Saturday, April 3, 2021

Adventure story. 495. In cage of parents

                                                           In cage of parents

Manoj started singing. He wanted his song to be perfect. It was going to be his first concert. He was hero of his college but when he began to plan to go for singing career everyone around him advised against it. His family said " Do it as hobby?" " Yes you need influence in that industry otherwise you reach nowhere. Just do normal job." He felt so confused. His mind was not ready to accept defeat but he forced himself. Then finally he decided to quit idea of doing singing as career. He decided to become architecture. It was nice too. He was creating buildings & doing interior. He was working in nice firm. He wanted to start his firm but once again everyone advised him against it so he kept working in company. It was perfect decision too. Since his friend who decided to do business was not earning much. He was very happy that he decided to keep doing job. Then he was planning to marry. He liked one girl who was in love with him. She was model. He liked her too. But once again his family advised against marrying her. They told him to marry one banker. She was unknown but they introduced her. He stopped dating that model. At beginning this model was upset. But when he told her that his family was not happy, she laughed on him. She said " They are treating you like slave. One day you will regret it." He felt that she was upset due to rejection. So now he was planning to date that banker. He was singing the way he did daily. He knew that his parents were not fond of his singing but they didn't object it. He was happy that it was not getting objected. It was very important to him that they should let him sing. He began to sing happily. After bitter conversation with his ex girlfriend model Isha he wanted to feel fresh & positive about this girl. This girl was totally unknown to him. He was meeting her for first time. He was so tense about her. He knew that she was nice girl. They said that she was not that much demanding. Actually Isha was demanding. Isha wanted money. He was not that much rich. But Isha found it hard to adjust with it. She kept making faces. She found it so hard that when she needed to adjust with his income. He knew that she was cooperating but he knew that it was not going to work. He felt that he needed money. He knew that he couldn't manage it. Soon his family started to suggesting that if he wanted to marry her then he should buy his own house. His Dad offered gaurantee of a loan but not loan. He knew that his family didn't want Isha.They didn't say no straight way. They just felt that it appear orthodox. He didn't want to go against them. He decided that he would change his choice so he was singing on that day. He was going to start to date new girl. It was new start. He needed courage for it. He felt singing would give it. He was feeling so hopeful. On that time his mobile rang. A Taxi came to pick him up. He went to mirror. He kept watching himself in it. He started observing himself. He was looking handsome. He was so confident. He was so sure that he would get success. He confirmed that he looked great & then he went to sit in Taxi. He was so happy. He knew that he was going to get nice girl. He knew that he was moving ahead with positive. He went inside room. He began to observe guests. All of them were young & pretty. But he loved one lady specifically. He slowly went near her & asked " Are you Natasha?" She looked confused. She said " No." He sensed by her accent that she was not Natasha. She was someone who spent her life out of this country. He felt that he wanted someone like her but he knew that she didn't like him that much. Then suddenly a small child came running in her arms so she was married. He sensed that entire matter was closed for him. He felt so sad & upset. Then he went inside. Finally one nice looking girl smiled towards him. Natasha was nice looking. But she was not interesting. She had serious expression on her face. It seemed as if she was not on date but she was on some important project of office. He felt so upset. He wanted her to act like Isha. But he knew that he must not mention Isha. He knew that he wanted Isha but he couldn't have her since he was not rich enough. He was feeling so sad. He deserved love but he didn't got it. He didn't get partner whom he preferred. Natasha was just planning her future in a way as if it was just another business proposal which she needed to complete. He didn't like her attitude. It was making him sick. He wanted her to act normal like a girl who was in love with him. But then he sensed that it was impossible. Natasha was not in love with him. He asked " Do you like me?" She suddenly looked confused. She didn't understand his question. " What did you ask?" " Do you like me? I know it is not love at first sight. But do you feel I am nice?" " Well it is too early to discuss. Let's first understand our financial positions." " What does they have to do with liking?!" " Everything! Why else you come to me when you got that model?" He was so shocked. He never thought that she would know about his last affair. " She was too demanding. Wasn't she?" He didn't say anything. Then he said " It was not like that. She was demanding but family didn't like her." " What?! You change r girlfriend for family?" "Actually she was little bit too modern!" She nodded. " I understand. She was model so surely she would be good looking & stylish." He nodded. He found it so odd to discuss his ex girlfriend with her. He decided to change subject. He began to talk about something different. He felt that it would make all seem normal. Natasha was happy. She didn't miss anything. But he didn't feel normal. He began to feel so odd. When he returned home, he wanted to call Isha. He wanted to do patch up. But he didn't & he was happy since next morning he saw Isha in newspaper. She was in AD of big company. She was even in news about signing some new movie. He knew that he was obstacle for her. She was free now. She didn't feel scared to take any job. She didn't need to please anyone. He saw her smiling face & sensed that he took right decision. He took deep breath & called Natasha to plan their next date.

   Natasha always did everything as per her calculation. She never felt anything wrong in being practical. She never got emotional about anything. She observed that emotions were worst thing. Her friends & her relatives all had them. But they didn't seem to have benefit from those emotions so she never wanted to make them part of her life. She wanted to remain aloof. She wanted to be away from those emotions. She didn't want to become emotional in life. She kept feeling happy this way. Actually she was not even happy. She was just emotionless. She didn't have any feelings in her heart. She was happy that she was not emotional like boy she met today. He was going to be her husband since she planned to marry him. She felt that he would be honest to her so perfect father for her kids. She didn't want complications of divorce in her life. She wanted her life simple & straight forward. She was not in love with Manoj. But still she would marry him. She decided to message it to her parents. She knew that only girls get shy & say these things in different style. But she was not like them. She kept acting practical on daily basis. She informed them in one message that she wanted to marry. She did it. She knew that they would go ahead with procedure. It was just like business proposal to her. She liked it so she took it. She began to feel so upset when she felt that she needed to show emotions. She couldn't imagine how could she pretend those emotions in marriage. But she knew that this drama was needed. She began to search suitable clothes. She wanted something costly & comfortable. She felt so restless when she saw so much cost she needed to waste in marriage. She began to wish only if she married quickly. She wanted to get over it. At same time she knew that Manoj must be creating issue of entire thing. He was oversensitive man. She knew that he was dreaming something which was totally fiction. But she was not planning to stop it. She was feeling so restless. She knew that this marriage would bring more troubles. She needed to adjust with it. She was feeling so upset. She didn't understand she should take burden of that emotional man. It was so upsetting. She felt so much disturbed. She didn't sense what was wrong with her desicion but something was wrong. Manoj returned home. He said yes to them. But he knew that if Natasha said yes then everything would be confirmed. He knew that no one cared for his view. He didn't understand when his life turned out totally wrong. He was so upset. Manoj wanted to get freedom. He was feeling so upset. He didn't understand how did he supposed to do to get it. He waited with one hope that she would say no to him. He was so tense but his Mom called & confirmed his yes. It was really upsetting. He was hoping so much but he received call from Mom. His Mom " She said yes. All done! You must laugh & smile. You are going to be rich. She is so smart so wise. You must start purchasing gifts for her. She must had expectations of gifts from you." He began to feel so upset.    He didn't want to call her. He knew that she didn't want it. " Mom she is different." " How you understood her so much so quickly. She is perfect for you." His Mom started laughing excitedly. He was feeling so upset. " Mom you don't understand what I want?" " I know all. I am your Mom?! Honey I know what is best for you! Isha seemed like nice girl but she was wrong choice for you. She can never manage your house.." " Mom.. Mom! Stop this! She is no longer connected to me. We must not criticise her like that. She is doing modelling. She has taken her route. She is very happy with it." He began to get restless. He needed to find some way to stop mention of Isha. He took deep breath & said " Mom try to understand. Now I am going to marry another girl. By mentioning last one you will upset all." Mom took deep breath & apologised. Then Mom kept describing ways to please Natasha. He decided that Mom might be right. He planned to go for shopping. He smiled & planned to do shopping for new beginning. He got dressed up. He went out in his car. He began to look inside shop. He tried so hard to remember Natasha. But he didn't remember her face. It was so strange. He kept trying hard to adjust with her. He was getting so restless. He didn't understand why he could see her face. He needed to see her face. He didn't want to forget it. He shivered with fear. He wanted to marry her but he couldn't remember her face. It was so scary. He was so upset. He started to get tense. He didn't understand what was wrong with him. He agreed to marry her. He needed to be pleased with her. He didn't understand why he couldn't feel happiness. He felt as if he was stuck in some sort of trap which kept hurting him. He didn't do much shopping. He just sat inside car & started crying. He began to cry like child. He was feeling so helpless. This girl was not in love with him. He felt that girl who loved him. He decided that he might call Isha. He knew that it was wrong still. He called her to congratulate. Isha took his call immediately. Isha was so happy. " Finally I did it. I am so happy. I will start my new life. I must say I am sorry that I spoke bitterly to you when you broke up! You did right thing for both of us. I needed this break & you can't manage to adjust with my lifestyle. Thanks! We will be good friends forever." He tried his best to hide disappointment from his voice. But he knew that if Isha was like her old self she should have sensed. But she was changed now. Isha was not his girlfriend. He congratulated her again & said " Bye." He didn't dare to invite her for his marriage. He didn't do any shopping. He just went back home. When he came home, he noticed big enevolpe. He took it. It was insurance policy which Natasha wanted him to make. He started to cry. He knew that it was important but he felt dating few times with him was more important. But sadly no one felt that way. It was just decided.

   Manoj's parents began to call all relatives. They saw Isha's photo in newspaper. They wanted their entire community to know that she was not connected to them. They considered show business or film industry as something low. From beginning they didn't want Manoj to marry her. They knew that she might push Manoj back to his music career again. This girl Natasha would let him do interior. In fact they felt that she might bring some business for him too. Natasha was practical. She would help him. They felt that Manoj was not wise enough to understand what was good for him. They sensed one thing. That Natasha would manage to get things in right way. They knew that this daughter-in-law was perfect for family. Manoj's Mom " I am so happy that finally he decided to change her. Isha was after our money." " No doubt. Soon she would have changed her boyfriend. She was not going to remain with him like Natasha. Now look at Natasha. She was permanent life partner." "She is so promising. She is beautiful too." Manoj's father added. " I don't understand why did he want to make her girlfriend?! She is so ugly!" They smiled. They made it their daily hobby to criticize Isha. They had strange dislike for her. They never asked one question to their soul why? Isha never even talked with them. They never tried to make friendship with Isha. It was so upsetting for them. Manoj's Mom immediately called her friend. She knew that this friend would surely talk with Isha. She wanted Isha to know how much they hated her. She called her & started declaring Manoj's marriage. It was so upsetting for that lady. Manoj's Mom said at least twice pointedly. " You remember that model. I never liked her that much. She is too modern. You can't trust such girls!" Clearly Isha's friend was hurt. Isha's friend disconnected call soon with excuse. As per Manoj's Mom guess she called Isha immediately. But Isha stopped her " I know they hated me but I don't need to worry about it. I got new contract of modelling if it worked I will be in one daily serial soon. I don't want to adjust with them." Her friend laughed happily. Isha kept talking about her career. She knew that she liked him but she also knew that she couldn't tolerate his family. It was best for her. She began to concentrate on her career. She knew that soon she might find someone who ask her for date but she was not ready. She was not planning to jump fast like Manoj. She didn't understand how could he manage it. But she was planning to take it easy. She began to do her make up. She changed herself. She was no longer simple girl. She was modern model. She changed all. She was happy about it. She was truly free. She didn't understand when she managed to get caged. But one thing was sure Manoj's parents managed to jail him. It was so upsetting. He was still in that cage. She didn't know what she supposed to do but then she smiled to herself & said loudly " Nothing." She was talking to her mirror image but she was so happy today. After falling in love with Manoj she was in that cage for so many years that she forgot her normal life. She was so happy. She wanted to cry but she didn't want to return in that cage. On that time Manoj returned home without shopping anything. He didn't understand what he supposed to buy. He wanted to just cry. He read those paper of insurance. They seemed important to his future wife that anything else. He wanted to call her. He wanted to scream on her. But he knew that he couldn't. He suddenly remembered that his Mom wanted him to do shopping. He took deep breath & went to market again. This time he managed to find excitement. He even remembered to take her photo. He showed it to sale girls & purchased many gifts. He gave them address to do home delivery. On that time Natasha was busy in planning her new project. She told her Boss that she was planning to marry. Her Boss asked " Are you in love?" "No  but it is practical." " What? Then why don't you  marry to our client? He is rich widower. Marrying him would be more practical." Her Boss started laughing. But she just ignored. Natasha never able to guess that this comment might show her chance of future. That client truly proposed her when he knew that she was planning to marry someone else. She was not in love with him. But she knew that he knew her. She didn't need to waste her time in planning family since he already had one. She liked this idea. She decided to go for it. She asked " Do you make arrangements for simple wedding?" " No problem." She didn't say yes immediately. But when she reached home & found those number of gifts which Manoj gave h er. She decided that she didn't want him. She called her parents & changed her husband. It was nothing for her. But Manoj's parents started crying when they knew this. They tried so hard to convince Natasha. But she remained stuck to her point. She said " Yes." to that client. Then Manoj's parents called him. They were angry & abusive toward him. Soon all his gifts were returned. Manoj was in house full of gifts. He wanted to cry but he started laughing. He kept laughing. He couldn't control it. He started to feel sick but still he felt doing it. Then he ran in washroom. He took blade without second thought & cut his wrist. But he totally forgot that he didn't paid bill of one jeweler. His servant came to collect money. That servant was told by employer that he must collect it. That servant kept ringing door bell. Then he got angry. He began to bang on door. Soon neighbour sensed something was wrong. Everyone gathered. They waited for response. Finally they all got scared. They broken door. Then they searched in house. Manoj was taken to hospital. 

    When Manoj opened his eyes in hospital, he still sensed some sort of need to laugh. He wanted to die but he was alive. Now his parents would bring new girl for him. He didn't get what he wanted. He just got what his parents wanted. He was so tense. He was so restless. But still he began to laugh. Nurse came running towards him. She called Doctor. Doctor injected him something. He went to sleep. After sometime he woke up. He was still feeling need to laugh. He knew that he didn't need to. But he wanted to.  He just kept crying to control it. But he couldn't. Then Doctor slowly took his parents outside. Doctor " Your son is suffering from depression. He is getting hysteric due to it. If he kept laughing this way he might have heart attack. We need to admit him to psychiatric ward." His parents nodded. They went away. Manoj was laughing in his room. He didn't understand why. But he could hear his Mom saying " He is so upset since Natasha left him.. " and his laugher become louder. But Doctor said " Don't worry psychiatrist will handle it." Manoj knew that he was having fit of madness but still he was so happy to stay away from his parents for sometime. That might be cause of his laughter he didn't knew but he kept laughing until he didn't fall asleep again.

                                                               The End

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