Friday, May 31, 2019

Poem. 4638. One start will form appeal

                                   One start will form appeal
One start will form appeal which show new knowledge to direction to feeling that show new route to spirit of thinking that give positive soul to appeal of chapter to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new strength to feeling to thought that show new shine to thought of meaning that give hopeful route to touch of concept to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thought to learning to knowledge that show new word to chapter of learning that give positive step to spirit of route to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new direction to meaning to concept that show new touch to route of thinking that give positive word to move of path to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new weather to learning to thought that show new move to step of feeling that give positive touch to shine of strength to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new direction to feeling to knowledge that show new touch to word of meaning that give positive soul to start of spirit to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new knowledge to thinking to chapter that show new path to route of learning that give hopeful light to shine of thought to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new strength to meaning to route that show new word to chapter of thinking that give positive spirit to route of knowledge to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thought to understanding to path that show new touch to start of feeling that give hopeful word to chapter of shine to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new appeal to thinking to strength that show new strength to spirit of meaning that give hopeful soul to knowledge of path to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new knowledge to feeling to concept that show new word to chapter of thought that give positive spirit to thought of soul to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new strength to learning to direction that show new touch to concept of start that give hopeful light to knowledge of move to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new direction to knowledge to thought that show new shine to strength of move that give positive soul to learning of step to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thought to direction to concept that show new touch to chapter of word that give positive word to feeling of shine to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new chapter to learning to thought that show new spirit to learning of move that give positive spirit to meaning of soul to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new concept to thinking to chapter that show new thought to meaning of soul that give positive step to starting of path to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new direction to meaning to strength that show new knowledge to feeling of move that give hopeful route to feel of shine to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new learning to knowledge to concept that show new direction to thinking of move that give hopeful light to touch of spirit to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new feeling to direction to thought that show new chapter to meaning of soul that give positive word to start of meaning to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thinking to strength to concept that show new path to learning of spirit that give positive soul to move of learning to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new meaning to thought to direction that show new route to feeling of shine that give positive touch to word of feeling to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new learning to chapter to concept that show new move to thinking of soul that give positive spirit to route of thinking to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thinking to strength to step that show new touch to learning of move that give hopeful thought to meaning to soul to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new feeling to knowledge to spirit that show new word to meaning of start that give positive strength to learning to chapter to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new learning to thought to move that show new path to thinking of touch that give hopeful route to feeling to strength to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new meaning to direction to soul that show new appeal to feeling of move that give hopeful shine to thinking to knowledge to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new understanding to spirit to path that show new touch to meaning of soul that give hopeful path to meaning to route to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new feeling to chapter to learning that show new move to understanding of path that give positive word to learning to step to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new learning to route to thinking that show new spirit to meaning of concept of light that give hopeful route to feeling to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new meaning to spirit to understanding that show new touch to learning of spirit of word that give positive soul to thinking to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thinking to start to meaning that show new direction to feeling of chapter of move that give positive step to learning to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new feeling to shine to strength that show new touch to learning of concept of light that give hopeful route to feeling to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new understanding to move to thought that show new path to meaning of soul of word that give positive word to thinking to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new learning to chapter to knowledge that show new touch to feeling of spirit of move that give positive soul to learning to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new meaning to route to direction that show new word to thinking of chapter of touch that give hopeful route to feeling to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new feeling to chapter to meaning that show new path to learning of concept of light that give hopeful shine to thinking to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thinking to strength to feeling that show new spirit to meaning of touch of shine that give positive word to learning to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new learning to thought to knowledge that show new light to feeling of move of path that give positive soul to meaning to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new meaning to concept to chapter that show new strength to learning of soul that give hopeful shine to spirit of soul to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thinking to strength to route that show new knowledge to feeling of chapter that give positive soul to move of touch to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new learning to thought to move that show new direction to meaning of concept that give hopeful route to start of word to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new feeling to knowledge to word that show new chapter to learning of thought that give positive move to thought of step to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new meaning to strength to shine that show new spirit to thinking of knowledge that give hopeful light to concept of soul to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new learning to thought to touch that show new touch to meaning of shine that give positive soul to knowledge of step to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new feeling to knowlege to touch that show new spirit to learning of move that give hopeful route to thought of appeal to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new learning to direction to concept that show new soul to meaning of soul that give positive word to chapter of touch to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thinking to strength to chapter that show new path to feeling of chapter that give hopeful light to shine of move to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new meaning to thought to appeal that show new start to thinking of concept that give hopeful route to thought of start to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new feeling to chapter to learning that show new path to meaning of soul that give positive spirit to knowledge of move to way of mind
One start will form appeal which show new thinking to strength to feeling that show new soul to learning of move that give positive word to thought of spirit to way of mind.

Poem. 4637. Touch of hope can change

                                       Touch of hope can change
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new spirit to mind which show new touch to route of thinking which show new appeal for concept of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new word to mind which show new path to strength of feeling which show new touch for chapter of positive touch to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new touch to mind which show new chapter to start of learning which show new word for concept of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new word to mind which show new shine to spirit of meaning which show new path for knowledge of positive path to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new route to mind which show new route to shine of feeling which show new start for direction of positive thought to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new touch to mind which show new spirit to guide of thinking which show new path for touch of positive knowledge to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new spirit to mind which show new start to direction of learning which show new word for start of positive appeal to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new appeal to mind which show new touch to route of meaning which show new path for touch of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new direction to mind which show new appeal to spirit of feeling which show new soul for shine of positive start to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new concept to mind which show new strength to step of learning which show new path for move of positive word to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new start to mind which show new knowledge to word of meaning which show new touch for light of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new path to mind which show new touch to direction of feeling which show new concept for shine of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new route to mind which show new shine to strength of learning which show new chapter for smile of positive start to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new touch to mind which show new appeal to concept of thinking which show new thought for path of positive move to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new spirit to mind which show new word to chapter of meaning which show new direction for word of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new shine to mind which show new path to strength of feeling which show new appeal for chapter of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new start to mind which show new route to concept of learning which show new touch for direction of positive path to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new move to mind which show new spirit to direction of thinking which show new word for chapter of positive move to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new word to mind which show new path to appeal of meaning which show new path for thinking of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new touch to mind which show new route to thought of learning which show new way for knowledge of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new spirit to mind which show new word to chapter of feeling which show new touch for strength of positive shine to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new route to mind which show new start to direction of thinking which show new path for start of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new word to mind which show new shine to strength of learning which show new word for route of positive move to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new chapter to mind which show new word to appeal of feeling which show new touch for start of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new concept to mind which show new start to direction of meaning which show new thought of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new strength to mind which show new spirit to move of thinking which show new knowledge of positive concept to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new direction to mind which show new touch to appeal of learning which show new chapter of positive direction to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new thought to mind which show new shine to chapter of feeling which show new direction of positive feeling to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new knowledge to mind which show new appeal to learning of move which show new strength of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new chapter to mind which show new light to shine of feeling which show new knowledge to way of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new direction to mind which show new chapter to start of thinking which show new touch to route of positive soul to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new thought to mind which show new learning to soul of thought which show new word to start of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new appeal to mind which show new feeling to spirit of direction which show new path to feel of positive start to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new chapter to mind which show new meaning to route of appeal which show new way to chapter of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new concept to mind which show new learning to word of route which show new start to direction of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new change to mind which show new thinking to start of soul which show new path to meaning of positive appeal to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new thought to mind which show new feeling to spirit of shine which show new touch to learning of positive start to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new direction to mind which show new meaning to word of path which show new word to feeling of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new knowledge to mind which show new learning to soul of word which show new start to thinking of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new appeal to mind which show new understanding to start of way which show new learning of positive route to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new concept to mind which show new thinking to strength of shine which show new feel to spirit of positive step to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new direction to mind which show new feeling to knowledge of move which show new touch to step of positive way to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new strength to mind which show new meaning to direction of route which show new learning of positive spirit to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new chapter to mind which show new thinking to strength of start which show new feeling of positive knowledge to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new concept to mind which show new learning to thought of word which show new learning of positive strength to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new direction to mind which show new strength to soul of start which show new meaning of positive knowledge to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new appeal to mind which show new knowledge to start of step which show new feeling of positive concept to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new direction to mind which show new direction to feeling of move which show new learning of positive thinking to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new strength to mind which show new thought to meaning of soul which show new thinking of positive starting to mind
Touch of hope can change ways of life which show new knowledge to mind which show new appeal to feeling of chapter which show new meaning of positive concept to mind.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Poem. 4636. Every look of river become

                                 Every look of river become
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new touch to soul that give spirit to feel which show new scene to hopes of spirit which form sound of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new spirit to guide that give appeal to start which show new word to chapter of move which form route of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new word to start that give soul to knowledge which show new start to spirit of light which form appeal of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new touch to spirit that give word to chapter which show new move to route of shine which form word of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thought to word that give way to direction which show new step to move of start which form shine of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to route that give light to concept which show new word to soul of route which form start of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to soul that give spirit to touch which show new spirit to learning of move which form path of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to shine that give word which show new strength to meaning of soul which form way of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new understanding to move that give spirit which show new word to feel of thought which form route of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to appeal to soul that give start which show new touch to learning of soul which form way of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to word to shine that give route which show new path to move of start which form move of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to start to word that give start which show new word to chapter of route which form way of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to route to path that give move which show new touch to start of soul which form route of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to spirit to word that give route which show new path to thought of way which form start of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to soul to route that give path which show new way to appeal of move which form way of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to start to shine that give move which show new word to step of start which form route of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to way to touch that give touch which show new way to move of path which form appeal of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to spirit to move that give start which show new path to light of shine which form chapter of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to word to chapter that give word which show new start to word which form direction of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to start to direction that give path which show new step to thought which form concept of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to spirit to knowledge that give move which show new light to shine which form learning of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to route to thought that give path which show new word to start which form knowledge of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to start of concept that give route which show new path to shine which form direction of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to appeal of move that give word which show new touch to route which form learning of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to thought of chapter that give appeal which show new word to path which form strength of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to spirit of knowledge that give touch which show new step to thought which form route of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to start of chapter that give word which show new start to direction which form soul of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to route of concept that give move which show new light to concept which form start of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to spirit of knowledge that give path which show new move to thought which form light of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to word of chapter that give light which show new shine to strength which form route of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to start of direction that give path which show new touch to appeal which form word of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to route of thought that give shine which show new word to chapter which form touch of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to spirit of knowledge that give light which show new appeal to hope which form thought of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to soul of direction that give thought which show new shine to word which form route of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to route of thought that give shine which show new chapter to start which form move of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to strength of appeal that give touch which show new concept to path which form route of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new starting to concept of light that give appeal which show new word to light which form shine of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to thought of move that give thought which show new path to start which form word of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to chapter of shine that give knowledge which show new light to way which form way of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to thought of appeal that give strength which show new spirit to word which form soul of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to concept of light that give knowledge which show new path to way which form step of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to thought of spirit that give direction which show new start to light which form touch of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to knowledge of move that give appeal which show new strength to word which form way of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to strength of shine that give start which show new route to learning which form soul of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to route of direction that give move which show new word to feeling which form route of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to word of chapter that give touch which show new light to learning which form path of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new meaning to start of strength that give appeal which show new step to thought which form start of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new feeling to spirit of knowledge that give start which show new concept to appeal which form shine of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new learning to word of concept that give path which show new strength to start which form word of tide on each step
Every look of river become hope of mind which show new thinking to chapter of touch that give route which show new knowledge to soul which form way of tide on each step.

Poem. 4635. New sunshine show door to hopes

                            New sunshine show door to hopes
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new spirit to thought which show new path to appeal which show new impact to start of soul which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new light to knowledge which show new word to route which show new spirit to guide of move which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new touch to feeling which show new touch to word which show new start to appeal of word which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to learning which show new route to start which show new word to thinking which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to start which show new move to appeal which show new concept to meaning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new knowledge to soul which show new thought to feeling which show new light to knowledge which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new direction to route which show new concept to starting which show new appeal to learning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to step which show new direction to meaning which show new shine to feeling which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new appeal to route which show new knowledge to learning which show new start to chapter which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to move which show new strength to feeling which show new light to concept which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new direction to shine which show new learning to thought which show new spirit to meaning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to step which show new knowledge to soul which show new starting to thinking which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new knowledge to start which show new appeal to learning which show new chapter to meaning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to appeal which show new touch to meaning which show new strength to learning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to concept which show new light to meaning which show new concept to feel which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to feeling which show new start to knowledge which show new direction to move which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new direction to learning which show new route to chapter which show new touch to start which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to meaning which show new light to strength which show new light to shine which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to feeling which show new appeal to knowledge which show new direction to move which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new knowledge to learning which show new touch to feel which show new thought to spirit which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to thinking which show new light to concept which show new touch to feeling which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new direction to meaning which show new spirit to guide which show new start to learning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to learning which show new light to concept which show new route to feeling which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new knowledge to meaning which show new touch to light which show new word to meaning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new direction to feeling which show new shine to appeal which show new light to learning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to route of step which show new start to shine which show new word to starting which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new chapter to start of move which show new light to concept which show new way to thinking which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new light to word of route which show new touch to chapter which show new word to feeling which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new touch to light of soul which show new thought to way which show new spirit to learning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new direction to word of way which show new route to start which show new light to meaning which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to step of move which show new light to learning which show new word to feeling which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to touch of route which show new thinking which show new touch to start which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new knowledge to soul of chapter which show new meaning which show new light to concept which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new direction to spirit of thought which show new feeling which show new world to appeal which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to step of concept which show new learning which show new light to concept which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to shine of knowledge which show new thinking which show new touch to route which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new knowledge to soul of direction which show new meaning which show new shine to start which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to start of thought which show new feeling which show new spirit to guide which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new direction to move of strength which show new learning which show new touch to step which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to word of knowledge which show new meaning which show new light to concept which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new knowledge to soul of appeal which show new thinking which show new start to direction which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new chapter to spirit of knowledge which show new feeling which show new touch to thought which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new concept to route of direction which show new learning which show new light to concept which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to step of concept which show new thinking which show new route to strength which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new direction to touch of chapter which show new feeling which show new step to knowledge which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new thought to spirit of concept which show new meaning which show new light to shine which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new strength to appeal of thought which show new learning which show new start to move which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new knowledge to soul of appeal which show new thinking which show new touch to way which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new appeal to learning of move which show new meaning which show new spirit to guide which show new path to life
New sunshine show door to hopes of life which give new chapter to feeling of concept which show new feeling which show new light to starting which show new path to life.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Poem. 4634. Wind have it's own tale of life

                               Wind have it's own tale of life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our soul on every chapter that show new light to concept of soul which give new spirit to thought of move in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our spirit on every start that show new shine to strength of move which give new light to concept of touch in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our move on every step that show new word to knowledge of route which give new thought to route of shine in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our start on every move that show new light to concept of spirit which give new strength to step of knowledge in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our appeal on every path that show new path to strength of step which give new move to route of thought in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our concept on every shine that show new touch to direction of route which give new light to shine of spirit in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our learning on every word that show new spirit to guide of chapter which give new move to touch of appeal in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our feeling on every step that show new light to move of concept which give new start to soul of knowledge in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our meaning on every shine that show new path to start of direction which give new light to way of thought in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our thinking on every move that show new route to touch of strength which give new word to chapter of shine in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our learning on every start that show new word to chapter of concept which give new way to appeal of move in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our meaning on every step that show new path to start of strength which give new touch to direction of route in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our feeling on every shine that show new move to path of appeal which give new thought to learning of step in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our concept on every step that show new word to move of start which give new chapter to thinking of path in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our direction on every path that show new chapter to start of light which give new route to meaning of spirit in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our chapter on every start that show new touch to move of move which give new path to learning of strength in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our appeal on every shine that show new light to start of route which give new word to understanding of soul in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our direction on every step that show new path to move of word which give new route to meaning of appeal in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our knowledge on every way that show new touch to path of spirit which give new start to feeling of chapter in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our strength on every start that show new chapter to light of start which give new route to learning of spirit in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our direction on every step that show new thought to touch of path which give new light to knowledge of step in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our appeal on every shine that show new touch to start of light which give new word to meaning of concept in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our chapter on every start that show new shine to strength which give new light to understanding of strength in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our direction on every route that show new thought to route which give new start to thinking of chapter to way in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our strength on every route that show new chapter to start which give new thought to meaning of soul to path in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our learning on every way that show new touch to word which give new knowledge to learning of step to way in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our feeling on every start that show new concept to path which give new chapter to feeling of shine to start in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our meaning on every step that show new strength to step which give new thought to learning of soul to word in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our direction on every start that show new knowledge to soul which give new bright touch of shine to appeal in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our thinking on every path that show new direction to start which give new shine to strength of spirit to guide in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our knowledge on every step that show new touch to thought which give new concept of light to shine in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our learning on every step that show new word to learning which give new strength of direction to appeal in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our feeling on every start that show new feeling to spirit which give new thought of meaning to route of way in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our meaning on every shine that show new meaning to route which give new strength of thought to touch in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our learning on every word that show new feeling to spirit which give new knowledge of touch to direction in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our thinking on every step that show new learning to word which give new strength of spirit to feeling in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our meaning on every spirit that show new thinking to strength which give new light of soul to thought of way in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our learning on every move that show new meaning to route which give new touch of word to chapter of word in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our feeling on every step that show new feeling to spirit which give new strength of chapter to start of move in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our thinking on every start that show new learning to soul which give new thought of shine to concept of light in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our meaning on every step that show new thinking to start which give new knowledge of path to route of way in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our feeling on every start that show new meaning to route which give new thought of word to move of start in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our understanding on every step that show new feeling to spirit which give new concept of light to path of way in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our learning on every appeal that show new thinking to strength which give new touch of shine to start of step in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our feeling on every word that show new learning to thought which give new appeal of move to shine of way in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our meaning on every step that show new thinking to strength which give new touch of path to spirit of word in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our learning on every start that show new meaning to chapter which give new light of shine to path of touch in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our thinking on every shine that show new feeling to spirit which give new thought of word to chapter of route in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our meaning on every step that show new learning to word which give new chapter of light to start of move in life
Every wind have it's own tale of life we need to sense it with our feeling on every word that show new thinking to start which give new light of spirit to guide of thought in life.

Poem. 4633. Every morning will show new start

                            Every morning will show new start
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new path to strength of feeling that show new touch to spirit of weather which show appeal to learning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new shine to knowledge of meaning that give new light to route of thinking which show direction to feeling of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new spirit to guide of thinking that show new word to chapter of learning which show path to meaning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new concept to thought of learning that show new path to strength of knowledge which show way to feeling of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new knowledge to concept of meaning that show new word to chapter of feeling which show route to start of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new direction to appeal of thinking that show new direction to thought of strength which show path to word of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new chapter to concept of feeling that show new concept to knowledge of direction which show step to path of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new strength to knowledge of move that show new thought to appeal of learning which show chapter to shine of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new thought to learning of appeal that show new strength to touch of meaning which show move to touch of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new knowledge to start of chapter that show new direction to route of feeling which show thought to start of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new direction to feeling of move that show new knowledge to path of thinking which show chapter to path of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new concept to meaning of spirit that show new learning to word of knowledge which show thought to word of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new strength to learning of start that show new feeling to spirit of move which show shine to understanding of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new knowledge to feeling of move that show new thinking to path of shine which show word to touch to way of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new chapter to thinking of touch that show new meaning to route of word which show path to start to move of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new concept to learning of spirit that show new feeling to shine of concept which show word to path to step of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new appeal to meaning of touch that show new learning to word of way which show understanding to route of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new knowledge to feeling of chapter that show new thinking to start of word which show learning to thought of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new appeal to thinking of shine that show new understanding to chapter which show meaning to knowledge of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new chapter to learning of move that show new feeling to thought of way which show concept to meaning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new appeal to thinking of shine that show new meaning to route of move which show appeal to learning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new knowledge to feeling of path that show new learning to word of chapter which show shine to thinking of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new concept to meaning of appeal that show new feeling to spirit of knowledge which show word to learning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new chapter to learning of move that show new meaning to route of thought which show start to thinking of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new direction to feeling of spirit that show new learning to word of chapter which show path to meaning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new knowledge to thinking of route that show new thinking to step of spirit which show word to understanding of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new chapter to meaning of move that show new meaning to route of move which show concept to thinking of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new appeal to understanding of path that show new feeling to spirit of word which show strength to learning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new shine to learning of spirit of way that show new chapter to start of way which show step to meaning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new route to thinking of move of word that show new touch to step of path which show word to feeling of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new concept to meaning of route of touch that show new word to chapter of way which show path to tide of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new knowledge to feeling of chapter of move that show new path to shine of light which show understanding of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new strength to thinking of shine of concept that show new word to start of move which show feel to spirit of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new chapter to learning of move of knowledge that show new way to path of meaning which show strength of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new appeal to feeling of chapter of touch that show new touch to step of learning which show knowledge of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new touch to meaning of thought of way that show new word to shine of feeling which show spirit to way of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new strength to learning of
move of start that show new spirit to meaning of move which show step to route of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new appeal to feeling of chapter of move that show new touch to feeling of path which show thought of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new direction to thinking of path of shine that show new knowledge to spirit of way which show meaning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new chapter to learning of move of touch that show new concept to route of word which show thinking of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new feeling to appeal of spirit of move that show new strength to start of shine which show knowledge of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new thinking to chapter of start of concept that show new word to chapter of path which show learning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new concept to knowledge of move of light that show new touch to knowledge of route which show thinking of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new strength to chapter of shine of word that show new path to strength of move which show meaning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new knowledge to start of move of shine that show new word to knowledge of start which show learning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new thought to chapter of path of thought that show new route to appeal of move which show meaning of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new direction to route of spirit of knowledge that show new word to concept of light which show feeling of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new strength to step of move of understanding that show new start to direction of route which show thinking of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new concept to path of word of learning that show new knowledge to start of path which show understanding of soul
Every morning will show new start to direction which show new chapter to word of step of concept that show new strength to step of move which show touch to thought of soul.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Poem. 4632. Touch of soul show new look

                                  Touch of soul show new look
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give emotion to spirit of strength to meaning to route which give soul to way of thinking at each word of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give appeal to concept of knowledge to feeling to spirit which give step to thought of feel at each start of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give chapter to start of direction to thinking to touch which give move to knowledge of move at each way of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give look to shine of strength to learning to spirit which give path to starting of direction at each step of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give route to sky of spirit to thinking to direction which give word to meaning of soul at each cloud of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give chapter to way of thought to meaning to route which give move to thought of word at each route of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give thought to path of chapter to learning to word which give route to thinking of soul at each direction of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give concept to way of appeal to feeling to spirit which give shine to learning of move at each chapter of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give learning to soul of spirit to meaning to route which give way to thinking of path at each thought of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give meaning to route of chapter to thinking to start which give touch to meaning of way at each step of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give knowledge to soul of spirit to learning to word which give path to feeling of mind at each start of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give feeling to thought of light to meaning to route which give step to hopeful line of mind at each way of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give thinking to spirit of step to thinking to concept which give word to positive of mind at each hope of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give learning to soul of direction to feel to spirit which give move to hopeful tide of mind at each way of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give thought to word of chapter to start to direction which give path to positive learning at each move of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give knowledge to start of appeal to path to move which give word to hopeful spirit at each chapter of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give appeal to learning of spirit to word to chapter which give route to positive path at each direction of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give strength to feeling of move to path to route which give word to hopeful way at each thought of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give knowledge to starting of word to move to path which give touch to hopeful line at each shine of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give direction to feeling of touch to light to route which give start to positive appeal at each word of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give appeal to learning of thought to spirit to meaning which give touch to positive chapter at each way of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give thought to feeling of chapter to start to learning which give move to hopeful strength at each step of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give chapter to meaning of soul to start to feeling which give path to positive step at each spirit of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give direction to feeling of light to shine to thinking which give start to positive side at each path of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give concept to learning of route to start to thought which give path to hopeful line at each step of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give meaning to knowledge of shine to light to feel which give word to hopeful way at each path of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give learning to thought of path to hope to meaning which give side to positive side at each way of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give knowledge to start of move to thought to learning which give touch to hopeful line at each line of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give direction to appeal of path to shine to feeling to which give word to positive line at each way of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give thinking to start of word to concept to meaning which give step to hopeful shine at each step of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give knowledge to soul of light to shine to learning which give route to positive word at each move of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give thought to spirit of start to move to meaning which give chapter to positive path at each appeal of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give concept to feeling of mind to path to feeling which give direction to hopeful chapter at each light of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give strength to learning of spirit to guide to move which give shine to positive way at each step of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give knowledge to start of appeal to chapter to path which give route to hopeful light at each word of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give direction to shine of thought to move to learning which give word to positive appeal at each start of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give thought to touch of knowledge to path to meaning which give move to positive shine at each step of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give knowledge to start of move to thought to feeling which give way to hopeful start at each move of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give strength to shine of appeal to knowledge to thinking which give path to positive shine at each word of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give direction to move of shine to strength to learning which give soul to hopeful move at each starting of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give appeal to word of spirit to knowledge to feeling which give start to hopeful touch at each thinking of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give chapter to start of appeal to thought to meaning which give move to positive start at each shine of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give concept to move of route to concept to learning which give shine to hopeful light at each word of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give touch to direction of path to direction to feeling which give path to positive appeal at each start of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give spirit to strength of move to thought to meaning which give shine to positive soul at each word of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give move to thought of path to learning to word which give chapter to hopeful route at each shine of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give route to knowledge of start to feeling to touch which give soul to positive appeal at each move of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give path to meaning of soul to knowledge to word which give step to hopeful light at each strength of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give chapter to start of spirit to thought to appeal which give shine to positive concept at each route of mind
Touch of soul show new look to every step of feeling in life which give touch to feel of chapter to learning to soul which give light to positive appeal at each strength of mind.

Poem. 4631. Each start of soul show

                               Each start of soul show
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to directions from time to time that show new chapter to strength of route which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to appeals from move to move that show new touch to spirit of concept which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to touches from path to path that show new route to starting of direction which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to learning from step to step that show new strength to chapter of route which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to knowledge from way to way that show new appeal to concept of light which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to direction from touch to touch that show new word to chapter of step which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to strength from route to route that show new appeal to move of start which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to direction from way to way that show new knowledge to soul of path which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to knowledge from word to word that show new chapter to start of step which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to appeal from light to light to shine that show new look to scene of touch which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to chapter from path to path to way that show new spirit to guide of way which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to concept from wave to wave to tide that show new direction to strength which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to appeal from touch to touch to step that show new feel to knowledge which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to knowlege from way to way to direction that show new move to thought which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to strength from word to word to chapter that show new path to meaning which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to direction from move to move to thought that show new word to chapter which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to thought from start to start to direction that show new route to thought which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to knowledge from route to route to thought that show new word to chapter which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to strength from way to way to direction that show new touch to concept which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to direction from spirit to spirit to guide that show new move to thought which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to thought from move to move to way that show new path to strength which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to appeal from way to way to direction that show new starting to touch which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to guide from time to time to strength that show new feeling to knowledge which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to word from word to word to chapter that show new learning to thought which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to touch from path to path to direction that show new thinking to concept which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to move from step to step to thought that show new meaning to thought which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to path from move to move to appeal that show new chapter to knowledge which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to start from shine to path to chapter that show new concept to direction which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to route from soul to meaning to world that show new strength to appeal which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to look from touch to direction to move that show new knowledge to soul which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to feel from appeal to learning to concept that show new direction to touch which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to move from step to meaning to start that show new thought to touch which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to path from move to feeling to spirit that show new knowledge to chapter which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to word from start to thinking to feel that show new touch to understanding which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to way from touch to learning to chapter that show new route to meaning which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to guide from path to feeling to spirit that show new word to knowledge which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to word from start to meaning to route that show new touch to direction which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to concept from way to learning to word that show new path to strength which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to appeal from move to chapter to light that show new word to chapter which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to meaning from path to strength to move that show new step to thought which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to learning from step to thought to touch that show new route to starting which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to feeling from start to direction to way that show new word to chapter which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to meaning from soul to move to word that show new touch to direction which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to thinking from start to touch to route that show new concept to feeling which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to learning from word to chapter to start that show new appeal to feeling which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to meaning from starting to route to light that show new path to meaning which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to feeling from chapter to way to direction that show new word to touch which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to thinking from route to thought to soul that show new concept to move which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to meaning from soul to knowledge to word that show new touch to path which show new rainbow shine
Each start of soul show new world from mind which show new spirit to learning from start to direction to move that show new appeal to route which show new rainbow shine.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Poem. 4630. Path will show new sky

                                       Path will show new sky
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thinking of spirit which show touch with appeal that create thought to feel of soul which show new path to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to meaning of soul which show spirit with hope that give touch to direction of move which show new word to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to feeling of start which show spirit with light that give shine to move of word which show new appeal to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to knowledge of move which show start with hope that give smile to touch which show new learning to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thought of strength which show word with smile that give light to spirit which show new meaning to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to appeal of knowledge which show light with touch that give shine to strength which show new spirit to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to learning of concept which show start with word that give appeal to feeling which show new move to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to meaning of chapter which show word with chapter that give shine to learning which show new step to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thinking of appeal which show path with concept that give soul to meaning which show new start to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to feeling of concept which show start with touch that give shine to thinking which show new touch to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to meaning of thought which show word with chapter that give route to learning which show new step to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to learning of knowledge which show shine with appeal that give move to feeling which show new start to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thinking of strength which show start with hope that give concept to thinking which show new word to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to feeling of appeal which show concept with spirit that give thought to meaning which show new thought to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to meaning of soul which show thought with start that give knowledge to feeling which show new appeal to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to learning of shine which show knowledge with light that give spirit to learning which show new direction to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thinking of step which show strength with soul that give chapter to meaning which show new concept to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to feeling of shine which show direction with appeal that give touch to feeling which show new strength to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to learning of move which show start with spirit that give path to meaning which show new chapter to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thinking of shine which show move with concept that give route to feeling which show new path of step to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to meaning of spirit which show light with step that give start to learning which show new thinking to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thought of route which show shine with knowledge that give route to feeling which show new thought to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to direction of path which show start with direction that give smile to hope which give new understanding to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to strength of move which show shine with light that give positive appeal which give new strength to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to knowledge of spirit which show move with path that give hopeful direction which give new thought to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thought of soul which show new chapter with move that give positive shine which give new meaning to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to chapter of step which show new start with strength that give hopeful light which give new learning to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to strength of route which show new word with positive that give smile of spirit which give new feel to way to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thought of shine which show new spirit with hope that give start of strength which give new meaning to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to knowledge of move which show new step with positive that give move of route which give new feel to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to appeal of word which show new strength with hope that give chapter of thinking which give new move to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to chapter of touch which show new knowledge with spirit that give path of learning which give new spirit to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to concept of light which show new appeal with spirit that give touch of meaning which give new soul to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to strength of start which show new direction with path that give word of feeling which give new moment to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to knowledge of move which show new spirit with hope that give path of learning which give new shine to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thought of chapter which show new step with positive that give way of route which give new word to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to feeling of concept which show new word with hope that give spirit of move which give new light to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to knowledge of strength which show new path with light that give word of chapter which give new shine to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to appeal of thought which show new step with start that give shine of appeal which give new spirit to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to chapter of knowledge which show new move with hope that give word of step which give new light to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thought of meaning which show new step with positive that give route of way which give new word to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to knowledge of learning which show new touch with hope that give step of move which give new spirit to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to concept of feeling which show new word with positive that give way of start which give new soul to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to appeal of thinking which show new shine with hope that give appeal of move which give new step to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to thought of learning which show new spirit with light that give soul of spirit which give new thought to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to knowledge of feeling which show new path with way that give touch of way which give new appeal to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to appeal of meaning which show new start with hope that give move of soul which give new strength to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to chapter of thinking which show new word with chapter that give way of word which give new shine to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to knowledge of learning which show new path with positive that give shine of light which give new route to mind
Every path will show new sky to direction that show new route to concept of thinking which show new shine with positive that give spirit of move which give new way to mind.

Poem. 4629. On canvas called life

                                           On canvas called life
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every time with hopeful appeal to soul which show new shine to spirit that give feeling of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every step with positive to soul which show new mountain to hope that give direction of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every flower of purity which show ugliness of heart defeat with positive spirit of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every drop of water which show new river of positive shine with hopeful start to way of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every cloud of fight which show new way of smiles with positive direction to stop fight of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every cottage which show new shine of sunrise with positive learning to thought of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every sunray which start to spread on each direction with positive approach to hopes of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every stair which show way to smile on each peaceful route with hopeful start to light of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every leaf which show green of hope which show new path with light to feeling of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every red of rose which show new start of beginning which show new word to concept of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every river of wave which show new path of thinking which show new peace to appeal of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every rock become protector of peace with strength which show new soul to hope of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every cloud become light of hope to step which hidden inside in far away corner of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every light of picture become soul of happiness which show new look to hope of route of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every route of scene become path of positive which show new touch to shine of start of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every window become positive way to start which show new path to meaning of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every shine of light become hope of start to word which show new knowledge to soul of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every door of positive become path of route to hope which show new appeal to shine of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every sky of colour become step to positive which show new hope to thought of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every well of water become purity to positive appeal which show new hope to smile of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every shine of shadow become path to hope which show new word to positive scene of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every glass of nature become start to positive which is new scene to hope to route of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every weather of picture become wind which is new chapter to positive to soul of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every petal of scene become look which is new beautiful touch to hopeful concept of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every look of sun become hope which form positive touch to hopeful light to strength of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every fruit of hope become positive appeal to thinking of sweet touch of shine of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every light of candle become hope of positive touch to feeling of move of meaning of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every cottage of picture become positive look to meaning of soul of thought to touch of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every wave of river become positive touch to feeling of start of chapter to word of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every feather of picture become positive spirit to thinking of soul of story to thought of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every shore of lake become positive touch to learning of appeal of start to direction of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every touch of rain become hope to plants of spirit to positive look to nature of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every tide of river become positive scene to soul to bring smile of positive thinking of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every flower of appeal become enchanting to spirit to world of hopeful touch to word of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every wave of river become tide of hope to knowledge of positive spirit to guide of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every flame of spirit in picture become start to meaning of positive thinking to shine of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every look of wind in picture become positive to spirit of appeal to feel of enchanting of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every shore of sand become beautiful feel of direction to scene that look of path of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every look of enchantment of picture that turn fiction in real in life that show new word of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every waterfall to hope which show positive route of path to feeling of new soul of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every look to sunrise to start which show hopeful touch of shine to meaning of route of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every look to storm which show positive word even on trouble to understanding of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every river to positive touch which show new shine which show new positive spirit of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every step of house which show new appeal to entry of positive step to touch of path of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every look of feeling which show new way to express freedom to tell all hidden of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every tide of water of meaning which show new positive spirit to learning of thought of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to feel it on every move of face of thinking which show new positive shine to knowledge of soul of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every scene of learning which show new positive spirit to direction of feeling of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to enjoy it on every rock of mountain of appeal which show new hopeful touch to thought of word of mind
Every day will start new picture on canvas called life we need to learn to sense it on every petal of flower which show positive with drop of water hopeful thought of mind.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Poem. 4628. Touch of meaning which show

                                Touch of meaning which show
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new chapter to strength of thought which give new knowledge to soul of direction to move of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new world to knowledge to appeal which show new route to thought of feeling to spirit of way of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new concept to direction of path which show new touch to starts of life to knowledge of feel of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new appeal to strength of move which show new spirit to chapters of life to thought of route of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new touch to shine of concept which show new word to appeals of life to strength of spirit of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new soul to chapter of thought which show new path to touches of life to direction of word of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new spirit to concept of light which show new shine to moves of life to knowledge of chapter of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new touch to direction of route which show new start to words of life to shine to move of start of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new word to chapter of move which show new touch to paths of life to spirit to guide of way of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new concept to path of light which show new shine to starts of life to thought to step of move of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new strength to step of word which show new chapter to moves of life to appeal to knowlege of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new direction to s
tart of shine which show new touch to paths of life to direction to appeal of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new chapter to shine of spirit which show new word to routes of life to concept to strength of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new concept to route of move which show new path to shines of life to chapter to direction of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new touch to direction of start which show new word to moves of life to strength to chapter of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new word to chapter of route which show new touch to words of life to knowledge to shine of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new thought to shine of light which show new appeal to routes of life to direction to spirit of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new knowledge to soul of move which show new path to routes of life to strength of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new concept to spirit of direction of start which show new word to path to routes to knowledge of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new chapter to start of thought of appeal which show new move to word to chapter to shine of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new appeal to move of strength of concept which show new path to route to thought to start of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new word to chapter of direction of route which show new word to concept to strength of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new path to strength of move of direction which show new path to knowledge to thought of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new word to chapter of route of thought which show new word to direction to knowledge of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new route to start of direction of chapter which show new touch to strength to concept of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new spirit to knowledge of step of thought which show new route to appeal to way of chapter of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new start to direction of feel of strength which show new path to concept to strength to step of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new move to thought of route of knowledge which show new shine to knowledge to concept of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new step to appeal of move of thought which show new spirit to learning to route of way of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new spirit to guide of thought of strength which show new path to feeling to step of word of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new soul to word of knowledge of start which show new move to meaning to light of shine of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new shine to strength of path of route which show new word to thinking to chapter of move of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new route to start of appeal of move which show new chapter to learning to word of concept of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new word to chapter of word of step which show new route to feeling to spirit of knowledge of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new path to concept of path of route which show new move to meaning to word of appeal of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new start to move of spirit of strength which show new path to thinking to start of chapter of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new word to chapter of route of direction which show new way to feeling to move of chapter of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new touch to direction of path of concept which show new step to learning to word of soul of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new appeal to strength of route of thought which show new way to feeling to spirit of chapter of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new route to thought of word of knowledge which show new way to thinking to start of soul of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new chapter to knowledge of start of direction which show new path to learning of thought of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new spirit to direction of route of strength which show new touch to understanding of spirit of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new shine to strength of shine of direction which show new path to thinking of knowledge of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new touch to concept of path of thinking which show new word to learning of move to touch of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new direction to chapter of light of feeling which show new path to understanding of strength of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new appeal to route of concept of thinking which show new word to feeling of chapter to move of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new chapter to start of move of learning which show new touch to thinking of soul to word of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new concept to route of path of thinking which show new word to learning of shine to light of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new knowledge to start of move of learning which show new path of direction to step of mind
Every touch of meaning which show new start to steps of life which show new touch to direction of route of understanding which show new thought of learning to start of mind.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...