Saturday, June 2, 2018

Adventure story. 347. Picnic in forest

                                                                               Picnic in forest
Rocky was clicking wonderful photographs it was so beautiful scene he just couldn't help it. He knew that he was just on vacation so he supposed to enjoy himself instead of clicking the photographs but it was his hobby he could not live without it. When suddenly his wife Meena appeared at his side. Meena "What are you doing you supposed to enjoy time with me instead of that you are clicking those photos again?" " I'm not doing work I am just clicking photograph for my pleasure." "Really? so one time you will click for profession another time you will click for pleasure and when will you spend time with us?" " Come on you know very well that I am here just to spend time with you." Then suddenly Sunny came running towards him."daddy I want to go on mountain hiking."Meena became very angry "At this small age he wanted to hike on the mountain! My god! whom should I supposed to teach son or father both are just too stubborn to listen for their own good." " Come on don't compare me with him I am not trying to hike a mountain I can't able to even play football." Their son Sunny screamed loudly "Don't say that I can play football and I can even climb mountain." " Fine! Fine! You can do everything but you are not permitted to climb mountain at this age so issue is solved." Sunny was very angry he went away to play with other kids. They were so lucky. This time in the resort they found many kids which belong to Sunny's age group so Sunny was enjoying his time. Sunny was not after them on every point. He was playing with his own friends. But Meena was totally upset since he was busy in clicking picture and Sunny was busy with his friends so Meena was alone getting bored. Meena" this is worst trip of my life I can't able to find any friend or anyone with whom I could spend my time." " Come on lots of ladies you can make friendship with them." "Oh really!! then I have lots of friend at home too. Why did I Travel so much to find new friends then I am happy even with my old friends?" Rocky understood her. She was telling him that he must spend time with her not with his camera. Clicking picture was Rocky's hobby truly he was working in one advertising firm so he could even use to those pictures but they were not part of their work. Whenever he saw a beautiful scene without having any second thought he started clicking them with camera. It was his weakness and Meena was always frustrated by it. She expected vacation should be something when he would spend his time just with her not with camera. She always kept insisting that he must not took  camera on vacation. But he never listened to her. He wanted to store every picture and his memory in those cameras. But she kept telling that he had his phone to click picture but he need those cameras. Clicking picture with camera what is passion and he could not forget it. He didn't want to upset her now more so he kept his camera in its cover again. He said "let's go for a walk but where is Sunny?" Meena started calling Sunny. Finally after calling for three or four times when it came near them again. Meena " You can't do mountain hiking but you can do mountain walking are you going to come with us for it?" Sunny was pleased and he nodded and started walking with them. It was pleasant experience for them. They were walking in that fresh air after spending long time in city. It seemed if as their lungs were hungry for fresh air. It was so wonderful while walking in that forest was so much pleasure that they couldn't imagine they could have got it anywhere in city. Rocky "You are so right we must enjoy nature here after our entire life went in just working." " That's why I kept insisting that we must take vacation and it should be without any work. Look at your son he hardly had seen you much these days." " Now you are exaggerating on every Saturday Sunday I was at home." " Really and only sleeping in your bed or watching some TV. Did you ever went out to play with your son?" " I get too tired. I just keep vacation for few days so I need to relax too." " I know that's why I insisted on taking this nice long vacation in forest." Rocky started laughing " This is not forest this is just mountain area. Have you ever went into forest where there is wildlife?" " No and I don't want to. Remember we have small son who is not safe with those lions and tigers." " Mom I want to see those lions and tigers!!" Sunny started screaming loudly. " Now did you see what did you put inside his head now he wanted to go out and see lions and tigers." Rocky started laughing loudly. Soon Meena and Sunny joined him to it was a pleasant evening in their vacation. Rocky deciding that it was most pleasant in his life and he did right thing by coming there. He must have some vacation too. Sunny walking ahead of them but they kept eyes on him they knew that it could be risky a little boy ahead in jungle. They needed to move away and reach to right point before sunset. But they were enjoying the walk so much that they didn't want to hurry up at all. They suddenly heard some screams from behind. It was their guide who was calling them from behind. They stopped to listen to him. Guide came running towards him and asked " Where are you going? Don't go at this time stop now you can go tomorrow?" He was their guide they decided then they must obey him. But then they sensed that Sunny has ran ahead. Without second thought Meena started to running ahead and calling Sunny's name.
        Rocky was so scared. He never thought that this trip could turn in this way. He didn't stop to ask guide what was the danger. Then he heard loud arguments of people. Meena started calling him loudly. He came ahead in hurry. There was big group of people who were arguing with Meena. Sunny was looking scared. They were holding Sunny by shirt. Meena was apologizing  she was telling again and again "He is just kid" Rocky came ahead and started asking " What happened?" Meena in scared voice " Sunny manage to destroy the ritual." Guide came ahead and started to talking with them in their language. Rocky didn't understand his any word. But he seems that argument was big and it was going to create big effect on their life. He decided that he must argue Now since he wanted his son back. Rocky and Meena came and started asking to guide what was going on. Guide " Just relax actually Sunny manage to disturb the rituals so they were so angry let me handle it." " Tell them we're sorry and tell them if they need to do it again we will give money for it." Guide nodded and repeated every word in their language. But soon it became clear that they didn't want  money. They just wanted revenge. It was shocking they never thought that still people like these were existed. Soon Rocky sensed that they were not illiterate people they were well educated people who were following the ritual. Then Guide went towards Rocky and said " they want Sunny to sit with them on ritual." " No no I can't permitted to include my son in such a rituals." " Don't worry it is just a simple ritual it will not harm your son." They tried hard to object but they didn't seem any option to them. Finally this sat for that ritual. They included everyone in that ritual. It was just simple ritual but still in that forest it looked so horrible to them. Finally they gave them some fruits and told them that they could go away. They took those things and run away from there as soon as possible. When they were far away from those people guide smiled and said " It was nothing just simple ritual you can do it everyday and Sunny manage to disturb it by walking in it." Sunny was so scared he was standing near his mom full time. Meena " But they were acting so strange. I mean God's rituals supposed to be quiet and peaceful." " All rituals are not like that  madam. Different community has different rituals. These were not harmful people I have seen more harmful people and more harmful rituals. Somewhere so harmful that I just wanted to wish that they would vanish from this earth." After that they didn't talk with each other they just kept quiet until they reach to Resort. When they reached to resort Sunny immediately ran towards his friends. Meena expected him to chat with his friends and share everything but he didn't do that he just went near them talk with them for sometime and then came back. Meena " Sunny you are not going to play with them? " " No mom I want to stay with you." " But why honey you love to play with them?" " No mom I am not interested now I want to stay with you inside resort room." Rocky " Don't force him let him do what he like." Meena " I don't  like it at all." " Come on  after  so much stunt he must be scared. " " What he needed to act like Brave!" " Come on Meena he acted brave enough whole time. Those people were grabbing his shirt he didn't even cry!! What more bravery you expect from such a small kid?" " I know he acted very brave but he needed to act normal too." "But it will take some time. Give him some time he will understand everything soon." Meena nodded but she was not satisfied from her heart about this. She decided that she must pay more attention to her son for few days. After that she started observing him very carefully. He became normal very soon. At beginning he was not ready to go out but soon he forgot everything and started playing with other kids. She felt so happy. It was so refreshing and nice to be in that weather but that experience in forest manage to scare them too much. But Meena happy and give him permission of going out. She was so pleased that he was doing everything in perfect way like a normal child. She was feeling so happy that those worst experience didn't created  effect on him. She went back inside resort and started talking with Rocky. Rocky was sitting inside room and looking at walls. It was so strange she never saw Rocky this way. Rocky never liked to sit quietly he wanted to run from one place to another. But today Rocky was sitting quietly in chair and looking around in that room. She started to follow his stare but she didn't see anything interesting there. She was so confused. But then she thought that he must be thinking about something serious like his project in office. She was so frustrated with his office work but when he started to think so seriously about it she decided that she might give him some time to think about it. She waited for long time she sat before him but he was not even looking at her. Finally she had it enough and she decided to talk. " What you are observing?" Rocky look so confused as if he never sensed that she was sitting in the chair. Rocky " When did you come inside?" " When you were observing that wall. what was so interesting inside that Wall?" Rocky gave her a smile and said " No actually I was thinking about.." " let me complete it for you idea for office work. Oh I know you so well that I know always your mind is just on one thing that is your work." He started to look tense but then she decided that let him enjoy his vacation in his style too." Fine you can enjoy yourself in your way I am going to go for swimming for sometime during that time you can do whatever you want to do. " Rocky smile happily and she went out for swimming. But as soon as she went out of room Rocky started to feel same frustration again but he didn't understand what would be solution on it. But looking at some point of wall and concentrating was helping him a lot so he decided to do same thing. He selected a spot and started concentrating on it. Slowly he began to forgot entire world just steps for become a relief point for him.
      Meena was feeling very happy and nice after that good swimming. Swimming was her favourite hobby water always manage to reduce tension it seems as if after going inside that water she forget every tension and remove every stress. When she started taking sides of that water she slowly begin to forget every incidence in that forest she began to forget every stress she felt. It seemed nothing but like watching some movie to her and slowly her soul started to feel relax. She began to think that nothing like this has occurred with her since she didn't want to retaliate. She knew that if she complaint on retaliate it would create impact on her life and on her family. No one could understand trouble they faced due to those rituals but everyone will see what happened he just had to call of you for rituals and it was okay since it was your mistake that you went in their land. But if that land didn't belong to them it didn't belong even to those people. She knew that it was unfair but she also knew that no one was going to support her so it was useless to start that fight. With every tide she started reducing her tension. When she came out of pool she seems that every tide was her tension which was still inside the swimming pool that imagination helped her very well. She felt so nice and refreshed but when she went in her room she sensed something was wrong. Rocky was still looking at that wall and doing nothing. It was so frustrating. She was expecting him to get ready soon since they needed to go for dinner. Meena " What happened why you are not ready for dinner don't you want to eat? Come on what's wrong with you let's get out?" Rocky " I am feeling so tired maybe I just ask room service to serve dinner?" She went near him and check for fever but he was fine. Meena " Maybe you are getting tired due to that  incidence you must need to relax with us for at least some time?" She was expecting argument from him but he just nodded and said " You are right I need to relax." She was so confused by his attitude. He supposed to act like a normal person but something was not right with him. He was not acting like his usual self. He was always so full of energy she never saw him sitting like this and watching a wall. Then Sunny came inside he was busting with energy. He was totally loaded with dust and mud. " My god Sunny where you have been?" " Mom I was playing with friends on ground." " On ground or in mud? You are full of mud you need to understand that you are grown up now is supposed to keep yourself at least little bit clean." " Mom we were playing on ground but today in morning there was a little bit rain so it got muddy too you expect me not to even play on a ground?" " Always keep arguing with your mom this is not right now go in bathroom and take shower. We need to go out for dinner." Meena and Sunny both turned towards Rocky since they were expecting hits some statements in conversation. Sometimes life was like a repeated chapter and everyone expect other person to say his dialogue and when that person didn't say it other started to sense that something was wrong. On that day Meena sensed that something was totally wrong with Rocky. She began to regret her choice of place for their vacation. It seems so perfect when she choose that place they were near nature in forest and both Rocky and Sunny were in love with those pictures. At that point they felt that it was perfect location for vacation. They never thought that they needed to make enquiry regarding people staying there and their culture. A simple vacation managed to take it twisted turn in her life. She thought that it could affect Sunny at her case turn out to be wrong it seemed to be effecting in Rocky. She was so confused. She sat near Rocky and started talking to him " Rocky what happened why are you so upset?" " Nothing I am fine I just want to relax a little bit." " But you never wanted to relax like that you were always full of so much energy. I just needed to tell every time to you that slow down a little bit for me. But now you are not ready even to go out for dinner." " Stop irritating me like that. I just want to be left alone for one day I am not asking you to leave me alone for entire life. Just give me one day I will be fresh again." After hearing his lines Meena began to sense that she was getting excited without cause. She smiled and said " You're right I'm overreacting you know I always do that?" " Yes but you normally do it with Sunny who is your son not your husband." He said it pointedly and Meena sensed that she managed to hurt him too much. She decided to leave him alone. Then Sunny came out after taking shower. Sunny " let's go mom for dinner." " Sure but first put on your decent clothes I kept your cloth on that bed." Sunny ran towards clothes and got ready. Sunny smiled and said  "let's go Mom Dad " Meena " Let's go dad is not coming." Sunny " why?" Rocky suddenly started screaming on Sunny " I am your father and you are my son you are supposed to answer me I am not supposed to answer you about my every move. Look at him the way he is talking he need to understand his manners and how did he is supposed to behave?" Sunny was nervous. He didn't wanted to cry but there was tears in his eyes. He didn't say anything he just ran out of that room. Meena screamed " Stop it what did he said he was talking with respect to you?" Rocky " stop protecting him like that you are making him mama's boy he is becoming so coward can't you see he was crying?" Meena got so shocked by Rocky's outburst. "Why you are throwing that anger on us which supposed to be on those people?" " It was not their mistake it was Sunny's mistake he went there without asking for their permission." Meena shocked but then she remembered that he would never talk against him after all he always supported  rituals. Meena " Fine do whatever you like I am going out for dinner?" Meena went out. Sunny was waiting for her outside when she tried to talk to him he said clearly " mom I don't want to discuss this I want to enjoy my dinner with my friends let's go." She nodded and they went in restaurant to eat their dinner.
      Meena and Sunny entered in Dining Hall of Hotel they expected that they would find some of friends. But dining hall was totally empty it seems that everyone was tired so no one came for dinner. Meena started to order food  waiter asked them " you are not going for that program which was to be performed outside?" Meena was confused no one told them about that program. " Which program? no one told us about it." " It is strange that your guide didn't tell you about that program. There were  local folks who were performing there." At mention of local folks Meena started to Shiver she neither want to talk with those local people nor want to watch the show. " Its alright we were not interested and guide know it very well so he didn't mention it to us just serve food and we can go back to our room." " As you wish madam what do you want to eat?" " Sunny tell me what did you want to eat?" Sunny started searching in menstrual found the food suitable for him as well as the food which was suitable for Meena. Meena was so happy that Sunny begin to grow up like his father. But then she started to feel confused because his father was not behaving like this. Before few months Rocky was totally devoted husband but now he was changed. He started to get influenced by those people who were not right for him. He began to feel that taking vacation with family was nothing but waste of time. She could clearly see that even on this occasion he came just for his camera and photos. That camera had become his best friend and companion. But until now she tolerated all this since he was nice towards her and her son. Today he did worst thing he screamed on Sunny and even insulted him. She sensed from her mind that it was not going in right way not at all. She began to think different way in which she could manage to get things right. When she suddenly started hearing local voices of song. She began to shiver since it was same song they heard in forest. She was so frustrated by all this. She just wanted to return to her house. But then she seems that just one day was left after then their life would be nomal when they were returned to the home. She told Sunny to finish his dinner and started eating her dinner. On that day whole time they keep themself in that room. Rocky was keeping quiet he was not talking much and he was not interested even in apologizing to Sunny. The next day got ready to go back. They supposed to catch morning flight on next day so entire time went in just packing the things. Sunny went out and said goodbye to all his friends. Then finally next day they went back to their home. Then usual life started and Meena was expecting that everything was going to be over. Soon she sensed that things were not moving right way. Rocky was still there watching something which was not existed. She kept waiting for long time in hope that she could sense that something was wrong in him. But then one day he came home. He was red with anger. Rocky " Boss promoted my junior instead of me he was saying that I am not working properly I am doing my best. Boss said I am getting lazy day by day I just kept watching out of window what nonsense!! have you ever seen me watching out of window without doing anything?" Meena didn't understand what should be her answer because she was seeing him everyday sitting leisurely in house when there was many work which needed to be done for their house. She knew that if she complained about everything he was going to say that she was housewife so she supposed to do everything and he was not supposed to touch any work. She knew that it was wrong but still he always keep saying that their work was divided she could do work in house and he would work outside and get money for them. According to him he was only precious thing of that house. She began to regret after that question his strange attitude was increasing day by day. He never tell her  where he was going when he would come. She tried to ask him he began to abuse her and started telling her that he was a grown up he was not supposed to give her account of his entire day. It was totally frustrating thing. Now he was not even getting promotion she began to think that he might be wasting his days in following those people who were no good for him. But  in his eyes she was stupid woman who didn't have any brain so he was not going to listen to her. But she kept close watch on his spending since she didn't want him to waste more money on them. She could see he was wasting little bit every month. But she didn't mention it since it was not affecting her budget that much. But now she seems that he was not going to office every time when he went out he must be wasting his time with those people. She just keep quiet and keep looking at him. Rocky " What do you feel maybe I should change my job?" This was worst idea people adjusting with him because of his past record but if he started searching for new job there would be no hope for him. Meena " I think you need to try harder finding new job will create more trouble for us." She gave this idea so she felt that he might didn't understand it. He had become so lazy that he didn't want to start everything over again so he accepted her idea with smile. After that he kept cursing his office people Meena knew very well that it was all his mistake. But it was useless to convince him. She prayed to God that his ego would remain low and he would keep earning for family. She didn't want to battle on two fronts at one time. He was useless on domestic at least he should have earn on financial front. Otherwise she would become just burden on family since he was not even controlling his mouth. He kept taunting abusing everyone in house. Her life was becoming stressful step by step. From that day on each day he kept coming to her with his complaints which she didn't feel at alright Since his attitude was wrong. Finally one day he came to her and started telling that his boss for suggesting that he should visit psychiatrist. He was not happy about it those people who he was following were suggesting him again and again that he was wise man and he didn't have any problem. But they were not working with him they were not tolerating him for entire day but they were just taking money from him.
     Rocky was screaming on others but inside his heart he was not happy about anything. He wanted to keep friendly relation with his son Sunny but it was not happening. Sunny didn't want to chat with him and even if he decided to chat with Rocky in two minutes they started arguing with each other. Even Meena started to avoid him. His Boss suggested that he should visit psychiatrist and beginning he felt so angry. Then finally his boss said " Ok so you feel that I am not your friend those people are your friend. Find one trick tell them that you have lost your job and you are no longer going to pay or help them. In fact tell them that you need their money. Let's see their reaction. I think you are sound enough to understand that those who took money from you and give nothing  in return are not good people are not your friend." Rocky nodded with confidence. He felt that his friends surely help him. He didn't do it before his boss when he was on the way to whom he called his friend. Rocky made sad voice and said slowly " I have lost my job." to his friend who belong to that group whom he trust most. His friend was clearly shocked and he said " Then how could you pay for anything ?" "You need to adjust for few days.."  " Don't you understand Rocky such a things couldn't be adjust. Now you have to wander around country and support our group by giving speeches and impressing them as well as collecting money. " " I can't do that I have my family I have to feed them." " Tell your wife to take a job and manage it you can't waste your time on them. Family is nothing but a burden when it come to our bigger purpose of life." Rocky was confused and shocked he never expected such a talking from them. He was never planning to collect money from door to door for them. It suddenly started to look like a fruad. But he was still scared to deny them. He still remembered what happened in forest. Soon he found himself agreeing with them. On that point he sensed that his boss was right something was totally wrong with him. He was too scared to deny them anything or maybe too obsessed with them to deny them anything. He didn't understand what was the cause that he was agreeing with care every statement and it was not right. When he reached home he started crying. Meena came running towards him and asked him " What happened?" He told her entire episode. "I don't understand why did I kept agreeing with their every statement?" " But why?" "I don't know I just keep thinking that I must obey them." Meena felt so scared. She began to fill sure that her husband need a psychiatrist. She could not believe it. Rocky was following those people in a strange way. She felt scared about his obsession with them. She slowly told him " I think we don't have any other option you need a psychiatrist." Rocky screamed " I'm not mad person." " Stop behaving like  uneducated person. Counselling is needed by many normal person not just a mad person." Rocky was little bit confused when suddenly Sunny came from behind and started talking " if you don't mind can I tell you one thing?" Rocky and Meena both looked at Sunny with shock he was asking this in such a mature way as if he was some college going boy. It seemed as if due to Rocky's attitude he became mature very quickly. Rocky turned towards him but this time with a smile and ask him " Ok tell me what is your idea?" " My friends have  its psychiatrist and I have even talked with him he was quite friendly and nice do you like to talk with him I can ask to my friend?" " I can't just call him and phone him and talk with him like that it is wrong I need to take appointment in case Consulting and have to pay fees to him." " No Dad its ok I have talked with him." Meena was shocked. She asked " When?" Rocky started to look at Sunny with anger again "So you talked about me without my permission?" " No no that's not about I was talking about myself. I was little bit upset regarding that forest incident so I'll talk with him about it." Rocky once again looked relax. Meena " But that was different story. You are just kid and you are his son's friend." " I know but you can at least talk with him and chat with him on phone." Rocky was confused but finally he decided to give it a try. "Give me number." Then he called that man. Psychiatrist started talking very sweetly when he mentioned his name. In fact he insisted that he should come to visit him at his convenience. Rocky was so happy that someone was talking with him in such a sweet way he decided that he would like to spend his money on this man just to hear his respect towards him. Rocky immediately fixed one appointment and Meena , Sunny took breath of relief. Next time when he went in office even his boss asked him about what did he feel about discussion and he told him that he took appointment of psychiatrist. His Boss smiled happily and said " I am so happy it is not easy to get good employee like you." Rocky smile happily and he decided that he must visit that psychiatrist. He decided that he wanted to talk with psychiatrist alone so he told Meena now that she must not come let him handle everything in his own way. When he decided to visit psychiatrist he didn't expect such a long line but there was a big line before his clinic. He sensed that he was not alone who had mental problems. But waiting for number was so irritating. He went near window and started watching out. He began to count incidents when he did Mistakes of life which lead him to this position. He was feeling so sad. Finally he went inside when his number was called. He told everything to psychiatrist in details. Psychiatrist " well it was not your mistake entirelly. When that incident happened in forest it all started. Felt so helpless on that point that you begin to think if you could not protect your family without help of those people. But somewhere in your soul you know somewhere that they were around and you could not protect family with their help. Inside your mind you're confused you don't want to make friendship with them but still you were making just because you feel it was necessary." Was it necessary?" " Do you feel your family is happy after this friendship?" " No." " Then it was useless. You needed to reduce your post traumatic symptoms you need a to reduce your fear and now we can do it after that you will not feel scared of those people. We can't just surrender to bully in life we need to fight on some point and I will teach you how did you supposed to fight." Rocky smiled happily after the day began his training to fight. He knew that still he shiver at mention of those people but at least now he was not screaming on his family he was happy with them. He knew that his fear would reduced slowly step by step.                     
                                                                          The End

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Poem. 7220. Door of light create

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