Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Poem. 6563. Touch will show new

                                  Touch will show new

Touch will show new direction to appeal of move which form new concept of strength to chapter of thought of step to mind
Touch will show new thought to chapter of soul which start new knowledge of move to concept of light of step to mind
Touch will show new strength to concept of shine which give new direction of spirit to strength of appeal of step to mind
Touch will show new shine to understanding of path which create new path of start to knowledge of step to mind
Touch will show new concept to learning of thought which form new move of appeal to hope of step to mind
Touch will show new knowledge to feeling of chapter which give new direction of shine to light of step to mind
Touch will show new strength to concept of direction which start new thought of path to chapter of step to mind
Touch will show new appeal to shine of understanding which form new concept of route to soul of step to mind
Touch will show new chapter to strength of feeling which give new direction of thought to shine of step to mind
Touch will show new direction to appeal of light which start new chapter of step to knowledge of step to mind
Touch will show new concept to thought of route which create new spirit of start to direction of step to mind
Touch will show new knowledge to spirit of move which form new path of strength to appeal of step to mind
Touch will show new understanding to soul of path which give new step of direction to feeling of step to mind
Touch will show new appeal to strength of concept which start new way of chapter to concept of step to mind
Touch will show new thought to direction of learning which create new move of knowledge to soul of step to mind
Touch will show new feeling to concept of meaning which form new strength of feeling to direction of step to mind
Touch will show new knowledge to start of thinking which give new concept of learning to chapter of step to mind
Touch will show new direction to thought of understanding which start new path of shine to light of step to mind
Touch will show new strength to concept of feeling which create new appeal of chapter to direction of step to mind
Touch will show new chapter to knowledge of learning which form new concept of soul to thought of step to mind
Touch will show new concept to strength of meaning which give new direction of start to feeling of step to mind
Touch will show new appeal to chapter of understanding which start new concept of path to shine of step to mind
Touch will show new strength to route of feeling which form new direction of chapter to appeal of step to mind
Touch will show new knowledge to start of learning which give new strength of shine to thought of step to mind
Touch will show new chapter to direction of meaning which start new concept of soul to strength of step to mind
Touch will show new strength to soul of understanding which form new thought of start to direction of step to mind
Touch will show new route to thought of feeling which create new appeal of knowledge to shine of step to mind
Touch will show new appeal to shine of thinking which give new direction of touch to concept of step to mind
Touch will show new soul to knowledge of learning which start new chapter of dream to shine of step to mind
Touch will show new start to direction of understanding which form new thought of hope to start of step to mind
Touch will show new path to concept of meaning which give new knowledge of move to shine of step to mind
Touch will show new chapter to strength of feeling which create new appeal of soul to concept of step to mind
Touch will show new appeal to dream of learning which form new concept of spirit to knowledge of step to mind
Touch will show new soul to thought of understanding which start new chapter of hope to light of step to mind
Touch will show new move to appeal of thinking which create new touch of strength to route of step to mind
Touch will show new dream to chapter of feeling which form new direction of move to shine of step to mind
Touch will show new world to strength of meaning which give new concept of route to start of step of mind
Touch will show new hope to concept of learning which start new strength of light to route of step of mind
Touch will show new appeal to thought of feeling which create new smile of chapter to move of step of mind
Touch will show new strength to move of understanding which give new path of concept to route of step of mind.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Poem. 6562. Chapter of dream show

                                Chapter of dream show

Chapter of dream show hope to mind that create new direction to appeal of soul which give new strength to concept of soul at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show path to mind that form new strength to concept of step which start new appeal to direction of step at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show soul to mind that start new knowledge to path of hope which form new shine to strength of path at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show route to mind that give new spirit to touch of direction which give new concept to step of move at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show way to mind that form new move to strength of route which start new direction to touch of way at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show step to mind that create new step to appeal of start which form new knowledge to soul of light at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show route to mind that start new concept to touch of move which create new appeal to step of strength at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show move to mind that form new direction to shine of light which give new strength to path of touch at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show start to mind that give new strength to soul of concept which form new direction to start of move at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show way to mind that create new appeal to step of shine which start new thought to soul of concept at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show move to mind that start new concept to route of touch which give new knowledge to path of strength at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show route to mind that form new direction to start of appeal which create new strength to move of spirit at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show way to mind that give new shine to light of concept which form new direction to start of move at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show spirit to mind that create new path to soul of strength which start new concept to soul of route at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show step to mind that start new move to appeal of shine which give new knowledge to start of path at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show route to mind that form new step to knowledge of way which start new strength to step of route at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show way to mind that give new direction to touch of start which create new appeal to move of path at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show soul to mind that start new strength to shine of light which form new direction to feel of step at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show start to mind that create new appeal to path of step which show new touch to start of route at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show way to mind that form new concept to way of soul which create new touch to path of start at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show route to mind that give new direction to start of way which form new concept to way of touch at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show path to mind that start new strength to move of route which show new direction to appeal of soul at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show step to mind that form new concept to way of step which create new thought to shine of start at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show way to mind that create new appeal to world of path which give new knowledge to touch of path at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show step to mind that start new strength to spirit of way which form new appeal to concept of route at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show touch to mind that give new soul to step of move which create new step to knowledge of touch at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show start to mind that form new route to shine of soul which give new start to direction of strength at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show soul to mind that start new move to concept of way which show new route to move of touch at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show path to mind that create new step to thought of move which give new appeal to shine of light at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show light to mind that form new start to direction of route which show new touch to knowledge of way at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show route to mind that give new appeal to strength of start which form new direction to hope of shine at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show step to mind that start new concept to route of shine which give new light to spirit of world at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show start to mind that create new path to light of appeal which start new soul to word of concept at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show path to mind that form new direction to touch of soul which create new step to move of strength at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show way to mind that give new knowledge to path of step which form new dream to touch of concept at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show route to mind that start new concept to soul of concept which give new knowledge to way of spirit at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show step to mind that give new strength to start of appeal which form new concept to route of way at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show direction to mind that form new appeal to way of touch which start new strength to path of move at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show strength to mind that create new route to shine of light which give new knowledge to step of route at each thought of mind
Chapter of dream show appeal to mind that show new move to direction of route which form new appeal to start of strength at each thought of mind.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Poem. 6561. Step of world show

                                 Step of world show 

Step of world show new way to dream of life which form that hope to shine start new direction to meaning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new route to light of life which show that step to learning form new chapter to feeling of mind on each smile
Step of world show new way to strength of life which give that form to meaning create new path to thinking of mind on each smile
Step of world show new spirit to appeal of life which start that move to feel give new concept to learning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new touch to chapter of life which create that path to knowledge start new world to feeling of mind on each smile
Step of world show new light to thought of life which give that route to spirit form new direction to understanding of mind on each smile
Step of world show new move to appeal of life which start that light to strength create new appeal to meaning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new path to concept of life which form that soul to appeal show new touch to thinking of mind on each smile
Step of world show new route to strength of life which give that step to chapter form new path to learning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new move to appeal of life which create that way to thought start new step to feeling of mind on each smile
Step of world show new path to chapter of life which start that move to direction give new touch to meaning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new step to strength of life which form that path to knowledge create new way to thinking of mind on each smile
Step of world show new soul to concept of life which give that route to strength show new direction to learning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new start to direction of life which create that spirit to appeal form new chapter to feeling of mind on each smile
Step of world show new move to thought of life which start that soul to chapter create new appeal to understanding of mind on each smile
Step of world show new touch to knowledge of life which give that start to direction form new touch to meaning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new shine to strength of life which form that move to appeal create new spirit to learning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new appeal to touch of life which create that path to knowledge start new path to thinking of mind on each smile
Step of world show new dream to spirit of life which start that concept to strength give new appeal to feeling of mind on each smile
Step of world show new thought to path of life which give that appeal to direction form new concept to learning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new appeal to soul of life which create that touch to concept start new chapter to thinking of mind on each smile
Step of world show new dream to start of life which form that shine to strength give new spirit to understanding of mind on each smile
Step of world show new move to spirit of life which start that path to chapter create new light to feeling of mind on each smile
Step of world show new path to concept of life which give that light to thought start new move to meaning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new route to direction of life which form that way to chapter give new path to thinking of mind on each smile
Step of world show new start to chapter of life which create that move to strength form new start to learning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new route to appeal of life which start that world to dream create new spirit to feeling of mind on each smile
Step of world show new move to concept of life which give that chapter to start form new way to meaning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new way to knowledge of life which form that strength to soul give new step to thinking of mind on each smile
Step of world show new shine to appeal of life which create that direction to route start new touch to learning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new spirit to thought of life which start that shine to appeal form new concept to meaning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new soul to strength of life which create that move to chapter give new appeal to feeling of mind on each smile
Step of world show new step to knowledge of life which form that touch to direction start new direction to learning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new route to move of life which give that knowledge to shine form new chapter to thinking of mind on each smile
Step of world show new start to direction of life which start that appeal to path create new appeal to meaning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new move to appeal of life which create that touch to light start new direction to understanding of mind on each smile
Step of world show new path to concept of life which form that chapter to soul create new touch to learning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new start to thought of life which give that strength to path show new shine to meaning of mind on each smile
Step of world show new route to chapter of life which create that appeal to step form new start to feeling of mind on each smile
Step of world show new way to strength of life which form that move to start create new appeal to thinking of mind on each smile.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Adventure story. 590. Burnt house

                                           Burnt house  

Entire family was planning for marriage of their daughter Yamini. It was so exciting they were planning it all for such a long time. Yamini’s Dad personally called catering to arrange all. He needed to manage everything. It was important for them. He needed to arrange all. He wanted to make everything perfect as he desired. He started to get restless. He was so sure that something was going to go wrong. He kept arranging different things in different ways. He needed to arrange all as per his thoughts. He needed to keep hopeful thoughts for it. But he didn’t understand why he kept thinking about funeral. It was so stressful. He wanted to concentrate on positive side of incidence. It began to get frustrating. He needed to arrange things properly. He needed to smile. He knew if people saw him this way they would assume he was not happy with marriage. He didn’t understand what he was exactly feeling. He selected nice boy for Yamini. But he never thought about demands. At beginning everything seemed so perfect. He agreed to give few things willingly. He didn’t feel anything wrong in it. Then Yamini started going out with her fiancée & step by step things began to change. Yamini began to demand things. He could have rejected it but his daughter Yamini wanted them. Yamini kept telling him that she was heir of that property she had right. He was father & he supposed to tell her no but he was so nervous. He couldn’t say no to her. He just kept trying hard. Yamini demanded so much. He didn’t want to see her face after her marriage. For him he felt as if his daughter was dead. Yamini was just burden. Yamini was that burden which was impossible to remove. He told himself that he was thinking in wrong way. His wife Mrinal always admired their daughter. He supposed to do same too. After all she was his child. Sometimes kids did mistakes & parents supposed to handle them. He needed to admire her. He began to arrange all again. He decorated all with red flowers. Actually he did it with red roses. He felt that would look perfect. People liked red roses. They looked so great. He could smell it’s sweetness. He was so relaxed. He started to think about colour he could use in silk cloth. He suddenly began to feel red would be perfect. He asked for it. But those people told that they had white colour for silk cloth. He didn’t find any way which make everything enchanting. He didn’t like the way things should look better. He did his best. Then he started to go down when Yamini came running towards him. Yamini screamed loudly “ What is this mess? Why you use red roses? I don’t want roses Dad. Change those flowers now!” He felt so nervous. He didn’t understand what he supposed to do. He ordered roses. Now he couldn’t just throw them. Then he suddenly remembered his backyard. He could shift them in backyard. It would be perfect. He could tell those people but when he told them they all looked upset. “ We can’t change it now. We will need money for those changes! Have you considered those extra expenses?!” “ No I don’t. I am just interested in getting it done.” “ But yes it will take time.” Then Yamini once again started screaming on him. On that point his younger daughter Trupti came. Trupti started to gave confused look to him. She asked “ What happened Dad?” He told her about confusion. Trupti was frustrated too. Trupti “ Dad just do whatever Yamini want! We are going to get rid of her finally.” Trupti started laughing happily. He joined her. He suddenly began to feel so happy. He turned to those people. He gave them some extra advance & told them to do changes in decoration. All started to move ahead in perfect way. He was happy. He knew by tomorrow Yamini would settle back in her house. He was so happy. But then suddenly he heard one scream. He ran towards house. He saw there was big fire. He began to run towards it. But people stopped him. It was short circuit. He could see fire everywhere. He would see heat of fire. He began to feel impact of heat on scene. He knew that his house was burning. He called fire brigade. He was waiting before his eyes. His house was burning. Then after sometime finally fire brigade came. It started to stop fire. He ran inside as soon as permitted but all was burnt. His entire house was damaged. He wanted to cry loudly. But he decided that he must not. He ran inside house. He noticed all his photos were burnt. All records & CDs he stored of his favourite movies & music were destroyed. He spent his every rupee just on them since his childhood. It was very interesting. He needed to study all. He needed to concentrate on every rhythm which was precious to him. During his busy life he couldn’t. He was planning to listen to them with full concentration. He wanted to feel happy in his heart. He needed to enjoy his life. He knew that his entire dream was broken. His wife screamed from behind “ My Jewellery!” He knew clearly all damaged. They brought it all from bank locker for marriage. He couldn’t count how much losses he suffered. On that point he remembered Yamini. He looked around but he sensed that Yamini was already in garden. She came back looking nervous. “ Actually I was in garden. We need to go in marriage hall.” Mrinal “ But our house is burnt.” Trupti controlled herself & said “ Mom we can’t waste entire money of marriage.” Dad controlled his feelings & said “ I will ask neighbours to take care of this situation.” When he turned to Cops & neighbours, all seemed to agree that he must go to marriage hall. He literally ran to marriage hall. He didn’t say much about accident. He kept pretending. Few people learnt & showed sympathy but Yamini’s husband or his parents didn’t show big heart to show sympathy. They just complained about lack of arrangements & gifts. Dad couldn’t arrange gifts on that point. Finally that marriage was over. Yamini went away. Dad took breathe of relief. Dad knew that it was Yamini’s mistake. Due to Yamini fire was started but he knew that Yamini would never confess. Dad decided that they would go ahead with their life as they needed. Dad knew that he would manage some way.

     Yamini felt so relieved when finally her car went away from marriage hall. Her husband Tushar was not happy about entire marriage ceremony. Her parents didn’t get enough gifts. She knew her parents were much poor people. She always hated their financial condition. She wanted to marry a rich man & Tushar was perfect choice. Actually her parents were not so poor during her grandfather’s time. Her grandfather was smart man. He managed to make lot of money through different resources. She knew that her grandfather did lots of crimes to get it. But she didn’t mind. She needed money. But her Dad was straightforward person. Her Dad kept telling her that due to crimes her grandfather suffered. But she didn’t feel that was true. Now finally she was out of that mess. She knew that Tushar would be upset for sometime. But afterwards they would accept it. She already managed to get enough gifts. Then Yamini gave sweet smile to Tushar. As she guessed it managed to melt his heart. She knew that he wanted her. She managed to get enough from her parents already. She knew that this house was anyway not going to be her’s. It was going to belong to her parents. She didn’t care if it was burnt. She wanted her happiness & for it she managed to get as much ornaments as possible from her parents. But then she knew that she did her best. Slowly Tushar took her in his arms. Tushar “ It’s okay you tried your best.” Her father-in-law added “ How hard she tried to get money out of her Dad but her Dad was not ready to give much! Such a selfish man! She was his daughter but still he was not ready to part with his wealth for her.” She didn’t say anything. She didn’t love her father so much but she knew that her Dad was not happy about this gifts. She argued so much for them. Any way she didn’t want to keep discussing her father & her parent’s family. She wanted to try her future with new way. She needed to feel positive about it. But entire time her in-laws kept discussing on her parents. Finally she began to feel so exhausted that she fall asleep. She didn’t even sense that she slept while keeping her head on car window glass. She didn’t sleep on Tushar’s shoulder. Tushar looked towards her. He sensed that she was asleep, he said slowly “ Now let’s not talk about her parents. I don’t want her to keep remembering them.” “ Ohh my God in one day you began to feel concerned about wife & taunting your Dad?!” “ No..Mom it’s not like that. I am telling this to Dad since her house is burnt & I don’t want her to go there & waste our money on that house.” His parents felt so shocked. “ What you feel they will ask for help?” “ We don’t know but it’s possible. Isn’t it?” His parents didn’t speak anything. Then finally his Mom declared “ Let’s not talk about her parents.” Yamini was truly asleep during this entire conversation. In her sleep she was with her grandfather in a lovely resort. She was playing with swans. She was so happy. She was laughing & running. Then suddenly she started to fall. She kept falling down & down until she didn’t reach to bottom of tunnel. She noticed a warm touch. She didn’t look towards it. She was so scared. She was so frightened. She screamed. But then she sensed that Tushar was trying to wake her up. She smiled & said “ I had nightmare. Strange?! I never had one before.” But now her in-laws were looking towards her with suspicion. She smiled. “ I am okay.” Tushar started to get tense. He wanted her to be normal. He married to her due to her money & beauty. He never properly thought about her mental health. It was so confusing. But frankly she seemed normal. She smiled. Finally they reached to their home. Yamini was too tired but still she began to get ready. She knew that lots of relatives must be waiting. Her guess turned out to be true. Lots of neighbours & relatives were waiting outside their home. She looked towards that big house. It was her house now. She smiled. She was going to be rich now. She began to laugh happily. She needed to feel happy in her mind & she was feeling it. It was great day for her. She began to watch herself in mirror of car. She was looking so beautiful. She was wearing different ornaments. She selected every ornament which gave wonderful look to her features. She kept observing herself. She began to admire her beauty. Tushar suddenly took hold of her arm harshly. It was hurting. She didn’t understand what was happening. She gave confused look to him. Then she sensed that all were waiting for her. She wasted her time in watching mirror. She ran towards crowd. Then she saw fire. It was all arranged properly to follow ritual of entry of new bride. She knew all. But she began to shiver. She could see fire was going on. That flame was slowly moving. She was never felt so scared of fire. It was new & unique. She was getting breathless by that flame. She took hold of Tushar’s hand to stop herself from screaming. She didn’t want to scream. But she could sense a fear. Her entire body started shivering. She began to sweat. Soon she began to hear voices from background. They were saying “ She is fainting hold her!” She didn’t want to fall but she could sense that Tushar couldn’t able to hold her properly. Slowly she dropped down on ground. She was sleeping on ground of garden. All red sand of ground was coming on her face. She was feeling rocks that were cutting her. She wanted to stand..at least sit but she couldn’t. She was helpless. Someone screamed “ Hurry up. Call your Uncle. He is Doctor.” She didn’t understand who was taking her in arms. But they put her on blanket. Then she could sense that four corner of blanket were taken by someone & she went up. She was feeling like some body which was taken in morgue. She didn’t understand why. She wanted to scream. She knew that they were going to burn her now. She was declared dead. She understood all. That Doctor declared her dead. Tushar didn’t want her anymore. She was doing to burn her. She didn’t want to imagine that pain. She began to scream loudly & she started to cry. She began to say “ Don’t burn me. I am alive. Don’t burn me.” She kept screaming it loudly. She didn’t understand why they didn’t stop taking her inside house. They took her in that place in hurry. It seemed as if they wanted to burn her as soon as possible. It was so upsetting.

       Yamini was screaming “ Don’t burn me!!” So loudly that all shivered. Tushar was so shocked. He sensed that what would other people would think now. They would feel that they were going to burn Yamini for Dowry. It was one tradition which they followed with trick. Tushar managed to convince Yamini that she needed to ask money from her Dad. She was asking it willingly. They got what they wanted. But when their house got burnt in end sadly all dreams of demanding more money vanished. Tushar never threatened Yamini in any way. Yamini was his willing partner in every crime. She wanted to drag money out of her Dad. He didn’t understand why she was talking like that. But every one started to give suspicious look. Tushar finally said “ Actually her house just burnt now.” Doctor “ I checked her BP. It is too high. I give her some medicine. I feel they will work properly. But we need to do her physical & mental check up too. Tell me honestly have you threatened her anyway?” His Mom said angrily “ Do you feel we are that sort of people who torture daughter-in-law for money?!” Other guest “ It’s not written on face so we can’t tell it.” Tushar felt so upset. Tushar “ We have done nothing like that. She was very happy with our marriage. We were discussing different ways in which we like to move ahead in future. She wanted to marry me..” “ Then she have some mental issue.” Now Tushar felt so scared. Tushar “ She was acting little strange in car.” His Dad “ I tell you. She is mad. Let’s send her back.” “Back?” “ I am calling her parents.” Tushar’s Dad kept calling Yamini’s Dad. After sometime Yamini’s Dad took call. He was about to tell that they were staying in neighbour’s house for sometime when Tushar’s Dad began to scream on him. “ Your daughter is mad.” Then Tushar’s Dad described how did Yamini reacted. “ Just take her away immediately.” Yamini’s Dad was shocked. First entire area of their house was burnt & now they were sending their married daughter back. Yamini’s Dad was so angry. He controlled himself & said “ Fine! But send back every gift I gave to my daughter. Including that car & diamond watch.” Tushar’s Dad screamed angrily “ Fine. I send all including shoes which you gave to my son & you can keep whatever I gave to your daughter. I just want divorce.” Yamini’s Dad agreed. When Yamini’s Dad disconnected call. He told all to his family. Everyone looked shocked. Uncle from Neighbourhood said “ Just don’t send her back. I feel these people would keep demanding forever. They doesn’t seem like nice people.” All seemed to agree. So Yamini’s Dad prepared himself & requested Uncle to drive him. They both went there. When they reached there, Yamini was woke up. Yamini gave angry look to her Dad. “ What are you doing here?!” Her Dad slowly told “ Your husband & his family wanted to send you back.” She started to search for Tushar. He was not there. She began to scream “ He can’t cheat me like that! I did everything for him. He got so many gifts. He must stay with me.” She began to scream his name but he didn’t come out. Finally his Mother began to tell her to go away. She kept screaming his name. She didn’t agree to go. She just sat there in hall. Yamini said “ I will not leave. This is my house.” Yamini’s Dad was so confused. They all kept telling her to get lost. Then suddenly her Mother-in-law smiled. Her Mother-in-law lighted matchstick & told her “ Go out.” After watching that flame Yamini tried to run inside. But other lady burnt matchstick from that corner too. They all started burning something. It was small but it was horrible for her. She literally ran out of her house. Yamini’s Dad & Uncle was watching all this with shock. Uncle slowly asked Dad “ Did she feel scared of fire before?” “ No! Never in life. Don’t you remember how much she use dance beside campfire during get together!” “ Yes. I think we need Psychiatrist.” Uncle called one. Uncle didn’t want Yamini’s Dad to spend more money. Uncle could sense how much extra financial burden he would suffer now. Yamini finally sat inside car & came back in Neighbourhood house. It was worst for all. They wanted Yamini out of their life. But she was back & now their house was burnt too. Mom started to feel uneasy too. Surely it was high BP. Trupti was so frustrated. Trupti knew that Yamini was cause of this entire chaos. But she was expecting finally Yamini would be out of house. But it was not happening. Then she heard Uncle was suggesting talking to Psychiatrist & she sensed what went wrong. They needed to cure Yamini but they just tried to marry her off. It didn’t work. Trupti slowly entered in conversation & said “ Dad Uncle is right. We need to take his help for medical treatment of Yamini. She needed this treatment.” “ But if we went there, Yamini’s in-laws would declare her mad!” “ But she have issue. Let’s accept it. Dad we need to handle it! We can’t just get rid of her by marrying her off to someone.” Dad didn’t say anything for long time. Finally Trupti told on face what he was thinking for long time. Dad nodded. He began to cry slowly. Uncle patted on his shoulder. Dad said slowly “ I feel Yamini started fire in house since I decorated her wedding function in wrong way.” Trupti didn’t look shocked. Trupti “ She didn’t actually started it. She just kept her hair dyer on. Then she went out to talk. I was telling her to close it. She didn’t do it. Instead she took one glass of cold drink & put it near. I removed it & went away. I feel she kept it back.” “ It’s another way to set house on fire. That girl burnt my house.” Dad was screaming in strange way. Trupti shivered. She was happy that Uncle called Psychiatrist. Uncle managed to get emergency appointment. Trupti knew that it was not about just her sister. But her Dad was acting strange too. It was getting worst. She needed solution before situation became worst. Uncle convinced her Dad to come with him to Psychiatrist. Trupti knew that it was not just for Yamini. When her Dad was out of sight, Trupti started crying slowly. In few weeks she lost her entire family. Marriage of Yamini was wrong decision. They should have taken her to Psychiatrist. Then her Auntie called her & told her to keep every gift given to Yamini carefully. She might need it in future. She understood between lines. She might need to use them in her marriage after all they were unused items. She ran inside & started to keep all carefully. She was not planning to marry but she knew Yamini would surely try. She didn’t want to spend more money on Yamini so she kept all carefully again. She just hoped one thing that Yamini would get out of her house one day & every thing would be fine.

                                                          The End 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Poem. 6560. Route to dream of soul

                                    Route to dream of soul

Route to dream of soul which create new appeal to thought of way that give new direction to knowledge of step that form new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new direction to chapter of route that show new strength to spirit of appeal that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which show new strength to touch of shine that form new knowledge to soul of appeal that start new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which start new knowledge to path of light that create new thought to spirit of chapter that form new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which give new thought to route of appeal that start new chapter to touch of understanding that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new direction to step of concept that give new strength to move of meaning that start new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which create new strength to move of touch that form new appeal to shine of learning that show new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which start new knowledge to path of chapter that give new concept to start of thinking that form new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which give new chapter to touch of direction that create new thought to step of understanding that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new touch to route of strength that show new direction to route to meaning that show new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which show new thought to step of shine that form new concept to shine to learning that create new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which start new direction to start of route that give new strength to feeling to hope that form new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which give new appeal to touch of way that show new direction to move to direction that show new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new chapter to shine of soul that create new touch to spirit to strength that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which create new touch to path of move that give new knowledge to way to chapter that start new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which show new step to thought of start that from new thought to soul to direction that create new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which start new chapter to touch of path that show new shine to light to thought that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which give new direction to spirit of move that start new appeal to path to chapter that show new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new knowledge to step of route that create new touch to step to shine that start new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which create new appeal to start of chapter that give new light to thought to light that form new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which start new move to touch of strength that form new path to spirit to way that start new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new concept to step of shine that show new start to move to light that form new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which show new strength to start of path that give new knowledge to way to step that start new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which give new appeal to soul of shine that form new direction to appeal to touch that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which start new chapter to move of step that create new spirit to thought to way that show new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which create new path to light of appeal that start new move to knowledge to spirit that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new step to thought of concept that show new step to thought to appeal that from new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which start new touch to knowledge of step that give new chapter to shine to thought that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which give new chapter to strength of start that form new direction to soul to direction that start new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new move to appeal of light that create new touch to shine  to spirit that form new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which start new route to direction of path that show new light to move to touch that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which create new path to chapter of step that give new appeal to step to thought that show new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new shine to knowledge of way that start new touch to path to chapter that create new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which start new touch to strength of move that create new route to hope to direction that form new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which give new thought to step of soul that show new direction to spirit to knowledge that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new chapter to way of light that give new thought to step to hope that show new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which create new world to path of start that form new knowledge to way to strength that give new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which show new direction to shine of way that create new appeal to shine to knowledge that form new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which give new strength to move of appeal that start new direction to start to chapter that show new concept to mind
Route to dream of soul which form new shine to light of thought that give new strength to feeling of move that start new concept to mind.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Poem. 6559. Start of shine give new light

                            Start of shine give new light 

Start of shine give new light to thought of concept to direction of soul which start new thinking of appeal that show new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to chapter of strength to dream of spirit which form new meaning of touch that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to direction of appeal to concept of move which create new feeling of path that create new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to dream of thought to strength of step which show new learning of route that form new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to touch of knowledge to light of route which form new understanding of path that start new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to chapter of soul to appeal of move which create new thinking of concept that show new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to soul of strength to touch of appeal which show new meaning of dream that create new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to step of chapter to spirit of strength which form new learning of concept that start new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to route of appeal to move of concept which create new thinking of chapter that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to path of thought to touch of appeal which start new feeling of strength that show new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to move of touch to knowledge of path which show new meaning of concept that start new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to step of direction to strength of soul which form new learning of spirit that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to chapter of soul to thought of dream which give new thinking of touch that create new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to appeal of step to chapter of route which create new understanding of move that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to strength of path to concept of move which show new feeling of direction that show new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to appeal of touch to strength of path which form new meaning of knowledge that start new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to thought of soul to direction of step which give new thinking of touch that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to knowledge of step to appeal of move which create new learning of thought that create new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to direction of touch to thought of path which form new understanding of soul that show new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to strength of move to chapter of soul which show new direction of appeal that create new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to concept of thought to spirit of appeal which form new learning of touch that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to knowledge of step to chapter of strength which create new concept of route that show new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to direction of route to spirit of move which show new strength of route that create new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to thought of chapter to route of path which form new appeal of move that show new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to appeal of direction to soul of route which give new direction of soul that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to chapter of start to path of hope which start new knowledge of touch that start new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to strength of step to spirit of dream which create new appeal of chapter that create new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to touch of direction to move of thought which give new concept of strength that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to concept of touch to route of chapter which form new thought of spirit that start new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to appeal of concept to soul of direction which create new dream of thought that create new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to thought of appeal to step of concept which give new hope of strength that show new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to chapter of dream to soul of appeal which form new shine of direction that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to touch of knowledge to route of path which create new step of feeling that create new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to direction of touch to move of spirit which start new route of chapter that show new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to strength of light to touch of concept which form new path of strength that start new way to mind 
Start of shine give new light to appeal of path to knowledge of spirit which create new move of concept that form new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to touch of route to strength of appeal which show new knowledge of soul that show new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to spirit of thought to touch of chapter which start new appeal of feel that create new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to soul of chapter to move of direction which create new touch of path that start new way to mind
Start of shine give new light to step of concept to light of strength which form new dream of start that form new way to mind.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Poem. 6558. Dream will show new spirit

                             Dream will show new spirit 

Dream will show new spirit of light that form new knowledge to thinking of mind which stat step of hope on each point with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of strength that give new appeal to feeling of mind which form path of appeal on each touch with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of concept that start new chapter to meaning of mind which create way of light on each step with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of thought that create new shine to understanding of mind which give route of path on each start with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of touch that form new concept to learning of mind which show appeal of strength on each path with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of chapter that give new move to understanding of mind which form start of soul on each soul with move of life
Dream will show new spirit of shine that create new path to meaning of mind which create knowledge of step on each light with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of appeal that start new touch to feeling of mind which give direction of strength on each soul with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of light that show new strength to learning of mind which start chapter of direction on each step with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of route that form new chapter to thinking of mind which give concept of knowledge on each start with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of soul that give new thought to understanding of mind which form touch of shine on each soul with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of shine that start new concept to meaning of mind which create thought of move on each way with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of appeal that show new strength to feeling of mind which give direction of path on each step with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of touch that create new knowledge to learning of mind which form new chapter of touch on each start with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of strength that form new appeal to thinking of mind which start new concept of direction on each soul with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of chapter that give new direction to understanding of mind which create new spirit of thought on each step with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of direction that start new chapter to feeling of mind which form new strength of knowledge on each start with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of knowledge that create new touch to meaning of mind which give new thought of appeal on each step with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of strength that form new concept to learning of mind which create new soul of concept on each soul with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of appeal that give new strength to understanding of mind which form new step of chapter on each start with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of feeling that start new knowledge to thinking of mind which give new strength of direction on each path with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of chapter that create new appeal to learning of mind which create new spirit of strength on each way with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of concept that form new direction to feeling of mind which start new appeal of chapter on each route with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of strength that give new understanding to soul of mind which form new path of concept on each way with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of appeal that start new strength to shine of mind which create new direction of feeling on each start with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of knowledge that form new appeal to start of mind which give new chapter of learning on each path with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of direction that create new shine to touch of mind which form new concept of meaning on each step with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of strength that give new direction to thought of mind which create new path of understanding on each way with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of concept that form new strength to shine of mind which start new direction of learning on each path with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of direction that start new chapter to soul of mind which form new appeal of feeling on each start with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of hope that give new concept to touch of mind which create new soul of understanding on each step with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of light that form new knowledge to step of mind which give new start of meaning on each route with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of shine that create new appeal to path of mind which form new touch of learning on each soul with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of path that give new direction to shine of mind which show new strength of chapter on each start with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of route that start new chapter to move of mind which give new concept of knowledge on each path with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of appeal that form new concept to route of mind which start new touch of strength on each step with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of strength that give new appeal to path of mind which form new soul of direction on each start with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of touch that create new knowledge to step of mind which give new start of concept on each soul with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of thought that form new concept to start of mind which start new appeal of route on each step with move of life 
Dream will show new spirit of knowledge that give new chapter to soul of mind which form new strength of start on each path with move of life.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Poem. 6557. Way of direction with touch

                            Way of direction with touch

Way of direction with touch of soul in thought of mind that form new strength to feeling of soul that form new step of move
Way of direction with touch of start in knowledge of mind that create new appeal to shine of light that give new step of move
Way of direction with touch of way in direction of mind that give new knowledge to spirit of chapter that create new step of move
Way of direction with touch of shine in strength of mind that start new chapter to move of appeal that start new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of appeal in chapter of mind that form new path to direction of spirit that give new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of concept in thought of mind that create new step to strength of soul that form new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of chapter in appeal of mind that give new knowledge to touch of start that create new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of strength in start of mind that show new appeal to shine of appeal that form new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of soul in knowledge of mind that start new chapter to thought of spirit that give new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of start in appeal of mind that form new strength to concept of soul that show new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of light in strength of mind that create new soul to direction of start that form new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of path in concept of mind that give new light to strength of touch that create new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of shine in chapter of mind that form new thought to spirit of light that show new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of thought in appeal of mind that start new chapter to soul of way that give new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of light in knowledge of mind that show new concept to step of route that start new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of strength in path of mind that create new knowledge to start of light that form new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of appeal in soul of mind that form new direction to route of chapter that create new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of concept in start of mind that give new strength to step of concept that give new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of knowledge in light of mind that start new appeal to shine of direction that start new step of move
Way of direction with touch of thought in shine of mind that create new concept to feeling of hope that form new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of chapter in spirit of mind that show new strength to light of knowledge that give new step of move
Way of direction with touch of strength in light of mind that form new knowledge to path of understanding that create new step of move
Way of direction with touch of appeal in route of mind that give new direction to shine of thinking that form new step of move
Way of direction with touch of chapter in spirit of mind that create new appeal to thought of learning that show new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of knowledge in soul of mind that start new concept to shine of meaning that start new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of strength in route of mind that show new knowledge to start of feeling that form new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of appeal in dream of mind that form new chapter to soul of understanding that give new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of thought in spirit of mind that create new feeling to touch of learning that create new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of concept in appeal of mind that start new knowledge to path of feeling that form new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of chapter in strength of mind that give new direction to concept of meaning that give new step of move
Way of direction with touch of shine in chapter of mind that form new thought to direction of learning that show new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of spirit in concept of mind that create new appeal to strength of understanding that start new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of light in strength of mind that start new knowledge to shine of feeling that form new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of soul in appeal of mind that show new concept to light of meaning that create new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of route in light of mind that give new chapter to thought of learning that give new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of thought in start of mind that form new strength to chapter of feeling that form new step of move
Way of direction with touch of soul in chapter of mind that create new appeal to thought of understanding that create new step of move 
Way of direction with touch of shine in route of mind that show new knowledge to touch of meaning that give new step of mind 
Way of direction with touch of spirit in soul of mind that form new thought to chapter of learning that start new step of mind 
Way of direction with touch of strength in path of mind that start new concept to light of thinking that form new step of mind.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...