Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Poem. 4116. Each book will show new

                                                                  Every book will show new
Every book will show new chapter that concept will show new route to chapter to touch to direction of knowledge at every step in life
Every book will show new knowledge that way will show new route to touch to thought to strength of direction at every step in life
Every book will show new strength that move will show new path to spirit to soul to knowledge of thought at every step in life
Every book will show new direction that route will show new word to chapter to concept of move to start at every step in life
Every book will show new start that path will show new thought to knowledge to strength of light to shine at every step in life
Every book will show new shine that light will show new strength to start to direction of thought to strength at every step in life
Every book will show new word that chapter will show new touch to concept to chapter of spirit to knowledge at every step in life
Every book will show new meaning that direction will show new route to thought to step of start to chapter at every step in life
Every book will show new start that route will show new path to direction to knowledge to word of thought to touch at every step in life
Every book will show new word that concept will show new light to shine to spirit to thought of appeal to thought at every step in life
Every book will show new path that way will show new strength to way to understanding to path of direction at every step in life
Every book will show new direction that start will show new knowledge to start to learning to chapter of spirit at every step in life
Every book will show new knowledge that step will show new page to thought to feeling to strength of touch at every step in life
Every book will show new touch that start will show new direction to route to meaning to way of concept at every step in life
Every book will show new thought that word will show new strength to path to understanding to start of knowledge at every step in life
Every book will show new path that touch will show new concept to chapter to feeling to direction of thought at every step in life
Every book will show new move that thought will show new direction to spirit to learning to spirit of knowledge at every step in life
Every book will show new appeal that direction will show new spirit to soul to understanding to way of concept at every step in life
Every book will show new touch that strength will show new step to direction to thinking to touch of direction at every step in life
Every book will show new light that knowledge will show new shine to spirit to understanding to way of strength at every step in life
Every book will show new thought that direction will show new word to chapter learning to step of thought at every step in life
Every book will show new strength that thought will show new shine to concept meaning to move of direction at every step in life
Every book will show new knowledge that spirit will show new thought to way understanding to start of strength at every step in life
Every book will show new path that soul will show new direction to thought meaning to knowledge of way at every step in life
Every book will show new touch that thought will show new spirit to direction learning to thought of shine at every step in life
Every book will show new chapter that direction will show new step to knowledge meaning to step of direction at every step in life
Every book will show new knowledge that way will show new chapter to concept understanding to way of thought at every step in life
Every book will show new concept that step will show new thought to move thinking to direction of knowledge at every step in life
Every book will show new thought that page will show new scene to direction meaning to concept to thought at every step in life
Every book will show new strength that direction will show new step to knowledge understanding to start to knowledge at every step in life
Every book will show new concept that chapter will show new world to success and failure understanding become meaning at every step of life
Every book will show new touch that concept will show new direction to thought learning to spirit to direction at every step of life
Every book will show new knowledge that page will show new chapter to concept meaning to route to path at every step of life
Every book will show new start that concept will show new thought to appeal understanding to light to shine at every step of life
Every book will show new path that chapter will show new strength to direction thinking to direction to way at every step of life
Every book will show new chapter that concept will show new path to knowledge feeling to touch to route at every step of life
Every book will show new knowledge that page will show new appeal to concept learning to chapter to move at every step of life
Every book will show new strength that light will show new shine to knowledge thinking to chapter to concept at every step of life
Every book will show new concept that shine will show new step to route meaning to direction to thought at every step of life
Every book will show new direction that route will show new strength to chapter learning to way to direction at every step of life
Every book will show new thought that touch will show new direction to step understanding to start to soul at every step of life
Every book will show new knowledge that start will show new path to route thinking to touch to direction at every step of life
Every book will show new strength that path will show new world to direction meaning to step to thought at every step of life
Every book will show new chapter that concept will show new route to strength feeling to appeal to direction at every step of life
Every book will show new concept that page will show new thought to knowledge understanding to way to thought at every step of life
Every book will show new start that strength will show new knowledge to direction thinking to way to spirit at every step of life
Every book will show new path that direction will show new concept to chapter meaning to thought to way at every step of life
Every book will show new page that thought will show new direction to page learning to direction to way at every step of life
Every book will show new direction that knowledge will show new path to start meaning to path to chapter at every step of life
Every book will show new start that strength will show new touch to route feeling to direction to route at every step of life
Every book will show new word that direction will show new world to page meaning to thought to appeal at every step of life.

Poem. 4115. Page will show new

                                                                   Page will show new
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new way to world that show new meaning to word that show new line to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new step to strength that show new learning to knowledge that show new move to mind
Every page will show new beginning to mind that will show new path to direction that show new feeling to direction that show new thought to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new move to knowledge that show new thinking to spirit that show new chapter to mind
Every page will show new understanding to mind that will show new chapter to spirit that show new learning to step that show new move to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new strength to route that show new appeal to start that show new path to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new start to concept that show new path to knowledge that show new light to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new soul to direction that show new world to strength that show new start to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new concept to chapter that show new direction to way that show new path to mind
Every page will show new understanding to mind that will show new page to spirit that show new soul to knowledge that show new shine to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new step to strength that show new direction to start that show new chapter to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new start to thought that show new knowledge to way that show new route to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new word to knowledge that show new shine to start that show new path to mind
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new touch to spirit that show new chapter to direction that show new word to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new appeal to start that show new step to thought that show new touch to mind
Every page will show new understanding to mind that will show new light to shine that show new knowledge to soul that show new start to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new path to strength that show new thought to step that show new appeal to mind
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new world to knowledge that show new start to move that show new way to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new knowledge to start that show new path to spirit that show new light to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new thought to direction that show new step to soul that show new knowledge to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new path to chapter that show new word to world that show new shine to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new word to soul that show new light to strength that show new way to mind
Every page will show new understanding to mind that will show new route to start that show new thought to way that show new word to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new soul to strength that show new way to world that show new start to mind
Every page will show new understanding to mind that will show new way to knowledge that show new word to strength that show new route to mind
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new route to strength that show new path to concept that show new chapter to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new light to shine that show new thought to soul that show new touch to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new path to direction that show new route to thought that show new way to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new emotion to path that show new word to chapter that show new world to mind
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new step to route that show new move to thought that show new knowledge to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new knowledge to path that show new start to strength that show new thought to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new emotion to feel that show new chapter to direction that show new concept to mind
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new path to touch that show new concept to spirit that show new direction to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new direction to way that show new strength to light that show new shine to mind
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new route to shine that show new light to thought that show new way to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new path to way that show new direction to strength that show new word to mind
Every page will show new understanding to mind that will show new step to concept that show new chapter to way that show new step to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new world to thought that show new strength to start that show new thought to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new start to knowledge that show new chapter to strength that show new path to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new route to strength that show new step to thought that show new word to mind
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new word to route that show new direction to appeal that show new start to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new soul to spirit that show new thought to chapter that show new move to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new step to strength that show new word to knowledge that show new light to mind
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new path to touch that show new concept to direction that show new direction to mind
Every page will show new understanding to mind that will show new start to knowledge that show new strength to soul that show new word to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new path to chapter that show new thought to start that show new concept to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new touch to thought that show new knowledge to way that show new chapter to mind
Every page will show new meaning to mind that will show new shine to concept that show new strength to step that show new strength to mind
Every page will show new learning to mind that will show new world to thought that show new knowledge to path that show new concept to mind
Every page will show new thinking to mind that will show new strength to start that show new chapter to concept that show new direction to mind
Every page will show new feeling to mind that will show new chapter to concept that show new direction to way that show new thought to mind.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Poem. 4114. Tides are telling

                                                                     Tides are telling
Tides are telling something to use we need to decide which tide is peaceful and shine which one will give hope to mind that show shine to mind
Tides are telling some move to soul we need to decide which create direction and move which will give spirit to mind that show soul to mind
Tides are telling some step to direction we need to decide which show start and thought which will give soul to mind that show start to mind
Tides are telling some touch to thought we need to decide which show move and chapter which will give step to mind that show light to mind
Tides are telling some chapter to knowledge we need to decide which show step and direction which will give light to mind that show start to mind
Tides are telling some concept to page we need to decide which show thought and spirit which will give start to mind that show strength to mind
Tides are telling some thought to way we need to decide which show knowledge and start which will give light to mind that show path to mind
Tides are telling some direction to touch we need to decide which show route and thought which will give direction to mind that show page to mind
Tides are telling some path to knowledge we need to decide which show step and chapter which will give strength to mind that show shine to mind
Tides are telling some light to strength we need to decide which show direction and way which will give chapter to mind that show way to mind
Tides are telling some step to knowledge we need to decide which show chapter and concept which will give strength to mind that show way to mind
Tides are telling some way to strength we need to decide which show peace and hope which will give step to knowledge that show way to mind
Tides are telling some line to knowledge we need to decide which show move and path which will give light to strength that show spirit to mind
Tides are telling some move to spirit we need to decide which show soul and route which will give start to direction that show thought to mind
Tides are telling some start to strength we need to decide which show step and light which will give strength to knowledge that show appeal to mind
Tides are telling some light to direction we need to decide which show way and chapter which will give concept to chapter that show strength to mind
Tides are telling some step to knowledge we need to decide which show right thought and direction which will give path to thought that show move to mind
Tides are telling some route to thought we need to decide which show right path and peace which will give direction to knowledge that show light to mind
Tide are telling some start to knowledge we need to decide which show spirit and touch which will give strength to chapter that show page to mind
Tides are telling some appeal to path we need to decide which show light and shine which will give knowledge to path that show start to mind
Tides are telling some touch to move we need to decide which show start and concept which will give strength to shine that show light to mind
Tides are telling some concept to thought we need to decide which show shine and knowledge which will give path to step that show thought to mind
Tides are telling some light to shine we need to decide which show strength and direction which will give page to start that show strength to mind
Tides are telling some step to strength we need to decide which show touch and thought which will give start to step that show knowledge to mind
Tides are telling some move to start we need to decide which show path and page which will give chapter to concept that show path to mind
Tides are telling some word to change we need to decide which show right thought and spirit which will give direction to way that show light to mind
Tides are telling some light to thought we need to decide which show hope and positive which will give thought to strength that show step to mind
Tides are telling some shine to knowledge we need to decide which show positive and light which will give direction to thought that show spirit to mind
Tides are telling some thought to way we need to decide which show strength and touch which will give page to chapter that show direction to mind
Tides are telling some strength to light we need to decide which show step and start which will give peace to soul that show strength to mind
Tides are telling some shine to strength we need to decide which show appeal and route which will give path to peace that show appeal to mind
Tides are telling some path we need to decide which show hope and shine which will give concept to chapter that show strength to mind
Tides are telling some concept we need to decide which show positive appeal and strength which will give strength to soul that show move to mind
Tides are telling some way we need to decide which show hope and shine which will give knowledge to route that show way to mind
Tides are telling some start we need to decide which show light and positive which will give chapter to page that show step to mind
Tides are telling some shine we need to decide which show hope and right which will give shine to start that show strength to mind
Tides are telling some step we need to decide which show touch and direction which will give step to chapter that show light to mind
Tides are telling some spirit we need to decide which show step and light which will give start to way that show direction to mind
Tides are telling some soul we need to decide which show direction and step which will give spirit to strength that show way to mind
Tides are telling some route we need to decide which show knowledge and word which will give touch to thought that show route to mind
Tides are telling some step we need to decide which show start and spirit which will give knowledge to step that show way to mind
Tides are telling some start we need to decide which show strength and chapter which will give move to strength that show light to mind
Tides are telling some touch we need to decide which show concept and way which will give start to chapter that show move to mind
Tides are telling some spirit we need to decide which show soul and power which will give direction to route that show word to mind
Tides are telling some touch we need to decide which show chapter and route which will give strength to way that show touch to mind
Tides are telling some step we need to decide which show direction and strength which will give thought to page that show way to mind
Tides are telling some route we need to decide which show path and chapter which will give direction to soul that show step to mind
Tides are telling some path we need to decide which show word and line which will give knowledge to spirit that show start to mind
Tides are telling some start we need to decide which show strength and route which will give chapter to way that show light to mind
Tides are telling some soul we need to decide which show knowledge and way which will give strength to direction that show move to mind
Tides are telling some chapter we need to decide which show path and point which will give concept to thought that show way to mind. 

Poem. 4113. Step will show new to mind

                                                            Step will show new to mind
Different step will show new route that form impact in life which will show new strength that will show new path to strength that will show new move to mind
Different step will show new light that knowledge in life which will show new touch that will show new page to direction that will show new light to mind
Different step will show new strength that route in life which will show new path that will show new knowledge to way that will show new route to mind
Different step will show new knowledge that path in life which will show new shine that will show new concept to chapter that will show new word to mind
Different step will show new step that start in life which will show new knowledge that will show new chapter to page that will show new strength to mind
Different step will show new start that way in life which will show new chapter that will show new concept to way that will show new concept to mind
Different step will show new route that path in life which will show new concept that will show new touch to thought that will show new route to mind
Different step will show new page that chapter in life which will show new light that will show new strength to way that will show new thought to mind
Different step will show new touch that thought in life which will show new world that will show new shine to light that will show new shine to mind
Different step will show new path that strength in life which will show new direction that will show new light to strength that will show new appeal to mind
Different step will show new concept that chapter in life which will show new page that will show new route to thought that will show new spirit to mind
Different step will show new direction that knowledge in life which will show new line that will show new start to route that will show new soul to mind
Different step will show new strength that thought in life which will show new direction that will show new move to concept that will show new way to mind
Different step will show new knowledge that shine in life which will show new move that will show new chapter to thought that will show new path to mind
Different step will show new touch that way in life which will show new strength that will show new light to shine that will show new page to mind
Different step will show new path that touch in life which will show new thought that will show new start to route that will show new start to mind
Different step will show new thought that side in life which will show new knowledge that will show new shine to way that will show new touch to mind
Different step will show new knowledge that path in life which will show new chapter that will show new step to strength that will show new path to mind
Different step will show new touch that light in life which will show new concept that will show new path to chapter that will show new word to mind
Different step will show new strength that route in life which will show new thought that will show new move to start that will show new move to mind
Different step will show new shine that light in life which will show new start that will show new path to knowledge that will show new line to mind
Different step will show new strength that path in life which will show new move that will show new route to direction that will show new start to mind
Different step will show new knowledge that route in life which will show new thought that will show new move to concept that will show new light to mind
Different step will show new strength that start in life which will show new route that will show new touch to spirit that will show new move to mind
Different step will show new concept that step in life which will show new start that will show new spirit to strength that will show new touch to mind
Different step will show new knowledge that way in life which will show new path that will show new route to knowledge that will show new move to mind
Different step will show new thought that light in life which will show new touch that will show new direction to spirit that will show new chapter to mind
Different step will show new direction that world in life which will show new word that will show new move to strength that will show new path in mind
Different step will show new touch that shine in life which will show new knowledge that will show new page to knowledge that will show new touch in mind
Different step will show new concept that move in life which will show new move that will show new concept to strength that will show new word to mind
Different step will show new route that start in life which will show new strength that will show new route to knowledge that will show new light to mind
Different step will show new touch that move in life which will show new path that will show new strength to path that will show new knowledge to mind
Different step will show new path that strength in life which will show new shine that will show new light to thought that will show new appeal to mind
Different step will show new route that thought in life which will show new light that will show new way to knowledge that will show new window to mind
Different step will show new shine that direction in life which will show new start that will show new way to strength that will show new route to mind
Different step will show new concept that chapter in life which show new word that will show new direction to spirit that will show new light to mind
Different step will show new direction that start in life which show new path that will show new knowledge to move that will show new strength to mind
Different step will show new thought that way in life which show new route that will show new strength to spirit that will show new concept to mind
Different step will show new chapter that start in life which show new word that will show new world to soul that will show new strength to mind
Different step will show new direction that path in life which show new page that will show new concept to thought that will show new spirit to mind
Different step will show new knowledge that light in life which show new door that will show new direction to knowledge that will show new path to mind
Different step will show new route that shine in life which show new spirit that will show new feeling to concept to strength that will show new word to mind
Different step will show new start that path in life which show new chapter that will show new understanding to way to direction that will show new appeal to mind
Different step will show new touch that light in life which show new strength that will show new touch to thought to light to spirit that will show new strength to mind
Different step will show new world that shine in life which show new direction that will show new world to spirit to chapter to concept that will show new light to mind
Different step will show new word that chapter in life which show new path that will show new route to thought to way to thought that will show new word to mind
Different step will show new strength that concept in life which show new thought that will show new path to knowledge to direction that will show new way to mind
Different step will show new chapter that word in life which show new start that will show new direction to strength to appeal that will show new path to mind
Different step will show new world that shine in life which show new touch that will show new strength to path to direction that will show new route to mind
Different step will show new strength that path in life which show new world that will show new route to strength to thought that will show new move to mind
Different step will show new touch that direction in life which show new path that will show new soul to knowledge to direction that will show new shine to mind

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Poem. 4112. Every mountain will show

                                                                Every mountain will show
Every mountain will show new color to soul that will show new touch to mind that will give new touch to thought that will show new feel to mind
Every mountain will show new light to way that will show new spirit to mind that will give new soul to knowledge that will show new spirit to mind
Every mountain will show new appeal to start that will show new thought to mind that will give new way to direction that will show new world to mind
Every mountain will show new strength to path that will show new shine to mind that will give new step to strength that will show new knowledge to mind
Every mountain will show new thought to appeal that will show new soul to mind that will give new path to chapter that will show new strength to mind
Every mountain will show new step to knowledge that will show new scene to mind that will give new appeal to direction that will show new way to mind
Every mountain will show new strength to step that will show new direction to mind that will give new start to thought that will show new word to mind
Every mountain will show new path to move that will show new concept to mind that will give new world to knowledge that will show new shine to mind
Every mountain will show new start to courage that will show new strength to mind that will give new touch to spirit that will show new page to mind
Every mountain will show new touch to soul that will show new knowledge to mind that will give new start to appeal that will show new world to mind
Every mountain will show new light to path that will show new route to mind that will give new thought to way that will show new start to mind
Every mountain will show new step to strength that will show new world to mind that will give new chapter to concept that will show new route to mind
Every mountain will show new path to route that will show new path to mind that will give new direction to path that will show new path to mind
Every mountain will show new world to knowledge that will show new light to mind that will give new route to strength that will show new shine to mind
Every mountain will show new path to direction that will show new start to mind that will give new spirit to thought that will show new chapter to mind
Every mountain will show new way to strength that will show new route to mind that will give new knowledge to light that will show new way to mind
Every mountain will show new start to appeal that will show new step to mind that will give new concept to touch that will show new thought to mind
Every mountain will show new move to knowledge that will show new page to mind that will give new start to strength that will show new path to mind
Every mountain will show new chapter to concept that will show new way to mind that will give new route to thought that will show new world to mind
Every mountain will show new page to soul that will show new direction to mind that will give new path to appeal that will show new move to mind
Every mountain will show new step to soul that will show new knowledge to mind that will give new route to strength that will show new light to mind
Every mountain will show new word to thought that will show new strength to mind that will give new path to knowledge that will show new start to mind
Every mountain will show new stage to direction that will show new appeal to mind that will give new step to path that will show new route to mind
Every mountain will show new scene to move that will show new knowledge to mind that will give new way to strength that will show new light to mind
Every mountain will show new forest to adventure called life that will show new gate to mind that will give new spirit to thought that will show step to mind
Every mountain will show new touch to soul that will show new world to mind that will give new strength to appeal that will show spirit to mind
Every mountain will show new path to start that will show new strength to mind that will give new soul to direction that will show way to mind
Every mountain will show new way to knowledge that will show new step to mind that will give new chapter to concept that will show feel to mind
Every mountain will show new strength to thought that will show new path to mind that will give new strength to touch that will show thought to mind
Every mountain will show new step to spirit that will show new thought to mind that will give new concept to laugh that will show light to mind
Every mountain will show new route to touch that will show new spirit to mind that will give new strength to thought that will show shine to mind
Every mountain will show new thought to start that will show new move to mind that will give new path to direction that will show thought to mind
Every mountain will show new knowledge to step that will show new light to mind that will give new scene to path that will show concept to mind
Every mountain will show new soul to scene that will show new colors to mind that will give new path to strength that will show direction to mind
Every mountain will show new spirit to thought that will show new world to mind that will give new light to thought that will show strength to mind
Every mountain will show new touch to strength that will show new way to mind that will give new direction to knowledge that will show move to mind
Every mountain will show new path to chapter that will show new page to mind that will give new world to strength that will show spirit to mind
Every mountain will show new soul to spirit that will show new strength to mind that will give new page to direction that will show step to mind
Every mountain will show new step to strength that will show new shine to mind that will give new look to surrounding that will show light to mind
Every mountain will show new path to knowledge that will show new step to mind that will give new path to meaning that will show route to mind
Every mountain will show new start to touch that will show new light to mind that will give new look to feeling that will show start to mind
Every mountain will show new spirit to direction that will show new path to mind that will give new world to learning that will show light to mind
Every mountain will show new scene to concept that will show new knowledge to mind that will give new page to meaning that will show way to mind
Every mountain will show new touch to thought that will show new strength to mind that will give new path to understanding that will show shine to mind
Every mountain will show new strength to step that will show new move to thought that will give new way to feeling that will show light to mind
Every mountain will show new appeal to knowledge that will show new move to start that will give new touch to meaning that will show step to mind
Every mountain will show new chapter to concept that will show new start to strength that will give new path to thinking that will show way to mind
Every mountain will show new thought to knowledge that will show new step to direction that will give new move to learning that will show step to mind
Every mountain will show new direction to path that will show new start to concept that will give new direction to meaning that will show appeal to mind
Every mountain will show new start to route that will show new direction to touch that will give new start to feeling that will show emotion to mind
Every mountain will show new path to strength that will show new page to scene that will give new opening to learning that will show new word to mind.

Poem. 4111. Different season to shine

                                                                   Different season to shine
Different season will show new way that will show new chapter to concept which will show new weather that give new way to shine
Different season will show new path that will show new knowledge to strength which will show new move that give new strength to shine
Different season will show new word that will show new light to soul which will show new chapter that give new concept to shine
Different season will show new strength that will show new step to route which will show new move that give new knowledge to shine
Different season will show new concept that will show new move to thought which will show new page that give new direction to shine
Different season will show new start that will show new path to soul which will show new start that give new thought to shine
Different season will show new world that will show new spirit to step which will show new light that give new path to shine
Different season will show new weather that will show new concept to touch which will show new concept that give new word to shine
Different season will show new knowledge that will show new page to direction which will show new path that give new chapter to shine
Different season will show new path that will show new route to thought which will show new light that give new direction to shine
Different season will show new strength that will show new weather to strength which will show new move that give new spirit to shine
Different season will show new touch that will show new knowledge to path which will show new word that give new route to shine
Different season will show new start that will show new strength to way which will show new word that give new strength to shine
Different season will show new path that will show new chapter to page which will show new start that give new chapter to shine
Different season will show new light that will show new thought to touch which will show new step that give new knowledge to shine
Different season will show new thought that will show new step to thought which will show new world that give new concept to shine
Different season will show new direction that will show new line to chapter which will show new knowledge that give new word to shine
Different season will show new strength that will show new light to soul which will show new strength that give new direction to shine
Different season will show new chapter that will show new concept to start which will show new word that give new thought to shine
Different season will show new start that will show new touch to direction which will show new path that give new soul to shine
Different season will show new light that will show new direction to thought which will show new world that give new soul to shine
Different season will show new touch that will show new chapter to spirit which will show new way that give new concept to shine
Different season will show new page that will show new concept to way which will show new thought that give new way to shine
Different season will show new word that will show new light to touch which will show new page that give knowledge to shine
Different season will show new direction that will show new way to step which will show new move that give thought to shine
Different season will show new stage that will show new step to light which will show new strength that give spirit to shine
Different season will show new path that will show new direction to soul which will show new start that give route to shine. 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Adventure story. 355. Dipti's parents

                                                                              Dipti's parents
Dipti started arranging everything in proper way. She wanted her house to look best. Her parents were coming today to visit her. It was wonderful occasion normally for girls but for her it was not that simple. Her parents never considered her nice and normal. They always felt that something was wrong with her. She was not perfect like other girls and she wanted to prove them wrong. She began to place every thing in perfect way. She started to set things in different way. She began to arrange things properly. She started to keep them properly. Then she began to move behind and started to watch things carefully. She started to think if those things were looking so promising. She started to arranging things. She was arranging entire house in different ways when her mother-in-law came in room. She asked " What are you doing?" "Mom I wanted to arrange things properly." " But every thing is proper?" " Yes Mom but it is not perfect." She was totally shocked. Her Mother-in-law looked at every corner of house. " I have never seen it so clean." " I know Mom many times I keep it dirty." Now her mother-in-law was frustrated. " I am not saying it was dirty before why you keep taking my words in wrong way. I am not some evil Mother-in-law." Then suddenly her brother-in-law Mohit came and began to tease Mom " Yes Mom is not planning to win best villain award on television show. She would try for supporting actress or best Mom award." " Stop it Mohit. It's not joke." " Mom this is funny. If Dipti Bhabhi want to clean let her clean." " But look at her face she would faint on any time this way." Now this was true Dipti was clearly looking pale. " Dipti Bhabhi you are really looking pale are you sick or something?" Dipti started to shiver. It was worst thing. She was looking pale and sick. Hostess must not look pale or sick. " Am I looking ugly? Just tell me the truth!!" Mother-in-law " When person is looking sick then it is not time to discuss beauty. It is time to visit Doctor. I am sure. You are going to suffer from some virus and you must visit Doctor. I will come with you." " But my Mom and Dad are going to come." " We can cancel it. They will come on some other day Mohit can do it for us. Now come down and let's go to Doctor." Dipti nodded. She started to going in room to change clothes. But her Mother-in-law stopped her. " No need of perfection now. Let's go to Doctor. You are just fine in this clothes." She nodded since she was truly feeling sick. Her head was too heavy. She needed Doctor. She started to go out with her Mother-in-law but she was not sure about her own footsteps. She stopped and took help of wall to steady herself. Her Mother-in-law was clearly scared. " I think we need to take help of someone. I don't feel sure that I can manage to take her in this condition." Mohit " I will come." " And who will take care of Anju?" Then they heard crying of baby." Anju is awake. " Slowly little Anju started to come in hall. Dipti " Keep her inside. I don't want to scare her." Mother-in-law " I feel you should sleep in bedroom. I will call Doctor on home visit." She nodded and went in room. Her head was so heavy that opening of eyes seemed like burden. She kept sleeping. After sometime Doctor came, he started checking her. Doctor " Her blood pressure is too high give her complete rest." She opened her eyes little bit but she didn't understand much. Her head was just to heavy to grasp anything. When Doctor came out, he slowly closed door and asked " Did she have some sort of tension?" Mother-in-law " No not at all. She was fine." Mohit "Dipti Bhabhi was doing too much cleaning. Mom was trying to stop her but she was tense about her parent's visit." Doctor looked confused. " At this age she couldn't get exhausted just by cleaning too much. I mean she could get little bit sick or weak but she is having too high BP. You are sure that you don't have argument." Her Mother-in-law started to look upset & Mohit couldn't stop laughing. Doctor was so confused. She smiled on Mohit " Stop it Mohit." Then she turned to Doctor " Sir I am nice and peaceful Mother-in-law. I don't believe in harassing my daughter-in-law." Suddenly Anju came out and added twist by crying. Doctor looked at her with confused expression. Mother-in-law " This is my grand daughter and I don't have desire to have grandson since I have two sons so I need another flat. One boy need family since another need of flat so I wanted girl. I am totally practical woman. I don't believe daughter can't give fame to family. I know list of girls who do." Then she took Anju in arms. Anju smiled and kissed her grandmother immediately to prove her truth. Doctor " Sorry but your daughter-in-law is tense. We need to find cause. What is her job?" Mohit " Dipti Bhabhi do some painting as hobby and sometimes show them in exhibition but it is not for money. It just manage to relax her." Doctor " Will you show me her last painting?" " Sure, but is it okay if I show you picture? Bhabhi didn't like handling of picture too much. She said it destroy them so she clicked picture." " Perfect." He showed picture. It was wonderful scenery of nature. No sign of depression. Doctor looked more confused. Doctor " May be it is about health issue? I am giving you few tests. Give her these medicines and it will take some time. I am giving her mild dose since Dipti is doing breastfeeding. So handle all with care. Keep her away from tension and stress. And give her food without salt. Give her complete rest." Her Mother-in-law nodded. As soon as Doctor went out, she called her friend and asked about cook. Immediately a cook was employed in house. Dipti's Mother-in-law didn't want to take risk on Dipti's health. Mohit was also happy about it. His Bhabhi was soul of their family so soft and so loving. She was apple of eye to all. She was first time sick this way. It was too scary.
     Dipti's Mother-in-law informed her parents about her sickness. Her Mom" So sorry. But Dipti is not strong in health. It must be hard for you to adjust now?" " It's okay. But Dipti is normally healthy but weather is worst nowadays." " But person didn't get blood pressure due to weather. Did Dipti argued?" " No..no there was not any argument in house." " Thank God. I always kept telling Dipti she must give respect to elders but she never listen to it." " Dipti never said anything wrong to me. Your daughter is like my daughter to me. She give me more respect than my own sons." Dipti's Mom didn't say anything for sometime then began to talk again. " We have trained our daughter that way. She was not like that as kid but we did lots of efforts on her. You never original Dipti." Dipti's Mother-in-law was so frustrated. Whenever something turned wrong parents put blame on daughter when it was right then they did it. She never saw such strange parents in her entire life. It was so strange. Parents always kept admiring daughter but Dipti's parents never spent one day in admiring. She was worst person in their eyes from first day. She still remembered when she first called them in her home. Dipti was so beautiful shy girl. She just fall in love with Dipti at first sight. She decided that she wanted her as her daughter-in-law. Then she kept calling Dipti on every occasion.Her efforts moved in right way her elder son Tushar began to like her. Finally one day he decided that he wanted to propose her. But it was not easy for him. She was too shy. He was scared that she might vanish from his life. But then finally one day Dipti's Mother-in-law suggested date would be suitable for them. Dipti's parents looked shocked. Dipti's father asked " Are you talking about our daughter Dipti?" "Yes." Before he could say something else her Mom stopped. Her Mom started to apply pressure on Dipti's hand to push her to say 'yes'. Dipti's Mother-in-law didn't like it. She wanted to change her decision but then she saw honest love for her son in Dipti's eyes and she didn't say anything. Dipti was so shocked when she started to deciding fixing date for them. Finally it was decided. Then step by step Dipti became friendly towards them. Even when they got married Dipti's parents kept taunting her, it started from first step of marriage. Dipti's Mother-in-law sensed that they were strange people. But she kept tolerating them since they were Dipti's parents but sometimes she began to doubt her decision. Dipti's Mother-in-law, Nirmala kept listening to her mother's self admiration. Finally when it was over, she disconnected call. Nirmala was so upset by this entire drama. She wanted to relax when Mohit came in room with Anju who was crying. Nirmala was so tired and stressed but she knew that Dipti was ill so she must became her substitute for few days. When Dipti's father-in-law Kishor came home, Nirmala told him everything. Kishor " But we have maid why did she do everything?" " I don't know. I kept telling her. But she was so obssessed with clearing that she didn't even ask for help otherwise even Mohit could have helped her." " It is strange. I don't understand why she acted like that. She is normal and obedient girl." " Now don't look at me with suspicion!!" Kishor started laughing. " I know my wife better than that. I will never doubt you. You will tell her to work. You keep one extra maid. But maybe we should talk to Tushar. There might be some matter between husband and wife. Did you tried to call him?" She totally forgot to call him. " My God!! I was so tense. I forgot." Now Kishor looked angry. Kishor " I don't expect this attitude from you." Then she immediately called Tushar and told him all. He sounded tense. " But why was she so tense? " " Now I hoped you can throw some light on this. Did you argue with her?" It was so shocking to Tushar. " Mom you know our relation very well. We have wonderful understanding. We never argue. Any way why did you call me so late?" Now Nirmala sensed that she was trapped. " I was too busy just forgot." " Forgot to inform me that my wife was going to faint and Doctor suggested bed rest to her?!! Did you two argued?" " No..not at all." " I want to talk to Mohit." She felt hurt that her son was not trusting her but she knew that it was her mistake. She called Mohit. She gave phone to Mohit and immediately went in her room. She sat on her bed. She was feeling so sad. She didn't do anything wrong still no one had any faith on her. It was not fair. She never did anything to harm Dipti but everyone was blaming her. She was innocent. She tried her best to handle but her one mistake became crime. She decided that she could not control herself. She went to close her door but little Anju was standing in door. She was so confused now. That little girl was hoping attention from Grandma while her Mom was absent. She took her in arms and started crying. But then she controlled. She had to handle it all. She went in kitchen to prepare dinner for all. She kept Anju in far away corner in her baby seat locked. Anju was not happy about it but she adjusted. Nirmala sensed one thing that she had to handle it all. Everyone came to blame but no one came to help.
     When Dipti woke up, she was feeling little bit better. But she could not go out. She could clearly hear Tushar's voice. Tushar was talking with his Mom. Nirmala was answering her best. But she could hear anger in his voice. She didn't like it. Her mother-in-law was always more than her own mother to her. She wanted to protest. But she couldn't go out. Nirmala was so upset. When Tushar came back from office he started questioning her. She didn't like his tone at all. She never did anything wrong. But now she didn't want those responsibilities too. She discussed everything in details. She could sense clear anger and insulting attitude into Tushar's voice. " Frankly I tried my best but now I am even planning to keep a cook." " I feel we should have done this before. I think we should have kept a cook as soon as Anju was born." " Wasn't is my advice you and your wife didn't agree? I said from first day that we needed cook but you did not agree. You kept insisting the cook will not cook food in tasty way as your wife did. It was not my mistake. I am keeping a cook now if you don't feel that I am taking proper care of your wife saying you can also appoint a nurse." Kishor " no need to create such a big issue out of such a small thing." " Do you feel I am the one who is doing it? Ask Mohit how hard I worked  today to adjust things around house. I have not done anything wrong but I am the one who get blame from every side. " Nirmala was no longer about to control her tears. She gave Anju to Tushar and went in her room. Mohit looked at his elder brother with anger. Mohit " What was moms mistake? She tried her best under everything just because she forgot to call you I don't feel you should have said so many things to her." " I have not said anything wrong. I want just discussing and she took it in totally wrong way." Kishor " you are not discussing you are blaming her!! From beginning she was suggesting that we should give you separate house and I was the one who objected. Now I had began to think correctness of my decision!!" " Please don't drag matter so much. I will go and apologize to Mom." Tushar immediately went towards his Mom's room. He started knocking on her door. " Mom I want to talk. I am sorry" " You can come in. Door is open." Tushar went near his Mom. He felt so sad about entire episode. He knew that his mom, Nirmala never act wrong way with his wife but still he felt upset. He sat near his Mom. " I am sorry. I was so upset." " I am upset too but I don't started blaming you." " Sorry Mom it was all my mistake. Actually in office all staff was saying many things.." " Like?" " Son is needed. I don't feel that way do you?" " No I didn't. But people will not believe us and I have stopped convincing them long ago. At time of Mohit I wanted daughter. I kept telling even to Doctor. But they didn't believe me. When Mohit was born Doctor gave him to me happily and said that I had given birth to son. Nurse beside him said congratulation now you didn't need to lie. I was angry. I said I was not lying. I am ready to exchange my son. I was really totally willing. I wanted beautiful daughter like your daughter. But I managed to get arrogant son." " Who was fighting with me for you few minutes ago?" " See. How arrogant he is? Peaceful daughter should have came here near me and consoled me nicely." " Mom you are living in which era daughter are not peaceful now." On same moment Anju entered with loud scream and they started laughing. Nirmala " Let's keep our argument aside. But what is wrong with your wife?" " I don't know Mom. It is mystery for me too." " I don't understand it." Nirmala took Anju in lap. Anju was relaxed now. She started to sleep. Nirmala " Anju need to drink milk before sleeping." So they both went in Dipti's room. Dipti was sitting on bed. She was clearly upset and scared. They went near her. Dipti started stammering " Did you.. you.. fought with Mom?" Nirmala sensed cause. She understood the situation. Dipti must had over heard their argument. " Yes he did every day since his birth just like her." Anju started screaming on that point. Everyone laughed. Then they gave Anju to Dipti and went out of room. They wanted to talk. Kishor and Mohit joined them. Mohit " Every thing is fine." Nirmala " No your brother was convincing me you are gift of God. But I am still convinced I needed daughter." " No need to worry Mom find nice date like Dipti Bhabhi for me and I will give you nice girl just like Anju." Kishor slapped him on back and said " First finish your graduation get MBA like your brother. Then you should get job.." Mohit " Mom Dad is over demanding!! I can get job after graduation!!" Nirmala " Then you can get wife like me not like Dipti." Everyone started laughing. They all sensed getting tense was not helping them. But finally they had to return to matter. Kishor " Dipti is fine now?" " No she keep getting tense." Tushar " it's my mistake. She must had overheard my conversation!!" Kishor " Conversation? It was angry boost out. I hope it is not happening again and again." " Few times!!" They all looked upset. " Tushar was emotional by nature. He get angry sometimes and he couldn't change himself like that. Nirmala " We must not get tense now. Let's wait for reports. It might be something physical." Everyone nodded. That they didn't laughed or joked on dinner table. It was clearly tense day.
      When Anju fall asleep, Dipti slowly kept her in crib. Dipti started to sense that she was clearly becoming cause to destroy peace of that house. She didn't want it to turn this way. She started to feel so upset her parents were proving right. She always heard it from her childhood that she was something evil. She had two siblings. But her parents always kept her away from them. She always stayed with her old grandmother. But her Mom never told this. Her parents brought her to that party with sole purpose that they wanted to marry her off with someone since her grandmother was died. She couldn't forget her Mom's word when her grandmother became sick due to old age. She said "Dipti manage to eat her too." She spoke this before all people when they were paying last respect to her grandmother's dead body. Everyone was shocked. But they all consoled her by saying her Mom was in shock. But she knew very well that it was not the case. They hated her from beginning. She was never blessing for them. She was curse. She didn't know properly who but some priest told them that she would bring worst curse on them. She would shatter their life. After that they never let her come near their remaining family. On that party she came just because her parents wanted to get rid of her. She began to feel so upset. Her grandmother always told her that these superstitions were nothing but creation of her parent's mind. Her. Grandmother always hated their attitude. But when she died, Dipti became totally helpless. She wanted to be happy. But her parents didn't want to make her part of their life. Even on that day when she was getting her house ready for them, she knew in her heart that they didn't want to come. They never showed her face of her siblings. It was so frustrating. She began to hide every thing from her husband's family. She was sure one day they would find out. She knew on that day she would lose faith of every one. She was so tense. She had to be perfect. She knew that she had to clean every corner of this house. Her grandmother told her that keeping things clean would keep everyone far away from sickness. She needed to clean. She started looking around. She knew that she was not supposed to walk but she couldn't help herself. She started to stood up. She sensed that ground under her feet was not steady. It was moving. She knew that she was not fine. But still she kept hoping. She kept thinking that if she acted in positive way then she could walk. She began to walk. But her feet seemed made out of rubber. She couldn't control her fall. Last thing she remembered was crying of Anju. Tushar was confused when he heard Anju's desparate crying. She was saying " Mom..Mom." something was wrong. They all ran inside room. It was shocking. Dipti was fallen on ground and her head was bleeding. Anju was trying to come down from crib. It was horrible and scary. Nirmala immediately grabbed baby. She was so scared that she might fall from crib in mind she decided that she was going to throw this crib in storage. She didn't want  it to be used again. Tushar ran towards Dipti. Dipti was bleeding. Tushar ordered Mohit to bring clean handkerchief. Kishor ran to call Doctor. Tushar tried hard to stop that blood when Mohit brought handkerchief. It was horrible. He tried so hard but she kept bleeding. Mohit " May we should use tumeric?" Nirmala " Are you out of mind? Turmeric can do nothing. She needed sritches." Kishor came running inside. Kishor " Doctor said he would come soon. " " But Dad it seemed impossible to hold." " I think she needed stitches and her BP is high too." Kishor was so tense. He called Doctor again who gave number of hospital. They called ambulance and kept trying to control bleeding. But nothing was working. Tushar didn't wanted to cry but he was so scared that tears were started falling on his cheek. He began to shiver with fear. He didn't want to lose his love this way. Nirmala touched on his shoulder. " Don't worry. They just do some stitches and she would be fine." Anju was still crying. She was trying to wake up her mother with her screams but it was useless. Dipti was beyond their reach. Nirmala started to get panic too. She turned to Mohit and told him to bring money out of cupboard. They might need some in hospital. Then she turned towards Tushar. " Anju is scared. I am taking her out of room. Control yourself." Tushar looked at his Mom and controlled himself. He sensed that he supposed to control himself. He wanted to dry his eyes but soon he sensed his hands were full of blood so he stopped himself when he heard voice of ambulance. He took breath of relief when they took away his wife. He felt that she could be fine now. First time Nirmala was sitting alone in house. Her house was never empty like this. She always had pleasant thought to give her company but now everything was messed. She had expected some troubles in her life. She had even anticipated that her son might left house but never this. She had never thought something like that would happen. It was horrible. She sensed from beginning that Dipti's family was hiding something. But she never discussed much. Her one friend was not much happy when this marriage was fixed. She kept suggesting different girls until end. When Dipti married to Tushar, her friend stopped visiting. She decided that today she must ask her friend clearly what was wrong. She shivered with fear. She was lucky that finally Anju fall asleep due to getting tired. She called her friend three times without success. Then she started cleaning blood in that room. She wanted room to be normal when Anju woke up. She was upset. Finally she decided to call Dipti's parents. But then she sensed that it would upset her more. But it was her duty and she didn't want to be blamed for it again. Then suddenly her mobile rang her friend was calling back.
       In hospital entire family was so tense. Every minute seemed like million years to them. Mohit kept running towards every Doctor and nurse whoever came out of any room. Many times they even got angry since they were in hurry regarding some other patient. Finally they forces him to sit on one chair. He kept sitting there in some person tied to chair since he didn't want to be thrown out of hospital. Kishor was busy in making payments and filling forms. Hospital was even inquired about cause. At beginning they asked with suspicion but when BP trouble became clear they discussed it like every day matter. But Doctor told Tushar to arrange blood. Doctor said she suffered blood loss due to wound and she was already weak so Tushar had to go in blood bank to arrange it. It was worst day for them. When suddenly a young man appeared by Mohit's side and asked " Are you related to Dipti?" " Yes I am her brother-in-law." " Ohh where is her husband?" " My brother went away to blood bank for blood but you can talk to my father. He is standing there making payments." That young Doctor thanked him and went towards Kishor. After that this young Doctor helped them entire time. They just sensed one thing he was related to Dipti. Then suddenly Nirmala called. Tushar was not there by then so Kishor decided to take her call. " Don't worry. It will take some time but she will be fine." " Ohh thank God but I called you to give other news." " Other news? About what?" " Do you remember my friend.." " Stop it come to point." " She was telling they kept Dipti alway away from family since they consider her evil." " And you believed this nonsense. Also called me to tell this!! I never thought I will feel so much disgust towards you as I feel now. That girl is serious & you are saying she is evil? You seem more evil." Nirmala " Shame on you. How could you think about your wife this way? Any way I will forgive you since you are standing in hospital and stressed but never dare to say it again. I was not supporting it nor my friend supported it. In fact my friend was saying that poor girl was suffering stress due to them we must not invite them." Kishor was confused now. Tushar was watching him. Tushar " What happened?" When Kishor didn't said anything, Tushar took mobile from him. " What happened Mom?" " This is all happening because of Dipti's parents." Then she told all. Tushar was so angry. " Mom are you going to share those strange gossips on this moment?" " No need to trust me. You can inquire in hospital. Her brother is working there." Tushar was shocked. He looked at Doctor who was standing there with them. He had similarity in looks with Dipti but they never thought about it until now. " Okay Mom bye." Then Tushar asked question directly " Are you Dipti's brother?" He nodded. " I am psychiatrist. I took passion to this side since my life was damaged due to mental problems. My parents began to believe one fortune teller then they started to follow him like mad person. They gave up our sister because he told. We never able to see her. Today I heard it since by chance my wife was there when your Mom called. Then I made inquiries in my circle. Luckily I came in contact with your family Doctor. Well let's be truthful. I hired a detective who told all. It seemed odd but this is truth. Now tell me all." Then Tushar told everything. Dipti's brother " This is going to be hard . She is suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder." " But she could be cured?" " Of course. It is totally curable disease but for few days it was going to be worst. I mean she was not going to like mark on head. She might want to clean it too." Tushar shivered. " But you can handle it.." " Of course. First let me talk to Doctor. I don't want her to see her face before talking." Tushar nodded. Then Doctor came out and told them " She is fine but needed to stay in ICU for two days. I think she is fine but as precaution need to observe for two days. " Then Dipti's brother started to talk with him. Family members were allowed to see her for two minutes. Dipti was looking so weak. Then Tushar decided to stay there. Remaining family members went back. Dipti's brother came with them. Nirmala came out as soon as they entered in house. " What happened?" Kishor " She is fine now." Then Dipti's brother introduced himself. Nirmala looked at him with anger. But he said " Auntie try to understand Dipti is nice girl. Whatever happened is not her mistake. She always punished for other's crime. She is perfect every way. Please accept her." Nirmala smiled. She felt as if she was meeting Dipti's family for first time. Someone who admired her. She said " And it was not even your mistake. Why don't you stay here today? You look exhausted with Dipti in hospital we can surely use one extra pair of hands." " Sure." Kishor " Stay for week if possible." He nodded and happily informed his wife. He was on top of the world since he finally found his sister. He knew everything was going to be fine for everyone now. Nirmala asked " So you are Dipti's only brother?" "No she had two more sisters." Nirmala was shocked but she decided that she should meet only those members who were introduced by this nice brother of Dipti so she just smiled and dropped this subject.
                                                                                  The End

Friday, July 27, 2018

Poem. 4110. Route of shine will show

                                                                   Route of shine will show
Route of shine will show new path have different touch that will show appeal to effect to way that step which give strength to mind
Route of shine will show new start have different shine that will show direction to way to start that knowledge which give way to mind
Route of shine will show new soul have different concept that will show concept to start to step that give direction which give spirit to mind
Route of shine will show new spirit have different start that will show chapter to page to way that give strength which give line to mind
Route of shine will show new step have different strength that will show strength to path to soul that give chapter which give start to mind
Route of shine will show new move have different path that will show knowledge to route to knowledge that give path which give light to mind
Route of shine will show new touch have different appeal that will show way to thought to path that give start which give strength to mind
Route of shine will show new light have different shine that will show chapter to concept to move that give way which give knowledge to mind
Route of shine will show new way have different spirit that will show soul to strength to appeal that give direction which give way to mind
Route of shine will show new touch have different direction that will show way to spirit to move that give touch which give light to mind
Route of shine will show new strength have different path that will show start to chapter to concept that give light which give spirit to mind
Route of shine will show new chapter have different stage that will show direction to way to knowledge that give way which give start to mind
Route of shine will show new concept have different light that will show spirit to touch to strength that give move which give light to mind
Route of shine will show new direction have different way that will show step to light to path that give strength which give path to mind
Route of shine will show new way have different step that will show path to strength to side that give knowledge which give touch to mind
Route of shine will show new path have different way that will show route to chapter to concept that give strength which give way to mind
Route of shine will show new light have different touch that will show way to concept to way that give knowledge which give light to mind
Route of shine will show new way have different light that will show shine to thought to start that give light which give shine to mind
Route of shine will show new spirit have different soul that will show start to knowledge to light that give way which give move to mind
Route of shine will show new step have different way that will show way to world to enchanting effect that give start which give way to mind
Route of shine will show new path have different touch that will show strength to way to feeling emotion that give path which give way to mind
Route of shine will show new start have different step that will show chapter to thinking to thought that give strength which give touch to mind
Route of shine will show new page have different chapter that will show concept to learning to soul that give touch which give start to mind
Route of shine will show new word have different world that will show side to meaning to strength that give path which give light to mind
Route of shine will show new knowledge have different thought that will show step to thinking to start that give route which give shine to mind
Route of shine will show new strength have different start that will show start to learning to knowledge that give word which give strength to mind
Route of shine will show new touch have different path that will show strength to understanding to soul that give touch which give chapter to mind
Route of shine will show new direction have different way that will show chapter to meaning to spirit that give knowledge which give way to mind
Route of shine will show new thought have different light that will show route to feeling to move that give strength which give path to mind
Route of shine will show new direction have different fact that will show path to thinking to start that give chapter which give step to mind
Route of shine will show new spirit have different touch that will show strength to meaning to path that give concept which give light to mind
Route of shine will show new soul have different start that will show direction to feeling to way that give touch which give spirit to mind
Route of shine will show new concept have different word that will show chapter to understanding to start that give thought which give start to mind
Route of shine will show new thought have different path that will show start to learning to thought that give knowledge which give chapter to mind
Route of shine will show new knowledge have different step that will show strength to meaning to path that give appeal which give move to mind
Route of shine will show new start have different touch that will show spirit to thinking to soul that give direction which give soul to mind
Route of shine will show new direction have different start that will show step to understanding to way that give strength which give path to mind
Route of shine will show new path have different chapter that will show path to feeling to direction that give chapter which give route to mind
Route of shine will show new strength have different stage that will show way to meaning to touch that give concept which give touch to mind
Route of shine will show new appeal have different way that will show thought to learning to spirit that give soul which give direction to mind
Route of shine will show new knowledge have different touch that will show route to understanding to way that give spirit which give strength to mind
Route of shine will show new step have different chapter that will show strength to thinking to soul that give appeal which give move to mind
Route of shine will show new strength have different path that will show start to learning to way that give chapter which give thought to mind
Route of shine will show new start have different way that will show direction to feeling to start that give concept which give soul to mind
Route of shine will show new path have different start that will show spirit to meaning to thought that give thought which give emotion to mind
Route of shine will show new touch have different appeal that will show move to understanding that give way which give strength to mind
Route of shine will show new thought have different word that will show soul to learning that give direction which give path to mind
Route of shine will show new spirit have different strength that will show thought to thinking that give spirit which give touch to mind
Route of shine will show new step have different step that will show knowledge to feeling that give touch which give start to mind
Route of shine will show new path have different chapter that will show strength to meaning that give direction which give touch to mind
Route of shine will show new appeal have different start that will show concept to understanding that give strength which give step to mind.

Poem. 4109. Different hope will show

                                                                    Different hope will show
Different hope will show different effect to different touch that show new route to life that give direction to thought on each point
Different hope will show different chapter to different concept that show new way to life that give strength to move on each point
Different hope will show different move to different thought that show new light to life that give shine to spirit on each point
Different hope will show different route to different feeling that show new step to life that give start to move on each point
Different hope will show different start to different meaning that show new move to life that give path to knowledge on each point
Different hope will show different step to different knowledge that show new shine to life that give step to strength on each point
Different hope will show different light to different path that show new strength to life that give light to shine on each point
Different hope will show different path to different route that show new chapter to life that give strength to way on each point
Different hope will show different touch to different spirit that show new soul to life that give knowledge to move on each point
Different hope will show different move to different appeal that show new step to life that give chapter to direction on each point
Different hope will show different start to different direction that show new world to life that give start to strength on each point
Different hope will show different route to different knowledge that show new path to life that give touch to knowledge on each point
Different hope will show different light to different shine that show new touch to life that give thought to spirit on each point
Different hope will show different strength to different route that show new step to life that give route to start on each point
Different hope will show different path to different step that show new word to life that give chapter to concept on each point
Different hope will show different step to different touch that show new way to life that give concept to move on each point
Different hope will show different route to different path that show new soul to life that give strength to light on each point
Different hope will show different move to different soul that show new chapter to life that give knowledge to page on each point
Different hope will show different start to different way that show new concept to life that give shine to strength on each point
Different hope will show different soul to different thought that show new appeal to life that give emotion to spirit on each point
Different hope will show different step to different step that show new knowledge to life that give route to strength on each point
Different hope will show different direction to different start that show new route to life that give way to knowledge on each point
Different hope will show different thought to different way that show new light to life that give spirit to touch on each point
Different hope will show different knowledge to different thought that show new way to life that give path to step on each point
Different hope will show different strength to different route that show new route to life that give way to start on each point
Different hope will show different path to different way that show new side of life that give thought to spirit on each point
Different hope will show different light to different shine that show new move of life that give chapter to direction on each point
Different hope will show different start to different move that show new step of life that give knowledge to start on each point
Different hope will show different step to different touch that show new light of life that give direction to route on each point
Different hope will show different way to different route that show new knowledge of life that give path to chapter on each point
Different hope will show different shine to different move that show new  appeal of life that give way to thought on each point
Different hope will show different route to different direction that show new word of life that give route to touch on each point
Different hope will show different word to different chapter that show new path of life that give thought to way on each point
Different hope will show different voice to different knowledge that show new step of life that give strength to thought on each point
Different hope will show different route to different path that show new effect of life that give direction to knowledge on each point
Different hope will show different start to different strength that show new path of life that give move to touch on each point
Different hope will show different path to different concept that show new route of life that give way to thought on each point
Different hope will show different way to different knowledge that show new word of life that give strength to light on each point
Different hope will show different light to different shine that show new move of life that give knowledge to way on each point
Different hope will show different step to different chapter that show new light of life that give strength to shine on each point
Different hope will show different route to different appeal that show new way of life that give chapter to concept on each point
Different hope will show different light to different start that show new path of life that give direction to thought on each point
Different hope will show different strength to different way that show new light of life that give soul to strength on each point
Different hope will show different chapter to different line that show new step of life that give appeal to touch on each point
Different hope will show different move to different step that show new start of life that give chapter to concept on each point
Different hope will show different start to different path that show new strength of life that give route to direction on each point
Different hope will show different path to different way that show new knowledge of life that give start to strength on each point
Different hope will show different shine to different route that show new path of life that give chapter to concept on each point
Different hope will show different step to different touch that show new chapter of life that give path to strength on each point
Different hope will show different light to different thought that show new start of life that give light to shine on each point
Different hope will show different route to different path that show new shine of life that give spirit to step on each point.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...