World create new dream on every point which start with thought of mind that give new spirit to thinking of mind which form new direction to touch of way which start new route to life
Friday, April 30, 2021
Poem. 6013. World create new dream on
World create new dream on every point which start with thought of mind that give new spirit to thinking of mind which form new direction to touch of way which start new route to life
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Poem. 6012. Soul of dream give new
Soul of dream give new
Soul of dream give new way to mind which start new strength to feeling of soul that create new touch to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new light to mind which show new appeal to meaning of move that start new shine to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new soul to mind which create new knowledge to learning of step that form new appeal to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new start to mind which form new direction to understanding of way that show new path to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new move to mind which start new thought to feeling of direction that create new step to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new strength to mind which create new touch to thinking of touch that show new start to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new chapter to mind which show new direction to meaning of hope that start new route to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new direction to mind which form new strength to learning of path that form new appeal to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new knowledge to mind which start new route to feeling of move that create new step to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new thought to mind which create new appeal to understanding of way that show new light to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new touch to mind which show new knowledge to meaning of step that form new appeal to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new start to mind which form new strength to thinking of shine that create new touch to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new move to mind which start new appeal to learning of path that show new light to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new path to mind which show new direction to feeling of move that start new route to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new light to mind which create new thought to understanding of step that form new appeal to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new step of mind which form new chapter to meaning of touch that create new thought to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new start of mind which show new direction to learning of shine that start new touch to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new shine of mind which start new knowledge to meaning of path that form new light to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new move of mind which form new strength to feeling of concept that show new route to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new path of mind which create new touch to understanding of way that form new light to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new direction of mind which show new light to thinking of chapter that create new hope to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new touch of mind which start new path to learning of strength that show new path to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new step of mind which show new thought to meaning of feel that start new route to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new way of mind which create new route to understanding of step that create new shine to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new move to mind which start new dream to feeling of direction that form new appeal to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new appeal to mind which form new hope to thinking of touch that show new knowledge to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new shine to mind which show new light to meaning of soul that create new direction to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new knowledge to mind which create new path to learning of move that start new route to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new chapter to mind which start new direction to feeling of path that form new appeal to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new concept to mind which show new strength to thinking of way that create new step to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new strength to mind which form new appeal to meaning of step that show new light to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new chapter to mind which create new touch to understanding of start that create new move to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new direction to mind which show new route to learning of chapter that form new appeal to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new knowledge to mind which start new move to thinking of soul that create new touch to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new thought to mind which create new path to feeling of step that show new knowledge to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new appeal to mind which form new touch to meaning of start that start new direction to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new concept to mind which show new step to understanding of shine that give new strength to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new move to mind which start new route to learning of direction that create new appeal to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new path to mind which create new step to thinking of chapter that form new concept to spirit of life
Soul of dream give new shine to mind which form new thought to meaning of concept that start new direction to spirit of life.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Poem. 6011. Touch of day bring
Touch of day bring
Touch of day bring new shine with dream that create new way to thinking of soul which show new light to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new route with step that form new path to meaning of step which create new path to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new soul with chapter that give new light to learning of shine which start new route to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new step with strength that create new shine to feeling of route which form new appeal to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new dream with direction that form new world to understanding of way which create new start to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new move with concept that show new knowledge to meaning of smile which give new light to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new start with appeal that start new soul to thinking of direction which form new smile to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new soul with shine that create new path to learning of appeal which give new knowledge to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new direction with route that give new light to feeling of thought which start new smile to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new strength with path that show new route to meaning of dream which form new appeal to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new knowledge with step that form new appeal to thinking of way which show new light to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new move with appeal that create new shine to understanding of feel which start new path to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new thought with start that show new direction to learning of spirit which create new move to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new chapter with soul that form new strength to thinking of soul which form new light to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new concept with step that create new path to meaning of shine which start new direction to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new appeal with route that give new chapter to feeling of touch which create new dream to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new strength with path that form new concept to learning of step which form new move to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new route with chapter that create new thought to meaning of shine which give new start to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new smile with concept that start new knowledge to thinking of move which show new step to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new path with direction that give new direction to feeling of strength which start new path to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new move with strength that form new appeal to understanding of route which form new way to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new route with shine that create new touch to meaning of concept which show new knowledge to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new step with knowledge that start new chapter to learning of thought which give new shine to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new start with appeal that give new dream to thinking of spirit which form new soul to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new spirit with smile that show new knowledge to learning of step which create new way to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new move with shine that form new strength to feeling of move which form new appeal to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new appeal with step that give new touch to understanding of path which show new light to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new strength with route that create new step to meaning of move which start new direction to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new direction with soul that show new start to thinking of path which form new strength to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new knowledge with start that form new light to learning of soul which create new shine to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new route with step that create new path to meaning of start which form new appeal to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new soul with chapter that start new step to understanding of path which show new route to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new start with direction that form new way to feeling of appeal which create new dream to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new step with concept that give new knowledge to learning of touch which form new light to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new soul with strength that create new start to thinking of route which show new direction to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new start with thought that give new light to meaning of step which create new knowledge to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new step with dream that start new route to understanding of soul which start new move to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new route with step that form new strength to feeling of chapter which give new light to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new way with knowledge that show new light to learning of shine which start new route to thought of mind
Touch of day bring new direction with path that create new step to meaning of move which form new light to thought of mind.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Poem. 6010. Spirit of pleasant dream open
Spirit of pleasant dream open
Spirit of pleasant dream open new world to direction of life which form new strength to appeal of move that show new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new chapter to appeal of life which give new feeling to soul of appeal that start new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new knowledge to way of life which create new learning to move of touch that create new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new direction to soul of life which show new thought to path of strength that form new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new appeal to step of life which start new direction to move of appeal that show new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new concept to route of life which create new step to touch of direction that give new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new thought to path of life which form new appeal to soul of strength that start new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new dream to shine of life which give new knowledge to step of appeal that form new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new soul to chapter of life which start new strength to move of direction that create new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new step to concept of life which create new path to world of shine that show new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new direction to move of life which show new touch to spirit of path that start new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new strength to path of life which form new appeal to step of soul that form new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new appeal to step of life which start new direction to way of shine that create new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new touch to shine of life which create new hope to appeal of move that show new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new thought to start of life which give new knowledge to path of soul that form new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new concept to path of life which form new appeal to route of hope that create new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new soul to chapter of life which start new strength to way of move that give new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new step to direction of life which create new start to path of step that form new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new route to strength of life which show new touch to move of start that show new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new move to appeal of life which form new direction to soul of move that start new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new soul to chapter of life which create new strength to way of concept that form new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new start to knowledge of life which give new thought to step of appeal that create new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new shine to touch of life which show new appeal to direction of path that start new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new chapter to path of life which start new route to concept of step that show new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new direction to soul of life which create new touch to chapter of path that form new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new strength to move of life which form new shine to route of smile that create new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new touch to thought of life which show new appeal to path of spirit that give new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new shine to knowledge of life which start new step to soul of concept that start new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new path to direction of life which create new touch to start of move that show new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new route to chapter of life which form new appeal to way of concept that create new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new way to strength of life which show new route to chapter of move that form new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new soul to appeal of life which create new step to direction of start that show new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new move to concept of life which form new way to appeal of knowledge that give new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new start to direction of life which start new touch to concept of appeal that create new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new path to thought of life which show new soul to strength of hope that start new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new touch to chapter of life which give new start to touch of strength that give new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new shine to appeal of life which create new step to chapter of route that show new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new route to concept of life which form new appeal to thought of soul that create new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new way to direction of life which start new route to shine of thought that form new light
Spirit of pleasant dream open new soul to strength of life which create new path to concept of smile that give new light.
Monday, April 26, 2021
Poem. 6009. When life bring smile
When life bring smile
When life bring smile it start to show new world to every point which start with new direction of soul that show new light
When life bring smile it give new direction to every chapter which create with new shine of thought that form new light
When life bring smile it form new thinking to every concept which give with new knowledge of path that create new light
When life bring smile it create new feeling to every touch which form with new strength of soul that give new light
When life bring smile it show new thought to every path which create with new appeal of shine that form new light
When life bring smile it give new knowledge to every route which show with new route of spirit that create new light
When life bring smile it start new touch to every move which form with new path of thought that give new light
When life bring smile it form new chapter to every step which start with new way of hope that create new light
When life bring smile it show new direction to every path which create with new soul of chapter that form new light
When life bring smile it give new spirit to every appeal which show with new direction of shine that start new light
When life bring smile it create new path to every spirit which start with new knowledge of step that show new light
When life bring smile it show new move to every path which create with new touch of understanding that form new light
When life bring smile it start new strength to every soul which form with new concept of shine that create new light
When life bring smile it form new appeal to every step which show with new direction of touch that give new light
When life bring smile it give new concept to every route which start with new appeal of dream that show new light
When life bring smile it create new touch to every path which create with new strength of move that start new light
When life bring smile it show new spirit to every move which form with new thought of path that form new light
When life bring smile it start new direction to every way which give with new route of move that create new light
When life bring smile it create new touch to every step which show with new appeal of way that show new light
When life bring smile it give new thought to every start which create with new spirit of soul that form new light
When life bring smile it form new knowledge to every route which show with new path of step that start new light
When life bring smile it start new chapter to every shine which give with new thought of shine that give new light
When life bring smile it create new concept to every touch which form with new appeal of way that show new light
When life bring smile it give new direction to every route which start with new step of dream that form new light
When life bring smile it form new appeal to every spirit which create with new thought of hope that create new light
When life bring smile it show new strength to every path which form with new route of direction that start new light
When life bring smile it create new touch to every soul which show with new knowledge of path that form new light
When life bring smile it start new knowledge to every route which give with new hope of appeal that show new light
When life bring smile it give new direction to every shine which start with new move of direction that create new light
When life bring smile it form new thought to every spirit which create with new appeal of touch that form new light
When life bring smile it show new chapter to every soul which form with new route of direction that start new light
When life bring smile it create new strength to every move which start with new step of concept that show new light
When life bring smile it start new concept to every touch which create with new path of strength that give new light
When life bring smile it give new knowledge to every step which show with new move of appeal that create new light
When life bring smile it form new direction to every start which give with new touch of thought that show new light
When life bring smile it create new appeal to every soul which form with new route of dream that give new light
When life bring smile it show new touch to every step which start with new appeal of direction that start new light
When life bring smile it form new shine to every path which create with new thought of chapter that show new light
When life bring smile it give new spirit to every start which show with new knowledge of path that create new light
When life bring smile it start new route to every move which form with new direction of soul that form new light.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Poem. 6008. Shine from dream of route
Shine from dream of route
Shine from dream of route which give new appeal of understanding to move that create new direction to chapter of smile to life
Shine from dream of route which give new knowledge of learning to path that form new appeal to thought of smile to life
Shine from dream of route which give new direction of feeling to thought that show new light to knowledge of smile to life
Shine from dream of route which give new chapter of meaning to chapter that start new touch to appeal of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new concept of thinking to appeal that create new move to concept of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new strength of understanding to path that form new soul to chapter of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new touch of learning to concept that start new direction to strength of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new hope of meaning to dream that create new thought to spirit of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new spirit of thinking to hope that give new knowledge to world of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new soul of feeling to step that show new strength to move of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new step of understanding to path that start new start to hope of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new touch of meaning to light that form new appeal to path of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new thought of learning to way that create new touch to hope of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new appeal of thinking to step that start new direction to spirit of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new light of feeling to concept that show new knowledge to path of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new path of meaning to touch that create new concept to start of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new move of understanding to path that form new soul to chapter of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new step of learning to move that show new direction to concept of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new spirit of thinking to light that form new appeal to strength of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new appeal of meaning to way that create new step to knowledge of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new concept of feeling to path that start new light to direction of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new chapter of thinking to touch that show new path to appeal of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new strength of learning to step that create new move to touch of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new appeal of understanding to path that form new step to strength of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new touch of meaning to concept that start new direction to move of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new hope of thinking to touch that create new strength to appeal of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new appeal of learning to way that form new light to knowledge of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new thought of feeling to chapter that show new path to concept of smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new spirit of understanding to touch that start new move to chapter to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new step of meaning to concept that show new touch to direction to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new start of thinking to soul that create new light to strength to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new path of learning to way that show new chapter to soul to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new way of feeling to step that start new direction to start to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new spirit of understanding to soul that form new path to hope to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new light of meaning to strength that create new soul to path to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new chapter of thinking to step that show new light to appeal to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new move of feeling to chapter that form new spirit to thought to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new step of understanding to soul that create new step to concept to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new start of learning to concept that show new light to knowledge to smile of life
Shine from dream of route which give new touch of meaning to light that start new direction to move to smile of life.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Adventure story. 498. Presence of dead husband
Presence of dead husband
Pratap was sleeping peacefully. He worked hard for entire day & it was his time to relax. He knew that no one should disturb him in night. He was so sure that no one would. They all knew his anger. If they woke up him then he would begin to scream on entire house. He wanted to sleep peacefully. But that day he slept such peacefully. Priti felt that it was so strange. He slept quietly but not so quietly. She felt that it was little bit strange. She started to feel so upset. Then her son Raghu called her & she went out of room. When she returned in room, she totally forgot everything. She just got ready to sleep. Then she peacefully slept on bed. She was so relaxed. She didn't even wanted to discuss anything with Pratap. She observed Pratap. He was so angry entire day. She didn't understand his personality. He always seemed to be getting angry. How hard she tried to keep him happy he always managed to find some fault. It was really crazy for her. But still she tried hard to please him. Her family was telling her that she didn't need to do it. She needed to think about her own happiness too. But she didn't stop. He kept demanding. She kept fulfilling. She never sensed when she became his slave. But when their son entered in picture suddenly things were changed. His importance was reduced. Pratap didn't like it that much. But she needed to do it. She kept doing it. She didn't understand why she felt so upset with Pratap. At beginning she was so much in love that she wanted to do everything for him. But now she was not interested in him at all. He was something too scary. She was scared of his every thing. Whenever he spoke something she felt as if he was pointing gun towards her. His eyes were so harsh. Truthfully they were cruel. She never thought that anyone could have such cruel eyes. She hoped affection from him when she obeyed him. But she never got any. She began to sense that he didn't have any soft corner. This attitude was too much. She didn't like him now. She knew that it was wrong. Wife supposed to love her husband! That was necessary. But she didn't feel it. Sometimes she just wished that he was dead. She wished it then she suddenly began to regret. He was earning money for her family. He always made it clear that their son was her family. She knew that he was father but still he never showed much affection towards his son. He was always busy in his harsh attitude. He never showed any emotion to anyone. She was so upset. Even Raghu was upset. Raghu kept talking about it. Raghu kept saying that Dad didn't love them. It was frustrating. He didn't understand even emotion of his son. He was so cruel. He was sleeping there. She was watching him. Inside her soul she wished that he was dead. She started silently praying for his death. She was happy by doing it. He didn't deserve life. He deserved death. She looked towards his sleeping body for long time with concentrated anger. She began to imagine that she was putting pillow on his mouth. He was struggling under pillow but he was trying so hard. She smiled happily at this thought. She felt same struggled each day due to him. She kept thinking it for long time. Then she finally fall asleep. She was sleeping peacefully. She was hoping that after throwing anger out of her mind she would sleep peacefully. It truly worked. She immediately fall asleep. She woke due to sunlight from curtain of window. She could sense impact of heat. She was so shocked. She managed to oversleep. But Pratap didn't scream on her. It was shocking. He didn't understand that it was morning. She looked towards him. He was sleeping peacefully same way. She didn't understand what she supposed to do. She started to touch him then she felt so scared. She shivered with fear. She decided that she should finish making breakfast first. So she peacefully went in kitchen & started cooking. She began to do it fast when she heard Raghu's scream. She ran in his room. He began demand help with his project. She began to help him. She lost track of time in it. When she looked at watch, she was so shocked. She didn't understand how could Pratap be still sleeping. She went in bedroom. She sensed something was wrong with him. He was still sleeping. She touched him. His entire body was too cold. She screamed loudly to call Raghu. She told Raghu to call ambulance. She didn't know number so she screamed for watch man. Soon many people started gathering around. It was so confusing. She needed ambulance. She called it. Then they took him inside. She sat in Ambulance beside him. But she knew that it was too late. He was already dead. She didn't understand when he was dead. She wanted to cry but she was happy to get freedom. She was going to inherit his money. She didn't need to do job. She could manage all by agriculture land which he had. She was about to smile. She tried hard to hide her face. Nurse assumed that she was crying. She said " You need to be strong for your child." Priti controlled her emotion & made face full of sorrows. It was so painful. She knew that for few days she needed to cry. She supposed to love her husband. But she didn't. She tried to force herself to find love for him. But she couldn't find any memory which would show his love. He was same ruthless even on honeymoon. She decided that if she managed to hide her face then no one would notice them. She did it. Then they went in hospital. Doctor checked him. Then Doctor declared him dead. Doctor said " Your husband died in night due to heart attack.." she wanted to cry but she started laughing. They all looked shocked. But she once again controlled herself. Doctor suggested " You must take some relaxation pills from psychiatrist. Nurse take her to psychiatrist." She didn't have strength to reject anyone on that point. She wanted to control her smile. She agreed & went to psychiatrist. Nurse explained her case. Psychiatrist gave her prescription. She made payment. Then she went to medical counter. She knew that she didn't need them. She was truely happy. It was not madness so she didn't bought that pills. She made phone call to start to make arrangements.
Priti was truely happy when everyone told her that she needed to give away all goods of Pratap in charity. She didn't want his memories so she immediately started packing them. She wanted to throw him out of life. She didn't want to see his face again. But she needed to keep photo. She knew that she needed to so she kept that picture on wall. She started pretending. But on each day as everyone started telling how much sad she needed to be. She began to feel guilty. She started to feel that she needed to feel sad. People were discribing his wonderful qualities on daily basis. She didn't understand why she didn't find them. He was so great & noble then why she didn't sense it. It seemed as if he was idol to them. They kept admiring him again & again. It was truely impressive. She began to feel that she did big crime by not loving him. Then finally after sometime they stopped visiting. She started moving ahead with her normal life. Raghu started going in school. She started working from home. It was not giving any earning but she kept doing it as a way to pass time. She began to feel relaxed. She used to feel irritated when he was alive. But she knew that now he was not going to come. It was so strange. She knew that she was happy. She was so pleased that her husband was dead. But she was so scared of that thought. Still it was true. Raghu came in room. Raghu smiled & said " I am enjoying my life. But Mom after Dad's death we might suffer financial problems so we need to save." She was so shocked. Her son was bossing on her. She never thought that this was possible. But it happened. She was so upset. She wanted freedom. She gave angry look to Raghu & said " Do you feel Mom is wasting money?!" He looked confused. Soon she sensed that he was repeating someone's word. She smiled. " Stop worrying! I will manage." Raghu smiled. He went away. But she was so upset. Why on every time people needed to taunt her financial situation? She never demanded money from any one. In fact borrowing was not her habit. She believed on not borrowing. She began to move ahead in life with her habit of purchasing but she never borrowed. Today they started to question her habits. It was so wrong. It seemed as if people were starting replace Pratap. Even small Raghu started questioning. She was so angry. She was free now. But people were trying to control her. She was receiving calls daily. She didn't like it. She didn't have much option but she needed to attend it. She kept discussing. She was so stressed. She was working so hard to ignore those comments. Then she suddenly got one idea. She could send Raghu to that hostel in which he wanted to go but Pratap objected. She called Raghu & told him about it. He jumped with joy. It was so wonderful. She immediately made application. Soon she found out that they had vacancy. She made arrangement since it was start of new year. All was arranged. She was so happy. She went in bedroom that night with smile. She felt so disturbed suddenly when she sat on her bed. She didn't understand what was wrong. She began to feel as if someone was calling her. She was so shocked. She started looking in room. She removed curtains. She checked out to see if anyone was hiding. She was so confused. She started even searching in cupboards. This seemed like suspense or horror movie to her. She felt so sure that some one was in her room. That person was watching her. But she couldn't locate that person. She felt as if this person managed to vanish. She knew that her cupboard was not some wardrobe in which any one could hide. She didn't understand why she was feeling this way. She knew that no one could sit in that small cupboard so she once more sat on her bed. She went sleep. She closed her eyes. She was feeling so restless. She tried so hard to fall asleep. But she couldn't. Finally she decided that she would check cupboard. She woke up & she slowly went near cupboard. She knew that no one could stand or sit in cupboard. She started removing her clothes. She kept them all on bed. She began to fold them properly. She knew that it was night but still she arranged her entire cupboard in night. She kept all clothes in decent way. Then she once again went out to check door. It was locked. She checked every window. In that night she was feeling like some mystery novel heroin. She kept checking out everything. Then she went to sleep. She was so sure that everything was fine now. But then she suddenly heard voice of something dropping. She was so scared. She ran out in hall. She started looking around. She didn't see anything which might be cause of that sound. She began to feel so nervous. She started to sense that someone might be in house. But she didn't understand how could that person vanish so easily. She began to feel strange fear. She started to feel that someone was observing her. Then she slowly went to her son's Raghu's room. She slowly opened door. She watched inside. Raghu was sleeping peacefully on bed. She looked inside his room. She slowly began to look in room. She didn't create noise since she didn't want to wake up Raghu. She was so sure that something was in that room. But once again she found nothing. She went back on bed. She started to try to go to sleep. But she was so restless. She was not feeling free at all. It seemed as if Pratap was still there around her. She could sense his presence. It was so upsetting. She didn't want to feel that way but she was feeling so frustrated. She didn't understand what was wrong with her. She kept thinking that she could act as she wanted but she couldn't. She felt still caged. She closed her eyes & she started crying. She was so scared alone in that room, she never felt that she would feel like that one day. But she felt that way. She was feeling suffocated & frustrated inside that room. She was so scared. She didn't understand cause. But she kept feeling as if someone was observing her. She closed her eyes tightly & started praying.
When Priti woke up she felt strange fear in her soul. She decided that she needed help. She knew only one person who could advise her. It was her Mom but she was not alive now. She was so confused. She suddenly remembered her friend. Supriya was her best friend. Supriya was senior but still she always acted friendly with her. They met in one computer class. That class was stopped but their friendship remained alive. They both cared for each other so much. Priti always called her whenever she needed help. It was rare since Pratap used to decide all for them until now. But this time she was responsible. She was feeling so scared. She called Supriya. She told her all. Supriya didn't say anything for long time. Then Supriya said " Sometimes such things happen after death of person whom your love.." Priti couldn't keep lying any more. She screamed loudly " Enough! I don't love him. I hated him!" Supriya took deep breath. " Then do you feel it is ghost?" Priti was so shocked. She never thought about ghost. Priti felt so scared. She was planning to kill Pratap. If he knew that after death he surely desired to revenge. " I wanted to kill him when he died do you feel he might wanted to kill me in process of revenge?" Supriya said nothing. Then Supriya added. " Possible!" Then Supriya told her to do few things to confirm ghost was there. She did all as per suggestion. That night once again she felt that presence. She kept chanting God's name without stopping. She forced Raghu to sleep in her bedroom with her. He was upset but when she promised that it was just for one night. He was going in hostel soon. He agreed. They both slept. She kept hearing voices while Raghu heard nothing & slept totally peaceful way. It was so upsetting. He didn't sense anything. She began to doubt ghost concept now. If ghost was existed then Raghu should sense it too. But Raghu sensed nothing. She kept searching whole night with her eyes since Supriya warned her not to leave her bed. She didn't sense when she fall asleep. But she woke up in morning with strange body pain as if she was running for entire night. She looked beside her. Raghu was already gone. She hurried outside. She began to search for Raghu. Then she found he was sleeping in his room peacefully. She ran to him & woke him up. She asked him with scary expression " What happened?" Raghu looked around with confused expression. " What?!" " Why did you left that room? Did you saw something or someone?" He looked more confused. " No! I left room since you were running in your sleep. Trust me if you keep doing that some day you will break that bed! Dad never complaint about your this habit?" She turned her head in negative way. She sensed that it was impossible that if she did this Pratap wouldn't complaint. Raghu started looking at her carefully. Raghu " Can I suggest something to you? You will not become upset?!" She nodded negatively. " Mom did you given any thought to visit psychiatrist?" She was so angry. She was not mad. She was not imagining things. Why should she do that? She never loved Pratap. " But why does I need psychiatrist? I don't love your Dad?" She spoke it without thinking that she was talking it before her son. She was so shocked when she sensed it. But Raghu nodded. Raghu " Mom you are right! You don't love him. But still you might be restless since he was dead. He was on your bed for whole night. They said he was dead for long time! It might manage to scare you." She began to feel confuse. It was true. Doctor declared that Pratap was dead soon after dinner when he went to sleep. He had heart attack in sleep so it was possible his dead body was beside her entire night. She shivered. Raghu smiled & said " See! You are shivering because you are scared!" She needed to agree. But she preferred ghost over mental problem so she went to confirm. But nothing was changed as Supriya told. It showed that it was not ghost. Raghu began to tell about his friend's parents who knew psychiatrist. It was clear that his classmate's parents who came to visit her sensed that something was wrong. She wanted to cry but she controlled her tears & dialed number of Psychiatrist. A pleasant voice gave her appointment. She was so sad. She felt that she got freedom but worst thing started in her life. She was sound mind person before now she was mad woman. She didn't let her pain come on her face before Raghu. But when Raghu went in school she cried. She didn't want to prove mad. She began to feel totally like loser. She was so sure that she would win this game but she lost it. She kept feeling stressed for long time. Every night she felt same way. Finally time to visit psychiatrist came. She went there. She was feeling so restless. She was sitting in large line. She waited for long time. Finally her number came & she went inside. She slowly told all to psychiatrist. Psychiatrist listened to her carefully. He nodded & said " This is nothing unusual just one common symptom!" " What? But I don't love him?!" " I know but you wanted to kill him. He didn't knew it but you felt that after death he would. Your friends & relatives added your guilt by admiring him again & again before you. So you started feeling guilty for desire to kill him. You felt so restless. You started to feel he might want to kill you so you are imagining him this way. Now we need to reduce your guilt. Don't worry step by step we will do it." She nodded. She looked at face of psychiatrist. She saw such a confident smile that he reminded her of her beloved father. She smiled back & said " Okay Doctor we will manage it." Psychiatrist gave thumbs up to her. Then they started procedure of treatment with full positive spirit & smile.
The End
Friday, April 23, 2021
Poem. 6007. What begin with smile
What begin with smile
What begin with smile show new world to mind that start new thinking of spirit which create new path to direction of life
What begin with smile start new route to mind that form new learning of path which form new soul to direction of life
What begin with smile give new knowledge to mind that create new feeling of way which start new step to direction of life
What begin with smile form new appeal to mind that give new understanding of move which show new light to direction of life
What begin with smile create new step to mind that show new meaning of appeal which form new thought to direction of life
What begin with smile start new move to mind that create new thinking of chapter which give new route to direction of life
What begin with smile show new path to mind that form new learning of touch which start new thought to direction of life
What begin with smile create new start to mind that give new feeling of concept which show new knowledge to direction of life
What begin with smile form new appeal to mind that start new meaning of route which create new appeal to direction of life
What begin with smile start new route to mind that give new understanding of way which form new path to direction of life
What begin with smile give new touch to mind that form new thinking of soul which show new route to direction of life
What begin with smile bring new path to mind that create new feeling of step which start new soul to direction of life
What begin with smile show new dream to mind that give new learning of route which form new touch to direction of life
What begin with smile start new chapter to mind that show new meaning of soul which give new appeal to direction of life
What begin with smile form new knowledge to mind that start new understanding of step which create new path to direction of life
What begin with smile give new strength to mind that form new thinking of chapter which show new light to direction of life
What begin with smile create new appeal to mind that give new feeling of concept which form new way to direction of life
What begin with smile start new touch to mind that create new learning of dream which create new path to direction of life
What begin with smile show new way to mind that start new understanding of hope which form new light to direction of life
What begin with smile form new soul to mind that give new meaning of strength which show new knowledge to direction of life
What begin with smile create new step to mind that show new feeling of soul which form new light to direction of life
What begin with smile form new path to mind that create new thinking of step which create new path to direction of life
What begin with smile give new light to mind that form new learning of way which start new move to direction of life
What begin with smile show new touch to mind that give new thinking of step which form new appeal to direction of life
What begin with smile start new route to mind that show new meaning of move which show new light to direction of life
What begin with smile give new thought to mind that create new feeling of way which create new step to direction of life
What begin with smile create new world to mind that start new understanding of path which form new soul to direction of life
What begin with smile form new chapter to mind that give new learning of dream which start new route to direction of life
What begin with smile start new concept to mind that show new thinking of path which create new hope to direction of life
What begin with smile create new step to mind that form new learning of touch which show new knowledge to direction of life
What begin with smile show new light to mind that create new thinking of soul which form new appeal to direction of life
What begin with smile give new knowledge to mind that form new meaning of step which start new route to direction of life
What begin with smile form new appeal to mind that show new learning of path which create new step to direction of life
What begin with smile create new touch to mind that give new understanding of start which give new light to direction of life
What begin with smile start new route to mind that form new feeling of concept which show new appeal to direction of life
What begin with smile give new direction to mind that create new meaning of touch which start new route to direction of life
What begin with smile create new thought to mind that start new thinking of path which create new step to direction of life
What begin with smile form new chapter to mind that give new learning of soul which form new spirit to direction of life
What begin with smile show new concept to mind that create new feeling of way which create new soul to direction of life What begin with smile give new knowledge to mind that form new understanding of step which show new way to direction of life.
Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope
Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...
Way from dream create Way from dream create new world of hope on each point which start new direction to touch of fee...
World open new path to World open new path to thought of feeling which bring new step to soul that create new spirit t...
One dream can form One dream can form path in life which start new move to feeling of mind that give new soul t...