Friday, June 30, 2017

Poem 3438. Those words will give new

                                             Those words will give new
Those words will give new lines which will show new future to thinking on each point which will show new steps to thinking in life
Those words will give new chapter which will show new spirit to understanding on each step which will show new direction to thinking in life
Those words will give new spirit which will show new appeals  moves learning on each direction which will show new thought to thinking in life
Those words will give new ways which will show new thought to morals to understanding on each word which will show new moves to thinking in life
Those words will give new thought which will show new strength to appeals to thinking on each line which will show new world to thinking in life
Those words will give new key to enchanting which will show new spirit to understanding on each step which will show new appeals to thinking in life
Those words will give new lines to spirit which will show new direction to meaning on each move which will show new effects to thinking in life
Those words will give new way to appeal which will show new steps to appeals on each route which will show new understanding to thinking in life
Those words will give new move to understanding which will show new ways to appeals on each way which will show new step to thinking in life
Those words will give new spirit to moves which will show new direction to ways on every step which will show new meaning to thinking in life
Those words will give new thought to appeals which will show new steps to understanding on every move which will show new light to thinking in life
Those words will give new steps to ways which will show new thought to meaning on every direction which will show new steps to thinking in life
Those words will give new appeals to steps which will show new resources to steps on every start which will show new feeling to thinking in life
Those words will give new ways to direction which will show new chapter to moves on every direction which will show new concept to thinking in life
Those words will give new routes to moves which will show new ways to appeals on every route which will show new spirit to soul to thinking in life
Those words will give new touches to chapter which will show new points to understanding on every step which will show new meaning to thinking in life
Those words will give new steps to lines which will show new words to meaning on every start to thinking which will show new direction to thinking in life
Those words will give new chapter to rules which will show new meaning to appeal on every direction to words which will show new appeals to thinking in life
Those words will give new points to sense which will show new words to thinking on every route to understanding which will show new steps to thinking in life
Those words will give new words to sense which will show new spirit to appeals on every direction to appeals which will show new words to thinking in life
Those words will give new lines to appeals which will show new thought to ways on every appeal to understanding which will show new chapter to thinking in life
Those words will give new chapter to knowledge which will show new ways to every thought to meaning which will show new spirit to understanding words to thinking in life
Those words will give new direction to moves which will show new light to every understanding to appeals which will show new life to moves to thinking in life
Those words will give new enchanting effect which will show new concept to every thought to words which will show new spirit to steps to thinking in life
Those words will give new pages to appeals which will show new thought to every step to learning which will show new direction to move to thinking in life
Those words will give new steps to moment which will show new world to every way to meaning which will show new spirit to touches that give appeal to thinking in life
Those words will give new thought to moment which will show new steps to every start to concept which will show new spirit that give ratio to thinking in life
Those words will give new lines to direction which will show new way to every direction to thinking which will show new theory that give new appeal to thinking in life
Those words will give new ways to meaning which will show new feeling to every way to appeals which will show new strength that give new spirit to thinking in life
Those words will give new theories which will show new concept to every spirit to our soul which will show new concept that give new start to thinking in life
Those words will give new direction which will show new start to every step to our thinking which will show new appeals that give new route to thinking in life
Those words will give new words which will show new steps to every meaning to our understanding which will show new thought that give new page to thinking in life
Those words will give new touch which will show new direction to every step to our concept which will show new world that give new steps to appeals to thinking in life
Those words will give new spirit which will show new soul to every way to our start which will show new concept that give new resources to moves to thinking in life
Those words will give new page which will show new steps to every thought to our appeals which will show new direction that give new way to thinking in life
Those words will give new direction which will show new spirit to every concept to our knowledge which will show new meaning that give new page to thinking in life
Those words will give new concept which will show new start to every step to our understanding which will show new direction that give new appeals to thinking in life
Those words will give new enchanting which will show new meaning to every page which will show new lines that give new concepts to understanding to thinking in life
Those words will give new spirit which will show new direction to every thinking which will show new spirit that give new direction to steps to thinking in life
Those words will give new meaning which will show new spirit to every plan which will show new light that give new feeling to understanding to thinking in life
Those words will give new knowledge which will show new chapter to every start which will show new spirit that give new direction to meaning to thinking in life
Those words will give new lines which will show new words to every lines which will show new concept that give new spirit to appeals to thinking in life
Those words will give new spirit which will show new light to every thought which will show new direction that give new light to thinking in life
Those words will give new ways which will show new impact to every step which will show new routes that give new spirit to soul to thinking in life
Those words will give new spirit which will show new direction to every way which will show new start to that thought to appeals to thinking in life
Those words will give new touch which will show new thought to every song which will show new words to that thinking which will give new light to thinking in life
Those words will give new spirit which will show new words to every chapter which will show new concept to that lines which will give new chapter to thinking in life
Those words will give new lines which will show new spirit to every thinking which will show new direction to that way which will give new spirit to thinking in life
Those words will give new meaning which will show new words to every chapter which will show new ways to that direction which will give new move to thinking in life
Those words will give new words which will show new lines to every concept which will show new paths that show new world which will give new spirit to thinking in life
Those words will give new direction which will show new concept to every thought which will show new words that show new lines which will give new chapter to thinking in life.

Poem 3437. Our thinking will show new

                                                         Our thinking will show new
Our thinking will show new direction which we need to form those concept which will show new direction which will show new impact on mind
Our thinking will show new worlds which we need to create those different directions which will show new words which will show new world on mind
Our thinking will show new steps which we need to sense those words of lines which will show new direction which will show new thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new words which we need to understand those directions which will show new section which will show new ways to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new meaning which we need to appeals those words which will show new ways on resource which will show new knowledge to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new lines which we need to sense those understanding which will show new way on each step which will show new feeling to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new strength which we need to sense those ways which will show new appeals on each shade which will show new touches to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new steps which we need to sense those touches which will show new feeling on each direction which will show new appeal to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new touch which we need to sense those appeals which will show new steps on start each way which will show new feeling to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new feeling which we need to sense those knowledge which will show new ways on each move which will show new concept to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new start which we need to sense those shades which will show new lines on each direction which will show new feeling to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new steps which we need to sense those meaning which will show new ways on each step which will show new direction to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new words which we need to sense those shades which will show new lines on each ways which will show new start to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new direction which we need to sense those steps which will show new touches on each start which will show new way to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new thought which we need to sense those direction which will show new appeals on each step which will show new step on mind
Our thinking will show new lines which we need to sense those lines which will show new words on each direction that will show new world which will show new spirit on mind
Our thinking will show new thought which we need to sense those touches which will show new strength on each way that will show new lines which will show new move on mind
Our thinking will show new lines which we need to sense those direction which will show new routes on each direction that will show new feeling which will show new way on mind
Our thinking will show new meaning which we need to sense those rules which will show new words on each routes that will show new direction which will show new thought on mind
Our thinking will show new methods which we need to understand with those words which will show new concept that will show new routes which will show new appeals on mind
Our thinking will show new ways which we need to understand with those concept which will show new light that will show new direction which will show new lines to feeling on mind
Our thinking will show new spirit which we need to learn with those lines which will show new ways that will show new meaning which will show new routes to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new concept which we need to learn with those words which will show new thought that will show new light which will show new appeal to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new direction which we need to learn with those meaning which will show new knowledge that will show new lines which will show new ways to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new words which we need to learn with those concept which will show new rules that will show new effects which will show new direction to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new direction which we need to learn with those effects which will show new steps which will show new meaning which will show new steps to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new strength which we need to learn with those words which will show new direction which will show new rights which will show new words to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new lines which we need to learn with those lines which will show new words which will show new direction which will show new factors to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new effects which we need to learn with those touches which will show new shades which will show new appeals which will show new steps to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new stages which we need to learn with those words which will show new knowledge which will show new spirit which will show new ways to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new lines which we need to learn with those chapter which will show new direction which will show new ways which will show new appeals to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new world which we need to learn with those concept which will show new moves which will show new start which will show new steps to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new meaning which we need to learn with those words which will show new direction which will show new routes which will show new effects to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new touch which we need to learn with those meaning which will show new effects which will show new direction which will show new route to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new words which we need to learn with those words which will show new direction which will show new resources which will show new appeals to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new lines which we need to learn with those meaning which will show new shades which will show new start which will show new ways to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new thought which we need to learn with those words which will show new lines which will show new resources which will show new power to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new chapter which we need to learn with those start which will show new effects which will show new feeling which will show new resources to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new ways which we need to learn with those routes which will show new direction which will show new factors which will show new methods to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new route which we need to direction with those meaning which will show new shades which will show new feeling which will show new effects to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new start which we need to learn with those different words which will show new appeals which will show new knowledge which will show new spirit to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new direction which we need to learn with those feeling which will show new ways which will show new appeals which will show new words to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new lines which we need to learn with those emotions which will show new steps which will show new ways which will show new thought to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new touches which we need to learn with those direction which will show new direction which will show new appeal which will show new light to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new direction which we need to learn with those knowledge which will show new way which will show new steps which will show new scene to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new lines which we need to learn with those chapters which will show new concept which will show new direction which will show new start to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new way which we need to learn with those lines which will show new world which will show new lines which will show new ways to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new start which we need to learn with those methods which will show new feeling which will show new method which will show new right to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new chapter which we need to learn with those words which will show new chapter which will show new appeals which will show new words to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new words which we need to sense with those meaning which will show new steps which will show new factors which will show new spirit to thinking on mind
Our thinking will show new concepts which we need to sense with those feeling which will show new direction which will show new world which will show new spirit to thinking on mind.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Poem 3436. Every route which will show

                                    Every route which will show             
Every route which will show new spirit of life which will show new world that will give new spirit which will show new direction in life
Every route which will show new thought of life which will show new start that will give new concept which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new scene of life which will show new look that will give new spirit to thinking which will show new step in life
Every route which will show new facts of life which will show new start that will give new appeal to meaning which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new words of life which will show new feeling that will give new feeling to concept which will show new direction in life
Every route which will show new ways of life which will show new appeals that will give new resources to appeals which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new thought of life which will show new facts that will give new routes to thinking which will show new step in life
Every route which will show new looks of life which will show new direction that will give new factors to meaning which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new steps of life which will show new way that will give new direction to understanding which will show new step in life
Every route which will show new thought of life which will show new step that will give new appeals to meaning which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new meaning of life which will show new direction that will give new factors to understanding which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new facts of life which will show new concepts that will give new resources to thinking which will show new step in life
Every route which will show new thought of life which will show new lines that will give new steps to understanding which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new feeling of life which will show new way that will give new ways to thinking which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new direction of life which will show new words that will give new direction to understand which will show new step in life
Every route which will show new concept of life which will show new spirit that will give new knowledge to words to thinking which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new lines of life which will show new knowledge that will give new start to sense to understanding which will show new step in life
Every route which will show new feeling of life which will show new appeals that will give new meaning to learn those concept which will show new way in life
Every route which will show new world of life which will show new meaning that will give new spirit to thinking those direction which will show new step in life
Every route which will show new ways of life which will show new words that will give new lines to thinking which will show new world on new way in life
Every route which will show new move of life which will show new adventure that will give new spirit to understanding which will show new thinking on new step in life
Every route which will show new chapter of life which will show new lines that will give new chapter to meaning which will show new appeals on new way in life
Every route which will show new lines of life which will show new meaning that will give new steps to thinking which will show new knowledge on new step in life
Every route which will show new feeling of life which will show new chapter that will give new resources to ways which will show new spirit on new way in life
Every route which will show new chapter of life which will show new words that will give new lines to thinking which will show new direction on new step in life
Every route which will show new way of life which will show new spirit that will give new direction to understanding which will show new spirit on new way in life
Every route which will show new paths of life which will show new words that will give new spirit to thinking which will show new strength on new step in life
Every route which will show new concept of life which will show new meaning that will give new shades to understanding which will show new start on new way in life
Every route which will show new direction of life which will show new shades that will give new soul to thinking which will show new words to thinking on new step in life
Every route which will show new spirit on life which will show new different routes that will give new appeals to understanding which will show new light on new way in life
Every route which will show new lines on life which will show new direction of thinking that will give new ways which will show new steps on new way in life
Every route which will show new spirit on life which will show new steps of appeals that will give new power which will show new feeling on new step in life
Every route which will show new step in life which will show new direction of understanding that will give new ways which will show new paths on new step in life
Every route which will show new lines in life which will show new start of meaning that will show new paths which will show new direction on new way in life
Every route which will show new paths in life which will show new ways of thinking that will show new start which will show new feeling on new step in life
Every route which will show new meaning in life which will show new paths that will show new feeling which will show new paths of thinking on new way in life
Every route which will show new methods in life which will show new words that will show new appeals which will show new words of lines at each step on new way in life
Every route which will show new paths in life which will show new direction that will show new light which will show new appeals of understanding on new way in life
Every route which will show new step in life which will show new concept that will show new spirit which will show new scene of meaning on new step in life
Every route which will show new direction in life which will show new world that will show new appeals which will show new concept of understanding on new way in life
Every route which will show new start in life which will show new meaning that will show new paths which will show new meaning of thinking on new step in life
Every route which will show new meaning in life which will show new world that will show new world which will show new concept of meaning on new way in life
Every route which will show new chapter in life which will show new steps that will show new direction which will show new appeals of understanding on new way in life
Every route which will show new lines in life which will show new words that will show new paths which will show new meaning of resources of thinking on new way in life
Every route which will show new chapter in life which will show new thought that will show new step which will show new direction of understanding on new step in life
Every route which will show new meaning in life which will show new appeals that will show new chapter which will show new way of meaning on new step in life
Every route which will show new world in life which will show new lines that will show new meaning which will show new words of thinking that give new spirit on new way in life
Every route which will show new chapter in life which will show new words that will show new ways which will show new thinking of meaning that give new strength on new step in life
Every route which will show new feeling in life which will show new spirit that will show new knowledge which will show new spirit of thinking that give new feeling on new step in life
Every route which will show new lines in life which will show new direction that will show new moves which will show new touches of understanding that give new appeal on new way in life
Every route which will show new direction in life which will show new words that will show new lines which will show new direction of meaning that give new spirit on new step in life.

Poem 3435. Sky will have many birds which

                                         Sky will have many birds which
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show those spirit which will show different colors which will show new looks in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show those wonderful touch which will show different ways which will show new colors in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new voice which will show those different sounds which will show different direction which will show new looks in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new appeals which will show those looks which will show different looks in sky which will show new wonderful touch in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show those different enchanting which will show new looks in sky which will show new feeling in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new steps which will show those different meaning which will show new start in sky which will show new feeling in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new direction which will show those words which will show new moves in sky which will show new beauty of nature in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show those concepts which will show new direction in sky which will show new looks of nature in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new appeals which will show those touches which will show new feeling in sky which will show new concept of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show those looks which will show new direction in sky which will show new colors of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new enchanting which will show new wonderful look which will show new shades which will show new shades of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new colors which will show new enchanting look which will show new world which will show new wonderful look of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new feeling which will show new enchanting look which will show new looks which will show new steps of nature of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new world which will show new wonderful appeals which will show new meaning which will show new world of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new enchanting looks which will show new steps which will show new feeling which will show new enchanting of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show new beauty spirit which will show new lines which will show new direction to understanding of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show new lines which will show new words which will show new lines to words of meaning of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new world which will show new nature which will show new concept which will show new look to understanding of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new spirit which will show new appeals which will show new world which will show new meaning to spirit of understanding of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show new spirit which will show new soul which will show new light to ways of moves of meaning of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new start which will show new appeal which will show new light which start to show new colors in diversity on every step of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new direction which will show new ways which will show new start which show new world in different understanding of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new colors which will show wonderful designs which will show new looks which give new spirit in different stages of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show new shine in life which will show new hopes which give new steps in different ways of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new colors which will show new effect in life which will show new feeling which give new moves in different direction of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new meaning which will show new light in life which will show sky in different ways which give new looks in different steps of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show new direction in life which will show new appeals which give new ways to our soul for concept of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new routes which will show new effects in life which will show new steps which give new soul to our looks of nature of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new beautiful looks which will show new spirit in life which will show new ways which give new direction to our moves of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new ways which will show new appeals in life which will show new words which give new spirit to our lines of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new colors which will show new looks of nature which will show new spirit which give new wonderful look of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new direction which will show new steps which will show new resources which give new moves to understanding of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new worlds which will show new spirit which will show new world which will give new meaning to ways of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show new nature which will show new knowledge which will give new looks of spirit of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new beautiful look which will show new wonderful look which will show new strength of mind which will give new looks of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show new pleasant look which will show new resources of mind which will give new beautiful sort of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new ways which will show new spirit which will show new direction of spirit which will give new appeals of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new feeling which will show new ways which will show new rights of understanding which will give new start of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new meaning which will show new lines which will show new concepts of thinking which will give new direction of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new effects which will show new start which will show new ways of understanding which will give new scene of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new enchanting which will show new looks which will show new appeals of nature which will give new spirit of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show new enchanting which will show new looks of nature which will give new beautiful of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new meaning which will show new looks which will show new chapters of enchanting which will give new looks of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new looks which will show new enchanting which will show new feeling of appeals which will give new chapter of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new enchanting which will show new nature which will show new looks of scene which will give new enchanting of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new learning which will show new wonderful looks which will show new enchanting which will give new resources of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new colors which will show new scene that will show new looks which will show new spirit which will give new look of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new meaning which will show new shine that will show new spirit which will show new touches which will give new ways of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new resources which will show new light that will show new looks which will show new meaning which will give new words of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new light which will show new different style that will show new effects which will show new start which will give new ways of thinking in life
Sky will have many birds which will show new effects which will show new different appeals that will show new ways which will show new thought which will give new spirit of thinking in life.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Poem 3434. One emotion will start to show

                                         One emotion will start to show
One emotion will start to show new meaning to our mind we need to learn knowledge which will show new strength on every point
One emotion will start to show new concept to our mind we need to learn thoughts which will show new direction on every point
One emotion will start to show new words to our mind we need to learn lines which will show new strength of mind on every point
One emotion will start to show new feeling to our mind we need to learn knowledge which will show new section of mind on every point
One emotion will start to show new lines to our mind we need to learn power which will show new effect of thoughts on every point
One emotion will start to show new appeal to our mind we need to learn effects which will show new lines of thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show new direction to our mind we need to learn steps which will show new ways of thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show new lines to our mind we need to learn those words which will show new knowledge on every point
One emotion will start to show new looks to our mind we need to learn those appeals which will show new words on every point
One emotion will start to show new appeals to our mind we need to learn those concepts which will show new lines on every point
One emotion will start to show new meaning to our mind we need to learn those different steps which will show new thought on every point
One emotion will start to show chapters to our mind we need to learn those different feeling which will show new ways to thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show rules to our mind we need to learn those directions of emotions which will show new spirit to understanding on every point
One emotion will start to show feeling to our mind we need to learn those appeals of understanding which will show new ways to meaning on every point
One emotion will start to show direction to our mind we need to learn those words of appeals which will show new meaning to learning ways on every point
One emotion will start to show feeling to our mind we need to learn those feelings of world which will show new light to understanding on every point
One emotion will start to show routes to our mind we need to learn those concept of world which will show new ways to meanings thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show appeals to our mind we need to learn those direction to soul which will show new feeling to concept to appeals on every point
One emotion will start to show appeals to our mind we need to learn those appeals to thinking which will show new ways to thinking on soul on every point
One emotion will start to show appeals to our thinking we need to learn those words to ways which will show new appeals to moves on thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show direction to our understanding we need to learn those appeals which will show new steps to thought on meaning on every point     
One emotion will start to show direction to our moves we need to learn those words which will show new concept to learn different ways on appeals on every point
One emotion will start to show appeals to our learning we need to learn those different direction which will show new effects to learn different words on every point
One emotion will start to show understanding to our thinking we need to learn those words which will show new lines to sense appeals on ways of world on every point
One emotion will start to show new thought to our different shades we need to learn those different concepts which will show new routes on every point
One emotion will start to show new direction to our understanding we need to sense those direction to thinking which will show new sort of lines on every point
One emotion will start to show new lines to our ways we need to sense those lines to thinking which will show new emotions to understanding on every point
One emotion will start to show new way to our thinking we need to sense those ways to appeals which will show new steps to meaning on every point
One emotion will start to show new chapter to our understanding we need to sense those appeals which will show new words on every point
One emotion will start to show new right to our feeling we need to sense those ways to knowledge which will show new direction on every point
One emotion will start to show new knowledge to our thinking we need to sense those lines to moves which will show new feeling to soul on every point
One emotion will start to show new lines to our appeals we need to learn those words from different chapter which will show new world on every point
One emotion will start to show new feeling to our appeals we need to sense those directions from thinking which will show new direction on every point
One emotion will start to show new steps to our feeling we need to sense those pages from different angles which will show new meaning to world on every point
One emotion will start to show new chapters to our thinking we need to sense those chapters from different appeals which will show new knowledge to world on every point
One emotion will start to show new pages to our pages we need to sense those feeling from one understanding which will show new concept to world on every point
One emotion will start to show new lines to our world we need to sense those appeals from one thinking which will show new thought to thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show new appeals to our mind we need to sense those words from one chapter which will show new words to thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show new lines to our mind we need to sense those ways from one step which will show new direction to ways which will show new world on every point
One emotion will start to show new feeling to our mind we need to sense those different ways which will show new way which will show new chapter to thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show new meaning to our mind we need to sense those pages which will show new lines which will show new steps to thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show new lines to our appeals we need to sense those concepts which will show new feeling which will show new meaning to hopes on every point
One emotion will start to show new knowledge to our thinking we need to sense those pages which will show new appeals which will show new thought to pages on every point
One emotion will start to show new world to our meaning we need to sense those concepts which will show new ways which will show new knowledge to thinking on every point
One emotion will start to show new pages to our thinking we need to learn those direction which will show new meaning which will show new world to understanding on every point
One emotion will start to show new routes to our mind we need to learn those steps which will show new appeals which will show new knowledge to meaning of life on every point
One emotion will start to show new world to our mind we need to sense those concept which will show new meaning which will show new light to understanding of life on every point
One emotion will start to show new steps to our mind we need to learn those ways which will show new feeling which will show new resources to thinking of moves on every point
One emotion will start to show new direction to our mind we need to sense those words which will show new ways which will show new world to moves on every point
One emotion will start to show new concept to our thinking we need to sense those chapters which will show new feeling which will show new steps to understanding on every point
One emotion will start to show new world to our steps we need to sense those direction which will show new world which will show new spirit to meanings on every point.

Poem 3433. That smile which will give new

                                           That smile which will give new
That smile which will give new opening to our mind we need to sense those feeling which will show new effect to our emotions to mind
That smile which will give new method to our mind we need to sense those lines which will show new understanding to our effect to mind
That smile which will give new feeling to our mind we need to sense those concepts which will show new rules to our thinking on every step to mind
That smile which will give new emotion to our mind we need to sense those rules which will show new spirit to our understanding on every move to mind
That smile which will give new words to our mind we need to sense those way which will show new shine to our appeals to resources on every step to mind
That smile which will give new direction to our mind we need to sense those feeling which will show new ways to thinking that show new world on every step to mind
That smile which will give new concept to our mind we need to sense those direction which will show new light to understanding that show new concept on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new lines to our mind we need to sense those ways which will show new chapter to sensing that show new chapter on every step to mind
That smile which will give new direction to our mind we need to sense those lines which will show new direction to learning that show new knowledge on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new spirit to our mind we need to sense those ways which will show new knowledge that show new light to feeling on every step to mind
That smile which will give new words to our mind we need to sense those concepts which will show new lines that show new world to understanding on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new lines to our mind we need to sense those directions which will show new routes that show new feeling to steps of world on every step to mind
That smile which will give new resources to our mind we need to sense those chapter which will show new creation to line that show new effect on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new words to thinking to our mind we need to sense those knowledge which will show new words that show new routes on every step to mind
That smile which will give new resources to understanding to our mind we need to sense those words which will show new chapter that show new words on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new chapters to meaning to our thinking we need to sense those chapters which will show new words that show new lines to thinking on every step to mind
That smile which will give new feeling to sense those concept which will give new ways to understanding which will show new chapter that show new world to appeals on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new section to sense those direction which will give new knowledge to sections which will show new effects that show new start on every step to mind
That smile which will give new lines to sense those thinking which will give new concept to thinking which will show new resources that show new effects on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new section to sense those effects which will give new lines to thinking which will show new direction that show new resources on every step to mind
That smile which will give new steps to sense those direction which will give new ways to understanding which will show new resources that show new meaning on every move to mind
That smile which will give new direction to sense those feeling which will give new start to concepts which will show new feeling that show new appeals on every step to mind
That smile which will give new ways to sense those meaning which will give new direction to routes which will show new touches that show new words on every appeal to mind
That smile which will give new start to sense those direction which will give new resources to thinking which will show new steps that show new meaning on every move to mind
That smile which will give new path to sense those wonderful feeling which will give new meaning to understanding which will show new direction on every appeal to mind
That smile which will give new ways to sense those direction of thinking which will give new ways to appeals which will show new resources to steps on every move to mind
That smile which will give new resources to sense those concept of understanding which will give new power which will show new words to appeals on every move to mind
That smile which will give new direction to sense those ways of moves which will give new spirit to soul which will give new ways to thinking at every touch on every step to mind
That smile which will give new knowledge to sense those thinking of soul which will give new route to learn concept which will give new spirit to learning on every step to mind
That smile which will give new feeling to sense those ways of thinking which will give new thought to understanding which will give new appeals to sensing on every move to mind
That smile which will give new chapter to sense those feeling of thinking which will give new spirit to thinking which will give new steps to appeals on each step on every move to mind
That smile which will give new knowledge to sense those ways of understanding which will give new concept to ways which will give new lines on each direction on every step to mind
That smile which will give new words to thinking those direction which will give new world to understanding which will give new feeling on each appeal on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new concept to understanding those ways which will give new effects to thinking which will give new lines on each chapter on every move to mind
That smile which will give new words to meaning those lines which will give new knowledge to thinking which will give new words on each step of line on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new wonderful feeling those concept which will give new spirit to our soul which will give new thinking on each meaning to sense different way on every move to mind
That smile which will give new power to thinking those direction which will give new section to our understanding which will give new spirit to sense different meaning on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new touches to understanding those ways which will give new spirit to our thinking which will give new feeling to sense different concept on every move to mind
That smile which will give new resources to thinking those concept which will give new words to our steps which will give new lines to sense different direction to world on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new spirit to understanding those thinking which will give new feeling to our soul which will give new ways to sense different side of knowledge on every move to mind
That smile which will give new sound to thinking those direction which will give new spirit to our thinking which will give new facts to sense different direction on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new feeling to resources those knowledge which will give new ways to our understanding which will give new ways to sense different thought on every move to mind
That smile which will give new steps to thinking those resources which will give new knowledge to our feeling which will give new concept to moves different direction on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new start to feeling those direction which will give new spirit to our steps which will give new direction to appeals to different way on every move to mind
That smile which will give new step to thinking those ways which will give new strength to our thinking which will give new steps to moves to different direction on every step to mind
That smile which will give new chapter to understanding those direction which will give new feeling to our knowledge which will give new spirit to different feeling on every step to mind
That smile which will give new moves to feeling those emotions which will give new start to thinking our emotions which will give new start to different concept on every move to mind
That smile which will give new chapter to give new ways which will give new light to understanding our thinking which will give new appeals to different direction on every step to mind
That smile which will give new start to give new spirit which will give new ways to meaning our direction which will give new steps to different effects to world on every touch to mind
That smile which will give new spirit to give new light which will give new feeling to meaning our thinking which will give new spirit to our soul to thinking on every move to mind
That smile which will give new meaning to give new direction which will give new moves to understanding which will give new knowledge to learning on every touch to mind.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Poem 3432. Trees will have

                                                  Trees will have
Trees will have leaves that move on every point we sense them on each step with different touches of wind on every direction to give different scene in life
Trees will have so many movement that give different effects on our mind with different looks of nature which will show new world to different looks in life
Trees will have so beautiful looks that give new ways on every step with different touches of nature which will show new looks to different weather in life
Trees will have wonderful looks that give new touch on every move with different direction of concept which will show new world to different looks in life
Trees will have enchanting looks that give new scene on every route with different looks of world which will show new paths to understand different paths in life
Trees will have so many looks that give different touch of nature with different ways of thinking which will show new world to meaning to different steps in life
Trees will have so many words that give different meaning of thinking with different direction which will show new chapters to concepts to different thought in life
Trees will have so many looks that give different ways of moves with different meaning which will show new ways to give appeals to different ways in life
Trees will have so many meaning that give different direction of understanding with different word which will show new feeling to different direction in life
Trees will have so many path that give different touches of lines with different ways which will show new steps to show different concept to different thinking in life
Trees will have so many thinking that give different appeals of understanding with new thought which will show new touch to appeals that show new light to different concept in life
Trees will have so many direction that give different words of meaning with new knowledge which will show new direction to thought that show new world to different ways in life
Trees will have so many routes that give different feeling of appeals with new direction which will show new world to different concept that show new direction to different steps in life
Trees will have so many words that give different rights of understanding with new steps which will show new steps to different direction that show new light to different thinking in life
Trees will have so many steps that give different directions of appeals with new touches which will show new ways to appeals that show new concept to different routes in life
Trees will have so many lines that give different meanings of soul with new direction which will show new world to steps that show new light to different ways in life
Trees will have so many ways that give different stories by giving birth to new trees which will show basic tale of life in new way on each say to different mind in life
Trees will have so many touches that give different touches by giving looks to new direction which will show basic way of life in new start on each day to different direction in life
Trees will have so many direction that give different routes by giving new start to show new touches which will show new concept in new direction to different word in life
Trees will have so many words that give different direction by giving new lines to show new steps which will show new lines in new touches of thinking to different feeling in life
Trees will have so many meaning that give different feeling by giving new methods to show new direction which will show new looks of appeals to different start in life
Trees will have so many direction that give different touches by giving meaning to show new world which will show new world to thinking of soul to different start in life
Trees will have so many words that give different lines by giving new touches to show new direction which will show new feeling to touches of ways to different way in life
Trees will have so many directions that give different concept by showing new ways to show new thought which will show new scene to understanding of touch to different step in life
Trees will have so many concepts that give different words by thinking new knowledge to show new lines which will show new routes to moves of touch to different way in life
Trees will have so many appeals that give different meaning by thinking new start to show new meaning which will show new thinking to every step that show new world to different step in life
Trees will have so many meaning that give different lines by understanding new way to show new chapter which will show new direction to every feeling to different concept in life
Trees will have so many steps that give different direction by thinking new words to show new steps to understand concept which will show new light to every way to different stages in life
Trees will have so many directions that give different stages by lines new lines to show new chapter to appeals that give new direction which will show new chapter to different side in life
Trees will have so many stories hidden that give new memories and store old one in branches every time that give new breathe which will show new routes to different world in life
Trees will have so many steps hidden that give new look and new use to understanding which will show new light that give new sort of nature which will show new light to different ways in life
Trees will have so many touches hidden that give new meaning which will show resources that will form different touches that give new appeals which will show new step to different start in life
Trees will have so many looks that give new start which will show new direction that give new spirit to our soul that give new looks which will show new ways to shift thinking to different style in life
Trees will have so many words that give new touch which will show new appeals that give new concept to thinking that give new beautiful look which will show new start to different points in life
Trees will have so many colors that give new shapes which will show new looks that give new light to understanding that give new looks of nature which will show new world to different start in life
Trees will have so many looks that give new world which will show new start that give new look to nature that start with different concepts which will show new ways to different steps in life
Trees will have so many weather that give new steps which will show new looks that give new touches to soul that start with different looks which will show new light to different shades in life
Trees will have so many looks that give new concept which will show new ways that give new appeals to understanding with different direction which will show new start to different feeling in life
Trees will have so many wonderful uses that give new touches which will show new lines that give new ways to steps with different ways which will show new world to different shades in life
Trees will have so many scene that give different looks which will show new scene that give new enchanting effect with different stages which will show new lines to different ways in life
Trees will have so many concept that give different hidden looks which will show new direction that give new appeals with different ways which will show new start to different thinking in life
Trees will have so many words that give different meaning to world which will show new ways that give new start with different touches which will show new light to different concept in life
Trees will have so many meaning that give different stages to world which will show new meaning that give new ways with different knowledge which will show new world to different step in life
Trees will have so many ways that give us new meaning to world which will show how to stand tall even in worst weather without fear in life which will show new direction to different way in life
Trees will have so many leaves that give different colors which will show different uses that give new touches which will show new world to thinking that give new world to different way in life
Trees will have so many shapes that give different words which will show different meaning that give new stages which will show new thinking that give new route to different concept in life
Trees will have so many words that give new lines which will show different looks that give new ways which will show new words that give new meaning to thought to different ways in life
Trees will have so many lines that give new words which will show different meaning that give new thought which will show new world that give new colors to different looks in life
Trees will have so many resources that give new lines which will show different direction that give new ways which will show new direction that give new thought to different touches in life
Trees will have so many leaves that give new looks which will show different looks that give new touch of nature which will show new scene that give new routes to different effects in life
Trees will have so many uses that give new touches which will show different world that give new look of concepts which will show new spirit that give new spirit to different ways in life.

Poem 3431. Every line will show new

                                                Every line will show new
Every line will show new knowledge which will show new feeling which start to give new route which will show new lines in life
Every line will show new concept which will show new start which will give new power to soul which will show new world in life
Every line will show new spirit which will show new direction which will give new feeling to thinking which will show new start in life
Every line will show new words which will show new steps which will give new routes to understanding which will show new way in life
Every line will show new direction which will show new direction which will give new appeals to moves which will show new start in life
Every line will show new world which will show new touches which will give new pages to thinking which will show new route to give start in life
Every line will show new meaning which will show new steps which will give new meaning to understanding which will show new spirit in life
Every line will show new steps which will show new concept which will give new world to thinking that show new light which will show new way in life
Every line will show new chapter which will show new ways which will give new feeling to learn that concept which will show new routes in life
Every line will show new pages which will show new words which will give new start to meaning that thought which will show new world in life
Every line will show new meaning which will show new feeling which will give new appeals to understanding which will show new step in life
Every line will show new spirit which will show new direction which will give new world to sense different direction which will show new appeals in life
Every line will show new chapter which will show new ways which will give new effects to start to give new knowledge which will show new step in life
Every line will show new direction which will show new knowledge which will give new resources to knowledge to give new way which will show new words in life
Every line will show new start which will show new lines which will give new concept to thinking to give new direction which will show new stages that show new step in life
Every line will show new page which will show new words which will give new start to thinking which will give new world which will show new thought that show new step in life
Every line will show new thought which will show new spirit which will give new way to understanding which will give new spirit which will show new spirit that show new step in life
Every line will show new words which will show new world which will give new appeals to thinking which will give new knowledge which will show new move that show new step in life
Every line will show new direction which will show new world which will give new spirit to understanding which will give new spirit which will show new step in life
Every line will show new moves which will show new start which will give new lines to appeals which will give new start to thinking and feeling which will show new step in life
Every line will show new chapter which will show new feeling which will give new resources which will show new moves to world which will show new way and new step in life
Every line will show new touches which will show new meaning which will give new wonderful which will show new direction to world which will show new step in life
Every line will show new knowledge which will show new steps which will give new thoughts which will show new world to thinking which will show new step in life
Every line will show new ways which will show new start which will give new appeals which will show new ways to thinking which will show new feeling which will show new step in life
Every line will show new appeals which will show new ways which will give new meaning which will show new start which will show new start which will show new step in life
Every line will show new direction which will show new steps which will give new thought which will show new knowledge which will show new world which will show new step in life
Every line will show new way which will show new words which will give new spirit which will show new world which will show new thinking which will show new step in life
Every line will show new effect which will show new world which will show new start which will show new direction which will show new spirit which will show new step in life
Every line will show new meaning which will show new knowledge which will show new moves which will show new start which will show new appeals which will show new step in life
Every line will show new start which will show new chapter which will show new start which will show new thinking which will show new start which will show new step in life
Every line will show new chapter which will show new direction which will show new routes which will show new ways which will show new lines which will show new step in life
Every line will show new start which will show new routes which will show new ways which will show new direction which will show new ways which will show new step in life
Every line will show new move which will show new way which will show new route which will show new start which will show new feeling which will show new step in life
Every line will show new start which will show new direction which will show new concept which will show new rules which will show new start which will show new step in life
Every line will show new direction which will show new spirit which will show new direction which will show new spirit which will show new ways which will show new step in life
Every line will show new touch which will show new concept which will show new feeling which will show new meaning which will show new knowledge which will show new step in life
Every line will show new meaning which will show new way which will show new world which will show new lines which will show new pages which will show start which will show new step in life
Every line will show new direction which will show new spirit which will show new ways which will show new words which will show new routes which will show new way which will show new step in life
Every line will show new concept which will show new ways which will show new start which will show new feeling which will show new light which will show new spirit which show new step in life
Every line will show new ways which will show new meaning which will show new world which will show new steps which will show new direction which will show new words which show new step in life
Every line will show new meaning which will show new feeling which will show new direction which will show new ways which will show new start which show new step in life
Every line will show new concept which will show new direction which will show new appeals which will show new knowledge which will show new feeling which show new step in life
Every line will show new direction which will show new steps which will show new world which will show new resources which will show new routes which show new step in life
Every line will show new spirit which will show new world which will show new ways which will show new knowledge which will show new ways which show new step in life
Every line will show new lines which will show new start which will show new thinking which will show new spirit which will show new resources which show new step in life
Every line will show new moves which will show new world which will show new spirit which will show new feeling which will show new spirit which show new step in life
Every line will show new direction which will show new way which will show new routes which will show new meaning which will show new meaning which show new step in life
Every line will show new feelings which will show new start which will show new steps which will show new routes which will show new start on each point which show new step in life
Every line will show new emotions which will show new move which will show new lines which will show new meaning which will show new step on each move which show new step in life
Every line will show new start which will show new words which will show new routes which will show new way which will show new direction on each thinking which will show new step in life
Every line will show new thinking which will show new resources will show new chapter which will show new move which will show new spirit to understanding which will show new step in life.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Poem 3430. New colors which will show new

                                               New colors which will show new
New colors which will show new feeling to mind which will show new ways are always there in life which will show new spirit in soul of life
New colors which will show new appeals to mind which will show new feeling are always there in life which will show new feeling in soul of life
New colors which will show new resources to mind which will show new spirit are always there in life which will show new power in soul of life
New colors which will show new effects to mind which will show new direction are always there in life which will show new strength in soul of life
New colors which will show new direction to mind which will show new appeals are always there in life which will show new feeling in soul of life
New colors which will show new feeling to mind which will show new words are always there in life which will show new concept in soul of life
New colors which will show new appeal to mind which will show new feeling are always there in life which will show new feeling in soul of life
New colors which will show new direction to mind which will show new move are always there in life which will show new emotion in soul of life
New colors which will show new understanding to mind which will show new ways to understanding in life which will show new steps in soul of life
New colors which will show new feeling to mind which will show new lines to meaning in life which will show those new factors in soul of life
New colors which will show new resources to mind which will show new looks to thinking in life which will show those new effects in soul of life
New colors which will show new meaning to mind which will show new factors to understanding in life which will show new direction in soul of life
New colors which will show new appeals to mind which will show new words to thinking to learning in life which will show new routes in soul in life
New colors which will show new start to mind which will show new steps to meaning to show different step which will show new words in soul in life
New colors which will show new factors to mind which will show new start to thinking to show different words which will show new feeling in soul in life
New colors which will show new chapter to mind which will show new words to learn lines to show different concept which will show new world in soul in life
New colors which will show new meaning to mind which will show new lines to give new steps to show different ways which will show new sort of words in soul in life
New colors which will show new appeals to mind which will show new chapter to give new start to show different touches which will show new way of thinking in soul in life
New colors which will show new different touches which will show new methods to give new steps to show new world which will show new thought of learning in soul in life
New colors which will show new different resources which will show new ways to give new spirit to thinking which will show new appeals of understanding in soul in life
New colors which will show new ways that will show new spirit which will show new words to give new appeals to thinking which will show new emotions in soul in life
New colors which will show new feeling that will show new concept which will show new feeling to give new steps which will show new direction of different route in soul in life
New colors which will show new resources that will show new spirit which will show new ways to give new thought which will show new light of different understanding in soul in life
New colors which will show new chapter in life that will show new appeals which will show new lines to give new ways which will show new direction to meaning in soul in life
New colors which will show new thought in life that will show new direction which will show new world to give new thinking which will show new steps to understanding in soul in life
New colors which will show new ways in life that will show new world which will show new ways to thinking to new start which will show new soul to meaning on every step in soul in life
New colors which will show new thought in life that will show new resources which will show new thinking to appeals which will show new direction to thinking in soul in life
New colors which will show new routes in life that will show new spirit which will show new feeling to learn those concept which will show new methods to thinking in soul in life
New colors which will show new lines in life that will show new world which will show new spirit to thinking those direction which will show new appeal to ways in soul in life
New colors which will show new direction in life that will show new feeling which will show new ways to understanding those touches which will show new methods in soul in life
New colors which will show new ways in life that will show new move which will show new feeling to thinking those chapters which will show new direction in soul in life
New colors which will show new feeling in life that will show new start which will show new appeals to move those concepts which will show new feeling in soul in life
New colors which will show new ways in life that will show new appeals which will show new feeling to steps those power which will show new direction in soul in life
New colors which will show new start in life that will show new spirit which will show new ways to thinking those spirit which will show new word in soul in life
New colors which will show new route in life that will show new appeals which will show new start to learn those thinking which will show new effect in soul in life
New colors which will show new ways in life that will show new direction which will show new concept to understand which will show new routes in soul in life
New colors which will show new spirit in life that will show new appeals which will show new methods to learn which will show new feeling to thinking in soul in life
New colors which will show new ways in life that will show new chapter which will show new words to sense which will show new methods to start in soul in life
New colors which will show new knowledge in life that will show new spirit which will show new effect to sense which will show new understanding in soul in life
New colors which will show new ways in life that will show new feeling which will show new meaning to sense which will show new start of concept in soul in life
New colors which will show new meaning in life that will show new spirit which will show new ways to thinking which will show new spirit to thinking in soul in life
New colors which will show new feeling in life that will show new feeling which will show new effects to appeals which will show new lines to thinking in soul in life
New colors which will show new steps in life that will show new spirit which will show new steps to learn direction which will show new light to thinking in soul in life
New colors which will show new effect in life that will show new ways which will show new world to appeals which will show new routes to thinking in soul in life
New colors which will show new meaning in life that will show new spirit which will show new knowledge to thinking which will show new spirit in soul in life
New colors which will show new way in life that will show new world which will show new words to understanding lines which will show new feeling in soul in life
New colors which will show new steps in life that will show new meaning which will show new steps to learning new rules which will show new concept in soul in life
New colors which will show new feeling in life that will show new knowledge which will show new way to thinking which will show new appeals in soul in life
New colors which will show new steps in life that will show new world which will show new words to understanding which will show new direction in soul in life
New colors which will show new spirit in life that will show new direction which will show new appeals to meaning which will show new spirit to thinking in soul in life
New colors which will show new words that will show new way to thinking which will show new meaning which will show new methods to understanding in soul in life.

Poem 3429. Every feeling will show

                                            Every feeling will show
Every feeling will show meanings on life which will show new words that give new positive thoughts show new spirit on every step in life
Every feeling will show new knowledge in life which will show new meanings that give new light on new word that give new lines on every step in life
Every feeling will show new direction in life which will show new lines that give new chapter on every step that give new spirit on every step in life
Every feeling will show new meaning in life which will show new words that give new lines on every way that give new concept on every step in life
Every feeling will show new start in life which will show new lines that give new thought on every appeal that give new path on every step in life
Every feeling will show new chapter in life which will show new steps that give new resource on every start that give new words on every step in life
Every feeling will show new chapter in life which will show new pages that give new spirit on every angel of mind that give new chapter on every step in life
Every feeling will show new direction in life which will show new ways that give new ways on every soul of life that give new direction on every step in life
Every feeling will show new world in life which will show new concept that give new lines on every step of life that give new concept on every step in life
Every feeling will show new chapter in life which will show new direction that give new spirit on every route of life that give new spirit on every step in life
Every feeling will show new lines in life which will show new ways that give new concepts on every word that give new appeals to our soul on every step in life
Every feeling will show new words in life which will show new concept that give new meaning on every positive step to our soul on every step in life
Every feeling will show new direction in life which will show new steps that give new direction on every route to our understanding on every step in life
Every feeling will show new spirit in life which will show new positive thought that give new start on every way to our thinking on every step in life
Every feeling will show new direction in life which will show new start that give new knowledge on every line to our appeals at each move on every step in life
Every feeling will show new routes in life which will show new ways that give new direction on every thought to give new word on every step in life
Every feeling will show new knowledge in life which will show new chapter that give new start on every direction to give new chapter on every step in life
Every feeling will show new spirit in life which will show new feeling that give new emotions on every concept to give new lines to world on every step in life
Every feeling will show new concept in life which will show new positive thoughts that give new direction on every start to sense on every step in life
Every feeling will show new words in life which will show new thinking that will show new world on every chapter to sense different ways on every step in life
Every feeling will show new way in life which will show new world that will show new direction on every route to learn different direction on every step in life
Every feeling will show new chapter which will show new words that will show new start on every emotion to learn that will give spirit on every step in life
Every feeling will show new methods which will show new ways that will show new steps on every appeal to learn that will give new strength on every step in life
Every feeling will show new touches which will show new thinking that will show new direction on every direction to learn that will give new ways on every step in life
Every feeling will show new chapter which will show new spirit that will show new ways on every spirit that will give new start that will give new meaning on every step in life
Every feeling will show new knowledge which will show new words that will show new lines on every concept that will give new way that will give new direction on every step in life
Every feeling will show new way which will show new lines that will show new spirit on every way that will give new concept that will show new world on every step in life
Every feeling will show new routes which will show new meaning that will show new direction on every positive thought that will show new concept on every step in life
Every feeling will show new ways which will show new routes that will show new ways on every touch that give new spirit that will show new touches on every step in life
Every feeling will show new route which will show new direction that will show new steps on every direction that give new touches that will show new meaning on every step in life
Every feeling will show new touches which will show new world that will show new direction on every feeling that give new concept that will show new start on every step in life
Every feeling will show new direction which will show new direction that will show new meaning on every step that give new words that will show new knowledge on every step in life
Every feeling will show new routes which will show new concept that will show new resources on every line that give new ways that will show new spirit on every step in life
Every feeling will show new lines which will show new words that will show new appeals on every spirit that give new routes that will show new resource on every step in life
Every feeling will show new world which will show new ways that will show new light on every direction that give new appeals that will show new light on every step in life
Every feeling will show new direction which will show new feeling that will show new thought on every appeal that give new ways that will show new chapters on every step in life
Every feeling will show new world which will show new direction that will show new light on every way that give new thought that will show new light on every step in life
Every feeling will show new direction which will show new steps that will show new meaning on every point that give new routes that will show new chapter on every step in life
Every feeling will show new chapter which will show new ways that will show new feeling on every emotion that give new direction that will show new world on every step in life
Every feeling will show new appeals which will show new world that will show new ways on every step that give new touch that will show new positive thought on every step in life
Every feeling will show new spirit which will show new world to different concept to open new world on every chapter that will show new words to thinking on every step in life
Every feeling will show new chapter which will show new knowledge to different direction to open new thinking that will show new lines to appeals on every step in life
Every feeling will show new lines which will show new words to different touches to open new world that will show new thinking to understanding on every step in life
Every feeling will show new start which will show new steps to different thinking to open new concept that will show new world to meaning on every step in life
Every feeling will show new feeling which will show new spirit to different words to open new ways that will show new light to understanding on every step in life
Every feeling will show new direction which will show new light to different appeals to open new door that will show new way to moves on every step in life
Every feeling will show new way which will show new world to different routes to open new world that will show new light to our spirit on every step in life
Every feeling will show new steps which will show new direction to different thinking to show new opening that will show new thought on every step in life
Every feeling will show new thought which will show new words to different understanding to show new ways that will show new direction on every step in life
Every feeling will show new way which will show new knowledge to different steps to understand concept that will show new world on every step in life
Every feeling will show new direction which will show new thought to different start to understanding soul that will show new touches on every step in life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...