Saturday, May 26, 2018

Adventure story. 346. Risk of Divorce

                                                                         Risk of divorce
Little Tina was sleeping peacefully in her crib. Priya was watching her baby girl carefully. She was so small and delicate. She was her Mom but still she sometimes felt fear in taking her in arms. Her daughter was most delicate thing in her eyes. Then suddenly her husband Rakesh turned in bed and made loud noise. She slapped on his shoulder and said " Stop it do you want to wake up our daughter?" He opened his eyes with scared look in his eyes and asked " What? What happened to our Tina? She is not hurt." She slapped on his shoulder more strongly. " Don't talk bad things about our daughter. It might bring bad omen." He nodded. " Just don't make noise." He nodded and quickly removed his locket out of neck since it was making noise. It was just special locket. He never removed it but Tina was precious and special than anything so he moved it without second thought and went to sleep. Priya smiled happily and went to sleep too. She was so happy that Rakesh was so concerned about Tina. She woke up and went to Tina's crib. She started watching her carefully. She began to count Tina's breathe. Her little body was taking breathe with patience. She kept counting them. Her daughter was so precious to Priya. Priya started to watch Tina carefully with full attention. She started to sense that she didn't want to sleep at all. She took one chair and sat beside her. She began to watch Tina's little body with affection. She began to like every move of Tina's body. She started to feel so nice with her every breath. She slowly began to get sleepy but still she didn't want to go away from her daughter. She kept trying to open her eyes. She didn't sense that she was asleep on chair until Rakesh didn't banged his feet on chair. Rakesh was so confused. He was about to scream but she put her hand on his mouth. " You must not make noise. Tina will wake up. " Rakesh nodded. Rakesh said in slow voice " Why are you sleeping in chair?" Priya felt so confused. "Actually I was just watching Tina and fall asleep on chair." " Oh she is sleeping peacefully. Come on sleep on bed otherwise you will get pain in back." Priya nodded. Rakesh forced her to sleep on bed. She did as he said but her eyes kept going back to her daughter. Finally she fall asleep while watching her daughter. During that night she kept dreaming about her daughter. Entire time Priya was totally nervous about everything. Rakesh kept feeling strange since he was sensing her moment during sleep. She was so restless. It was clear that her dream was not happy. It was worst. She kept talking with herself during sleep. He never saw her so excited on any day. He was so confused and frustrated. He didn't understand why Priya became so upset when they had wonderful life. They had everything one beautiful daughter, nice flat. In fact his business was improving day by day. He thought that after this Priya would be on top of the world. But it didn't happen. After birth of their baby he was noticing worst effect on her daily. She couldn't move around happily as she once used to do. She was always so scared. He accepted happily her fear as beginning of new start. He accepted it to reduce but it was not happening. He was watching her. She was moving from one shoulder to another entire night. She started to feel upset with each breath even during her sleep. He just didn't like it. But he didn't have any solution on it so he went to sleep. When he woke up, he was confused since it was just 4 o'clock and Priya was awake. He knew that she slept late on that night in fact entire time she was sitting near Tina in chair. But still she was awake so soon. She needed to sleep. He wanted to woke up and search for her but he was too tired. He couldn't stood up so he slept on bed again. He kept waking up again and again. He just hoped that she would return to bed but Priya didn't come. Finally at 7 o' clock he woke up and started searching for her. She was sleeping in armchair while Tina was sleeping in her arms. He was so frustrated. It was clear that Tina didn't let her sleep. Kids were always like that they never let parents sleep peacefully. Rakesh decided that he should make his breakfast and lunch. This way Priya didn't need to woke up. She could sleep for some more time. He managed every thing himself and by 8 o'clock he managed to get ready. He had to wake up Priya now. He went near her and slowly touched her shoulder. Rakesh " I am going to store. Go and sleep in bed." She looked confused but she nodded. Then he went out for work. He thought that she would go back to bed with Tina. But Priya was so upset. She sensed that she forgot to do her daily work. She felt so upset. She began to think that Rakesh might hate her after all she was taking care of Tina. She began to feel so guilty that she started crying. It managed to upset Tina so she started crying. Priya began to cry more due to it.
       After crying for sometime Priya took mobile and called Mom. She told her entire incidence. Priya " I am neglecting Rakesh and he was going to hate me for it." Mom " Now no need to jump on such big conclusion. He might be little angry but he will not hate you for such a small thing. " " Small thing? Mom he told me to sleep on bed and I slept in hall entire time with our daughter?!!" Her Mom started laughing. Priya was so angry. Her life was at stake and her Mom was considering it a joke. She disconnected call and switched off her mobile. She began crying. While in office Rakesh decided to make one call to her. His good morning was not proper that day so he decided to call her. But he sensed that her mobile was switched off. He was so upset. He was expecting to talk with her. He wanted to tell her that she must relax. He wanted to tell her that she was taking too much tension. He wanted to tell her that she didn't need to take her daughter in arms all time. She needed to relax too. But she was not taking phone. He started getting tense. Then he turned to his friend Aaditya who had full experience regarding becoming father. He was Dad of three years old so it was fresh. He went to Aaditya who smiled. " Brand new Dad what happened?" " I am not brand new my daughter is three months old." Aditya started laughing and said " You began to feel old already." "Stop joking. I want to talk about serious matter. Priya is getting too obssessive about our daughter." " Ohh so you are not getting attention. Now that is big problem?!!" Aditya started laughing again. Rakesh decided that he should let him laugh. He sensed that he was not acting seriously and Rakesh was not in mood to joke. Then Aditya sensed that it was serious issue. Aditya " Come on. Wives get busy with kids and husbands need to adjust." " But she is not sleeping on bed. She was sitting beside our daughter entire night while our daughter was sleeping peacefully." Aditya was confused. Aditya " Come on. I feel Tina must be crying on some point of night!!" " She is not. I have strong ears. I can hear my daughter." " Well.." Now Aditya looked tense. " Well this happen sometime with new mothers they just get tense. She will get over it." " I hoped same thing at beginning but it is increasing not reducing." Suddenly Rakesh's mobile rang. Rakesh ran towards his mobile. He hoped that Priya was calling him. But it turned out to be his mother-in-law's call. She was scared. " What happened? Why Priya is not taking call?" " I don't know Mom. I am confused. I am trying for long time." " When you left for office, you were angry with her?!!" " No Mom. She was so tired so I managed to cook breakfast and make lunch for office. Then I told her to go to sleep. We don't have any argument." Her Mom sounded confused. " But she told me few moments ago you are angry with her since she ignore you." Now Rakesh was upset. " Why every one consider me so selfish?" Priya's Mom sounded confused. " Frankly I don't even believed her on that point so I cracked joke on her. And she got so angry. Trust me she never behaved like that for entire life. Something is so wrong. She began to feel you are going to dessert her." " Dessert her? Is she out of her mind? Few days ago we were planning our old age plans together after our daughter's wedding!!" Even on that situation every one started laughing. Rakesh " Any way I am going to request some time off and then call you after checking." Rakesh nodded bye to Aditya and hurried in Boss's cabin. Boss was clearly upset on that day. Rakesh sensed that it was going to be hard for him. But he didn't have option. Rakesh said in small voice " Boss.." Boss gave him angry look. Boss " I am not going to give you vacation so soon Rakesh since your daughter is born you always kept going home. It is not right." " But sir I just need half day my wife is not well.." " And you are going to take care of baby?!! Why don't you take a job of baby sitter that way you can take care of your baby and earn money too. I feel you are getting expert in handling baby. What did your wife doing at home? It is her duty to take care of baby. Don't you understand family work that way Mom take care of baby and father earn money. It's divided like that. You don't need to work at house. Let your wife do all." " But sir..she is sick." " Then let her to handle it in her own way. Try to understand kids are not father's responsibility." " But sir give me half day today I will handle it." Boss started to look so angry. " Men like you are useless keep moving under wife's thumb. You are slave of wife. You need to understand how to control wife." Rakesh was so upset. He just wanted to throw resignation on Boss's face. His Boss was lying. He didn't took much vacation. He might took four days vacation. Two days since baby was born on that time. Then two days when he had her naming ceremony. He never took any vacation for sickness or for her vaccinations Priya did it all. He was upset. Rakesh " Sir can I go?" " Okay fine. You can go." Rakesh nodded. Aditya came after him and said " Tell me what happened?" Rakesh nodded and ran towards lift. In lift he received call from his mother-in-law. " What happened?" " I don't understand." " May be I should come and stay with you? Only if it is okay with you." " Okay?!! Perfect Mom I need help. My Boss is horrible man who feel woman are created just to take care of kids and man must not help them. I don't know how did his wife survive?" " It's not our problem at this moment. I am booking ticket and come to you by tomorrow." " Thanks."
        Priya's Mom confirmed that she was coming but she was tense. She was managing her son's house when her daughter-in-law went for job so she needed to find baby sitter during that time. She knew one nice lady but she was not sure that she should be free. She immediately called her daughter-in-law. When she told all, she sounded upset. " Mom you can't go like that who will take care of kids? " " But she is not fine. I need to go." " What happened to her? Do you think her sickness is contiguous?" " Come on. Her leg is paining it can be fracture but not viral." Then her daughter-in-law sounded relaxed. " Then take Sunny with you." " With me? !! But what about his school?" " Mom he is just in third standard I will call in his school and took vacation of a week. After that there is going to be sport event for week so he can enjoy trip of week." " But his school will object!!" "Don't worry Mom I will talk to Principal personally tomorrow I will manage it." "Great!!" Priya's Mom was not happy with this arrangement since she was not sure one week was enough. " But I might need more days.." Her daughter-in-law was upset. " Fine go to your daughter and throw your grandson on babysitter." Then she disconnected call. Priya's Mom was so frustrated. She knew that she had to handle Sunny but Priya and Tina were her responsibilities too. They needed her more now. So she called babysitter. Luckily she was available. Priya's Mom waited until she come. Then she immediately went away. She decided that she could go by immediate booking only. She could easily get one ticket. She literally ran out of house. She knew one thing that something was totally wrong with Priya. She was noticing it from Tina's birth. Tina was Priya's first child so she was supposed to be born in her parent's house by tradition. Priya's Mom was excited about it. But Priya was too scared to travel so her Mom went there. When she entered in house, she sensed tense atmosphere around Priya. At beginning she didn't understand reason but soon she sensed that Priya's in-laws wanted grandson. Rakesh didn't like that attitude at all. Rakesh was so upset. He came to Priya's Mom. " My parents are acting like some villain from movie." " They are your parents it's wrong to talk about them like that." " But what about their attitude? They are destroying my life. They are hurting by wife and my unborn child." " Just relax. Priya will be fine." " No. That is not truth. Just look at her face. She is so tense.. can't you take her away?" " In this condition? Not now. When baby will born we can take her." Then Tina was born. Her in-laws were clearly upset. They taunted. They hoped that it would be boy next time. Rakesh was so angry. Priya was crying slowly. On that point Rakesh told his parents that he didn't want to see their faces until they didn't change their attitude. His parents called him ungreatful son. They said that it was dancing around his wife and forgot value of parents. They insulted him and then they went away. They also made one thing clear before Priya that she would never remain happy after taking their son. It was horrible drama but after that they never came. Now Priya's Mom was only elder who could help so she decided that she must go. She kept calling Priya but she was not taking call. While Rakesh was running from office to home. It was worst journey for him. Finally he reached home. He started opening latch but his hand was shivering with fear. He just couldn't able to put key properly in keyhole. After many attempts he finally opened that door. He looked around in the house. It looked as if it was totally empty. He went in kitchen nothing was ready. Then he suddenly heard crying of Tina. He ran towards it. He began to enter in his bedroom. He was so scared but he saw that Priya was sitting in corner with Tina. She was looking at Wall as if she could see something in it. He ran towards her and asked "What happened honey?" She hugged him and started apologizing. "I wanted to cook but I just forgot I just couldn't able to woke up." He started counselling her "it was ok I didn't wanted to wake you up that's why I went away in office without telling you." He told her to give that to him and go and wash her face. She nodded and did as he told her. He just didn't like her situation. He didn't understand what was so upsetting that she started acting in such a strange way. But he didn't ask her. He just smiled towards her and told her "Your mama is going to come " she came out of washroom and started asking " Why did you told her that she supposed to take me back home?" He was shocked. " Why did I tell her something like that I didn't want to throw you out of this house? I don't understand why did you took this in your mind? We are happily married and now we even have little baby child. did I want you to leave my house?" She just smiled and started apologizing again. " Stop apologizing like that just tell me what is  your problem? Why you are acting as if I wanted to give you divorce?" She didn't answer him just took baby out of his hand and said "I will get ready to welcome mom. And why did you came out of office like that your boss is going to scream on you?" " I know but I am thinking about just changing the job." " Do it when you got another job? Now go back to your office hurry up." She was looking totally normal now and he knew that he must return to office as soon as possible. So he got ready once again and went back to his office. His boss was totally glad that he came back and told him that he was not marking since he was outside just for one hour he would consider it as nothing. Rakesh thanked Boss for it and entire argument before it was forgotten. In job person had to do it you couldn't keep fighting with the boss. And Rakesh needed to this job. He went back to work. Aditya was looking at him questioning the entire time but he didn't told him anything. Finally Aditya decided that he didn't want to interfere in his personal matter so he didn't ask him about it.
         Priya's mom entered in house everything was just perfect. Priya welcomed her mom with smile. She told her that she was cooking a nice dinner for Rakesh. Priya "I don't know why but I am getting scared again and again without any cause?" " Don't worry dear it happens sometime after pregnancy." " Did it happen to you too?" " Well sort of but not as much as it happened to you.." " So what happened to you?" Priya's mom started laughing with memory. " One day something went in your nose and you started sneezing again and again. And I took it in my mind that you got cold. I began to check you for fever and thermometer keep telling that you were not having any fever. But I was so convinced that I kept searching for another thermometer. I went to neighbours and found another thermometer and checked your fever with it. Still I didn't found any fever. Neighbour kept convincing me that you were absolutely perfect. Still had to go to doctor and finally doctor told me that you were perfect then only I was convinced." Priya looked confused " But what was wrong in it? I keep six at least 6 thermometer in home and kept checking Tina for temperature after each hour." Priya's Mom shocked suddenly everything started to look strange not as perfect as she thought at beginning. Priya's Mom sensed that everything was not right with Priya. Beginning it seems as if everything was just perfect but when she sensed that Priya was pretending entire thing. Priya went in kitchen and started cooking everything but soon her mom says that everything was not right even in kitchen. While cutting vegetable Priya was measuring them literally with tape. It was shocking since Priya never acted that way. Priya's Mom never thought that this would happen to her daughter. Rakesh was not  that kind of husband and he was never going to blame her for small mistakes in cooking. Priya was doing this without any cause. " Priya are you measuring vegetables like that?" " Don't interfere in everything it makes my cooking perfect. I have my own style of cooking." " But you are measuring even size of vegetables?!!" " So what is it a crime to measure vegetables?!!" " No but still I don't like this. It is not ok Priya." Priya started to look scared again. " Mom you are scaring me so you feel if I measure vegetables like this it will look bad to Rakesh? Do you feel he will divorce me for it?" " What? how could you talk like this with your mom I was just requesting you to stop this way because it will give you extra work?" " I am not insulting you mom I am asking a genuine question that do you think mom that.. you think mom that he will divorce me for it?.. tell me Mom I am scared." Priya watch shivering with true fear. Her mum never saw her this way. "Just tell me what happened between you two.  You look scared every time?" " Nothing mom nothing He was acting in nice way just as before but still I feel so scared." Her mom wanted to believe her but she couldn't believe. Her mom started to think that Rakesh must have done something. She began to feel that Rakesh might be influenced by his parents. It was totally scary thought. She wanted happy married life for her daughter but if her in-laws started interfering like this then her life would be destroyed. It was so upsetting for her mom. She seems that talking to Priya was useless she decided that she must talk with Rakesh. She kept talking with Priya and on every moment she sensed one thing that Priya was scare that one day she would left alone in this world without any husband or any support for her daughter. Her mom began to think that she must discuss this matter with her son. After all if Rakesh decided to do something like that she needed help of her son. But she knew that she managed upset her daughter in law. She was so confused what is she supposed to do now. And she received call from her daughter in law. She decided that she must explain everything to her but not before Priya. " Priya your sister in law is calling I just take her call." " Sure mom and tell her my hello and of course thank her for her help. " This time her daughter in law was talking in nice and calm way. " Now tell me mom what happened why did you just have to vanish like that?" Priya's mom told everything to her step by step." This is horrible but did you talk with Rakesh?" "Yes but he is denying everything." " If he wanted divorce why did he denied everything? He would say straight way like his parents. Mom I think his parents were playing games with Priya. I feel that you must stay with her for some months. I will manage everything with Sunny." " I know but it will be hard for you." " Mom is Priya got divorced from Rakesh it would be more hard for you and me and everyone. This is not situation where we can think about Sunny and his babysitting. We must stop their divorce." It was clear that her daughter in law didn't want responsibility of Priya and Tina on her husband's shoulder. She was fully cooperating for that purpose and Priya's mom was so happy that she was managing to get proper time to understand Priya's problem. She smiled happily and disconnected her call. But after sometime once again she sensed her trouble. She needed to talk with Rakesh about entire situation and she knew that she could not do it on phone. She decided to wait until he didn't come home from office. During that time she kept playing with Tina. Tina was looking genuinely happy by it. She asked Priya loudly " When you are going to take Tina in garden?" " I never do that mom she is so small she might get some viral infection or a mosquito might bite her." " So Tina never went out of this house?" " No never." " So did you invite someone to play with her inside house?" " Mom she is so small she didn't need playmates!" Her mom sensed that something was totally wrong. Priya could not lock her little daughter in her house. Even little girl needed air from outside. She decided that she must talk with Rakesh today about this. She felt that they needed to do something otherwise entire matter would go out of the hand.
        Rakesh was so tense for entire day and he know that he needed someone help to understand what was wrong with Priya. But he didn't want to go to his family since he left them far behind. His family was not ready to accept his daughter or his wife and he knew that he could not live without them. He never understood their point of view. Priya was selected for his family as a daughter in law when he married to her. It was not love marriage but it was arranged marriage so there was no dispute regarding choice of his family. He never expected that they would react in such a way regarding their granddaughter. He never thought in detail about their opinion regarding girl child. Many times tip boosted about male child but he never thought that it could turn in such a horrible way. But when they went away he felt that his all problem were managed. But even after that Priya kept acting so strange. Priya was always a simple and emotional girl she never wanted to hurt his parents. But his parents acted in such a way that they had to hurt them. He could not imagine how could they taunt Tina like that. It was so wrong. So she could never go back to them and ask for their help. As soon as he entered in home he decided that he would talk to Priya's Mom and tell her everything. Priya's mom was also waiting for a moment to talk with him. But they didn't began talking before Priya. Priya was with them for whole time but then finally after sometime she went inside. Then they both started talking at same time. Rakesh " mom let me tell you my side of story then you can continue your side." " No first tell me do you want to divorce my daughter?" " Who told you this nonsense or let me guess Priya she was talking again that's senseless things. Mom this is so frustrating she kept telling me that I must not divorce her when I never had any thought about it. Why did I want to divorce my wife I love so much? " Now it was so confusing for her mom she didn't understand what to think about this situation. Mom " what do you think about her coming why did she kept telling us like that?" " I just don't understand why did she was acting like that? Her this attitude will create bad impact on Tina in future." Mom nodded since she sensed that he was not lying. Mom " maybe we should take Priya to doctor?" Mom said it in slow and steady voice it was hard for her to say these things but she knew that it was needed. She knew that her daughter needed medical help. Rakesh was confused but he nodded. Rakesh " Mom I just wanted her to be happy and normal like she use to be. We can go to any doctor which you suggest but I want her to be alright." " I feel she needed a psychiatrist." Rakesh was shocked. " Mom she is not that mad!!" " How could you behave like an uneducated person? You know very well that even normal person need psychiatrist sometime." " But Mom she will take it in wrong way." " But we need to make her normal." "Okay what is your plan? But sadly my Boss's wouldn't give vacation so we need to execute it after my office hour." Mom " Fine. Let me think." Mom started thinking of different plan to handle Priya she said this was necessary. Then she smiled since she got wonderful plan. She went inside kitchen with decision. " I was thinking that maybe you & Rakesh should go to counselor? " Priya started to look nervous once again. "Do you think mom this will help?" " Of course It helped in many cases I know many people who did it." Her mom never lied so much as she was lying today. But in this situation she needed to take her daughter to psychiatrist so she had no option. " Then we must visit to psychiatrist since it was necessary for us." She smiled happily. "If it worked everything would be fine and I can stay with my husband for entire life happily." Her mom wanted to scream on her that she could live happily with her husband even now if she stop talking about divorce since she was the only one who was talking about it. But her mom keep quiet since she knew that she needed this lie for going to counselor. She knew that Priya didn't understand difference between marriage Counselor and psychiatrist. Now it was going to be easy to visit psychiatrist at least for them. Priya "But did you talk with Rakesh?" " Don't worry I will talk with him I was just talking to him now and he seem totally ready to do these things." Priya smiled happily and said "then take appointment as soon as possible. " Her mom nodded and took her mobile and went directly in washroom to talk. She wanted to be careful. She was scared that Priya might listen to her. When her mom locked door carefully she called their family doctor. When doctor took her phone and started talking in friendly way she couldn't control her emotion she started crying. Doctor " Relax tell me what happened?" Her mom told doctor everything step by step. Doctor "it's alright no need to worry I will give you one number of psychiatrist call him and he will make everything right." " Do you think that Priya will be alright once again?" "Of course this is quite common problem and we even know cause of it." " So what is it's cause?" " I can guess but I can't be sure let psychiatrist decide it." Her Mom agreed. She took number and immediately made call. She started explaining situation. But receptionist said " Tell this all to doctor. So you are new patient so I will give you appointment after 6 o'clock come on time." Then call was disconnected. It was harsh attitude but then it was just receptionist and she didn't wanted to interfere in Priya's case. Then her mom went up and told everything to Rakesh. Rakesh" I am so happy that finally we have managed to reach to doctor it was so important for us to go to doctor without it Priya could not manage to get any peace this is shattering me to see her like that always scared and shivering." Her mom nodded. At night when she was sure that she was sleeping she called her son and told him everything regarding Priya. Her brother " I'm so glad that she was not getting divorced I was so scared you know our situation Mom how could we have managed it all." He was right they just got one flat which had two room kitchen how could have they managed in that house. After all practical things were needed to be thought in life. " Don't worry Rakesh is very much in love with his wife and daughter and he would not divorce her." After that mother and son kept talking about different topics to relax themselves and then finally disconnected the call. After that for 3 days they kept handling we're as best as they could since they got appointment after 3 days. It was horrible for them since they had to take Tina with them to Tina was not happy to sit in that doctor's clinic. But now receptionist was cooperating them fully and talking with them very sweetly. But other patients were getting upset by noises with Tina was creating due to her crying. Finally their appointment came and they went inside. Psychiatrist chatted with Priya for long time sometimes he even asked some question to Rakesh. Psychiatrist " your wife is suffering from problem of generalized anxiety disorder. It is not uncommon disorder it normally happens due to undue stress. In your wife's situation it happened due to her pregnancy afterwards due to attitude of your parents. They kept telling her that she could not live happily if you left them. Slowly but thought manage to stuck in her mind so she kept thinking that if she deserted her inlaws then she would suffer and get punished by God. They deserted her. They tried to convince and force you to do same but you didn't. You did right thing and I feel God will bless you for it." "But then why we are getting punishment like this?" " Because we don't have faith on goodness of our God. We believe every lie which was told about God to us." Then psychiatrist chatted with them for some time and finally told Priya " I think you should take afternoon appointment after this your little angel is upsetting other patient and getting upset herself too. In afternoon appointment my receptionist can easily handle her."  Mom " So it was going to be long treatment." " I can't tell you now I need to see how did she respond to her treatment but you don't need to stay with her all time you could go back to your son now she could handle everything on her own. I will give her my number if she got upset she could call me and it will be better than calling you." They nodded and went out after paying fees. When they came out from the clinic they sensed strange relief in their soul finally their lives returning back to normal point from where they started.
                                                                                          The End

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Poem. 7220. Door of light create

                             Door of light create  Door of light create new word to thinking of mind which open new appeal to knowledge towa...