Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Poem 3422. When we walk on road it will give

                                         When we walk on road it will give
When we walk on road it will give new direction which will show new light that will start to show new looks of scene that give spirit in life
When we walk on road it will give new words which will show new looks that will start to show new spirit of moves that give feeling in life
When we walk on road it will give new meaning which will show new meaning that will start to show new world that give appeal in life
When we walk on road it will give new lines which will show new steps that will start to show new direction that give ways of hope in life
When we walk on road it will give new start which will show new routes that will start to show new concept that give ways of touches in life
When we walk on road it will give new steps which will show new concept that will start to show new ways that give new direction of steps in life
When we walk on road it will give new lines which will show new ways that will start to show new world that give new steps of appeals of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new words which will show new touches that will start to show new step that give new chapter of ways in life
When we walk on road it will give new knowledge which will show new spirit that will start to show new ways that give new start of touches in life
When we walk on road it will give new direction which will show new way that will start to show new concept that give new feeling of hopes in life
When we walk on road it will give new path which will show new concept that will start to show new world that give new colors of hopes in life
When we walk on road it will give new routes which will show new routes that will start to show new concept that give new meaning of hope in life
When we walk on road it will give new spirit which will show new direction that will start to show new appeals that give new direction of step in life
When we walk on road it will give new ways which will show new roads that will start to show new feelings that give new touches of meaning in life
When we walk on road it will give new feeling which will show new direction that will start to show new chapters that give new knowledge of feeling in life
When we walk on road it will give new ground which will show new ways that will start to show new direction that give new spirit of meaning in life
When we walk on road it will give new resources which will show new knowledge that will start to throw new light that give new chapter of meaning in life
When we walk on road it will give new direction which will show new ways that will start to give new direction that give new knowledge of meaning in life
When we walk on road it will give new spirit which will show new chapters that will start to give new appeals that give new strength of meaning in life
When we walk on road it will give new feeling which will show new emotions that will start to give new steps that give new resources of meaning in life
When we walk on road it will give new start which will show new moves that will start to give new touches that give new direction of meaning in life
When we walk on road it will give new words which will show new routes that will start to give new spirit that give new ways of understanding in life
When we walk on road it will give new paths which will show new steps that will start to give new ways that give new knowledge of words of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new spirit which will show new soul that will start to give new direction that give new chapters of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new steps which will show new world that will have thing to give that we never dream to visit on any point of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new way which will show new light that will have different shades that we sense with hope on any ways of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new scene which will show new appeals that will have different direction that we sense with different touches of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new direction which will show new scene that will have different resources that we sense with different ways of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new routes which will show new direction that will have different direction that we sense with different start of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new lights which will show new world that will have different ways that we sense with different concept of understanding of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new start which will show new paths that will have different words that we sense with different meaning of appeals of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new methods which will show new route that will have different resources with different words of knowledge of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new steps which will show new meaning that will have different direction with different concept of appeals of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new words which will show new ways that will have different routes with different resources of steps of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new meaning which will show new knowledge that will have different direction with ways of appeals of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new ways which will show new spirit that will have different ways with new thought of routes of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new looks which will show new concept that will have different direction with new appeals of touches of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new ways which will show new methods that will have different ways with new concept of meaning of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new thinking which will show new world that will have different steps with new direction of understanding of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new steps which will show new chapters that will have different meaning with new ways of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new concept which will show new words that will have different direction with new start of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new ways which will show new direction that will have different feeling with new steps of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new routes which will show new steps that will have different concept with new ways of understanding of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new spirit which will show new words that will have different direction with new start of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new words which will show new ways that will have different thinking with new touches of world of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new meaning which will show new light that will have different spirit with new knowledge of world of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new concept which will show new steps that will have different appeals with new start of world of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new start which will show new direction that will have different routes with new direction of world of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new steps which will show new strength that will have different direction with new world of understanding of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new direction which will show new ways that will have different ways with new touches of concept of understanding of thinking in life
When we walk on road it will give new steps which will show new direction that will have different start with new routes of touches of feeling that give new shine of thinking in life.

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Poem. 7179. Soul open new

                            Soul open new  Soul open new word to thought of mind which start new direction that form new hope of mind Soul o...