Thursday, May 31, 2018

Poem. 4012. Only when we read it

                                                                       Only when we read it
Different page will show new path only when we read it with care on every point which will show new spirit to appeal to promise of hope in life
Different page will show new word only when we read it with thought on every point which will show new day to thought to strength of move in life
Different page will show new start only when we read it with path on every point which will show new meaning to concept to direction of soul in life
Different page will show new move only when we read it with direction on every point which will show new thinking to soul to strength of direction in life
Different page will show new world only when we read it with plan on every point which will show new learning to start to knowledge of start in life
Different page will show new chapter only when we read it with step on every point which will show new thinking to soul to direction of thought in life
Different page will show new path only when we read it with line on every point which will show new feeling to emotion to soul of concept in life
Different page will show new thought only when we read it with way on every point which will show new direction to start to thought of route in life
Different page will show new knowledge only when we read it with light on every point which will show new spirit to concept to soul of direction in life
Different page will show new appeal only when we read it with strength on every point which will show new path to spirit to concept of start in life
Different page will show new strength only when we read it with path on every point which will show new move to thought to spirit of soul in life
Different page will show new path only when we read it with direction on every point which will show new start to strength to direction of path in life
Different page will show new step only when we read it with thought on every point which will show new path to concept to chapter of move in life
Different page will show new line only when we read it with move on every point which will show new way to thought to route of soul in life
Different page will show new start only when we read it with moral on every point which will show new route to knowledge to way of light in life
Different page will show new appeal only when we read it with move on every point which will show new start to strength to appeal of touch in life
Different page will show new spirit only when we read it with thought on every point which will show new touch to start to direction of path in life
Different page will show new touch only when we read it with strength on every point which will show new path to appeal to thought of step in life
Different page will show new direction only when we read it with appeal on every point which will show new start to touch to knowledge of light in life
Different page will show new strength only when we read it with light on every point which will show new path to strength to start of direction in life
Different page will show new concept only when we read it with step on every point which will show new move to thought to chapter of appeal in life
Different page will show new chapter only when we read it with line on every point which will show new start to direction to move of strength in life
Different page will show new start only when we read it with start on every point which will show new word to knowledge to way of thought in life
Different page will show new touch only when we read it with spirit on every point which will show new chapter to thought to start of direction in life
Different page will show new step only when we read it with touch on every point which will show new direction to step to light of path in life
Different page will show new line only when we read it with step on every point which will show new strength to start to direction of spirit in life
Different page will show new light only when we read it with soul on every point which will show new concept to touch to thought of way in life
Different page will show new spirit only when we read it with path on every point which will show new direction to way to knowledge of path in life
Different page will show new step only when we read it with soul on every point which will show new strength to start to direction of word in life
Different page will show new appeal only when we read it with light on every point which will show new step to route to thought of soul in life
Different page will show new strength only when we read it with word on every point which will show new direction to start to thought of way in life
Different page will show new path only when we read it with concept on every point which will show new knowledge to path to strength of shine in life
Different page will show new word only when we read it with direction on every point which will show new strength to route to concept in life
Different page will show new start only when we read it with spirit on every point which will show new touch to direction to knowledge in life
Different page will show new world only when we read it with world on every point which will show new world to strength to appeal in life
Different page will show new route only when we read it with start on every point which will show new knowledge to start to concept in life
Different page will show new direction only when we read it with route on every point which will show new page to word to world in life
Different page will show new strength only when we read it with spirit on every point which will show new step to strength to way in life
Different page will show new concept only when we read it with chapter on every point which will show new word to world to direction in life
Different page will show new appeal only when we read it with start on every point which will show new route to knowledge to spirit in life
Different page will show new touch only when we read it with touch on every point which will show new spirit to strength to thought in life
Different page will show new spirit only when we read it with path on every point which will show new touch to thought to start in life
Different page will show new thought only when we read it with light on every point which will show new step to knowledge to direction in life
Different page will show new knowledge only when we read it with word on every point which will show new chapter to way to knowledge in life
Different page will show new direction only when we read it with start on every point which will show new direction to start to step in life
Different page will show new strength only when we read it with world on every point which will show new knowledge to page to spirit in life
Different page will show new knowledge only when we read it with page on every point which will show new route to strength to start in life
Different page will show new start only when we read it with hope on every point which will show new chapter to direction to way in life
Different page will show new touch only when we read it with step on every point which will show new concept to strength to light in life
Different page will show new direction only when we read it with hope on every point which will show new world to direction to way in life
Different page will show new spirit only when we read it with soul on every point which will show new thought to start to move in life.

Poem. 4011. One view told me I need to think

                                                          One view told me I need to think
One view told me I need to think twice while hurting in life it might look promising but it will never give smile to thoughts and hope in life
One view told me I need to think twice while getting angry in life it might give new strength to fight back but it will never give justice to steps and hope in life
One view told me I need to think twice while learning concept in life it might create new touch to thought but it will never give promise of success without hard work in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding thought in life it might start new thought to knowledge but it will never give spirit of knowledge without moral in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding soul in life it might show new spirit to start to appeal but it will never give feel of hope without struggle in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking appeal in life it might show new direction to spirit to way but it will never give touch of move without strength in life
One view told me I need to think twice while meaning path in life it might show new step to strength to concept but it will never give spirit of direction without moral in life
One view told me I need to think twice while creating spirit in life it might show new light to shine to  move but it will never give hope of appeal without hope in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding soul in life it might show new line to appeal to start but it will never give direction of thought without move in life
One view told me I need to think twice while learning knowledge in life it might show new touch to way to thought but it will never give positive way without spirit in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking chapter in life it might show new move to direction to way but it will never give spirit without effort in life
One view told me I need to think twice while meaning of move in life it might show new route to knowledge to page but it will never give path without route in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding of appeal in life it might show new step to direction to appeal but it will never give move without moral in life
One view told me I need to think twice while learning of chapter in life it might show new path to start to route but it will never give direction without right way in life
One view told me I need to think twice while moving ahead in life it might show new light to direction to thought but it will never give start without knowledge in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking of way in life it might show new start to thought to word but it will never give light without strength in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding of start in life it might show new world to chapter to light but it will never give thought without spirit in life
One view told me I need to think twice while feeling of soul in life it might show new page to thought to way but it will never give strength without hope in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking of spirit in life it might show new path to direction to route but it will never give start without spirit in life
One view told me I need to think twice while learning of soul in life it might show new chapter to strength to way but it will never give path without moral in life
One view told me I need to think twice while meaning of word in life it might show new strength to thought to touch but it will never give moral without way in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding of start in life it might show new touch to direction to spirit but it will never give soul without hope in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking of spirit in life it might show new path to route to strength but it will never give way without positive thought in life
One view told me I need to think twice while giving appeal of route in life it might show new direction to soul to chapter but it will never give line without light in life
One view told me I need to think twice while showing path of direction in life it might show new strength to start but it will never give light without soul in life
One view told me I need to think twice while meaning of way of chapter in life it might show new direction to step but it will never give route without spirit in life
One view told me I need to think twice while feeling of emotion of move in life it might show new start to touch but it will never give path without light in life
One view told me I need to think twice while learning of direction of thought in life it might show new light to strength but it will never give step without hope in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding of path of touch in life it might show new feel to knowledge but it will never give move without start in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking of start of knowledge in life it might show new step to strength but it will never give path without appeal in life
One view told me I need to think twice while feeling of emotion of start in life it might show new start to chapter but it will never give start without route in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding of path of direction in life it might show new world to knowledge but it will never give step without thought in life
One view told me I need to think twice while learning of route of knowledge in life it might show new strength to spirit but it will never give path without knowledge in life
One view told me I need to think twice while meaning of word of direction in life it might show new spirit to thought but it will never give route without spirit in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking of chapter of spirit in life it might show new route to knowledge but it will never give step without path in life
One view told me I need to think twice while feeling of path of strength in life it might show new path to direction but it will never give start without light in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding of step of direction in life it might show new start to knowledge but it will never give path without move in life
One view told me I need to think twice while meaning of way of knowledge in life it might show new world to touch but it will never give route without knowledge in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking of direction in life it might show new start to concept but it will never give path without strength in life
One view told me I need to think twice while learning of move in life it might show new path to chapter but it will never give route without thought in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking of soul in life it might show new move to spirit but it will never give start without direction in life
One view told me I need to think twice while feeling of concept in life it might show new word to light but it will never give path without appeal in life
One view told me I need to think twice while learning of path in life it might show new touch to direction but it will never give step without touch in life
One view told me I need to think twice while meaning of step in life it might show new start to appeal but it will never give word without strength in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding of shine in life it might show new route to light but it will never give start without chapter in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking of spirit in life it might show new touch to strength but it will never give thought without concept in life
One view told me I need to think twice while meaning of start in life it might show new step to thought but it will never give appeal without strength in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding of thought in life it might show new path to knowledge but it will never give move without appeal in life
One view told me I need to think twice while learning of path in life it might show new word to strength but it will never give start without knowledge in life
One view told me I need to think twice while thinking of soul in life it might show new emotion to start but it will never give path without light in life
One view told me I need to think twice while understanding of step in life it might show new chapter to page but it will never give step without line in life.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Poem. 4010. Knowledge will show new

                                                               Knowledge will show new
Knowledge will show new page with touch that give appeal to path light to thought that start with every scene of spirit that give move to mind
Knowledge will show new touch with appeal that give direction to strength soul to way that start with every concept of chapter that give way to mind
Knowledge will show new start with strength that give chapter to page direction to thought that start with every strength of direction that give start to mind
Knowledge will show new thought with path that give strength to start concept to knowledge that start with every path of appeal that give word to mind
Knowledge will show new strength with route that give start to path to step to concept that start with every appeal of thought that give step to mind
Knowledge will show new chapter with concept that give light to touch to thought to soul that start with every right of strength that give light to mind
Knowledge will show new start with route that give concept to direction to chapter to appeal that start with every path of move that give thought to mind
Knowledge will show new appeal with light that give thought to move to start that give spirit with every concept of direction that give strength to mind
Knowledge will show new start with appeal that give strength to light to direction that give appeal with every route of path that give concept to mind
Knowledge will show new word with chapter that give concept to appeal to spirit that give move with every path of thought that give move to mind
Knowledge will show new start with step that give move to thought to knowledge that give start with every step of knowledge that give way to mind
Knowledge will show new line with light that give strength to chapter to page that give spirit with every direction of concept that give start to mind
Knowledge will show new path with route that give shine to knowledge to way that give thought with every route of chapter that give path to mind
Knowledge will show new start with appeal that give direction to concept to thought that give page with every word of strength that give light to mind
Knowledge will show new step with concept that give chapter to page to direction that give spirit with every start of soul that give concept to mind
Knowledge will show new start with route that give direction to route to spirit that give move with every step of strength that give appeal to mind
Knowledge will show new path with start that give move to start to strength that give page with every start of chapter that give route to mind
Knowledge will show new page with chapter that give step to direction to thought that give word with every appeal to strength that give way to mind
Knowledge will show new start with strength that give light to shine to chapter that give concept with every touch to concept that give light to mind
Knowledge will show new touch with path that give shine to thought to direction that give route with every start to thought that give direction to mind
Knowledge will show new way with light that give start to concept to chapter that give move with every thought to strength that give path to mind
Knowledge will show new light with shine that give route to start to step that give strength with every route to chapter that give start to mind
Knowledge will show new path with light that give shine to touch to light that give step with every light to direction that give concept to mind
Knowledge will show new start with concept that give thought to step to route that give page with every word to strength that give step to mind
Knowledge will show new light with start that give chapter to direction to way that give start with every light to start that give route to mind
Knowledge will show new step with route that give path to strength to light that give spirit with every direction to soul that give emotion to mind
Knowledge will show new path with direction that give touch to start to route that give direction with every concept to way that give touch to mind
Knowledge will show new start with step that give thought to chapter to way that give appeal with every step to start that give direction to mind
Knowledge will show new route with light that give start to light to touch that give move with every touch to light that give move to mind
Knowledge will show new path with strength that give line to chapter to world that give step with every page to thought that give start to mind
Knowledge will show new line with start that give light to strength to chapter that give direction with every touch to soul that give spirit to mind
Knowledge will show new word with concept that give start to route that give strength with every direction to thought that give move to mind
Knowledge will show new step with path that give concept to fact that give spirit with every chapter to appeal that give thought to mind
Knowledge will show new light with shine that give direction to spirit that give touch with every thought to soul that give strength to mind
Knowledge will show new start with spirit that give route to appeal that give direction with every word to chapter that give step to mind
Knowledge will show new path with appeal that give thought to direction that give move with every appeal to soul that give emotion to mind
Knowledge will show new step with touch that give start to touch that give route with every direction to page that give start to mind
Knowledge will show new word with direction that give light to concept that give path with every knowledge to step that give route to mind
Knowledge will show new appeal with path that give strength to start that give chapter with every word to light that give strength to mind
Knowledge will show new start with chapter that give touch to thought give start with every shine to thought that give start to mind
Knowledge will show new light with strength  give path to direction give route with every start to spirit that give direction to mind
Knowledge will show new step with concept that give touch to route give strength with every path to direction that give move to mind
Knowledge will show new start with direction that give step to chapter give page with every word to chapter that give route to mind
Knowledge will show new light with strength that give appeal to thought give direction with every step to thought that give shine to mind
Knowledge will show new word with direction that give spirit to way give strength with every chapter to direction that give start to mind
Knowledge will show new path with spirit that give move to appeal give concept with every direction to concept that give step to mind
Knowledge will show new route with path that give route to strength give direction with every path to touch that give thought to mind
Knowledge will show new step with strength that give word to world give spirit with every soul to thought that give spirit to mind
Knowledge will show new word with line that give way to direction give step with every chapter to knowledge that give move to mind
Knowledge will show new appeal with spirit that give shine to strength give light with every appeal to concept that give way to mind
Knowledge will show new strength with start that give concept to chapter give way with every page to direction that give step to mind.

Poem. 4009. New road will show

                                                                   New road will show 
New road will show new look of nature which will show new world to different start to step that will show new touch to thought of mind
New road will show new path of knowledge which will show new page to different chapter to word that will show new step to knowledge of mind
New road will show new thought of strength which will show new start to different concept to way that will show new page to strength of mind
New road will show new direction of chapter which will show new route to different path to start that will show new strength to word of mind
New road will show new strength of soul which will show new path to different move to appeal that will show new concept to direction of mind
New road will show new start of path which will show new world to different chapter to spirit that will show new soul to chapter of mind
New road will show new step of route which will show new word to different page to path that will show new word to move of mind
New road will show new touch of direction which will show new appeal to different word to light that will show new step to start of mind
New road will show new page of knowledge which will show new look to different start to direction that will show new path to thought of mind
New road will show new spirit of strength which will show new path to different way to chapter that will show new start to concept of mind
New road will show new step of chapter which will show new word to different strength to concept that will show new appeal to start of mind
New road will show new touch of thought which will show new step to different knowledge to path that will show new step to direction of mind
New road will show new knowledge of spirit which will show new line to different touch to direction that will show new light to start of mind
New road will show new direction of step which will show new world to different move to appeal that will show new start to strength of mind
New road will show new touch of knowledge which will show new start to different thought to soul that will show new path to chapter of mind
New road will show new start of strength which will show new path to different concept to touch that will show new word to light of mind
New road will show new route of spirit which will show new move to different appeal to knowledge that will show new start to direction of mind
New road will show new path of strength which will show new word to different chapter to thought that will show new way to thought of mind
New road will show new step of knowledge which will show new light to different direction to knowledge that will show new word to strength of mind
New road will show new light of soul which will show new start to different appeal to strength that will show new start to knowledge of mind
New road will show new start of chapter which will show new line to different chapter to concept that will show new path to spirit of mind
New road will show new route of knowledge which will show new light to different start to appeal that will show new light to touch of mind
New road will show new thought of start which will show new step to different light to start that will show new world to appeal of mind
New road will show new way of direction which will show new touch to different appeal to way that will show new step to world of mind
New road will show new light of shine which will show new route to different direction to thought that will show new word to strength of mind
New road will show new start of appeal which will show new emotion to different knowledge to way that will show new start to thought of mind
New road will show new concept of way which will show new direction to different way to strength that will show new world to knowledge of mind
New road will show new spirit of path which will show new knowledge to different route to path that will show new word to start of mind
New road will show new step of touch which will show new thought to different start to route that will show new world to touch of mind
New road will show new soul of knowledge which will show new page to different light to shine that will show new step to thought of mind
New road will show new touch of strength which will show new path to different appeal to way that will show new world to knowledge of mind
New road will show new spirit of thought which will show new start to different touch to spirit that will show new word to strength of mind
New road will show new word of spirit which will show new word to different thought to way that will show new move to chapter of mind
New road will show new touch of direction which will show new move to different strength to appeal that will show new path to appeal of mind
New road will show new thought of word which will show new appeal to different spirit to soul that will show new knowledge to start of mind
New road will show new scene of thought which will show new word to different knowledge to step that will show new concept to way of mind
New road will show new touch of direction which will show new step to different concept to light that will show new thought to line of mind
New road will show new strength of path which will show new word to different spirit to chapter that will show new path to light of mind
New road will show new concept of start which will show new line to different chapter to direction that will show new step to start of mind
New road will show new direction of thought which will show new step to different start to knowledge that will show new word to way of mind
New road will show new knowledge of touch which will show new start to different appeal to strength that will show new path to chapter of mind
New road will show new chapter of spirit which will show new word to different step to world that will show new start to knowledge of mind
New road will show new strength of chapter which will show new concept to different move to thought that will show new word to strength of mind
New road will show new start of direction which will show new knowledge to different weather to step that will show new route to direction of mind
New road will show new path of appeal which will show new strength to different appeal to way that will show new soul to knowledge of mind
New road will show new word of chapter which will show new way to different direction to start that will show new word to world of mind
New road will show new touch of thought which will show new step to different start to strength that will show new move to appeal of mind
New road will show new direction of knowledge which will show new light to different shine to knowledge that will show new appeal to path of mind
New road will show new soul of spirit which will show new knowledge to different page to strength that will show new thought to shine of mind
New road will show new step of thought which will show new strength to different step to spirit that will show new concept to chapter of mind
New road will show new appeal of direction which will show new path to different start to concept that will show new path to step of mind.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Poem. 4008. Stage will show new

                                                                     Stage will show new 
Stage will show new effect to meaning on each start of life which will show new appeal to strength concept that will show new chapter in life
Stage will show new light to shine on each path of life which will show new path to route to knowledge that will show new shine in life
Stage will show new appeal to thought on each way of life which will show new start to step to light that will show new word in life
Stage will show new concept to strength on each move of life which will show new touch to thought to way that will show new step in life
Stage will show new start to concept on each word of life which will show new knowledge to start to direction that will show new line in life
Stage will show new step to page on each chapter of life which will show new strength to direction to spirit that will show new light in life
Stage will show new path to start on each concept of life which will show new path to strength to concept that will show new page in life
Stage will show new way to knowledge on each start of life which will show new word to page to direction that will show new line in life
Stage will show new move to strength on each move of life which will show new light to shine to strength that will show new start in life
Stage will show new touch to thought on each page of life which will show new start to mind to chapter that will show new thought in life
Stage will show new word to concept on each way of life which will show new page to chapter to concept that will show new knowledge in life
Stage will show new step to route on each light of life which will show new light to thought to direction that will show new direction in life
Stage will show new start to direction on each word of life which will show new route to knowledge to start that will show new route in life
Stage will show new point to knowledge on each step of life which will show new appeal to direction to soul that will show new move in life
Stage will show new appeal to strength on each line of life which will show new start to spirit to thought that will show new chapter in life
Stage will show new move to thought on each touch of life which will show new concept to start to strength that will show new step in life
Stage will show new route to step on each light of life which will show new path to strength to spirit that will show new shine in life
Stage will show new word to chapter on each move of life which will show new start to thought to feel that will show new start in life
Stage will show new appeal to way on each thought of life which will show new direction to spirit to emotion that will show new path in life
Stage will show new spirit to direction on each route of life which will show new word to concept to chapter that will show new light in life
Stage will show new move to thought on each touch of life which will show new chapter to page to strength that will show new word in life
Stage will show new step to knowledge on each spirit of life which will show new thought to knowledge that will show new chapter in life
Stage will show new light to strength on each soul of life which will show new page to thought that will show new shine in life
Stage will show new start to chapter on each appeal of life which will show new move to strength that will show new appeal in life
Stage will show new soul to concept on each move of life which will show new world to spirit that will show new direction in life
Stage will show new move to thought on each touch of life which will show new strength to direction that will show new start in life
Stage will show new word to move on each way of life which will show new start to concept that will show new thought in life
Stage will show new step to strength on each word of life which will show new spirit to move that will show new knowledge in life
Stage will show new route to spirit on each start of life which will show new direction to thought that will show new spirit in life
Stage will show new word to world on each line of life which will show new impact to knowledge that will show new start in life
Stage will show new start to appeal on each thought of life which will show new appeal to strength that will show new move in life
Stage will show new thought to knowledge on each step of life which will show new concept to direction that will show new appeal in life
Stage will show new spirit to direction on each route of life which will show new chapter to knowledge that will show new light in life
Stage will show new path to strength on each light of life which will show new shine to start that will show new weather in life
Stage will show new light to shine on each thought of life which will show new move to knowledge that will show new path in life
Stage will show new touch to start on each knowledge of life which will show new start to route that will show new word in life
Stage will show new thought to path on each strength of life which will show new light to knowledge that will show new shine in life
Stage will show new direction to step on each appeal of life which will show new direction to spirit that will show new move in life
Stage will show new thought to move on each start of life which will show new appeal to direction that will show new start in life
Stage will show new knowledge to spirit on each step of life which will show new start to strength that will show new touch in life
Stage will show new chapter to concept on each move of life which will show new path to knowledge that will show new line in life
Stage will show new world to direction on each way of life which will show new touch to thought that will show new path in life
Stage will show new spirit to appeal on each touch of life which will show new word to knowledge that will show new move in life
Stage will show new strength to spirit on each start of life which will show new step to thought that will show new step in life
Stage will show new knowledge to start on each thought of life which will show new concept to route that will show new way in life
Stage will show new direction to path on each move of life which will show new world to direction that will show new appeal in life
Stage will show new thought to move on each step of life which will show new direction to thought that will show new touch in life
Stage will show new knowledge to step on each direction of life which will show new strength to appeal that will show new move in life
Stage will show new strength to start on each appeal of life which will show new thought to direction that will show new step in life
Stage will show new world to thought on each touch of life which will show new chapter to move that will show new word in life
Stage will show new direction to spirit on each path of life which will show new concept to thought that will show new way in life.

Poem. 4007. Those positive thoughts will give

                                                     Those positive thoughts will give
Those positive thoughts will give route to step of life which will start to give direction to concept of mind that will show new world to start of soul at every point
Those positive thoughts will give spirit to soul of life which will start to give knowledge to start of touch that will show new path to appeal of route at every point
Those positive thoughts will give chapter to concept of life which will start to give strength to light of chapter that will show new word to strength of move at every point
Those positive thoughts will give direction to strength of life which will start to give path to route of direction that will show new step to direction of start at every point
Those positive thoughts will give knowledge to thought of life which will start to give appeal to touch of concept that will show new start to spirit of knowledge at every point
Those positive thoughts will give start to knowledge of life which will start to give chapter to step of knowledge that will show new path to route of strength at every point
Those positive thoughts will give touch to move of life which will start to give page to words of appeal that will show new thought to word of touch at every point
Those positive thoughts will give line to thought of life which will start to give spirit to soul of direction that will show new start to step of direction at every point
Those positive thoughts will give light to page of life which will start to give path to route of knowledge that will show new light to path of start at every point
Those positive thoughts will give soul to touch of life which will start to give word to spirit of route that will show new shade to knowledge of light at every point
Those positive thoughts will give move to concept of life which will start to give start to step of chapter that will show new appeal to thought of path at every point
Those positive thoughts will give start to route of life which will start to give move to appeal of strength that will show new start to direction of side at every point
Those positive thoughts will give step to direction of life which will start to give light to start of page that will show new chapter to strength of touch at every point
Those positive thoughts will give word to spirit of life which will start to give strength to world of move that will show new touch to thought of start at every point
Those positive thoughts will give start to page of life which will start to give thought to direction of step that will show new world to knowledge of spirit at every point
Those positive thoughts will give path to step of life which will start to give knowledge to move of concept that will show new soul to thought of concept at every point
Those positive thoughts will give light to move of life which will start to give appeal to chapter of learning that will show new light to knowledge of way at every point
Those positive thoughts will give start to way of life which will start to give concept to page of thinking that will show new route to understanding of thought at every point
Those positive thoughts will give line to world of life which will start to give word to spirit of meaning that will show new spirit to meaning of direction at every point
Those positive thoughts will give light to mind of life which will start to give spirit to thought of understanding that will show new light to thinking of knowledge at every point
Those positive thoughts will give step to concept of life which will start to give move to chapter of learning that will show new route to feeling of emotion at every point
Those positive thoughts will give start to route of life which will start to give appeal to knowledge of understanding that will show new word to understanding of way at every point
Those positive thoughts will give path to step of life which will start to give route to path of feeling that will show new emotion to thinking of soul at every point
Those positive thoughts will give move to direction of life which will start to give start to soul of learning that will show new route to meaning of way at every point
Those positive thoughts will give route to knowledge of life which will start to give light to strength of thinking that will show new shine to feeling of emotion at every point
Those positive thoughts will give shine to strength of life which will start to give move to direction of understanding that will show new step to learning of concept at every point
Those positive thoughts will give start to appeal of life which will start to give concept of knowledge of learning that will show new spirit to thinking of route at every point
Those positive thoughts will give path to concept of life which will start to give path of strength of meaning that will show new start to feeling of emotion at every point
Those positive thoughts will give light to direction of life which will start to give step of knowledge of thinking that will show new light to meaning of chapter at every point
Those positive thoughts will give touch to chapter of life which will start to give way of understanding of feeling that will show new move to understanding of touch at every point
Those positive thoughts will give spirit to knowledge of life which will start to give chapter of feeling of emotion that will show new step to feeling of soul at every point
Those positive thoughts will give light to strength of life which will start to give direction of learning of route that will show new light to learning of concept at every point
Those positive thoughts will give step to concept of life which will start to give spirit of meaning of way that will show new thought to thinking of direction at every point
Those positive thoughts will give direction to chapter of life which will start to give move of feeling of step that will show new knowledge to feeling of emotion at every point
Those positive thoughts will give move to thought of life which will start to give thought of understanding of concept that will show new path to meaning of step at every point
Those positive thoughts will give step to knowledge of life which will start to give spirit of learning of thought that will show new direction to feeling of start at every point
Those positive thoughts will give line to concept of life which will start to give knowledge of path of strength that will show new move to learning of way at every point
Those positive thoughts will give start to chapter of life which will start to give light of shine of knowledge that will show new way to feeling of light at every point
Those positive thoughts will give direction to start of life which will start to give move of light of shine that will show new page to understanding of path at every point
Those positive thoughts will give light to shine of life which will start to give chapter of start of route that will show new knowledge to learning of soul at every point
Those positive thoughts will give path to appeal of life which will start to give step of knowledge of chapter that will show new start to feeling of way at every point
Those positive thoughts will give move to spirit of life which will start to give way of concept of direction that will show new soul to meaning of chapter at every point
Those positive thoughts will give thought to way of life which will start to give direction of move of appeal that will show new touch to understanding of route at every point
Those positive thoughts will give knowledge to shine of life which will start to give step of direction of thought that will show new spirit to meaning of start at every point
Those positive thoughts will give strength to move of life which will start to give move of strength of knowledge that will show new way to learning of move at every point
Those positive thoughts will give knowledge to path of life which will start to give touch of knowledge of shine that will show new start to understanding of concept at every point
Those positive thoughts will give direction to soul of life which will start to give strength of concept of light that will show new word to meaning of shine at every point
Those positive thoughts will give start to direction of life which will start to give spirit of direction of start that will show new step to understanding of step at every point
Those positive thoughts will give start to appeal to strength which will start to give step of concept of chapter that will show new light to meaning of direction at every point
Those positive thoughts will give path to knowledge to way which will start to give word of appeal of world that will show new shine to feeling of appeal at every point
Those positive thoughts will give light to concept to chapter which will start to give path of strength of direction that will show new word to learning of chapter at every point.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Poem. 4006. Different house of

                                                                  Different house of 
Different house of concept that will show new way to thought that will show new shine to spirit of strength on each way of life
Different house of direction that will show new route to strength that will show new step to direction of knowledge on each spirit of life
Different house of appeal that will show new spirit to thought that will show new concept to move of strength on each line of life
Different house of route that will show new path to spirit that will show new move to thought to route of concept on each move of life
Different house of start that will show new touch to way that will show new direction to spirit to soul of strength on each touch of life
Different house of way that will show new step to direction that will show new start to thought to move of chapter on each way of life
Different house of move that will show new word to shine that will show new chapter to soul to knowledge of appeal on each step of life
Different house of thought that will show new spirit to soul that will show new spirit to appeal to strength of concept on each light of life
Different house of spirit that will show new touch to way that will show new way to direction to spirit of strength on each start of life
Different house of soul that will show new strength to light that will show new step to knowledge to appeal of knowledge on each way of life
Different house of light that will show new thought to step that will show new move to concept to thought of direction on each touch of life
Different house of way that will show new concept to thought that will show new path to spirit to knowledge of thought on each move of life
Different house of thought that will show new start to chapter that will show new word to direction to way of spirit on each spirit of life
Different house of direction that will show new appeal to spirit that will show new route to strength to start of soul on each thought of life
Different house of appeal that will show new word to world that will show new touch to move to thought of spirit on each way of life
Different house of start that will show new soul to strength that will show new world to knowledge to spirit of direction on each step of life
Different house of page that will show new word to chapter that will show new strength to direction to soul of strength on each start of life
Different house of light that will show new shine to spirit that will show new knowledge to soul to appeal of knowledge on each way of life
Different house of start that will show new route to thought that will show new path to direction to step of learning on each move of life
Different house of way that will show new thought to step that will show new start to path to chapter of meaning on each step of life
Different house of light that will show new start to direction that will show new step to light to concept of feeling on each light of life
Different house of direction that will show new path to touch that will show new appeal to strength to emotion of thinking on each path of life
Different house of route that will show new step to concept that will show new spirit to appeal to path of understanding on each word of life
Different house of step that will show new line to chapter that will show new page to strength to move of meaning on each thought of life
Different house of move that will show new light to shine that will show new soul to knowledge to concept of thinking on each touch of life
Different house of step that will show new route to direction that will show new move to chapter to learning of knowledge on each word of life
Different house of light that will show new appeal to strength that will show new spirit to appeal to understanding of thought on each move of life
Different house of spirit that will show new strength to way that will show new chapter to thought to meaning of touch on each route of life
Different house of start that will show new spirit to thought that will show new path to light to thinking of direction on each step of life
Different house of path that will show new direction to appeal that will show new line to spirit to understanding of way on each line of life
Different house of step that will show new path to emotion that will show new spirit to strength to thinking of touch on each way of life
Different house of shine that will show new bright touch to spirit that will show new move to appeal to feeling of emotion on each step of life
Different house of step that will show new route to strength that will show new direction to thought to learning of knowledge on each appeal of life
Different house of move that will show new way to spirit that will show new soul to appeal to thinking of direction that give hope on each way of life
Different house of path that will show new spirit to soul that will show new strength to move to learning of knowledge that give shine on each light of life
Different house of line that will show new direction to thought that will show new emotion to knowledge of meaning that give thought on each word of life
Different house of appeal that will show new knowledge to way that will show new thought to understanding of chapter that give knowledge on each line of life
Different house of path that will show new strength to touch that will show new direction to meaning of start that give strength on each touch of life
Different house of step that will show new thought to start that will show new step to learning of thought that give chapter on each concept of life
Different house of start that will show new path to concept that will show new word to thinking of strength that give spirit on each soul of life
Different house of thought that will show new route to knowledge that will show new path to understanding of spirit that give step on each move of life
Different house of direction that will show new appeal to step that will show new line to thinking of meaning of concept that give spirit on each way of life
Different house of direction that will show new strength to move that will show new touch to meaning of thought that give strength to soul on each line of life
Different house of path that will show new knowledge to direction that will show new path to learning of knowledge that give page to path on each word of life
Different house of start that will show new touch to thought that will show new spirit to feeling of soul that give thought to chapter on each way of life
Different house of concept that will show new path to knowledge that will show new touch to meaning of concept that give chapter to thought on each step of life
Different house of thought that will show new move to strength that will show new appeal to understanding of thought that give strength to word on each start of life
Different house of direction that will show new step to knowledge that will show new route to feeling of start that give direction to concept to thought on each light of life
Different house of move that will show new spirit to direction that will show new word to meaning of concept that give start to appeal to knowledge on each word of life
Different house of thought that will show new knowledge to spirit that will show new soul to learning of step that give route to chapter to page on each way of life
Different house of line that will show new chapter to page that will show new start to meaning of thought that give light to direction to start on each move of life.

Poem. 4005. Every day will tell new

                                                                Every day will tell new
Every day will tell new concept of life which will show new direction of thought on each point of spirit of life at every step of mind
Every day will tell new chapter of life which will show new knowledge of spirit on each point of path of life at every move of mind
Every day will tell new touch of life which will show new strength of soul on each point of soul of life at every path of mind
Every day will tell new knowledge of life which will show new start of concept on each point of step of direction at every start of mind
Every day will tell new strength of life which will show new path of route on each point of thought of strength at every touch of mind
Every day will tell new direction of life which will show new spirit of concept on each point of appeal of thought at every emotion of mind
Every day will tell new spirit of life which will show new soul of direction on each point of spirit of direction at every start of mind
Every day will tell new soul of life which will show new chapter of concept on each point of page of thinking at every route of mind
Every day will tell new path of life which will show new word of knowledge on each point of appeal of learning at every way of mind
Every day will tell new light of life which will show new touch of direction on each point of soul of understanding at every move of mind
Every day will tell new direction of life which will show new spirit of strength on each point of start of thinking at every path of mind
Every day will tell new chapter of life which will show new word of thought on each point of move of understanding at every direction of mind
Every day will tell new strength of life which will show new soul of spirit on each point of route of feeling at every knowledge of mind
Every day will tell new knowledge of life which will show new step of light on each point of path of meaning at every spirit of mind
Every day will tell new direction of life which will show new start of direction on each point of soul of understanding at every touch of mind
Every day will tell new strength of life which will show new path of strength on each step of knowledge of learning at every move of mind
Every day will tell new thought of life which will show new route of knowledge on each start of direction of feeling at every start of mind
Every day will tell new chapter of life which will show new thought of direction on each chapter of soul of learning at every way of mind
Every day will tell new start of life which will show new direction of chapter on each move of spirit of understanding at every move of mind
Every day will tell new hope of life which will show new start of appeal on each thought of chapter of learning at every start of mind
Every day will tell new path of life which will show new line of direction on each spirit of strength of feeling at every step of mind
Every day will tell new spirit of life which will show new feel of touch on each knowledge of concept of meaning at every way of mind
Every day will tell new appeal of life which will show new move of strength on each page of appeal of learning at every light of mind
Every day will tell new route of life which will show new chapter of thought on each word of strength of thinking at every touch of mind
Every day will tell new strength of life which will show new step of spirit on each direction of way of understanding at every way of mind
Every day will tell new chapter of life which will show new page of direction on each strength of light of meaning at every path of mind
Every day will tell new knowledge of life which will show new step of start on each thought of concept of feeling at every emotion of mind
Every day will tell new start of life which will show new touch of thought on each start of knowledge of thinking at every move of mind
Every day will tell new path of life which will show new strength of knowledge on each page of appeal of learning at every page of mind
Every day will tell new step of life which will show new concept of direction on each touch of strength of meaning at every step of mind
Every day will tell new touch of life which will show new spirit of soul on each thought of direction of feeling at every emotion of mind
Every day will tell new spirit of life which will show new route of step on each knowledge of spirit of meaning at every start of mind
Every day will tell new start of life which will show new path of knowledge on each strength of route of understanding at every route of mind
Every day will tell new word of life which will show new strength of direction on each move of appeal of thinking at every appeal of mind
Every day will tell new route of life which will show new start of thought on each touch of strength of feeling at every direction of mind
Every day will tell new step of life which will show new page to chapter on each appeal of concept of understanding at every start of mind
Every day will tell new start of life which will show new touch to spirit on each way of direction of meaning at every word of mind
Every day will tell new concept of life which will show new thought to step on each line of chapter of feeling at every emotion of mind
Every day will tell new thought of life which will show new knowledge to start on each touch of spirit of thinking at every route of mind
Every day will tell new chapter of life which will show new strength to route on each path of appeal of learning at every knowledge of mind
Every day will tell new start of life which will show new concept to chapter on each step of way of thinking at every strength of mind
Every day will tell new touch of life which will show new direction to strength on each move of touch of understanding at every spirit of mind
Every day will tell new path of life which will show new strength to start on each page of direction of meaning at every word of mind
Every day will tell new route of life which will show new path to route on each touch of concept of thinking at every step of mind
Every day will tell new concept of life which will show new step to direction on each way of knowledge of learning at every page of mind
Every day will tell new appeal of life which will show new page to spirit on each soul of strength of understanding at every start of mind
Every day will tell new word of life which will show new chapter to touch on each page of knowledge of feeling at every line of mind
Every day will tell new step of life which will show new direction to way on each route of thought of learning at every step of mind
Every day will tell new path of life which will show new step to direction on each touch of spirit of understanding at every move of mind
Every day will tell new route of life which will show new path to thought on each spirit of direction of feeling at every start of mind
Every day will tell new start of life which will show new thought to appeal on each appeal of thought of meaning at every way of mind.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Poem. 4004. Appeal will show

                                                                         Appeal will show
Appeal will show new direction that will create new touch to spirit of way that will show new move of direction on each step of life
Appeal will show new spirit that will create new direction to thought of soul that will show new chapter of move on each start of life
Appeal will show new touch that will create new path to direction of spirit that will show new thought of appeal on each move of life
Appeal will show new thought that will create new thought to start of direction that will show new touch of knowledge on each path of life
Appeal will show new start that will create new appeal to direction of step that will show new appeal of strength on each thought of life
Appeal will show new path that will create new touch to soul of direction that will show new start of concept on each spirit of life
Appeal will show new line that will create new soul to knowledge of appeal that will show new route of chapter on each light of life
Appeal will show new word that will create new appeal to thought of step that will show new path of route on each way of life
Appeal will show new strength that will create new route to strength of direction that will show new way of step on each thought of life
Appeal will show new step that will create new start to concept of thought that will show new touch of direction on each start of life
Appeal will show new light that will create new path to path of spirit that will show new knowledge of chapter on each move of life
Appeal will show new direction that will create new thought to direction of way that will show new move of knowledge on each step of life
Appeal will show new start that will create new world to spirit of strength that will show new thought of way to soul on each start of life
Appeal will show new path that will create new direction to route of soul that will show new strength of path to concept on each line of life
Appeal will show new line that will create new thought to step of knowledge that will show new way of direction to thought on each word of life
Appeal will show new step that will create new concept to thought of direction that will show new word of strength to knowledge on each start of life
Appeal will show new start that will create new knowledge to spirit of path that will show new touch of thought to direction on each touch of life
Appeal will show new path that will create new strength to soul of touch that will show new light of knowledge to start on each move of life
Appeal will show new thought that will create new step to start of thought that will show new word of chapter to page on each start of life
Appeal will show new chapter that will create new path to word of direction that will show new line of knowledge to touch on each line of life
Appeal will show new strength that will create new world to way of step that will show new knowledge of start to move on each thought of life
Appeal will show new start that will create new spirit to soul of way that will  show new strength of direction to step on each knowledge of life
Appeal will show new light that will create new start to knowledge of chapter that will show new word of knowledge to thought on each line of life
Appeal will show new strength that will create new path to thought of concept that will show new light of direction to knowledge on each word of life
Appeal will show new start that will create new word to appeal of strength that will show new line of spirit to soul on each page of life
Appeal will show new touch that will create new thought to way of direction that will show new spirit of chapter to thought on each move of life
Appeal will show new knowledge that will create new direction to step of thought that will show new thought of direction to start on each start of life
Appeal will show new direction that will create new spirit to start of direction that will show new touch of strength to spirit on each word of life
Appeal will show new emotion that will create new touch to route of knowledge that will show new path of direction to way on each light of life
Appeal will show new route that will create new strength to touch of concept that will show new way of thought to soul on each path of life
Appeal will show new touch that will create new step to chapter of thought that will show new direction of spirit to way on each start of life
Appeal will show new step that will create new thought to step of chapter that will show new thought of learning to step on each way of life
Appeal will show new light that will create new light to start of strength that will show new move of feeling to light on each spirit of life
Appeal will show new line that will create new touch to spirit of chapter that will show new route of understanding to start on each touch of life
Appeal will show new word that will create new move to route of concept that will show new way of learning to spirit on each way of life
Appeal will show new start that will create new light to line of strength that will show new step of thinking to direction on each line of life
Appeal will show new touch that will create new spirit to way of direction that will show new touch of meaning to appeal on each move of life
Appeal will show new word that will create new world to light of move that will show new word of understanding to start on each start of life
Appeal will show new thought that will create new way to start of concept that will show new spirit of feeling to step on each word of life
Appeal will show new knowledge that will create new step to thought of chapter that will show new step of start on each thought of life
Appeal will show new strength that will create new spirit to soul of direction that will show new start of concept on each touch of life
Appeal will show new concept that will create new start to touch of route that will show new appeal of thought on each way of life
Appeal will show new spirit that will create new touch to thought of way that will show new light of knowledge on each word of life
Appeal will show new route that will create new path to start of concept that will show new thought of direction on each move of life
Appeal will show new start that will create new direction to route of thought that will show new way of strength on each step of life
Appeal will show new world that will create new thought to knowledge of start that will show new step of direction on each start of life
Appeal will show new knowledge that will create new step to chapter of touch that will show new way of spirit on each word of life
Appeal will show new strength that will create new word to spirit of thought that will show new thought of direction on each way of life
Appeal will show new light that will create new shine to start of concept that will show new world of spirit on each soul of life
Appeal will show new step that will create new strength to way of thought that will show new move of direction on each step of life
Appeal will show new way that will create new start to route of path that will show new start of thought on each light of life.

Poem. 4003. Meaning will show

                                                                  Meaning will show 
Different meaning will show new page to thought which will show new feeling to move that give path to concept of soul at each start of life
Different meaning will show new start to knowledge which will show new learning to way that give step to spirit of thought at each step of life
Different meaning will show new light to appeal which will show new thinking to start that give light to shine of knowledge at each line of life
Different meaning will show new path to strength which will show new feeling to word that give strength to appeal of concept at each chapter of life
Different meaning will show new light to chapter which will show new understanding to way that give start to route of knowledge at each path of life
Different meaning will show new knowledge to page which will show new thinking to thought that give appeal to strength of word at each start of life
Different meaning will show new thought to emotion which will show new feeling to emotion that give step to direction of way at each step of life
Different meaning will show new start to word which will show new understanding to page that give strength to route of light at each word of life
Different meaning will show new strength to way which will show new learning to soul that give knowledge to shine of spirit at every move of life
Different meaning will show new spirit to chapter which will show new thinking to path that give strength to way of strength at every line of life
Different meaning will show new step to direction which will show new meaning to start that give direction to thought of way at every touch of life
Different meaning will show new move to appeal which will show new feeling to thought that give spirit to strength of chapter at every move of life
Different meaning will show new thought to start which will show new understanding to soul that give start to direction of thought at every spirit of life
Different meaning will show new step to thought which will show new thinking to step that give strength to knowledge of chapter at every word of life
Different meaning will show new direction to spirit which will show new learning to path that give light to shine of direction at every thought of life
Different meaning will show new world to step which will show new meaning to route that give knowledge to way of step at every light of life
Different meaning will show new way to path which will show new feeling to emotion that give shine to thought of chapter at every appeal of life
Different meaning will show new step to start which will show new learning to concept that give light to concept of light at every shine of life
Different meaning will show new appeal to way which will show new thinking to soul that give step to soul of strength at every word of life
Different meaning will show new start to move which will show new understanding to start that give route to appeal at every touch of life
Different meaning will show new spirit to direction which will show new feeling to route that give spirit to direction at every start of life
Different meaning will show new path to chapter which will show new meaning to appeal that give thought to knowledge at every line of life
Different meaning will show new route to step which will show new thinking to start that give strength to concept at every way of life
Different meaning will show new start to light which will show new learning to shine that give chapter to strength at every route of life
Different meaning will show new move to strength which will show new feeling to emotion that give start to way at every move of life
Different meaning will show new step to knowledge which will show new meaning to start that give strength to move at every line of life
Different meaning will show new route to concept which will show new thinking to route that give direction to route at every step of life
Different meaning will show new path to spirit which will show new learning to thought that give start to knowledge at every word of life
Different meaning will show new way to appeal which will show new understanding to soul that give touch to strength at every route of life
Different meaning will show new thought to chapter which will show new appeal to direction that give way to concept at every move of life
Different meaning will show new step to knowledge which will show new start to route that give chapter to knowledge at every touch of life
Different meaning will show new path to strength which will show new thought to way that give strength to direction at every light of life
Different meaning will show new start to thought which will show new move to direction that give concept to strength at every line of life
Different meaning will show new direction to chapter which will show new step to knowledge that give appeal to knowledge at every way of life
Different meaning will show new word to concept which will show new start to route that give direction to thought at every appeal of life
Different meaning will show new light to change which will show new path to spirit that give knowledge to chapter at every move of life
Different meaning will show new start to knowledge which will show new line to word that give strength to direction at every start of life
Different meaning will show new path to strength which will show new step to start that give thought to chapter at every way of life
Different meaning will show new route to direction which will show new touch to concept that give way to direction at every step of life
Different meaning will show new touch to thought which will show new way to direction that give thought to soul at every move of life
Different meaning will show new move to spirit which will show new start to thought that give knowledge to spirit at every path of life
Different meaning will show new start to route which will show new direction to appeal that give strength to word at every start of life
Different meaning will show new path to chapter which will show new concept to start that give thought to appeal at every word of life
Different meaning will show new step to appeal which will show new thought to way that give route to concept at every light of life
Different meaning will show new word to knowledge which will show new step to thought that give spirit to direction at every step of life
Different meaning will show new light to strength which will show new word to knowledge that give step to thought at every spirit of life
Different meaning will show new route to direction which will show new light to thought that give light to knowledge at every soul of life
Different meaning will show new line to chapter which will show new thought to way that give strength to direction at every touch of life
Different meaning will show new step to route which will show new knowledge to start that give light to thought at every light of life
Different meaning will show new move to start which will show new chapter to direction that give spirit to soul at every move of life
Different meaning will show new route to appeal which will show new way to appeal that give move to knowledge at every start of life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...