Sunday, July 22, 2018

Poem. 4100. When scene will change

                                                                When scene will change
When scene will change we need to change but not our thoughts in life our morals and hopes must stay there other things will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our knowledge in life our positive feel and start must stay there other chapters will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our strength in life our thought and appeal must stay there other thoughts will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our route in life our concept and move must stay there other directions will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our concept in life our motive and direction must stay there other moves will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our direction in life our start and touch must stay there other concept will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our step in life our knowledge and chapter must stay there other page will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our start in life our path and direction must stay there other route will show light
When scene will changer we need to change but not our move in life our route and strength must stay there other world will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our thought in life our step and light must stay there other direction will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our route in life our touch and hope must stay there other hard efforts will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our path in life our direction and way must stay there other steps will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our start in life our thought and route must stay there other moves will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our light in life our shine and light must stay there other hard efforts will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our spirit in life our line and word must stay there other route will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our direction in life our move and route must stay there our touch will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our thought in life our way and start must stay there our move will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our direction in life our start and step must stay there our way will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our move in life our thinking and positive way must stay there our efforts will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our chapter in life our page and route must stay there our concept will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our concept in life our strength and path must stay there our chapter will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our strength in life our soul and start must stay there our way will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our path in life our route and touch must stay there our thought will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our shine in life our spirit and chapter must stay there our knowledge will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our step in life our touch and strength must stay there our strength will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our start in life our knowledge and page must stay there our chapter will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our touch in life our appeal and start must stay there our concept will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our spirit in life our hope and direction must stay there our step will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our thought in life our positive touch and way must stay there our way will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our knowledge in life our start and path must stay there our chapter will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our direction in life our route and concept must stay there our start will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our strength in life our way and thought must stay there our step will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our step in life our direction and touch must stay there our touch will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our stage in life our strength and way must stay there our thought will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our spirit in life our soul and direction must stay there our chapter will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our path in life our touch and thought must stay there our direction will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our right in life our chapter and start must stay there our knowledge will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our page in life our direction and touch must stay there our step will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our way in life our knowledge and step must stay there our move will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our concept in life our chapter and way must stay there our direction will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our emotion in life our step and route must stay there our concept will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our thought in life our move and concept must stay there our strength will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our spirit in life our touch and move must stay there our way will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our knowledge in life our start and soul must stay there our route will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our direction in life our direction and move must stay there our appeal will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our strength in life our soul and chapter must stay there our way will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our move in life our route and strength must stay there our start will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our word in life our concept and thought must stay there our move will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our emotion in life our step and knowledge must stay there our thinking will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our chapter in life our move and direction must stay there our route will show light
When scene will change we need to change but not our direction in life our stand and moral must stay there our way will show light.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...