ It’s okay. We will create Victorian castle look. Reva would love it.” He nodded. He was so nervous. He didn’t understand why he purchased all these things. He was purchasing them with confident. He managed to hide letter Happy Birthday Mom. He just said “ I forgot letters..” while searching in shopping bags. But Trupti was happy with purchase & said “ I got them.” He smiled & ran in his room. He was so shocked. He didn’t understand what he did in that store. He managed to get things that he wanted according to him. He even planned way to decorate. But now suddenly he seemed to forget all. He knew that he needed to calm down. He kept telling himself that he must. His Mom was not going to die. He kept feeling so tense. He needed to smile. He must enjoy this birthday. But it was so strange that he didn’t remember what was his plan while purchasing decorations. He told himself to relax. He was so stressed since he was thinking about his Mom. His Mom was sick. He knew that soon she would improve herself. He didn’t understand why his mind was not understanding it. He was feeling so restless. He was so upset. But he needed to control himself so he smiled. He started to breath to control his Anxiety & after it he went out. He turned towards Trupti. He saw that Trupti was working so hard. He immediately went towards her. “ Where should I hang this?” He pointed some balloons. She told him. He immediately started doing it. Soon he was lost in his world. He began to arrange all decorations without second thought. He did it all. Trupti turned & observed him. It was different style. It was little bit old fashioned but she knew that her daughter Reva loved Gothic style so she would like it. But she didn’t understand since when Dinesh knew about this Gothic style. Dinesh was always traditional. He always did all by Indian styles. They all admired it.  But today suddenly he began to develop different style. It was very important one. He needed to be admired for it. Trupti said “ Wow this is great.” By this time entire decoration was almost over. Dinesh came down & started watching it. He sensed that was looking great on wall. He kept admiring decorations. He was arranging them all but he didn’t understand his point of inspiration. Then he sensed that he didn’t have much time to think about it. Since guests were already started to appear. He noticed in door his cousin was standing with kids & wife. He immediately went to welcome him. They began to attend guests while waiting for Reva. They were so happy about theses arrangements. After some time finally Reva came home. Reva was so happy. But Reva was observing decorations in strange way. Reva was watching them carefully one by one. She was touching them. Then suddenly Reva turned towards Trupti & asked with smile “ Mom did you do this?” “ your Papa did it.” Reva was so shocked. She literally ran towards Dinesh. “ Papa why did you decorate this way on my birthday?” Dinesh gave confused look. Dinesh “ I like it.” “ But this is so much like..” Reva couldn’t talk further. Reva ran in her room. Reva was crying. All Guests were shocked & confused. Trupti didn’t understand too. Trupti asked Dinesh “ What happened?” Dinesh was so confused. Suddenly Reva’s one college friend came forward & said “ This decoration is so much like funeral decoration of Mary!” They all felt shocked. Trupti began to remove it. Guests began to help her to remove too. 

     Reva controlled her tears. She needed to control her feelings. Reva sensed that her Papa might had forgotten that funeral. Dinesh came with her. Dinesh supported her. But Dinesh was not so involved in it. He didn’t even know Mary. It was easily possible he could have forgot entire concept. It was good one so he repeated it. Reva checked her makeup. Then she arranged all & came out with smile. All guests were clearly nervous. She felt that she managed to destroy mood even kids were looking so upset. They all hoped for good party. Decorations were already removed. Then she noticed little kids were playing with them. She began to laugh. Soon all joined. Then Trupti started music & all began to dance. Soon they forgot all. Reva was enjoying her birthday with just one feeling that she didn’t want to miss life that was gifted by God. Then Dinesh suddenly began to look around. He began to feel so nervous & empty. He was feeling so stressed. He needed to find happiness for his soul. He wanted to look around room. He knew that this was his daughter’s birthday he needed to find happiness in surrounding. He knew that it was his day of happiness. He started laughing loudly. Everyone started looking at him. Then they all joined it. It seemed as if they were some laughing club. They were all laughing loudly. It was pleasant for Reva. Suddenly entire atmosphere changed. They forgot stress & began to enjoy. Soon all that decoration was forgotten. It began to create new hopes. When they began talk about all things in positive way, it was started to look so wonderful. That surrounding began to look so negative suddenly to him. But he controlled himself & kept smiling. After sometime one by one guest went away. Just family remained. They began to eat some remaining cake. He knew that he had two kids but his son never came. His son was not some person of whom any one would feel proud. His son kept wandering around. His son sometimes came home but mostly he was so drunk that they didn’t want to see him. Any way now his son was not coming in home that much. He got married to some woman who was rich. She was taking care of him & his debt. Dinesh didn’t understand why did that rich woman married his son. But someone said that this woman fall in love with him. Any way they were not invited in his son’s marriage. Clearly his daughter-in-law didn’t want any connection with them. Sometimes Dinesh felt that his son was cause of negativity not his Mom’s sickness. He didn’t understand what was happening with him. Reva came near him & touched his shoulder. “ What happened?” “ I don’t understand what is wrong with me?” Trupti smiled “ It’s okay. We all enjoyed.” Reva nodded. Reva “ I was just too sensitive about Mary. I don’t feel it’s decoration. I feel it was just remembering Mary. She use to come on my birthdays.”They both nodded. Dinesh “ But I am feeling so odd. I don’t remember what was my plan to decorating when I entered in room.” He began to look around. He didn’t want them to look towards him like odd or mad person. But he needed to confess. Trupti looked tense. Trupti “ I know you had strange confused look in your eyes when you purchased those things.” Reva looked confused. Reva “ Papa you don’t remember when you purchased? Totally odd!” She felt so nervous. Until now she thought it was mistake but now it seemed as if her Papa wanted to purchase it. Reva “ What you were thinking when you purchased?” “ Sorry honey! I was not actually thinking I feel I just lose my marbles.” Dinesh laughed in strange way. He was depressed. It was Reva’s birthday. He didn’t want to hurt her. Reva “ I mean what does you exactly thinking on that time?” Dinesh gave nervous look. He knew answer but he didn’t want to give it. He was feeling so stressed. Reva was watching him with full attention. Finally he gave one nervous look. Then he told “ I was thinking about your grandmother’s cancer.” Trupti went near him. She gave him hug & said “ Don’t worry. She will be okay.” Dinesh nodded. But Reva was tense now. Reva “ Grandma will not die?!” Reva’s voice was shaking. On that point Dinesh’s mobile rang. It was his Mom’s neighbour “ Dinesh it’s bad news your Mom just died due to heart failure.” Dinesh was so angry. “ Are you mad? I talked to her sometime ago.” “ I know but heart attacks are sudden.” Dinesh started crying. He wanted to control himself but he couldn’t. He screamed “ My Mom died.” Trupti took his mobile. Trupti asked all questions. He was crying without control. Reva was watching him. Reva was observing. Something was wrong with Dinesh. Reva could see change in her Papa. Dinesh was no longer like her normal Papa. He was crying like some child. Reva wanted to comfort him but she was too scared. Her Grandma died suddenly. Reva didn’t understand what she supposed to do. She sat in corner. She wanted to cry but she was having uncontrollable laugh. She was laughing. Dinesh looked towards her with anger. He was so upset. He went towards her. She sensed that he might hit her. She just ran out of his reach. He kept screaming loudly. She went in her room & locked. She was laughing whole time. She looked towards herself in mirror. She kept telling herself that she needed to stop & slowly she stopped laughing. She began normal. But she couldn’t open door. Dinesh was screaming on her like some mad man. She was so scared. She didn’t feel that it was her Papa. Dinesh was acting like some man who was possessed by demon. She knew that it was impossible. She began to think did they done something to invite demon? It was odd thought but it started to capture her mind. She was so tense. She just wanted Dinesh to go away. She was so scared that like in horror movies he would break door. Soon she sensed that he was hitting on door loudly but it was not possible to break it. She gave nervous smile. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do. She just ran in washroom. She kept crying whole time. She just wished only if she was crying like that before. But she didn’t & that’s why this was happening. She started crying loudly.

       Trupti disconnected call after she heard Dinesh’s scream. She tried to control him. He was looking like some violent animal. She tried to stop him. But he pushed her away. She fall on floor. It hurt her so much. She was not sure that she had not broken her some bone. She began to scream for help. She ran towards her mobile. She was so scared that he might stop her but he didn’t. She called her brother. Her brother was shocked. “ I call Cops..” “ he is mentally unsound. Call ambulance with Psychiatrist.” Her brother sounded confused but he agreed. She was so scared. She tried to call people for help. After some screams slowly people from society watchman came running. They all looked shocked. They tried to stop Dinesh but it was not working. Finally with help of six people they tied him to chair. He kept screaming. Trupti began to call Reva. She was so scared for her daughter. When Reva didn’t open door. She began to search for keys of lock. She kept searching. She was always scared that one day they might get locked so she always kept her keys carefully. She searched hard & finally she found those keys. She opened door & then she searched Reva was not in room. She went towards washroom. She tried to push door open. It was not happening. She kept screaming. But Reva was not opening it. Finally all came in Reva’s room. They started to break door with efforts they managed to create cracks of door. It was not easy to break. Finally they called locksmith who did that job. Trupti was shocked when she saw Reva was fainted on floor. She checked Reva’s pulse. It was okay but when she tried to wake her up, Reva didn’t respond. Then someone scream. “ My God look at her hand.” Trupti saw that Reva managed to cut her wrist. She began to call her brother again. Before her brother could say anything. She began to scream “ Reva cut her wrist. Marrying this mad man was biggest mistake of my life.” “ I will tell Doctor just relax.” Her brother saying this while crying. Dinesh was screaming on top of his lung. Dinesh was no longer seemed like human. Trupti was so angry. She just wanted to hit him. She wanted to kill him. She knew that wouldn’t help her instead she would land in jail. She never thought that Dinesh would change so much in some time. She didn’t feel that she noticed signs or she decided to ignore. Then Ambulance came. Doctor came with nurses & ward boys. They told every one to step aside. In no time they managed to take away both patients. Trupti went towards Ambulance. On that time her mobile rang. She saw that it was neighbour of her mother-in-law. She totally forgot about funeral. She took call. “ I am taking my daughter & husband in hospital. My brother will come..” “ But what happened?” “ They both fall sick.” “ How?” “ Food poisoning.” She told without second thought. She just wanted to avoid subject. She said “ My brother will come.” “ Okay!” Clearly neighbour was nervous “ Just send him soon.” “ Yes..yes.” She sat in ambulance. Then she called her brother. Her brother “ I am coming.” “ I got card I will manage this. You need to do all rituals of my mother-in-law.” “ Your mother-in-law’s rituals?!” She tried to control her tears & said “ I can’t come. My daughter is on death bed & my husband lost his mind.” She started laughing strange way. Her brother sounded scared. He said “ Just relax. I will go & do it properly.” Then slowly her brother asked “ When did you suspected something is wrong?” She said loudly “ Never! It was sudden. Just due to sudden change Reva got nervous. Reva had problems for sometimes due to death of her friend Mary. But Dinesh?! No never! I never understood that I am marrying mad man! I was dating him before this but I never sensed it. I just don’t understand how could he managed to hide it.” Her brother didn’t say anything. Then her brother said “ I will handle all.” She said “ Thanks.” Then she looked towards her daughter. She didn’t want to meet Dinesh at all. She was so scared of him. But she knew that she couldn’t just get rid of him. She went to hospital with her daughter while Dinesh took away by Psychiatrist in Psychiatric hospital. She asked Doctors about Reva. At beginning that didn’t look certain. They called Cops. Then they started treatment. Reva was not responding to it properly. Trupti was so tense. Finally after some hours they told her that Reva was out of danger but she must stay under observation. After two days she able to meet Reva but when she entered Reva turned away her face. She tried to talk but Reva said angrily “ You manage to do all. You first tortured my brother then my father!” Trupti didn’t understand why she was talking to her like that. Trupti said slowly “ Why did you say that?” Reva suddenly looked towards her like small child & said “ Not you Mom! Grandma! She is standing just behind you.” Trupti turned behind. Her mother-in-law was dead. Her mother was died years ago. It was so odd. She sensed no one was there. She asked “ What’s happening to you?” Then suddenly Nurse appeared “ Don’t worry. She is on medicine. Just let her sleep.” Trupti went out. Trupti shivered when she sensed that she needed to go to Dinesh too. She was in different hospital. She called Taxi. She reached there. Psychiatrist called her. “ Well we need to study case of your husband. It appeared complicated.” “ Honestly I don’t mind if you keep him for few days.” Psychiatrist laughed. “ I can’t keep him permanently. But he is dangerous so you can file for Divorce. I will help you.” Trupti knew that means she needed to find job. But she decided that she would do it. She thanked Psychiatrist. Then she immediately called her brother & discussed divorce. Her brother immediately agreed. He said that neighbour was telling Dinesh had mental issues from childhood. He managed all by medicines. She shivered. She didn’t understand. She didn’t sense or she choose to ignore. She just told herself to forget it. She called for lawyer’s number then she asked her brother if he could give her flat of her parents. He agreed. It was small one room flat but she didn’t want to stay with Dinesh. So on that day she started her new life in her old house of childhood. She needed job but she decided that she would do all. She turned back to meet her daughter. Reva called her on that point. Reva appeared fully normal. Reva said sorry for her stupid move of suicide. Trupti smiled. Trupti told her about her decision of divorce. Reva kept thanking her & Trupti smiled happily. Trupti’s life was difficult now but still it was a lot better. Now she might have limited money but she could at least spend it on her family as she wished. She told Taxi driver to take her to lawyer’s office instead of hospital. She needed to do it first.

                                                       The End

Friday, April 28, 2023

Poem. 6638. Dream open new

                                       Dream open new

Dream open new feeling to way of mind that start new thought to direction of life which form new chapter of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to step of mind that give new knowledge to smile of life which give new strength of soul in life 
Dream open new learning to start of mind that form new chapter to path of life which create new knowledge of soul in life 
Dream open new thinking to soul of mind that create new concept to route of life which form new direction of soul in life 
Dream open new feeling to path of mind that show new strength to start of life which give new appeal of soul in life 
Dream open new understanding to step of mind that start new touch to way of life which show new spirit of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to chapter of mind that form new knowledge to path of life which create new shine of soul in life 
Dream open new learning to concept of mind that create new chapter to light of life which form new chapter of soul in life 
Dream open new thinking to shine of mind that show new strength to step of life which give new strength of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to touch of mind that give new direction to path of life which create new appeal of soul in life 
Dream open new feeling to direction of mind that form new concept to route of life which show new concept of soul in life 
Dream open new understanding to path of mind that create new spirit to way of life which start new direction of soul in life 
Dream open new thinking to appeal of mind that show new chapter to move of life which form new knowledge of soul in life 
Dream open new learning to chapter of mind that give new knowledge to path of life which create new strength of soul in life 
Dream open new feeling to concept of mind that show new strength to way of life which start new thought of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to strength of mind that form new appeal to move of life which give new appeal of soul in life
Dream open new understanding to shine of mind that create new spirit to path of life which show new direction of soul in life 
Dream open new thinking to direction of mind that show new move to strength of life which form new concept of soul in life 
Dream open new learning to chapter of mind that form new concept to spirit of life which create new strength of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to smile of mind that give new knowledge to move of life which start new chapter of soul in life 
Dream open new feeling to concept of mind that start new strength to appeal of life which create new path of soul in life 
Dream open new understanding to touch of mind that form new path to direction of life which give new route of soul in life 
Dream open new thinking to knowledge of mind that give new appeal to touch of life which form new move of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to chapter of mind that show new knowledge to path of life which create new light of soul in life 
Dream open new learning to touch of mind that create new strength to shine of life which show new appeal of soul in life 
Dream open new feeling to strength of mind that form new appeal to move of life which start new knowledge of soul in life 
Dream open new thinking to appeal of mind that start new chapter to path of life which form new touch of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to thought of mind that give new thought to step of life which create new start of soul in life 
Dream open new understanding to path of mind that form new shine to way of life which show new move of soul in life 
Dream open new learning to chapter of mind that give new knowledge to start of life which form new path of soul in life 
Dream open new thinking to concept of mind that create new concept to path of life which start new light of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to touch of mind that give new direction to shine of life which form new path of soul in life 
Dream open new feeling to chapter of mind that form new strength to move of life which create new smile of soul in life 
Dream open new learning to light of mind that show new knowledge to path of life which give new start of soul in life 
Dream open new understanding to route of mind that create new shine to step of life which form new route of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to chapter of mind that give new direction to touch of life which show new move of soul in life 
Dream open new feeling to concept of mind that show new knowledge to path of life which start new shine of soul in life 
Dream open new thinking to direction of mind that form new appeal to move of life which form new spirit of soul in life 
Dream open new learning to light of mind that create new strength to way of life which create new move of soul in life 
Dream open new meaning to path of mind that give new direction to shine of life which show new step of soul in life.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Poem. 6637. When smile comes on lips

                              When smile comes on lips

When smile comes on lips we sense new morning of life which start with breath route that show new direction to thought of move in mind
When smile comes on lips we create new chapter of life which create with hope way that form new strength to appeal of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we form new strength of life which give with concept soul that create new touch to shine of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new direction of life which form with feeling path that give new soul to concept of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we show new knowledge of life which create with step move that start new path to light of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we give new thought of life which show with appeal route that create new step to soul of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new direction of life which form with hope path that form new shine to strength of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we form new concept of life which start with step soul that show new appeal to knowledge of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we create new touch of life which show with route way that give new touch to direction of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we show new strength of life which give with path route that create new shine to thought of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we give new knowledge of life which form with soul step that show new appeal to start of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new direction of life which create with touch path that form new soul to chapter of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we form new chapter of life which give with appeal thought that give new step to shine of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we create new strength of life which form with shine move that create new start to appeal of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we show new appeal of life which create with hope step that form new chapter to soul of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we give new concept of life which start with dream route that give new direction to step of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new touch of life which form with shine move that show new knowledge to way of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we form new appeal of life which show with path soul that create new strength to step of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we create new thought of life which give with step route that form new shine to start of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new knowledge of life which create with soul path that give new step to way of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we form new direction of life which show with shine move that create new route to spirit of move in mind
When smile comes on lips we give new strength of life which start with light thought that form new move to light of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we show new chapter of life which form with soul knowledge that start new chapter to shine of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new thought of life which create with path direction that create new concept to route of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we create new shine of life which start with knowledge route that give new strength to way of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we give new route of life which show with appeal thought that form new knowledge to light of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we show new soul of life which form with light knowledge that show new appeal to spirit of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we form new hope of life which give with direction touch that create new light to thought of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we give new chapter of life which create with soul direction that start new route to dream of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new concept of life which start with path strength that give new shine to light of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we create new touch of life which form with hope appeal that show new path to strength of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we show new route of life which give with touch thought that create new move to appeal of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new appeal of life which create with path concept that give new knowledge to touch of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we form new concept of life which start with route direction that form new direction to shine of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we show new knowledge of life which give with path chapter that start new chapter to soul of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we give new chapter of life which form with appeal concept that give new touch to step of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new strength of life which give with touch knowledge that form new light to start of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we form new appeal of life which create with route direction that show new path to touch of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we create new step of life which show with shine strength that give new step to spirit of move in mind 
When smile comes on lips we start new start of life which give with touch knowledge that create new start to soul of move in mind.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Poem. 6636. Soul of dream which show

                               Soul of dream which show 

Soul of dream which show new path of mind that form new chapter to strength of appeal which form new light to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new step of mind that create new concept to spirit of thought which start new path to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new move of mind that give new knowledge to hope of chapter which give new start to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new start of mind that form new strength to light of direction which create new step to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new appeal of mind that start new appeal to path of strength which form new touch to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new chapter of mind that give new knowledge to step of move which give new direction to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new concept of mind that create new touch to start of soul which start new strength to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new direction of mind that form new path to strength of step which give new appeal to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new strength of mind that start new move to appeal of touch which form new chapter to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new touch of mind that give new thought to spirit of move which create new touch to shine in life
Soul of dream which show new light of mind that create new appeal to path of route which give new knowledge to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new move of mind that form new strength to way of appeal which form new path to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new route of mind that start new direction to step of knowledge which create new way to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new smile of mind that give new knowledge to move of touch which give new start to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new light of mind that create new appeal to spirit of chapter which form new step to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new spirit of mind that form new touch to start of direction which create new route to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new strength of mind that start new path to move of appeal which start  new chapter to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new appeal of mind that create new step to concept of soul which form new step to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new touch of mind that give new strength to step of thought which give new spirit to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new thought of mind that form new appeal to path of chapter which create new move to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new chapter of mind that give new knowledge to start of route which form new path to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new concept of mind that start new direction to shine of way which show new start to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new direction of mind that create new chapter to move of path which create new way to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new strength of mind that give new concept to touch of start which form new move to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new appeal of mind that form new knowledge to path of light which show new start to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new touch of mind that start new direction to start of appeal which create new path to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new concept of mind that create new path to spirit of chapter which form new move to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new direction of mind that give new strength to step of strength which give new path to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new appeal of mind that form new chapter to move of touch which form new step to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new chapter of mind that create new thought to start of move which create new way to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new strength of mind that give new appeal to path of step which give new knowledge to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new touch of mind that start new knowledge to spirit of way which form new chapter to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new thought of mind that create new touch to move of route which show new path to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new appeal of mind that form new chapter to step of light which create new move to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new chapter of mind that give new strength to path of way which give new spirit to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new concept of mind that create new appeal to spirit of step which form new way to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new strength of mind that start new touch to move of light which show new appeal to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new knowledge of mind that give new path to appeal of touch which form new way to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new appeal of mind that form new chapter to knowledge of path which start new move to shine in life 
Soul of dream which show new start of mind that create new direction to touch of strength which create new path to shine in life.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Poem. 6635. World will show different

                                 World will show different 

World will show different path to touch that form direction of soul which form strength to soul of mind which create new way to life 
World will show different route to concept that create strength of move which give path to step of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different move to strength that give appeal of shine which create route to start of mind which show new way to life 
World will show different step to chapter that start knowledge of path which start soul to shine of mind which start new way to life 
World will show different route to direction that form chapter of step which give spirit to light of mind which create new way to life 
World will show different soul to concept that show strength of move which form route to path of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different step to strength that give direction of touch which start shine to move of mind which give new way to life 
World will show different start to knowledge that create thought of path which give soul to step of mind which start new way to life 
World will show different route to appeal that form knowledge of shine which form strength to path of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different move to direction that start appeal of light which create knowledge to shine of mind which create new way to life 
World will show different path to strength that give touch of strength which start direction to appeal of mind which give new way to life 
World will show different step to appeal that create path of chapter which give strength to chapter of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different start to knowledge that form route of move which show appeal to light of mind which create new way to life 
World will show different touch to thought that start light of direction which create concept to route of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different spirit to concept that give strength of soul which start knowledge to path of mind which start new way to life 
World will show different thought to route that create spirit of strength which form chapter to move of mind which create new way to life 
World will show different move to chapter that give knowledge of path which give appeal to start of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different step to direction that form concept of shine which create touch to spirit of mind which give new way to life 
World will show different start to knowledge that create route of path which form light to appeal of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different touch to strength that start chapter of spirit which create soul to concept of mind which start new way to life
World will show different shine to thought that give soul of direction which start direction to route of mind which give new way to life
World will show different soul to light that form touch of strength which give knowledge to start of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different touch to chapter that create path of appeal which create spirit to move of mind which create new way to life 
World will show different dream to direction that give move of concept which form chapter to route of mind which start new way to life 
World will show different strength to shine that form touch of knowledge which give concept to path of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different appeal to move that start shine of light which create direction to appeal of mind which give new way to life 
World will show different thought to step that create path of chapter which form touch to move of mind which create new way to life 
World will show different appeal to start that give touch of direction which give strength to path of mind which form new way to life 
World will show different touch to shine that form appeal of strength which start chapter to soul of mind which give new way to life 
World will show different direction to route that give knowledge of path which form touch to step of mind which start new way to life 
World will show different chapter to path that create concept of route which start direction to shine of mind which create new way to life 
World will show different dream to shine that start strength of move which create appeal to mind which form new way to life 
World will show different light to hope that show direction of touch which form strength to mind which give new way to life 
World will show different touch to soul that form thought of spirit which give knowledge to mind which form new way to life 
World will show different thought to step that give light of soul which create move to mind which create new way to life 
World will show different appeal to start that create path of shine which form direction to mind which give new way to life 
World will show different shine to light that show route of strength which give appeal to mind which form new way to life 
World will show different soul to spirit that form chapter of start which create dream to mind which create new way to life 
World will show different start to move that give direction of spirit which start move to mind which give new way to life 
World will show different route to path that show knowledge of soul which give start to mind which form new way to life.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Poem. 6634. A hopeful wind can change

                             A hopeful wind can change 

A hopeful wind can change direction of life which form new strength to shine of mind that form new thought to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change strength of life which create new spirit to soul of mind that create new knowledge to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change appeal of life which give new knowledge of mind that give new strength to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change touch of life which start new direction of mind that show new appeal to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change shine of life which show new thought of mind that give new knowledge to way of mind
A hopeful wind can change move of life which create new strength of mind that form new chapter to way of mind
A hopeful wind can change route of life which give new knowledge of mind that create new spirit to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change step of life which form new direction of mind that give new knowledge to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change light of life which show new thought of mind that start new chapter to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change path of life which start new chapter of mind that form new strength to way of mind
A hopeful wind can change spirit of life which create new soul of mind that create new appeal to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change step of life which form new shine of mind that show new concept to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change start of life which give new strength of mind that give new direction to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change soul of life which show new knowledge of mind that form new step to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change light of life which create new thought of mind that start new chapter to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change route of life which give new appeal of mind that show new knowledge to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change appeal of life which start new concept of mind that form new strength to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change shine of life which form new dream of mind that create new appeal to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change soul of life which show new spirit of mind that start new direction to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change step of life which create new move of mind that give new knowledge to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change start of life which give new knowledge of mind that form new strength to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change path of life which start new direction of mind that create new appeal to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change route of life which form new chapter of mind that give new concept to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change light of life which show new concept of mind that show new spirit to way of mind
A hopeful wind can change move of life which create new strength of mind that form new move to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change soul of life which start new appeal of mind that create new soul to way of mind
A hopeful wind can change spirit of life which form new knowledge of mind that give new step to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change light of life which show new concept of mind that form new route to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change move of life which create new path of mind that show new start to way of mind
A hopeful wind can change path of life which start new touch of mind that create new path to way of mind
A hopeful wind can change route of life which give new strength of mind that give new soul to way of mind
A hopeful wind can change soul of life which show new appeal of mind that form new shine to way of mind
A hopeful wind can change step of life which create new touch of mind that start new light to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change shine of life which form new start of mind that create new concept to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change move of life which give new direction of mind that give new chapter to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change path of life which start new knowledge of mind that form new direction to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change step of life which create new chapter of mind that create new spirit to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change start of life which form new concept of mind that show new appeal to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change path of life which show new appeal of mind that give new knowledge to way of mind 
A hopeful wind can change route of life which give new touch of mind that start new direction to way of mind.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Poem. 6633. Thought of hope start with dream

                        Thought of hope start with dream 

Thought of hope start with dream of mind which create new knowledge that form new chapter to shine of soul that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of route which form nrrew direction that create new strength to appeal of way that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of path which show new strength that show new knowledge to spirit of route that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of soul which create new appeal that give new appeal to chapter of soul that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of start which give new chapter that form new strength to path of knowledge that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of step which form new concept that create new touch to route of concept that give light
Thought of hope start with dream of move which create new direction that give new path to soul of appeal that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of shine which give new knowledge that form new step to route of knowledge that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of appeal which show new strength that show new move to shine of route that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of touch which form new chapter that create new path to concept of soul that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of chapter which create new route that form new start to chapter of move that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of shine which give new concept that give new appeal to knowledge of step that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of spirit which show new knowledge that show new route to strength of move that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of move which create new appeal that form new touch to chapter of soul that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of path which form new strength that start new knowledge to shine of spirit that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of step which give new direction that give new strength to appeal of route that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of start which show new touch that create new direction to touch of soul that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of shine which create new spirit that show new appeal to chapter of way that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of appeal which give new strength that give new concept to touch of shine that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of path which form new appeal that start new knowledge to concept of soul that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of route which create new soul that form new direction to shine of strength that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of move which show new strength that give new concept to start of chapter that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of touch which give new knowledge that form new appeal to path of concept that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of shine which form new direction that show new strength to way of knowledge that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of soul which create new step that give new knowledge to shine of direction that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of chapter which give new route that create new appeal to spirit of concept that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of strength which form new appeal that form new touch to chapter of soul that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of appeal which show new touch that give new direction to shine of path that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of touch which create new move that show new strength to soul of concept that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of appeal which give new strength that create new spirit to path of direction that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of route which show new direction that form new shine to appeal of touch that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of path which give new knowledge that show new move to spirit of concept that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of soul which create new appeal that give new chapter to soul of direction that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of step which form new chapter that create new touch to route of knowledge that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of move which give new concept that form new path to shine of strength of move that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of spirit which create new path that show new move to touch of appeal of route that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of way which form new direction that create new step to move of chapter of way that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of path which show new chapter that form new path to appeal of soul of shine that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of step which create new strength that give new route to chapter of way of start that give light 
Thought of hope start with dream of route which give new knowledge that show new move to concept of touch of path that give light.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...