Sunday, June 30, 2019

Poem. 4688. Every line show some emotion

                                      Every line show some emotion
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new appeal to meaning that create new direction to thought of soul that give new knowledge to soul of chapter to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new thought to learning that create new spirit to concept of light that give new strength to concept of thought to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to feeling that create new shine to chapter of touch that give new concept to chapter of strength to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to thinking that create new soul to start of spirit that give new move to thought of concept to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new direction to meaning that create new start to direction of route that give new strength to starting of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to thinking that create new spirit to strength of move that give new knowledge to feeling of route to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new chapter to direction that create new start to direction of route that give new strength to meaning of soul to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new concept to thinking that create new shine to strength of step that give new direction to learning of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to feeling that create new spirit to learning of soul that give new knowledge to feeling of shine to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to learning that create new touch to spirit of word that give new concept to move of step to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to feeling that create new direction to feeling of chapter that give new thought to touch of route to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new direction to meaning that create new strength to learning of spirit that give new strength to shine of soul to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to feeling that create new thought to meaning of soul that give new thought to spirit of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to learning that create new direction to feeling of chapter that give new shine to route of word to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new concept to thinking that create new chapter to learning of thought that give new light to step of touch to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new chapter to meaning that create new direction to meaning of soul that give new thought to shine of step to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to learning that create new thought to thinking of move that give new concept to touch of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to feeling that create new chapter to meaning of spirit that give new direction to feel of chapter to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new thought to meaning that create new direction to learning of soul that give new strength to world of touch to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new direction to thinking that create new strength to feeling of chapter that give new chapter to spirit of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new concept to learning that create new knowledge to soul of concept that give new thought to route of step to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to feeling that create new appeal to learning of thought that give new concept to word of start to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new chapter to meaning that create new direction to thinking of knowledge that give new light to shine of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to thinking that create new appeal to learning of concept that give new thought to spirit of word to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new concept to learning that create new chapter to feeling of appeal that give new knowledge to soul of start to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to feeling that create new thought to meaning of soul that give new direction to touch of step to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new thought to learning that create new chapter to learning of move that give new thought to starting of route to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to feeling that create new world to thinking of route that give new strength to meaning of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new direction to meaning that create new concept to meaning of soul that give new chapter to feeling of start to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to learning that create new direction to learning of spirit that give new thought to thinking of soul to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to feeling that create new chapter to feeling of chapter that give new light to thinking of shine to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new direction to meaning that create new touch to thinking of shine that give new direction to starting of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new thought to learning that create new world to meaning of soul that give new strength to learning of spirit to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to thinking that create new start to feeling of start that give new shine to feeling of touch to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new thinking to strength that create new direction to meaning of soul that give new thought to meaning of soul to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new feeling to concept that create new appeal to learning of move that give new strength to feeling of shine to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new meaning to chapter that create new thought to feeling of chapter that give new light to thinking of spirit to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new learning to thought that create new direction to thinking of soul that give new shine to strength of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new thought to strength that create new appeal to feeling of concept that give new start to direction of route to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to start that create new direction to meaning of appeal that give new route to thought of path to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to move that create new chapter to learning of strength that give new concept to meaning of step to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new thought to touch that create new world to thinking of appeal that give new strength to learning of chapter to way in life ki
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to feeling that create new word to meaning of soul that give new thought to feeling of concept to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to learning that create new path to strength of path that give new light to thinking of soul to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new thought to meaning that create new direction to knowledge of move that give new shine to thinking of start to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new direction to feeling that create new strength to appeal of touch that give new thought to meaning of soul to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to learning that create new chapter to start of word that give new shine to feeling of move to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new strength to thinking that create new direction to touch of spirit that give new strength to learning of soul to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new thought to meaning that create new chapter to start of move that give new thought to learning of spirit to way in life
Every line show some emotion of mind which give new knowledge to feeling that create new concept to path of shine that give new strength to meaning of chapter to way in life.

Poem. 4687. Every sky have many clouds

                                   Every sky have many clouds
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show them on every point with touches of life that give spirit of learning to word to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show spirit on every way with routes of life that give path of thinking to chapter to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show start on every path with appeals of life that give move of meaning to route to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show shine on every step with starts of life that give thought of feeling to spirit to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show move on every light with shines of life that give soul of thinking to chapter to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show word on every start with touches of life that give shine of meaning to route to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show touch on every step with routes of life that give start of feeling to concept to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show thought on every light with words of life that give path of thinking to word to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show touch on every route with touches of life that give word of learning to way to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show spirit on every step with routes of life that give concept of meaning to step to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show start on every path with shines of life that give chapter of feeling to touch to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show path on every start with spirits of life that give appeal of thinking to shine to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show step on every shine with smiles of life that give touch of learning to spirit to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show move on every spirit with hopes of life that give step of meaning to route to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show start on every route with moves of life that give shine of thinking to touch to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show spirit on every step with paths of life that give move of feeling to thought to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show step on every word with chapters of life that give spirit of meaning to route to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show path on every light with touches of life that give shine of thinking to word to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show shine on every step with paths of life that give strength of learning to step to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show start on every way with starts of life that give knowledge of feeling to path to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show path on every start with words of life that give chapter of meaning to start to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show step on every smile with feels of life that give thought of learning to shine to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show shine on every start with ways of life that give knowledge of route to touch to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show path on every route with lights of life that give direction of step to chapter to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show start on every step with moves of life that give strength of path to concept to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show route on every move with starts of life that give touch of word to appeal to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show spirit on every start with touches of life that give start of shine to thought to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show start on every step with hopes of life that give thought of start to direction to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show path on every touch with words of life that give touch of move to thought to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show touch on every start with spirits of life that give route of word to strength to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show chapter on every path with routes of life that give step of move to touch to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show concept on every step with paths of life that give shine of start to light to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show appeal on every start with words of life that give touch of route to start to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show direction on every move with starts of life that give path of shine to path to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show thought on every touch with shines of life that give move of touch to way to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show touch on every direction with lights of life that give word of chapter to step to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show start on every chapter with routes of life that give light of concept to touch to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show shine on every touch with paths of life that give shine of direction to step to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show step on every thought with ways of life that give start of strength to move to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show path on every appeal with moves of life that give touch of appeal to start to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show touch on every start with steps of life that give thought of concept to word to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show shine on every word with chapters of life that give route of chapter to step to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show start on every step with concept of life that give light of shine to strength to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show touch on every start with knowledge of life that give path of start to shine to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show route on every step with positive touch of life that give move of chapter to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show path on every start with shine of life that give learning of strength to step to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need learning which show light on every shine with path of life that give meaning of appeal to soul to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need thinking which show touch on every start with move of life that give thought of touch to shine to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need feeling which show chapter on every word with path of life that give route of spirit to guide to mind
Every sky have many clouds of hope to count from mind we just need meaning which show concept on every step with route of life that give shine of word to touch to mind.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Adventure story 403. Betrayal of mind

                                           Betrayal of mind
Sunita was sitting in sun feeling so fresh. She was daughter of sunshine. She loved sun rays. She always used to run in balcony to see sunrise. Sunita was so fond of sun. Her parents never understood her love of sun. But she was fond of Sunshine and she always used to watch sun in morning. Every day she started with sun. Her parents always felt confused regarding her desire to go in sun. Everyone thought that it was childish desire. They all thought that it would vanish with time. But it never did. On every day she used to go in balcony. Even today Sunita sat in balcony under Sun when she suddenly heard someone was laughing. She looked around. A woman who was sitting in balcony of next building was laughing on her. She felt so confused. That woman screamed " Why did you sit in Balcony every morning didn't you feel you are tan enough?" She felt so hurt. She was clearly talking about her complexion. Then she suddenly remembered her elder sister Tara was talking about this woman in morning but she ignored her. She felt that Tara was exaggerating. But now she sensed that she was telling truth. She was taunting Tara on overweight and now she was taunting her on complexion. She just decided to ignore her. She kept looking at Sun. That woman screamed again " You must not do it otherwise Sunrays will turn you blind." She was so upset. She wanted to relax and this lady was keep irritating her. She turned behind and went in home. She went in kitchen where her Mom was cooking. She began to tell her regarding neighbour. " Mom that lady in neighbourhood is so irritating. Yesterday Tara was telling me about her. " Her Mom looked at her with shock. Mom " Why did you keep forgetting that Tara can't talk now?" She felt so confused. She remembered Tara chatting with her clearly. Sunita " Mom Tara truly said.." Mom gave her angry look. Mom " Did you forgot Tara left us?" She felt so confused. " When?" Mom " Just forget it. What about neighbour?" " There is one neighbour who stood in next building and keep taunting me." " Let me see." Her Mom hurried in Balcony but she was already gone. " Mom she is not going to wait for you!!" " I know but it was worth trying. I want to know who was taunting you!!" Then her Mom went out. They both looked around no one was there. " She is gone so now you can relax."  " Mom I feel so upset.."" About Tara?" " What about her? She got all Beauty!!" Her Mom looked at Sunita with shocked look. Sunita could clearly sensed that Mom didn't like her taunts. " I don't want to taunt Tara but I am so upset due to that woman. She was taunting in worst way. I don't understand why did she keep doing it? She taunted even.." Then she suddenly remembered Tara had left them. She didn't went abroad but she left entire world. She was no longer going part of it. She began to feel so upset. She knew that Tara didn't said it yesterday. She said it long ago. Tara was dead before a week. She took deep breath and said " Sorry Mom I kept talking as if Tara is alive." Her Mom looked more confused. " So? She is alive." Now Sunita started to feel confused. She began to sense her memories were getting confused. Then she asked " Then who died?" Her Mom looked confused. Her Mom " What are you talking about?" Sunita sensed that she was getting confused regarding entire issue. Sunita " Nothing.." she just smiled. She went in room. She started to remember yesterday. She couldn't remember it. Then she began to remember day before it. She couldn't. But she still remembered many days of her life. She just couldn't remember few days which were by coincidence related to today. She was so irritated. She began to remember hard. She tried to remember them. She just sensed one thing someone was dead. She was so frustrated that no one was telling her anything. She was perfect in health so no one needed to protect her from health crisis so why did her Mom was hiding. She started to think hard. She tried hard then she remembered a car crashed in woods. She shivered with fear. She knew that it was accident. She was so upset. She started to think about it's cause. Her Mom didn't tell her anything so she sensed that it was her mistake. She killed someone by her own mistake. She knew it from her heart. She sensed it. She began to remember who. She began to think that it must be Tara. She looked around house. She didn't find Tara. She didn't remember cause of her absence. Then she suddenly remembered. Tara went away for studies. She smiled happily. So her sister was not dead. At least one fact was clear. But she didn't understand why she didn't remember those days. She returned back to Mom. " Mom I just don't remember what happened yesterday?" She tried her best to show it was just causal thing. But in her soul she knew that it was odd. But her Mom just smiled and said " Nothing special worth remembering!!" She didn't like her Mom's this approach she wanted to remember about entire day. She smiled and added " But still can you describe?" Her Mom laughed and said " Is it some kind of essay competition? Describe what happened yesterday?!!" Sunita started laughing too. She needed to appear normal but she was not feeling it and she knew that soon it would come out. She needed to remember yesterday. Then Mom asked " What did you like for lunch?" " I don't mind anything as long as it is healthy!!" Her Mom nodded. But her Mom looked confused. Her Mom " Normally you have demands." " I don't have any today." She ran to her room. She started searching for something which could tell her about yesterday. She forgot yesterday then she must had something horrible in it. She shivered with fear. She knew that she must had done some crime. She kept looking around for clues. She began to feel so suspicious. She knew that her Mom would never cheat her so she knew that her Mom was protecting her from some threat. She took deep breath and controlled her tears. She knew that something was totally wrong with her. She knew that something bad had happened and Mom was trying to hide it.
    Sunita's Mom was looking at her carefully from kitchen. She was so nervous. Sunita was acting so strange today. She was discussing Tara. It was so horrible. Sunita's Mom didn't understand what she supposed to do. What happened with Sunita was wrong. But Tara couldn't be blamed for it. Everything happened in strange way. Sunita's Mom still remembered that day which Mahesh entered in their house. She began to arrange all. Her friend suggested his proposal for Sunita. They were excited about it. She wanted her house to be perfect. She was so happy. Then Mahesh came. He was good looking boy. Sunita was looking at him from corner. She was clearly excited. But they didn't notice one thing on that time that Mahesh was not so excited. He talked more to Sunita's Dad than her. Sunita felt little upset. But then she felt that they would talk later. Then Tara came. Mahesh gave her smile. Sunita's Mom felt so strange. They both seemed to know each other. Then Tara told them that she used to work with Mahesh. Every one felt happy that Tara knew him. Tara was good looking but she was too fat. She was trying hard to lose kilos. She told them that she met him in gym. They all nodded. On that point they felt Mahesh was perfect match for Sunita. It seemed so right. Then they agreed. It was wonderful but then on same point another proposal came for Sunita too. Another boy from neighborhood. It was so strange first she couldn't find match then she found two. But out of those two Sunit choose Mahesh. He seemed so promising to her. In heart Sunita's Mom was feeling that another boy was better. He was staying in neighbourhood and every one knew him. But it was Sunita's life so they let her decide. Then they informed other boy that she was already engaged. That boy looked upset. But in few days he found that he found another girl too. Sunita was happy with Mahesh. But her Mom kept feeling uneasy. She didn't like lack of enthusiasm in Mahesh's attitude. He was not that much interested in dating. In fact he didn't date her without being forced. They always managed to find way to send them on date. Then they needed to find way to convince him for fixing date of marriage. Truthfully Sunita's Mom always kept regretting rejecting other proposal. Sunita's Mom was so sure that other boy of neighborhood was better than Mahesh but she couldn't change it so she accepted it. Then she worked hard to get one date of marriage fixed. Finally it happened. But she still remembered how hard it was specially when Mahesh kept rejecting every date. Sunita's Mom started to feel that this marriage was forced one. One day finally she asked Sunita "What did you feel about this marriage?" Sunita smiled shyly. " Mom he is perfect. I can't get better husband than him. He is so nice!!" Her Mom felt so confused. Her Mom didn't want distrub her marriage but still her Mom couldn't keep quiet after sensing trouble. Her Mom asked " But he hardly had time for you. I mean he hardly managed to arrange date for you. He needed to accomodate dates. He needed to give you sometime." Sunita looked at her with angry way. Sunita started to look upset. Sunita " What did you want? A husband for Tara? You want to tell me that he was in love with Tara. Am I wrong?" Now Sunita's Mom was confused. She never thought about Tara. Tara was in office with him. Her Mom began to think about Tara. She began to shiver. She didn't want to think about this. She didn't want Tara to be his girlfriend. She didn't want to land in this mess. Her Mom " Do you really feel he is involved in your sister?" Sunita took hold of her hand and pressed it hard. There was tears in Sunita's eyes and she said " Yes Mom. I think so. He smiles so happily when he see Tara. He start to talking her immediately. He was so happy just by her entry in room. I can see it in his eyes. Mom he love her." Sunita's Mom felt so scared. Sunita's Mom decided that she must do something. Then she went in Tara's room. Tara was happily watching TV. Mom " Tara I was thinking about you? What is your plan for future?" Tara smiled and said " Nothing!!" Sunita's Mom " What about marriage?" Tara made strange face. She clearly didn't like this discussion. Tara " Why did you want to discuss my marriage now? Let Sunita marry first!! She was the one who was so excited about marriage. I am not that much interested." " What about going abroad for studies?" Tara looked frustrated. Tara " Let me plan my life." Mom nodded and went out of room. Sunita's Mom shivered with fear. She sensed that Tara was hiding something from her. She decided that she must hurry up this marriage. So she immediately called Mahesh's parents. Then she forced them to find date of wedding. Then finally they declared one and it was yesterday. Sunita's Mom still shivered at it's memory. They all arranged everything. They were so excited. Then guests started coming and suddenly Mahesh's Mom called to cancel wedding. Entire Avenue was ready for marriage. There were stalls of food. On that point it seemed such big wastage. And then Sunita's Dad took one decision. Instead Sunita he decided to plan wedding of Tara who had confessed her affair yesterday. It was with her Boss who was father of two kids and divorced. It was worst match but Tara was determined to marry him. So Tara married to Divorced man instead of Sunita who was marrying her perfect match. But then soon they sensed that it was not that perfect. They found out that he was having affair with someone girl. And he was planning to marry her. Mahesh ran away with that girl on day of wedding. Sunita's Mom never understood why did he waited for so many days. But he must had his reasons. After Tara's marriage Sunita came home. She was like statue for a day but then suddenly today she ran in Balcony to catch Sunrays. But Sunita seemed to forget all. Her Mom didn't know how to handle it.
      Sunita started wandering around her room. Soon she sensed that she had packed most of her stuff. She tried hard to remember. She was so confused. She must be going on vacation. She didn't remember her destination. But her Mom didn't mentioned any vacation. She started to move around room. She didn't see any sign of vacation which was she planning. She started to things which were around that room. She began to see everything was packed but there was no tag for destination. She began to sense that she couldn't guess her destination. She was feeling so frustrated. She didn't remember anything and she wanted see sign of that life. She was so upset. She started looking around but she was clueless. She was so confused. She didn't understand what she supposed to do next. If she didn't remember her yesterday then how could she arrange her tomorrow!! She didn't understand what her task for next day. She took deep breath and started remembering. She managed to remember nothing. She just kept feeling upset. She didn't understand what was her purpose of life. She needed to know it. She needed to understand it. She kept looking around. She didn't see anything interesting. Then she finally found one painting which was incomplete. She decided that she must be painting. She started to feel that she needed to complete it. She saw that it was picture of bride. She started to observe that bride carefullyl. She soon sensed that bride's face was hidden. She didn't understand whom she planned to paint. She kept looking at canvas with confused expression. Then she suddenly sensed that she didn't see her Dad from morning. She was not much excited to meet her Dad. She knew that her Dad was concerned for her but still he kept irritating her too much from time to time. Her Dad always kept advising her which kept getting irritating from time to time. He was so pushy. She always found uncomfortable when he was around but today she was even upset by his absence. She started painting. She began it without thought. It seemed as if brush had it's own life. It started creating picture. She started painting it. She began to feel strange energy in her soul. She began to paint with different colours. She began to sense feel in it. Finally her picture was completed. She looked at face of bride. It was totally unknown woman with pleasant and beautiful features. She had dark complexion. She seemed like beautiful statue in cave. Her complexion was managing to enhance her beauty. She was looking so enchanting in that painting. She began to look in canvas. She knew that girl was unknown to her but still she felt strange obsession towards her. She felt that this girl had strange power on her. She began to feel that this girl might be some Goddess. Then worst thought hit her mind. What if she was witch? Witches were also beautiful. But why did she painted a witch? She began to laugh at her thought soon. In this century she couldn't believe on witch. Then suddenly her Mom entered in room. She noticed shock on her face. It was clear that she also felt that same magnetic energy of that picture. Sunita asked happily " Mom did you feel same energy towards this woman?" Her Mom kept looking at her with shock. " What happened Mom? Don't you feel she is so beautiful!!" Mom didn't answer just said " I came to call you for lunch." Sunita nodded with smile. Sunita " And what about Dad?" Her Mom took deep breath and said " He went away." " Ohh another official trip for business?!! He never get tired of them!! Any way we must not blame him. After all due to him we able to enjoy these luxuries." She smiled. Mom was confused. Mom didn't able to understand what she needed to say. Her Mom knew her Dad left town to avoid embarrassment. He was not planning to return for long time. In fact he wanted them to join too. But during entire wedding Sunita kept watching in sky in strange way. Her Mom felt that she might need Doctor. Her Mom " We can't just take our sick daughter in unknown place like that. What if she needed Doctor there? How could we handle it?" Dad looked upset. Dad " But I can't face society in this situation and I feel you must not try it too. It might harm you." "But I can't take her to unknown town like that. If she start to have problem.." " It was her mistake. We all wanted her to cancel wedding. She knew very well that he was not interested in her." " But he came to meet her?!!" "Since his parents insisted. He did it all just to please his parents and confuse them. They didn't understand his planning. Now after it he never give them much clue who is that girl." " Who is that girl?" Dad looked angry. " Do you feel I can ask people about it in this situation?" Mom felt little bit guilty. She was asking wrong questions. Since Mom didn't know much but still her one friend managed to find picture of that girl. She kept telling that girl was down market girl etc. Mom didn't know truth but she wanted it to be truth. Her soul desired revenge. Mom " Any way we can't change what happened let us stay for two three days then I will convince her and we will join you." Dad looked satisfied. Dad " But come as soon as possible." Mom nodded. This was truth but Mom was not planning to tell this to Sunita. Sunita was living in her own world. But Mom felt so shocked when she painted picture of Mahesh's wife on canvas. They all thought that she was unknown girl to them but it seemed that Sunita knew her. Mom " Did you know this girl?" " Which girl?" " The one you painted!!" Sunita started laughing. Sunita " Do you thought that this is real girl?No Mom she is just my imagination." Sunita started going out. But her Mom kept looking at canvas. Sunita " Mom aren't you going to serve me lunch? That painting is good but what is so mystic about it that you can't take your eyes away from it?" Mom couldn't answer her. Mom's voice was choked with emotions. She worked hard to control her emotion. Then Mom smiled and said " Let's go." They went in dinning room to eat lunch.
    Sunita was so happy when she saw entire lunch was her favourite. She didn't understand what was special occasion. She started eating. She was so happy and pleased when she suddenly noticed that mystic woman in window. She was shocked. She didn't understand. She could be alive. She knew that she was just her imagination. Then she saw her removing curtain aside. She was laughing. Sunita didn't like it. Since soon she sensed that she was not laughing for fun but she was cracking joke on her. She didn't understand why this mystic woman from canvas was taunting her. She felt so confused. She couldn't ignore that mystic woman if she was laughing on her. She began to so upset. She started to feel so upset. She began to sense that this woman might exist. She was trying to upset her. She began to sense that her Mom might help her in identify this woman. She kept feeling angry. Nothing was right and fair towards her. She took deep breath and began to call Mom. Her Mom came out running. Mom " What happened?" Sunita "That lady of my picture is standing outside our window. Tell her to go away!!" Her Mom looked at her with shock. Mom " I don't get it. How could anyone stand against our window?!! We are on fourth floor!!" Sunita felt so shocked. She totally forgot her floor number. She ran towards window as fast as she could. She started to shiver. She sensed that she was on top floor. She looked down it was impossible. But she saw that lady. " Mom it is impossible that this lady is here!! But still she can't be." She shivered with fear. That woman couldn't be standing near her. She began to look around. She knew that they were on fourth floor. She could see sky from window. She began to see sky from window which had worst effect on her mind. She could see a lady standing in sky. She knew that her Mom knew this lady. Her Mom was scared of that lady. She knew her. "Mom tell me who is that lady." Her Mom started to look confused. Her Mom took deep breath and said " She is wife of Mahesh!!" " Ohh.." Sunita smiled and tried hard to remember who was Mahesh. Finally she asked " Who is Mahesh? Some colleague of Dad?!!" Her Mom suddenly started crying in strange way. She didn't understand anything. Sunita " Why are you crying like that? As if someone is dead!!" She suddenly remembered dream of death or she could say feeling of someone's death. She began to feel so scared. She started to sense that feel of death in house. She knew that it was just her feeling but when her Mom started to cry suddenly it became real. She began to feel so upset. She started to sense that Mom might be hiding something. She screamed on her Mom. " What happened? Where is Tara?" Mom " She is with her husband!!" Sunita began to feel so confused. She didn't remember anything. Tara got married but she didn't remember anything. Sunita began to feel scared. She didn't remember anything at all. Sunita " I can't remember anything Mom. I am sick. I need to remember all. I need to store memory in my soul. I need to move ahead. I don't understand.." Soon she started talking in meaningless way. Her Mom started crying. Then she saw that mystic woman again. She pointed towards her and began to scream " She is here..she is here." Her Mom shivered. She immediately called Doctor. Doctor " Can I tell you something?" " Yes Doctor!!" " Take her to psychiatrist." She felt so sad. She knew that she had to do it. Sunita was not acting normal. Her Mom took number. Then Mom called on it. Mom was so scared. She never did all those things alone. But today she must. That receptionist gave her an appointment. She turned to Sunita. Sunita was so scared. She was screaming in air. Then when her Mom told about psychiatrist, she just agreed without second thought. They went there. Sunita was so upset. She was still seeing that mystic woman with special power. That woman was capturing her soul. She shivered with fear. She felt so scared by all thoughts. She started reading magazine to avoid seeing her. Finally Psychiatrist called her. Sunita told all to him. Then her Mom told true story. Sunita was so shocked. She couldn't remember anything. Sunita " Why didn't I remember it?" Psychiatrist " Since you want to forget pain of betrayal. I can sense that you must had known it for long time that Mahesh was having affair. You wanted to stop it but you couldn't control your thoughts." Sunita " But how hard we might want to remember but still I can't." Psychiatrist smiled towards her kindly. Psychiatrist " Since you draw her picture, I feel you must known her. So much have seen many things which you don't want to remember. You kept tolerating but finally when he humiliated you before public. You start to feel that you must forget all and you did it." Sunita took deep breath. Sunita " So what did I suppose to do now?" " Don't worry. I will handle it. It will come back." Sunita " But did I need to remember it?" Psychiatrist " You must if you want to live normal life again." She took deep breath and said " Okay." Then she started to listen to psychiatrist.

                                                                      The End

Friday, June 28, 2019

Poem. 4686 When wind blows we sense

                                          When wind blows we sense
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give hope to every nightmare that destroy hopes in life we feel impact on each point at each move of spirit that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give shine to every direction that give spirit in life we need strength on each strength at each starting of appeal that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give touch to every chapter that give soul in life we need knowledge on each move at each direction of chapter that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give start to every direction that give touch in life we need direction on each step at each strength of thought that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give move to every starting that give shine in life we need appeal on each thought at each direction of touch that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give path to every chapter that give spirit in life we need concept on each move at each knowledge of move that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give move to every touch that give thought in life we need start on each shine at each strength of appeal that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give start to every concept that give direction in life we need touch on each step at each knowledge of route that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give shine to every direction that give strength in life we need route on each move at each direction of word that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give touch to every light that give knowledge in life we need word on each step at each strength of path that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give chapter to every concept that give strength in life we need route on each move at each touch of start that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to every shine that give knowledge in life we need move on each light at each concept of touch that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give thought to every spirit that give direction in life we need touch on each move at each chapter of route that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give knowledge to every step that give thought in life we need starting on each path at each shine of step that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to every spirit that give knowledge in life we need learning on each move at each route of move that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give strength to every touch that give direction in life we need feeling on each chapter at each shine of word that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give knowledge to every step that give thought in life we need thinking on each move at each step of path that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give appeal to every direction that give strength in life we need meaning on each path at each word of route that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give concept to every strength that give thought in life we need learning on each step at each shine of move that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give chapter to every thought that give knowledge in life we need feeling on each move at each route of step that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to every appreal that give strength in life we need thinking on each spirit at each move of spirit that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give strength to every direction that give knowledge in life we need feeling on each path at each step of move that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give knowledge to every start that give direction in life we need learning on each step at each path of shine that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give strength to every word that give strength in life we need feeling on each touch at each starting of move that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to every touch that give chapter in life we need thinking on each spirit at each learning of soul that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give chapter to every direction that give concept in life we need meaning on each step at each feeling of shine that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give concept to every thought that give appeal in life we need learning on each move at each thinking of word that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give appeal to every strength that give touch in life we need thinking on each path at each meaning of step that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to every touch that give chapter in life we need feeling on each move at each feeling of touch that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give chapter to every direction that give concept in life we need learning on each step at each thinking of soul that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give concept to every appeal that give touch in life we need meaning on each path at each learning of move that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to every starting that give shine in life we need thinking on each move at each feeling of touch that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give strength to every direction that give path in life we need feeling on each step at each meaning of spirit that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give knowledge to every feeling that give step in life we need meaning on each path at each feeling of path that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to every knowledge that give path in life we need learning on each step at each chapter of way that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give thought to every concept that give shine in life we need feeling on each strength at each touch of route that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give knowledge to every starting that give start in life we need understanding on each word at each step of start that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to every feeling that give shine in life we need touch on each knowledge at each shine of step that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give strength to every meaning that give appeal in life we need move on each strength at each spirit of move that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to every learning that give thought in life we need path on each chapter at each start of word that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give knowledge to every feeling that give chapter in life we need start on each concept at each step of path that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give thought to meaning that give touch in life we need shine on each direction at each route of thinking that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give direction to learning that give direction in life we need start on each thought at each touch of chapter that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give strength to feeling that give chapter in life we need appeal on each spirit at each meaning of shine that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give thought to meaning that give concept in life we need direction on each starting at each understanding that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give knowledge to thinking that give direction in life we need chapter on each learning at each feel of move that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give learning to thought that give chapter in life we need concept on each meaning at each start of path that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give meaning to knowlege that give thought in life we need strength on each feeling at each spirit of chapter that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give feeling to direction that give direction in life we need appeal on each thinking at each start of touch that give light
When wind blows we sense new word of life which give thinking to strength that give strength in life we need concept on each meaning at each soul of move that give light.

Poem. 4685. Every light of nature show

                                 Every light of nature show
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new shine to peace of mind which show new light to concept of thinking that show new light to route to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new hope to shine of move which show new step to thought of learning that show new start to word to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new light to concept of word which show new start to direction of feeling that show new shine to light to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new touch to direction of route which show new word to step of meaning that show new path to way to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new spirit to learning of move which show new touch to shine of thinking that show new touch to step to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new shine to concept of light which show new thought to touch of meaning that show new path to start to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new move to thought of feel which show new chapter to start of learning that show new shine to word to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new touch to appeal of move which show new thought to way of thinking that show new touch to step to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new thought to start of touch which show new concept to step of feeling that show new appeal to path to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new route to shine of appeal which show new shine to word of meaning that show new touch to shine to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new spirit to guide of move which show new touch to spirit of learning that show new route to start to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new shine to spirit of touch which show new start to move of thinking that show new path to word to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new hope to thought of word which show new shine to touch of meaning that show new way to route to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new soul to learning of move which show new step to thought of learning that show new start to touch to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new start to feeling of chapter which show new word to chapter of feeling that show new step to move to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new shine to meaning of soul which show new path to concept of thinking that show new way to touch to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new spirit to learning of spirit which show new touch to direction of learning that show new route to way to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new soul to thinking of touch which show new shine to move of understanding that show new thought to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new touch to feeling of chapter which show new step to path of thinking that show new strength to way to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new thought to learning of soul which show new path to word of learning that show new start to word to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new concept to touch of start which show new step to thought of shine that show new path to touch to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new chapter to appeal of move which show new shine to touch of move that show new soul to thought to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new direction to start of touch which show new spirit to start of touch that show new spirit to thinking to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new feeling to spirit of path which show new touch to path of spirit that show new shine to learning to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new meaning to route of move which show new light to way of path that show new step to knowledge to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new learning to soul of start which show new thought to touch of route that show new way to direction to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new thought to touch of shine which show new knowledge to start of word that show new step to route to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new knowledge to soul of start which show new direction to light of path that show new word to shine to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new strength to step of chapter which show new learning to soul of word that show new path to start to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new direction to touch of path which show new meaning to route of move that show new step to shine to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new thought to spirit of touch which show new feeling to spirit of appeal that show new shine to start to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new chapter to start of move which show new thinking to start of concept that show new step to shine to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new concept to path of thinking which show new touch to path of thought that show new start to touch to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new strength to start of learning which show new thought to start of move that show new spirit to shine to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new knowledge to step of meaning which show new shine to touch of route that show new way to move to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new direction to route of thinking which show new spirit to guide of move that show new start to way to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new thought to touch of learning which show new shine to start of word that show new strength to step to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new knowledge to soul of feeling which show new route to touch of step that show new touch to word to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new meaning to start of meaning which show new word to chapter of soul that show new path to shine to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new strength to route of thinking which show new move to thought of step that show new word to start to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new knowledge to soul of feeling which show new step to change of path that show new step to touch to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new direction to move of learning which show new path to chapter of step that show new word to way to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new thought to start of strength which show new word to concept of light that show new touch to step to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new knowledge to step of shine which show new path to meaning of start that show new spirit to way to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new thought to touch of start which show new knowledge to learning of move that show route to spirit to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new chapter to shine of concept which show new starting to chapter of start that show path to change to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new concept to start of knowledge which show new spirit to shine of word that show touch to direction to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new knowledge to soul of chapter which show new move to direction of step that show step to thought to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new thought to spirit of move which show new thought to strength of touch that show start to knowledge to mind
Every light of nature show new appeal to directions which show new concept to start of appeal which show new strength to step of spirit that show thought to meaning to mind.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Poem. 4684. Life is that mystery which float

                                    Life is that mystery which float
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every positive feeling with it's wonderful tide when I search from my soul from thought of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just appeal every touch to meaning with it's peaceful path when I feel from my shine from concept of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feel every direction to learning with it's shining route when I sense from my soul from beginning of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just learning every step to thought with it's enchanting path when I feel from my start from thinking of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thought every shine to strength with it's meaningful way when I feel from my route from feeling of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just meaning every step to shine with it's wonderful look when I sense from my move from learning of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thinking every start to direction with it's shiny hope when I feel from my shine from touch to step of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feeling every thought to touch with it's wonderful appeal when I feel from my hope from soul to way of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just learning every chapter to start with it's positive touch when I sense from my positive from way to hope of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just meaning every strength to soul with it's shine when I think from my positive feeling from step to path of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thinking every positive to shine with it's spirit when I sense from my hopeful word from thinking to way of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feeling every hope to meaning with it's shine when I feel from my positive spirit from shine of sun of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just learning every step to thought with it's smile when I sense from my positive word from start of way of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just meaning every shine to strength with it's path where I feel from my positive attitude from thought of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feeling every spirit to learning with it's start where I sense from my hopeful word from knowledge of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thinking every positive way to thinking with it's appeal where I feel from my way positive from start of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just learning every hopeful route to meaning with its shine which I sense from my word from positive of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every step of positive step with it's thought which I feel from my thought from hopes of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feel every route of thinking positive concept with it's way which I sense from my soul from way of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thinking every hope of thought positive chapter with it's route which I sense from my positive spirit of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every smile of route positive thinking with it's shine which I sense from my positive starting of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feel every positive direction of hopeful spirit with it's start which I sense from my positive spirit of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every positive spirit of hopeful chapter with it's shine which I sense from my hopeful way of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feel every positive change of hopeful spirit with it's start which I feel from my positive attitude of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just want every hopeful route of thinking with it's shine which I sense from my positive appeal to guide of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thinking every positive way of thought with it's start which I feel from my positive spirit to light of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every hopeful strength of appeal with it's shine which I feel from my hopeful step to touch of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feeling every positive way of knowledge with it's start which I sense from my positive spirit to start of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just meaning every hopeful spirit of strength with it's word which I sense from my positive start to path of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just understanding every step of knowledge with it's wonder which I sense from my hopeful way to step of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every touch with positive path of move with it's shine which I sense from my positive spirit of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feel every route with positive shine of appeal with it's move which I sense from my hopeful start of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thinking every shine with positive step of chapter with it's start which I sense from my positive shine of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every step with positive start of touch with it's shine which I sense from my hopeful start of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thinking every start with hope of thought of path with it's start which I sense from my positive spirit of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feel every shine with positive touch of start with it's shine which I sense from my positive starting of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every spirit with positive appeal of move with it's start which I sense from positive knowledge of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thinking every start with positive route of shine with it's shine which I sense from positive thinking of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just meaning every shine with hopeful start of word with it's start which I sense from positive appeal of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just learning every hope with learning route of chapter with it's word which I sense from positive thought of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every positive way of touch with it's wonderful touch which I sense from positive understanding of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every positive spirit of route with it's enchanting path which I sense from positive thought of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feel every positive spirit of thought with it's wonderful touch which I sense from positive knowledge of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every positive spirit of direction with it's hopeful route which I sense from positive thought of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feel every positive step of learning with it's wonderful spirit which I sense from positive knowledge of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every positive spirit of thinking with it's hopeful route which I sense from positive thought of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just thinking every positive start of meaning with it's wonderful touch which I sense from positive touch of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every positive spirit of thinking with it's hopeful route which I sense from positive appeal of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just feel every positive shine of meaning with it's hopeful path which I sense from positive knowledge of my mind
Life is that mystery which float with hopes on every point I just sense every positive route of thinking with it's hopeful step which I sense from positive thought of my mind.

Poem. 4683. Each path of strength which show

                               Each path of strength which show
Each path of strength which show new move to feeling of chapter that give new light to shine of spirit that give new touch to direction of learning that create new route to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to meaning of touch that give new route to start of move that give new chapter to thought of strength that create new path to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to learning of route that give new start to direction of path that give new light to concept to feeling that create new touch to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thinking of soul that give new thought to word of concept that give new path to meaning to shine that create new starting to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to meaning of shine that give new touch to direction of route that give new start to learning to thought that create new step to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to feeling of chapter that give new route to thought of move that give new light to feeling to knowledge that create new word to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to learning of soul that give new word to chapter of step that give new shine to meaning to touch that create new spirit to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to meaning of spirit that give new light to sky of starting that give new concept to learning to word that create new touch to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to feeling of chapter that give new direction to thinking that give new spirit to meaning to route that create new way to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thinking of concept that give new shining to learning that give new move to feeling to spirit that create new path to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to understanding of move that give new light to concept that give new spirit to meaning to starting that create new world to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to meaning of soul that give new thought to chapter that give new start to feeling to direction that create new knowledge to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to learning of spirit that give new knowledge to soul that give new step to thought that create new shine to light to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to feeling of chapter that give new thought to shine that give new knowledge to learning that create new appeal to direction to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to meaning of soul that give new concept to spirit that give new direction to knowledge that create new shine to learning to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thinking of spirit that give new chapter to start that give new feeling to thought that create new concept to route to way to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to learning of soul that give new concept to route that give new learning to chapter that create new light to shine to word to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to feeling of shine that give new thought to start that give new understanding to concept that create new path to thought to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to meaning of soul that give new light to shine that give new feeling to knowledge that create new world to learning to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to knowlege of move that give new move to direction that give new thought to light that create new knowledge to feeling to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to direction of touch that give new touch to starting that give new direction to shine that create new chapter to meaning to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thought of start that give new concept to learning that give new light to spirit that create new direction to start of path to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to knowledge of move that give new light to meaning that give new thought to start that create new chapter to move of light to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to direction of start that give new route to learning that give new knowledge to word that create new step to route to way to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to hope of kindness that give new touch to feeling that give new direction to shine that create new world to hope to word to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to start of positive that give new light to thinking that give new touch to start that create new chapter to start to step to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to route of thinking that give new path to meaning that give new light to shine that create new direction to touch to word to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to change of meaning that give new start to positive appeal that give new step to thought that create new start to touch to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thought of learning that give new light to positive shine that give new spirit to meaning that create new step to concept to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to knowledge of feeling that give new shine to positive start that give new light to thinking that create new shine to knowledge to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to direction of thinking that give new start to positive appeal that give new touch to learning that create new word to start to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thought of meaning that give new shine to positive touch that give new start to meaning that create new start to spirit to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to knowlege of learning that give new light to positive start that give new word to feeling that create new touch to thought to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to route of thinking that give new knowledge to positive step that give new light to concept that create new light to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to chapter of meaning that give new chapter to positive appeal that give new shine to starting that create new world to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thought of learning that give new light to positive learning that give new direction to meaning that create new concept to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to knowledge of feeling that give new start to positive meaning that give new strength to learning that create new direction to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to concept of thinking that give new chapter to positive touch that give new thought to way that create new appeal to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thought of meaning that give new light to positive knowledge that give new shine to thought that create new direction to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to knowlege of learning that give new shine to positive path that give new start to direction that create new knowledge to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thought to meaning of thought that give new light to positive step that give new route to starting that create new world to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to direction to feeling of chapter that give new appeal to positive path that give new spirit to learning that create new word to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thought to learning of soul that give new learning to positive start that give new chapter to meaning that create new step to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to knowlege to meaning of start that give new thought to positive shine that give new concept to feel that create new way to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to concept of learning of chapter that give new light of thought to positive appeal that give new step that create new word to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to chapter of meaning of direction that give new touch of step to positive step that give new path that create new world to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to appeal of thinking of knowledge that give new light of shine to positive touch that give new light that create new path to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to thought of feeling of chapter that give new shine of chapter to positive appeal that give new word that create new way to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to change of learning of move that give new start of concept to positive touch that give new light that create new world to mind
Each path of strength which show new move to direction of meaning of soul that give new touch of appeal to positive start that give new learning that create new path to mind.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Poem. 4682. Every soul will show new dream

                           Every soul will show new dream
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new light to start of concept to direction which give new world to concept that give new way to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to spirit that give new knowledge to soul of chapter to learning which give new shine to touch that give new light to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to direction that give new appeal to shine of move to thought which give new strength to step that give new shine to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to learning that give new knowledge to start of light to concept which give new touch that give new move to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to feeling that give new thought to touch of feeling to direction which give new knowledge that give new strength to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to meaning that give new chapter to start of meaning to route which give new direction that give new light to path to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to learning that give new thought to touch of learning to word which give new strength that give new shine to step to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to strength that give new chapter to start of thinking to start which give new thought that give new concept to way to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to direction that give new touch to spirit of meaning to word which give new knowledge that give new strength to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to appeal that give new strength to shine of feeling to start which give new light to word that give new starting to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to concept that give new thought to start of learning to word which give new strength to step that give new feeling to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to strength that give new shine to positive of understanding to step which give new light to path that give new way to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to knowledge that give new path to meaning of hope to direction which give new thought to start that give new step to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new appeal to learning of soul to strength which give new path to meaning that give new light to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to spirit that give new thought to touch of concept to meaning which give new word to feeling that give new shine to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to move that give new appeal to shine of chapter to feeling which give new touch to understanding that give step to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to start that give new strength to step of spirit to learning which give new thought to thinking that give knowledge to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to spirit that give new direction to feeling of move to touch which give new start to direction that give shine to light to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to shine that give new strength to touch of path to shine which give new strength to chapter that give way to touch to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new thought to appeal of word to chapter which give new light to shine that give word to route to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to start that give new knowledge to shine of path to concept which give new word to chapter that give direction to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to shine that give new direction to path of route to thought which give new appeal to route that give strength to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to start that give new strength to step of knowledge to word which give new light to shine that give start to move to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new appeal to move of direction to start which give new shine to route that give word to path to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to word that give new thought to meaning of soul to shine which give new strength to step that give route to way to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to way that give new knowledge to start of light to concept which give new thought to path that give word to step to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new word to thinking of route to direction which give new light to word that give move to start to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to shine that give new strength to learning of move to thought which give new start to path that give route to word to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new thought to meaning of step to strength which give new light to shine that give path to spirit to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to word that give new chapter to start of concept to meaning which give new word to touch that give step to word to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new concept to meaning of start to feeling which give new light to way that give route to path to mindl
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to learning that give new move to thought of path to thinking which give new route to start that give step to word to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to spirit that give new strength to start of shine to learning which give new light to shine that give route to thought to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to start that give new knowledge to spirit of move to feeling which give new step to move that give path to touch to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to shine that give new direction to feeling of chapter to learning which give new word to chapter that give path to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to start that give new knowledge to learning of move to thought which give new shine to strength that give shine to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to path that give new chapter to meaning of spirit to learning which give new light to knowledge that give spirit to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to word that give new thought to understanding of step to word which give new word to chapter that give light to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to soul that give new knowledge to learning of move to chapter which give new light to concept that give start to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to shine that give new direction to thinking of spirit to meaning which give new start to appeal that give touch to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new shine to meaning of shine to learning which give new path to strength that give thought to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to route that give new path to knowlege of start to feeling which give new light to concept that give appeal to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new direction to feeling of spirit to learning which give new strength to step that give thinking to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to route that give new shine to learning of move to thought which give new appeal to strength that give thought to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to shine that give new word to chapter of appeal to learning which give new strength to concept that give path to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to start that give new touch to direction of shine to meaning which give new thought to spirit that give starting to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to step that give new thought to touch of spirit to feeling which give new strength to word that give path to move to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to touch that give new light to shine of move to meaning which give new start to route that give step to route to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to knowlege that give new word to move of step to learning which give new way to light that give touch to shine to mind
Every soul will show new dream that give new thought to strength that give new light to shine of move to meaning which give new route to path that give step to touch to mind.

Poem. 4681. Just with every breath

                                     Just with every breath
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different appeals of thought that give new thinking to start of route which show new step to strength of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different touches of direction that give new learning to soul of thought which show new path to chapter of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of knowledge that give new feeling to spirit of appeal which show new word to concept of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different shines of learning that give new meaning to route of move which show new path to direction of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different strengths of chapter that give new learning to step of path which show new knowledge of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of thought that give new feeling to soul of move which show new learning of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different paths of meaning that give new understanding to touch of step which show new knowledge of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different words of learning that give new thought to direction of concept which show new meaning of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different souls of learning that give new direction to feeling of move which show new thinking to way of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different routes of thinking that give new thought to meaning of soul which show new chapter to step of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different moves of feeling that give new strength to thought of step which show new touch to start of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different touches of learning that give new thought to knowledge of shine which show new path to shine of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different spirits of meaning that give new direction to chapter of move which show new step to route of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of learning that give new strength to starting of word which show new move to light of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different words of thinking that give new thought to meaning of soul which show new start to shine of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different paths of feeling that give new strength to learning of spirit which show new knowledge to way of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of meaning that give new concept to feeling of steps which show new path to move of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different routes of learning that give new shine to meaning of paths which show new start to route of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different spirits of thinking that give new spirit to learning of words which show new move to shine of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different touches of feeling that give new touch to thinking of steps which show new way to thought of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different chapters of learning that give new strength to feeling of words which show new smile to step of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different concepts of meaning just give new touch to learning of moves which show new word of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different paths of strength that give new thought to understanding of chapters which show new light of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of knowledge that give new strength to learning of concepts which show new touch of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different routes of feeling that give new knowledge to feeling of shines which show new strength of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different steps of learning that give new direction to meaning of paths which show new knowledge of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of thinking that give new thought to feeling of routes which show new touch to step of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different moves of feeling that give new strength to learning of ways which show new spirit to move of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different paths of meaning that give new thought to thinking of steps which show new touch to word of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of learning that give new knowledge to feeling of shines which show new path to step of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different moves of thinking that give new strength to direction of chapters which show new thought of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different appeals of meaning that give new light to concept of thoughts which show new knowledge of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different steps of thinking that give new path to strength of concepts which show new step to way of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different shines of learning that give new word to chapter of knowledge which show new light to step of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of meaning that give new light to concept of thinking which show new shine to path of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different steps of feeling that give new thought to touch of meaning which show new light to concept of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different moves of learning that give new start to shine of feeling which show new shine to strength of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different touches of meaning that give new word to chapter of thinking which show new way to touch of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different paths of thinking that give new light to concept of learning which show new word to move of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of learning that give new path to strength of feeling which show new spirit to route of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different words of feeling that give new light to concept of meaning which show new light to step of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different paths of meaning that give new start to direction of feeling which show new chapter to way of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of thinking that give new route to thought of learning which show new shine to step of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different spirits of feeling that give new light to appeal of meaning which show new light to concept of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of meaning that give new thought to touch of learning which show new shine of route of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different spirits of learning that give new strength to move of thinking which show new light of start of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different souls of thinking that give new concept to route of meaning which show new spirit of path of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different paths of meaning that give new strength to word of thinking which show new light of shine of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different words of knowledge that give new touch to start of learning which show new direction of way of mind in life
Just with every breath new dream starts in life which show different starts of direction that give new shine to touch of meaning which show new light of shine of mind in life.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Poem. 4680. Spirit start from smile

                                           Spirit start from smile
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to feeling of concept which show new path to meaning of step that give spirit to learning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new knowledge to learning of move which show new step to route of way that give shine to feeling of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new chapter to concept of direction which show new touch to appeal of move that give move to thinking of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new appeal to learning of thought which show new knowledge to soul of path that give light to meaning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new thought to touch of spirit which show new appeal to shine of chapter that give thought to feeling of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new knowledge to soul of feeling which show new word to chapter of starting that give shine to thinking of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new strength to path of thinking which show new step to thought of learning that give route to learning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to shine of learning which show new word to chapter of feeling that give touch to meaning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new thought to touch of starting which show new route to concept of learning that give start to thinking of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new appeal to shine of thinking which show new start to direction of thinking that give route to feeling of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to path of feeling which show new step to thought of learning that give path to meaning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new thought to start of thinking which show new route to knowledge of move that give step to learning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new knowledge to soul of meaning which show new path to direction of route that give light to thinking of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to step of learning which show new move to thought of word that give shine to meaning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new strength to start of thinking which show new shine to strength of path that give direction to learning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new chapter to route of meaning which show new path to knowledge of move that give touch to thinking of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to move of feeling which show new start to direction of touch that give chapter to meaning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new thought to soul of thinking which show new word to appeal of move that give concept to feeling of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new knowledge to start of learning which show new path to touch of path that give light to thinking of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new understanding to strength of feeling which show new touch to thought of light that give shine of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to feeling of knowledge which show new concept to meaning of thought that give step of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new chapter to thinking of starting which show new thought to understanding of chapter that give word of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new concept to meaning of thinking which show new route to meaning of strength that give word to start of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new chapter to learning of concept which show new word to thinking of direction that give route to step of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new appeal to feeling of move which show new chapter to learning of strength that give thought of way of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new thought to learning of soul which show new appeal to feeling of direction that give starting of move of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new concept to meaning of start which show new touch to meaning of soul that give thought of strength of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new knowledge to feeling of route which show new start to learning of move that give concept of direction of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to learning of soul which show new shine to thinking of step that give chapter of strength of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new appeal to meaning of start which show new word to meaning of start that give touch of thought of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new knowledge to feeling of move which show new path to thinking of route that give appeal of thinking of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new thought to learning of soul which show new move to feeling of move that give strength of meaning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new chapter to meaning of shine which show new word to learning of soul that give knowledge of feeling of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new concept to thinking of spirit which show new start to meaning of start that give direction of learning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to meaning of start which show new move to feeling of chapter that give concept of thinking of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new knowledge to learning of move which show new step to thinking of step that give route of way of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new thought to strength of chapter which show new shine to understanding of route that give meaning of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to chapter of move which show new start to meaning of concept that give understanding of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new concept to touch of route which show new thought to learning of move that give thought to shine of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to feeling of chapter which show new knowledge to feeling of path that give touch to way of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new thought to meaning of touch which show new concept to meaning of shine that give strength to step of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new knowledge to touch of learning which show new shine to thinking of soul that give knowledge to way of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new direction to feeling of chapter which show new move to learning of start that give strength to touch of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new strength to learning of move which show new touch to thinking of route that give thought to shine of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new knowledge to feeling of chapter which show new path to strength of move that give direction to feel of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new thought to meaning of soul which show new touch to direction of start that give concept to strength of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new move to feeling of chapter which show new word to chapter of route that give appeal to knowledge of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new touch to learning of shine which show new start to concept of light that give strength to path to way of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new route to feeling of touch which show new move to thought of way that give knowledge to starting of mind
Every light to spirit start from smile on every point which show new concept to meaning of soul which show new shine to strength of light that give direction to meaning of mind.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...