Friday, March 20, 2020

Poem. 5142. Whatever give smile is positive side of life

                      Whatever give smile is positive side of life
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other causes are useless bubbles of life that confuse our mind just hope have strength to give new shine that show new spirit to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other direction are just confusions of mind that start to take us on wrong track of life that show new world to learning of spirit to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other route are just wrong direction of spirit that give light on each touch of move that show new strength to feeling of path to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other move are just shadows of motive that give shine on each step of thought that give new morning to understanding of spirit to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other start are just route of concept that give thought on each path of appeal that give new direction to thinking of move to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other path are just direction of step that give knowledge  on each way of concept that give new strength to learning of path to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other route are just chapter of move that give direction on each start of strength that give new appeal to understanding of step to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other start are just concept of word that give strength on each touch of chapter that give new direction to feeling of knowledge to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other path are useless routes of touch that give appeal on each step of concept that give new knowledge to meaning of spirit to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other move are just chapters of move that give touch on each route of strength that give new appeal to thinking of direction to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other step are just touches of shine that give light on each direction of knowledge that give new strength to learning of route to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other appeal are just moves of step that give route on each strength of concept that give new knowledge to feeling of chapter to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other touch are just paths of knowledge that give way on each strength of touch that give new direction to meaning of concept to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other spirit are just steps of chapter that give route on each knowledge of direction that give new appeal to thinking of strength to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other step are useless path of concept that give start on each strength of chapter that give new appeal to understanding of route to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other route are useless move of chapter that give path on each concept of world that give new direction to learning of move to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other move are just starts of direction that give touch on each strength of soul that give new knowledge to feeling of concept to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other step are just routes of concept that need to reach to hope of thinking that give new chapter to meaning of strength to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other word are just mirror of negative that give wrong route we need to give it right turn to concept of feeling of move to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other path are just path of direction that give long route to reach hope but hope is finally showing new light to world of way to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other route are just trouble of spirit that give worst appeal to touch which will turn thinking new knowledge to light of shine to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other move are just chapter of route that give wrong way to appeal which will create wrong move to thinking of direction to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other spirit are just concept of touch that give dark route to hope which will confuse to understanding but show light to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other start are just struggle of reaching that hope which will show new light to direction to meaning to spirit to knowledge to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other move are just strength of feeling that create negative to spirit to thinking of concept to shine of direction to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other route are just concept of learning that show hope of soul to understanding of direction to appeal of strength to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other step are just direction of meaning that give strength of way to learning of move to concept of appeal to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other word are just reflection of fear that give confusion to thought of soul to thinking of step to direction of knowledge to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other path are just knowledge of thinking that give direction of step to meaning of route to strength of concept to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other route are useless direction of confused feared soul that might scare for sometime but route of hope will enter in life to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other word are just strength of concept which show new direction of spirit for knowledge of appeal which give hope to way to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other move are just chapter of appeal which show new word for direction of knowledge which give long way to reach dream to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other route are just shine of move which show new concept of strength of fight which give spirit to find move of hope to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other step are just concept of start which show new chapter of direction of route which give negative route of dream to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other word are useless direction of path which show negative route of chapter which will vanish with hope to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other start are just confused impact of move which show dark touch of move which give step with shine to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other route are useless strength of appeal which show shadow of negative which move away with light that give positive to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other path are just knowledge of concept which show darkness of thinking which start to take route away with hopeful shine to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other touch are useless direction of negative which vanish with hope of soul which show new word to concept of soul to thought of mind
Whatever give smile is positive side of life other word are just reflection of wrong way which show hard way to fight for hope in life which show hard way to show shine to thought of mind.

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