Monday, November 30, 2020

Poem. 5876. Hope start dream to show

                        Hope start dream to show

Hope start dream to show new touch of thinking which give hope to mind that start new direction to soul of light

Hope start dream to show new step of learning which create light to thought that form new appeal to move of light

Hope start dream to show new appeal of meaning which form path to chapter that create new step to path of light

Hope start dream to show new strength of feeling which start route to concept that give new start to step of light

Hope start dream to show new thought of understanding which give way to touch that start new path to route of light

Hope start dream to show new knowledge of learning which create new step to soul that form new start to route of light

Hope start dream to show new touch of meaning which start new route to move that create new appeal to route of light

Hope start dream to show new direction of feeling which give new step to path that start new spirit to route of light

Hope start dream to show new strength of thinking which form new soul to smile that form new path to route of light

Hope start dream to show new appeal of understanding which start new way to chapter that give new soul to route of light

Hope start dream to show new thought of meaning which give new knowledge to path that create new step to route of light

Hope start dream to show new shine of learning which create new appeal to hope that start new direction to route of light

Hope start dream to show new soul of feeling which start new strength to direction that form new concept to route of light

Hope start dream to show new step of thinking which form new chapter to smile that give new knowledge to route of light

Hope start dream to show new touch of meaning which give new step to move that create new shine to route of light

Hope start dream to show new soul of learning which create new path to appeal that form new touch to route of light

Hope start dream to show new start of feeling which form new chapter to strength that give new direction to route of light

Hope start dream to show new move of thinking which give new spirit to direction that create new appeal to route of light

Hope start dream to show new step of learning which start new path to strength that form new concept to route of light

Hope start dream to show new soul of meaning which form new start to knowledge that start new path to route of light

Hope start dream to show new spirit of feeling which create new way to thought that give new shine to route of light

Hope start dream to show new step of understanding which give new soul to appeal that create new way to route of light

Hope start dream to show new move of meaning which start new chapter to step that form new spirit to route of light

Hope start dream to show new path of learning which form new direction to move that create new soul to route of light

Hope start dream to show new shine of thinking which give new concept to touch that show new direction to route of light

Hope start dream to show new soul of feeling which create new strength to shine that form new strength to route of light

Hope start dream to show new touch of meaning which start new path to appeal that create new knowledge to route of light

Hope start dream to show new step of learning which form new soul to knowledge that start new appeal to route of light

Hope start dream to show new start of thinking which give new step to direction that form new shine to route of light

Hope start dream to show new path of understanding which start new route to move that create new step to route of light

Hope start dream to show new move of feeling which create new touch to chapter that give new strength to route of light

Hope start dream to show new step of meaning which form new shine to thought that start new direction to route of light

Hope start dream to show new appeal of learning which give new soul to smile that form new shine to route of light

Hope start dream to show new direction of thinking which start new path to concept that give new step to route of light

Hope start dream to show new strength of feeling which create new spirit to chapter that form new way to route of light

Hope start dream to show new chapter of understanding which form new step to way that start new soul to route of light

Hope start dream to show new appeal of thinking which give new strength to shine that create new path to route of light

Hope start dream to show new thought of learning which start new smile to concept that give new step to route of light

Hope start dream to show new concept of meaning which form new path to move that start new way to route of light

Hope start dream to show new appeal of understanding which give new step to path that create new soul to route of light.

Poem. 5875. Touch of understanding

                     Touch of understanding

Touch of understanding show new step to route of way that create new dream of shine which start new impact on route of mind

Touch of understanding form new path to concept of life that form new hope of strength which give new step on route of mind

Touch of understanding create new soul to chapter of path that show new way of direction which form new start on route of mind

Touch of understanding show new start to direction of soul that give new step of chapter which show new way on route of mind

Touch of understanding show new smile to knowledge of way that form new path of strength which give new soul on route of mind

Touch of understanding show new step to thought of chapter that start new route of concept which start new step on route of mind

Touch of understanding show new way to shine of appeal that create new move of thought which give new hope on route of mind

Touch of understanding show new dream to move of route that give new path of chapter which start new shine to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new path to soul of chapter that start new direction of step which create new step to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new start to way of concept that form new strength of path which form new way to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new step to thought of step that give new appeal of step which show new light to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new move to shine of start that create new spirit of soul which give new direction to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new shine to soul of way that form new concept of path which form new appeal to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new feeling to dream of path that create new move of start which give new soul to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new learning to way of hope that give new smile of light which create new way to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new chapter to light of move that start new hope of concept which form new dream to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new thought to start of soul that create new way of chapter which give new concept to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new concept to path of way that form new appeal of dream which show new light to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new direction to move of thought that give new spirit of move which form new path to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new strength to step of knowledge that create new start of shine which create new move to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new appeal to start of direction that form new thought of soul which give new start to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new thought to hope of strength that give new knowledge of route which show new step to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new chapter to soul of direction that start new direction of path which form new way to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new concept to step of way of appeal that form new move of soul which give new start to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new knowledge to move of step of soul that show new chapter of shine which create new path to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new thought to start of path of dream that create new concept of spirit which form new step to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new direction to move of smile of way that form new strength of soul which give new start to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new strength to shine of appeal of start that give new appeal of step which create new path to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new appeal to thought of way of chapter that create new path of start which form new direction to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new knowledge to move of dream of shine that give new hope of strength which start new move to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new start to chapter to soul of step of move that form new dream of soul which create new path to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new way to concept to path of start of light that show new step of move which form new step to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new path to strength to way of move of step that create new start of path which show new start to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new dream to appeal to soul of light of way that give new soul of dream which create new way to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new hope to knowledge to chapter of soul that start new shine of light which form new path to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new spirit to direction to move of dream that form new appeal of step which show new start to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new shine to thought to start of appeal that create new dream of spirit which give new soul to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new appeal to move to shine of thought that give new chapter of path which start new step to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new chapter to path to soul of direction that form new light of move which show new light to route of mind

Touch of understanding show new concept to step to light of move that start new hope of path which form new start to route of mind.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Poem. 5874. Chapter bring bright light

                      Chapter bring bright light

Chapter bring bright light to life which start new direction to strength of soul that form new touch to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to move which form new knowledge to path of step that create new step to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to smile which create new thought to start of move that show new route to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to path which show new route to soul of direction that start new smile to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to step which give new appeal to step of concept that form new hope to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to start which form new strength to touch of strength that give new dream to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to route which create new concept to route of thought that show new step to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to move which show new touch to soul of knowledge that start new route to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to step which start new direction to start of appeal that form new knowledge to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to path which form new thought to hope of strength that start new direction to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to appeal which show new step to soul of thought that create new shine to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to direction which start new path to knowledge of step that form new path to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to strength which create new start to concept of soul that show new route to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to touch which show new route to direction of start that create new way to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to shine which form new soul to dream of strength that form new move to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to path which create new step to thought of way that give new appeal to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to soul which start new direction to hope of move that create new route to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to step which show new appeal to path of smile that form new touch to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to start which create new hope to route of soul that show new appeal to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to shine which form new soul to direction of step that start new shine to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to move which start new step to knowledge of way that give new hope to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to path which create new start to strength of move that create new touch to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to soul which form new thought to step of shine that form new appeal to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to step which show new appeal to route of move that start new direction to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to route which start new direction to start of way that create new touch to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to move which give new shine to step of soul that form new strength to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to touch which create new path to move of path that show new route to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to shine which show new route to start of dream that give new soul to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to path which form new concept to route of way that create new step to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to start which give new direction to move of step that form new way to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to move which start new knowledge to soul of route that show new start to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to route which create new step to spirit of concept that create new path to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to way which form new direction to hope of dream that start new move to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to soul which show new strength to way of spirit that give new step to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to route which give new appeal to move of soul that form new start to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to path which form new knowledge to way of thought that show new smile to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to move which create new touch to shine of concept that give new direction to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to step which show new route to strength of move that form new hope to feeling of mind

Chapter bring bright light to route which give new soul to appeal of strength that start new route to feeling of mindC

Chapter bring bright light to shine which start new step to direction of soul that give new appeal to feeling of mind.

Poem. 5873. Smile from dream show

                    Smile from dream show

Smile from dream show new thought to mind which start new strength to soul of learning that start new chapter to way of mind

Smile from dream show new chapter to mind which form new knowledge to path of meaning that give new concept to way of mind

Smile from dream show new direction to mind which create new appeal to move of feeling that start new strength to way of mind

Smile from dream show new concept to mind which give new thought to step of understanding that form new route to way of mind

Smile from dream show new strength to mind which start new direction to path of thinking that create new appeal to way of mind

Smile from dream show new shine to mind which form new understanding to spirit of feeling that give new chapter to way of mind

Smile from dream show new touch to mind which give new knowledge to move of meaning that start new concept to way of mind

Smile from dream show new appeal to mind which start new thought to path of learning that form new knowledge to way of mind

Smile from dream show new spirit to mind which form new direction to start of thinking that give new strength to way of mind

Smile from dream show new move to mind which create new appeal to touch of feeling that create new path to way of mind

Smile from dream show new step to mind which give new hope to direction of thinking that show new move to way of mind

Smile from dream show new touch to mind which start new route to chapter of meaning that form new shine to way of mind

Smile from dream show new direction to mind which form new path to strength of feeling that give new step to way of mind

Smile from dream show new knowledge to mind which start new hope to touch of learning that start new route to way of mind

Smile from dream show new chapter to mind which create new spirit to direction of meaning that give new soul to way of mind

Smile from dream show new concept to mind which give new light to strength of thinking that form new spirit to way of mind

Smile from dream show new hope to mind which form new knowledge to move of feeling that create new step to way of mind

Smile from dream show new path to mind which start new thought to appeal of understanding that start new route to way of mind

Smile from dream show new step to mind which create new touch to chapter of learning that show new move to way of mind

Smile from dream show new start to mind which form new light to direction of meaning that form new appeal to way of mind

Smile from dream show new soul to mind which give new knowledge to touch of feeling that create new path to way of mind

Smile from dream show new touch to mind which start new appeal to move of thinking that form new direction to way of mind

Smile from dream show new route to mind which form new strength to path of learning that start new concept to way of mind

Smile from dream show new shine to mind which create new chapter to soul of meaning that give new appeal to way of mind

Smile from dream show new soul to mind which give new concept to start of understanding that create new step to way of mind

Smile from dream show new move to mind which start new direction to hope of thinking that form new route to way of mind

Smile from dream show new step to mind which create new strength to path of feeling that give new soul to way of mind

Smile from dream show new appeal to mind which form new light to concept of meaning that start new shine to way of mind

Smile from dream show new knowledge to mind which start new step to spirit of learning that form new path to way of mind

Smile from dream show new direction to mind which create new route to chapter of thinking that give new step to way of mind

Smile from dream show new strength to mind which form new appeal to shine of understanding that start new route to way of mind

Smile from dream show new touch to mind which give new knowledge to path of meaning that give new soul to way of mind

Smile from dream show new thought to mind which start new direction to soul of learning that form new light to way of mind

Smile from dream show new shine to mind which create new touch to hope of thinking that create new step to way of mind

Smile from dream show new soul to mind which form new concept to start of feeling that give new chapter to way of mind

Smile from dream show new step to mind which give new strength to move of meaning that form new appeal to way of mind

Smile from dream show new route to mind which create new path to concept of understanding that give new step to way of mind

Smile from dream show new move to mind which start new direction to appeal of learning that show new route to way of mind

Smile from dream show new hope to mind which form new touch to thought of thinking that give new shine to way of mind

Smile from dream show new shine to mind which give new light to concept of meaning that start new spirit to way of mind.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Adventure story. 477. Searching for family

                                                           Searching for family

Tanu started doing everything in proper way. She started to sense different routes which began to give her wonderful feeling. Tanu was driving after such long time. It was perfect. She was driving on that peaceful road. She was traveling in hills. She didn't sense when she came to these hills. She was so confused. She didn't remember name of those hills. But she knew that she must remember them. She couldn't just forget hills. They had their own beauty. She began to drive slowly. She started to remember where she was going. It was really hard to remember. She knew that she must knew that place. She was so upset. She kept looking around. She knew that she had it somewhere in her mind. She kept looking around. She didn't sense that she was truely forgotten that place. She was so upset. She started looking out of window. She was so frustrated. She kept looking out. She was so helpless. She didn't understand how could she walk on road and still she didn't able to remember name of place. She was so upset. She took her mobile. She started to search for Google map. She needed location but she didn't find it. She was so upset. She kept looking out. She was so frustrated. She started to look around. She sensed that she didn't remember where she was. She knew that it was impossible but it was happening. She was so shocked. She didn't understand how could this happen to her. She wanted to cry but she couldn't reach to her unknown destination. She started to remember where she was going. She was once again confused. She didn't remember! It was so shocking. She never suffered memory loss like this. She had sharp memory. She remembered every day of her childhood. She remembered that she was married woman with two kids. She knew that her husband was in love with her. But he was overweight. She needed to do something about it. She needed to reduce his weight at any cost. She remembered how did her neighbour died. She still couldn't forget it. He was little overweight just her husband. Not just little they were seriously overweight. Doctors were recommended reduction of weight. It was serious issue. But they never took it seriously. Lookwise they didn't mind it. They were perfectly happy. So Tanu never encouraged diet. She just never thought that it would be risky. She always tried to be nice. She loved him and she felt that due to it Ramesh was just having teddy bear like. She loved it. It was perfect. She felt safe with teddy bear and she felt safe with him. She never felt that it could be risky. She felt so upset. She didn't want to remember but she kept seeing crying of that lady. Her neighbour! She was her friend but when her husband died. She was suddenly changed. She didn't talk with her the way she used to. Everything was changed. She knew that it was very sad. She kept seeing her face. She was so scared. Then she suddenly looked in car mirror. Face of that friend was watching towards her. She was not Meena. She started screaming loudly " I am not Meena!" She was screaming such loudly. She took deep breath. It was not right. She was feeling so sick. She needed to relax. She tried to control her vomiting but she couldn't. She just needed to stop car. She came out and started vomiting. She was not well. She was sick. She looked around. She didn't understand that place. She started shivering. She was so scared. A man stopped car and came towards her. He has his wife in tow with him. So it was clearly a helpful couple. He asked" What happened? Are you sick?" She tried to answer but nothing came out of her mouth. She kept shivering. She didn't understand how could she stay like that. She looked around. She suddenly understood. She smiled and said " This is just nightmare. It would vanish." She closed her eyes and started to say prayer. She opened them. She was  so sure that they would vanish. She saw herself sleeping on bed. But she was not on bed. She was still on road. She standing by her vomiting. She was standing in a place unknown to her. Tanu was so shivering with fear. She felt so helpless. She didn't understand what she was doing. Then that man asked " Do you want me to call someone from your house?" She nodded immediately. She wanted Ramesh to help her. She was so confused. She didn't understand why did she came here. She gave them her mobile. That woman looked confused. That lady " Your husband is not taking call?! Are you sure this is right number?!" She began to tell but Tanu laughed and said " He must be in office now." Tanu tried to stand but her body didn't manage. She was about to fall on road when that man took hold of her. Then he gently put her back in her driving seat as his wife instructed. By then she understood they were husband and wife. She could see that authority & affection in her eyes. She needed Ramesh too. She missed him so much. She was so upset. She didn't understand what was right and what was wrong. She wanted her life back. She wanted to go back. Then they called Cops. Cops took her in their car with help of lady Cop she managed to stand on her feet. They gave her something which managed to bring some colour on her cheek. She started thanking her. Then they asked her address. She told it. Then they took her back to her home. They told security about her condition. They started taking her inside but security officer stopped them. Security man " This is Meena madam wife of Harish sir not Tanu Madam wife of Ramesh sir." She was so shocked. She was Tanu how could security confuse in her name like that. She screamed loudly on him. " Are you out of your mind? I am Tanu!" Security looked nervous. He started to look upset & upset. He said "Let me call Madam's parents! Ronit baba is alone in house. He is just ten years old. He couldn't handle." Cops nodded. Then they decided to wait. Security offered keys of Meena's house but she objected. She was Tanu not Meena. She knew who she was. She was missing Ramesh so much. She just wanted him. Then she suddenly saw gate was opened and car entered. Ramesh came out of it. Ramesh just came out of driving seat and she ran in his arms without second thought and started crying.

     Real Tanu was sitting beside her husband Ramesh. She was so shocked when Meena hugged her husband before entire society this way. Tanu knew that Meena was not in her senses. She lost her husband Harish few days ago. But after all it was thing of few days ago she couldn't just start claiming her husband like this! It was shocking. Even Ramesh was frustrated. He pushed her away. " What's wrong? Meena bhabhi why you are hugging me like that?" Ramesh imphasised on word Bhabhi which was telling her that she was wife of his brother. Harish was not actual brother but he was not less than brother. Ramesh was so shocked. He always gave respect to Meena like mother or sister but he never thought she would act this way. He saw that many people were watching down. It was quiet clear that argument was going on for long time. Meena was shocked. She didn't understand. She was still sure that she was Tanu. She was in love with Ramesh. She started to hug him forcefully. Finally Tanu pushed her away. Meena started watching her. She was having her face. Meena knew that it was her face. It was face of Tanu. She was so confused. She didn't understand how did she landed in this wrong body. She knew that something wrong had happened. She didn't understand how could it actually happen in life. She was Tanu. She knew that she knew all about her life. She remembered everything. She knew that something wrong had happened. She didn't remember how. Then she began to sense that Meena might knew witchcraft. One day she saw her cutting lemon. She knew all now. Meena's husband died. Her life was shattered so she took her husband and life. But she couldn't let her take her Ramesh like that! He was her husband. She didn't understand why didn't Ramesh sensed. Then she remembered her kids. She began to scream " I want to see my kids!!" Tanu came ahead and said " Then go home. Ronit is waiting for you." " I don't want to see your kid. I want to see my two kids." Tanu was so angry now. Meena was trying to prove that her kids were actually Meena's kids. " Are you out of your mind? Those are my kids!" Meena started laughing strange way. Meena " You can't fool me by putting me in your body. I am not stupid. I know who I am! I remember all. I can recount every incident from my childhood. I know I am Tanu." Tanu was so shocked. She knew that Meena was stressed and upset. She knew that Meena needed to get over her sorrows but that didn't mean that she started to say she loved Ramesh. He was her husband. Tanu was so upset and jealous. She started to push Meena away but Meena suddenly developed so much strength. She managed to bite Tanu on hand. Tanu screamed in pain. Tanu started to look towards her wound. She was so shocked. She was bleeding and Meena's mouth was full of blood. Meena was crying and laughing. Ramesh was so scared. He took hold of Tanu's wounded hand and began to run towards lift. Meena was running after them like some monster from horror movie. Tanu wanted to cry but she didn't. She kept running. She took breath of relief when they reached towards lift. They went inside. She saw Meena was running towards them. Meena's mouth was red with her blood. She immediately started to close door. She was so scared that she might not able to close it on time. But she managed. She smiled happily. Finally she was inside lift. But then she shivered. What if Tanu managed to use stairs and reached faster than lift. She was so scared. She knew that it was super natural but she didn't think that Meena was acting natural at all. Meena never showed any interest in her husband. Meena was deeply in love with Harish. This was something she never thought as possible thing. Sometimes she began to think truely something took hold of Meena's body. She felt so scared. She turned towards Ramesh and asked " Do you think that she might be possessed by some evil spirit!" Ramesh started laughing loudly even in that situation. Ramesh " Do you believe in ghosts?" Tanu nodded. She didn't understand why she did it. But she was so scared. She started praying that when she opened her eyes Meena shouldn't be outside. Lift stopped on their floor. Meena was not there. Tanu ran in her flat. Ramesh ran after her. When Tanu locked her door, she started crying in pain. Her hand was paining so much. She was feeling so scared. She needed to call Doctor. She didn't want to call anyone. She was scared to open door but Ramesh already managed to call Doctor. He was on mobile explaining all. He took some time to convince Doctor situation of emergency. Doctor agreed to come. Ramesh came near her with first aid. They knew that it was useless still they tried. They wanted to find some way to calm themselves. Then finally Doctor came. Doctor was looking scared too. " I saw that lady. She was still running around. She was searching some way to come here. Security guard managed to stop lift. So she didn't able to come up." Tanu smiled happily. Tanu " She was totally normal few days ago. Then suddenly her husband died and this started." " I don't understand." Ramesh " It is long story. Do you have time to listen.." Doctor " You know very well. I am not going down until her parents didn't took her back in her flat. She is risky. She could have managed to harm me too. So tell me her story." " Well I tell you all from beginning. It was normal and perfect. Then step by step entire trouble began. I just wished only if her family had understood but they didn't. Now this reached to this level. You can see her horrible condition!" " Of course I can see. I hope you filed Police complaint!" Tanu and Ramesh looked towards each other with confused expression. Tanu " We don't want to put her in jail." " tell Cops to force them to take her to mental hospital. Do you ever thought that she might kill someone in this madness?" Ramesh nodded and began to call Cops. Then Tanu turned to Doctor who was expecting story from her so she started narrating.

   Tanu " We came in this flat without knowing any one here while Meena and Harish were old member of society. They redeveloped building and on that point they got this flat. From beginning they were helpful and friendly. Meena was in deep love with her husband Harish. She never showed any interest towards anyone. But she kept complaining about their low financial level which was upsetting for Harish." Ramesh came in room and added " Harish was nice man but Meena use to irritate him too much." Tanu came in Meena's defence " It was not always her mistake. He didn't do much saving & he was spending too much on his hobby!" " What hobby?!" " He liked to collect stamps." Doctor laughed. Doctor " How much a person could spend on stamps?!" " Lakhs!" Tanu nodded. Doctor was shocked. " How?" " He had strange obsession. He used to ran after them and then he started to took many big offer! Soon people sense his obsession and started to fool him for money. He used to pay lots of money for ordinary stamp. It was madness." Tanu " That's why I have sympathy for Meena. It was not easy to adjust with such mad man." Ramesh didn't like this statement he came in Harish's defense " He was not mad man. He used to do so many things for Meena. Even today her locker is full of jewelry." Doctor smiled. Clearly this couple had true friendship with other couple. But it didn't seem to cure their madness. Then Tanu continued her story " He kept spending money on those stamps. Their arguments continued. Then slowly he started to get over weight just like Ramesh. We discussed gym but we never went there. I was okay with it. Meena pretended that she was okay but she was upset. She wanted him to reduce his weight. She began to demand it. Harish started to get upset. Ronit used to come and play here. Slowly Ronit even started to stay overnight with kids. He was nice & obedient kid so I didn't object at beginning. But as days went ahead. Kids started to object. They needed privacy. So we started to reduce connection with them. I started to tell Ronit that kids were not in house went to classes. I still see Rohit's upset face after it. But we have small room and two kids stay in one room. Specifically my daughter didn't want boys in her room and I can understand it. My house is with two bedroom but when you have girl in your house. It didn't seem right. Ronit is just ten years old but still he is boy and my daughter didn't want him to stay in her room whole time. If my son showed some special desire for him. I should have convince her but my son said he acted like pet dog! I was so upset with my son over that comment. But moral of story was my kids didn't want him around. So I started avoiding him." Ramesh added " Harish was nice fellow but he kept eating too much oily then whole time he kept complaining about his wife or discussing about stamps. Most importantly his hobit of drinking was sick in my eyes. I didn't want to become alcoholic so I avoided him." Then they didn't talk much for some time. Then Tanu added " We needed to stand with them in their worst time but we can't since Harish's obsession with stamps was increasing. He was not listening to Meena and she was getting angry. We don't dare to suggest psychiatrist. Even Ronit started to show signs of mental trouble. Ronit began to collect bus tickets!" Doctor laughed. " Kids do that! It is not madness. Any way did you ask your kid why did they dislike Ronit?!" Tanu nodded " My daughter said she didn't like the way he looked at her." Tanu laughed. " It was her mental interpretation. He is small boy of 10 years." Doctor didn't laugh but he didn't even supported her daughter's interpretation. But Doctor said " If she felt that way then it is better to respect her privacy!" " Yes so we did interior and provided small different room to her." Doctor nodded " Good decision." " But after it my son started inviting his friends in home but Ronit was not included in list. At beginning he tried to come then his self respect was hurt so Ronit stopped coming. It was hard for me. That small boy was innocent. I mean still he is but due to my kids tantrum I forced to tell him to go away." Ramesh " After this slowly even Harish started to stop smiling towards us. We never entered in each other's house. But Meena kept coming." "She was so frustrated. She didn't understand how could she control her husband. I tried my best to console her. Then one day suddenly Harish had heart attack." " We don't know anything until we don't hear crying. Meena was crying and screaming. Then she fainted during funeral. One day she was screaming and next day she was sitting peacefully. She was acting strange. I wanted to help but her parents didn't permit. They said that something was wrong with her. She was doing Balck magic or she was victim of black magic. I don't understand what they meant but I can't disobey them can I?" " No you can't. What about that boy Ronit? Did he say something?!" " No he never came back. He is still in house. He never come out. We don't saw him for days." Doctor looked confused. " When did you last time you saw him?" " Well.. actually we don't remember." " Did Meena was friendly with any one else?" Tanu smiled and said " With everyone! I am the one who had trouble in finding friends. But after her husband's death I heard lots of criticism about her. I mean she was use to irritate people." " In what way?" " She was use to keep asking for help regarding her husband. She wanted them to convince him stop purchasing stamps. People didn't even try it. If we say this to Harish. He might jump on our throat. He was crazy about stamps." Doctor nodded with sad face. Then he gave them card with name. " This is number of psychiatrist if they ask to give it. If you want to file Police complaint... " " she is best friend." Then Doctor looked down. Meena was taken away. He smiled and said bye. Tanu took breath of relief. Tanu "We need to go away for sometime." Ramesh nodded.

     Meena's parents were very upset. They didn't understand how did they would handle situation. They entered in empty house. It was horrible. They were trying so hard to hide all. But it was clear that it was going out of their hand. One thing was clear that it was not Meena's mistake. But Meena was suffering. Meena's Dad " We can't keep her like that let's call Doctor!" " But then Cop will ask questions." " Harish is dead. Now it will not matter that much." Her Mom nodded. They called psychiatrist. They told situation. Psychiatrist was clearly shocked. Then ambulance came. When Ramesh heard voice of ambulance he shivered. Ramesh " Now they will tell all!" Tanu " Maybe we should go and talk or stop.." " let them do it." Psychiatrist was very upset after seeing Meena. They gave her injection to put her in sleep. Then they asked about her. Her parents confessed. " Actually this started after death of her husband. She was so upset." " She didn't have child?! Security mentioned one boy. We don't see him." " He died in hospital before his father's death." " How?!" Her parents looked at each other and then they told " Actually they were having one party in this house. Neighbours were invited. They wanted to make friendship. During party small argument happened between kids. Harish was drunk. He got angry. He slapped his son Ronit. He got injured. He was admitted in hospital. To save Harish everyone lied that he slipped. Then he died. We didn't tell anyone since we were scared. Society members might decide to throw Harish out of society. He was acting like crazy man." They stopped to take breath then they continued " Then few days ago he died due to heart attack. Meena was pretending her dead son was alive. During this time they developed nice relationship. It was hard but she even managed to forgive him." Her Mom smiled in hysterical way and said " Actually she needed husband she didn't have much option so she forced to forgive him. Then he died too. She got hysteric. She started to claim she was Tanu. Her neighbour Tanu was nice person who tried to help her." Psychiatrist nodded. " Harish is dead so we don't need to go in this incidence. But I feel you should have reported this incidence. Meena suffered due to it. She couldn't able to forgive him. She hated herself for loving him so she started to pretend that she was someone else. She tried to become someone strong like Tanu." " Can you cure her?" " Yes we will.." Meena's parents smiled with relief. They didn't want to lose their daughter. They went away in ambulance. Tanu was watching it all. When they left Tanu turned to Ramesh. Tanu " I feel we need this card. We need to show our kids to psychiatrist." Ramesh " Why?" Tanu angrily " Because we saw that our son push that toy under Ronit's feet!" Ramesh screamed angrily on her " It was his mistake." Tanu didn't calm down. She screamed loudly " But he might repeat it again." Then Ramesh looked away and Tanu took appointment of child psychiatrist on mobile.

                                                               The End

Friday, November 27, 2020

Poem. 5872. Shine of direction that

                        Shine of direction that

Shine of direction that show new path to strength of mind which start new move to feel of soul which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that start new soul to concept of dream which form new path to light of route which give new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new route to thought of hope which create new step to path of start which show new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that give new touch to chapter of soul which give new knowledge to way of move which create new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that create new step to move of route which show new strength to soul of step which start new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that show new start to path of dream which form new appeal to touch of step which show new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new route to step of move which create new route to spirit of path which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that give new start to soul of path which show new knowledge to move of step which create new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that create new move to route of way which start new strength to soul of start which give new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that start new chapter to light of route which form new route to concept of touch which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that give new concept to step of light which create new path to strength of move which show new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that show new touch to start of move which give new thought to step of concept which start new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new appeal to path of step which show new chapter to route of appeal which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that create new start to move of route which form new concept to path of direction which show new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that show new way to smile of chapter which give new strength to step of dream which create new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that start new route to dream of strength which create new soul to touch of chapter which give new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that give new touch to thought of appeal which show new start to concept of move which show new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new chapter to touch of soul which start new path to knowledge of step which give new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that create new hope to dream of step which give new route to chapter of strength which start new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that show new start to route of hope which form new light to concept of touch which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that start new soul to chapter of move which create new way to dream of thought which create new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that give new step to concept of start which show new route to hope of soul which show new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new touch to strength of path which start new step to smile of thought which start new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that create new step to knowledge of way which form new soul to start of touch which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that show new start to appeal of touch which give new thought to step of soul which give new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new soul to strength of move which start new chapter to route of way which create new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that start new step to thought of soul which create new touch to path of appeal which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that create new way to concept of step which show new start to light of chapter which give new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that show new route to chapter of move which form new step to move of dream which create new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new light to strength of soul which give new knowledge to way of hope which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that give new appeal to move of path which start new strength to soul of chapter which show new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new strength to step of way which create new touch to move of concept which give new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that start new touch to soul of step which form new spirit to chapter of strength which create new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that create new hope to start of move which show new route to appeal of soul which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new thought to way of chapter which give new step to touch of path which show new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that give new knowledge to step of touch which start new way to dream of route which give new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that start new strength to move of hope which form new route to chapter of way which start new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that show new appeal to path of dream which create new soul to concept of soul which form new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that create new step to touch of light which give new knowledge to move of appeal which give new spirit to mind

Shine of direction that form new dream to soul of chapter which start new route to strength of move which show new spirit to mind.

Poem. 5871. Path show new route to

                               Path show new route to

Path show new route to thinking of mind that start new direction to move of learning which start new chapter to way in life

Path show new route to meaning of step that create new start to concept of feeling which form new touch to way in life

Path show new route to feeling of dream that start new path to strength of understanding which give new smile to way in life

Path show new route to learning of shine that give new move to chapter of meaning which create new hope to way in life

Path show new route to understanding of soul that form new spirit to direction of feeling which start new route of way in life

Path show new route to meaning of appeal that create new move to strength of thinking which form new soul of way in life

Path show new route to feeling of chapter that start new touch to knowledge of learning which create new step of way in life

Path show new route to learning of touch that give new direction to step of understanding which give new start of way in life

Path show new route to thinking of soul that form new strength to move of meaning which form new touch of way in life

Path show new route to feeling of move that create new touch to start of feeling which show new concept of way in life

Path show new route to meaning of step that start new shine to knowledge of learning which form new strength of way in life

Path show new route to learning of start that form new appeal to direction of thinking which give new appeal of way in life

Path show new route to thinking of move that give new knowledge to move of feeling which create new dream of way in life

Path show new route to understanding of route that show new step to appeal of meaning which start new shine of way in life

Path show new route to learning of chapter that form new touch to strength of thinking which form new spirit of way in life

Path show new route to feeling of direction that start new direction to move of learning which create new step of way in life

Path show new route to meaning of dream that create new smile to chapter of feeling which show new direction of way in life

Path show new route to thinking of hope that give new strength to concept of meaning which start new shine of way in life

Path show new route to learning of smile that form new chapter to strength of understanding which give new move of way in life

Path show new route to meaning of soul that start new touch to direction of thinking which form new thought of way in life

Path show new route to feeling of chapter that create new step to knowledge of learning which start new soul of way in life

Path show new route to thinking of dream that give new soul to concept of meaning which show new appeal of way in life

Path show new route to learning of hope that form new strength to move of feeling which form new touch of way in life

Path show new route to meaning of shine that create new appeal to touch of understanding which start new soul of way in life

Path show new route to feeling of touch that start new concept to shine of learning which create new step of way in life

Path show new route to thinking of step that form new thought to step of understanding which form new spirit of way in life

Path show new route to understanding of soul that create new touch to start of meaning which start new move of way in life

Path show new route to meaning of appeal that give new knowledge to move of feeling which show new step of way in life

Path show new route to learning of chapter that start new direction to soul of thinking which give new start of way in life

Path show new route to feeling of concept that form new touch to step of understanding which form new dream of way in life

Path show new route to thinking of strength that create new start to shine of learning which start new direction of way in life

Path show new route to meaning of appeal that form new soul to light of understanding which give new move of way in life

Path show new route to learning of chapter that give new step to appeal of feeling which form new dream of way in life

Path show new route to understanding of soul that start new move to chapter of thinking which give new step of way in life

Path show new route to feeling of concept that create new path to strength of meaning which create new soul of way in life

Path show new route to meaning of dream that form new touch to direction of feeling which form new spirit of way in life

Path show new route to learning of step that start new shine to thought of understanding which give new start of way in life

Path show new route to thinking of soul that give new appeal to knowledge of meaning which create new step of way in life

Path show new route to feeling of chapter that form new spirit to concept of learning which form new spirit of way in lifea

Path show new route to meaning of touch that create new step to direction of thinking which give new start of way in life.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Poem. 5870. Look of dream show

                     Look of dream show 

Look of dream show new strength to mind that start new direction to thinking of life which form new way to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new appeal to mind that form new knowledge to feeling of life which create new step to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new touch to mind that create new concept to learning of life which start new soul to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new chapter to mind that give new appeal to meaning of life which form new touch to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new concept to mind that form new touch to thinking of life which give new soul to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new direction to mind that create new way to understanding of life which start new path to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new world to mind that start new chapter to learning of life which create new route to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new path to mind that form new direction to meaning of life which show new shine to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new soul to mind that create new touch to feeling of life which start new chapter to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new step to mind that give new knowledge to thinking of life which create new path to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new move to mind that form new strength to understanding of life which give new step to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new chapter to mind that create new move to learning of life which form new appeal to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new thought to mind that give new shine to feeling of life which start new concept to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new appeal to mind that start new route to meaning of life which give new route to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new direction to mind that form new path to thinking of life which create new touch to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new strength to mind that create new way to feeling of life which start new direction to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new touch to mind that give new hope to learning of life which form new chapter to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new move to mind that form new direction to meaning of life which give new route to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new chapter to mind that create new strength to thinking of life which form new soul to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new concept to mind that give new knowledge to feeling of life which start new path to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new thought to mind that start new appeal to understanding of life which give new move to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new appeal to mind that form new chapter to meaning of life which create new step to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new chapter to mind that create new step to learning of life which form new route to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new direction to mind that start new path to thinking of life which give new soul to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new strength to mind that form new touch to feeling of life which show new appeal to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new concept to mind that give new direction to meaning of life which form new touch to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new appeal to mind that create new strength to learning of life which give new soul to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new touch to mind that start new chapter to understanding of life which show new step to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new move to mind that give new appeal to thinking of life which form new touch to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new step to mind that form new route to meaning of life which create new appeal to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new soul to mind that give new concept to feeling of life which start new route to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new start to mind that create new touch to learning of life which form new soul to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new move to mind that form new thought to meaning of life which give new step to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new appeal to mind that give new chapter to thinking of life which create new path to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new touch to mind that start new direction to feeling of life which form new touch to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new thought to mind that form new shine to understanding of life which give new soul to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new chapter to mind that create new step to meaning of life which start new direction to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new strength to mind that give new start to thinking of life which show new route to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new concept to mind that start new path to learning of life which form new soul to spirit of mind

Look of dream show new chapter to mind that form new appeal to feeling of life which create new move to spirit of mind.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...