Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Poem. 6432. Move from dream bring

                                              Move from dream bring 

Move from dream bring new light which start new direction to thinking of mind which form new shine of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new path which form new knowledge to feeling of mind which show new spirit of chapter of mind 

Move from dream bring new route which create new strength to learning of mind which start new soul of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new world which give new appeal to meaning of mind which create new path of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new concept which show new touch to understanding of mind which give new direction of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new strength which start new thought to learning of mind which show new hope of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new step which form new touch to feeling of mind which start new shine of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new soul which give new world to meaning of mind which form new light of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new way which create new shine to thinking of mind which give new path of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new light which show new route to understanding of mind which start new route of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new touch which form new path to learning of mind which show new appeal of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new step which start new touch to meaning of mind which give new direction of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new route which create new smile to feeling of mind which form new route of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new way which give new appeal to thinking of mind which start new shine of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new shine which form new world to understanding of mind which create new step of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new thought which start new path to learning of mind which show new spirit of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new appeal which give new step to meaning of mind which create new light of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new knowledge which create new way to thinking of mind which start new path of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new strength which form new touch to understanding of mind which show new spirit of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new route which show new direction to feeling of mind which start new strength of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new touch which start new soul to meaning of mind which form new shine of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new shine which give new light to learning of mind which create new path of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new start which create new way to thinking of mind which give new touch of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new step which form new knowledge to feeling of mind which start new step of chapter of mind 

Move from dream bring new light which show new strength to meaning of mind which create new soul of chapter of mind 

Move from dream bring new way which give new direction to understanding of mind which form new light of chapter of mind 

Move from dream bring new world which start new appeal to learning of mind which show new spirit of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new step which create new touch to feeling of mind which give new shine of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new route which form new direction to thinking of mind which start new path of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new strength which give new path to meaning of mind which form new step of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new appeal which start new route to learning of mind which give new start of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new shine which form new smile to feeling of mind which create new spirit of chapter of mind 

Move from dream bring new world which give new touch to thinking of mind which form new soul of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new step which create new way to understanding of mind which show new route of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new start which show new direction to learning of mind which start new appeal of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new route which form new strength to meaning of mind which create new hope of chapter of mind

Move from dream bring new way which give new knowledge to feeling of mind which show new step of chapter of mind 

Move from dream bring new soul which start new appeal to thinking of mind which form new shine of chapter of mind 

Move from dream bring new route which show new path to understanding of mind which create new start of chapter of mind 

Move from dream bring new way which create new route to meaning of mind which give new touch of chapter of mind.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Poem. 6431. Way bring new

                                           Way bring new 

Way bring new day for direction of mind which start new touch to thinking of life at every point

Way bring new move for strength of mind which form new shine to learning of life at every point

Way bring new shine for chapter of mind which give new hope to meaning of life at every point

Way bring new step for knowledge of mind which show new appeal to feeling of life at every point

Way bring new route for appeal of mind which create new path to understanding of life at every point

Way bring new word for route of mind which give new dream to learning of life at every point

Way bring new strength for step of mind which form new spirit to thinking of life at every point 

Way bring new move for word of mind which create new direction to meaning of life at every point

Way bring new soul for chapter of mind which start new appeal to understanding of life at every point

Way bring new hope for concept of mind which show new route to learning of life at every point

Way bring new world for appeal of mind which form new smile to understanding of life at every point

Way bring new spirit for route of mind which create new path to feeling of life at every point

Way bring new word for direction of mind which start new dream to thinking of life at every point

Way bring new touch for strength of mind which form new thought to meaning of life at every point

Way bring new path for chapter of mind which give new light to understanding of life at every point

Way bring new shine for smile of mind which show new route to learning of life at every point

Way bring new spirit for step of mind which form new brightness to feeling of life at every point

Way bring new thought for move of mind which create new appeal to meaning of life at every point

Way bring new concept for touch of mind which start new dream to learning of life at every point

Way bring new knowledge for soul of mind which form new hope to thinking of life at every point

Way bring new spirit for direction of mind which give new word to feeling of life at every point

Way bring new move for appeal of mind which show new path to meaning of life at every point

Way bring new step for touch of mind which start new direction to learning of life at every point

Way bring new smile for knowledge of mind which form new appeal to feeling of life at every point

Way bring new word for thought of mind which give new knowledge to thinking of life at every point

Way bring new shine for chapter of mind which show new touch to understanding of life at every point

Way bring new touch for dream of mind which create new strength to learning of life at every point

Way bring new hope for concept of mind which form new thought to meaning of life at every point

Way bring new soul for strength of mind which start new chapter to feeling of life at every point

Way bring new route for appeal of mind which give new direction to learning of life at every point

Way bring new move for thought of mind which show new appeal to meaning of life at every point

Way bring new word for chapter of mind which create new route to understanding of life at every point

Way bring new thought for start of mind which form new concept to thinking of life at every point

Way bring new chapter for path of mind which start new knowledge to feeling of life at every point

Way bring new touch for step of mind which create new thought to meaning of life at every point

Way bring new path for soul of mind which show new appeal to understanding of life at every point

Way bring new route for chapter of mind which form new strength to learning of life at every point

Way bring new thought for concept of mind which give new dream to meaning of life at every point

Way bring new move for touch of mind which start new route to thinking of life at every point

Way bring new soul for strength of mind which show new word to feeling of life at every point. 

Monday, August 29, 2022

Poem. 6430. Shine of start give new

                                          Shine of start give new

Shine of start give new light to mind which show new way to feeling of move that create new appeal to knowledge which form new concept to touch of soul that give new move
Shine of start give new appeal to mind which start new route to learning of soul that form new concept to touch which show new direction to light of knowledge that give new move
Shine of start give new touch to mind which form new spirit to meaning of route that show new chapter to appeal which create new touch to thought of shine that give new move
Shine of start give new strength to mind which give new soul to thinking of step that give new concept to touch which give new thought to appeal of direction that give new move
Shine of start give new chapter to mind which start new path to learning of world that start new direction to soul which form new chapter to touch of strength that give new move
Shine of start give new concept to mind which form new route to feeling of spirit that form new strength to step which show new direction to route of appeal that give new move
Shine of start give new touch to mind which create new move to meaning of step that create new appeal to soul which create new strength to move of touch that give new move
Shine of start give new thought to mind which show new path to thinking of start that give new chapter to step which form new light to thought of soul that give new move
Shine of start give new concept to mind which form new route to understanding of way that give new concept to route which give new appeal to chapter of step that give new move
Shine of start give new chapter to mind which create new touch to feeling of soul that show new  direction to touch which form new knowledge to concept of way that give new move
Shine of start give new strength to mind which show new step to learning of step that form new chapter to soul which give new direction to appeal of touch that give new move
Shine of start give new thought to mind which give new route to meaning of path that show new concept to step which form new chapter to strength of light that give new move
Shine of start give new appeal to mind which form new move to thinking of route that create new direction to spirit which create new touch to thought of shine that give new move
Shine of start give new concept to mind which show new step to feeling of touch that start new chapter to path which give new direction to spirit of soul that give new move
Shine of start give new strength to mind which create new path to learning of soul that give new knowledge to concept which show new touch to step of way that give new move
Shine of start give new thought to mind which start new chapter to meaning of path that form new direction to light which form new concept to strength of touch that give new move
Shine of start give new chapter to mind which form new concept to thinking of start that create new appeal to touch which start new chapter to path of spirit that give new move
Shine of start give new concept to mind which show new direction to feeling of touch that show new strength to light which show new thought to step of start that give new move
Shine of start give new direction to mind which create new path to meaning of spirit that give new knowledge to chapter which form new concept to route of way that give new move
Shine of start give new strength to mind which show new appeal to learning of soul that create new thought to route which give new direction to path of touch that give new move
Shine of start give new appeal to mind which form new concept to feeling of spirit that show new direction to touch which start new knowledge to route of light that give new move
Shine of start give new touch to mind which give new strength to meaning of path that form new concept to light which form new appeal to touch of spirit that give new move
Shine of start give new appeal to mind which show new direction to learning of route that give new appeal to route which show new light to path of soul that give new move
Shine of start give new strength to mind which form new chapter to thinking of soul that create new concept to path which give new appeal to spirit of step that give new move
Shine of start give new concept to mind which create new touch to feeling of world that show new direction to touch which form new chapter to soul of thought that give new move
Shine of start give new knowledge to mind which give new appeal to meaning of path that form new chapter to route which give new appeal to step of touch that give new move
Shine of start give new strength to mind which form new direction to understanding of step that give new concept to path which show new spirit to route of way that give new move
Shine of start give new appeal to mind which create new strength to learning of soul that create new knowledge to route which form new path to concept of soul that give new move
Shine of start give new chapter to mind which show new appeal to thinking of start that show new light to thought which give new knowledge to concept of touch that give new move
Shine of start give new touch to mind which form new knowledge to meaning of route that form new direction to appeal which show new path to chapter of route that give new move
Shine of start give new thought to mind which create new touch to learning of soul that show new concept to knowledge which form new strength to touch of light that give new move
Shine of start give new strength to mind which show new path to thinking of step that form new chapter to soul which give new knowledge to spirit of thought that give new move
Shine of start give new direction to mind which form new soul to meaning of route that create new appeal to thought which show new direction to start of soul that give new move
Shine of start give new knowledge to mind which give new step to feeling of chapter that start new direction to route which give new strength to step of way that give new move
Shine of start give new touch to mind which form new strength to learning of touch that give new strength to concept which show new appeal to touch of soul that give new move
Shine of start give new spirit to mind which create new appeal to thinking of light that show new thought to chapter which form new direction to spirit of start that give new move
Shine of start give new light to mind which form new concept to meaning of soul that create new appeal to concept which show new strength to soul of touch that give new move
Shine of start give new soul to mind which show new knowledge to feeling of step that form new direction to touch which start new concept to path of appeal that give new move
Shine of start give new step to mind which create new appeal to understanding of start that give new appeal to concept which give new light to step of soul that give new move
Shine of start give new route to mind which form new concept to learning of chapter that start new direction to path which form new route to start of step that give new move.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Poem. 6429. Light from step bring

                                     Light from step bring 

Light from step bring new dream which create new path that start new feeling to spirit of mind

Light from step bring new concept which show new route that create new learning to move of mind

Light from step bring new touch which give new knowledge that form new thinking to path of mind

Light from step bring new appeal which start new appeal that show new meaning to way of mind

Light from step bring new world which form new brightness that give new understanding to touch of mind

Light from step bring new chapter which give new concept that open new feeling to route of mind

Light from step bring new strength which create new touch that start new thinking to word of mind 

Light from step bring new thought which form new hope that create new learning to concept of mind

Light from step bring new touch which show new appeal that give new meaning to direction of mind

Light from step bring new word which create new path that show new feeling to strength of mind

Light from step bring new move which start new direction that create new thinking to appeal of mind

Light from step bring new path which open new dream that form new understanding to touch of mind

Light from step bring new route which give new knowledge that start new learning to route of mind

Light from step bring new spirit which create new direction that give new feeling to thought of mind

Light from step bring new world which show new concept that open new meaning to smile of mind

Light from step bring new word which start new strength that create new thinking to spirit of mind

Light from step bring new shine which form new appeal that show new understanding to move of mind

Light from step bring new move which give new concept that form new learning to strength of mind

Light from step bring new chapter which start new route that create new meaning to appeal of mind

Light from step bring new concept which create new way that open new feeling to concept of mind

Light from step bring new strength which give new hope that show new thinking to touch of mind

Light from step bring new smile which show new appeal that create new understanding to concept of mind

Light from step bring new touch which start new knowledge that give new learning to direction of mind

Light from step bring new spirit which create new path that form new meaning to chapter of mind

Light from step bring new route which give new direction that start new feeling to dream of mind

Light from step bring new way which start new strength that open new understanding to route of mind

Light from step bring new soul which form new concept that create new learning to path of mind

Light from step bring new world which give new route that start new thinking to strength of mind

Light from step bring new concept which start new path that form new feeling to direction of mind

Light from step bring new knowledge which give new direction that create new meaning to appeal of mind

Light from step bring new path which show new strength that open new understanding to thought of mind

Light from step bring new smile which form new brightness that start new learning to knowledge of mind

Light from step bring new word which start new concept that show new meaning to direction of mind

Light from step bring new move which give new shine that open new thinking to strength of mind

Light from step bring new soul which show new appeal that create new learning to knowledge of mind

Light from step bring new route which form new smile that start new understanding to concept of mind 

Light from step bring new world which create new path that open new meaning to smile of mind

Light from step bring new strength which form new route that show new thinking to spirit of mind

Light from step bring new smile which show new knowledge that start new learning to thought of mind

Light from step bring new path which create new thought that form new understanding to word of mind.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Adventure story. 568. Pradip’s guilt

                                          Pradip’s guilt 

Pradip was so excited about this trip. He wanted to make it success. He worked so hard. He loved his entire family. They had big family two Uncles & one Auntie. They all lived separate but they all attached to each other. He was specifically attached to them all. They kept admiring him every time. He knew that how much they liked him. He was so happy to help them. Suddenly on that time his mobile rang. It was Rajani Auntie. He knew that he needed to help her by delivering things she needed to cook for party. He needed to go to office too but he decided that he would go afterwards. He needed to help Auntie first. He took call. “ Yes Auntie give me list of material you need to cook..” “ I don’t want material! I just want ready made package. I called this shop..” he couldn’t able to hear further. He suddenly began to feel betrayed. If Auntie could order this package then she could surely call for home delivery. He wanted to ask this but he didn’t since he didn’t want to look rude before Auntie. He knew that people considered him hot tempered person. His relatives many times pointed it to his parents. He wanted to appear perfect. He needed to keep good relationship with all. He knew that if people didn’t give good opinion about him then he couldn’t able to make good friends & most importantly he couldn’t able to find nice girl. He had his dream girl. He wanted all to talk nicely about him to get her. He knew that Auntie was using him to reduce price. He knew that home delivery would cost more. But he also knew that Auntie was not rich. Auntie was financially okay. She wanted to give some help for this party. Her son wanted some help for financial progress so she was giving this party. He knew that he just needed to give that package then he could go away. He wanted to reach in his office but he could go in office little late. His salary was not much. He could easily ignore his work it was not that precious. He knew his salary was very limited. He was so frustrated. He didn’t want to remember his salary. Then he thought about gift which his Auntie gave him in childhood. He still remembered that robot. He wanted to purchase it. He was trying so hard to find one in shops. But his childhood it was not possible. He felt so sad. But one day this Auntie went to abroad with her husband for trip & during it she bought that robot. It was for him. It was such costly gift. He felt that it was gesture of her affection. He felt that she spent so much on her since she loved him. That thought was still strong in his mind. He needed to help her. He ran out. He went to his car. He was happy that finally he was going to help Auntie. He always admired her. He called his office to tell he would be late. Clearly no one minded much. His Boss was not having that much business so he didn’t insist on proper hours. His salary was nominal & his work was limited too. Sometimes he felt as if he was working just for his entertainment. His work was literally useless. He didn’t understand why he hoped that he would get nice future. He was not earning much. His Dad kept some property but his Dad was not planning to give it to him. In fact his Dad always wanted him to stay under his thumb. His Dad was not nice person. His Dad was very abusive in attitude. He knew due to it his relatives kept getting hurt but they all wanted his money & power so kept pretending. But he knew that soon they would sense that it was useless. He could feel it too. He didn’t want to feel so upset & stressful. He wanted to his Dad to help him like other Dads do so he asked. He knew that his Dad tried hard too. But finally it didn’t work. He couldn’t able to get good job as per Pradip’s dream. He wanted to earn more. But he couldn’t get it. His Dad tried hard so clearly his Dad was just pretending. He drove to shop. He picked up items he needed to take. He immediately ran to Auntie. He got stuck in traffic. He was so upset. He felt that his Auntie must be in middle of party. He kept taking all routes to reach on time & finally he reached. He was shocked when he sensed that Auntie’s house was not decorated for party. His Auntie always set beautiful flower showpiece whenever people came. Nothing was arranged. He rang doorbell. He kept ringing & no one opened door. Finally door of neighbour was opened. He smiled. He was expecting a elderly woman but instead a young woman came. He was so shocked. He smiled. That young girl gave shy smile too. He began to tell that girl about purpose of his coming. One thing was clear that this girl was interested in him. He was so happy. He knew that his earning was less but on that point he just wanted to ignore it. He was talking to her. Every thing was wonderful. Then her Mom joined them. Her Mom also smiled happily towards him. He was so happy. He thought that Auntie would surely tell some good things about him. His marriage might fix with this girl. He liked that girl so much. He kept parcel & went away. He was clearly expecting call from her parents about marriage. He knew that mother of this girl would surely ask Auntie about him. He went to office happily. He began to work. He was trying so hard. But he sensed that his earning was not enough. He began to search for some new job. He knew that he liked this work. But he needed to earn if he wanted to marry that girl. He began to apply with new confidence. He knew that his girl would bring new luck to him. He applied like madness to every possible job. He came home expecting proposal of this girl. He came home happily. His Dad smiled & told him. “ Few marriage proposals came for you.” His Dad pointed towards table. He was so pleased. He took those photos. He kept searching. But he couldn’t find that photo. He was no longer interested in those photos. That girl supposed to marry him. He knew that she didn’t give commitment but he could see it in her eyes. She liked him. He felt so sad. Suddenly he understood. He needed to suggest Auntie that he loved her. Then Auntie would do something for him. He liked that girl. He decided that he would go to Auntie next day. He knew that his Auntie would do all for him. Auntie gave him that Robot & now Auntie would give him this girl. He smiled pleasantly. Then he kept those photos carefully on table & went in his room. He decided that he would tell all to Mom tomorrow. His Dad saw his smile & felt that he liked some girl. His Dad was so happy those girls were rich & his Dad wanted rich daughter-in-law other things didn’t matter to his Dad.

     Pradip was so hopeful when he went to Auntie on holiday. He got ready. He even bought costly chocolates for Auntie when he went towards door. He noticed that some party was going on. It seemed as if Auntie was giving party once again. He didn’t understand why did Auntie needed to give so many parties. He rang doorbell. Servant opened door. Clearly he was not welcomed since he could see frustration on servant’s face. It was clear that servant knew that he was not required. He slowly looked inside. He saw that it was not big party but small get-together. He was enjoying it. He liked it. He looked towards people in room. He noticed that girl was sitting with some other boy. He just wanted to go inside. He smiled towards that girl. That girl gave nervous smile & suddenly Auntie came literally running towards him. She asked him angrily “ Why did you come without invitation?” He was so shocked. He never expected such treatment from Auntie. He showed chocolate. “ My friend gave it to me. I don’t eat them much so came to give you.” Auntie gave forced smile. Then she took chocolates from his hand. She said “ Why did you bring that? You can sell them on some place!” He was so shocked. “ You need to earn more.” Then Auntie pointed towards that girl. “ Now look towards her! That type of girl will not come in your destiny if you can’t earn more!” He felt so shocked. He never thought this way. He just nodded. Auntie took that Box of Chocolates & said “ Bye.” He was so hurt. He did all with one hope that he would get some nice girl. But he knew that was impossible. He nodded & went away. He went in office. He started to work but he was no longer much hopeful. His all dreams were vanished. He was feeling so sad. He wanted to feel positive but he didn’t feel that way. He felt sad & disappointed. He wanted happiness in his life. But it was difficult to get. He kept feeling nervous in his soul. He was so stressed. He kept looking around his office. It was not as if he didn’t have enough. He had his father’s agricultural land & he could earn out of it. But his father didn’t feel that it was something he could give him since he didn’t done much for that land. He knew that he was not getting what he deserved. He went back to office. He started to work but he was so angry. He wanted to prove himself. It was not about girl. He began to sense that every one was just using him. Those gifts were given just to get favour from people. He began to understand troubles of his life. He knew that Auntie took everything from him. She never gave anything back even one girl he wanted to have gifted to other boy. He could identify that boy. He was son of Auntie’s husband’s cousin. She cared for them. She didn’t give any importance to them. He knew that it was not just about him. It was same for his parents. He knew that he needed to do something to prove himself. He began to search for ways. He started to think what would be most effective way. He needed money but it would take sometime. He began to sense that he needed to find some nice girl. He needed famous woman. He began to think about it. Then he suddenly remembered his client. She was nice girl. She was daughter of famous businessman. He began to think that he needed to get in contact with her. He started to search for her number. Finally he found one. He began to think that this number was important for him. He needed to talk with that girl. He decided that he would give discounts to her. He could adjust them with his personal account. He needed to get attached with her. He started to talk with her. Soon he sensed that she was happy to get discounts from him. Rucha trusted him. He smiled & disconnected call. He knew that he needed to use her trust. He knew that he should be using people’s trust. He began to find a way to move ahead on the way to success according to him. He was fully confident that he would manage to get success by using this woman. He tried to remember her name. It was beautiful. He began to remember Rucha. He smiled. He knew that he was in love with her. He could dream marrying her. He knew that he just needed to do that. He went home with wonderful hope. He began to search way to impress her. He started to dream his life. He wanted her to show world how great it was. He began to get so upset. He started to feel that he desire for her. He began to search different things which might able to impress her. He was no longer interested in other clients or progress of his company. It was not paying him much. He just wanted to impress Rucha. He told other colleagues to handle clients. He went to Rucha’s home. When he rang door bell. Rucha came out. He was so happy to see her beautiful face & innocent smile. He began to smile. Rucha asked “ So what items you were recommending for me?” He felt so upset when she began to ask about items. He wanted her to talk about his day. He wanted to create friendship so he began to ask about her day. Slowly he started to ask about her parents. Soon he sensed that she wanted more attention of her parents. She told him that they didn’t have time for her. He pretended as if he was taking her side. But in reality he was just trying to create place in her heart. Then she invited her. She told maid to make some coffee & snacks. Soon they began to discuss other things. Rucha was so happy to have his company. He began to feel sure that soon she would fall in love with him. But after some time she looked nervous. She began to ask about products. He showed them. She took some costly items. Then he needed to get out of house. He didn’t like it but he forced to do it. He was so upset. He decided that he needed to go out. He said “ Bye.” He went out.

     Rucha talked with Pradip. She did feel comfortable while talking with him. But still she felt that he was getting too close to her. She liked him as shopkeeper. She considered him as nice friend too but never as something beyond that. It was not comfortable for her. She didn’t want him to start acting like her boyfriend. It was totally wrong for her. She didn’t want to start dating him. She wanted to date someone who belonged to her circle. She knew that she never encouraged him that way but still he was acting in that way. She suddenly decided that she needed to find some other person to purchase things. But then she felt that she was assuming too much. He was nice person & acting friendly with her. She just decided to appreciate him. After all she would soon find some nice boyfriend then his day dreaming would stop. Rucha was nervous about it. But Pradip was angry about it. He began to feel that he deserved her. He started to think that he needed to get rich. He began to think that his morals were his burden. He began to remember how did all relatives were using him. Then suddenly he started to think that he might needed to take revenge. He knew that they all laughed on him behind his back. He suddenly sensed that his Auntie told him to make deliveries. He laughed since he planned something. He managed to change his voice after researching on internet. He made payment by card which belonged to his friend. He didn’t want his friend to suffer but he didn’t have much option. He ordered ten boxes of sweets. Then he ordered hundred boxes of snacks. He ordered bottles of cold drinks then he also ordered drinking water. Then he ordered tissue papers. He kept making big list. Finally he made payment by his friend’s Credit card. He knew that no one would suspect him. He smiled but then suddenly he felt concerned so he threw that card in dustbin. He didn’t forget to take mobile of his friend for OTP. He was still confused what he actually wanted. He didn’t want to his friend to get stuck. Then he remembered how did his friend always kept more friendly with rich people. He knew that his friend was just like Auntie & any way his friend would sense that Credit Card was missing soon. He went back. He was excited & happy. He knew that he couldn’t go to house of his Auntie but he could see confusion she might suffer. But then he began to feel scared about involvement of Cops. He began to feel so scared. He waited & waited. Then soon he noticed that his friend was searching for Credit Card. He didn’t say anything. He began to feel so scared. He began to feel sick in stomach. He ran to washroom. He was not feeling okay. He sensed that he might faint. He immediately told this to Boss & ran to his house. He went in his room & stayed there. He decided to go to Doctor. Doctor checked him. Doctor didn’t found much wrong with his health. But Doctor gave him medicine for stomach sickness. He took them then he slept. He was awake but he felt too weak to sit. He felt as if life from his body was vanishing. He couldn’t stand. He kept sleeping. Then his Mom came. She asked “ How are you feeling?” “ Still sick! Very sick Mom!” Mom looked so nervous. Mom “ But Doctor said that nothing was wrong.” He began to get angry. He was sick but they wanted to call him healthy since Doctor declared it! He was sick then he was sick! He screamed “ Mom let me sleep.” He kept watching in unknown zero for hours. He began to feel that he was going to die. He didn’t understand how but he knew that his life would be over soon. He switched off his mobile. He kept sleeping. He didn’t feel okay even on next day. He was so upset. He told Mom to cook something simple. He was sick. His Mom was confused. His Mom “ But what is happening to you?” “ I feel some unique sickness that Doctor does not  understand?” “ We need to go to some big hospital & bigger specialist. This Doctor is normal one. This Doctor doesn’t understand all.” He nodded. Then his Mom made call to Hospital & took appointment of some specialist. He got appointment after a week. He was sleeping whole week. His father started to get tense too. His parents called their routine Doctor once again. That Doctor made home visit. But still Doctor didn’t find anything wrong with him. Doctor “ This is mental. I am telling you. You can go to whichever specialist you like but still no one will find anything physically wrong with your son.” Pradip was so angry. “ Doctor I want to go to Specialist. If they suggest same thing then I will go to whatever Doctor they suggest.” He was sure that Specialist would cure him. He needed better Doctor. Then he went to Doctor. He did test. That Specialist didn’t seem to find anything wrong too. He was so upset. He tried to go to office but he kept getting sick. Nothing was working. Finally after visiting plenty of Doctors he visited psychiatrist. He didn’t like that idea. It seemed as if he was declaring that he was mad. But still he needed to go for it. He waited for his turn. He kept telling his parents that he wanted to come alone but they didn’t permitted. Then finally he went inside. He was not comfortable before parents but Psychiatrist told them nicely to go out. Then they started discussing different issues. Slowly Psychiatrist asked about day when it started. He never told anyone so he kept it secret. But Psychiatrist seemed to sense it. Psychiatrist “ You are still not trusting me. I know one thing you done something wrong in that office & that’s reason behind your sickness.” Pradip gave confused look. Then he nodded. But he didn’t tell cause.

     From that day Psychiatrist started treatment. He began to feel little better but he kept avoiding office. He began to search for new job. Sadly nothing came out of that struggle. His old office kept calling him. Then finally one day he decided that he had enough & he confessed all to Psychiatrist. Psychiatrist heard everything. Then Psychiatrist told him that his Auntie was not acting right but he would have broken ties. Slowly Psychiatrist convinced him that getting girl was not so precious as keeping peace of his mind. Step by step he convinced Pradip that those who didn’t care about him didn’t need his attention so much. Then Psychiatrist told him to call his friend & return that money. He felt so scared to do it. He kept avoiding it. Finally one day he just transferred money & emailed all to friend. His friend didn’t discuss anything. Finally he got new job but even this job got less salary. But now he was staying away from all demanding relatives so he was happy with what he got. He decided that let destiny decide if it kept someone for him. If destiny didn’t kept anyone then he would still live happy life alone since he was happy. He was alone but not lonely.

                                                  The End

Friday, August 26, 2022

Poem. 6428. Touch of hope that show

                                              Touch of hope that show

Touch of hope that show new knowledge to way of mind which form new direction to strength of world which give new chapter to concept of soul that give strength to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new direction to start of mind which give new appeal to understanding of step which form new strength to thought of step that show appeal to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new strength to spirit of mind which start new touch to knowledge of start which create new path to concept of route that form chapter to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new chapter to move of mind which create new route to concept of world which form new direction to strength of path that show thought to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new appeal to shine of mind which form new chapter to strength of move which create new chapter to concept of soul that start knowledge to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new thought to step of mind which give new knowledge to path of shine which give new appeal to strength of shine that create direction to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new knowledge to path of mind which start new chapter to soul of appeal which form new direction to route of spirit that show strength to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new strength to move of mind which form new concept to step of shine which start new chapter to move of light that form knowledge to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new thought to light of mind which create new path to route of spirit which show new direction to appeal of path that create world to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new concept to route of mind which start new move to start of soul which form new chapter to strength of move that show start to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new knowledge to shine of mind which give new step to move of path which start new concept to appeal of way that form direction to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new direction to appeal of mind which form new route to world of step which give new strength to thought of step that create thought to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new strength to concept of mind which create new path to touch of route which show new soul to chapter of path that give knowledge to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new appeal to thought of mind which start new world to concept of move which form new start to direction of move that form touch to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new knowledge to spirit of mind which form new start to strength of word which give new chapter to concept of route that give path to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new strength to soul of mind which create new appeal to shine of light which create new direction to chapter of move that show touch to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new direction to step of mind which start new knowledge to path of step which form new strength to appeal of shine that start thought to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new thought to start of mind which give new direction to route of start which show new chapter to knowledge of path that give concept to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new strength to spirit of mind which form new chapter to soul of shine which give new concept to appeal of move that show knowledge to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new concept to shine of mind which create new touch to step of move which start new direction to thought of route that form appeal to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new chapter to thought of mind which start new path to start of appeal which create new spirit to direction of shine that show thought to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new strength to soul of mind which give new move to thought of spirit which form new soul to strength of route that give knowledge to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new concept to step of mind which create new step to chapter of path which give new start to knowledge of move that show thought to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new direction to start of mind which form new soul to concept of step which form new path to thought of soul that form strength to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new appeal to thought of mind which give new start to direction of route which give new step to concept of shine that show chapter to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new knowledge to spirit of mind which start new route to strength of world which form new route to chapter of step that give direction to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new soul to concept of mind which form new chapter to appeal of move which show new strength to move of route that start knowledge to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new step to thought of mind which create new soul to direction of touch which create new appeal to path of chapter that give strength to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new start to direction of mind which give new appeal to strength of soul which show new concept to route of strength that form thought to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new spirit to chapter of mind which form new concept to knowledge of move which give new appeal to path of soul that show chapter to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new step to thought of mind which start new route to chapter of path which form new knowledge to start of spirit that create direction to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new start to concept of mind which create new path to direction of route which give new appeal to touch of soul that show strength to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new shine to chapter of mind which give new soul to strength of appeal which start new concept to route of spirit that give knowledge to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new soul to thought of mind which form new step to thought of move which create new chapter to path of appeal that form concept to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new step to direction of mind which create new path to concept of start which show new thought to step of move that start chapter to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new thought to appeal of mind which give new move to strength of soul which form new concept to start of path that show direction to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new spirit to thought of mind which form new route to knowledge of step which create new path to shine of light that form strength to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new soul to concept of mind which show new path to chapter of start which start new route to spirit of move that give knowledge to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new step to chapter of mind which start new move to direction of path which form new step to light of path that show strength to way of mind
Touch of hope that show new start to direction of mind which create new step to strength of thought which give new start to move that form chapter to way of mind.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Poem. 6427. Hope form new dream show

                                         Hope form new dream show

Hope form new dream show spirit of direction which give new appeal to soul of chapter that create new strength to thought of move which give new direction to move of mind
Hope form new dream show move of strength which form new concept to step of world that show new understanding to appeal of route which form new chapter to move of mind
Hope form new dream show path of knowledge which start new touch to start of concept that give new concept to touch of soul which show new strength to move of mind
Hope form new dream show step of appeal which create new path to route of strength that form new chapter to appeal of shine which form new direction to move of mind
Hope form new dream show touch of light which form new shine to path of appeal that create new spirit to thought of route which start new concept to move of mind
Hope form new dream show appeal of route which start new step to light of direction that show new path to concept of soul which give new knowledge to move of mind
Hope form new dream show shine of concept which give new start to way of strength that give new light to direction of spirit which form new chapter to move of mind
Hope form new dream show route of appeal which show new soul to step of chapter that start new concept to strength of soul which give new concept to move of mind
Hope form new dream show way of knowledge which form new route to light of concept that form  new direction to thought of step which start new appeal to move of mind
Hope form new dream show touch of shine which create new thought to route of soul that give new strength to spirit of chapter which form new direction to move of mind
Hope form new dream show step of concept which give new appeal to start of touch that show new direction to touch of light which give new thought to move of mind
Hope form new dream show route of chapter which start new shine to way of appeal that create new concept to soul of shine which start new knowledge to move of mind
Hope form new dream show path of strength which give new spirit to touch of knowledge that give new appeal to step of way which form new concept to move of mind
Hope form new dream show touch of thought which create new soul to appeal of step that create new knowledge to start of move which give new strength to move of mind
Hope form new dream show shine of spirit which give new direction to touch of soul that show new strength to path of chapter which show new appeal to move of mind
Hope form new dream show light of chapter which form new concept to route of start that give new direction to start of route which give new thought to move of mind
Hope form new dream show route of concept which give new appeal to spirit of world that start new thought to soul of shine which form new knowledge to move of mind
Hope form new dream show start of feeling which open new window to soul of concept that create new word to start of path which give new chapter to move of mind
Hope form new dream show soul of meaning which create new touch to strength of move that start new move to chapter of route which show new thought to move of mind
Hope form new dream show step of learning which form new path to knowledge of way that form new strength of understanding which form new direction to move of mind
Hope form new dream show start of understanding which show new step to appeal of route that give new chapter of feeling which show new strength to move of mind
Hope form new dream show route of feeling which create new knowledge to touch of way that show new concept of learning which give new chapter to move of mind
Hope form new dream show soul of meaning which form new chapter to thought of soul that form new strength of meaning which form new concept to move of mind
Hope form new dream show route of thinking which start new concept to spirit of appeal that give new direction of understanding which start new touch to move of mind
Hope form new dream show path of learning which form new world to shine of thought that show new thought of feeling which show new direction to move of mind
Hope form new dream show light of feeling which show new touch to appeal of knowledge that start new concept of touch which give new thought to move of mind
Hope form new dream show spirit of meaning which give new shine to direction of touch that form new direction of shine which create new appeal to move of mind
Hope form new dream show route of thinking which start new concept to strength of path that give new knowledge of path which form new touch to move of mind
Hope form new dream show soul of learning which give new knowledge to thought of move that create new appeal of route which start new concept to move of mind
Hope form new dream show step of feeling which form new direction to knowledge of route that form new concept of step which give new direction to move of mind
Hope form new dream show start of meaning which show new touch to direction of path that show start new chapter of way which form new strength to move of mind
Hope form new dream show path of thinking which create new path to strength of step that give new knowledge of route which show new appeal to move of mind
Hope form new dream show soul of learning which form new route to chapter of way that create new appeal of chapter which start new touch to move of mind
Hope form new dream show appeal of feeling which give new word to concept of route that form new direction of touch which give new shine to move of mind
Hope form new dream show thought of meaning which start new path to shine of soul that show new strength of soul which show new appeal to move of mind
Hope form new dream show knowledge of learning which form new way to spirit of light that give new appeal of touch which form new concept to move of mind
Hope form new dream show strength of feeling which show new step to appeal of spirit that create new world of shine which give new touch to move of mind
Hope form new dream show touch of thinking which create new start to direction of shine that form new direction of soul which show new start to move of mind
Hope form new dream show path of meaning which start new route to knowledge of path that give new appeal of light which start new world to move of mind
Hope form new dream show light of learning which form new touch to strength of spirit that show new direction of knowledge which give new way to move of mind.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Poem. 6426. Step of direction which form

                                      Step of direction which form

Step of direction which form new concept to touch of mind which show new start to meaning of soul that give new touch to thought of route which show new strength to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new strength to route of mind which create new soul to thinking of spirit that create new shine to light of move which form new chapter to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new knowledge to way of mind which give new route to learning of path that show new appeal to touch of route which give new soul to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new thought to start of mind which start new chapter to feeling of shine that bring new touch to move of appeal which show new move to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new chapter to soul of mind which create new strength to meaning of route that show new path to spirit of thought which form new start to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new concept to route of mind which show new soul to understanding of path that create new route to shine of chapter which give new world to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new direction to light of mind which form new start to thinking of strength that form new path to concept of dream which show new way to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new knowledge to spirit of mind which give new appeal to feeling of concept that give new route to strength of soul which create new path to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new strength to soul of mind which create new spirit to meaning of chapter that show new shine to thought of step which form new route to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new appeal to start of mind which show new soul to learning of strength that form new path to concept of route which show new move to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new spirit to shine of mind which start new light to thinking of appeal that show new route to chapter of soul which create new light to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new chapter to start of mind which give new appeal to feeling of soul that form new concept to touch of route  which show new route to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new strength to path of mind which create new route to meaning of way that give new strength to path of start which form new move to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new appeal to start of mind which show new shine to learning of move that form new direction to soul of path which start new route to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new concept to shine of mind which form new light to understanding of soul that show new chapter to move of route which form new way to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new touch to strength of mind which give new concept to thinking of path that form new soul to start of word which give new move to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new shine to appeal of mind which create new chapter to feeling of move that show new step to thought of route which create new path to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new light to thought of mind which show new strength to meaning of route that create new start to concept of path which form new move to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new spirit to chapter of mind which create new path to learning of chapter that form new route to strength of soul which give new appeal to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new soul to concept of mind which form new step to thinking of concept that give new move to thought of way which create new path to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new step to strength of mind which give new soul to feeling of move that show new path to concept of start which form new way to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new route to chapter of mind which show new path to meaning of soul that create new start to touch of path which show new move to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new concept to spirit of mind which create new shine to learning of light that give new start to strength of move which form new route to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new touch to soul of mind which give new strength to thinking of shine that show new move to appeal of route which give new way to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new start to move of mind which show new appeal to understanding of path that create new start to concept of soul which show new step to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new route to shine of mind which give new knowledge to feeling of move that form new chapter to strength of light which start new route to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new path to spirit of mind which give new thought to meaning of appeal that give new concept to spirit of shine which form new path to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new shine to light of mind which start new chapter to learning of thought that create new path to move of knowledge which give new start to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new route to soul of mind which create new shine to thinking of move that form new direction to appeal of concept which show new way to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new way to touch of mind which start new spirit to feeling of path that show new strength to chapter of dream which form new light to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new start to strength of mind which form new move to meaning of route that start new concept to appeal of move which give new path to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new soul to chapter of mind which give new path to thinking of path that form new move to strength of concept which show new start to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new route to thought of mind which create new path to learning of move that give new appeal to touch of spirit which form new soul to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new shine to knowledge of mind which show new route to feeling of path that show new chapter to light of move which create new step to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new spirit to thought of mind which create new way to meaning of light that form new concept to route of path which show new path to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new soul to chapter of mind which start new move to understanding of thought that create new appeal to step of soul which form new way to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new shine to concept of mind which give new appeal to thinking of chapter that show new shine to touch of step which create new move to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new spirit to light of mind which create new path to learning of concept that form new soul to thought of start which give new word to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new move to thought of mind which form new start to meaning of shine that show new world to chapter of soul which start new step to touch of mind
Step of direction which form new path to appeal of mind which show new move to feeling of touch that start new move to concept of route which form new light to touch of mind.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...