Friday, December 31, 2021

Poem. 6224. Move give direction to thought

                                              Move give direction to thought 

Move give direction to thought that new touch to mind which start new direction to route that form new feeling to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new route to mind which create new shine to appeal that give new meaning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new appeal to mind which form new dream to path that show new learning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new soul to mind which show new spirit to chapter that create new understanding to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new step to mind which create new hope to strength that start new feeling to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new route to mind which start new smile to touch that form new meaning to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new shine to mind which form new step to thought that show new understanding to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new start to mind which show new route to knowledge that start new learning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new touch to mind which create new way to shine that form new meaning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new path to mind which start new smile to appeal that create new thinking to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new hope to mind which form new step to dream that show new feeling to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new shine to mind which create new route to touch that form new understanding to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new step to mind which show new smile to step that create new learning to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new smile to mind which start new appeal to route that show new thinking to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new path to mind which form new chapter to spirit that create new meaning to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new soul to mind which create new concept to way that start new feeling to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new shine to mind which show new touch to step that form new learning to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new appeal to mind which form new path to shine that show new understanding to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new chapter to mind which start new route to hope that create new meaning to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new touch to mind which create new step to appeal that form new feeling to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new light to mind which show new knowledge to path that start new learning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new route to mind which start new strength to touch that show new understanding to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new step to mind which form new appeal to dream that create new meaning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new appeal to mind which create new path to light that form new learning to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new world to mind which show new route to chapter that start new feeling to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new touch to mind which start new step of strength that create new understanding to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new route to mind which form new appeal of hope that show new thinking to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new path to mind which create new soul to start that form new learning to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new appeal to mind which show new step to way that create new meaning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new touch to mind which form new hope to soul that show new understanding to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new dream to mind which start new touch to step that form new feeling to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new shine to mind which create new spirit to path that show new learning to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new step to mind which form new appeal to route that start new meaning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new world to mind which show new light to way that create new thinking to concept of mind

Move give direction to thought that new appeal to mind which start new soul to start that form new feeling to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new route to mind which form new step to appeal that create new learning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new hope to mind which create new route to concept that show new thinking to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new touch to mind which show new appeal to shine that form new meaning to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new path to mind which start new touch to spirit that create new feeling to concept of mind 

Move give direction to thought that new soul to mind which form new step to world that give new learning to concept of mind.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Poem 6223. Every window bring that

                                                    Every window bring that

Every window bring that hope which start shine that form new light for every story of life with route of mind

Every window bring that path which form path that show new soul for every move of life with word of mind

Every window bring that shine which give word that create new step for every appeal of life with spirit of mind

Every window bring that appeal which create step that start new route for every touch of life with smile of mind

Every window bring that thought which show touch that give new shine for every path of life with knowledge of mind

Every window bring that soul which start direction that create new world for every way of life with appeal of mind

Every window bring that step which form strength that show new route for every shine of life with chapter of mind

Every window bring that route which give concept that start new appeal for every move of life with smile of mind 

Every window bring that way which show chapter that form new touch for every strength of life with path of mind 

Every window bring that world which start move that give new direction for every spirit of life with touch of mind 

Every window bring that light which form path that create new dream for every appeal of life with hope of mind 

Every window bring that spirit which create way that show new shine for every direction of life with step of mind

Every window bring that route which give path that form new strength for every smile of life with touch of mind

Every window bring that way which show direction that give new appeal for every step of life with thought of mind

Every window bring that move which start touch that create new route for every soul of life with dream of mind

Every window bring that hope which form way that show new touch for every route of life with spirit of mind

Every window bring that appeal which give step that form new shine for every way of life with move of mind

Every window bring that shine which create route that give new dream for every touch of life with chapter of mind

Every window bring that strength which show way that start new knowledge for every shine of life with world of mind 

Every window bring that touch which start world that create new shine for every path of life with concept of mind 

Every window bring that way which give chapter that form new appeal for every soul of life with knowledge of mind 

Every window bring that soul which create concept that give new spirit for every step of life with touch of mind

Every window bring that start which form direction that show new touch for every route of life with hope of mind

Every window bring that route which show move that form new knowledge for every way of life with path of mind

Every window bring that way which start touch that create new appeal for every shine of life with soul of mind

Every window bring that shine which give light that show new direction for every step of life with route of mind

Every window bring that appeal which create way that give new route for every start of life with touch of mind

Every window bring that dream which show path that form new shine for every soul of life with knowledge of mind

Every window bring that spirit which form strength that give new thought for every step of life with appeal of mind

Every window bring that dream which give touch that start new appeal for every spirit of life with direction of mind

Every window bring that touch which start spirit that show new move for every route of life with knowledge of mind 

Every window bring that hope which create path that form new shine for every step of life with concept of mind

Every window bring that route which show step that start new touch for every shine of life with strength of mind

Every window bring that appeal which form route that give new concept for every move of life with soul of mind

Every window bring that thought which give hope that create new chapter for every start of life with move of mind

Every window bring that concept which start way that form new direction for every spirit of life with step of mind

Every window bring that chapter which create soul that give new strength for every route of life with touch of mind

Every window bring that direction which form step that show new appeal for every world of life with route of mind

Every window bring that strength which give shine that start new world for every chapter of life with appeal of mind

Every window bring that route which show strength that form new chapter for every dream of life with concept of mind.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Poem. 6222. Soul from dream open new

                                                Soul from dream open new 

Soul from dream open new hope to every start of life which show new step to strength of mind that create new life 

Soul from dream open new appeal to every route of life which start new move to touch of mind that form new life 

Soul from dream open new knowledge to every path of life which form new world to step of mind that give new life 

Soul from dream open new strength to every step of life which create new spirit to light of mind that start new life 

Soul from dream open new touch to every shine of life which give new appeal to route of mind that show new life 

Soul from dream open new thought to every move of life which form new hope to way of mind that give new life 

Soul from dream open new shine to every touch of life which start new move to thought of mind that create new life 

Soul from dream open new path to every chapter of life which give new touch to concept of mind that start new life 

Soul from dream open new route to every concept of life which show new smile to strength of mind that form new life 

Soul from dream open new light to every direction of life which form new step to touch of mind that give new life 

Soul from dream open new step to every smile of life which create new route to thought of mind that start new life 

Soul from dream open new chapter to every route of life which start new chapter to move of mind that show new life 

Soul from dream open new hope to every step of life which show new knowledge to way of mind that form new life 

Soul from dream open new path to every shine of life which form new appeal to chapter of mind that create new life 

Soul from dream open new step to every spirit of life which start new smile to concept of mind that give new life 

Soul from dream open new appeal to every route of life which give new touch to hope of mind that start new life 

Soul from dream open new smile to every path of life which form new appeal to route of mind that form new life

Soul from dream open new start to every touch of life which create new step to shine of mind that create new life 

Soul from dream open new route to every light of life which show new path to touch of mind that give new life

Soul from dream open new path to every move of life which start new start to chapter of mind that show new life

Soul from dream open new start to every way of life which form new spirit to concept of mind that create new life 

Soul from dream open new smile to every route of life which give new light to shine of mind that form new life

Soul from dream open new appeal to every appeal of life which show new step to route of mind that create new life 

Soul from dream open new shine to every knowledge of life which start new hope to path of mind that show new life 

Soul from dream open new route to every thought of life which form new appeal to shine of mind that start new life 

Soul from dream open new touch to every route of life which create new touch to chapter of mind that give new life 

Soul from dream open new step to every appeal of life which show new route to direction of mind that create new life 

Soul from dream open new smile to every touch of life which start new thought to move of mind that form new life 

Soul from dream open new light to every shine of life which form new concept to touch of mind that give new life 

Soul from dream open new strength to every direction of life which give new route to smile of mind that show new life 

Soul from dream open new shine to every thought of life which show new path to way of mind that start new life 

Soul from dream open new route to every chapter of life which start new hope to world of mind that form new life 

Soul from dream open new appeal to every hope of life which create new step to chapter of mind that give new life 

Soul from dream open new spirit to every route of life which form new shine to concept of mind that show new life 

Soul from dream open new path to every step of life which give new knowledge to move of mind that create new life 

Soul from dream open new smile to every start of life which create new touch to route of mind that form new life 

Soul from dream open new touch to every shine of life which show new step to path of mind that create new life 

Soul from dream open new route to every step of life which form new spirit to move of mind that show new life 

Soul from dream open new thought to every path of life which create new route to way of mind that start new life 

Soul from dream open new shine to every route of life which start new knowledge to move of mind that form new life.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Poem. 6221. Smile give that turn which can

                                             Smile give that turn which can

Smile give that turn which can change life our thinking become dream which start one day which is hopeful way on each sight

Smile give that turn which can give life our feeling become soul which show new thought which is hopeful route on each sight

Smile give that turn which can show life our understanding become step which form new shine which is hopeful move on each sight

Smile give that turn which can start life our learning become path which create new direction which is hopeful soul on each sight

Smile give that turn which can form life our meaning become start which form new concept which is hopeful touch on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can give life our thinking become step which start new knowledge which is hopeful spirit on each sight

Smile give that turn which can show life our feeling become route which create new smile which is hopeful shine on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can start life our understanding become soul which show new path which is hopeful step on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can form life our learning become world which form new appeal which is hopeful start on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can change life our meaning become path which start new dream which is hopeful route on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can create life our thinking become soul which show new thought which is hopeful dream on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can show life our feeling become spirit which create new knowledge which is hopeful soul on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can form life our understanding become step which give new appeal which is hopeful route on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can start life our meaning become route which show new dream which is hopeful step on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can show life our thinking become hope which start new touch which is hopeful appeal on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can create life our learning become path which form new chapter which is hopeful way on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can form life our feeling become soul which create new concept which is hopeful step on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can start life our meaning become step which show new direction which is hopeful move on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can show life our understanding become start which form new knowledge which is hopeful way on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can form life our learning become path which create new strength which is hopeful step on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can create life our feeling become soul which show new spirit which is hopeful route on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can give life our thinking become step which start new appeal which is hopeful shine on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can show life our meaning become route which create new dream which is hopeful touch on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can start life our understanding become way which form new direction which is hopeful step on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can form life our learning become spirit which show new strength which is hopeful move on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can show life our feeling become soul which start new knowledge which is hopeful spirit on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can create life our meaning become step which form new touch which is hopeful soul on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can start life our thinking become spirit which create new route which is hopeful shine on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can form life our understanding become path which give new light which is hopeful start on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can show life our learning become start which create new appeal which is hopeful route on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can start our feeling become route which show new direction which is hopeful shine on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can create our thinking become path which form new chapter which is hopeful spirit on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can form our meaning become step which start new step which is hopeful route on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can show our learning become move which create new start which is hopeful way on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can start our understanding become shine which show new way which is hopeful world on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can create our thinking become strength which form new shine which is hopeful move on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can form our feeling become concept which start new direction which is hopeful step on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can show our meaning become chapter which create new soul which is hopeful start on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can start our learning become direction which form new spirit which is hopeful path on each sight 

Smile give that turn which can create our understanding become route which show new appeal which is hopeful move on each sight.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Poem. 6220. Side of soul which give

                                                  Side of soul which give 

Side of soul which give smile that start new direction to touch which form new appeal that form new path to chapter in light

Side of soul which give route that form new knowledge to path which give new shine that show new touch to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give spirit that create new strength to step which show new route that start new move to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give world that show new appeal to route which start new move that create new way to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give concept that start new touch to spirit which form new step that form new shine to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give knowledge that form new shine to way which show new smile that start new path to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give strength that create new spirit to move which start new route that show new step to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give direction that show new touch to route which form new path that create new spirit to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give touch that start new appeal to step which create new dream that form new move to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give step that create new shine to strength which show new hope that start new path to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give route that form new touch to direction which start new spirit that show new way to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give hope that show new spirit to thought which form new shine that create new smile to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give step that start new appeal to hope which create new path that form new path to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give move that create new smile to path which show new world that start new spirit to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give thought that form new step to smile which start new spirit that show new way to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give appeal that show new route to route which form new touch that create new touch to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give shine that start new appeal to path which create new route that form new knowledge to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give touch that form new strength to move which show new smile that start new route to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give spirit that create new step to concept which form new soul that show new world to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give move that show new touch to smile which start new touch that create new strength to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give path that form new dream to shine which create new world that start new touch to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give hope that start new move to touch which show new thought that form new path to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give shine that form new appeal to path which form new knowledge that show new touch to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give spirit that create new route to thought which start new dream that start new way to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give appeal that show new touch to shine which form new hope that form new direction to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give strength that start new spirit to touch which create new way that start new route to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give direction that form new move to step which show new shine that show new path to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give touch that create new appeal to spirit which start new route that form new soul to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give thought that show new shine to concept which form new way that create new route to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give direction that start new touch to move which create new step that show new dream to chapter in light

Side of soul which give smile that form new appeal to route which start new touch that form new step to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give start that create new move to smile which form new route that start new move to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give path that show new shine to strength which create new way that show new step to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give route that start new hope to direction which form new step that form new touch to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give way that form new knowledge to way which show new shine that create new step to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give step that show new direction to route which start new appeal that form new route to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give dream that create new hope to path which form new strength that show new step to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give appeal that start new touch to spirit which create new step that start new touch to chapter in light

Side of soul which give shine that form new strength to way which show new hope that create new path to chapter in light 

Side of soul which give thought that show new chapter to step which start new route that form new world to chapter in light.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Poem. 6219. World open new direction

                                              World open new direction 

World open new direction to thought that bring new shine to understanding of hope which show new route to life

World open new direction to chapter that show new path to meaning of touch which create new route to life

World open new direction to concept that form new soul to learning of shine which start new route to life

World open new direction to shine that give new strength to feeling of hope which form new route to life 

World open new direction to strength that create new spirit to thinking of move which show new route to life 

World open new direction to appeal that start new concept to learning of step which give new route to life 

World open new direction to touch that give new knowledge to meaning of appeal which start new route to life

World open new direction to smile that show new move to feeling of spirit which create new route to life

World open new direction to hope that form new chapter to thinking of soul which form new route to life

World open new direction to path that create new appeal to understanding of step which give new route to life

World open new direction to dream that start new knowledge to learning of soul which show new route to life 

World open new direction to shine that form new thought to meaning of start which create new route to life 

World open new direction to light that show new shine to understanding of feel which start new route to life 

World open new direction to move that create new spirit to thinking of strength which form new route to life 

World open new direction to path that form new light to meaning of touch which show new route to life

World open new direction to soul that give new soul to learning of chapter which create new route to life

World open new direction to spirit that start new shine to feeling of thought which give new route to life

World open new direction to touch that create new step to thinking of move which form new route to life

World open new direction to appeal that form new start to understanding of path which start new route to life 

World open new direction to dream that show new hope to meaning of chapter which create new route to life 

World open new direction to touch that bring new touch to learning of strength which give new route to life 

World open new direction to path that create new move to feeling of chapter which show new route to life 

World open new direction to shine that form new strength to thinking of path which form new route to life 

World open new direction to step that give new appeal to meaning of word which start new route to life 

World open new direction to appeal that start new touch to understanding of step which give new route to life 

World open new direction to chapter that show new smile to learning of hope which create new route to life 

World open new direction to concept that create new hope to feeling of light which show new route to life 

World open new direction to smile that form new chapter to understanding of step which start new route to life 

World open new direction to step that give new knowledge to meaning of soul which form new route to life 

World open new direction to shine that start new strength to feeling of hope which create new route to life 

World open new direction to hope that create new spirit to thinking of step which show new route to life 

World open new direction to dream that form new chapter to learning of touch which start new route to life 

World open new direction to light that show new thought to meaning of path which form new route to life 

World open new direction to touch that give new appeal to feeling of soul which create new route to life

World open new direction to step that start new smile to understanding of start which give new route to life 

World open new direction to shine that create new touch to learning of appeal which show new route to life

World open new direction to start that form new path to meaning of touch which create new route to life

World open new direction to hope that show new spirit to thinking of shine which form new route to life

World open new direction to light that start new move to understanding of appeal which show new route to life

World open new direction to path that create new step to learning of knowledge which start new route to life.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Adventure story. 533. Forever young

                                                          Forever young 

Dipti was watching her reflection for hours. Harish didn’t understand what was she searching in it. This was her habit from beginning. He didn’t like it much. But he thought that if he tried to object he might seem like bossy husband so he never objected. He kept watching her. She tried to keep her every curl perfect. She didn’t want it to change in any way. She kept feeling restless. She needed to set them right. He didn’t like the way her obsession was increasing. She was sitting  before mirror peacefully while he was feeling so restless. He was feeling so depressed. Sometimes he felt that she was doing this drama just to avoid him. She was doing everything just to waste her time. Sometimes he began to think that she might had been in love with someone else. She was forced to marry him. At beginning he kept thinking about it. Then he used to get upset. But as time went ahead he began to just ignore her. He didn’t need to pay attention to her tantrums. She was not mature at all. She always behaved so childishly. On each day her childishness was giving shock to him. She didn’t act like mature person at all. She wanted him to take her out to some cinema on every vacation. He wanted to sleep & relax sometimes but she always wanted to go on some vacation. It was so exhausting. Sometimes he slept during movies. But she didn’t even notice it. He didn’t understand why she never sensed what was going on. But her heart was so soft. She shared everything. She never ate anything without sharing it & if something turned out to be bad in taste. She ate it never gave him. He loved her caring nature. She was hard working too. She never said no to work. While he get tired she kept working for hours. He didn’t understand form where she could get that energy. He liked her but at same time he hated when she sat before mirror. It seemed so strange. They had one child Hina. He felt so sure that one day even Hina would start watching mirror like that. He decided that he needed to say something. “ Dipti you are watching mirror for hour. Is it right?” Dipti didn’t look towards him. She kept watching her face. She started to look in mirror carefully. She began to arrange her it all. Then slowly she turned. She gave him such a sweet smile that it started to melt his heart. “ Honey I prepare myself just for you & you are complaining? I want to look great for you.” “ But you are already beautiful in my eyes.” “ not just by those words! I want actually to look great & remain young. Now look at me. Do you feel I start to look little old?” He laughed. “ You are mother of a child. You will look old!” She gave him such angry look that he started to shiver. He was so shocked. He never felt that way before. He was brave person but he felt scared today. He didn’t understand what was abnormal in her eyes but something was not right. He didn’t like it. He felt something was so wrong. He kept that she might just murder him. She knew that she didn’t but she had that look in her eyes. He was totally confused. He didn’t do anything wrong. He asked slowly “ What happened?” “ I don’t want to look old. I want to look young.” He didn’t understand what he supposed to say. She was going to get old one day & that was truth of life but she didn’t seem willing to accept it. He needed to tell it to her. But she was so angry. He knew that little Hina was sleeping in next room. She was small shy girl. She didn’t need to hear her Mom’s angry outburst. He decided that he could keep quiet. He began to get restless. He smiled & added “ I was just shocking.” She gave strange laugh. He immediately went to sleep. He didn’t sense why he was so scared of her but he was. He was feeling so upset. He slept on his bed. He didn’t need to see her until  morning. He didn’t understand why he felt so scared of her. He felt as if she could kill him. It was impossible but on one point it seemed possible. She was so upset with him when he insisted for child. She was looking old since her age was increasing not because of child but she didn’t accept it. She kept saying that after child she would look older. He wanted a child. Slowly everyone started insisting. People began to doubt that they had trouble in giving birth to child. Then she sensed that she didn’t have option so she gave birth to Hina. But she never let her call “ Mom” Hina was supposed to call her with her name. Harish tried to tell her that it would look wrong before people but she didn’t listen. Finally one day Hina’s teacher complained that Hina was calling Mom with name. Then finally she agreed to it. She wanted to look young. Hina never slept in their room. They kept one nanny. That nanny was one widow who adored Hina. Nanny didn’t have any attachment of her own so kept treating Hina like her child. It was perfect for Dipti. Dipti didn’t want to take Hina out. She took Hina out so rarely that people didn’t know she had child. Always Nanny took her out. But inside house Dipti kept admiring Hina. Dipti was wonderful mother inside house but before outside world she wanted to look young. She was not ready to go out with her own child. He wanted to argue but he didn’t dare. He didn’t understand why he felt that she could kill him or their daughter. He never acted that way. He never saw her even killing any mouse. She was not such type of woman who could do violence so easily but it seemed that she could. She was so restless. He knew that if he told this to anyone they would laugh on him. His beautiful delicate wife couldn’t kill him. But he was not so sure. She might kill him with poison. He knew that she knew few things about poison. One day she saw her reading a book about poison. When he asked she said that she wanted to avoid food poisoning in home. But it was easily possible that she wanted to do it in home. She couldn’t say it on his face. But that day she even said it. She said “ I might be want to poison your little daughter? You know how much I hate it when she called me Mom!” Then she started laughing. He could still hear it. He shivered. He sensed that she touched him on shoulder & asked “ Are you alright? Do you want blanket?” He needed to say something but he just closed his eyes while she covered him in blanket on that warm night. He was sweating under it entire time but he didn’t dare to remove it. That might anger her.

    Dipti didn’t understand why Harish needed to get so upset. She was just watching her face. Then she started to go to sleep. But before going to sleep she decided to read that book. It was not book about poison. It was book about potions. Harish just saw it & she dragged it out of his hand. It was so disturbing. He didn’t need to spy on her but he kept doing it. She hated it but she couldn’t directly say it. She knew that she was creating different remedies or potions to keep her young. It seemed like madness but she knew that there was truth to it. She could sense it. She began to read list. It truly had strange items. She hated to get them all. But she always managed. She knew that it would make her young. She slowly started to go out of bed. She noticed that Harish was shivering. She decided to put blanket on him. She sensed that he couldn’t sense now that she moved out of room. She slowly went away. She sat in hall. She relaxed on sofa. She began to read that book carefully. On that point she sensed. Hina slowly came in room. Now Hina was big enough to read. She began to feel so restless. She didn’t want Hina to tell others that she was reading it. Hina didn’t say anything. She tried to call Hina. But Hina kept standing in corner. Hina didn’t want to come near her. Dipti smiled. Before Dipti could come to her, Hina ran in Bedroom of Dipti & Harish. Dipti laughed. Hina was coward daughter of coward father according to her. She sat back on sofa & kept reading. Hina hugged shivering Harish. At beginning he thought that was Dipti. He was so scared that he didn’t able to differentiate touch of adult from child. Then slowly when Hina said “ Papa!” He turned behind. He hugged tight his shivering daughter. Hina was shivering & crying slowly. She kept trying to hide it. He knew that Dipti was trying to turn Hina like her. But Hina was not ready. Hina was not happy. Hina wanted to be like him. She was simple innocent girl. He started to pat on her head & began to sing lullabies which used to comfort her as child. He regretted deciding to plan family. This innocent child was dragged in their haunted life. He knew that she wad reading about poisons again. It was so scary. He decided that he might argue again. But then he stopped. It wouldn’t help. He decided that he needed to read it himself. He needed to protect himself & his daughter from poison then he needed to read which poison she was planning to give. He needed to do something. He couldn’t live like that day after day. He decided that tomorrow he would go to his parent’s house. They would help him. He would call his sister & brother-in-law too. They would manage some trick to keep them safe. He smiled but he felt sad since he knew that he tried this many times but he couldn’t. He needed to work in office after it he needed to hurry up in home. He couldn’t keep Hina alone with Dipti for long time. Hina kept telling him that she was scared of her mother. It was so complicated. He knew that he needed help & he would needed to get it on one day. But it was not possible that day. He hugged his daughter & kept shivering. Dipti was reading her book peacefully but she was shocked when door bell rang. She felt scared. She slowly went towards door. She looked out of eye hole. She was shocked when she saw her in-laws standing outside. They never visited them after marriage. She didn’t like her mother-in-law that much. Her mother-in-law always kept mirror hidden. She knew that her mother-in-law hated when she kept watching her face. At beginning in their house they had large mirror. She kept watching herself in it for hours. But then one day her mother-in-law suddenly put curtain on it. When she asked why her mother-in-law told her that mirror was broken. Then she noticed majority mirrors were hidden by curtains. She wanted to complaint but she knew that she couldn’t. Clearly it would look totally wrong. She had one perfect mirror in her room. After all she was not planning to live perfectly in that small town. They were planning to live in city independently it was already decided. She felt confident that they would shift that she never said anything. But while going to her new home she didn’t invite her in-laws to visit her house. Her mother-in-law clearly got message so they never came until now. She looked at time. It was midnight. She didn’t understand how could they came now. But she needed to open door so she did it. She was so shocked when she saw no one was outside. She looked around. She noticed that one elderly couple vanished in corner. She literally ran towards them. But it was too late. They were already gone inside lift. She was so angry. She tried to go in lift. She didn’t care if she was in night pyjamas. She wanted to catch them. It was so frustrating. She began to run from stairs. She didn’t find anyone. She came down then she sensed that lift went up. She wanted to go up to catch them but it was too late. She suddenly shivered. She sensed that it was possible her potion worked. She gave one drop of it to Harish. It was to fulfil dream. She knew that it was dream of Harish to get visit from his parents. They were outside. She jumped with joy. She sensed that it was working now she needed to experiment it on herself. She was feeling so excited about it. She needed to make it right or she needed to try it on herself. But she needed to get perfect dream on that night not nightmare. She was so tense. She was not sure what she would dream but she knew one thing that she would create that potion & drank it. She went in kitchen & started cooking. Harish didn’t dare to come out. She didn’t care & she liked it. She cooked it & drank it herself. It took her seconds before realising that her throat was burning. Soon she began to sense that she was sweating. She wanted to scream but she couldn’t. She was shivering. She wanted to call for help but she couldn’t. This potion proved her nightmare. She sensed it on her last minutes. She regretted drinking it. No one came in kitchen. She knew that no one came out of room until morning they were scared of her.

   When morning light fell on Harish’s face he woke up. He was so confused. Then he sensed that he had overslept. He ran out of bed. Dipti was not anywhere in view. He felt confused. Generally over energetic Dipti wake him up on time. He hurried to washroom. Then he ran in kitchen. He received shock of his life when he saw his wife fainted on kitchen floor. He touched her. She was cold clearly dead. He didn’t understand what he supposed to do. He started screaming & calling everyone. Soon entire society gathered in his house. They all looked shocked. They called Doctor. Ambulance came. Soon Cops came too. Cops checked everything & asked “ Who was cooking this?” Harish looked confused. He was so shocked by smell. “ I was sleeping with my daughter. My wife Dipti must be cooking!” “ She is cooking this to eat?” Cop asked with shock. He nodded. “ You ate it.” Harish denied. Harish “ I mostly pretended eating & throw away.” “ What is that?” “Honestly I don’t know. Sometimes I feel she wanted to murder me.” He said it before thinking. He knew that he made great mistake. Now they knew that they had arguments. Cops slowly turned to him & said “ Tell us all in details.” Suddenly Hina came to his help. Hina “ Dad it was not poison. It was potion Mom lied to you. She was trying potion of youth.” Cop looked shocked. Hina ran to some corner. But Cop told her not touch. Then with gloves he opened it. He took our book of potions. Cop looked shocked. Cop “ She believed in this.” He nodded. All neighbours also started explaining how much she was obsessed remaining young . A lady told them that she saw her bringing that book. After it she sensed daily Dipti was bringing strange things at home. She wanted to complaint about Dipti but she felt scared. “ She was witch.” Cops laughed. Cop “ She was not witch. She was mentally unstable woman who thought she was witch. Did anyone came near this flat last night?” A old couple came forward. Old man from couple “ Actually our son was staying on floor above this but we rang doorbell here. It was nearly midnight.” Son “ I immediately called them. Told them to hurry up in our flat. I don’t want to upset this strange lady.” Old lady out of couple “ Actually she came out but we hide behind wall. They all calling her witch strange woman so we felt scared then when she ran down by stairs we ran up by stairs since she thought we entered in lift when we just pressed it to confuse her. We took stairs.” Cops nodded. It was clear that this mentally unstable woman managed to scare entire Society. Harish kept quiet. He was shivering. Cop came to him. Cop “ I feel you have not done anything but still I feel you need to face inquiries.” Then for long time he kept answering every question. He was having nightmares on daily basis. He was so scared of his past. Then finally Cops suggested psychiatrist. He told everything to psychiatrist. Psychiatrist listened to him carefully. Psychiatrist “ She was not trying to kill you but she was trying to remain young. It was her mental illness. She needed treatment.” “ But she was not ready. In fact sometimes I felt she might kill me in some way if I force something on her?” Psychiatrist laughed. “ She was not trying to kill you. She was trying to fulfil your dreams. Then she tried to experiment it on herself. Did you suffered from food poisoning?” He nodded. “ She gave you that potion little bit. Then she felt that your dream became true.” He was shocked. “ Which dream?” “ Do you wanted visit from your parents?” He smiled. “ Yes of course. Now they can stay with me & raise my daughter. They are so loving..” “ & she was objecting it.” He nodded. “ That day in midnight a old couple came in your house by mistake. She assumed that they were your parents. They hide. She felt they vanished since she gave you little bit. So she felt sure that it was working. Her obsession of remaining young manage to convince her to take risk. She was so stressed. She didn’t understand that those people were not her in-laws. Your dream didn’t turn true. She decided to make potion for her & drank it.” He shivered in fear. “ I still feel as if she is standing in kitchen.” Psychiatrist nodded in agreement. “You will! Spending life with her was not easy you need to take treatment for curing yourself too. It was so stressful.” He nodded. He felt so sad. He was no longer normal. He wanted his old life back. He asked quickly “ Do you think I..I can become normal like myself once again?” Psychiatrist “ Yes don’t worry. It will take time but you will become totally normal.” He smiled. He started to sense hope. He was working in same office but now he was matter of gossip. Customer wanted to see him. It felt as if he was some animal of zoo. He kept feeling so restless. But he still smiled. He kept telling his same story to each client to get business. He was getting increments by selling his sorrows. He hated himself for it sometimes but he didn’t have much option. He knew everyone wanted his story. He was getting money for it so he kept telling it. Hina was getting luxuries on it. Hina even got proper psychiatrical treatment. He didn’t want to have her any scare due to her Mom. Hina was doing great. His parents were enjoying life with him too. He was happy. But inside his mind he kept thinking about her. His wife! She was most horrible nightmare for him. She did it all to retrain her youth. Now her body was cremated young so she would never became old. He sometimes felt that in evil way that potion fulfilled her wish. Then he started to think things Psychiatrist taught her. He managed to block her memories & once again smiled. He was sure that one day as Psychiatrist told him. They would vanish. Since he could sense reduction in them. He was sure one day he would be normal once again.

                                                               The End

Friday, December 24, 2021

Poem. 6218. Direction to start

                                                       Direction to start 

Direction to start of hope which create new way for chapter of life that form new concept to dream which show new spirit 

Direction to start of move which form new appeal for shine of life that show new strength to hope which form new spirit 

Direction to start of strength which give new smile for route of life that create new touch to path which give new spirit 

Direction to start of shine which show new path for move of life that give new thought to world which start new spirit 

Direction to start of chapter which form new light for concept of life that create new way to soul which create new spirit 

Direction to start of soul which create new move for strength of life that show new appeal to step which show new spirit 

Direction to start of dream which give new touch for appeal of life that form new knowledge to route which give new spirit 

Direction to start of appeal which show new step for thought of life that create new light to soul which form new spirit 

Direction to start of concept which form new smile for shine of life that show new path to shine which create new spirit 

Direction to start of chapter which create new route for soul of life that give new strength to step which show new spirit 

Direction to start of light which give new knowledge for step of life that show new chapter to path which give new spirit 

Direction to start of soul which form new touch for route of life that create new thought to move which start new spirit 

Direction to start of world which show new step for smile of life that form new strength to route which form new spirit 

Direction to start of appeal which give new soul for chapter of life that show new touch to start which create new spirit 

Direction to start of light which create new route for concept of life that form new path to move which show new spirit 

Direction to start of touch which show new shine for appeal of life that give new step to soul which form new spirit 

Direction to start of route which form new path for knowledge of life that create new smile to way which bring new spirit 

Direction to start of way which give new appeal for chapter of life that show new hope to touch which start new spirit 

Direction to start of light which create new world for smile of life that form new thought to step which show new spirit 

Direction to start of shine which show new touch for soul of life that create new path to route which form new spirit 

Direction to start of path which form new strength for step of life that give new light to touch which create new spirit 

Direction to start of dream which create new appeal for route of life that show new shine to way which give new spirit 

Direction to start of move which give new touch for chapter of life that create new thought to step which show new spirit 

Direction to start of route which show new shine for smile of life that form new strength to light which form new spirit 

Direction to start of appeal which form new step for concept of life that give new touch to route which create new spirit 

Direction to start of touch which give new knowledge for move of life that create new soul to shine which show new spirit 

Direction to start of dream which create new appeal for path of life that show new strength to move which form new spirit 

Direction to start of hope which form new chapter for soul of life that give new knowledge to step which create new spirit 

Direction to start of route which show new shine for step of life that form new thought to appeal which show new spirit 

Direction to start of touch which give new dream for move of life that create new light to chapter which form new spirit 

Direction to start of shine which form new hope for light of life that show new strength to touch which give new spirit 

Direction to start of soul which create new step for move of life that give new chapter to shine which form new spirit 

Direction to start of move which show new route for appeal of life that form new touch to light which start new spirit 

Direction to start of path which give new shine for light of life that create new appeal to move which show new spirit 

Direction to start of world which form new route for path of life that show new soul to shine which form new spirit 

Direction to start of thought which show new step for move of life that give new step to hope which create new spirit 

Direction to start of touch which give new strength for hope of life that create new way to dream which form new spirit 

Direction to start of light which create new appeal for world of life that show new touch to shine which give new spirit 

Direction to start of route which form new knowledge for chapter of life that give new route to step which show new spirit 

Direction to start of move which show new touch for strength of life that show new path to route which create new spirit.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...