Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Poem. 6119. Shine of thinking give new

                                                 Shine of thinking give new

Shine of thinking give new touch to way of mind that show new appeal to soul of chapter which form new way to mind

Shine of thinking give new path to appeal of mind that create new step to route of touch which start new route to mind

Shine of thinking give new spirit to chapter of mind that form new start to move of dream which create new soul to mind

Shine of thinking give new thought to start of mind that start new soul to way of strength which show new step to mind

Shine of thinking give new appeal to move of mind that show new route to start of concept which start new route to mind

Shine of thinking give new knowledge to path of mind that create new touch to light of path which form new soul to mind

Shine of thinking give new strength to world of mind that form new appeal to step of chapter which give new start to mind

Shine of thinking give new chapter to spirit of mind that show new knowledge to way of path which create new dream to mind

Shine of thinking give new direction to move of mind that start new world to start of direction of start which form new path to mind

Shine of thinking give new appeal to thought of mind that create new soul to chapter of dream of world which show new move to mind

Shine of thinking give new touch to concept of mind that form new step to direction of soul of appeal which start new spirit to mind

Shine of thinking give new step to knowledge of mind that show new route to strength of way of touch which form new route to mind

Shine of thinking give new soul to touch of mind that create new appeal to chapter of world of start which show new light to mind

Shine of thinking give new move to spirit of mind that start new spirit to concept of touch of route which create new step to mind

Shine of thinking give new step to world of mind that show new knowledge to dream of way of smile which form new appeal to mind

Shine of thinking give new path to step of mind that form new direction to strength of light of world which start new move to mind

Shine of thinking give new dream to route of mind that create new soul to direction of spirit of start which give new touch to mind

Shine of thinking give new thought to way of mind that start new touch to appeal of move of soul which show new knowledge to mind

Shine of thinking give new route to start of mind that show new knowledge to way of start of move which form new thought to mind

Shine of thinking give new appeal to path of mind that form new spirit to world of touch of light which create new direction to mind

Shine of thinking give new strength to way of mind that show new route to path of soul of strength which start new appeal to mind

Shine of thinking give new touch to chapter of mind that create new move to appeal of step of path which show new light to mind

Shine of thinking give new spirit to smile of mind that start new strength to touch of start of hope which create new route to mind

Shine of thinking give new move to direction of mind that form new thought to path of move of way which form new soul to mind

Shine of thinking give new route to concept of mind that show new light to start of direction of soul which show new start to mind

Shine of thinking give new way to strength of mind that start new smile to appeal of spirit of move which form new appeal to mind

Shine of thinking give new soul to step of mind that create new path to concept of route of way which start new light to mind

Shine of thinking give new touch to world of mind that form new soul to dream of feeling of chapter which create new step to mind

Shine of thinking give new word to chapter of mind that show new step to touch of move of soul which start new path to mind

Shine of thinking give new concept to route of mind that create new route to way of chapter of step which form new light to mind

Shine of thinking give new appeal to move of mind that start new direction to world of touch of route which create new start to mind

Shine of thinking give new touch to step of mind that form new strength to spirit of move of concept which show new path to mind

Shine of thinking give new start to path of mind that create new appeal to soul of smile of chapter which start new direction to mind

Shine of thinking give new direction to way of mind that show new dream to world of soul of touch which form new appeal to mind

Shine of thinking give new strength to soul of mind that start new direction to step of shine of path which show new light to mind

Shine of thinking give new step to start of mind that form new strength to move of appeal of route which give new strength to mind

Shine of thinking give new path to light of mind that create new touch to start of direction of move which start new thought to mind

Shine of thinking give new route to world of mind that show new smile to path of hope of spirit which form new appeal to mind

Shine of thinking give new touch to move of mind that start new way to route of move of step which create new smile to mind.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Poem. 6118. When direction of dream will

                                                 When direction of dream will 

When direction of dream will bring new chapter to thought of step which start new knowledge to path in feeling of life

When direction of dream will start new concept to touch of shine which form new chapter to move to meaning of life

When direction of dream will form new strength to path of spirit which create new touch to appeal to learning of life

When direction of dream will create new appeal to soul of start which show new concept to smile to understanding of life

When direction of dream will show new thought to way of route which give new appeal to path to thinking of life

When direction of dream will start new touch to shine of light which form new move to strength to meaning of life

When direction of dream will give new route to soul of move which show new step to thought to learning of life

When direction of dream will form new strength to way of touch which start new way to chapter to understanding of life

When direction of dream will create new shine to route of move which give new smile to touch to feeling of life

When direction of dream will start new way to chapter of strength which form new path to spirit to meaning of life

When direction of dream will show new world to touch of appeal which create new world to smile to learning of life

When direction of dream will give new route to knowledge of way which start new chapter to hope to thinking of life

When direction of dream will form new soul to concept of step which give new knowledge to touch to feeling of life

When direction of dream will create new move to strength of appeal which show new light to shine to meaning of life

When direction of dream will start new touch to chapter of route which create new hope to thought to learning of life

When direction of dream will show new thought to path of hope which form new appeal to route to understanding of life

When direction of dream will give new step to world of touch which show new knowledge to way to feeling of life

When direction of dream will create new route to concept of soul which start new shine to light to meaning of life

When direction of dream will form new appeal to smile of knowledge which give new world to path to learning of life

When direction of dream will start new chapter to step of strength which create new touch to appeal to thinking of life

When direction of dream will show new strength to way of chapter which form new hope to move to meaning of life

When direction of dream will give new knowledge to route of move which show new path to spirit to feeling of life

When direction of dream will form new way to path of thought which start new route to chapter to understanding of life

When direction of dream will create new touch to move of touch which give new soul to concept to learning of life

When direction of dream will start new shine to appeal of soul which form new strength to route to meaning of life

When direction of dream will show new route to spirit of step which create new touch to path to understanding of life

When direction of dream will give new light to move of light which start new hope to thought to feeling of life

When direction of dream will form new soul to thought of light which show new appeal to move to learning of life

When direction of dream will create new start to chapter of way which give new chapter to soul to meaning of life

When direction of dream will give new smile to strength of spirit which form new touch to step to understanding of life

When direction of dream will start new touch to concept of soul which create new hope to world to feeling of life

When direction of dream will show new step to thought of hope which form new smile to hope to learning of life

When direction of dream will form new path to shine of appeal which start new start to light to understanding of life

When direction of dream will create new start to spirit of strength which give new touch to spirit to meaning of life

When direction of dream will give new appeal to soul of hope which show new strength to path to feeling of life

When direction of dream will show new thought to way of touch which give new appeal to shine to learning of life

When direction of dream will start new knowledge to path of route which form new route to touch to understanding of life

When direction of dream will create new touch to shine of light which show new light to thought to meaning of life

When direction of dream will form new thought to way of chapter which start new strength to move to feeling of life

When direction of dream will give new shine to world of touch which create new appeal to path to thinking of life.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Poem. 6117. One day you can look out see

                                           One day you can look out see

One day you can look out see hope still on same point it is our thought that give new shine to appeal of mind

One day you can look out see path still on same world it is our knowledge that start new light to thought of mind

One day you can look out see way still on same touch it is our direction that show new appeal to strength of mind

One day you can look out see soul still on same strength it is our way that create new step to concept of mind

One day you can look out see route still on same knowledge it is our shine that form new way to direction of mind

One day you can look out see shine still on same concept it is our soul that give new appeal to strength of mind

One day you can look out see touch still on same thought it is our step that show new light to chapter of mind

One day you can look out see way will on same direction it is our start that create new path to dream of mind

One day you can look out see light will on same chapter it is our touch that form new strength to move of mind

One day you can look out see step will on same touch it is our move that start new thought to appeal of mind

One day you can look out see start will on same strength it is our path that give new touch to concept of mind

One day you can look out see path will on same appeal it is our dream that show new chapter to soul of mind

One day you can look out see way will on same feeling it is our shine that form new appeal to start of mind

One day you can look out see move will on same touch it is our light that create new direction to route of mind

One day you can look out see route will on same dream it is our spirit that start new spirit to concept of mind

One day you can look out see world will on same step it is our strength that give new soul to chapter of mind

One day you can look out see dream will on same route it is our direction that form new start to spirit of mind

One day you can look out see hope will on same path it is our appeal that show new knowledge to move of mind

One day you can look out see move will on same spirit it is our touch that create new touch to appeal of mind

One day you can look out see soul will on same thought it is our route that give new dream to concept of mind

One day you can look out see step will on same appeal it is our way that start new shine to thought of mind

One day you can look out see concept will on same route it is our move that form new way to chapter of mind

One day you can look out see direction will on same path it is our world that show new step to strength of mind

One day you can look out see chapter will on same step it is our concept that give new light to knowledge of mind

One day you can look out see dream will on same route it is our feeling that create new way to thought of mind

One day you can look out see touch will on same appeal it is our spirit that form new shine to concept of mind

One day you can look out see path will on same knowledge it is our step that start new appeal to strength of mind

One day you can look out see move will on same direction it is our path that show new light to knowledge of mind

One day you can look out see start will on same thought it is our move that create new way to appeal of mind

One day you can look out see soul will on same touch it is our strength that form new spirit to chapter of mind

One day you can look out see shine will on same spirit it is our appeal that start new route to move of mind

One day you can look out see smile will on same route it is our concept that give new path to direction of mind

One day you can look out see path will on same appeal it is our chapter that bring new hope to strength of mind

One day you can look out see move will on same soul it is our thought that show new way to concept of mind

One day you can look out see step will on same chapter it is our start that form new light to thought of mind

One day you can look out see start will on same direction it is our light that create new path to chapter of mind

One day you can look out see way will on same strength it is our concept that give new soul to spirit of mind

One day you can look out see shine will on same route it is our dream that form new dimension to concept of mind

One day you can look out see path will on same thought it is our move that show new route to strength of mind

One day you can look out see soul will on same thought it is our appeal that create new way to chapter of mind.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Adventure story. 516. Perfect parents

                                                              Perfect parents

Sheena was watching her mother carefully. Her mother was just perfect. All told her. She was wife of rich man. Her husband never had any affair. He was totally honest to her. They were love birds. She was so happy. She knew that parents of other girls in school argued but her parents never did. Sheena smiled & asked " Mom when did Dad come home?" Her Mom smiled & said " Not today!" She smiled & nodded. Her Dad was busy. He needed to earn. She needed to understand. Then she suddenly sensed that her Mom was getting ready for some party. " Mom where are you going?" Mom smiled " To party!" " With whom?" " Uncle Satish is coming.." she nodded. Every day her Mom went to some party with Uncle. It was routine. Her Dad didn't have time for parties. Her Mom always went to them with Uncle. She smiled. She kept watching her Mom carefully when suddenly mobile rang. Mom took call. She sensed that her Dad was coming. Her Mom smiled but something was wrong. Her Mom immediately started rubbing her lipstick. Mom's hands were shivering. She managed to drop lipstick down twice. Then she looked sadly towards lipstick. It was clearly broken. Her Mom stood up to throw it in dustbin. Sheena felt so sad. It was Mom's favourite. Suddenly Dad appeared. He looked shocked when he noticed lipstick was thrown. Mom looked nervous. Dad started laughing. Dad " I was so shocked when I saw you destroyed lipstick. But not shocked after I saw how it look when applied to your face. Disgusting! Anyone would throw it. What a waste of money! It's okay. I know sometimes you buy wrong things. I do same thing many times.." Mom's lips were little bit hurt since she tried to remove it. Dad came near her & carefully took out one cotton & rubbed it softly. Mom smiled happily. Dad "Honey if you dislike something you can destroy it but don't hurt yourself like this. Now your lips are hurt how could you apply other lipstick which I bought for you?" Her Mom smiled. Then her Dad gave her lipstick which he bought as gift. Her Mom smiled happily. Then her Dad added " I brought one dress too." Then he observed her Mom lovingly. " This one looks beautiful on you too. Just like that lipstick! Everything looks great on you. But I want something special & latest." Her Mom smiled. Her Mom was wearing nice gown but her Dad brought one saree. Mom immediately changed it. Then her Mom smiled happily. Her Dad smiled too. Sheena was so happy. Everything was so perfect. On that time Mom's mobile rang. Mom received call from Uncle Satish. Mom took that call. Mom started to convince Uncle Satish to not to come. But her Dad took phone & said " Come on I need someone to drive me! I am planning to get drunk & my driver is missing.." then he laughed loudly. Uncle Satish didn't come that day. Instead of it her Dad called a rented car. That car was so nice. She wanted to go with them. But she knew that this party was just for adults so she didn't even ask. She kept watching them. Her Dad planted one kiss on her cheek before going out. Her Mom was surely nervous since she forgot to even kiss her. It was shocking for her. But she could understand. She managed to get what she wanted. She wanted a new toy & new book. Mom gave both & even managed to arrange one movie CD collection for her. She was on top of the world. Her house was perfect house. She read it every day in magazines. She knew that her parents were special people. Reputed celebrity! She was their daughter so she needed to become like them one day. She always tried to keep smiling like her Mom. Her Mom never showed anger to anyone. She always kept smiling. Same way Sheena never get angry in school. She always talked sweetly. Sheena knew that showing anger was wrong for any woman. She needed to control anger. She started to feel that Mom must be upset. It might be because Uncle Satish was not coming. She knew that her Mom was comfortable with her Uncle. She saw her Mom always smiling & laughing with him. But she knew that her Mom always looked so happy when Uncle Satish was with her. She always felt that Uncle Satish should stay with her. But then she couldn't say it. She knew that her Dad didn't like him. Uncle Satish was her father's younger brother but her father was not so fond of him. But Sheena liked him. Sheena was fond of him. She began to watch CD. She started enjoying it. She began to forget all when she heard screams of her Mom. She was so confused. She never heard her Mom screaming this way. She came out. Her Mom was screaming on her Dad. She didn't understand what was  going on. She sensed one thing that her parents were not as happy as everyone told her. Her Mom was screaming & her Dad was enjoying it. She didn't understand what was going on. She knew that they were happy. Everyone was saying same thing to her. She thought that they might be joking about something. She smiled too. She was too young to understand. Then she came inside. That she had strange nightmare. She was walking around snow. She wanted to see what was ahead but she couldn't. She kept running for long time. She started to ask for help. Her throat became dry. She didn't understand how could she feel so thirsty in such heavy winter. She always thought that thirst always managed to increase by heat not by winter. But she was feeling thirsty in that winter. She began to run. She kept running her throat was too dry. She started to feel pain. She wanted water. She was so scared. She was running. She started screaming for help on that point she felt touch on her cheek. She immediately woke up. Her Mom was standing near her. Mom " Honey what happened?" " Mom..Mom I am thirsty." Her Mom went towards kitchen. Then she called her Dad. " Will you bring some water while I sit near her?" Dad nodded & Mom came back to her. Mom told her to breath peacefully. She did it. She didn't understand why she was feeling as if she was still lost in snow. She never disliked snow that much as she did on that day. She kept trying to obey her Mom.

      Sheena's Dad came running from kitchen. He gave her glass of cold water out of refrigerator. Mom immediately shocked. Mom " She couldn't drink cold water." Her Dad felt confused. He was about to take it back but she just took it & drank it without stopping for moment. That thirst of dream managed to enter in her life. She smiled happily. Then she looked towards her parents & said " So you are friends now?!" Her parents looked confused but they nodded. Sheena went to sleep happily. She thought that it was over. Next morning she was okay. Her Mom cooked her favourite snacks which she ate happily. It was so frustrating. She started feeling uneasy again when her Dad entered in room. She didn't understand why she was feeling that way. She knew that her Dad was nice man. Her Dad patted on her head. She tried to avoid it. Her Mom gave angry look. It was telling her that she needed to respect her Dad. After all he was her financial source. She needed to respect him. Sheena gave him big smile. Mom " She is very conscious about her hairdo!" Her Dad laughed & said " Ohh I forgot our angel is growing up. Now she is going to become lady in big society just like her Mom. So you will do social work like Mom & become famous too.." Sheena began to feel relaxed. Her parents were laughing & joking so what she saw in night was just one nightmare. She began to get convinced that they never argued. She began to feel happy. She started eating her snacks again. This time she was feeling so happy. That snack was very tasty. She began to eat it happily. She knew everything was fine between her parents. Then in few days her Dad went away again. She began to feel so upset. Her Dad didn't stay at home like other girl's Dad. He kept going out. It was not right. Her Dad supposed to stay with them. It was not so upsetting. One day she finally asked her Mom. Her Mom told her to sit down. Then her Mom said " Honey your Dad have another woman.." she couldn't see tears in her Mom's eyes. Her Mom was explaining but she was not sad. Sheena felt so confused. Sheena "Mom this is wrong." Mom nodded. " It is but we can't stop him. Can we? If we did there will be just big argument." " Like last night?" Her Mom laughed. " I was not arguing last night! I was just too much drunk. Your Uncle Satish normally control my drinking but he was not there last night. So I was too drunk." Her Mom was smiling while saying this. She was shocked. Her Mom didn't seem upset about her Dad's another woman. Sheena kept checking her Mom's face for sorrow but she was not sad. Her Mom was totally happy. Her Mom didn't want her Dad to be around them. It was so strange. She was trying to understand her Mom. But she understood that her Mom was not pretending. Then her Mom started to plan their visit to amusement park. She was feeling sad. But Mom was not sad so she smiled too. Then they planned every thing. She went to school with smile. She wanted to reach home soon. She wanted appreciation from teachers too. She wanted to study & achieve good marks. She wanted good future for her. She wanted to prove her family that she could become something. But today she was confused. She began to dislike her Dad. But she knew that she needed to pretend. All other were talking about their parents with respect. They were perfect couple to world. She didn't understand how could she handle it. But she needed to. She kept thinking about her studies. Then she told friends that she needed to go to amusement park so she must complete her homework. She went back on bench. She started to do her homework. No one minded. She knew her friends never wasted time on her. They all knew that she didn't want to chat with anyone. They didn't taunt her. But they didn't even show that much interested in her. She preferred sitting in corner. She went in amusement park as she decided. She was enjoying her life. She kept laughing. She was happy about it. Soon she sensed that it was not so important to have parents who loved each other. She began to enjoy life. But that night once again she had same nightmare. But this time she was so scared. She was so upset. She kept her door closed. She didn't want to any one came running inside her room. She was so glad. She didn't want anyone. She went on bed. She closed her eyes tightly. But she didn't able to sleep. She tried hard. But she couldn't sleep. She began to get restless. She started to feel pain in heart. It was so difficult to control. But she needed to sleep. She tried so hard. Then finally she went in corner of room. She sensed that she couldn't sleep now. She didn't have nightmares now. She just lost her sleep. She started to cry. She began to feel so restless. She knew that she needed to hide about her Dad & sleep was it's cost. She didn't say anything. She just began to read a book. She kept reading & reading. Her eyes were getting tired but still she was not sleepy at all. She was feeling totally fresh. She was now happy due to book. She kept reading. Finally Mom knocked on door. She didn't want to open but she had to. Mom immediately looked inside room & asked " It is already 2 in morning why you are not sleeping?" She didn't understand how could Mom sensed. " I was just planning to sleep.." " Why did you lock door?" She screamed on Mom " Since I am grown up now. I want my privacy. Go Mom..Go" her Mom looked hurt. But she didn't care. She began to hate her Mom too. Her Mom married to man who didn't love any of them. She didn't want that Dad but she couldn't change it. She knew that in few days her Dad would come back & started pretending. She hated them both. Her Mom was confused. It was so hard. But when she started insisting on going out of room, her Mom went away. She closed her door. She wanted to keep it closed toughly. She was so upset. She wanted to stay in her room peacefully. She didn't want to hear noises from outside. She was feeling so upset. She just wanted to stay locked inside.

    Sheena was began to feel so upset. Everyone around her was admiring her parents. She could see their perfect smile. No one seemed to guess that something was hidden behind it. But as she started to grow up & entered in college. People didn't feel she was so perfect. They began to sense that she was not enough. She preferred privacy. She was always taunted for it. She avoided crowd. One day she tried to give speech. She did it her best. She didn't sense that it was against beliefs of those people. They didn't like it since she tried to tell truth. She was using her education while her parents kept using their superstitions. It seemed that people didn't want her education. Her parents kept pushing her towards surrendering to society. They did it. One day her Mom came in her room. She sat with her & explained. Mom " Honey you need to understand. Compromise is basic need of life. We need to do it." She didn't like the way conversation was moving. She was scared that her Mom was planning to force something which she didn't want. She suddenly began to feel so sick. She started to feel as if she was burning with fever. She started her Mom. " Mom check my temperature!" Mom looked shocked. Mom immediately took out thermometer & checked. It was perfect. Mom " What happened?" " I suddenly began to feel sick." Then she ran in washroom & vomitted. It was horrible for her. She tried to steady herself but she couldn't. Mom became concerned about her health. Mom immediately called Doctor. Doctor came. Doctor checked her. Doctor " She is fine. I think it might be something she eat." Mom "Impossible she is diet conscious. She never eat outside." Doctor looked confused. He wrote few medicines. Then after sometime Sheena decided to get ready for college. She said " I am okay Mom." But Sheena was not feeling okay. It was her last year. She needed to get good marks. She went in college & she started to feel relaxed. She felt so happy when she noticed that boy who was sitting next to her seat was looking towards her. She began to feel so confident. She likes this boy but she was not ready to say yes at this point. She was scared. She was not sure that she would approach positively to him. She just gave shy smile. But she tried to hide it too. That boy also did same thing. Her friends alway taunted about him. He was not that much special for them. But she liked him. He had that wonderful innocent smile. He seemed simple in nature too. She always went out to parties with parents. They wanted her to mingle with people now. But she never liked those people who kept taunting & abusing. It was getting worst step by step. She hated those parties. Last time they introduced her to a boy. She didn't like him at first sight. But slowly she began to appreciate his attitude. He was not so handsome but he was nice. She began to sense that her parents wanted her to fall in love with him. She liked this boy from college. But he was not match according to her family so she looked away. She looked out of window. She tried to avoid watching him. She knew soon her college was going to get over & they would never meet again. It was routine. She hoped that he might approach her or she was scared that he might approach her she didn't know. But she knew one thing that she couldn't say yes to him. She didn't know anything about him. Her Dad arranged all for her so she would be safe if she married boy of his choice. She was so tense. But he didn't approach her even on that day. She was no longer sleeping peacefully. But now as grown up she closed door. She screamed inside her room as much as she wanted. Slowly that year was over. Her college was over that boy vanished from her life. She began to concentrate on boy which introduced by her father. Slowly she began to like him. She started to dream positively. But when her parents approached for marriage that boy denied. So he was never in love with her. She was so shocked. She didn't like him still she learnt to like him since she thought that he loved her. He was just friendly. She began to sense that her life was going on wrong track. She tried to begin her career. Her Dad was famous but it didn't help her much. She just got introduced to few people but they demanded many things which she didn't want to do. She wanted honest life. Her Dad began to create big dramas daily in house. His another woman was settled happily. Her kids were earning large sums so they were precious. Mom kept telling Dad back off. But it was not working. Sheena's nightmare started to increase step by step. Finally one day her Mom decided to take her to psychiatrist. She didn't told it to Dad. Her Dad didn't care for her. Then Sheena told all to psychiatrist. Psychiatrist listened to her then Psychiatrist called her Mom. Psychiatrist " Why you are  suggesting your daughter to know her father's affair?" Mom looked nervous then Mom said "Actually our marriage was compromise. I was in love with younger brother Satish but since my Dad died I needed someone who could handle business so I married to elder brother. When my husband found it out, his attitude changed so he always kept threatening me that if I discussed his affair then he would expose my affair." Mom was crying slowly. Psychiatrist " You are suffering due to that kind of compromised marriage right?" " I don't have option." " I know but your daughter have. You have money. Let her act as she want. Let her tell people if she want. Don't force her to hide it.." Mom gave strange smile & said " Sheena is only thing which I have. Satish never married so my husband can't harm anymore." Psychiatrist nodded. After it counseling kept going on for sometime. But Sheena was changed soon. She was laughing. She was making new friends. She started to deny going to parties. Soon she created her world. She no longer had nightmares since she began to tell truth of her parents to everyone. She no longer lived in lie. She was living happy life.

                                                               The End

Friday, August 27, 2021

Poem. 6116. Step of dream will start new

                                            Step of dream will start new

Step of dream will start new world on every point at each thought of hope that form new direction to soul of world that show new light

Step of dream will start new strength on every point at each touch of step that create new appeal to start of thought that show new light

Step of dream will start new appeal on every point at each chapter of way that show new strength to path of chapter that show new light

Step of dream will start new chapter on every point at each appeal of move that give new hope to strength of route that show new light

Step of dream will start new concept on every point at each step of direction that form new way to  touch of step that show new light

Step of dream will start new step on every point at each touch of strength that create new shine to route of path that show new light

Step of dream will start new move on every point at each spirit of concept that give new world to spirit of way that show new light

Step of dream will start new appeal on every point at each path of hope that show new touch to concept of shine that show new light

Step of dream will start new move on every point at each spirit of appeal that create new path to chapter of route that show new light

Step of dream will start new shine on every point at each way of knowledge that form new spirit to knowledge of way that show new light

Step of dream will start new word on every point at each direction of path that give new move to direction of path that show new light

Step of dream will start new chapter on every point at each hope of soul that show new way to strength of step that show new light

Step of dream will start new concept on every point at each shine of route that create new start to world of route that show new light

Step of dream will start new direction on every point at each move of strength that give new path to appeal of move that show new light

Step of dream will start new knowledge on every point at each path of direction that show new route to touch of way that show new light

Step of dream will start new shine on every point at each strength of touch that form new spirit to chapter of direction that show new light

Step of dream will start new path on every point at each chapter of move that give new shine to thought of hope that show new light

Step of dream will start new way on every point at each concept of soul that create new touch to strength of way that show new light

Step of dream will start new move on every point at each direction of start that form new path to knowledge of soul that show new light

Step of dream will start new way on every point at each strength of route that give new appeal to direction of move that show new light

Step of dream will start new thought on every point at each appeal of word that create new route to chapter of route that show new light

Step of dream will start new chapter on every point at each touch of concept that show new path to strength of path that show new light

Step of dream will start new strength on every point at each soul of thought that form new appeal to thought of soul that show new light

Step of dream will start new appeal on every point at each path of hope that create new touch to concept of route that show new light

Step of dream will start new touch on every point at each step of direction that give new move to strength of path that show new light

Step of dream will start new smile on every point at each touch of strength that form new soul to chapter of thought that show new light

Step of dream will start new spirit on every point at each knowledge of soul that create new start to move of chapter that show new light

Step of dream will start new world on every point at each direction of route that show new shine to touch of strength that show new light

Step of dream will start new path on every point at each appeal of touch that form new direction to spirit of touch that show new light

Step of dream will start new move on every point at each strength of soul that create new touch to path of direction that show new light

Step of dream will start new way on every point at each touch of soul that show new knowledge to way of chapter that show new light

Step of dream will start new soul on every point at each spirit of chapter that give new strength to move of appeal that show new light

Step of dream will start new touch on every point at each thought of way that create new start to soul of hope that show new light

Step of dream will start new route on every point at each knowledge of move that form new move to shine of world that show new light

Step of dream will start new move on every point at each direction of soul that give new appeal to touch of way that show new light

Step of dream will start new appeal on every point at each strength of word that create new path to concept of route that show new light

Step of dream will start new touch on every point at each concept of route that show new route to strength of move that show new light

Step of dream will start new spirit on every point at each appeal of soul that give new direction to touch of shine that show new light

Step of dream will start new move on every point at each thought of step that form new appeal to path of chapter that show new light

Step of dream will start new appeal on every point at each direction of spirit that create new soul to touch of way that show new light.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Poem. 6115. World of hope take new

                                                World of hope take new

World of hope take new step to mind which start new direction to thought of soul that create new touch to move of life

World of hope take new route to mind which form new appeal to knowledge of shine that give new spirit to move of life

World of hope take new path to mind which create new thought to strength of way that show new light to move of life

World of hope take new chapter to mind which show new touch to shine of move that form new appeal to move of life

World of hope take new concept to mind which give new knowledge to way of route that start new spirit to move of life

World of hope take new strength to mind which form new touch to chapter of dream that form new path to move of life

World of hope take new appeal to mind which start new path to concept of touch that create new route to move of life

World of hope take new touch to mind which form new light to direction of soul that form new appeal to move of life

World of hope take new path to mind which create new world to strength of way that give new knowledge to move of life

World of hope take new start to mind which show new concept to route of smile that start new direction to move of life

World of hope take new way to mind which give new strength to spirit of thought that create new step to move of life

World of hope take new spirit to mind which start new appeal to move of chapter that form new light to move of life

World of hope take new soul to mind which form new shine to appeal of concept that give new dream to move of life

World of hope take new step to mind which create new touch to shine of strength that start new touch to move of life

World of hope take new route to mind which start new light to direction of soul that form new appeal to move of life

World of hope take new way to mind which show new route to path of appeal that create new path to move of life

World of hope take new start to mind which give new way to concept of route that show new light to move of life

World of hope take new touch to mind which form new soul to chapter of shine that start new route to move of life

World of hope take new appeal to mind which show new path to strength of soul that give new direction to move of life

World of hope take new direction to mind which start new route to light of route that form new touch to move of life

World of hope take new strength to mind which create new dream to move of spirit that start new route to move of life

World of hope take new thought to mind which form new light to knowledge of path that create new way to move of life

World of hope take new chapter to mind which give new route to direction of soul that form new smile to move of life

World of hope take new smile to mind which show new concept to way of strength that give new spirit to move of life

World of hope take new route to mind which start new thought to step of concept that show new light to move of life

World of hope take new touch to mind which create new path to smile of direction that start new soul to move of life

World of hope take new concept to mind which form new way to touch of appeal that form new shine to move of life

World of hope take new direction to mind which show new light to soul of chapter that create new path to move of life

World of hope take new strength to mind which start new smile to path of touch that give new touch to move of life

World of hope take new appeal to mind which give new knowledge to way of smile that start new route to move of life

World of hope take new shine to mind which show new direction to spirit of path that form new appeal to move of life

World of hope take new soul to mind which form new strength to dream of touch that create new path to move of life

World of hope take new step to mind which create new start to route of chapter that give new light to move of life

World of hope take new touch to mind which give new path to concept of thought that start new dream to move of life

World of hope take new way to mind which start new knowledge to soul of way that show new spirit to move of life

World of hope take new path to mind which show new shine to touch of smile that form new appeal to move of life

World of hope take new move to mind which form new step to thought of spirit that give new route to move of life

World of hope take new appeal to mind which create new way to shine of touch that start new soul to move of life

World of hope take new thought to mind which give new knowledge to way of dream that form new light to move of life

World of hope take new smile to mind which start new strength to thought of shine that create new spirit to move of life.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Poem. 6114. When word cause some

                                               When word cause some 

When word cause some thought they become one move of life but we need to feel each word since they remain part of mind

When word cause some feeling they become one path of life but we start to sense each route since they move part of mind

When word cause some appeal they become one shine of life but we form to create each path since they give part of mind

When word cause some knowledge they become one step of life but we give to form each step since they start part of mind

When word cause some direction they become one route of life but we show to give each start since they form part of mind

When word cause some strength they become one soul of life but we create to start each move since they show part of mind

When word cause some touch they become one start of life but we form to give each thought since they create part of mind

When word cause some path they become one spirit of life but we start to create each appeal since they start part of mind

When word cause some dream they become one path of life but we show to give each chapter since they form part of mind

When word cause some step they become one route of life but we create to show each direction since they show part of mind

When word cause some way they become one move of life but we start to form each concept since they give part of mind

When word cause some route they become one step of life but we sense brightness of soul since they create part of mind

When word cause some move they become one start of life but we show to give each strength since they show part of mind

When word cause some touch they become one spirit of life but we form to create each chapter since they start part of mind

When word cause some path they become one hope of life but we start to show each concept since they form part of mind

When word cause some step they become one shine of life but we give to create each path since they show part of mind

When word cause some route they become one path of life but we show to form each start since they create part of mind

When word cause some spirit they become one soul of life but we create to give each touch since they form part of mind

When word cause some move they become one step of life but we start to show each route since they give part of mind

When word cause some appeal they become one route of life but we form to give each chapter since they start part of mind

When word cause some smile they become one path of life but we show to create each touch since they form part of mind

When word cause some shine they become one move of life but we give to start each concept since they show part of mind

When word cause some route they become one soul of life but we create to form each direction since they give part of mind

When word cause some step they become one way of life but we form to show each knowledge since they start part of mind

When word cause some path they become one step of life but we start to give each direction since they show part of mind

When word cause some dream they become one shine of life but we show to create each path since they form part of mind

When word cause some hope they become one start of life but we give to start each appeal since they create part of mind

When word cause some soul they become one path of life but we form to give each chapter since they show part of mind

When word cause some route they become one touch of life but we create to show each step since they start part of mind

When word cause some path they become one step of life but we start to give each thought since they form part of mind

When word cause some move they become one dream of life but we show to start each chapter since they give part of mind

When word cause some step they become one start of life but we create to form each direction since they start part of mind

When word cause some soul they become one touch of life we start to give each knowledge since they from part of mind

When word cause some spirit they become one hope of life we form to start each strength since they show part of mind

When word cause some smile they become one step of life we show to create each touch since they create part of mind

When word cause some route they become one soul of life we give to start each direction since they form part of mind

When word cause some hope they become one path of life we create to show each appeal since they give part of mind

When word cause some light they become one touch of life we start to give each strength since they show part of mind

When word cause some way they become one shine of life we form to show each light since they create part of mind

When word cause some route they become one step of life we create to start each path since they form part of mind.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Poem. 6113. Start of hope bring new

                                                Start of hope bring new

Start of hope bring new day to thinking of mind which form new appeal to direction of soul that create new dream to life

Start of hope bring new path to learning of mind which show new shine to knowledge of step that form new dream to life

Start of hope bring new move to meaning of mind which start new touch to appeal of start that show new dream to life

Start of hope bring new touch to feeling of mind which create new path to strength of world that give new dream to life

Start of hope bring new thought to understanding of mind which give new step to chapter of route that show new dream to life

Start of hope bring new touch to learning of mind which show new thought to concept of move that form new dream to life

Start of hope bring new chapter to meaning of mind which form new appeal to shine of touch that create new dream to life

Start of hope bring new direction to thinking of mind which give new light to world of spirit that give new dream to life

Start of hope bring new appeal to feeling of mind which form new route to chapter of move that show new dream to life

Start of hope bring new shine to learning of mind which create new path to direction of smile that form new dream to life

Start of hope bring new soul to understanding of mind which form new step to light of direction that create new dream to life

Start of hope bring new move to thinking of mind which show new direction to touch of appeal that give new dream to life

Start of hope bring new touch to meaning of mind which give new knowledge to path of concept that show new dream to life

Start of hope bring new spirit to feeling of mind which start new thought to route of strength that form new dream to life

Start of hope bring new appeal to learning of mind which show new touch to way of direction that create new dream to life

Start of hope bring new concept to thinking of mind which create new hope to soul of spirit that give new dream to life

Start of hope bring new knowledge to feeling of mind which form new way to chapter of move that form new dream to life

Start of hope bring new shine to understanding of mind which give new light to thought of path that show new dream to life

Start of hope bring new touch to meaning of mind which start new direction to strength of soul that create new dream to life

Start of hope bring new move to thinking of mind which show new touch to shine of chapter that form new dream to life

Start of hope bring new route to learning of mind which form new chapter to soul of smile that give new dream to life

Start of hope bring new spirit to feeling of mind which create new concept to route of move that show new dream to life

Start of hope bring new way to understanding of mind give new light to thought of step that form new dream of life

Start of hope bring new soul to meaning of mind show new appeal to strength of move that create new dream of life

Start of hope bring new appeal to thinking of mind start new thought to path of hope that show new dream of life

Start of hope bring new strength to feeling of mind form new smile to shine of step that give new dream of life

Start of hope bring new knowledge to learning of mind create new move to world of shine that show new dream of life

Start of hope bring new direction to understanding of mind show new touch to path of step that form new dream of life

Start of hope bring new thought to meaning of mind give new knowledge to direction of shine that create new dream of life

Start of hope bring new touch to feeling of mind show new spirit to strength of concept that give new dream of life

Start of hope bring new smile to learning of mind create new hope to chapter of shine that form new dream of life

Start of hope bring new spirit to understanding of mind form new way to touch of move that show new dream of life

Start of hope bring new shine to meaning of mind show new direction to route of path that create new dream of life

Start of hope bring new way to thinking of mind give new touch to step of appeal that show new dream of life

Start of hope bring new appeal to feeling of mind create new soul to concept of path that form new dream of life

Start of hope bring new chapter to learning of mind show new move to direction of shine that give new dream of life

Start of hope bring new strength to meaning of mind form new light to thought of soul that create new dream of life

Start of hope bring new soul to thinking of mind give new knowledge to path of appeal that show new dream of life

Start of hope bring new path to learning of mind show new direction to step of move that form new dream of life

Start of hope bring new appeal to feeling of mind create new route to route of chapter that give new dream of life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...